Camera Struct Reference

Public Types

enum class  Type { Perspective , Orthographic }

Public Member Functions

float get_vertical_fov () const
void set_horizontal_fov_from_vertical_fov (float vfov)
void set_aspect_ratio_from_fov (float vfov, float hfov)

Public Attributes

std::string name
Eigen::Vector3f position = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero()
Eigen::Vector3f up = Eigen::Vector3f(0, 1, 0)
Eigen::Vector3f look_at = Eigen::Vector3f(0, 0, 1)
float near_plane = 0.1f
float far_plane = 1000.f
Type type = Type::Perspective
float orthographic_width = 0.f
float aspect_ratio = 1.f
float horizontal_fov = (float)M_PI_2
Extensions extensions

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