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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NlagrangeMain namespace for Lagrange
 NimageBasic image data structure
 NinternalNullptr_t, size_t, ptrdiff_t basic_ostream bad_weak_ptr extent, remove_extent, is_array, is_void, common_type move, forward, swap
 NioMesh input/output
 NpartitioningMesh partitioning using METIS
 NraycastingRaycasting operations
 NsubdivisionSubdivision surfaces
 NuiLagrange UI Viewer and mini 3D engine
 CAdjacencyListAdjacency list
 CAttributeDerived attribute class that stores the actual information
 CAttributeBaseBase handle for attributes
 CAttributeFilterHelper object to filter attributes based on name, id, usage or element type
 CAttributeMatcherHelper object to match attributes based on usage, element type, and number of channels
 CAttributesLegacy attribute class
 CBadCastErrorAn exception of this type is thrown when a lagrange::safe_cast<> fails
 CBitFieldBit field utility class
 CChainEdgesOptionsOptions for chain_directed_edges and chain_undirected_edges
 CChainEdgesResultResult struct holding the loops and chains extracted from a set of edges
 CCloseSmallHolesOptionsOption struct for closing small holes
 CComponentOptionsOptions to control connected components computation
 Ccopy_on_write_ptrA handle type with copy-on-write semantics
 CCornerNormalOptionsOption struct for computing per-corner mesh normals
 CDihedralAngleOptionsOption struct for computing dihedral angles
 CDijkstraDistanceOptionsOption struct for compute_dijkstra_distance
 CDisjointSetsDisjoint sets computation
 CErrorBase exception for errors thrown by Lagrange functions
 CFacetAreaOptionsOption struct for computing per-facet area
 CFacetCentroidOptionsOption struct for computing per-facet centroid
 CFacetNormalOptionsOption struct for computing per-facet mesh normals
 CFrustumAn array of four planes that define a frustum
 CFrustumSelectionOptionsOption struct for selecting facets
 Cfunction_refA lightweight non-owning reference to a callable
 Cfunction_ref< R(Args...)>Specialization for function types
 CGreedyColoringOptionsOption struct for computing dihedral angles
 CIndexedAttributeDerived attribute class that stores the actual information
 CIndexedAttributesLegacy indexed attribute class
 CIsolineOptionsOptions for isoline extraction/trimming
 CMeshAreaOptionsOption struct for computing mesh area
 CMeshCentroidOptionsOption struct for computing mesh centroid
 CMeshCovarianceOptionsOptions struct for computing mesh covariance
 CMeshNavigationThis class is used to navigate elements of a mesh
 CMeshTraitMeshTrait class provide compiler check for different mesh types
 CNormalOptionsOption struct for computing indexed mesh normals
 COrderedPairHashCompute an order-dependent hash of a pair of values
 COrderedPairHash< std::pair< U, V > >
 COrientationOptionsOption struct for computing if edges are oriented
 COrientOptionsOptions for orienting the facets of a mesh
 CParsingErrorAn exception of this type is thrown when a parsing error occurs
 CProgressCallbackA simple thread-safe progress callback
 CRemapVerticesOptionsRemap vertices options
 CRemoveDuplicateFacetOptionsOptions for remove_duplicate_facets
 CRemoveDuplicateVerticesOptionsOption struct for remove_duplicate_vertices
 CRemoveNullAreaFacetsOptionsOption struct for remove_null_area_facets
 CScopedLogLevelChanges the level of logger to something else in a scope
 CScopedTimerSimilar to a VerboseTimer, but uses RAII to call tick()/tock()
 CSeamEdgesOptionsOptions for computing seam edges
 CSelectFacetsByNormalSimilarityOptionsOption struct for selecting facets based on normal similarity
 CSeparateByComponentsOptionsOption settings for separate_by_components
 CSeparateByFacetGroupsOptionsOption settings for separate_by_facet_groups
 CSharedSpanShared span with ownership tracking
 CSilentMultiTimerA timer that keeps track of a total time as well as intervals
 CSilentTimerA timer that does not print after tock()
 CSmallVectorHybrid vector that uses the stack upto a maximum size, and the heap beyond that
 CStackSetStack-allocated set with a maximum size
 CStackVectorStack-allocated vector with a maximum size
 CStaticAssertableBoolCompilers might complain about static_assert(false, "")
 CSubmeshOptionsOptions for extract submesh
 CSurfaceMeshA general purpose polygonal mesh class
 CTangentBitangentOptionsOption struct for computing tangent and bitangent vectors
 CTangentBitangentResultResult type of the compute_tangent_bitangent function
 CThickenAndCloseOptionsOptions for thicken_and_close_mesh
 CTransformOptionsOptions available when applying affine transforms to a mesh
 CUVDistortionOptionsOption struct for compute uv distortion
 Cvalue_ptrSmart pointer with value semantics
 CVerboseTimerCreates a verbose timer that prints after tock()
 CVertexManifoldOptionsOption struct for computing manifold flags
 CVertexNormalOptionsOption struct for computing per-vertex mesh normals
 CVertexValenceOptionsOption struct for computing vertex valence
 CWeldOptionsOptions for welding indexed attributes