CAcceleratedPicking | |
CAdjacencyList< Index > | Adjacency list |
►CAlignedBox3f | |
CAnimation | |
CArgs | |
Cargs_to_tuple< Args > | |
►CArrayBase | |
CEigenArray< _EigenType > | This class is a thin wrapper around an Eigen matrix |
CEigenArrayRef< _EigenType, false > | |
CEigenArrayRef< _EigenType, true > | |
CRawArray< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, false > | |
CRawArray< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, true > | |
CArraySerialization< T > | |
CArrayTypeInfo< Data > | |
CAsFunction< T > | |
CAsFunction< ReturnType(*)(Arg)> | |
CAsFunction< ReturnType(Arg) const > | |
CAsFunction< ReturnType(Class::*)(Arg) const > | |
CAttribute | |
►CAttributeBase | Base handle for attributes |
CAttribute< ValueType > | |
CAttribute< Index > | |
CAttribute< ValueType_ > | Derived attribute class that stores the actual information |
CIndexedAttribute< ValueType_, Index_ > | Derived attribute class that stores the actual information |
CAttributeEvaluator | Attribute evaluator class |
CAttributeFilter | Helper object to filter attributes based on name, id, usage or element type |
CAttributeManager | |
CAttributeMatcher | Helper object to match attributes based on usage, element type, and number of channels |
CAttributeName | |
CAttributeRender | |
CAttributes< _AttributeArray > | Legacy attribute class |
CSurfaceMesh< Scalar_, Index_ >::BareMeshTag | Overload tag |
►Cbase_sink | |
CPythonLoggingSink | |
CBitField< EnumType_ > | Bit field utility class |
CBitField< AttributeElement > | |
CBitField< AttributeUsage > | |
►Cbitset | |
CLayer | |
CBounds | Extent in 3D defined by Axis Aligned Bounding Box |
CBucketSortOffset< Index > | Bucket sort offset infos |
CBucketSortResult< Index > | Bucket sort result object |
CBVH< _VertexArray, _ElementArray > | |
►CBVH< _VertexArray, lagrange::Triangles > | |
CAABBIGL< _VertexArray, _ElementArray > | |
CBVHNanoflann< _VertexArray, _ElementArray > | |
CCamera | |
CCamera | Camera class |
CCameraChangedEvent | Triggered when Camera component has changed in the default systems |
CCameraController | |
CCameraFocusAndFit | |
CCameraTurntable | |
CChainEdgesOptions | Options for chain_directed_edges and chain_undirected_edges |
CChainEdgesResult< Index > | Result struct holding the loops and chains extracted from a set of edges |
CCloseSmallHolesOptions | Option struct for closing small holes |
CBVH< _VertexArray, _ElementArray >::ClosestPoint | |
CClosestPointResult< Scalar > | |
CColormapShaderMode | |
►CCommonOptions | Shared options for Poisson surface reconstruction |
CEvaluatorOptions | Option struct for Poisson surface reconstruction |
CReconstructionOptions | Option struct for Poisson surface reconstruction |
CComponentOptions | Options to control connected components computation |
CComponentPanel | |
CComponents< GeometryType > | |
CComputeBorderedComponentsOutput< Index > | |
CComputeMeshCentroidOutput< Scalar > | |
CComputePointcloudPCAOptions | |
CComputePointcloudPCAOutput< Scalar > | |
CConnectivity< GeometryType > | |
►Ccontrol_block_base | |
Ccontrol_block< T, D > | NOT implemented: custom allocator support |
Cconvert_image_pixel< PIX_SRC, PIX_DST > | |
Cconvert_implicit< T > | |
Ccopy_on_write_ptr< T > | A handle type with copy-on-write semantics |
CCornerNormalOptions | Option struct for computing per-corner mesh normals |
CCreateOptions | Options for mesh creation |
CVertexBuffer::DataDescription | |
Cdefault_delete< T > | |
Cdefault_delete< T[]> | |
CDefaultLayers | |
CDefaultPanels | |
CDefaultShaderAtrribNames | |
CDefaultShaderIndicesNames | |
CDefaultShaders | |
CDefaultSystems | IDs of default systems, in order of execution See Systems class for manipulation of systems execution |
CDefaultTools | |
CDehoveredEvent | Triggered when Hovered component is removed from an entity |
CDeselectedEvent | Triggered when Selected component is removed from an entity |
CDihedralAngleOptions | Option struct for computing dihedral angles |
