| PageContentsErrors | |
| pageErrArrayLenWrong | |
| pageErrBadAltXObject | |
| pageErrBadColorSpace | |
| pageErrBadContents | |
| pageErrBadDecodeArray | |
| pageErrBadEGS | |
| pageErrBadEPSColorSpace | |
| pageErrBadForm | |
| pageErrBadFunction | |
| pageErrBadHalftone | |
| pageErrBadMaskImage | |
| pageErrBadPattern | |
| pageErrBadShading | |
| pageErrBadSoftMask | |
| pageErrBadTGroup | |
| pageErrBadType3Font | |
| pageErrBadTypeInXTextArray | |
| pageErrColorOutOfRange | |
| pageErrColorSpaceNotFound | |
| pageErrEGStateNotFound | |
| pageErrErrorParsingImage | |
| pageErrErrorParsingInlineImage | |
| pageErrErrorReadingPage | |
| pageErrExpectedEndOfColor | |
| pageErrExpectedHexOrASC85 | |
| pageErrFontNotInResDict | |
| pageErrFontNotInResources | |
| pageErrFontNotSet | |
| pageErrFormNotFound | |
| pageErrFormTypeNotAvailable | |
| pageErrIllegalColorOp | |
| pageErrIllegalOpInPath | |
| pageErrIllegalOpInTextObj | |
| pageErrIllegalOpInTextOutline | |
| pageErrIllegalTextOp | |
| pageErrImageExpectedEI | |
| pageErrImageExpectedNumber | |
| pageErrImageTooBig | |
| pageErrInvalidDash | |
| pageErrInvalidGRestore | |
| pageErrInvalidImageMaskDepth | |
| pageErrMissingKey | |
| pageErrMissingResource | |
| pageErrNoError | |
| pageErrNotLevel3 | |
| pageErrNumberOutOfRange | |
| pageErrOBSOLETE | |
| pageErrOperandTooLarge | |
| pageErrOpTooLarge | |
| PageError | |
| PageErrorSilent | |
| pageErrParseContextError | |
| pageErrPatternNotFound | |
| pageErrPatternTypeNotAvailable | |
| pageErrReadLessImageColor | |
| pageErrReadLessImageData | |
| pageErrRecursiveMachine | |
| pageErrRefXObjMissingInvalidID | |
| pageErrRefXObjMissingInvalidMetadata | |
| pageErrRefXObjPageNum | |
| pageErrRefXObjRecursive | |
| pageErrRefXObjTargetNotFound | |
| pageErrRefXObjUnmatchedID | |
| pageErrSeveralParsingErrors | |
| pageErrTokenTypeNotRec | |
| pageErrTooFewArgs | |
| pageErrTooFewOps | |
| pageErrTooFewPathOps | |
| pageErrTooManyArgs | |
| pageErrTooManyComps | |
| pageErrUnableRenderImage | |
| pageErrUnexpectedOpInDisplay | |
| pageErrUnknownColorSpace | |
| pageErrUnknownFilterName | |
| pageErrUnknownXObjectType | |
| pageErrUnrecognizedToken | |
| pageErrWrongArgsForSetColor | |
| pageErrWrongNumOpsInCurve | |
| pageErrWrongOperand | |
| pageErrWrongOpType | |
| pageErrXObjectNotFound | |
| PagePDEContentDidChangeNPROTO | |
| PagePDEContentHFT_VERSION_4 | |
| PagePDEContentHFT_VERSION_5 | |
| PagePDEContentHFT_VERSION_6 | |
| PagePDEContentHFTName | |
| PagePDEContentNotCachedNPROTO | |
| PD_ALL_CAP | |
| PD_PI | |
| PD_SERIF | |
| PDAction — Actions are tasks that Acrobat performs when a user clicks on a link or a bookmark. Acrobat allows a document to execute an action automatically when a document is opened.
| |
| PDAction — Actions are what happens when a user clicks on a link or bookmark. In addition, the Acrobat viewer allows a document to have an action that is executed automatically when the document is opened. Applications can also support actions in custom annotation types they add. | |
| PDActionCanCopy — Tests whether the data from an action object can be copied to a clipboard for pasting. If the action is part of an action chain, the method tests all actions in the chain, and returns true only if all actions in the chain can be copied. | |
| PDActionCanPaste — Tests whether data from an action object that has been copied to a clipboard can be pasted into a destination document. It tests, for example, whether pasting is allowed by document permissions. | |
| PDActionClipboardData | |
| PDActionCopy — Copies action object data to a clipboard structure, from which it can be pasted. When the PDActionClipboardData is no longer required, it must be explicitly freed using PDActionDestroyClipboardData(). | |
| PDActionDestroy — Destroys an action object. | |
| PDActionDestroyClipboardData — Destroys data that has been copied from an action object into a clipboard. Use this method when the clipboard data is no longer needed. | |
| PDActionEqual — Compares two actions for equality. Two actions are equal only if their Cos objects are equal (see CosObjEqual()). | |
| PDActionFromCosObj — Converts a dictionary Cos object to an action and verifies that the action is valid. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDActionGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object corresponding to an action. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDActionGetDest — Gets an action's destination view. This only works for actions that contain a view destination; that is, actions whose subtype is GoTo. | |
| PDActionGetFileSpec — Gets a file specification from an action. | |
| PDActionGetSubtype — Gets an action's subtype. | |
| PDActionHandler | |
| PDActionHandlerCanCopyProc — (Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It returns true if the copy operation is expected to succeed. It tests, for example, whether copying is allowed by document permissions. | |
| PDActionHandlerCanPasteProc — (Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It returns true if the paste operation is expected to succeed. It tests, for example, whether pasting is allowed by document permissions. | |
| PDActionHandlerCopyProc — (Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It copies data from an action object to a new data structure, from which it can be pasted to a new document. The PDActionHandlerData does not store any information related to a Next action. Rebuilding the action chain is the responsibility of the caller and can be ignored by the PDActionHandler. | |
| PDActionHandlerData — Used to store PDAction data for copy and paste operations. | |
| PDActionHandlerDestroyDataProc — A callback for PDActionHandler. It destroys data copied into an action clipboard data structure after it has been successfully pasted to a new document. | |
| PDActionHandlerDestroyProc — (Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It destroys the action handler structure when the application no longer requires it. The handler should destroy any dynamic memory stored in the userData field. | |
| PDActionHandlerGetTypeProc — A callback for PDActionHandler. It returns an ASAtom indicating the action type for which the handler is responsible. Types are defined by the client when registering the action handler. | |
| PDActionHandlerPasteProc — (Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It creates a new PDAction in the destination document using data that was placed in a PDActionClipboardA data structure using the PDActionCopy() function, and returns the new action object. | |
| PDActionHandlerRec | |
| PDActionIsValid — Tests whether an action is valid. This method can be used in the following cases:
To determine whether a PDAction returned from a method is really an action. For example, calling PDLinkAnnotGetAction() returns an invalid action if no action is associated with the link annotation.
To ensure that an action has not been deleted.
| |
| PDActionNew — Creates a new action object. | |
| PDActionNewFromDest — Creates a new action that takes the user to the specified destination view. This method can only be used for destinations in the same document as the source document. Cross-document links must be built up from the Cos level, populating the Action dictionary for the GotoR action as described in Section 8.5.3 in the PDF Reference. | |
| PDActionNewFromFileSpec — Creates an action of the specified type from a file specification. | |
| PDActionPaste — Creates a new PDAction in the destination document, using clipboard data generated by PDActionCopy(). If the original PDAction was an action chain, the entire action chain is recreated. The returned PDAction is the first item in the chain. | |
| PDAdobeExpertCharSet | |
| PDAllPages | |
| PDAnnot — This is the abstract superclass for all annotations (see Section 8.4, Annotations,
in the PDF Reference). Acrobat has two built-in annotation classes: PDTextAnnot and PDLinkAnnot.
Plug-ins add movie, Widget (form field), and other annotation types. You can define new annotation
subtypes by creating new annotation handlers (see Developing Plug-ins and Applications).
There are no objects of type PDAnnot, but you can use
PDAnnot methods on any subclass of PDAnnot.
| |
| PDAnnot — An annotation on a page in a PDF file. Acrobat viewers have two built-in annotation types: PDTextAnnot and PDLinkAnnot. Physical attributes of the annotation can be set and queried. Plug-ins add movie and Widget (form field) annotations. Developers can define new annotation subtypes by creating new annotation handlers. | |
| PDAnnotArray | |
| PDAnnotArrayRec | |
| PDAnnotCanCopy — Tests whether the data from an annotation on a given page can be copied to a clipboard for pasting. This depends on whether there is a PDAnnotHandler with copy and paste support for the annotation, and whether copying is allowed by document permissions. | |
| PDAnnotCanPaste — Tests whether data from an annotation that has been copied to a clipboard can be pasted to a location on a page. Pasting can be disallowed by document permissions, or because the annotation cannot be accurately reproduced in the destination document. | |
| PDAnnotClipboardData — Used to store PDAnnot data for copy and paste operations. | |
| PDAnnotCopy — Copies action object data to a clipboard structure, from which it can be pasted. | |
| PDAnnotDestroyClipboardData — Destroys data that has been copied from an annotation object into a clipboard. Use this method after successfully pasting the data to a new document. | |
| PDAnnotDidChange — An annotation changed in the specified way. | |
| PDAnnotEqual — Tests whether two annotations are identical. | |
| PDAnnotFromCosObj — Converts a dictionary Cos object to an annotation. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDAnnotGetColor — Gets a note or link annotation's color. If the annotation does not specify an explicit color, a default color is returned. Text annotations return default yellow; all others return black. Only RGB color specifications are currently supported. | |
| PDAnnotGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object corresponding to an annotation. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDAnnotGetDate — Gets an annotation's date. | |
| PDAnnotGetFlags — Gets an annotation's flags. | |
| PDAnnotGetOCMD — Gets an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object associated with the annotation. | |
| PDAnnotGetRect — Gets the size and location of an annotation on its page. | |
| PDAnnotGetSubtype — Gets an annotation's subtype. | |
| PDAnnotGetTitle — Gets an annotation's label text. | |
| PDAnnotGetTitleASText — Gets an annotation's label text as an ASText object. | |
| PDAnnotHandler — This is the abstract superclass for all annotations (see Section 8.4, Annotations,
in the PDF Reference). Acrobat has two built-in annotation classes: PDTextAnnot and PDLinkAnnot.
Plug-ins add movie, Widget (form field), and other annotation types. You can define new annotation
subtypes by creating new annotation handlers (see Developing Plug-ins and Applications).
There are no objects of type PDAnnot, but you can use
PDAnnot methods on any subclass of PDAnnot.
| |
| PDAnnotHandler — A data structure containing callbacks that implement an annotation manager. The callbacks implement the annotation manager functions (for example, view, delete, or export the annotations of a document as a list, sorted by type, author, or date). | |
| PDAnnotHandlerCanCopyProc — (Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It returns true if the copy operation is expected to succeed. It tests, for example, whether copying is allowed by document permissions. | |
| PDAnnotHandlerCanPasteProc — (Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It returns true if the paste operation is expected to succeed. It tests whether data from an annotation that has been copied to a clipboard can be pasted to a location on a page. Pasting can be disallowed by document permissions, or because the annotation cannot be accurately reproduced in the destination document. | |
| PDAnnotHandlerClipboardData — Opaque data used by PDAnnotHandlers. | |
| PDAnnotHandlerCopyProc — (Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It copies data from the annotation object to a new clipboard structure, and returns the clipboard structure. | |
| PDAnnotHandlerDeleteAnnotInfoProc — (Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It deletes information associated with an annotation. It frees all the memory associated with the annotation information. | |
| PDAnnotHandlerDestroyDataProc — (Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It destroys data from an annotation that has been copied to a clipboard. This callback may be executed regardless of how many times (if any) the annotation was pasted. | |
| PDAnnotHandlerDestroyProc — (Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It destroys the annotation handler structure when the application no longer requires it. The handler should destroy any dynamic memory stored in the userData field. | |
| PDAnnotHandlerGetAnnotInfoFlagsProc — A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It gets the annotation handler information flags, which indicate the operations allowed with annotations of this type. | |
| PDAnnotHandlerGetAnnotInfoProc — A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It gets the annotation information for an annotation. | |
| PDAnnotHandlerGetHeelPointProc — A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It gets the heel point (the focus or starting point) for the annotation. For a rectangular annotation, this is usually the top left corner. | |
| PDAnnotHandlerGetPrintAppearanceProc — A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It is called by the host application to obtain a print appearance (a Form XObject). If this callback is not implemented, the default appearance (if any) is used. | |
| PDAnnotHandlerGetTypeProc — A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It gets an ASAtom indicating the annotation type for which the handler is responsible. This corresponds to the annotation's Subtype key in the PDF file. | |
| PDAnnotHandlerPasteProc — (Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It creates a new annotation on the specified page using clipboard data generated by PDAnnotCopy(). | |
| PDAnnotHandlerRec | |
| pdAnnotHidden — The annotation is not visible and does not print. | |
| PDAnnotIgnorePerms — Allows modifying this annotation type in a write-protected document. | |
| PDAnnotInfo | |
| PDAnnotInfoInit | |
| PDAnnotInfoRec | |
| pdAnnotInvisible — If there is no annotation handler, the annotation is invisible. | |
| PDAnnotIsCurrentlyVisible — Tests whether an annotation with an OC entry is visible in a given optional-content context, considering the current ON-OFF states of the optional-content groups in the optional-content dictionary (OCMD) and the dictionary's visibility policy. | |
| PDAnnotIsValid — Tests whether an annotation is valid. This is intended only to ensure that the annotation has not been deleted, not to ensure that all necessary information is present and valid. | |
| pdAnnotLock — The annotation does not move or resize with the view. Currently only form fields respect this flag. If the annotation is locked, the user cannot delete, move or change its associated form field's properties. | |
| pdAnnotLockContents — If the annotation is content-locked, the user can not change its content key. | |
| PDAnnotMaxDashes | |
| pdAnnotNoRotate — The annotation does not rotate with the page. | |
| PDAnnotNotifyDidChange — Broadcasts a PDAnnotDidChange() notification. Clients must call this method after making any change to a custom annotation. | |
| PDAnnotNotifyWillChange — Broadcasts a PDAnnotWillChange() notification. Clients must call this method before making any change to a custom annotation. | |
| pdAnnotNoView — The annotation does not view but can print. | |
| pdAnnotNoZoom — The annotation does not zoom with the view. | |
| PDAnnotOperationAll — All operations are allowed. | |
| PDAnnotOperationFilter — It is okay to filter annotations. | |
| PDAnnotOperationFlatten — When creating a flattened page include this annot | |
| PDAnnotOperationManager — It is okay to manage annotations. | |
| PDAnnotOperationSummarize — It is okay to summarize annotations. | |
| PDAnnotPaste — Pastes copied annotation data from a clipboard structure to a new annotation object in a specified document. After successfully pasting the data, use PDAnnotDestroyClipboardData() to free the associated memory. | |
| pdAnnotPrint — The annotation prints. | |
| PDAnnotPrintOp — PDAnnotPrintOp is passed to the PDAnnotHandlerGetPrintAppearanceProc() callback to specify the type of print operation being performed. | |
| pdAnnotReadOnly — The annotation does not interact with the user. | |
| PDAnnotRemoveOCMD — Dissociates any optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object from the annotation. | |
| pdAnnotSequenceAdjust — A place holder used only at runtime. Do not set this bit in PDF/FDF files. | |
| PDAnnotSetColor — Sets a note or link annotation's color. Only RGB color specifications are currently supported. | |
| PDAnnotSetDate — Sets an annotation's date. | |
| PDAnnotSetFlags — Sets an annotation's flags. | |
| PDAnnotSetOCMD — Associates an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object with the annotation, making it optionally visible according to the OCMD's visibility policy. If the annotation already has a dictionary, the method replaces it. | |
| PDAnnotSetRect — Sets the size and location of an annotation on its page. | |
| PDAnnotSetTitle — Sets an annotation's label text. | |
| PDAnnotSetTitleASText — Sets an annotation's label text. | |
| pdAnnotToggleNoView — A mouse-over or selection causes the noView bit to toggle. | |
| PDAnnotWasCreated — An annotation was created. | |
| PDAnnotWillChange — An annotation will change in the specified way. | |
| PDAnnotWillPrintProc — A callback for PDAnnotHandler. This method is called to determine whether an annotation is printed. | |
| PDApplyFunction — Given a CosObj that represents a function, it applies the function to the supplied values. | |
| PDApplyFunctionEx — Given a CosObj that represents a function, it applies the function to the supplied values. | |
| PDApplyRedactionParams | |
| PDApplyRedactionParamsRec | |
| PDAuthProc — A callback used by PDDocOpen. It is called when an encrypted document is being opened to determine whether the user is authorized to open the file. | |
| PDAuthProcEx — A callback used by PDDocOpenEx(). It is called when an encrypted document is opened, to determine whether the user is authorized to open the file. | |
| PDBead — A bead is a single rectangle in an article thread. An article thread represents a
sequence of physically discontiguous but logically related items in a document
(for example, a news story that starts on one page of a newsletter and runs onto one
or more nonconsecutive pages). See Section 8.3.2, Articles, in the PDF Reference
for more information on article threads and beads.
| |
| PDBead — A single rectangle in an article thread. (Article threads are known simply as articles in the Acrobat viewer's user interface). A bead remains valid as long as a thread is current and active. | |
| PDBeadAcquirePage — Acquires the page on which a bead is located. | |
| PDBeadDestroy — Destroys a bead. | |
| PDBeadEqual — Tests two beads for equality. This method is useful to detect the end of a thread since the last bead in a thread points to the first. | |
| PDBeadFromCosObj — Gets the PDBead corresponding to a Cos object, after checking the bead's validity. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDBeadGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object corresponding to a bead. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDBeadGetIndex — Gets the index of a bead in its thread. | |
| PDBeadGetNext — Gets the next bead in a thread. | |
| PDBeadGetPrev — Gets the previous bead in a thread. | |
| PDBeadGetRect — Gets a bead's bounding rectangle. | |
| PDBeadGetThread — Gets the thread containing the specified bead. | |
| PDBeadInsert — Inserts a bead after the specified bead. | |
| PDBeadIsValid — Tests a bead's validity. This is intended only to ensure that the bead has not been deleted, not to ensure that all necessary information is present and valid. | |
| PDBeadNew — Creates a new bead on the specified page. The newly created bead is not linked to a thread or another bead. Use PDThreadSetFirstBead() to make the bead the first bead in a thread. Use PDBeadInsert() to link it to another bead. | |
| PDBeadSetPage — Sets the page for a bead. | |
| PDBeadSetRect — Sets a bead's bounding rectangle. | |
| PDBeforeFirstPage | |
| PDBold | |
| PDBoldItalic | |
| PDBookmark — A bookmark corresponds to an outline object in a PDF document
(see Section 8.2.2, Document Outline, in the PDF Reference). A document outline
allows the user to navigate interactively from one part of the document to another.
