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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CAdjacencyList< Index >Adjacency list
 Cargs_to_tuple< Args >
 CArraySerialization< T >
 CArrayTypeInfo< Data >
 CAsFunction< T >
 CAsFunction< ReturnType(*)(Arg)>
 CAsFunction< ReturnType(Arg) const >
 CAsFunction< ReturnType(Class::*)(Arg) const >
 CAttributeBaseBase handle for attributes
 CAttributeEvaluatorAttribute evaluator class
 CAttributeFilterHelper object to filter attributes based on name, id, usage or element type
 CAttributeMatcherHelper object to match attributes based on usage, element type, and number of channels
 CAttributes< _AttributeArray >Legacy attribute class
 CSurfaceMesh< Scalar_, Index_ >::BareMeshTagOverload tag
 CBitField< EnumType_ >Bit field utility class
 CBitField< AttributeElement >
 CBitField< AttributeUsage >
 CBoundsExtent in 3D defined by Axis Aligned Bounding Box
 CBucketSortOffset< Index >Bucket sort offset infos
 CBucketSortResult< Index >Bucket sort result object
 CBVH< _VertexArray, _ElementArray >
 CBVH< _VertexArray, lagrange::Triangles >
 CCameraCamera class
 CCameraChangedEventTriggered when Camera component has changed in the default systems
 CChainEdgesOptionsOptions for chain_directed_edges and chain_undirected_edges
 CChainEdgesResult< Index >Result struct holding the loops and chains extracted from a set of edges
 CCloseSmallHolesOptionsOption struct for closing small holes
 CBVH< _VertexArray, _ElementArray >::ClosestPoint
 CClosestPointResult< Scalar >
 CCommonOptionsShared options for Poisson surface reconstruction
 CComponentOptionsOptions to control connected components computation
 CComponents< GeometryType >
 CComputeBorderedComponentsOutput< Index >
 CComputeMeshCentroidOutput< Scalar >
 CComputePointcloudPCAOutput< Scalar >
 CConnectivity< GeometryType >
 Cconvert_image_pixel< PIX_SRC, PIX_DST >
 Cconvert_implicit< T >
 Ccopy_on_write_ptr< T >A handle type with copy-on-write semantics
 CCornerNormalOptionsOption struct for computing per-corner mesh normals
 CCreateOptionsOptions for mesh creation
 Cdefault_delete< T >
 Cdefault_delete< T[]>
 CDefaultSystemsIDs of default systems, in order of execution See Systems class for manipulation of systems execution
 CDehoveredEventTriggered when Hovered component is removed from an entity
 CDeselectedEventTriggered when Selected component is removed from an entity
 CDihedralAngleOptionsOption struct for computing dihedral angles
 CDijkstraDistanceOptions< Scalar, Index >Option struct for compute_dijkstra_distance
 CDisjointSets< IndexType >Disjoint sets computation
 CEarcut< N >
 CEdgeAABBTree< VertexArray, EdgeArray, DIM >
 CEdgeType< Index >
 CEigenArrayRef< _EigenType, IsConst >This class is a thin wrapper around an Eigen matrix
 CEmbreeRayCaster< ScalarType >A wrapper for Embree's raycasting API to compute ray intersections with (instances of) meshes
 CEnumToScalar< type >
 CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::DOUBLE >
 CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::FLOAT >
 CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::INT16 >
 CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::INT32 >
 CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::INT64 >
 CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::INT8 >
 CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::UINT16 >
 CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::UINT32 >
 CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::UINT64 >
 CEnumToScalar< ScalarEnum::UINT8 >
 CFacetAreaOptionsOption struct for computing per-facet area
 CFacetCentroidOptionsOption struct for computing per-facet centroid
 CFacetNormalOptionsOption struct for computing per-facet mesh normals
 CFastWindingNumberFast winding number computation for triangle soups
 CFileDialogPathRAII Wrapper for fs::path obtained from a file dialog
 CFileDialogPath::FileDialogPathImplShared handle to manage temporary filesystem file lifetime
 CFileFilterFile filter option
 CFrustum< Scalar >An array of four planes that define a frustum
 CFrustumFrustum defined using 6 planes