CDijkstraDistanceOptions< Scalar, Index > | Option struct for compute_dijkstra_distance |
►CDisjointSets< IndexType > | Disjoint sets computation |
CDisjointSetsWithSize< IndexType > | |
CDockspace | |
CTexture::DownloadResult | |
CEarcut< N > | |
CEdgeAABBTree< VertexArray, EdgeArray, DIM > | |
CEdgeLengthOptions | |
CEdgeType< Index > | |
CEigenArrayRef< _EigenType, IsConst > | This class is a thin wrapper around an Eigen matrix |
CElementEdge | |
CElementFace | |
CElementObject | |
CElementVertex | |
CEmbreeRayCaster< ScalarType > | A wrapper for Embree's raycasting API to compute ray intersections with (instances of) meshes |
►Cemitter | |
CEventEmitter | |
CEnumToScalar< type > | |
CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::DOUBLE > | |
CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::FLOAT > | |
CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::INT16 > | |
CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::INT32 > | |
CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::INT64 > | |
CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::INT8 > | |
CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::UINT16 > | |
CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::UINT32 > | |
CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::UINT64 > | |
CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::UINT8 > | |
►CExactPredicates | |
CExactPredicatesShewchuk | |
CExtensions | |
CFacetAreaOptions | Option struct for computing per-facet area |
CFacetCentroidOptions | Option struct for computing per-facet centroid |
CFacetNormalOptions | Option struct for computing per-facet mesh normals |
►Cfalse_type | |
Cis_range< Derived, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Eigen::DenseBase< Derived >, Derived >::value, char > > | |
Cis_mesh_helper< T, _ > | |
Cis_mesh_smart_ptr_helper< T, _ > | |
CFastWindingNumber | Fast winding number computation for triangle soups |
CFileDialogPath | RAII Wrapper for fs::path obtained from a file dialog |
CFileDialogPath::FileDialogPathImpl | Shared handle to manage temporary filesystem file lifetime |
CFileFilter | File filter option |
CFocusedViewportPanel | |
►CFormatter | |
CColorFormatter | |
CFrameBuffer | |
CFrustum< Scalar > | An array of four planes that define a frustum |
CFrustum | Frustum defined using 6 planes |
CFrustumSelectionOptions | Option struct for selecting facets |
Cfunction_ref< F > | A lightweight non-owning reference to a callable |
Cfunction_ref< R(Args...)> | Specialization for function types |
CGizmoContext | Gizmo system state (context variable) |
CGizmoObjectTransform | GizmoObjectTransform component is attached to every entity being transformed by the gizmo system |
CGLMesh | |
CGlobalTime | |
CGLQuery | |
CGLRenderQueueItem | |
CGLScope | |
CGLState | |
CGPUBuffer | |
CGreedyColoringOptions | Option struct for computing dihedral angles |
Chash< lagrange::EdgeType< Index > > | |
CHovered | |
CHoveredEvent | Triggered when Hovered component is added to an entity |
CHoveredTemp | |
CIBL | |
CIBLChangedEvent | Triggered when IBL has changed |
CImageBufferExperimental | Minimalistic image data structure that stores the raw image data |
CImageExperimental | Image structure that can store either image data or reference to an image file |
CImageHistogram | A struct for storing an image histogram |
CImageStorage | |
CImageTraits< TYPE > | |
►CImageViewBase | |
CImageView< T > | |
CImmediateEntities | |
►CAttributeEvaluator::Impl | |
CAttributeEvaluator::Impl::Derived< ValueType > | |
CFastWindingNumber::Impl | |
CIndexedAttribute | |
CIndexedAttributeManager | |
CIndexedAttributes< _AttributeArray, _IndexArray > | Legacy indexed attribute class |
CInputState | |
CInterpolatedAttributeIds | |
CInterpolatedAttributes | Helper class to select which attributes to interpolate |
CInverseMapping< Index > | A simple struct representing the inverse of a 1-to-many mapping |
CIsolineOptions | Options for isoline extraction/trimming |
CEdgeType< Index >::iterator | |