An outline consists of a tree-structured hierarchy of bookmarks, which display the
document's structure to the user. Each bookmark has: | |
| PDBookmark — A bookmark on a page in a PDF file. Each bookmark has a title that appears on screen, and an action that specifies what happens when a user clicks on the bookmark. Bookmarks can either be created interactively by the user through the Acrobat viewer's user interface or programmatically generated. The typical action for a user-created bookmark is to move to another location in the current document, although any action (see PDAction) can be specified. | |
| PDBookmarkAddChild — Adds aBookmark as the last child of parent, adjusting the tree containing parent appropriately. If parent previously had no children, it is open after the child is added. | |
| PDBookmarkAddNewChild — Adds a new bookmark to the tree containing aBookmark, as the new last child of aBookmark. If aBookmark previously had no children, it will be open after the child is added. | |
| PDBookmarkAddNewChildASText — Adds a new bookmark to the tree containing aBookmark, as the new last child of aBookmark. If aBookmark previously had no children, it will be open after the child is added. | |
| PDBookmarkAddNewSibling — Adds a new bookmark to the tree containing aBookmark, as the new right sibling. | |
| PDBookmarkAddNewSiblingASText — Adds a new bookmark to the tree containing aBookmark, as the new right sibling. | |
| PDBookmarkAddNext — Adds newNext as the new right sibling to aBookmark. | |
| PDBookmarkAddPrev — Adds newPrev as the new left sibling to aBookmark, adjusting the tree containing aBookmark appropriately. | |
| PDBookmarkAddSubtree — Adds a copy of the bookmark subtree source to aBookmark, as a new last child of aBookmark. This new item will have the text value sourceTitle, will be open, and will have no destination attribute. source must have been previously unlinked. If aBookmark previously had no children, it will be open after the subtree is added. | |
| PDBookmarkAddSubtreeASText — Adds a copy of the bookmark subtree source to aBookmark, as a new last child of aBookmark. This new item will have the text value sourceTitle, will be open, and will have no destination attribute. source must have been previously unlinked. If aBookmark previously had no children, it will be open after the subtree is added. | |
| PDBookmarkDestroy — Removes a bookmark subtree from the bookmark tree containing it. | |
| PDBookmarkDidChange — A bookmark has been opened/closed, its action has been changed, its title has been changed, or children have been added to it. | |
| PDBookmarkDidChangeOpenState — A bookmark was opened or closed. | |
| PDBookmarkDidChangePosition — One or more bookmarks have been moved. | |
| PDBookmarkDidDestroy — A bookmark was destroyed. | |
| PDBookmarkDidUnlink — A bookmark was unlinked from the bookmark tree. | |
| PDBookmarkEqual — Tests whether two bookmarks are equal. Two bookmarks are equal only if their Cos objects are equal (see CosObjEqual()). | |
| PDBookmarkFlags | |
| PDBookmarkFromCosObj — Converts a Cos dictionary object to a bookmark and checks the validity of the bookmark. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDBookmarkGetAction — Gets a bookmark's action. After you obtain the action, you can execute it with AVDocPerformAction(). | |
| PDBookmarkGetByTitle — Gets the first bookmark whose title is aName. | |
| PDBookmarkGetByTitleASText — Gets the first bookmark whose title is set in passed the ASText object. | |
| PDBookmarkGetColor — Retrieves the color of the specified bookmark. | |
| PDBookmarkGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object for a bookmark. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDBookmarkGetCount — Gets the number of open bookmarks in a subtree. | |
| PDBookmarkGetFirstChild — Gets a bookmark's first child. | |
| PDBookmarkGetFlags — Retrieves the flags of the specified bookmark. | |
| PDBookmarkGetIndent — Returns the indentation level of a bookmark in its containing tree. | |
| PDBookmarkGetLastChild — Gets a bookmark's last child. | |
| PDBookmarkGetNext — Gets a bookmark's next (right) sibling. | |
| PDBookmarkGetParent — Gets a bookmark's parent bookmark. | |
| PDBookmarkGetPrev — Returns a bookmark's previous (left) sibling. | |
| PDBookmarkGetTitle — Gets a bookmark's title. | |
| PDBookmarkGetTitleASText — Gets a bookmark's title as an ASText object. | |
| PDBookmarkHasChildren — Tests whether a bookmark has children. | |
| PDBookmarkIsOpen — Tests whether a bookmark is open. An open bookmark shows all its children. | |
| PDBookmarkIsValid — Tests whether a bookmark is valid. This is intended only to ensure that the bookmark has not been deleted, not to ensure that all necessary information is present and valid. | |
| PDBookmarkRemoveAction — Removes a bookmark's action. | |
| PDBookmarkSetAction — Sets a bookmark's action. | |
| PDBookmarkSetColor — Sets the color of the specified bookmark. | |
| PDBookmarkSetFlags — Sets the flags of the specified bookmark. | |
| PDBookmarkSetOpen — Opens or closes a bookmark. An open bookmark shows its children, while a closed bookmark does not. | |
| PDBookmarkSetTitle — Sets a bookmark's title. | |
| PDBookmarkSetTitleASText — Sets a bookmark's title. | |
| PDBookmarkUnlink — Unlinks a bookmark from the bookmark tree that contains it, and adjusts the tree appropriately. | |
| PDBookmarkWasCreated — A bookmark was created. | |
| PDBookmarkWillChange — A bookmark will be opened or closed, its action will be changed, its title will be changed, or children will be added to it. | |
| PDBookmarkWillChangeOpenState — A bookmark will be opened or closed. | |
| PDBookmarkWillDestroy — A bookmark will be destroyed. | |
| PDBuiltInEncoding | |
| PDCharOffset | |
| PDCharProc — A PDCharProc is a character procedure, which is a stream of graphic operators (see PDGraphic)
that draw a particular glyph of a Type 3 PostScript font.
| |
| PDCharProc | |
| PDCharProcEnum — Enumerates the graphic description of a single character procedure for a Type 3 font. To enumerate all the character procedures in a Type 3 font (but not their graphic descriptions), use PDFontEnumCharProcs(). | |
| PDCharProcEnumProc — A callback for PDFontEnumCharProcs(). It is called once for each character in a Type 3 font. | |
| PDCharProcEnumWithParams — Enumerates the graphic description of a single character procedure for a Type 3 font, for those contents that are visible in a given optional-content context. The parameters include both the monitor and data you would pass to PDCharProcEnum(), and an optional-content context that determines which contents are visible. | |
| PDCharProcGetCosObj — Get the stream Cos object associated with the PDCharProc. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDCharSet — An enumerated data type that identifies the character set of a Type 1, Multiple Master Type 1, or TrueType font. | |
| PDChromaticity | |
| PDCollection —
PDF file collection dictionary object.
| |
| PDCollection — A PDCollection represents a collection dictionary in a PDF file. | |
| PDCollectionCreateFolder — Creates a new folder. | |
| PDCollectionFieldRec | |
| PDCollectionGetFolder — Gets an existing folder. | |
| PDCollectionGetInitialStyle — Gets the initial style dictionary for the collection. | |
| PDCollectionGetSortOrder — Gets the contents of the collection sort dictionary. | |
| PDCollectionGetViewData — Gets the view data for the collection. | |
| PDCollectionIsValid — Determines if a collection is valid. | |
| PDCollectionRemoveFolder — Removes a folder and its descendant folders and associated file attachments. | |
| PDCollectionRemoveInitialStyle — Removes the initial style dictionary from a collect, if present | |
| PDCollectionSchema — An opaque pointer to a collection schema object. | |
| PDCollectionSchemaAcquire — Acquires the PDCollectionSchema object for a collection. | |
| PDCollectionSchemaDestroy — Destroys a PDCollectionSchema object. | |
| PDCollectionSchemaGetField — Gets a field by name or position. The caller must set field.size to sizeof(PDCollectionFieldRec). To look up a field by name, set field.fieldName to the appropriate name. To look up a field by position, set field.fieldName to ASAtomNull, and set field.index to the position. The caller owns (and must destroy) field.fieldText if it is not NULL. | |
| PDCollectionSchemaGetLength — Gets the number of fields in the schema. | |
| PDCollectionSchemaRemoveField — Removes a field from the collection schema. | |
| PDCollectionSchemaSetField — Sets a field with new values. The target field is identified by the field.fieldName member. If the target field exists, it is overwritten; otherwise a new field is added. The caller must set field.size to sizeof(PDCollectionFieldRec). Specifying a new value for field.index will affect other field values as necessary to maintain the correct overall ordering. See PDCollectionSchema for information about ordering. | |
| PDCollectionSchemaSortPairRec | |
| PDCollectionSetInitialStyle — Sets the initial style dictionary for the collection. | |
| PDCollectionSetSortOrder — Set the contents of the collection sort dictionary. | |
| PDCollectionSetViewData — Set the view data for the collection. | |
| PDCollectionSplitType — Collection split types. | |
| PDCollectionViewDataRec | |
| PDCollectionViewType — Collection view types. | |
| PDColorCal | |
| PDColorCalP | |
| PDColorConvertAction | |
| PDColorConvertActionEx | |
| PDColorConvertActionRec — Defines a color conversion action for a combination of attributes, color space/family, and rendering intent. If all three match, the actions in the action list will be executed for any given object. | |
| PDColorConvertActionRecEx — Defines a color conversion action for a combination of attributes, color space/family, and rendering intent. If all three match, actions in the action list will be executed for any given object. | |
| PDColorConvertActionType — Action types: these specify what to do when an object is matched. | |
| PDColorConvertObjectAttributeFlags — Object attributes: these are arranged as a bitmap. | |
| PDColorConvertObjectAttributes | |
| PDColorConvertParams | |
| PDColorConvertParamsEx | |
| PDColorConvertParamsRec — The list of actions in PDColorConvertParams is analogous to the list of filters in most email clients: each object is compared against the selection criteria for each of the actions, in order, until a matching action is found. The action is then executed on the object. Note that actions do not chain, except in the case of aliased ink definitions. | |
| PDColorConvertParamsRecEx — The list of actions in PDColorConvertParams is analogous to the list of filters in most email clients: each object is compared against the selection criteria for each of the actions, in order, until a matching action is found. The action is then executed on the object. Note that actions do not chain, except in the case of aliased ink definitions. This is the Extended structure, which supports additional elements in the
action. | |
| PDColorConvertPDEElement — Converts a PDEElement to the supplied color space. | |
| PDColorConvertPDEElementEx — Converts a PDEElement to the supplied color space. | |
| PDColorConvertPDEElementEx2 — Converts a PDEElement to the supplied color space. | |
| PDColorConvertReportProc | |
| PDColorConvertSpaceType | |
| PDColorConvertSpaceTypeFlags — Color Space attributes: these are arranged as a bitmap. | |
| PDColorSpace — An enumerated data type that specifies the color space in which a color value is specified (for example, RGB or grayscale). | |
| PDColorValue | |
| PDColorValueRec | |
| PDCompletionAbort | |
| PDCompletionCode — Callback completion code. | |
| PDCompletionContinue | |
| PDCompletionSuccess | |
| PDConstColorValue | |
| PDContent — A pointer to a PDContent struct. | |
| PDContents | |
| PDCount — A numeric count value for use in PDImageAttrs. | |
| PDCryptAuthorizeExProc — Replaces PDCryptAuthorizeProc. PDPerms are now obsolete because Acrobat 5.0 introduces new permission controls. However, Acrobat still supports old security handlers. | |
| PDCryptAuthorizeFilterAccess — Gets authorization to encrypt or decrypt an embedded file, where that file's cryptographic filter is not the one used to open the document in which the file is embedded. | |
| PDCryptAuthorizeProc — A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is called by PDDocAuthorize() when a user tries to set security for an encrypted document and by a PDAuthProc() when a user tries to open a file. | |
| PDCryptBatchAuthorizeProc — A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. It is called when a PDF file is opened. It is first called with NULL authData for the case without a user password. It is called again with authorization data provided for the security handler that matches the one used in the PDF file. | |
| PDCryptBatchFreeAuthDataProc — A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. If provided, it must be used to free authData acquired via BatchGetAuthData() or BatchNewAuthData(). If no BatchFreeAuthData() function is provided, a default one will be used which calls ASfree() on the authData if it is non-NULL. | |
| PDCryptBatchHandler | |
| PDCryptBatchHandlerRec | |
| PDCryptBatchNewAuthDataProc — A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. It is different from the regular PDCryptHandler NewAuthData function. It creates and returns a void* which is the authorization data for the batch security handler. This data should be used to batch both open files and secure files. Therefore, make sure to provide password information for both the pdPermOpen and pdPermSecure cases. This data will be passed to the PDCryptBatchAuthorizeProc() callback and eventually to PDCryptBatchFreeAuthDataProc() to free the data. This authorization data is collected before any files are opened in the batch sequence. It is permitted to display a user interface at this point since the batch operation has not started yet. The data applies to all files, and therefore could represent one or more passwords which can be enumerated in the BatchAuthorize function which receives the batch authorization data. | |
| PDCryptBatchParamDescProc — A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. The developer should provide information about the current batch settings for the security handler. Batch settings are provided as a read-only ASCab that is passed to the function. A writable ASCab is also provided, which should be used to store parameter information about the security handler. The description information should be stored starting in the paramDesc ASCab using ASText objects starting with key " 1". | |
| PDCryptBatchPostSequenceProc — A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. This function is called at the end of a batch sequence after all files have been processed. Any memory that was allocated in the BatchPreSequence() call should be cleaned up in this callback. | |
| PDCryptBatchPreSequenceProc — A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. This function is called at the beginning of a batch sequence before any files have been opened. This allows a security handler to be called back with the ASCab of settings that were filled out by the BatchShowDialog() function, or by an ASCab that was read in from disk. Pointers of security information are not serialized to disk, and therefore a security information structure may need to be regenerated based on other security information in the ASCab. It is permitted for the BatchPreSequence() callback to put up a user interface asking the user for more information since the batch sequence has not started yet. If this function returns false, the viewer will assume that the command cannot be executed and will cancel the sequence. | |
| PDCryptBatchShowDialogProc — A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. This callback puts up a dialog box that allows a user to enter data that will be used to batch secure a series of files. The data is stored in an ASCab which is part of a batch sequence file. The actual security data, including password(s), should be stored as a pointer in the ASCab so that password information is not serialized to disk. Pointers are not serialized from ASCab objects, but ASText objects, ASInt32 objects, and ASBool objects are serialized. | |
| PDCryptBatchUpdateSecurityDataProc — A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. This function should update the crypt handler's security data without bringing up a dialog. This data is provided by a PDCryptBatchShowDialogProc(). The current security data can be obtained by calling PDDocGetNewSecurityData(). | |
| PDCryptCanParseEncryptDictProc — (Optional) This call is used to provide PDCrypt handler interoperability. When an encrypted document is being opened and the security handler specified in the encryption dictionary is not present, this callback is used to determine if one of the registered security handlers can be used to open the document. | |
| PDCryptDisplaySecurityDataProc — Called when the security handler should bring up a document (security) information dialog box with the current settings. It also should return true when the user wants to change the settings. | |
| PDCryptEncryptDocMetadata — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It determines whether a document's metadata will be encrypted. If this call is not implemented, the metadata is always encrypted. Note that documents with plain text metadata can be opened only by Acrobat versions 6.0 and later. | |
| PDCryptFillEncryptDictProc — A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is called when an encrypted document is saved. It fills the document's Encryption dictionary with whatever information the security handler wants to store in the document. | |
| PDCryptFilterAuthorizeProc — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptFilterHandler. Acrobat's security mechanism calls this method to determine whether the user should have access to this filter. | |
| PDCryptFilterGetDataProc — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptFilterHandler. Acrobat's security mechanism calls this method to retrieve the encryption/decryption key for this filter. It is called only when the filter's encryption method is V2. | |
| PDCryptFilterHandler | |
| PDCryptFilterHandlerRec | |
| PDCryptFilterStreamProc — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptFilterHandler. Callbacks that conform to this prototype are called to encrypt or decrypt streams from a document. | |
| PDCryptFilterStringProc | |
| PDCryptFreeAuthDataProc — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is used to free authorization data acquired via PDCryptNewAuthDataProc(). If this callback is omitted, the viewer defaults to freeing the data using ASfree(). | |
| PDCryptFreeCryptDataProc — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is used to free authorization data acquired via PDCryptNewCryptDataProc(). If this callback is omitted, the viewer defaults to freeing the data using ASfree(). | |
| PDCryptFreeSecurityDataProc — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is used to free security data acquired via PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc(). If this callback is omitted, the viewer defaults to freeing the data using ASfree(). | |
| PDCryptGetAuthDataExProc — Replaces PDCryptGetAuthDataProc(). It is called whenever Acrobat needs to get authorization data and/or check permissions for operations. | |
| PDCryptGetAuthDataProc — A callback for PDCryptHandler. This callback is called from a PDAuthProc when a file is opened after PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc() is called. | |
| PDCryptGetDocPermsProc — A callback for PDCryptHandler. This function should extract and return information about the document permissions to display for the user: whether the user can print, edit, copy text and graphics, edit notes and do form fill in and signing. | |
| PDCryptGetInfoTextProc — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It provides information for display about document security settings. | |
| PDCryptGetSecurityInfoProc — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is called by PDDocGetNewSecurityInfo(). It extracts the security information from the security data structure, and returns the security information. | |
| PDCryptHandler | |
| PDCryptHandlerRec | |
| PDCryptNewAuthDataProc — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It creates a new empty authorization data structure. This structure is subsequently filled by PDCryptGetAuthDataProc(), then passed to PDCryptAuthorizeProc() and eventually to ASfree(). | |
| PDCryptNewCryptDataExProc — A callback for PDCryptHandler. It sets up the key to be passed to initialize the RC4 cipher for encryption and decryption of a PDF file. It is called when an encrypted document is opened or saved. | |
| PDCryptNewCryptDataProc — A callback for PDCryptHandler. It sets up the key to be passed to initialize the RC4 cipher for encryption and decryption of a PDF file. It is called when an encrypted document is opened or saved. | |
| PDCryptNewSecurityDataFromOriginalDocProc — Called when the application needs to open a rolled back portion of the original document. A rolled back document is the original portion of the document when it is digitally signed. This functionality is used for document modification detection. | |
| PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It creates and populates a new structure that contains whatever security-related information the security handler requires (for example, permissions, whether the file has owner and/or user passwords, owner and/or user passwords, or other data used internally by the security handler). If encryptDict is not NULL, the structure should be populated based on the encryptDict parameter's contents. This method is intended only to initialize the security data structure. | |
| PDCryptReservedProc — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is used by the Acrobat WebBuy proprietary method of passing crypt data. | |
| PDCryptReservedProc2 — (Optional) Used by Acrobat for Automated Permission Testing. | |
| PDCryptUpdateSecurityDataProc — A callback for PDCryptHandler. It updates the security data structure that was created by PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc(). This structure can be obtained by calling PDDocGetNewSecurityData(). The security data structure of the previously saved file can be obtained with a call to PDDocGetSecurityData(). | |
| PDCryptValidateSecurityDataProc — (Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It validates the security data structure, which specifies the user's permissions. This callback may modify the security data structure (for example, because the user is not authorized to change the security as they requested). A client may have called PDDocNewSecurityData() to obtain a new security data structure, then modified it, and then called PDDocSetNewSecurityData() to change the document security. This callback should be called before actually setting the document's security data. | |
| PDDeviceCMYK | |
| PDDeviceGray | |
| PDDeviceRGB | |
| PDDoc — A PDDoc object represents a PDF document. There is a correspondence between a PDDoc and an ASFile.
Also, every AVDoc has an associated PDDoc, although a PDDoc may not be associated with an AVDoc.