 CFrustumSelectionOptionsOption struct for selecting facets
 Cfunction_ref< F >A lightweight non-owning reference to a callable
 Cfunction_ref< R(Args...)>Specialization for function types
 CGizmoContextGizmo system state (context variable)
 CGizmoObjectTransformGizmoObjectTransform component is attached to every entity being transformed by the gizmo system
 CGreedyColoringOptionsOption struct for computing dihedral angles
 Chash< lagrange::EdgeType< Index > >
 CHoveredEventTriggered when Hovered component is added to an entity
 CIBLChangedEventTriggered when IBL has changed
 CImageBufferExperimentalMinimalistic image data structure that stores the raw image data
 CImageExperimentalImage structure that can store either image data or reference to an image file
 CImageHistogramA struct for storing an image histogram
 CImageTraits< TYPE >
 CIndexedAttributes< _AttributeArray, _IndexArray >Legacy indexed attribute class
 CInterpolatedAttributesHelper class to select which attributes to interpolate
 CInverseMapping< Index >A simple struct representing the inverse of a 1-to-many mapping
 CIsolineOptionsOptions for isoline extraction/trimming
 CEdgeType< Index >::iterator
 CKeybinds::KeybindKey/mouse shortcut
 CKeybindsStores keybinds for actions
 Clambda_helper< F >
 Clambda_helper< Result(F::*)(Args...) const >
 CLightComponentLight component By default, light points in the +Z direction, unless transformed
 CLightComponentChangedEventTriggered when Light component has changed
 CLoadOptionsOptions used when loading a mesh or a scene
 CMapAttributesOptionsAttribute mapping options
 CMarchingTrianglesOutput< MeshType_ >
 CMeshAdapter< MeshType >Adapter class to interface a Lagrange mesh with OpenVDB functions
 CMeshAreaOptionsOption struct for computing mesh area
 CMeshCentroidOptionsOption struct for computing mesh centroid
 CMeshConverter< SurfaceMeshT >
 CMeshCovarianceOptionsOptions struct for computing mesh covariance
 CMeshGeometry< _VertexArray, _FacetArray >
 CMeshInstance< Scalar, Index, Dimension >A single mesh instance in a scene
 CMeshLoaderResult< MeshType >
 CMeshMapping< MeshType >
 CMeshNavigation< MeshType >This class is used to navigate elements of a mesh
 CMeshRenderChangedEventTriggered when MeshRender component has changed
 CMeshSelectionRenderSingleton component storing materials and temporary entities for selected mesh element visualization
 CMeshTopology< MeshType >
 CMeshToVolumeOptionsMesh to volume conversion options
 CMeshTrait< MeshType_ >MeshTrait class provide compiler check for different mesh types
 CEdgeAABBTree< VertexArray, EdgeArray, DIM >::Node
 CNormalOptionsOption struct for computing indexed mesh normals
 Cnth< I, T >
 CObjReaderResult< Scalar, Index >Output of the obj mesh loader
 COrderedPairHash< T, Enable >Compute an order-dependent hash of a pair of values
 COrderedPairHash< std::pair< U, V > >
 COrientationOptionsOption struct for computing if edges are oriented
 COrientOptionsOptions for orienting the facets of a mesh
 COSDUV< MeshType >
 COSDVertex< MeshType >
 CPayloadComponentPayload for sending components through UI
 CPayloadEntityPayload for sending entities through UI
 CRawInputImage::PixelTraits< Scalar, NumChannels >
 CRawInputImage::PixelTraits< Scalar, 1 >
 CFrustum< Scalar >::PlaneA plane defined by a normal and a point
 CPointcloudPCAOutput< Scalar >
 CProgressCallbackA simple thread-safe progress callback
 Cptr< T, D >
 Cptr< T, default_delete< T > >
 CRasterizerOptionsRasterization pipeline option names
 CRawArray< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, IsConst >This class provide a thin wrapper around a raw array
 CRawInputImageRawInputImage holds the basic info and the raw pointer (without ownership) to the image pixels
 CRemapVerticesOptionsRemap vertices options
 CRemeshingOptionsOptions that define how remeshing algorithms (tessellate, decimate, quadrangulate) treat meshes within a scene
 CRemoveDuplicateFacetOptionsOptions for remove_duplicate_facets
 CRemoveDuplicateVerticesOptionsOption struct for remove_duplicate_vertices
 CRemoveNullAreaFacetsOptionsOption struct for remove_null_area_facets
 CSurfaceMesh< Scalar_, Index_ >::ReservedAttributeIdsReserved attribute ids