CKeybinds::Keybind | Key/mouse shortcut |
CKeybinds | Stores keybinds for actions |
Clambda_helper< F > | |
Clambda_helper< Result(F::*)(Args...) const > | |
CLastTool | |
CLight | |
CLightComponent | Light component By default, light points in the +Z direction, unless transformed |
CLightComponentChangedEvent | Triggered when Light component has changed |
►Clist_caster | |
Ctype_caster< lagrange::StackVector< T, N > > | Type caster to map lagrange::StackVector to python list data structure |
CLoadImageResult | |
CLoadOptions | Options used when loading a mesh or a scene |
CLogData | |
CLoggerContextData | |
CLoggerPanel | |
CMainMenuHeight | |
CMapAttributesOptions | Attribute mapping options |
CMarchingTrianglesOutput< MeshType_ > | |
CMaterial | |
CMaterialExperimental | |
CMeshAdapter< MeshType > | Adapter class to interface a Lagrange mesh with OpenVDB functions |
CMeshAreaOptions | Option struct for computing mesh area |
►CMeshBase | |
CMesh< _VertexArray, _FacetArray > | |
CMeshCentroidOptions | Option struct for computing mesh centroid |
CMeshConverter< SurfaceMeshT > | |
CMeshCovarianceOptions | Options struct for computing mesh covariance |
CMeshData | |
CMeshDataDirty | |
CMeshElementIDMaterial | |
CMeshFacetAdapter | |
►CMeshGeometry< _VertexArray, _FacetArray > | |
CActingMeshGeometry< _VertexArray, _FacetArray > | |
CGenuineMeshGeometry< _VertexArray, _FacetArray > | |
CMeshGeometry | |
CMeshInstance< Scalar, Index, Dimension > | A single mesh instance in a scene |
CMeshLoaderParams | |
CMeshLoaderResult< MeshType > | |
►CMeshMapping< MeshType > | |
CBackwardMeshMapping< MeshType > | |
CForwardMeshMapping< MeshType > | |
CMeshNavigation< MeshType > | This class is used to navigate elements of a mesh |
CMeshRender | |
CMeshRenderChangedEvent | Triggered when MeshRender component has changed |
CMeshSelectionRender | Singleton component storing materials and temporary entities for selected mesh element visualization |
CMeshTopology< MeshType > | |
CMeshToVolumeOptions | Mesh to volume conversion options |
CMeshTrait< MeshType_ > | MeshTrait class provide compiler check for different mesh types |
CInputState::Mouse | |
CName | |
►Cnested_formatter | |
Cformatter< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Eigen::DenseBase< T >, T >::value, char > > | |
CEdgeAABBTree< VertexArray, EdgeArray, DIM >::Node | |
CNode | |
CNormalOptions | Option struct for computing indexed mesh normals |
Cnth< I, T > | |
CObjectIDViewport | |
CObjReaderResult< Scalar, Index > | Output of the obj mesh loader |
COrderedPairHash< T, Enable > | Compute an order-dependent hash of a pair of values |
COrderedPairHash< std::pair< U, V > > | |
COrientationOptions | Option struct for computing if edges are oriented |
COrientOptions | Options for orienting the facets of a mesh |
COSDUV< MeshType > | |
COSDVertex< MeshType > | |
CPaginatedMatrixWidget | |
Cpair_hash | |
CTexture::Params | |
CPayloadComponent | Payload for sending components through UI |
CPayloadEntity | Payload for sending entities through UI |
CPBRMaterial | |
CRawInputImage::PixelTraits< Scalar, NumChannels > | |
CRawInputImage::PixelTraits< Scalar, 1 > | |
CFrustum< Scalar >::Plane | A plane defined by a normal and a point |
CPointcloudPCAOutput< Scalar > | |
CPostProcessQuadVertexData | |
CProgressCallback | A simple thread-safe progress callback |
Cptr< T, D > | |
Cptr< T, default_delete< T > > | |
CPyAttribute | |
CPyIndexedAttribute | |
CRasterizerOptions | Rasterization pipeline option names |
CRawArray< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, IsConst > | This class provide a thin wrapper around a raw array |
CRawInputImage | RawInputImage holds the basic info and the raw pointer (without ownership) to the image pixels |
CCamera::Ray | |
►CRaycasterMesh | |
CRaycasterMeshDerived< MeshType > | |
CRayFacetHit | |
CRemapVerticesOptions | Remap vertices options |
CRemeshingOptions | Options that define how remeshing algorithms (tessellate, decimate, quadrangulate) treat meshes within a scene |