| |
| PDDoc — The underlying PDF representation of a document. There is a correspondence between a PDDoc and an ASFile; the PDDoc object is the hidden object behind every AVDoc. An ASFile may have zero or more underlying files, so a PDF file does not always correspond to a single disk file. For example, an ASFile may provide access to PDF data in a database. | |
| PDDocAcquire — Increments a document's reference count. The document will not be closed until the reference count is zero, or the application terminates. | |
| PDDocAcquirePage — Gets a PDPage from a document. It increments the page's reference count. After you are done using the page, release it using PDPageRelease(). If PDPageRelease() is not called, it could block the document containing the page from being closed. To avoid such problems, use the CSmartPDPage class, as it ensures that the page is released as it goes out of scope. | |
| PDDocAddBatesNumbering — Deprecated The following function has been deprecated, do not use. | |
| PDDocAddThread — Adds an article thread to a document after the specified thread index. | |
| PDDocAddWatermarkFromPDPage — Adds a PDPage as a watermark to a page range in the given document. | |
| PDDocAddWatermarkFromText — Adds a text-based watermark to a page range in the given document. | |
| PDDocAddWatermarkParams | |
| PDDocAddWatermarkParamsRec | |
| PDDocApplyRedactions — Applies a set of redaction marks to the document, permanently removing the affected document content and the marks themselves. | |
| PDDocAuthorize — Deprecated in Acrobat 7.0. Use PDDocPermRequest() instead. | |
| PDDocBatesNumberingParams | |
| PDDocBatesNumberingParamsRec | |
| PDDocCalculateImplicitMetadata — Notifies all registered implicit metadata calculators to run. It issues the notification PDDocCalculateMetadata(), passing pdDoc to all registered handlers. | |
| PDDocCalculateMetadata — The client is requested to calculate and set metadata items that depend on the state of the document. It is issued when a document is saved. It can also be issued explicitly via
. | |
| PDDocCallOPIHandler — Sent during PostScript printing, when a form or image containing an OPI dictionary is encountered. If it returns true (by filling the boolean variable passed to it), the client is presumed to have taken care of the entire form or image, and PDFL will emit nothing. Otherwise, PDFL will generate OPI comments based on the dictionary. | |
| PDDocClearErrors — Clears all the non-fatal errors encountered since the document was opened, or PDDocClearErrors was called. | |
| PDDocClearFlags — Clears flags associated with a document. This method is most frequently used to mark a modified document as clean (by clearing the PDDocNeedsSave flag) to avoid bringing up the Save dialog box when the file is closed. | |
| PDDocClose — Closes a document and releases its resources. If doc is NULL, it does nothing. Changes are not saved. You must use PDDocSave() to save any modifications before calling PDDocClose(). | |
| PDDocColorConvertEmbedOutputIntent — Embeds an output intent into a document. | |
| PDDocColorConvertEmbedOutputIntentEx — Embeds an output intent into a document. | |
| PDDocColorConvertPage — Converts the colors (in place) on a page, as specified by the params block. | |
| PDDocColorConvertPageEx — Convert the colors (in place) in a page as specified by the params block. Takes an extended parameters block. | |
| PDDocCopyParams | |
| PDDocCopyParamsRec | |
| PDDocCopyToFile — In Adobe Reader or for documents that are not dirty, this method copies the bytes from the document's ASFile to the specified location. This also occurs if the saveChanges field in params is false. If saveChanges is true, the document is dirty, and the product is Acrobat, a full save is performed to the specified file. The resulting file is linearized (optimized for the web). If the file already exists, it is overwritten. | |
| PDDocCountXAPMetadataArrayItems — Returns the number of array items in a property array associated with a PDDoc. | |
| PDDocCreate — Creates a new document. The only Cos object in the document will be a Catalog. See Section 3.6 in the PDF Reference. After the document is created, at least one page must be added using PDDocCreatePage() or PDDocInsertPages() before the Acrobat viewer can display or save the document. | |
| PDDocCreateNameTree — Retrieves the name tree inside the Names dictionary with the specified key name, or creates it if it does not exist. | |
| PDDocCreatePage — Creates and acquires a new page. The page is inserted into the document at the specified location. Call PDPageRelease() when you are done using the page. | |
| PDDocCreatePDCollection — Creates a collection in a document. It replaces any existing collection. | |
| PDDocCreateRedaction — Creates a redaction mark on a given page. The resulting annotation will be added to the page, but the affected content will not be removed until PDDocApplyRedactions is called with this mark. | |
| PDDocCreateStructTreeRoot — Creates a new StructTreeRoot element. | |
| PDDocCreateTextSelect | |
| PDDocCreateTextSelect — Creates a text selection that includes all words totally or partially enclosed by a rectangle. The text selection can then be set as the current selection using AVDocSetSelection(). | |
| PDDocCreateThumbs — Creates thumbnail images for the specified range of pages. Thumbnail images are only created for pages that have none. | |
| PDDocCreateWordFinder — Creates a word finder that is used to extract text in the host encoding from a PDF file. The word finder may either be used by PDWordFinderEnumWords() (which enumerates words one-by-one) or by PDWordFinderAcquireWordList() (which fills a table with all the words on a page). | |
| PDDocCreateWordFinderEx — This is a version 6.0 replacement for PDDocCreateWordFinder() and PDDocCreateWordFinderUCS() that adds configurable word-breaking behavior. This method creates a word finder that is used to extract text from a PDF file, according to the given configuration. The word finder can be used to enumerate words one-by-one or to fill a table with all the words on a page. You can choose to find only words that are visible in a given context. | |
| PDDocCreateWordFinderUCS — Creates a word finder that is used to extract text in Unicode format from a PDF file. The word finder may either be used by PDWordFinderEnumWords() (which enumerates words one-by-one) or by PDWordFinderAcquireWordList() (which fills a table with all the words on a page). | |
| PDDocDeleteCollection — Removes a collection dictionary from a document. | |
| PDDocDeleteOnClose | |
| PDDocDeletePages — Deletes the specified pages. | |
| PDDocDeleteThumbs — Deletes thumbnail images for a range of pages in a document. | |
| PDDocDidAddThread — A thread has been added to a document. | |
| PDDocDidChangePageAreas — Page areas changed. | |
| PDDocDidChangePages — Pages have been inserted, deleted, moved, or modified. | |
| PDDocDidChangeThumbs — Thumbnail images have been added or removed. In addition to the expected ways in which this can occur, it can also occur if pages are inserted into a file. | |
| PDDocDidClose — A PDDoc closed. A PDDoc is closed only if its reference count is zero. | |
| PDDocDidDeletePages — One or more pages were deleted. | |
| PDDocDidExportAnnots — The annotations of a document were exported. | |
| PDDocDidImportAnnots — The annotations from one document were imported into another document. | |
| PDDocDidInsertPages — One or more pages have been inserted. | |
| PDDocDidInsertPagesEx — Pages were inserted into a document. This notification occurs after the
notification. | |
| PDDocDidMovePages — One or more pages were moved. | |
| PDDocDidOpen — A document was opened. | |
| PDDocDidPrintPage — This notification is broadcast once per page that is printed, after all marks have been made on the page. When printing to a PostScript printer, printing commands can also be sent that will be placed on the page after all other marks. | |
| PDDocDidPrintPages — This notification is broadcast after printing ends. | |
| PDDocDidPrintTiledPage — This notification is obsolete in Acrobat 7.0 and later. | |
| PDDocDidRemoveThread — A thread was removed from a document. | |
| PDDocDidReplacePages — One or more pages have been replaced. | |
| PDDocDidSave — A document has been saved. | |
| PDDocEnumFonts — Enumerates all the fonts in the specified page range. This may take a considerable amount of time for a large page range. | |
| PDDocEnumLoadedFonts — Enumerates all the fonts that have been encountered so far. A font is loaded when a page that uses it is processed. This typically happens when a page is drawn or its thumbnail image is created. | |
| PDDocEnumOCConfigs — Enumerates the optional-content configurations for the document, calling the supplied procedure for each one. These include the configuration for the D configuration dictionary and those for all entries in the Configs array dictionary. | |
| PDDocEnumOCGs — Enumerates the optional-content groups for the document, calling the supplied procedure for each one. Enumeration continues until all groups have been enumerated, or until enumProc returns false. Each group is reported once, even if it is referenced multiple times in a page, or on multiple pages. | |
| PDDocEnumPDSElementsWithUserProperties — Enumerates the elements in the document's structure tree that have UserProperties attributes or classes, calling the supplied enumeration procedure for each such element found. The procedure returns true to continue enumeration, or false to halt enumeration. | |
| PDDocEnumProc — A callback for PDEnumDocs(). It is called once for each open PDDoc. | |
| PDDocEnumResources — Enumerates the specified type of page resources, for a specified range of pages. | |
| PDDocError | |
| PDDocErrorAlways | |
| PDDocErrors | |
| PDDocExportNotes — Creates a document containing empty pages plus text annotations (notes) from sourceDoc. It does not create a new document if sourceDoc contains no notes. | |
| PDDocExportSomeNotes — Like PDDocExportNotes(), but the caller provides the list of annotations to export. This is useful in scenarios when it may be inappropriate to use PDDocExportNotes() and look for annotations on every page. This is an especially important consideration when in a browser. | |
| PDDocFindPageNumForLabel — Superseded by PDDocFindPageNumForLabelEx() in Acrobat 6.0. | |
| PDDocFindPageNumForLabelEx — Supersedes PDDocFindPageNumForLabel in Acrobat 6.0. | |
| PDDocFlags — A signed int (which is never negative), for historical reasons. | |
| PDDocFlattenOC — Replaces the contents of every page in the document with a version that has no optional content, containing only what was visible on the page when the call was made, and removes all other optional-content information. | |
| PDDocFontFlags | |
| PDDocFromCosDoc — Gets the PDDoc associated with a CosDoc. | |
| PDDocGetAdobePDFVersion —
PDDocGetAdobePDFVersion() returns the current version of the document in the AdobePDFVersion define in CosExp.T | |
| PDDocGetBookmarkRoot — Gets the root of the document's bookmark tree. The return value is valid even if the document's bookmark tree is empty (meaning that there is no Outlines key in the underlying PDF file). | |
| PDDocGetCosDoc — Gets a document's Cos-level document object. | |
| PDDocGetCryptHandler — Gets the specified document's current security handler (that is, the security handler that was used to open the document). | |
| PDDocGetCryptHandlerClientData — Gets the client data for the encryption handler associated with the PDDoc. This is the client data provided as a parameter in PDRegisterCryptHandlerEx(). | |
| PDDocGetCryptRevision — Sets the cryptRevision param based on the Security handler of the document. This is either retrieved directly from the Security handler or read from the encrypt dict. | |
| PDDocGetCryptVersion — Sets the cryptVersion param based on the Security handler of the document. This is either retrieved directly from the Security handler or read from the encrypt dict. | |
| PDDocGetFile — Gets the file object for a document. | |
| PDDocGetFlags — Gets information about the document's file and its state. | |
| PDDocGetFullScreen — Tests whether the document will open in full-screen mode. This provides an alternative to calling PDDocGetPageMode() to test for PDFullScreen. | |
| PDDocGetID — Gets an element of a document's file identifier. See Section 10.3 in the PDF Reference for a description of file IDs. | |
| PDDocGetInfo — Gets the value of a key in a document's Info dictionary, or the value of this same key in the XMP metadata, whichever is later. However, it is preferable to use PDDocGetXAPMetadataProperty(), because it also allows accessing XMP properties that are not duplicated in the Info dictionary. | |
| PDDocGetInfoASText — Gets the value of a key in a document's Info dictionary, or the value of this same key in the XMP metadata, whichever is latest as an ASText object. | |
| PDDocGetLabelForPageNum — Superseded by PDDocGetLabelForPageNumEx() in Acrobat 6.0. | |
| PDDocGetLabelForPageNumEx — Supersedes PDDocGetLabelForPageNum() in Acrobat 6.0. | |
| PDDocGetLayoutMode — Gets the value of the PageLayout key in the Catalog dictionary. | |
| PDDocGetMergedXAPKeywords — Yields an ASText containing a semicolon-separated list of fields. The first such field is the entire contents of the pdf:Keywords property of the document XMP; the remaining fields are the contents of successive items in the xmp:Keywords bag of keyword items. | |
| PDDocGetNameTree — Retrieves a name tree, with the key name specified in theTree, from the Names dictionary of thePDDoc. | |
| PDDocGetNewCryptHandler — Gets the specified document's new security handler (that is, the security handler that will be used after the document is saved). | |
| PDDocGetNewSecurityData — Gets the security data structure for the specified document's new security handler. Use PDDocGetSecurityData() to get the security data structure for the document's current security handler. | |
| PDDocGetNewSecurityInfo — Gets the security information from the specified document's new security handler. It calls the PDCryptGetSecurityInfoProc() callback of the document's new security handler. No permissions are required to call this method. | |
| PDDocGetNthError — Returns the error code and string for the nth non-fatal error encountered since the document was opened, or PDDocClearErrors was called. | |
| PDDocGetNumErrors — Return the number of non-fatal errors encountered since the document was opened, or PDDocClearErrors was called. | |
| PDDocGetNumOCGs — Returns the number of optional-content groups associated with a document, which is the number of unique entries in the document's OCProperties OCGs array. | |
| PDDocGetNumPages — Gets the number of pages in a document. | |
| PDDocGetNumThreads — Gets the number of article threads in a document. | |
| PDDocGetOCConfig — Gets the built-in default optional-content configuration for the document from the OCProperties D entry. | |
| PDDocGetOCContext — Gets the built-in default optional-content context for the document. This context is used by all content drawing and enumeration calls that do not take an optional-content context parameter, or for which no context is specified. | |
| PDDocGetOCGs — Gets the optional-content groups for the document. The order of the groups is not guaranteed to be the creation order, and is not the same as the display order (see PDOCConfigGetOCGOrder()). | |
| PDDocGetOpenAction — Gets the value of the OpenAction key in the Catalog dictionary, which is the action performed when the document is opened. After you obtain the action, you can execute it with AVDocPerformAction(). | |
| PDDocGetPageLabel — Returns the label that is in effect for the given page. | |
| PDDocGetPageMode — Gets the value of the PageMode key in the Catalog dictionary. | |
| PDDocGetPageObjByNum — Returns the page Cos object corresponding to the given page number. | |
| PDDocGetPDCollection — Gets the collection object in a document. | |
| PDDocGetPermissions — Deprecated in Acrobat 5.0. Use PDDocPermRequest() instead. | |
| PDDocGetSecurityData — Superseded in Acrobat 5.0 by PDDocPermRequest. | |
| PDDocGetStructTreeRoot — Gets the structure tree root for a document. | |
| PDDocGetThread — Gets an article thread having the specified index. | |
| PDDocGetThreadIndex — Gets the index of the specified article thread. | |
| PDDocGetTrapped — Gets the value of the Trapped key in the Info dictionary. | |
| PDDocGetVersion — Gets the major and minor PDF document versions. This is the PDF version of the document, which is specified in the header of a PDF file in the string "%PDF-xx. yy" where xx is the major version and yy is the minor version. For example, version 1.2 has the string "%PDF<code>-1</code>.2". See Section H.1 in the PDF Reference. | |
| PDDocGetVersionEx — Returns the Adobe version of the PDF format to which the PDF file conforms. For PDF versions 1.0 through 1.7, this method will return a major version of 1, a minor version in the range of 0 through 7, and an adbeExtensionLevel of 0. For Acrobat 9, this method will return a major version of 1 and a minor version of 8. For Acrobat 10, this method will return a major version of 1 and a minor version of 9. Starting with Acrobat 9, Adobe extensions to the PDF format will be identified via the Extensions dictionary in the catalog; in this case, the major and minor versions will be returned, and the Adobe extension level will be returned via the last argument. | |
| PDDocGetWordFinder | |
| PDDocGetWordFinder — Gets the word finder associated with a document. It is not necessary to destroy the word finder returned by this method. | |
| PDDocGetXAPMetadata — Gets the XMP metadata associated with a document. It returns an ASText whose text is the XML text of the XMP metadata associated with the document pdDoc. The ASText becomes the property of the client, which is free to alter or destroy it. | |
| PDDocGetXAPMetadataArrayItem — Gets the value of an XMP metadata array item, associated with a document, based on an index. It returns an ASText object containing the XML text of the value of the specified property in the XMP metadata array associated with the document pdDoc. The ASText object becomes the property of the client, which is free to alter or destroy it. | |
| PDDocGetXAPMetadataProperty — Gets the value of an XMP metadata property associated with a document. It returns an ASText whose text is the XML text of the value of the specified property in the XMP metadata associated with the document pdDoc. The ASText becomes the property of the client, which is free to alter or destroy it. | |
| PDDocHasISOExtensions — Returns true if the document contains an Extensions dictionary as defined by ISO 32000 for specifying the inclusion of features beyond the ISO 32000 specification. Starting with Acrobat 9, Adobe extensions to the PDF format will be identified via this Extensions dictionary in the catalog. | |
| PDDocHasOC — Determines whether the optional content feature is associated with the document. The document is considered to have optional content if there is an OCProperties dictionary in the document's catalog, and that dictionary has one or more entries in the OCGs array. | |
| PDDocHasUserProperties — Returns true if the document declares that it has structure elements that conform to the UserProperties attributes or class conventions. | |
| PDDocImportCosDocNotes — Adds text annotations from sourceDoc to doc. | |
| PDDocImportNotes — Adds text annotations (notes) from sourceDoc to doc. | |
| PDDocInksDidChange — Sent when the inks for the document change. | |
| PDDocInsertPages — Inserts numPages pages from doc2 into doc. All annotations, and anything else associated with the page (such as a thumbnail image) are copied from the doc2 pages to the new pages in doc. This method does not insert pages if doc equals doc2. | |
| PDDocInsertPagesParams | |
| PDDocInsertPagesParamsRec | |
| PDDocIsEmbedded | |
| PDDocIsLinearized | |
| PDDocIsModified | |
| PDDocIsOpen | |
| PDDocIsOptimized | |
| PDDocIsPXDF | |
| PDDocLayoutParams | |
| PDDocLayoutParamsRec | |
| PDDocMergeXAPKeywords — Causes a string produced as by PDDocGetMergedXAPKeywords() to be stored as the new value of the pdf:Keywords property, and the former value of the pdf:Keywords property to be stored as an item in the xmp:Keywords bag of keyword items. | |
| PDDocMovePage — Moves one page in a document. | |
| PDDocNeedsSave | |
| PDDocNewMajorVersion | |
| PDDocNewMinorVersion | |
| PDDocNewSecurityData — Creates a security data structure appropriate for the specified document's new security handler. The new security handler must have been previously set using PDDocSetNewCryptHandler(). The structure is created by calling the new security handler's PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc(). | |
| PDDocOCChangeType — PDDocOCChangeType is an enumeration of types of changes to the optional content structures of a PDDoc. These types of changes may effect visibility in all PDOCContext objects. This enumeration is used in the
notifications. These notifications typically pass in the affected page, or PDAllPages if all pages may be affected. | |
| PDDocOCDidChange — An optional-content context changed in a PDDoc in a way that could affect the visibility state of content. | |
| PDDocOCWillChange — An optional-content context is changing in a PDDoc in a way that could affect the visibility state of content. | |
| PDDocOldVersion | |
| PDDocOpen — Opens the specified document. If the document is already open, it returns a reference to the already opened PDDoc. You must call PDDocClose() once for every successful open. If the call fails and the exception is pdErrNeedRebuild, then call again with doRepair set to true. This allows the application to decide whether to perform the time-consuming repair operation. | |
| PDDocOpenEx — Opens the specified document. If the document is already open, it returns a reference to the already opened PDDoc. You must call PDDocClose() once for every successful open. If the call fails and the exception is pdErrNeedRebuild, then call again with doRepair equal to true. This allows the application to decide whether to perform the time-consuming repair operation. | |
| PDDocOpenFromASFile — Opens the document specified by the ASFile. aFile must be a valid ASFile. It is the caller's responsibility to dispose of the ASFile after calling PDDocClose(). | |
| PDDocOpenFromASFileEx — Opens the document specified by the ASFile. aFile must be a valid ASFile. It is the caller's responsibility to dispose of the ASFile after calling PDDocClose(). | |
| PDDocOpenParams — A structure used by PDDocOpenWithParams() to specify file open information. The parameters are very similar to those in PDDocOpenEx() and PDDocOpenFromASFileEx(). | |
| PDDocOpenParamsRec | |
| PDDocOpenWithParams — Opens the document specified by the ASFile or ASFileSys/ASPathName. If both are set, the ASFile is used and the fileSys and pathName are ignored. | |
| PDDocPageDirectionDidChange — Sent when the page direction of the document changes. The page direction is determined by the Direction key in the ViewerPreferences dictionary. | |
| PDDocPageLabelDidChange — A range of pages' labels changed in a PDDoc. | |
| PDDocPermRequest — This method supersedes PDDocGetPermissions(). | |
| PDDocPermRequestNoUB —
PDDocPermRequestNoUB() indicates whether the permission would have been granted had the document not been Rights Enabled. | |
| PDDocPermsReady — A document was opened and its permissions (if present) have been validated. | |
| PDDocPreSaveInfo | |
| PDDocPreSaveInfoRec | |
| PDDocPreSaveProc — A callback in the PDDocSaveParams structure used by PDDocSaveWithParams(). Use this callback to flag Cos objects you wish to access while a PDDoc is being saved. | |
| PDDocPreWriteProc — A callback in the PDDocSaveParams structure. It is invoked by PDDocSaveWithParams() immediately before a PDDoc is saved to disk. | |
| PDDocPrintingTiledPage — This notification is obsolete in Acrobat 7.0 and later. | |
| PDDocPrintPages — Prints a range of pages from a document, controlled by a structure of data and callbacks. | |
| PDDocReadAhead — Used for page-at-a-time downloading and byte-serving Acrobat data. If a document is being viewed over a slow file system, PDDocReadAhead() issues a byte range request for all the data associated with the flags in flags. | |
| PDDocReadAheadEmbeddedFile — Used for page-at-a-time downloading and byte-serving Acrobat data. If a document is being viewed over a slow file system, the method issues a byte range request for all the data associated with an embedded file. | |
| PDDocReadAheadPages — Reads ahead nPages starting at startPage (if the file is linearized). | |
| PDDocRelease — Decrements a document's reference count. The document will not be closed until the reference count is zero, or the application terminates. | |