 CSamplePointsOnSurfaceOutput< MeshType >
 CSaveOptionsOptions used when saving a mesh or a scene
 CScalarToEnum< T, T2 >
 CScalarToEnum< double, void >
 CScalarToEnum< float, void >
 CScalarToEnum< int16_t, void >
 CScalarToEnum< int32_t, void >
 CScalarToEnum< int64_t, void >
 CScalarToEnum< int8_t, void >
 CScalarToEnum< uint16_t, void >
 CScalarToEnum< uint32_t, void >
 CScalarToEnum< uint64_t, void >
 CScalarToEnum< uint8_t, void >
 CScene< Scalar, Index >
 CScopedLogLevelChanges the level of logger to something else in a scope
 CScopedTimerSimilar to a VerboseTimer, but uses RAII to call tick()/tock()
 CSeamEdgesOptionsOptions for computing seam edges
 CSelectedEventTriggered when Selected component is added to an entity
 CSelectFacetsByNormalSimilarityOptionsOption struct for selecting facets based on normal similarity
 CSelectFacetsByNormalSimilarityParameters< MeshType >Given a seed vertex, selects faces around it based on the change in triangle normals
 CSelectionContextGlobal component with information about current viewport selection
 CSeparateByComponentsOptionsOption settings for separate_by_components
 CSeparateByFacetGroupsOptionsOption settings for separate_by_facet_groups
 CShaderProperty< T >
 CShaderProperty< bool >
 CShaderProperty< Color >
 CShaderProperty< Eigen::Vector4f >
 CShaderProperty< float >
 CShaderProperty< int >
 CShaderProperty< ShaderTextureValue >
 Cshared_ptr_access< T, bool, bool >
 Cshared_ptr_access< T, false, true >
 Cshared_ptr_access< T, true, false >
 CSharedSpan< T >Shared span with ownership tracking
 CSilentMultiTimerA timer that keeps track of a total time as well as intervals
 CSilentTimerA timer that does not print after tock()
 CSimpleScene< Scalar, Index, Dimension >Simple scene container for instanced meshes
 CSkinningExtractNResult< Scalar, Index >
 CStackSet< T, N >Stack-allocated set with a maximum size
 CStackVector< T, N >Stack-allocated vector with a maximum size
 CStaticAssertableBool< Args >Compilers might complain about static_assert(false, "")
 CSubdivisionOptionsMesh subdivision options
 CSubmeshOptionsOptions for extract submesh
 CSubSelection< ElementType, IndexType >
 CSurfaceMesh< Scalar_, Index_ >A general purpose polygonal mesh class
 CSurfaceMesh< Scalar, Index >
 CSystemsContainer for Systems
 CTangentBitangentOptionsOption struct for computing tangent and bitangent vectors
 CTangentBitangentResultResult type of the compute_tangent_bitangent function
 CThickenAndCloseOptionsOptions for thicken_and_close_mesh
 CTransformAffine transformation
 CTransformChangedEventTriggered when Transform component has changed Only monitors global transform (not local) Note: this check is only performed when at least one listener is registered
 CTransformOptionsOptions available when applying affine transforms to a mesh
 Ctype_caster< lagrange::scene::Value >
 Ctype_traits< T >
 Ctype_traits< double >
 Ctype_traits< float >
 Ctype_traits< int16_t >
 Ctype_traits< int32_t >
 Ctype_traits< int8_t >
 Ctype_traits< uint16_t >
 Ctype_traits< uint32_t >
 Ctype_traits< uint8_t >
 CUnorientedEdge< Index >
 CUVDistortionOptionsOption struct for compute uv distortion
 Cvalue_field< T >
 Cvalue_field< double >
 Cvalue_field< float >
 Cvalue_field< int >
 Cvalue_ptr< T, Cloner, Deleter >Smart pointer with value semantics
 Cvalue_ptr< AttributeManager >
 Cvalue_ptr< lagrange::winding::FastWindingNumber::Impl >
 CVerboseTimerCreates a verbose timer that prints after tock()
 CVertexManifoldOptionsOption struct for computing manifold flags
 CVertexNormalOptionsOption struct for computing per-vertex mesh normals
 CVertexValenceOptionsOption struct for computing vertex valence
 CViewerViewer use systems() to add functions that should be called every frame use registry() or util functions to read and manipulate application's state
 CCamera::ViewportTransformTransform in the normalized coordinate space
 CVoid< Ts >
 CVolumeToMeshOptionsVolume to mesh isosurfacing options
 Cweak_ptr< T >
 Cweak_ptr< lagrange::AttributeBase >
 CWeldOptionsOptions for welding indexed attributes
 CViewer::WindowOptionsWindow creation options