CRemoveDuplicateFacetOptions | Options for remove_duplicate_facets |
CRemoveDuplicateVerticesOptions | Option struct for remove_duplicate_vertices |
CRemoveNullAreaFacetsOptions | Option struct for remove_null_area_facets |
CRenderContext | |
CRescaleUVOptions | |
CSurfaceMesh< Scalar_, Index_ >::ReservedAttributeIds | Reserved attribute ids |
CRotateToolTag | |
►Cruntime_error | |
►CError | Base exception for errors thrown by Lagrange functions |
CBadCastError | An exception of this type is thrown when a lagrange::safe_cast<> fails |
CParsingError | An exception of this type is thrown when a parsing error occurs |
CShaderException | |
CSamplePointsOnSurfaceOutput< MeshType > | |
CSaveOptions | Options used when saving a mesh or a scene |
CScalarToEnum< T, T2 > | |
CScalarToEnum< double, void > | |
CScalarToEnum< float, void > | |
CScalarToEnum< int16_t, void > | |
CScalarToEnum< int32_t, void > | |
CScalarToEnum< int64_t, void > | |
CScalarToEnum< int8_t, void > | |
CScalarToEnum< uint16_t, void > | |
CScalarToEnum< uint32_t, void > | |
CScalarToEnum< uint64_t, void > | |
CScalarToEnum< uint8_t, void > | |
CScaleToolTag | |
CScene< Scalar, Index > | |
CSceneMeshInstance | |
CScenePanel | |
CScopedLogLevel | Changes the level of logger to something else in a scope |
CScopedTimer | Similar to a VerboseTimer, but uses RAII to call tick()/tock() |
CSeamEdgesOptions | Options for computing seam edges |
CSelected | |
CSelectedEvent | Triggered when Selected component is added to an entity |
CSelectFacetsByNormalSimilarityOptions | Option struct for selecting facets based on normal similarity |
CSelectFacetsByNormalSimilarityParameters< MeshType > | Given a seed vertex, selects faces around it based on the change in triangle normals |
CSelectionContext | Global component with information about current viewport selection |
CSelectionViewport | |
CSelectToolTag | |
CSeparateByComponentsOptions | Option settings for separate_by_components |
CSeparateByFacetGroupsOptions | Option settings for separate_by_facet_groups |
CShader | |
CShaderDefinition | |
CShaderLoader | |
CShaderProperty< T > | |
►CShaderProperty< bool > | |
CShaderBoolProperty | |
►CShaderProperty< Color > | |
CShaderColorProperty | |
►CShaderProperty< Eigen::Vector4f > | |
CShaderVectorProperty | |
►CShaderProperty< float > | |
CShaderFloatProperty | |
►CShaderProperty< int > | |
CShaderIntProperty | |
►CShaderProperty< ShaderTextureValue > | |
CShaderTextureProperty | |
CShaderTextureValue | |
CShaderValue | |
CShadowMap | |
CShadowMapFBO | |
►Cshared_ptr_access< T, bool, bool > | |
Cshared_ptr< T > | NOT implemented: custom allocator support |
Cshared_ptr_access< T, false, true > | |
Cshared_ptr_access< T, true, false > | |
CSharedSpan< T > | Shared span with ownership tracking |
CSilentMultiTimer | A timer that keeps track of a total time as well as intervals |
CSilentTimer | A timer that does not print after tock() |
CSimpleScene< Scalar, Index, Dimension > | Simple scene container for instanced meshes |
CSkeleton | |
CSkinningExtractNResult< Scalar, Index > | |
CSkyboxCubeVertexData | |
CSplitLongEdgesOptions | |
CStackSet< T, N > | Stack-allocated set with a maximum size |
CStackVector< T, N > | Stack-allocated vector with a maximum size |
CStaticAssertableBool< Args > | Compilers might complain about static_assert(false, "") |
CSubdivisionOptions | Mesh subdivision options |
CSubmeshOptions | Options for extract submesh |
CSubSelection< ElementType, IndexType > | |
CSurfaceMesh< Scalar_, Index_ > | A general purpose polygonal mesh class |
CSurfaceMesh< Scalar, Index > | |
CSVGSetting | |
CSystems | Container for System s |
CTangentBitangentOptions | Option struct for computing tangent and bitangent vectors |
CTangentBitangentResult | Result type of the compute_tangent_bitangent function |
CTemporaryLigthVisualization | |
CTestAttribute | |
CTestCastAttribute | |
CTestCloseSmallHoles | |
CTestCombineMeshes | |
CTestComputeCentroid | |