| PDDocRemoveBatesNumbering — Deprecated The following function has been deprecated, do not use. | |
| PDDocRemoveNameTree — Removes the name tree inside the Names dictionary with the specified key name. It does nothing if no object with that name exists. | |
| PDDocRemoveOpenAction — Removes the value of the OpenAction key in the Catalog dictionary. The value is the action performed when the document is opened. | |
| PDDocRemovePageLabel — Removes the page label that is attached to the specified page, effectively merging the specified range with the previous page label sequence. | |
| PDDocRemoveStructTreeRoot — Removes, but does not destroy, the specified StructTreeRoot element from the specified PDDoc. | |
| PDDocRemoveThread — Removes an article thread from a document. If you also wish to destroy the thread, use PDThreadDestroy() after calling PDDocRemoveThread(). | |
| PDDocReplaceOCG — In the document associated with a specified optional-content group, replaces that group with another group. | |
| PDDocReplacePages — Replaces the specified range of pages in one document with pages from another. The contents, resources, size and rotation of the pages are replaced. The bookmarks are not copied, because they are attached to the document, not to individual pages. | |
| PDDocRequestEntireFile — Requests the document file and performs the specified procedure on it. | |
| PDDocRequestEntireFileProc — A callback used by PDDocRequestEntireFile. Use this callback to process a document file. | |
| PDDocRequestPages — Requests nPages starting at startPage, and performs a specified procedure on them. | |
| PDDocRequestPagesProc — A callback for PDDocRequestPages(). | |
| PDDocRequestReason — This tells the callback why it is being called. | |
| PDDocRequiresFullSave | |
| PDDocResetInkUsage — Resets the cached ink (spot color) usage information in a document. This should be called when the set of non-process colorants for a document have been changed. Calling this will force the cached information to be recomputed. | |
| PDDocSave — Saves a document to disk. If a full save is requested to the original path, the file is saved to a file system-determined temporary file, the old file is deleted, and the temporary file is renamed to newPath. You must call PDDocClose() to release resources; do not call PDDocRelease(). | |
| PDDocSaveFlags — An enumerated data type that specifies various file status attributes. These flags indicate the state of the document and whether it needs to be saved or deleted on close, and so on. The flags are used as a bit field. More than one value may be set. Some flags may be set or get only. Most can be either set or get. | |
| PDDocSaveParams | |
| PDDocSaveParamsRec | |
| PDDocSaveWithParams — Saves a document to disk as specified in a parameter's structure. This is essentially the same as PDDocSave() with two additional parameters: a cancel proc and cancel proc client data (so you could cut and paste description information and other information from PDDocSave()). | |
| PDDocSetAdobePDFVersion —
PDDocSetAdobePDFVersion() sets the current version of the document in the AdobePDFVersion define in CosExp.T | |
| PDDocSetFlags — Sets information about the document's file and its state. This method can only be used to set, not clear, flags. As a result, it is not possible, for example, to use this method to clear the flag that indicates that a document has been modified and needs to be saved. Instead, use PDDocClearFlags() to clear flags. | |
| PDDocSetFullScreen — Sets whether this document opens in full-screen mode. This provides an alternative to calling PDDocSetPageMode() with PDFullScreen. | |
| PDDocSetInfo — Sets the value of a key in a document's Info dictionary. However, it is preferable to use PDDocSetXAPMetadataProperty(), because it also allows accessing XMP properties that are not duplicated in the Info dictionary. | |
| PDDocSetInfoAsASText — Sets the value of a key in a document's Info dictionary. | |
| PDDocSetLayoutMode — Sets the value of the PageLayout key in the Catalog dictionary. | |
| PDDocSetMinorVersion — Sets the PDF minor version to the greater of its current value and the requested value. This function should be called when any feature requiring a PDF version of 1.7 or higher is applied to a document. | |
| PDDocSetNewCryptFilterData — Sets the encrypted data for the specified document's encryption filter to decrypt. Call this before accessing the stream to be decrypted. | |
| PDDocSetNewCryptFilterMethod — Sets or resets the specified document's security filter method, used for encryption and decryption of the document's data. | |
| PDDocSetNewCryptHandler — Sets the specified document's new security handler (that is, the security handler that will be used after the document is saved). | |
| PDDocSetNewCryptHandlerEx — Extends PDDocSetNewCryptHandler() for Acrobat 6.0. It sets the specified document's new security handler (that is, the security handler that will be used after the document is saved). This method should be called when the current document's security handler requires authorization data to validate permission to change security handlers. | |
| PDDocSetNewDefaultFilters — Sets or resets the document's default security filter methods for streams and strings, used to encrypt and decrypt the document's data. This method is only valid with version 4 algorithms (/V 4 in the Encrypt dictionary). | |
| PDDocSetNewSecurityData — Sets the security data structure for the specified document's new security handler. Use PDDocSetNewCryptHandler() to set a new security handler for a document. | |
| PDDocSetOpenAction — Sets the value of the OpenAction key in the Catalog dictionary, which is the action performed when the document is opened. | |
| PDDocSetPageLabel — Attaches a label to a page. This establishes the numbering scheme for that page and all pages following it, until another page label is encountered. This label allows PDF producers to define a page numbering system other than the Acrobat default. | |
| PDDocSetPageMode — Sets the value of the PageMode key in the Catalog dictionary. | |
| PDDocSetTrapped — Sets the value of the Trapped key in the Info dictionary to the specified ASAtom. | |
| PDDocSetXAPMetadata — Sets the XMP metadata associated with a document. It replaces the XMP metadata associated with the document pdDoc with the XMP metadata stored in metadataASText. | |
| PDDocSetXAPMetadataArrayItem — Sets the value of an XMP metadata array item, associated with a document, based on an index. | |
| PDDocSetXAPMetadataProperty — Sets the value of an XMP metadata property associated with a document. The XMP metadata represents all the properties in pdDoc object's Info dictionary, and can also contain properties that are not in the Info dictionary. This call is preferred to PDDocSetInfo(), which only allows access to properties that are in the Info dictionary (although the older function is supported for compatibility). | |
| PDDocSuppressErrors | |
| PDDocVersion — A signed int (which is never negative), for historical reasons. | |
| PDDocWasRepaired | |
| PDDocWatermarkTextParams | |
| PDDocWatermarkTextParamsRec | |
| PDDocWillChangePages — Pages will be inserted, deleted, moved, or modified. | |
| PDDocWillClose — A PDDoc will be closed. A PDDoc is closed only if its reference count is zero. | |
| PDDocWillDeletePages — One or more pages will be deleted. | |
| PDDocWillExportAnnotCallback — A callback for PDDocExportNotes. It determines whether an annotation is exported. | |
| PDDocWillExportAnnotProc — A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It determines whether an annotation is exported. | |
| PDDocWillExportAnnots — The annotations of a document will be exported. | |
| PDDocWillImportAnnotCallback — A callback for PDDocImportCosDocNotes() and PDDocImportNotes(). It determines whether an annotation will be imported. | |
| PDDocWillImportAnnotProc — A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It determines whether an annotation will be imported. | |
| PDDocWillImportAnnots — The annotations from one document will be imported into another document. | |
| PDDocWillInsertPages — One or more pages will be inserted. | |
| PDDocWillInsertPagesEx — Pages will be inserted into a document. This notification occurs after the
notification. | |
| PDDocWillMovePages — One or more pages will be moved. | |
| PDDocWillPrintDoc — This notification is broadcast before a document is printed, and before any marks are made on the first page. When printing to a PostScript printer, printing commands can also be sent that are placed on the page before any other marks. For example, a setpagedevice operator could be placed in the print stream. | |
| PDDocWillPrintDocInMode — Sent before a document is printed, before any marks are made on the first page. Page resources and contents may be modified at the time this notification is broadcast. | |
| PDDocWillPrintPage — This notification is broadcast once per page that is printed, before any marks are made on the page. When printing to a PostScript printer, printing commands can also be sent that will be placed on the page before any other marks. | |
| PDDocWillPrintPages — This notification is broadcast when printing begins, before any pages are printed. | |
| PDDocWillPrintTiledPage — This notification is obsolete in Acrobat 7.0 and later. | |
| PDDocWillRemoveThread — A thread will be removed from a document. | |
| PDDocWillReplacePages — One or more pages will be replaced. | |
| PDDocWillSave — A document will be saved. | |
| PDDocWillSaveEx — A document will be saved. | |
| PDDocXAPMetadataDidChange — The XMP metadata describing the document as a whole has changed. | |
| PDDocXAPMetadataDidChangeProc — Receives the notification that the XMP metadata describing a document as a whole has changed. | |
| PDDoExtGStateProc — A callback method that is called when an ExtGState object is encountered. This method is called for each key/value pair in the ExtGState object. If this method returns true, then the key/value will be emitted into the print job. If this method returns false, then nothing will be emitted for this key/value. If emitHalftones is false, then this method will not be called for the HT key. | |
| PDDoNotInsertOutputIntent | |
| PDDontCare | |
| PDDrawCosObjToWindow — Draws the specified stream of PDF marking operators into the specified window. This method is used for platform-independent drawing of graphics and text. | |
| PDDrawCosObjWithParams — Provides control over the rendering of contents, including both those parameters you would pass to PDDrawCosObjWithParams(), and an optional-content context that determines which contents are visible. | |
| PDDrawParams | |
| PDDrawParamsRec | |
| PDDuplexEnum — Duplex values. | |
| PDEAcquire — Increments the reference count for an object. | |
| PDEAddTag — Adds an identifier-value pair to an object. | |
| PDEAttrEnumProc — A callback for PDEAttrEnumTable(). It is called once for each attribute in a table. | |
| PDEAttrEnumTable — Enumerates the table of attributes. This method enumerates the shared resource objects. It is useful when looking for orphaned attributes. | |
| PDEBeginContainer — The PDFEdit representation of the opening bracket of a marked-content sequence. Elements of this type must be paired with elements of type PDEEndContainer. | |
| PDEBeginContainerCreate — Creates a new PDEBeginContainer object. Call PDERelease to dispose of the returned PDEBeginContainer object when finished with it. | |
| PDEBeginContainerGetDict — Gets the property list dictionary associated with a PDEBeginContainer object. The property list is stored in a Cos dictionary. | |
| PDEBeginContainerGetMCTag — Gets the marked content tag associated with a PDEBeginContainer object. | |
| PDEBeginContainerSetDict — Sets the property list for a PDEBeginContainer. The property list is passed as a Cos dictionary that can be emitted inline or referenced from the \Properties key in the \Resources dictionary of the containing stream. | |
| PDEBeginContainerSetMCTag — Sets the marked content tag for a PDEBeginContainer. | |
| PDEBeginGroup — A group of PDEElement objects on a page in a PDF file. | |
| PDEBeginGroupCreate — Creates a new begin group object. | |
| PDEBlackPointFlt — A structure describing a black point in a calibrated color space. | |
| PDEClip — A PDEClip is a list of PDEElement objects containing a list of PDEPath objects and PDEText objects
that describe a clipping state. PDEClip objects can be created and built up with PDEClip methods.
Any PDEElement object can have PDEClip associated with it by using the PDEElementSetClip() method.
| |
| PDEClip — A list of PDEElement objects containing a list of PDEPath objects and PDEText objects that describe a clip state. PDEClip objects can be created and built up with PDEClip methods. Any PDEElement object can have PDEClip associated with it. PDEClip objects can contain PDEContainer objects and PDEGroup objects to an arbitrary level of nesting. This allows PDEContainer objects to be used to mark clip objects. PDEGroup objects inside PDEClip objects that contain at least one PDEText and no PDEPath objects have a special meaning. All PDEText objects contained in such a PDEGroup are considered to be part of the same BT/ET block. This means that the union of these PDEText objects makes up a single clipping path, as opposed to the intersection of the PDEText objects. | |
| PDEClipAddElem — Adds an element to a clip path. | |
| PDEClipCopy — Makes a deep copy of a PDEClip object. | |
| PDEClipCreate — Creates an empty clip object. This represents a clipping object that has no effect on elements that refer to it. | |
| PDEClipEnumProc — A callback for PDEClipFlattenedEnumElems(), which enumerates all of a PDEClip object's PDEElement objects in a flattened manner. | |
| PDEClipFlattenedEnumElems — For a given PDEClip, this enumerates all of the PDEElement objects in a flattened manner. In other words, PDEContainer objects and PDEGroup objects nested in the PDEClip will not be handed back, but any PDEPath objects and PDEText objects nested in them will be. Additionally, PDEPlace objects inside the PDEClip are not returned. | |
| PDEClipGetElem — Gets an element from a clip object. | |
| PDEClipGetNumElems — Gets the number of top-level elements in a clip object. Top-level elements may be a path or charpath, a marked content container or place, or a group. | |
| PDEClipRemoveElems — Removes one or more elements from a clip object. | |
| PDEColorRangeFlt | |
| PDEColorSpace — A PDEColorSpace object is a reference to a color space used on a page. The color space is part of
the graphics state attributes of a PDEElement. See Section 4.5, Color Spaces,
in the PDF Reference, for details on color spaces and color operators.
| |
| PDEColorSpace — A reference to a color space used on a page in a PDF file. The color space is part of the graphics state attributes of a PDEElement. | |
| PDEColorSpaceCreate — Creates a new color space object of the specified type. | |
| PDEColorSpaceCreateFromCosObj — Creates a new color space object from a Cos object. | |
| PDEColorSpaceCreateFromName — Creates a new color space object. | |
| PDEColorSpaceCreateInCosDoc — Creates a color space object like PDEColorSpaceCreate(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the color space object is created. | |
| PDEColorSpaceGetBase — Gets the name of the base color space. This is a helper routine for indexed color spaces. | |
| PDEColorSpaceGetBaseNumComps — Gets the number of components in the base color space of an indexed color space. | |
| PDEColorSpaceGetCosObj — Gets the CosObj representation of the color space object. | |
| PDEColorSpaceGetCTable — Gets the component information for an indexed color space. | |
| PDEColorSpaceGetHiVal — Gets the highest index for the color lookup table for an indexed color space. Since the color table is indexed from zero to hiVal, the actual number of entries is hiVal + 1. | |
| PDEColorSpaceGetName — Gets the name of a color space object. | |
| PDEColorSpaceGetNumComps — Calculates the number of components in a color space. | |
| PDEColorSpaceGetStruct — Retrieves a
from a PDEColorSpace. It supports all PDF version 1.3 color spaces except the Pattern color space. | |
| PDEColorSpaceStruct — A color space structure for PDEColorSpaceCreate(). See Section 4.5 in the PDF Reference for information on color spaces. | |
| PDEColorSpec | |
| PDEColorSpecP | |
| PDEColorValue | |
| PDEColorValueP | |
| PDEContainer —
A group of PDEElements on a page in a PDF file. In the PDF file, containers are
delimited by Marked Content BMC/EMC or BDC/EMC pairs. Every PDEContainer
has a Marked Content tag associated with it. In addition to grouping a set of elements,
a BDC/EMC pair specifies a property list to be associated with the grouping. Thus a
PDEContainer corresponding to a BDC/EMC pair also has a property list dictionary
associated with it.
| |
| PDEContainer — A group of PDEElement objects on a page in a PDF file. In the PDF file, containers are delimited by Marked Content BMC/EMC or BDC/EMC pairs. Every PDEContainer has a Marked Content tag associated with it. In addition to grouping a set of elements, a BDC/EMC pair specifies a property list to be associated with the grouping. Thus, a PDEContainer corresponding to a BDC/EMC pair also has a property list dictionary associated with it. | |
| PDEContainerCreate — Creates a container object. | |
| PDEContainerGetContent — Gets the PDEContent for a PDEContainer. | |
| PDEContainerGetDict — Gets the Marked Content dictionary for a container. | |
| PDEContainerGetMCTag — Gets the Marked Content tag for a container. | |
| PDEContainerGetXAPMetadata — Gets the XMP metadata associated with a PDEContainer. If there is XMP metadata, it is returned as an ASText in the output parameter metadataASText. The ASText returned becomes the property of the client, which is free to alter or destroy it. | |
| PDEContainerSetContent — Sets the content for a container. The existing PDEContent is released by this method. | |
| PDEContainerSetDict — Sets the Marked Content dictionary for a PDEContainer. The dictionary can be emitted inline or referenced from the \Properties key in the \Resources dictionary of the containing stream. | |
| PDEContainerSetMCTag — Sets the Marked Content tag for a PDEContainer. | |
| PDEContainerSetXAPMetadata — Sets the XMP metadata associated with a PDEContainer. Replaces the XMP metadata associated with pdeContainer with the XMP metadata stored in metadataASText. The contents of metadataASText must be well-formed XML and Resource Description Format (RDF), as defined by the W3C (see http://www.w3.org/RDF), that also forms valid XMP. PDEContainerSetXAPMetadtata() will not destroy metadataASText or alter its text. | |
| PDEContainerXAPMetadataDidChangeProc — Receives the notification that the XMP metadata describing a marked content sequence has changed. | |
| PDEContent — The PDEContent object is the workhorse of the PDFEdit API, since it contains the modifiable contents
of a PDPage.
| |
| PDEContent — Contains the modifiable contents of a PDPage. A PDEContent object may be obtained from an existing page, from a Form XObject, or from a Type 3 CharProc. You can create an empty PDEContent object. A PDEContent object contains PDEElement objects. In addition, a PDEContent object may have attributes such as a Form matrix and setcachedevice parameters. | |
| PDEContentAddElem — Inserts an element into a PDEContent. | |
| PDEContentAddPage — Superseded by PDEContentAddPageEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEContentAddPageEx — Supersedes PDEContentAddPage() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEContentAttrs | |
| PDEContentAttrsP | |
| PDEContentCopyResTable — Copies ResTable indexes count from source PDEContent to destination PDEContent. | |
| PDEContentCreate — Creates an empty content object. | |
| PDEContentCreateFromCosObj — Creates a content object from a Cos object. This is the main method for obtaining a PDEContent object. | |
| PDEContentFlags — A bit field for PDEContentAttrs. | |
| PDEContentFlattenOC — Flattens the content, removing any PDEElement objects that are not visible in the given optional-content context, and removing the optional-content information from any visible PDFElement objects. | |
| PDEContentGetAttrs — Gets the attributes of a content. | |
| PDEContentGetDefaultColorSpace — Gets a default color space from a PDEContent object. | |
| PDEContentGetElem — Gets the requested element from a content. | |
| PDEContentGetNumElems — Gets the number of elements in a PDEContent object. | |
| PDEContentGetResourceFlags — A bit field for PDEContentAttrs. | |
| PDEContentGetResources — Gets the number of resources of the specified type and, optionally, gets the pointers to the resource objects. | |
| PDEContentRemoveElem — Removes an element from a PDEContent. | |
| PDEContentSetContainingStream — Sets the containing stream and owner stream for any marked content reference handles attached to containers within the content. | |
| PDEContentSetDefaultColorSpace_PEWCalls_ — Sets the default color space in a PDEContent object. The reference count on any existing default color space is decremented, and the reference count on the new color space is incremented. Note that the new color space can be NULL, indicating that there is no default color space. | |
| PDEContentSetPage — Sets the page on which marked content is drawn upon for any marked content reference handles attached to containers within the content. | |
| PDEContentSetStreamOwner — Sets the stream owner for any marked content reference handles attached to containers within the content. | |
| PDEContentToCosObj — This is the main method for converting a PDEContent into PDF contents and resources. | |
| PDEContentToCosObjFlags — A bit field for the PDEContentToCosObj() method, indicating the type of object to create and how it is created. | |
| PDEDash | |
| PDEDashEx | |
| PDEDashExP | |
| PDEDashP | |
| PDEDefaultGState — Fills out a PDEGraphicStateP structure with the default graphic state. | |
| PDEDefaultGStateEx — Fills out a PDEGraphicStateEx structure which is higher precision alternative of PDEGraphicState structure with the default graphic state. | |
| PDEDeviceNColorData | |
| PDEDeviceNColors — A color space with a variable number of device-dependent components. It is usually used to store
multiple spot colors in a single color space.
| |
| PDEDeviceNColors — A color space with a variable number of device-dependent components. It is usually used to store multiple spot colors in a single color space. | |
| PDEDeviceNColorsCreate — Creates an object that can be used to store n color components when in a DeviceN color space. | |
| PDEDeviceNColorsGetColorValue — Gets the value of a color component of a PDEDeviceNColors color space. | |
| PDEDoc — A reference to a PDEDoc. | |
| PDEElement — PDEElement is the base class for elements of a page display list (PDEContent) and for clip objects.
The general PDEElement methods allow you to get and set general element properties.
| |
| PDEElement — The base class for elements of a page display list (PDEContent) and for clip objects. The general PDEElement methods allow you to get and set general element properties. | |
| PDEElementCopy — Makes a copy of an element. The caller is responsible for releasing the copy with PDERelease(). | |
| PDEElementCopyFlags — A bit field for
. | |
| PDEElementEnumProc — A callback for PDEEnumElements(). It is called once for each PDEElement in a page's Contents Stream or Resources dictionary. | |
| PDEElementGetAllVisibilities — Tests whether all occurrences of the element are visible in a given content and optional-content context. It traverses the content to find each occurrence of the element, in the supplied content and in all nested contents. To find the visibility of a content element without considering its parent, use PDEElementIsCurrentlyVisible(). | |
| PDEElementGetBBox — Gets the bounding box for an element. | |
| PDEElementGetClip — Gets the current clip for an element. The current clipping path is part of the graphics state. Element types that are not graphics elements (for example, PDEContainer and PDEPlace) do not have an associated gstate and should not be expected to return valid results. | |
| PDEElementGetGState — Gets the graphics state information for an element. | |
| PDEElementGetGStateEx — Gets the graphics state information for an element. | |
| PDEElementGetMatrix — Superseded by PDEElementGetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEElementGetMatrixEx — Supersedes PDEElementGetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEElementGetOCMD — Gets an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object associated with the element. The element must be a PDEForm, PDEImage (XObject image), or PDEContainer. If it is not one of these, the method returns NULL.
If the element is a PDEForm or PDEImage, the method returns the dictionary attached to the element's Cos XObject dictionary.
If the element is a PDEContainer, and it is for optional content, the method returns the dictionary. If it is not for optional content, the method returns NULL.
| |
| PDEElementHasGState — Gets the graphics state information for an element. | |
| PDEElementHasGStateEx — Gets the graphics state information for an element. | |
| PDEElementIsAtPoint — Tests whether a point is on an element. | |
| PDEElementIsAtRect — Tests whether any part of a rectangle is on an element. | |
| PDEElementIsCurrentlyVisible — Tests whether an element is visible in a given content and optional-content context. It traverses the content to find the first occurrence of the element, in the supplied content and in all nested contents. It returns true if the first occurrence of the element is visible in the context, taking into account the context's NonOCDrawing and PDOCDrawEnumType values. | |
| PDEElementMakeVisible — Makes an element visible in a given content and optional-content context, by manipulating the ON-OFF states of the optional-content groups. | |
| PDEElementRemoveOCMD — Dissociates an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object from the element. The element must be a PDEForm, a PDEImage (XObject image), or a PDEContainer. | |
| PDEElementSetClip — Sets the current clip for an element. | |
| PDEElementSetGState — Sets the graphics state information for an element. | |
| PDEElementSetGStateEx — Sets the graphics state information for an element. | |
| PDEElementSetMatrix — Superseded by PDEElementSetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEElementSetMatrixEx — Supersedes PDEElementSetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEElementSetOCMD — Associates an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object with the element. The element must be a PDEForm, a PDEImage (XObject image), or a PDEContainer. | |
| PDEEmitStateP — A reference to the state of a writer. | |
| PDEEndContainer — The PDFEdit representation of the closing bracket of a marked-content sequence. Elements of this type must be paired with elements of type PDEBeginContainer. | |
| PDEEndContainerCreate — Creates a new PDEEndContainer object. Call PDERelease to dispose of the returned PDEEndContainer object when finished with it. | |
| PDEEndGroup — A group of PDEElement objects on a page in a PDF file. | |
| PDEEndGroupCreate — Creates a new end group object. | |
| PDEEnumElements — Enumerates all the PDEElements in a given stream. It is similar to PDEContentCreateFromCosObj(), but provides enumeration instead of a list of elements. | |
| PDEEnumElementsFlags — A bit field for the PDEEnumElements() method. | |
| PDEExtGState — A PDEExtGState object is a reference to an ExtGState resource used on a page. It specifies a
PDEElement object's extended graphics state, which is part of its graphics state, as specified in
a PDEGraphicState structure. See Section 4.3.4 in the PDF Reference for
information on extended graphics states. | |
| PDEExtGState — A reference to an ExtGState resource used on a page in a PDF file. It specifies a PDEElement object's extended graphics state, which is part of its graphics state. | |
| PDEExtGStateAcquireSoftMask — Acquires the soft mask of the extended graphic state. | |
| PDEExtGStateCreate — Creates a new PDEExtGState from a Cos object. See Section 4.3.4 in the PDF Reference for more information about extended graphics states. | |
| PDEExtGStateCreateNew — Creates a new extended graphics state object. | |
| PDEExtGStateGetAIS — Returns the value of the Alpha Is Shape (AIS) member of the graphics state. If AIS is true, the sources of alpha are treated as shape; otherwise they are treated as opacity values. If the value is not set, the default value of false is returned. | |
| PDEExtGStateGetBlendMode — Returns the blend mode for the color composite for each object painted. The following are valid names: | |
| PDEExtGStateGetBPC — Returns the value of black point compensation. Valid names are ON, OFF and Default. If the value has not been set a value of Default is returned. | |
| PDEExtGStateGetCosObj — Gets a Cos object for a PDEExtGState. | |
| PDEExtGStateGetHalfToneOrigin — Returns HalfTone Co-ordinate point. | |
| PDEExtGStateGetOpacityFill — Returns the opacity value for painting operations other than stroking. | |
| PDEExtGStateGetOpacityStroke — Returns the opacity value for stroke painting operations for paths and glyph outlines. | |
| PDEExtGStateGetOPFill — Returns whether overprint is enabled for painting operations other than stroking. | |
| PDEExtGStateGetOPM — Returns the overprint mode used by this graphics state. | |
| PDEExtGStateGetOPStroke — Returns whether overprint is enabled for stroke painting operations. | |
| PDEExtGStateGetSA — Returns whether stroke adjustment is enabled in the graphics state. | |
| PDEExtGStateGetSoftMaskMatrix — Gets the softmask matrix from ExtGstate. | |
| PDEExtGStateGetTK — Returns whether text knockout is enabled in the graphics state. | |
| PDEExtGStateHasSoftMask — Returns whether the graphics state contains a soft mask. | |
| PDEExtGStateSetAIS — Specifies if the alpha is to be interpreted as a shape or opacity mask. | |
| PDEExtGStateSetBlendMode — Sets the blend mode for the color composites for each object painted. | |
| PDEExtGStateSetBPC — Sets the black point compensation. Valid names are ON, OFF and Default. An exception will be raised if the name is invalid. | |
| PDEExtGStateSetHalfToneOrigin — Sets HalfTone Co-ordinate point. | |
| PDEExtGStateSetOpacityFill — Sets the opacity value for painting operations other than stroking. The value must be in the range from 0 to 1 inclusive. It corresponds to the / ca key within the ExtGState's dictionary. The value from 0 to 1 refers to a float number (not an ASFixed value) that should be converted to ASFixed using FloatToASFixed(). | |
| PDEExtGStateSetOpacityStroke — Sets the opacity value for stroke operations. The value must be in the range from 0 to 1 inclusive. It corresponds to the / CA key within the ExtGState's dictionary. The value from 0 to 1 refers to a float number (not an ASFixed value) that should be converted to ASFixed using FloatToASFixed(). | |
| PDEExtGStateSetOPFill — Specifies if overprint is enabled for painting operations other than stroking. It corresponds to the / op key within the ExtGState's dictionary. | |
| PDEExtGStateSetOPM — Sets the overprint mode. It corresponds to the / OPM key within the ExtGState's dictionary. | |
| PDEExtGStateSetOPStroke — Specifies if overprint is enabled for stroke operations. It corresponds to the / OP key within the ExtGState's dictionary. | |
| PDEExtGStateSetSA — Specifies whether stroke adjustment is enabled in the graphics state. | |
| PDEExtGStateSetSoftMask — Sets the soft mask of the extended graphics state. | |
| PDEExtGStateSetSoftMaskMatrix — Sets the softmask matrix in ExtGstate. | |
| PDEExtGStateSetTK — Specifies whether text knockout is enabled in the graphics state. This corresponds to the / TK key in the ExtGState's dictionary. | |
| PDEFilterArray | |
| PDEFilterArrayP | |
| PDEFilterSpec | |
| PDEFilterSpecP | |
| PDEFont — A PDEFont object is a reference to a font used on a page. It may be equated with a font in the system.
A PDEFont is not the same as a PDFont; a PDEFont is associated with a particular document.
| |
| PDEFont | |
| PDEFontAddGlyphs — Adds glyphs to a PDEFont object for embedding a PDEFont. | |
| PDEFontAttrs | |
| PDEFontAttrsP | |
| PDEFontCreate — Creates a new PDEFont from the specified parameters. | |
| PDEFontCreateFlags — Flags for
. If you want to subset a font, set both the kPDEFontCreateEmbedded and kPDEFontWillSubset flags. | |
| PDEFontCreateFromCosObj — Creates a PDEFont corresponding to a Cos object of type Font. | |
| PDEFontCreateFromSysFont — Gets a PDEFont corresponding to a font in the system. | |
| PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncoding — Create a PDEFont from sysFont and sysEnc. If it fails, it raises an exception. User can call PDSysFontGetCreateFlags() to see if the combination of sysFont and sysEnc makes sense. | |
| PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncodingInCosDoc — Creates a font object like PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncoding(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the font is created. Create a PDEFont from sysFont and sysEnc. If it fails, it raises an exception. User can call PDSysFontGetCreateFlags() to see if the combination of sysFont and sysEnc makes sense. | |
| PDEFontCreateFromSysFontEx — Creates a PDEFont corresponding to a font in the system. | |
| PDEFontCreateFromSysFontExInCosDoc — Creates a font object like PDEFontCreateFromSysFontEx(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the font is created. | |
| PDEFontCreateFromSysFontInCosDoc — Creates a font object like PDEFontCreateFromSysFont(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the font is created. | |
| PDEFontCreateFromSysFontParams | |
| PDEFontCreateFromSysFontParamsRec | |
| PDEFontCreateFromSysFontWithParams — Used to obtain a PDEFont corresponding to a font in the system. | |
| PDEFontCreateInCosDoc — Creates a font object like PDEFontCreate(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the font is created. | |
| PDEFontCreateNeedFlags — Flags for PDEFontGetCreateNeedFlags(). | |
| PDEFontCreateParams | |
| PDEFontCreateParamsRec | |
| PDEFontCreateToUnicodeNow — This function creates the / ToUnicode table. The user can check the return value of PDEFontGetCreateNeedFlags() to see if calling PDEFontCreateToUnicodeNow() is needed. | |
| PDEFontCreateWidthsNow — This function creates width entries for font. User can check the return value of PDEFontGetCreateNeedFlags() to see if calling PDEFontCreateWidthsNow() is needed. | |
| PDEFontCreateWithParams — Creates a new PDEFont from params. | |
| PDEFontCreateWithParamsInCosDoc — Creates a font object like PDEFontCreateWithParams(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the font is created. Creates a new PDEFont from params. | |
| PDEFontEmbedNow — This function embeds a font stream. User can check the return value of PDEFontGetCreateNeedFlags() to see if calling PDEFontEmbedNow() is needed. | |
| PDEFontEmbedNowDontSubset — Embeds the given PDEFont inside doc without creating a subset. Use this method instead of PDEFontSubsetNow() if you created the font with the willSubset flag but changed your mind. | |
| PDEFontGetAttrs — Gets the attributes for a font object. | |
| PDEFontGetCosObj — Gets a Cos object for a PDEFont. | |
| PDEFontGetCreateNeedFlags — This function returns flags indicating what needs to be done to make PDEFont complete. kPDEFontCreateNeedWidths can be cleared by PDEFontCreateWidthsNow(). kPDEFontCreateNeedToUnicode can be cleared by PDEFontCreateToUnicodeNow(). kPDEFontCreateNeedEmbed can be cleared by PDEFontEmbedNow(). | |
| PDEFontGetNumCodeBytes — Gets the number of bytes comprising the next code in a string of single or multi-byte character codes. | |
| PDEFontGetOneByteEncoding — Gets an array of delta encodings for the given one byte PDEFont. | |
| PDEFontGetSysEncoding — Gets the system encoding object associated with a font object. | |
| PDEFontGetSysFont — Gets the system font object associated with a font object. | |
| PDEFontGetWidths — Gets the widths for a font object. | |
| PDEFontGetWidthsNow — Gets a Type0 font's width information for only those characters used in the file. Call this routine when the font was created with the kPDEFontDeferWidths flag but without the kPDEFontCreateEmbedded flag (if the font is to be embedded, call PDEFontSubsetNow(), which also gets the width info). | |
| PDEFontInfoP | |
| PDEFontInfoRec | |
| PDEFontIsEmbedded — Tests whether a font is an embedded font in the document in which it was created. | |
| PDEFontIsMultiByte — Tests whether a font contains any multi-byte characters. | |
| PDEFontSetSysEncoding — Sets the system encoding object associated with a font object. | |
| PDEFontSetSysFont — Sets the system font object to be used with a font object that does not currently have a system font associated with it. | |
| PDEFontSubsetNow — Subsets a given PDEFont in a CosDoc. | |
| PDEFontSumWidths — Gets the sum of the widths of len characters from a string of single or multi-byte characters. | |
| PDEFontTranslateGlyphIdsToUnicode — Translates a string to Unicode values. The PDEFont must have a / ToUnicode table. | |
| PDEForm — A PDEForm is a PDEElement that contains a form XObject. Form XObjects are described in
Section 4.9, Form XObjects, in the PDF Reference.
A PDEContent may be obtained from a PDEForm to edit the form's display list.
| |
| PDEForm — A PDEElement that corresponds to an instance of an XObject Form on a page (or another containing stream such as another XObject Form or annotation form). The context associated with this instance includes the actual CosObj stream that represents the XObject Form and the initial conditions of the graphics state. The latter consists of the transformation matrix, initial color values, and so forth. It is possible to have two PDEForm objects that refer to the same XObject Form. The forms will exist at different places on the same page, depending on the transformation matrix. They may also have different colors or line stroking parameters. In the case of a transparency group, the opacity is specified in the gstate. Within a PDEForm, each PDEElement has its own gstate (or is a container, place, or group object). These gstates are independent of the parent PDEForm gstate. PDEForm elements within the PDEForm may have their own opacity. A PDEContent may be obtained from a PDEForm to edit the form's display list. | |
| PDEFormAcquireXGroup — Acquires the transparency group dictionary of the XObject form. | |
| PDEFormCreateClone — Creates a new form from an existing form object. Creates a copy of the PDEForm, including the underlying CosStream. | |
| PDEFormCreateFromCosObj — Superseded by PDEFormCreateFromCosObjEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEFormCreateFromCosObjEx — Supersedes PDEFormCreateFromCosObj() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEFormGetBBox — Gets the bounding box for a PDEform. The result is the concatenation of the CTM and the Cos level form matrix applied on cos level bounding box. The returned bounding box is guaranteed to encompass the PDEForm, but is not guaranteed to be the smallest box that could contain the form object. Note: For other elements, PDEElementGetBBox() would return the correct bounding box values. | |
| PDEFormGetContent — Gets a PDEContent object for a form. | |
| PDEFormGetContentToCosObjFlags — Retrieves the PDEContentToCosObjFlags for this form. The flags were previously set by
. | |
| PDEFormGetCosObj — Gets a Cos object for a form. | |
| PDEFormGetLeading — Gets the Leading set in parent of PDEForm element. | |
| PDEFormGetMatrix — Superseded by PDEFormGetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEFormGetMatrixEx — Supersedes PDEFormGetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEFormHasXGroup — Determines whether the XObject form has a Transparency XGroup | |
| PDEFormIsLeadingSet — Returns whether text leading is set in parent of PDEForm element or not. | |
| PDEFormSetContent — Sets the underlying CosStream of the form using the specified content object. | |
| PDEFormSetContentToCosObjFlags — Sets the PDEContentToCosObjFlags for this form. | |
| PDEFormSetLeading — Sets the Leading in parent of PDEForm element before form emit. | |
| PDEFormSetXGroup — Sets the transparency group dictionary of the form XObject. | |
| PDEGetTag — Gets an object's value for a given clientID-tag identifier that was added by PDEAddTag. | |
| PDEGlyphDescription | |
| PDEGlyphDescriptionP | |
| PDEGlyphRun | |
| PDEGlyphRunP | |
| PDEGraphicState | |
| PDEGraphicStateEx | |
| PDEGraphicStateExP | |
| PDEGraphicStateP | |
| PDEGraphicStateWasSetFlags — A structure describing the graphics state that was set. | |
| PDEGrayCalFlt | |
| PDEGroup — An in-memory representation of objects in a PDEContent. It has no state and is not represented in
any way in a PDF content stream (a PDEContent object).
| |
| PDEGroup — An in-memory representation of objects in a PDEContent object. It has no state and is not represented in any way in a PDF content stream (that is, PDEContent). When used in a PDEClip, this object is used to associate PDEText objects into a single clipping object. | |
| PDEGroupCreate — Creates a PDEGroup object. | |
| PDEGroupGetContent — Gets the PDEContent for a PDEGroup. | |
| PDEGroupSetContent — Sets the PDEContent for a PDEGroup. The existing PDEContent is released by this method. | |
| PDEICCBasedColorData | |
| PDEImage — A PDEImage is a PDEElement that contains an image XObject or inline image. | |
| PDEImage — A PDEElement that contains an Image XObject or an inline image. You can associate data or a stream with an image. | |
| PDEImageAcquireImageFlate — Acquires the PDEImageFlate resource of the PDEImage content element when the image filter type is "FlateDecode", or 0 if it is not. | |
| PDEImageAcquireImageJPX — Acquires the PDEImageJPX resource of the PDEImage content element when the image filter type is "JPXDecode", or 0 if it is not. | |
| PDEImageAttrFlags — Flags for PDEImageAttrs. See Section 4.8.4 in the PDF Reference for more information on image attributes. | |
| PDEImageAttrs | |
| PDEImageAttrsP | |
| PDEImageColorSpaceFlags — Flags to enable
to return a color space with a particular bpc, depending on the image's bpc. | |
| PDEImageCreate — Superseded by PDEImageCreateEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEImageCreateEx — Supersedes PDEImageCreate() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEImageCreateFromCosObj — Superseded by PDEImageCreateFromCosObjEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEImageCreateFromCosObjEx — Supersedes PDEImageCreateFromCosObj() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEImageCreateInCosDoc — Superseded by PDEImageCreateInCosDocEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEImageCreateInCosDoc64 — Superseded by PDEImageCreateInCosDocEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEImageCreateInCosDocEx — Supersedes PDEImageCreateInCosDoc() and PDEImageCreateInCosDoc64() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEImageDataFlags — Flags for
, and
. | |
| PDEImageDataIsEncoded — Determines if image data is encoded or not. It is used only for inline images; it is not relevant to XObject images. | |
| PDEImageFlate — A reference to a PDEImageFlate. | |
| PDEImageFlateAcquireColorSpace — Acquires the color space of the flate image. PDERelease should be used to release the color space when it is no longer referenced by the caller. | |
| PDEImageFlateAttrs | |
| PDEImageFlateAttrsP | |
| PDEImageFlateGetAttrs — Gets the attributes of a flate image. | |
| PDEImageFlateGetCosObj — Gets a Cos object for an image. | |
| PDEImageFlateGetDataStm — Gets a data stream for a flate compressed image, PDEImageFlate object. | |
| PDEImageGetAttrs — Gets the attributes for an image. | |
| PDEImageGetColorSpace — Gets the color space object for an image. | |
| PDEImageGetColorSpaceEx — Retrieves a PDEImage object's color space, in the desired bits per component, based on the flags parameter. | |
| PDEImageGetCosObj — Gets a Cos object for an image. | |
| PDEImageGetData — Gets an image's data. | |
| PDEImageGetDataLen — Gets the length of data for an image. | |
| PDEImageGetDataLen64 — Gets the length of data for an image. | |
| PDEImageGetDataStm — Gets a data stream for an image. It may only be called for XObject images. | |
| PDEImageGetDecodeArray — Gets the decode array from the attributes of the image. This array specifies the parameters used with the array of filters used to decode the image. This should be called first with a NULL decode to obtain the number of elements that may be returned so that a properly sized array can be allocated for a subsequent call. There are two decode entries per colorant in normal use. | |
| PDEImageGetFilterArray — Gets the filter array for an image. | |
| PDEImageGetMatteArray — Gets the matte array for the image XObject. | |
| PDEImageGetSMask — Gets the soft mask for an image. Use PDERelease() to dispose of the object when it is no longer referenced. | |
| PDEImageGetType — Returns the type of image as "FlateDecode", "JPXDecode", or "Unknown" when the image filter is not one of these types. | |
| PDEImageHasSMask — Checks whether the image has a soft mask. | |
| PDEImageIsCosObj — Determines if an image is an XObject image. | |
| PDEImageJPX — A reference to a PDEImageJPX. | |
| PDEImageJPXAcquireColorSpace — Acquires the PDEColorSpace associated with the JPX encoded image, if one exists. If a PDF color space has not been associated with the JPX encoded image, 0 will be returned. This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use. | |
| PDEImageJPXAcquireJPXColorSpace — Acquires a link list of JPXColorSpace objects defined with the JPX encoded image. if one exists. This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use. | |
| PDEImageJPXAcquirePalette — Acquires the JPXPalette from the JPX image object This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use. | |
| PDEImageJPXAttrs | |
| PDEImageJPXAttrsP | |
| PDEImageJPXGetAttrs — Gets the attributes of a JPX encoded PDEImage. | |
| PDEImageJPXGetCosObj — Gets a Cos object for an image. | |
| PDEImageJPXGetDataStm — Returns a stream containing the image data. Color component values are interlaced. For images with greater then 8 bits per component, the component values occupy the least significant bits of a two byte value. Valid values of flags are 0. | |
| PDEImageJPXGetNumColorSpaces — Returns the number of JPX color spaces reference by the JPX encoded image. | |
| PDEImageJPXHasPalette — Returns true if the JPX encoded image has a JPX palette | |
| PDEImageSetColorSpace — Sets the color space of the image. | |
| PDEImageSetData — Sets data for an image. | |
| PDEImageSetDataStm — Sets a data stream for an image. It can only be used for XObject images. | |
| PDEImageSetDecodeArray — Sets the decode array of an image. | |
| PDEImageSetMatteArray — Sets the matte array for the image XObject. | |
| PDEImageSetSMask — Sets the soft mask. | |
| PDEIndexedColorData | |
| PDELabCalFlt | |
| PDELogDump — Enumerates the PDEObject objects. This is useful when looking for orphaned objects. | |
| PDEmbedSysFontForPDEFont — If there is a font on the system that matches this PDEFont, embed the full font, regardless of whether it was subsetted or not embedded at all in the first place. This will not work for CID fonts, because they must be subsetted. | |
| PDEMergeResourcesDict — Merges two Resources dictionaries in the same CosDoc; you cannot merge two resource dictionaries from different CosDocs. | |
| PDEmitPlateFlags | |
| PDEncodingType — Font encoding methods. | |
| PDEndStyle | |
| pdEnumCanceled | |
| PDEnumDocs — Enumerates the PDDoc objects that are currently open, calling a user-supplied procedure for each open document. | |
| PDEnumSysFonts — Enumerates all of the system fonts with a user-supplied procedure. | |
| PDEObject — PDEObject is the abstract superclass of PDFEdit classes. You can find the type of any object with the
PDEObjectGetType() method. You can then cast and apply that class' methods to the object. In addition,
you can cast any of the PDFEdit objects to a PDEObject and use it anywhere a PDEObject is called for,
such as in the PDEObject methods. PDEAcquire() and PDERelease() increment and decrement the reference
counts of a PDEObject.
| |
| PDEObject — The abstract super class of the PDFEdit classes. You can find the type of any object with the PDEObjectGetType() method. You can then cast and apply that class' methods to the object. In addition, you can cast any of the PDFEdit objects to a PDEObject and use it anywhere a PDEObject is called for, such as in the PDEObject methods. | |
| PDEObjectDump — The object, its children and attributes are dumped. The dump contains information about each individual object. The output for child elements is indented with respect to their parents.