CTestComputeCentroid | |
CTestComputeComponents | |
CTestComputeDihedralAngles | |
CTestComputeDijkstraDistance | |
CTestComputeEdgeLengths | |
CTestComputeFacetArea | |
CTestComputeFacetNormal | |
CTestComputeMeshCovariance | |
CTestComputeNormal | |
CTestComputePointcloudPCA | |
CTestComputeTangentBitangent | |
CTestComputeUVDistortion | |
CTestComputeVertexNormal | |
CTestComputeVertexValence | |
CTestDetectDegenerateFacets | |
CTestFilterAttributes | |
CTestIndexedAttribute | |
CTestIO | |
CTestIsoline | |
CTestMeshInstance | |
CTestMeshSubdivision | |
CTestNormalizeMeshes | |
CTestOrientOutward | |
CTestPermuteFacets | |
CTestPermuteVertices | |
CTestPoissonReconstruction | |
CTestRemapVertices | |
CTestRemoveDegenerateFacets | |
CTestRemoveDuplicateVertices | |
CTestRemoveNonmanifoldness | |
CTestRemoveNullAreaFacets | |
CTestRemoveShortEdges | |
CTestRemoveTopologicallyDegenerateFacets | |
CTestRemoveVertexNonmanifoldness | |
CTestScene | |
CTestSelectFacetsByNormalSimilarity | |
CTestSelectFacetsInFrustum | |
CTestSimpleScene | |
CTestSplitLongEdges | |
CTestSurfaceMesh | |
CTestThickenAndCloseMesh | |
CTestTransformMesh | |
CTestTriangulatePolygonalFacets | |
CTestUnifyIndexBuffer | |
CTestWeldIndexedAttribute | |
CTexture | |
CTexture | |
CTextureInfo | |
CThickenAndCloseOptions | Options for thicken_and_close_mesh |
CThreadPool | |
CToolbarPanel | |
CTools | |
CTexture::Transform | |
CTransform | Affine transformation |
CTransformChangedEvent | Triggered when Transform component has changed Only monitors global transform (not local) Note: this check is only performed when at least one listener is registered |
CTransformOptions | Options available when applying affine transforms to a mesh |
CTranslateToolTag | |
CTreeNode | |
►Ctrue_type | |
Cis_mesh_helper< MeshType, typename Void< typename MeshType::VertexArray, typename MeshType::FacetArray >::type > | |
Cis_mesh_smart_ptr_helper< MeshTypePtr, typename Void< typename MeshTypePtr::element_type, typename MeshTypePtr::element_type::VertexArray, typename MeshTypePtr::element_type::FacetArray >::type > | |
Ctype_caster< lagrange::scene::Value > | |
Ctype_traits< T > | |
Ctype_traits< double > | |
Ctype_traits< float > | |
Ctype_traits< int16_t > | |
Ctype_traits< int32_t > | |
Ctype_traits< int8_t > | |
Ctype_traits< uint16_t > | |
Ctype_traits< uint32_t > | |
Ctype_traits< uint8_t > | |
CUIPanel | |
CUIWidget | |
CUnflipUVOptions | |
CUnorientedEdge< Index > | |
CUserDataConverter | |
CUVChartOptions | |
CUVDistortionOptions | Option struct for compute uv distortion |
CUVMeshOptions | |
CValue | |
Cvalue_field< T > | |
Cvalue_field< double > | |
Cvalue_field< float > | |
Cvalue_field< int > | |
Cvalue_ptr< T, Cloner, Deleter > | Smart pointer with value semantics |
Cvalue_ptr< AttributeManager > | |
Cvalue_ptr< lagrange::winding::FastWindingNumber::Impl > | |
CVAO | |
►Cvector | |
CSmallVector< Scalar, 3 > | |
CSmallVector< T, N > | Hybrid vector that uses the stack upto a maximum size, and the heap beyond that |
►CVector4f | |
CColor | |
CVerboseTimer | Creates a verbose timer that prints after tock() |
CVertexBuffer | |
CVertexData | |
CVertexManifoldOptions | Option struct for computing manifold flags |
CVertexNormalOptions | Option struct for computing per-vertex mesh normals |
CVertexValenceOptions | Option struct for computing vertex valence |
CViewer | Viewer use systems() to add functions that should be called every frame use registry() or util functions to read and manipulate application's state |
►CViewportComponent | |
CShadowmappingViewport | |
CViewportPanel | |
CCamera::ViewportTransform | Transform in the normalized coordinate space |
CVoid< Ts > | |
CVolumeToMeshOptions | Volume to mesh isosurfacing options |
Cweak_ptr< T > | |
Cweak_ptr< lagrange::AttributeBase > | |
CWeldOptions | Options for welding indexed attributes |
CWindowCloseEvent | |
CWindowDropEvent | |
CViewer::WindowOptions | Window creation options |
CWindowResizeEvent | |
CWindowSize | |