The information for each object is char* - the string describing Object Type. (See PDEObjectGetType()).
The number representing Object Type. (See PEExpT.h: PDEType enum).
The object reference count.
The memory location for the object.
| |
| PDEObjectDumpProc — A callback for PDELogDump() or PDEObjectDump(). It is called once for each PDEObject, its children, and their attributes for the specified number of levels. | |
| PDEObjectGetType — Gets the type of an element. | |
| PDEPage — A reference to a PDEPage. | |
| PDEPath — A PDEPath is a PDEElement that contains a path. It can have fill and stroke attributes. It also has
graphics state attributes. The shape of a PDEPath can be used to represent a clipping path.
| |
| PDEPath — A PDEElement that contains a path. Path objects can be stroked, filled, and/or serve as clipping paths. | |
| PDEPathAddSegment — Adds a segment to a path. The number of ASFixed values used depends upon segType: | |
| PDEPathCreate — Creates an empty path element. | |
| PDEPathElementType — An enumerated data type for path segment operators in PDEPath elements. | |
| PDEPathGetData — Gets the size of the path data and, optionally, the path data. | |
| PDEPathGetDataEx — Gets the size of the path data and, optionally, the path data. This API is an extension to the PDEPathGetData API. | |
| PDEPathGetPaintOp — Gets the fill and stroke attributes of a path. | |
| PDEPathOpFlags — Flags for paint operators in a PDEPath. | |
| PDEPathSetData — Sets new path data for a path element. | |
| PDEPathSetDataEx — Sets new path data for a path element. This API is an extension to the PDEPathSetData API. | |
| PDEPathSetPaintOp — Sets the fill and stroke attributes of a path. | |
| PDEPattern — A PDEPattern is a reference to a pattern resource used on a page. See Section 4.6 in
the PDF Reference for information on patterns.
| |
| PDEPattern — A reference to a Pattern resource used on a page in a PDF file. | |
| PDEPatternColorSpace — A PDEColorSpace that describes a Pattern color space. | |
| PDEPatternCreate — Creates a pattern object that can be used for a Pattern color space. See Section 4.6 in the PDF Reference for more information about patterns. | |
| PDEPatternGetCosObj — Gets a Cos object corresponding to a pattern object. | |
| PDEPlace — A PDEPlace is a PDEElement that marks a place on a page. In a PDF file, a place is represented by
the MP or DP marked content operators.
| |
| PDEPlace — A PDEElement that marks a place on a page in a PDF file. In a PDF file, a place is represented by the MP or DP Marked Content operators. | |
| PDEPlaceCreate — Creates a place object. | |
| PDEPlaceGetDict — Gets the Marked Content dictionary for a PDEPlace. | |
| PDEPlaceGetMCTag — Gets the Marked Content tag for a PDEPlace. | |
| PDEPlaceSetDict — Sets the Marked Content dictionary for a PDEPlace. The dictionary can be emitted inline or referenced from the \Properties key in the \Resources dictionary of the containing stream. | |
| PDEPlaceSetMCTag — Sets the Marked Content tag for a PDEPlace. | |
| PDEPS — A PDEPS is a pass-through PostScript object. | |
| PDEPS — An element representing inline or XObject pass-through PostScript object. XObject PostScripts are listed in page XObject resources. | |
| PDEPSAttrs | |
| PDEPSAttrsP | |
| PDEPSCreate | |
| PDEPSCreateFromCosObj — Creates a PDEPS object from a CosObj object. | |
| PDEPSFlags — Flags for PDEPSAttrs. | |
| PDEPSGetAttrs — The following PDEPS methods have been deprecated and do nothing. | |
| PDEPSGetData | |
| PDEPSGetDataStm | |
| PDEPSSetData — The following PDEPS methods have been deprecated and do nothing. | |
| PDEPSSetDataStm | |
| PDEPurgeCache — Clears the PDE Cache of this PDDoc. This method is only of interest to clients. | |
| PDEReader — An object used to read streams of PDEElement objects from page contents. | |
| PDERelease — Decrements the reference count for the object. If the count becomes zero, the object is destroyed. | |
| PDEReleaseSpan — Releases a PDESpan object that is returned by PDEFontAddGlyphs(). | |
| PDERemoveTag — Removes an object's value for a given clientID-tag identifier that was added by PDEAddTag. | |
| PDERGBCalFlt | |
| pdErr3DUnsupported | |
| pdErrAbortNotes | |
| pdErrAfterSave | |
| pdErrAlreadyOpen | |
| pdErrAPKeyMissing | |
| pdErrATMMemory | |
| pdErrBadAction | |
| pdErrBadAnnotation | |
| pdErrBadAnnotColor | |
| pdErrBadBaseObj | |
| pdErrBadBead | |
| pdErrBadBookmark | |
| pdErrBadCMap | |
| pdErrBadEncoding | |
| pdErrBadEncryptDict | |
| pdErrBadFileSpec | |
| pdErrBadFont | |
| pdErrBadFontBBox | |
| pdErrBadFontDescMetrics | |
| pdErrBadFontFlags | |
| pdErrBadFontWidths | |
| pdErrBadOCObject | |
| pdErrBadOutlineObj | |
| pdErrBadPageObj | |
| pdErrBadPageTree | |
| pdErrBadResMetrics | |
| pdErrBadRootObj | |
| pdErrBadThread | |
| pdErrBookmarksError | |
| pdErrCancelSave | |
| pdErrCannotBeBlankPage | |
| pdErrCannotDeleteAllPages | |
| pdErrCannotMergeWithSubsetFonts | |
| pdErrCannotOpenMoreBkMark | |
| pdErrCannotOpenNotes | |
| pdErrCannotReopenDoc | |
| pdErrCantUseNewVersion | |
| pdErrCMapNotFound | |
| pdErrCopyPageFailed | |
| pdErrDuplicatePermHandler | |
| pdErrEmbeddingFont | |
| pdErrExceedEncryptionLength | |
| pdErrExceedEncryptionVersion | |
| pdErrExceedMaxPermHandlers | |
| pdErrFontEmbeddingCanceled | |
| pdErrFontEmbeddingFailed | |
| pdErrHostEncodingNotSet | |
| pdErrInvalidEmbeddedFont | |
| pdErrInvalidMediaBox | |
| pdErrInvalidPageNumber | |
| pdErrIsFileLocked | |
| pdErrLimitcheck | |
| pdErrMatrixTooBig | |
| pdErrMissingGlyphs | |
| pdErrMissingSubsetFont | |
| pdErrMultipleDocuments | |
| pdErrNeed3D | |
| pdErrNeedCryptHandler | |
| pdErrNeedExtendedLang | |
| pdErrNeedJapanese | |
| pdErrNeedKorean | |
| pdErrNeedPassword | |
| pdErrNeedRebuild | |
| pdErrNeedSimpChinese | |
| pdErrNeedTradChinese | |
| pdErrNoCryptFilterHandler | |
| pdErrNoCryptHandler | |
| pdErrNoError | |
| pdErrNoInlineImage | |
| pdErrNonFIPSCrypt | |
| pdErrNoNotes | |
| pdErrNoPDDocForCosDoc | |
| pdErrNoPermHandler | |
| pdErrNotEnoughMemoryToOpenDoc | |
| pdErrNotEnoughSpaceForTempFile | |
| pdErrNotValidPage | |
| pdErrOldATMVersion | |
| pdErrOldCosFileOBSOLETE | |
| pdErrOldEncryption | |
| pdErrOpNotPermitted | |
| pdErrOptMemory | |
| pdErrPagesLockedNotDeleted | |
| pdErrPrintAsImageSpoolFileFull | |
| pdErrRequireTrustedMode | |
| pdErrStartLessThanEnd | |
| pdErrTextStringTooShort | |
| pdErrThreadProcessing | |
| pdErrThumbError | |
| pdErrTooManyPagesForInsert | |
| pdErrTooManyPagesForOpen | |
| pdErrTrySaveAs | |
| pdErrUnableToCloseDueToRefs | |
| pdErrUnableToExtractFont | |
| pdErrUnableToExtractFontErr | |
| pdErrUnableToFindFont | |
| pdErrUnableToOpenDoc | |
| pdErrUnableToRead | |
| pdErrUnableToRecover | |
| pdErrUnableToRenameTemp | |
| pdErrUnableToWrite | |
| pdErrUnableToXlateText | |
| pdErrUnknownAction | |
| pdErrUnknownCryptFilter | |
| pdErrUnknownFileType | |
| pdErrUnknownProcsets | |
| pdErrWhileRecoverInsertPages | |
| pdErrZeroPageFile | |
| PDEScratchDocCleanup — Removes unused objects from the PDFEdit scratch document, which is used to hold representations of PDFEdit resources associated with a specific document. | |
| PDESeparationColorData | |
| PDEShading — A PDEShading is a PDEElement that represents smooth shading. | |
| PDEShading — A PDEElement that represents smooth shading. | |
| PDEShadingCreateFromCosObj — Superseded by PDEShadingCreateFromCosObjEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEShadingCreateFromCosObjEx — Supersedes PDEShadingCreateFromCosObj() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDEShadingGetCosObj — Gets the CosObj for a PDEShading. | |
| PDESoftMask — A PDESoftMask is a reference to a SoftMask resource used to support transparency. | |
| PDESoftMask — An object for creating and manipulating a soft mask in a PDF file. | |
| PDESoftMaskAcquireForm — Superseded by PDESoftMaskAcquireFormEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDESoftMaskAcquireFormEx — Supersedes PDESoftMaskAcquireForm() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDESoftMaskCreate — Creates a new soft mask object. | |
| PDESoftMaskCreateFlags — Flags for use with PDESoftMaskCreate(). | |
| PDESoftMaskCreateFromCosObj — Creates a new soft mask object from its Cos representation. | |
| PDESoftMaskCreateFromName — Create a new soft mask from a name. | |
| PDESoftMaskGetBackdropColor — Gets the array of color values of the backdrop color. Given a pointer to an array and the length of the array, it copies the color values to that array and returns the number of values copied. If the pointer to the array is NULL, the number of color values is returned. | |
| PDESoftMaskGetCosObj — Gets the associated CosObj of the soft mask. | |
| PDESoftMaskGetName — Gets the soft mask name. | |
| PDESoftMaskGetTransferFunction — Gets the transfer function as a CosObj. | |
| PDESoftMaskSetBackdropColor — Sets the backdrop color values. | |
| PDESoftMaskSetTransferFunction — Sets the transfer function associated with the soft mask. | |
| PDESoftMaskSetXGroup — Sets the PDEForm that defines the soft mask. | |
| PDESpanItem | |
| PDESpanItemP | |
| PDESpanSet | |
| PDESpanSetP | |
| PDEState — A reference to the state of a reader. | |
| PDEText — A PDEText object is a PDEElement that represents text. It is a container for text as show strings
or as individual characters. Each subelement may have different graphics state properties. However,
the same clipping path applies to all sub-elements of a PDEText. Also, the charpath of a PDEText object
can be used to represent a clipping path.
| |
| PDEText — A PDEElement representing text. It is a container for text as show strings or as individual characters. Each sub-element may have different graphics state properties. However, the same clip applies to all sub-elements of a PDEText. Also, the charpath of a PDEText can be used to represent a clip. | |
| PDETextAdd — Superseded by PDETextAddEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextAddEx — Supersedes PDETextAdd() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextAddGlyphs — Superseded by PDETextAddGlyphsEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextAddGlyphsEx — Supersedes PDETextAddGlyphs() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextAddItem — Adds a text item to a text element at a given index position. | |
| PDETextCreate — Creates an empty text object. | |
| PDETextFlags — A bit field used in PDEText methods. | |
| PDETextGetAdvance — Gets the advance width of a character or a text element. Advance width is returned in either character space or user space. The advance width is the amount by which the current point advances when the character is drawn. | |
| PDETextGetAdvanceWidth — Gets the advance width of a character or a text element. Advance width is returned in either character space or user space. The advance width is the amount by which the current point advances when the character is drawn. | |
| PDETextGetBBox — Gets the bounding box of a character or a text run. | |
| PDETextGetFont — Gets the font for a text character or element. | |
| PDETextGetGState — Gets the graphics state of a character or a text run. | |
| PDETextGetGStateEx — Gets the graphics state of a character or a text run. | |
| PDETextGetItem — Obtains a text item from a text element at a given index position. | |
| PDETextGetMatrix — Superseded by PDETextGetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextGetMatrixEx — Supersedes PDETextGetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextGetNumBytes — Gets the number of bytes occupied by the character code or text run. | |
| PDETextGetNumChars — Gets the number of characters in a text object. | |
| PDETextGetNumRuns — Gets the number of text runs (show strings) in a text object. | |
| PDETextGetQuad — Gets the quad bounding the specified text run or character. | |
| PDETextGetRunForChar — Gets the index of the text run that contains the nth character in a text object. | |
| PDETextGetState — Returns the text state of a character or a text element. | |
| PDETextGetStrokeMatrix — Superseded by PDETextGetStrokeMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextGetStrokeMatrixEx — Supersedes PDETextGetStrokeMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextGetText — Gets the text for a text run or character. | |
| PDETextGetTextMatrix — Superseded by PDETextGetTextMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextGetTextMatrixEx — Supersedes PDETextGetTextMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextGetTextState — Gets the text state of a character or a text element. | |
| PDETextIsAtPoint — Tests whether a point is on specified text. It checks if the point is in a bounding box for the PDEText. | |
| PDETextIsAtRect — Tests whether any part of a rectangle is on the specified text. | |
| PDETextItem — A PDETextItem is a PDEElement representing a text object. | |
| PDETextItem — A reference to a PDETextItem. | |
| PDETextItemCopyText — Copies the text from a text item element into a character buffer. | |
| PDETextItemCreate — Superseded by PDETextItemCreateEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextItemCreateEx — Supersedes PDETextItemCreate() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextItemGetFont — Gets the font for a text item. | |
| PDETextItemGetGState — Gets the graphics state for a text item. | |
| PDETextItemGetGStateEx — Gets the graphics state for a text item. | |
| PDETextItemGetTextLen — Gets the text length for a text item. | |
| PDETextItemGetTextMatrix — Superseded by PDETextItemGetTextMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextItemGetTextMatrixEx — Supersedes PDETextItemGetTextMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextItemGetTextState — Gets the text state of a text item. | |
| PDETextItemRemoveChars — Removes contiguous characters from a text item. | |
| PDETextItemReplaceChars — Replaces characters in a text item. | |
| PDETextItemReplaceText — Replaces all of the text in a text item. | |
| PDETextItemSetFont — Sets the font for a text item. | |
| PDETextItemSetGState — Sets the graphics state for a text item. | |
| PDETextItemSetGStateEx — Sets the graphics state for a text item. | |
| PDETextItemSetTextMatrix — Superseded by PDETextItemSetTextMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextItemSetTextMatrixEx — Supersedes PDETextItemSetTextMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextItemSetTextState — Sets the text state for a text item. | |
| PDETextRemove — Removes characters or text runs from a text object. | |
| PDETextRemoveItems — Removes contiguous text items from a text element starting at a given index position. | |
| PDETextRenderMode — Flags indicating text rendering mode set by the Tr operator. | |
| PDETextReplaceChars — Replaces characters in a text object. | |
| PDETextRunGetCharOffset — Gets the character offset of the first character of the specified text run. | |
| PDETextRunGetNumChars — Gets the number of characters in a text run. | |
| PDETextRunSetFont — Sets the font of a text run. | |
| PDETextRunSetGState — Sets the graphics state of a text run. | |
| PDETextRunSetGStateEx — Sets the graphics state of a text run. | |
| PDETextRunSetMatrix — Superseded by PDETextRunSetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextRunSetMatrixEx — Supersedes PDETextRunSetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextRunSetState — Sets the text state of a text run. | |
| PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrix — Superseded by PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrixEx — Supersedes PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextRunSetTextMatrix — Superseded by PDETextRunSetTextMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextRunSetTextMatrixEx — Supersedes PDETextRunSetTextMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDETextRunSetTextState — Sets the text state of a text run. | |
| PDETextSplitRunAt — Splits a text run into two text runs. | |
| PDETextState | |
| PDETextStateP | |
| PDETextStateWasSetFlags — A structure describing the text state that was set. | |
| PDEType — The types of PDEObject, which is the superclass for PDEContent, PDEElement, PDEClip, and so on. | |
| PDEUnknown — A PDEUnknown is a PDEElement representing an unknown element. The PDEUnknownGetOpName() method gets
the operator name of an unknown operator.
| |
| PDEUnknown — A PDEElement representing an unknown element. | |
| PDEUnknownGetOpName — Gets the operator name of an unknown operator. | |
| PDEvenPagesOnly | |
| PDEWhitePointFlt — A structure describing a white point in a calibrated color space. | |
| PDEWriter — An object used to write streams of PDEElement objects to page content. | |
| PDEXGroup — A PDEXGroup is a reference to an XGroup resource used to support transparency. | |
| PDEXGroup — A transparency (XGroup) resource. | |
| PDEXGroupAcquireColorSpace — Acquires the color space of the transparency group. | |
| PDEXGroupCreate — Create a new XGroup of the given type. | |
| PDEXGroupCreateFlags — An enumerated data type used to specify the type of transparency group to create. | |
| PDEXGroupCreateFromCosObj — Creates a new XGroup object from its Cos representation. | |
| PDEXGroupGetCosObj — Gets the CosObj of the transparency group. | |
| PDEXGroupGetIsolated — Gets the isolated boolean value of the transparency group. | |
| PDEXGroupGetKnockout — Gets the knockout boolean value of the transparency group. | |
| PDEXGroupSetColorSpace — Sets the PDEXObject that defines the color space into which colors are converted when painted into this group. | |
| PDEXGroupSetIsolated — Sets the XGroup to be isolated or not. It corresponds to the / I key within the XGroup's dictionary. | |
| PDEXGroupSetKnockout — Sets the knockout value. | |
| PDEXObject — A PDEXObject object is a PDEElement representing an arbitrary XObject. See
Section 4.7, External XObjects, in the PDF Reference,
for information on XObjects.
| |
| PDEXObject — A PDEElement representing an arbitrary XObject. | |
| PDEXObjectCreate — Creates a new PDEXObject from a Cos object. | |
| PDEXObjectGetCosObj — Gets a Cos object corresponding to a PDEXObject. | |
| PDEXYZColorFlt | |
| PDFarEastFont — CJK font related option for PostScript printing. | |
| PDFDocEncoding | |
| PDFEditError | |
| PDFEditErrors | |
| PDFEditReadHFT_VERSION_10 | |
| PDFEditReadHFT_VERSION_11 | |
| PDFEditReadHFT_VERSION_12 | |
| PDFEditReadHFT_VERSION_13 | |
| PDFEditReadHFT_VERSION_14 | |
| PDFEditReadHFT_VERSION_15 | |
| PDFEditReadHFT_VERSION_4 | |
| PDFEditReadHFT_VERSION_5 | |
| PDFEditReadHFT_VERSION_6 | |
| PDFEditReadHFT_VERSION_8_1 | |
| PDFEditReadHFT_VERSION_9 | |
| PDFEditReadHFTName | |
| PDFEditWriteHFT_VERSION_10 | |
| PDFEditWriteHFT_VERSION_11 | |
| PDFEditWriteHFT_VERSION_12 | |
| PDFEditWriteHFT_VERSION_13 | |
| PDFEditWriteHFT_VERSION_14 | |
| PDFEditWriteHFT_VERSION_4 | |
| PDFEditWriteHFT_VERSION_5 | |
| PDFEditWriteHFT_VERSION_6 | |
| PDFEditWriteHFT_VERSION_7 | |
| PDFEditWriteHFT_VERSION_7_5 | |
| PDFEditWriteHFT_VERSION_8 | |
| PDFEditWriteHFT_VERSION_9 | |
| PDFEditWriteHFTName | |
| PDFileAttachment —
PDF file attachment object.
| |
| PDFileAttachment — A PDFileAttachment represents an embedded file stored in a PDF file, and may be stored at various locations in a PDF file, including the EmbeddedFiles name tree, FileAttachment annotation types, and Multimedia annotations. | |
| PDFileAttachmentFromCosObj — Converts a file specification dictionary to a PDFileAttachment object. An exception is raised if the parameter is not a file specification dictionary. | |
| PDFileAttachmentGetCosObj — Returns a CosObj representing the file specification dictionary of the file attachment. | |
| PDFileAttachmentGetCreationDate — Gets the creation date of the file attachment. | |
| PDFileAttachmentGetFieldDate — Gets the value of the specified date field in the file attachment. | |
| PDFileAttachmentGetFieldNumber — Gets the value of the specified numeric field in the file attachment. | |
| PDFileAttachmentGetFieldPrefix — Gets the specified prefix field in the file attachment. | |
| PDFileAttachmentGetFieldStyle — Gets the value of the specified text field in the file attachment. | |
| PDFileAttachmentGetFieldStyledText — Gets the value of the specified text field in the file attachment as styled text, in XML Text Layout Format. | |
| PDFileAttachmentGetFieldText — Gets the value of the specified text field in the file attachment. | |
| PDFileAttachmentGetFileName — Gets the file name of the file attachment. | |
| PDFileAttachmentGetFileSize — Returns the size, in bytes, that the file will occupy if exported to disk. | |
| PDFileAttachmentGetModDate — Gets the modification date of the file attachment. | |
| PDFileAttachmentIsValid — Tests a file attachment for validity. | |
| PDFileAttachmentNewFromFile — Creates a new file attachment from the given file. The resulting file specification dictionary is created for the given document, but is not referenced. The client must reference the resulting file specification dictionary by attaching it to another object in the PDF file, such as an annotation or name tree. An exception is raised if the file could not be read or the attachment stream could not be created. | |
| PDFileAttachmentOpenStream — Returns a stream for reading the data from an existing file attachment. An exception is raised if the file attachment does not have a stream (it is not embedded) or the stream could not be opened. The caller is responsible for closing the returned stream. | |
| PDFileAttachmentSaveToFile — Copies the data embedded in the file attachment to the specified file. The file must be open for write or append. The caller is responsible for closing the file after this call returns. If an error is encountered during the write, some data may have been written to the destination file. This call will make no attempt at restoring the file after failure. An exception is raised if the file attachment has no embedded stream or if a file write error occurs. | |
| PDFileAttachmentSetFieldDate — Sets the specified date field in the file attachment. | |
| PDFileAttachmentSetFieldNumber — Sets the specified numeric field in the file attachment. | |
| PDFileAttachmentSetFieldPrefix — Sets the specified prefix field in the file attachment. The prefix allows additional text to be prepended to the visual appearance of a field without affecting its actual value. | |
| PDFileAttachmentSetFieldStyle — Sets the specified text field in the file attachment using styled text. | |
| PDFileAttachmentSetFieldStyledText — Sets the specified text field in the file attachment using styled text. | |
| PDFileAttachmentSetFieldText — Sets the specified text field in the file attachment. | |
| PDFileAttachmentUpdateFromFile — Updates a file attachment from the given file. The attachment uses the filters specified in the attachment to encode the data. An exception is raised if the file could not be read or the attachment stream could not be updated. | |
| PDFileSpec — A PDFileSpec corresponds to the PDF file specification object (see Section 3.10,
File Specifications, in the PDF Reference). It is used to specify a file in an action
(see PDAction). | |
| PDFileSpec — The PDF file specification object. It is used to specify a file in an action (see PDAction). A file specification in a PDF file can take two forms: | |
| PDFileSpecAcquireASPath — Acquires an ASPathName for the specified file specification and relative path. | |
| PDFileSpecAcquireASPathEx — Acquires an ASPathName for the specified file specification and relative path. | |
| PDFileSpecAcquireASPathProc — A callback for PDFileSpecHandler. It aquires the ASPath corresponding to a file specification. | |
| PDFileSpecFromCosObj — Converts an appropriate string or dictionary Cos object to a file specification. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDFileSpecGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object associated with a file specification. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDFileSpecGetDIPath — Gets the device-independent path name from a file specification. | |
| PDFileSpecGetDIPathEx — Gets the device-independent path name from a file specification. | |
| PDFileSpecGetDoc — Gets the PDDoc that contains fileSpec. | |
| PDFileSpecGetFileSys — Gets the file system that services the specified file specification. | |
| PDFileSpecGetFileSysName — Gets the name of the file system that a PDFileSpec belongs to. For a simple fileSpec (string form), the name of the file system is the name of the document's file system if the CosObj that is the fileSpec is contained in a document. For a complex fileSpec (dictionary form) with an FS key, the name of the file system is the atom associated with the FS key. | |
| PDFileSpecHandler | |
| PDFileSpecHandlerRec | |
| PDFileSpecIsValid — Tests whether a file specification is valid. This is intended only to ensure that the file specification has not been deleted, not to ensure that all necessary information is present and valid. | |
| PDFileSpecNewFromASPath — Creates a new file specification from the specified ASPathName, using the PDFileSpecNewFromASPathProc() of the specified file system's file specification handler. | |
| PDFileSpecNewFromASPathEx — Creates a new file specification from the specified ASPathName, using the PDFileSpecNewFromASPathProc() of the specified file system's file specification handler. | |
| PDFileSpecNewFromASPathProc — A callback for PDFileSpecHandler. It creates a file specification from an ASPath. | |
| PDFind | |
| PDFindAllOnPage | |
| PDFindCaseSens | |
| PDFindFlags — Passed to PDFindText(). | |
| PDFindIgnoreDiacritics | |
| PDFindIgnoreFH | |
| PDFindReset | |
| PDFindReverse | |
| PDFindSysFont — Finds a system font that matches the requested attributes. | |
| PDFindSysFontEx — Finds a system font that matches the requested attributes. | |
| PDFindSysFontForPDEFont — Find a system font that matches the requested PDEFont. | |
| PDFindTranslateStringProc —
PDFindTranslateStringProc() is passed to PDFindText(). | |
| PDFindWholeWords | |
| PDFlatten | |
| PDFlattenRec — Controls tile flattening. It is primarily of interest to resource limited (embedded) systems developers. | |
| PDFlattenTilingMode — Support for tiled flattening | |
| PDFLClientRNGProc — A callback for PDFLibraryRegisterRNG(). It is called once to provide random data for encryption. Normally an operating system supplied source of highly random numbers is used (/dev/urandom on Mac OS and Unix, CryptGenRandom() on Windows). For some supported Unix environments, the /dev/urandom device does not exist. While it is preferable to install this device, the PDFLibraryRegisterRNG() function is provided for the client to register an alternate source for strong random data. | |
| PDFLData | |
| PDFLData | |
| PDFLData | |
| PDFLDataRec | |
| PDFLDataRec | |
| PDFLDataRec | |
| PDFLFarEastFont | |
| PDFLGetCoreHFT — Gets the Core HFT. | |
| PDFLGetCoreHFTType | |
| PDFLGetFlags — Gets the flags set when the PDF Library was initialized. Currently kPDFLInitIgnoreDefaultDirectories , kPDFLInitIgnoreSystemFonts and kDontLoadPlugIns flags are supported. | |
| PDFLGetInitCount — Gets the number of times the PDF Library has been initialized. | |
| PDFLGetVersion — Gets the value of the Adobe PDF Library version (kPDFLVersion). The most significant 16 bits are the major version number; the least significant 16 bits are the minor version number. The major version number indicates whether any incompatible API changes have been made. The minor version number indicates that the API has changed, but in a compatible fashion. | |
| PDFLHFTName | |
| PDFLibraryRegisterNotification — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs. This is exactly the same as the AVAppRegisterNotification method. All of the PD level notifications are available with the Adobe PDF Library. | |
| PDFLibraryRegisterNotificationEx — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs. | |
| PDFLibraryRegisterRNG — Registers a user-supplied random number generator. By default, the PDF Library obtains high-quality random values from the operating system (CryptGenRandom() on Windows, and /dev/random on Mac OS and many UNIX operating systems). This method allows an alternate handler to be used. The random numbers returned should be of high quality, and it is the responsibility of the developer to ensure this. A NULL parameter will reset to default behavior. | |
| PDFLibraryUnregisterNotification — Unregisters a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs. This is exactly the same as the AVAppUnregisterNotification() method. | |
| PDFLInit — Initializes the Adobe PDF Library. This method must be called before any other Library calls can be made, printing or otherwise. | |
| PDFLInitCommon | |
| PDFLInitFlags — Flags for PDFLInit | |
| PDFLInitHFT | |
| PDFLInitHFT | |
| PDFLInitThreadLocalData | |
| PDFLInitThreadLocalDataType | |
| PDFLInitType | |
| PDFLMemStats | |
| PDFLPrefDrawSmoothFlags — Bit flags that set the default smooth text and smooth images global flags for subsequent rendering methods. These flags are passed to the PDPrefSetAntialiasLevel, and are similar to PDPageDrawSmoothFlags. | |
| PDFLPrintCancelProc — This is called once per page of a document being printed. | |
| PDFLPrintDoc — Prints a PDF document or pages from a PDF document allowing the caller to specify options such as page size, rotation, and shrink-to-fit. | |
| PDFLPrintDocEx — Prints a PDF document or pages from a PDF document allowing the caller to specify options such as page size, rotation, and shrink-to-fit. | |
| PDFLPrintPDF — Deprecated: use PDFLPrintDoc() instead. | |
| PDFLPrintUserCallbacks | |
| PDFLPrintUserCallbacksRec | |
| PDFLPrintUserParams — Declare the the type PDFLPrintUserParams, which is a pointer to a structure and is passed into PDFLPrintDoc. This structure is defined in
, but it is complex and platform-specific. This declaration avoids the need to include the platform specific details into files that just need a decaration of this pointer. | |
| PDFLPrintUserParamsEx | |
| PDFLPrintUserParamsRec | |
| PDFLPrintUserParamsRec | |
| PDFLPrintUserParamsRec | |
| PDFLPrintUserParamsRecEx | |
| PDFLProcSetIDs — ProcSet identifiers used to specify which procsets must be downloaded. | |
| PDFLSingleByteFont — Font array. | |
| PDFLTerm — Terminates the Adobe PDF Library. Call this method after you are completely done using the library. Call this once to terminate and release memory used by the library. After the library has been shut down, the process should terminate. | |
| PDFLTermCommon | |
| PDFLTermHFT | |
| PDFLTermHFT | |
| PDFLTermType | |
| PDFObjID | |
| PDFObjType — A type corresponding to the enum defined in
. This type is used to refer to specific object types in PDF. It is specifically used by Agents to make object requests of the framework, and is used by the framework to report the types of objects found. | |
| PDFObjTypeGetSuperclass | |
| PDFolder — An opaque object representing a collection folder dictionary. Folders are used to provide grouping for files in a portable collection. | |
| PDFolderGetCreationDate — Gets the creation date of the folder. | |
| PDFolderGetDescription — Gets the description of the folder. | |
| PDFolderGetDescriptionStyled — Gets the description of the folder as styled text, in XML Text Layout Format. | |
| PDFolderGetFieldDate — Gets the value of the specified date field in the folder. | |
| PDFolderGetFieldNumber — Gets the value of the specified numeric field in the folder. | |
| PDFolderGetFieldStyle — Gets the style dictionary for the specified field in the folder | |
| PDFolderGetFieldStyledText — Gets the value of the specified text field in the folder as styled text, in XML Text Layout Format. | |
| PDFolderGetFieldText — Gets the value of the specified text field in the folder. | |
| PDFolderGetFirstChild — Gets the first child of a folder. | |
| PDFolderGetID — Gets the ID number of a folder. | |
| PDFolderGetModDate — Gets the modification date of the folder. | |
| PDFolderGetName — Gets the name of a folder. | |
| PDFolderGetNextSibling — Gets the next sibling of a folder. | |
| PDFolderGetParent — Gets the parent of the specified folder. | |
| PDFolderGetPathText — Gets the path of the folder. | |
| PDFolderIsValid — Determines if a PDFolder is valid. | |
| PDFolderSetCreationDate — Sets the creation date of the folder. | |
| PDFolderSetDescription — Sets the description of the folder. Removes a styled version if present. | |
| PDFolderSetDescriptionStyled — Sets the description of the folder using styled text. Keeps the non-styled description in sync. with the styled version. | |
| PDFolderSetFieldDate — Sets the specified date field in the folder. | |
| PDFolderSetFieldNumber — Sets the specified numeric field in the folder. | |
| PDFolderSetFieldStyle — Sets the style dictionary for the specified field in the folder. | |
| PDFolderSetFieldStyledText — Sets the specified text field in the folder | |
| PDFolderSetFieldText — Sets the specified text field in the folder. | |
| PDFolderSetModDate — Sets the modification date of the folder. | |
| PDFolderSetName — Sets the name of a folder. | |
| PDFolderSetParent — Sets the parent of the specified folder. | |
| PDFont — A PDFont is a font that is used to draw text on a page. It corresponds to a font resource in a
PDF file (see Chapter 5, Text, in the PDF Reference).
| |
| PDFont — A font that is used to draw text on a page. It corresponds to a Font Resource in a PDF file. Applications can get a list of PDFont objects used on a PDPage or a range of PDPage objects. More than one PDPage may reference the same PDFont object. A PDFont has a number of attributes whose values can be read or set, including an array of widths, the character encoding, and the font's resource name. | |
| PDFontAcquireEncodingArray — Acquires a font's encoding array (the mapping of character codes to glyphs). When you are done with this array, call PDFontEncodingArrayRelease() to release it. | |
| PDFontAcquireXlateTable — Increments the specified font's XlateTable reference count and also returns the XlateTable, which is a 256-entry table that maps characters from their encoding in the PDF file to host encoding. If a character cannot be mapped to host encoding, then the table entry will (for that character) contain -1. When you are done using the XlateTable, call PDFontXlateTableRelease() to release it. | |
| PDFontAngle — An italic angle value in degrees, for use in PDFontMetrics. | |
| PDFontDownloadContext — A resource tree for a PDPage or other PDModel object. Maintains information about the current print job and what fonts have been downloaded. | |
| PDFontDownloadContextCreate — Creates a font download context object. This object keeps track of the fonts downloaded during a print job and whether substitution fonts have already been downloaded. It also tracks the font download parameters, such as binaryOK and 'emit TrueType as Type 42'. It is meant for use in the PDFontStreamPS() method. | |
| PDFontDownloadContextDestroy — Destroys a font download context object. Call this method after PDDocPrintPages() returns. | |
| PDFontEncoding — An enumerated data type that specifies a font's encoding. | |
| PDFontEncodingArrayRelease — Releases a font's encoding array (the mapping of character codes to glyphs). Call this method after you are done using an encoding array acquired using PDFontAcquireEncodingArray(). | |
| PDFontEnumCharProcs — Enumerates a Type 3 font's character drawing procedures. The elements of a single character procedure can be enumerated using PDCharProcEnum(). | |
| PDFontEnumProc — A callback used by PDDocEnumFonts() and PDDocEnumLoadedFonts(). It is called once for each font. | |
| PDFontFlags | |
| PDFontFromCosObj — Converts a dictionary Cos object to a font. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDFontGetASTextName — Fills in an ASText object with the font name, to be used in displaying lists or menus. | |
| PDFontGetBBox — Gets a Type 3 font's bounding box, which is the smallest rectangle that would enclose every character in the font if they were overlaid and painted. | |
| PDFontGetCharSet — Gets the font's character set. This is derived from the 'Uses Adobe standard encoding' bit in the font descriptor (if the font has a font descriptor) or from the font's name (if the font is one of the base 14 fonts and does not have a font descriptor). | |
| PDFontGetCIDSystemInfo — Gets an ASAtom representing Registry and Ordering for a CIDFont. This information resides in the CIDSystemInfo entry of the CIDFont dictionary, which describes a CIDFont. | |
| PDFontGetCIDSystemSupplement — Gets the SystemSupplement number of a CIDFont. This field resides in the CIDSystemInfo entry of the CIDFont dictionary, which describes a CIDFont. | |
| PDFontGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object for a font. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDFontGetDescendant | |
| PDFontGetDescendant — Gets a Type 0 font's descendant, which may be a CIDType0 or CIDType2 font. | |
| PDFontGetEncodingIndex — Gets a font's encoding index. | |
| PDFontGetEncodingName — Gets a string representing a font's encoding. | |
| PDFontGetFontMatrix — Gets a font's matrix, which specifies the transformation from character space to text space. See Section 5.5.4 in the PDF Reference. This is only valid for Type 3 fonts. | |
| PDFontGetMetrics — Gets a font's metrics, which provide the information needed to create a substitute Multiple Master font when the original font is unavailable. See Section 5.7 in the PDF Reference for a discussion of font descriptors. | |
| PDFontGetName — Gets the name of a font. The behavior depends on the font type; for a Type 3 font it gets the value of the Name key in a PDF Font resource. See Section 5.5.4 in the PDF Reference. For other types it gets the value of the BaseFont key in a PDF font resource. | |
| PDFontGetSubtype — Gets a font's subtype. | |
| PDFontGetWidths — Gets the advance width of every glyph in a font. The advance width is the amount by which the current point advances when the glyph is drawn. The advance width may not correspond to the visible width of the glyph (for example, a glyph representing an accent mark might have an advance width of zero so that characters can be drawn under it). For this reason, the advance width cannot be used to determine the glyphs' bounding boxes. | |
| PDFontIsEmbedded — Tests whether the specified font is embedded in the PDF file, meaning that the font is stored as a font file, which is a stream embedded in the PDF file. Only Type 1 and TrueType fonts can be embedded. | |
| PDFontMetric — An unsigned measurement of a font characteristic (for example, width). | |
| PDFontMetrics | |
| PDFontMetricsP | |
| PDFontOffset — A font offset value, for use in PDFontMetrics. | |
| PDFontPSEmitGlyphsIncr — Emit glyphs incrementally. This is the default EmitGlyphsIncr callback procedure for the PDPrintClient structure. | |
| PDFontPSFlushIncrGlyphList — Flush the incremental glyphs list from a stream. This is the default FlushIncrGlyphList callback procedure for the PDPrintClient structure. | |
| PDFontPSGetComponentFontList — Get the component font list. This is the default GetComponentFontList callback procedure for the PDPrintClient structure. | |
| PDFontSetMetrics — Sets a font's metrics, which provide the information needed to create a substitute Multiple Master font when the original font is unavailable. See Section 5.7 in the PDF Reference for a discussion of font descriptors. This method can only be used on Type 1, Multiple Master Type 1, and TrueType fonts; it cannot be used on Type 3 fonts. | |
| PDFontStreamPS — Emits a font into a specified stream. The font is in a format suitable for downloading to a PostScript VM. For example, a TrueType font is converted into a Type 1 or Type 42 font. | |
| PDFontStyle — Specifies a synthetic font style. | |
| PDFontStyles | |
| PDFontWasExtracted — Tests whether the specified font is embedded in the PDF file and has already been extracted to display or print the file. | |
| PDFontWasFauxed — Tests whether the specified font is embedded in the PDF file or is installed in the user's system. If this is the case, the correct font can be used for display and printing. | |
| PDFontXlateString — Translates a string from the PDFont's encoding into host encoding. If any characters cannot be represented in host encoding, they are replaced with space characters. If no XlateTable exists in the font, the function returns false and outP is not written. | |
| PDFontXlateTableRelease — Decrements the specified font's XlateTable reference count. The XlateTable is a 256-entry table that maps characters from their encoding in the PDF file to host encoding. If a character cannot be mapped to host encoding, then the table entry will (for that character) contain -1. | |
| PDFontXlateToHost — Translates a string from the PDFont's encoding to host encoding. This is useful for converting the text from a PDWord into host encoding. In the same way that PDXlateToHostEx() converts text from bookmark titles to host encoding, PDFontXlateToHost() converts text from a page contents stream to host encoding. Use PDFontXlateToUCS() to translate from the PDFont's encoding to Unicode. | |
| PDFontXlateToUCS — Translates a string from whatever encoding the PDFont uses to Unicode encoding. This is useful for converting the text from a PDWord into Unicode. Use PDFontXlateToHost() to translate from the PDFont's encoding to host encoding. | |
| PDFontXlateWidths — Translates an array of 256 glyph advance widths (obtained from PDFontGetWidths()) from their order in the PDF file into host encoding order. If the widths are already in host encoding order, the widths are merely copied. All un-encoded code points are given a width of zero. | |
| PDForm — A PDForm is a self-contained set of graphics operators that is used when a particular graphic is
drawn more than once in a document. It corresponds to a form resource (see Section 4.9,
Form XObjects, in the PDF Reference). PDForm objects inherit from the PDXObject class;
you can use any PDXObject methods on a PDForm. | |
| PDFormEnumPaintProc — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Enumerates a form's drawing operations. | |
| PDFormEnumPaintProcWithParams — Enumerates a form's drawing operations for those contents that are visible in a given optional-content context. The parameters include both the monitor and data you would pass to PDFormEnumPaintProc(), and an optional-content context that determines which contents are visible. | |
| PDFormEnumResources — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Enumerates the resources used by a form. | |
| PDFormGetBBox — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Gets a form's bounding box. | |
| PDFormGetFormType — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Gets the value of a form's FormType attribute. | |
| PDFormGetMatrix — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Gets the specified form's transformation matrix. | |
| PDFormGetXUIDCosObj — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Gets the array Cos object corresponding to a form's XUID. An XUID is an array of numbers that uniquely identify the form in order to allow it to be cached. | |
| pdfProcSet | |
| PDFullScreen | |
| pdfxErrCannotFindEWH | |
| pdfxErrCannotLaunchAcrobat | |
| pdfxErrDuringCallback | |
| pdfxErrNoError | |
| PDFXError | |
| PDFXErrors | |
| pdfxErrWrongCallbacks | |
| PDGetAnnotHandlerByName — Gets the annotation handler that handles the specified annotation type. | |
| PDGetDataProc — A callback for PDXObjectGetData(). It is passed the XObject's data. Currently, the XObject's data is read 1 kB at a time and passed to this callback. | |
| PDGetHostEncoding — Indicates what kind of host encoding a system uses. It allows you to determine whether a system is Roman or non-Roman. (Non-Roman is also known as CJK-capable, which means that it is capable of handling multi-byte character sets such as Chinese, Japanese, or Korean). | |
| PDGetPDFDocEncoding — Gets an array describing the differences between the platform's host encoding and PDFDocEncoding. | |
| PDGraphic — PDGraphic is the abstract superclass for all graphic objects that comprise page, charproc, and
PDForm descriptions (see Chapter 4, Graphics, in the PDF Reference). There are no objects
of type PDGraphic, but its methods can be used by any graphic object. There are three types of
graphic objects: PDPath, PDText, and PDInlineImage. In addition to these three objects,
there are also operators in the content stream. These operators are: Save, Restore,
references to XObjects (forms and image resources), and for Type 3 font descriptions only,
charwidth and cachedevice. You can access these objects and operators via PDPageEnumContents(),
PDFormEnumPaintProc(), or PDCharProcEnum().
| |
| PDGraphic — All graphic objects that comprise page, charproc, and PDForm descriptions. | |
| PDGraphicEnumCacheDeviceProc — A callback for PDGraphicEnumMonitor. It is called for every d1 (setcachedevice) operator. | |
| PDGraphicEnumCharWidthProc — A callback for PDGraphicEnumMonitor. It is called for every d0 (setcharwidth) operator. | |
| PDGraphicEnumImageProc — A callback for PDGraphicEnumMonitor. It is called for every image operator. | |
| PDGraphicEnumMonitor | |
| PDGraphicEnumMonitorRec | |
| PDGraphicEnumParams | |
| PDGraphicEnumParamsRec | |
| PDGraphicEnumPathProc — A callback for PDGraphicEnumMonitor. It is called for every path operator. | |
| PDGraphicEnumRestoreProc — A callback for PDGraphicEnumMonitor. It is called for every Q (restore) operator. | |
| PDGraphicEnumSaveProc — A callback for PDGraphicEnumMonitor. It is called for every Q (save) operator. | |
| PDGraphicEnumTextProc — A callback for PDGraphicEnumMonitor. It is called for every text operator. | |
| PDGraphicEnumXObjectRefMatrixProc — A callback for PDGraphicEnumMonitor. It gets the current matrix for the subsequent XObject. It is called immediately before PDGraphicEnumXObjectRefProc(). | |
| PDGraphicEnumXObjectRefProc — A callback for PDGraphicEnumMonitor. It is called for every XObject (Do) operator. | |
| PDGraphicGetBBox — Gets a bounding box for the specified graphic object. | |
| PDGraphicGetCurrentMatrix — Gets the current transformation matrix in effect for a graphic object; the matrix is relative to user space. | |
| PDGraphicGetState — Gets the graphics state associated with a graphic object. See Section 4.3 in the PDF Reference for a discussion of the graphics state parameters. | |
| PDGraphicState | |
| PDGraphicStateP | |
| PDHorizAlign | |
| PDHostMBLen — Gets the number of additional bytes required for the multi-byte character pointed to by cp. If cp points to a single-byte character, 0 is returned. This method makes it possible to determine the length of multi-byte character strings to allocate space for them. | |
| PDHostSepsPlate | |
| PDHostSepsPlateRec | |
| PDHostSepsSpec | |
| PDHostSepsSpecRec | |
| PDiFontMetric — A font metric value (which is never negative), for use in PDFontMetrics. | |
| PDImage — A PDImage is a sampled image or image mask, and corresponds to a PDF Image resource
(see Stencil Masking in Section 4.8, Images, in the PDF Reference).
You can use any PDXObject method on a PDImage. | |
| PDImageAttrs | |
| PDImageAttrsP | |
| PDImageColorSpaceGetIndexLookup — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Gets the lookup table for an indexed color space. The table will contain the number of entries specified by the index size, and there will be 1 byte for each color component for each entry. The number of color components depends on the color space: | |
| PDImageGetAttrs — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility. Use PDEImageGetAttrs and/or Cos-level calls instead.) Gets the attributes of an image (for example, Type, Subtype, Name, Width, Height, BitsPerComponent, ColorSpace, Decode, Interpolate, or ImageMask). | |
| PDImageScalar — A signed measurement of an image offset, for use in PDImageAttrs. | |
| PDImageSelAdjustMatrix — This method is obsolete and never called in Acrobat 8. | |
| PDImageSelectAlternate — This method is obsolete and never called in Acrobat 8. | |
| PDImageSelGetDeviceAttr — This method is obsolete and never called in Acrobat 8. | |
| PDImageSelGetGeoAttr — This method is obsolete and never called in Acrobat 8. | |
| PDImplicitMetadataProc — Calculates implicit metadata. Clients that maintain metadata items that have to be recalculated should register for the PDDocCalculateMetadata() notification with this callback. The callback should obtain the metadata with which it is concerned, change it, and put the changed metadata back in the object from which it was obtained. | |
| PDInclusion — Specifies how to include a resource in a file. | |
| pdInfoCanCopy — The document text and graphics can be copied to the clipboard. | |
| pdInfoCanEdit — The document can be modified (for example, by adding notes, links, or bookmarks). | |
| pdInfoCanEditNotes — The document's notes, but nothing else, can be modified. | |
| pdInfoCanPrint — The document can be printed. | |
| pdInfoHasOwnerPW — The document has an owner password. | |
| pdInfoHasUserPW — The document has a user password. | |
| PDInkTypes — Ink types. | |
| PDInlineImage — A PDInlineImage is an image whose data is stored in the page description's contents stream
instead of being stored as an image resource (see PDImage). PDInlineImage is a subclass of
PDGraphic and corresponds to the PDF inline image operator (see Section 4.8.6,
In-Line Images, in the PDF Reference).
| |
| PDInlineImage | |
| PDInlineImageColorSpaceGetIndexLookup — Gets the lookup table for an indexed color space. The table will contain the number of entries specified by the index size, and there will be 1 byte for each color component for each entry. The number of color components depends on the color space: | |
| PDInlineImageGetAttrs — Gets an inline image's attributes. | |
| PDInlineImageGetData — Gets the image data for an inline image. | |
| PDInsertAll | |
| PDInsertBookmarks | |
| PDInsertFlags — Used by PDDocInsertPages(). | |
| PDInsertNamedDestinations | |
| PDInsertThreads | |
| PDItalic | |
| PDJoinStyle | |
| PDLastCharSet | |
| PDLastKnownEncoding | |
| PDLastOneByteEncoding | |
| PDLastPage | |
| PDLaunchActionProc — (Optional) A callback for PDFileSpecHandler. It launches a specified file. It is called when the Acrobat viewer encounters a Launch (GoTo File) action. If this callback is NULL, no launch action is performed. | |
| PDLayoutDontCare | |
| PDLayoutMode — A structure that defines the layout of a document. The layout can be set as the viewer's avpPageViewLayoutMode preference (set by AVAppSetPreference()) or in a view of a document by the pageViewLayoutMode field in AVDocViewDef (set by AVDocGetViewDef()). | |
| PDLayoutOneColumn | |
| PDLayoutSinglePage | |
| PDLayoutTwoColumnLeft | |
| PDLayoutTwoColumnRight | |
| PDLayoutTwoPageLeft | |
| PDLayoutTwoPageRight | |
| PDLinkAnnot — A PDLinkAnnot corresponds to a link annotation (see Sections 8.4.5, Annotation Types,
in the PDF Reference). You can use any PDAnnot method on a PDLinkAnnot.
| |
| PDLinkAnnot — A link annotation on a page in a PDF file. You can use any PDAnnot method on a PDLinkAnnot. | |
| PDLinkAnnotBorder | |
| PDLinkAnnotGetAction — Gets a link annotation's action. After you obtain the action, you can execute it with AVDocPerformAction(). | |
| PDLinkAnnotGetBorder — Gets the border of a link annotation. | |
| PDLinkAnnotRemoveAction — Removes a link annotation's action. | |
| PDLinkAnnotSetAction — Sets a link annotation's action. | |
| PDLinkAnnotSetBorder — Sets a link annotation's border. | |
| PDMacExpertEncoding | |
| PDMacRomanEncoding | |
| PDMarksStyle | |
| pdMetadataErrBadPDF | |
| pdMetadataErrBadXAP | |
| pdMetadataErrCouldntCreateMetaXAP | |
| pdMetadataErrInternalError | |
| PDMetadataError | |
| PDMetadataErrors | |
| PDMetadataHFT_VERSION_5 | |
| PDMetadataHFT_VERSION_6 | |
| PDMetadataHFT_VERSION_7 | |
| PDMetadataHFT_VERSION_8 | |
| PDMetadataHFTName | |
| PDModelError | |
| PDModelErrors | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_10 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_11 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_12 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_13 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_2 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_2_1 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_2_2 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_2_3 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_4 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_4_5 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_5 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_6 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_7 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_7_5 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_8 | |
| PDModelHFT_VERSION_9 | |
| pdModErrBadNavigator | |
| pdModErrDuplicateCryptName | |
| pdModErrDuplicatePermName | |
| pdModErrEncTablesFailed | |
| pdModErrNavInvalidLocalesXML | |
| pdModErrNavInvalidMimeType | |
| pdModErrNavInvalidNavigatorXML | |
| pdModErrNavInvalidStringsXML | |
| pdModErrNavMissingLocalesXML | |
| pdModErrNavMissingNavigatorXML | |
| pdModErrNavMissingStringsXML | |
| pdModErrNavMissingSwf | |
| pdModErrNavUnknownExtension | |
| pdModErrNewNavigator | |
| pdModErrNoError | |
| PDNameTree — A PDNameTree is used to map Cos strings to Cos objects, just as a Cos dictionary is used to map
Cos names to Cos objects. However, a name tree can have many more entries than a Cos dictionary.
You can create a PDNameTree and locate it where appropriate (perhaps under a page, but most
often right under the catalog). A PDNameTree is used to store the named destination information.
| |
| PDNameTree — The dictionary used to store all of the Named Destinations in a PDF file. A name tree is used to map Cos strings to Cos objects just as a Cos dictionary is used to map Cos names to Cos objects. However, a name tree can have many more entries than a Cos dictionary can. You create a PDNameTree and locate it where you think is appropriate (perhaps under a page, but most often right under the catalog). Name trees use Cos-style strings (not NULL-terminated C strings), which may use Unicode encoding, and these may contain bytes with zeroes in them (high bytes of ASCII characters). | |
| PDNameTreeEnum — Enumerates the entries in the tree. | |
| PDNameTreeEqual — Compares two name trees to determine if they are the same object. | |
| PDNameTreeFromCosObj — Creates a type cast of the CosObj to a name tree. This does not copy the object. | |
| PDNameTreeGet — Retrieves an object from the name tree. | |
| PDNameTreeGetCosObj — Creates a type cast of the name tree to a CosObj. This does not copy the object. | |
| PDNameTreeIsValid — Validates whether a PDNameTree is a CosDict Cos object. | |
| PDNameTreeLookup — Given a name tree (such as the Dests tree in the Names dictionary) and a string, find the CosObj in the tree that matches the string. | |
| PDNameTreeNameAdded — An entry was added to a name tree. | |
| PDNameTreeNameRemoved — An entry was removed from a name tree. | |
| PDNameTreeNameWillRemove — An entry will be removed from the PDNameTree. | |
| PDNameTreeNew — Creates a new name tree in the document. | |
| PDNameTreeNotifyNameAdded — Sends a PDNameTreeNameAdded() notification. | |
| PDNameTreeNotifyNameRemoved — Sends a PDNameTreeNameRemoved() notification. | |
| PDNameTreePut — Puts a new entry in the name tree. If an entry with this name is already in the tree, it is replaced. | |
| PDNameTreeRemove — Removes the specified object from the tree. It does nothing if no object with that name exists. | |
| PDNavigator — Opaque object representing a collection navigator dictionary. | |
| PDNumTree — A PDNumTree is used to map integers to arbitrary Cos objects just as a Cos dictionary is used to
map Cos names to Cos objects. However, a number tree can have many more entries than a Cos
| |
| PDNumTree — An object that points to the root node of a number tree inside a PDF file. A number tree is used to map integers to arbitrary Cos objects just as a Cos dictionary is used to map Cos names to Cos objects. However, a number tree can have many more entries than a Cos dictionary can. | |
| PDNumTreeEnum — Enumerates the entries in the tree. | |
| PDNumTreeEqual — Compares two number trees to determine if they are the same object. | |
| PDNumTreeFromCosObj — Creates a type cast of the CosObj to a number tree. | |
| PDNumTreeGet — Retrieves an object from the number tree. | |
| PDNumTreeGetCosObj — Creates a type cast of the number tree to a CosObj. | |
| PDNumTreeIsValid — Validates whether a PDNumTree is a CosDict Cos object. | |
| PDNumTreeNew — Creates a new number tree in the document. | |
| PDNumTreeNumAdded — An entry was added to a name tree. | |
| PDNumTreeNumRemoved — An entry was removed from a name tree. | |
| PDNumTreePut — Puts a new entry in the number tree. If an entry with this number is already in the tree, it is replaced. | |
| PDNumTreeRemove — Removes the specified object from the tree. It does nothing if no object with that number exists. | |
| PDOCConfig — The PDOCConfig object represents an optional-content configuration structure, used to maintain
a set of visibility states and other optional-content information in a PDF file for future use.
A document has a default configuration, saved in the D entry in the OCProperties dictionary, and
can have a list of other configurations, saved as an array in the Configs entry in the
OCProperties dictionary.
| |
| PDOCConfig — A PDOCConfig represents a set of states and other information that is saved in a PDF file for future use. There is a document default configuration, saved in the /D entry in the OCProperties dictionary, and a list of other client configurations, saved as an array of configurations in the /Configs entry in the OCProperties dictionary. PDOCConfig objects are typically used to initialize the OCG states for a client's PDOCContext. | |
| PDOCConfigBaseState — PDOCBaseState enumerates the three legal values for the BaseState key in an optional content configuration dictionary (PDOCConfig). When initializing a PDOCContext using KOCCInit_FromConfig(), this enumeration represents the starting state of the Optional Content Groups (OCGs) before the contents of the config's ON and OFF OCG lists are processed. If the BaseState is Unchanged, and the PDOCConfig is just being constructed, the current states of the OCGs from the PDDoc's own PDOCConfig are used. | |
| PDOCConfigCreate — Creates a new optional-content configuration object. | |
| PDOCConfigDestroy — Removes an optional-content configuration object and destroys the Cos objects associated with it. If you pass this method the document's default configuration object (as returned by PDDocGetOCConfig()), nothing happens. | |
| PDOCConfigEnumProc — A callback used for enumerating optional-content configurations. Enumeration stops when all configurations have been enumerated, or when the callback returns false. | |
| PDOCConfigGetAllRadioButtonGroups — Returns an array of pointers to sets of optional-content groups in the configuration that are configured to be mutually exclusive. A set behaves like a radio button group, where only one member can be ON at one time. | |
| PDOCConfigGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object associated with the optional-content configuration. | |
| PDOCConfigGetCreator — Gets the creator property for an optional-content configuration. | |
| PDOCConfigGetInitState — Gets the initial ON-OFF states of optional-content groups in an optional-content configuration. | |
| PDOCConfigGetIntent — Gets the Intent entry for an optional-content configuration. An intent is an ASAtom value broadly describing the intended use, either View or Design. A group's content is considered to be optional (that is, the group's state is considered in its visibility) if any intent in its list matches an intent of the context. The intent list of the context is usually set from the intent list of the document configuration. | |
| PDOCConfigGetLockedArray — Returns a PDOCConfig object's list of locked OCGs. The on/off state of a locked OCG cannot be toggled by the user through the user interface. | |
| PDOCConfigGetName — Gets the name of an optional-content configuration. | |
| PDOCConfigGetOCGOrder — Gets the user interface display order of optional-content groups (OCGs) in an optional-content configuration. This is the order in which the group names are displayed in the Layers panel of Acrobat 6.0 and later. | |
| PDOCConfigGetPDDoc — Gets the document to which the optional-content configuration belongs. | |
| PDOCConfigGetRadioButtonGroupForOCG — Returns an array of optional-content groups in the configuration that contains the specified group, and is configured to behave like a radio button group, where only one member of the set can be ON at one time. | |
| PDOCConfigMakeRadioButtonGroup — Configures a mutually exclusive set of optional-content groups in an optional-content configuration. The set behaves like a radio button group, where only one OCG from the set can be ON at a time. A client must enforce this in the user interface-level code, not the PD-level code. | |
| PDOCConfigSetCreator — Sets the creator property of an optional-content configuration. Stores the specified string as the Creator entry in the configuration's Cos dictionary. | |
| PDOCConfigSetInitState — Sets the initial ON-OFF states of optional-content groups to be saved in an optional-content configuration. | |
| PDOCConfigSetIntent — Sets the Intent entry in an optional-content configuration's Cos dictionary. An intent is an ASAtom value broadly describing the intended use, either View or Design. | |
| PDOCConfigSetLockedArray — Sets a PDOCConfig's list of locked OCGs. The on/off state of a locked OCG cannot be toggled by the user through the user interface. | |
| PDOCConfigSetName — Sets the name of an optional-content configuration. It stores the specified string as the Name entry in the configuration's Cos dictionary. | |
| PDOCConfigSetOCGOrder — Sets the user interface display order of optional-content groups (OCGs) in an optional-content configuration. This is the order in which the group names are displayed in the Layers panel of Acrobat 6.0 and later. | |
| PDOCContext — The PDOCContext object represents an optional-content context in a document, within which
document objects such as words or annotations are visible or hidden. The context keeps track
of the ON-OFF states of all of the optional-content groups (OCGs, represented by the PDOCG object)
in a document. Content is or is not visible with respect to the OCG states stored in a specific
context. The context does not correspond to any explicit PDF specification.
| |
| PDOCContext — A PDOCContext is an object that keeps track the on/off states of all of the OCGs in a document. There can be more than one PDOCContext object, representing different combinations of OCG states. The PDDoc contains an internal PDOCContext that is used for on-screen drawing and as the default state used for any other drawing or content enumeration. Clients can change the states of OCGs within any PDOCContext. Clients can build (and save in the PDF file) PDOCContext objects with their own combination of OCG states, and issue drawing or enumeration commands using their own PDOCContext instead of the document's internal PDOCContext. All discussion of visibility of content is therefore meant to be with respect to the OCG states stored in a specific PDOCContext. | |
| PDOCContextApplyAutoStateChanges — Calls PDOCContextFindAutoStateChanges() to find optional-content groups whose ON-OFF states should be toggled, based on usage application directives contained in the configuration's AS array, and applies the changes within the given context. | |
| PDOCContextChangeType — The optional-content group (OCG) state is changing. | |
| PDOCContextClearAllUserOverrides — Removes usage override marks in all optional-content groups in the given context. | |
| PDOCContextContentIsVisible — Tests whether content is visible in the optional-content context. The method considers the context's current OCMD stack, the group ON-OFF states, the non-OC drawing status, the drawing and enumeration type, and the intent. | |
| PDOCContextDidChange — An optional-content context changed in a way that could affect the visibility state of content. | |
| PDOCContextFindAutoStateChanges — Finds optional-content groups whose ON-OFF states should be toggled in the context, based on usage application directives contained in the configuration's AS array. | |
| PDOCContextFree — Destroys an optional-content context object and frees the associated memory as needed. | |
| PDOCContextGetIntent — Gets the intent list for an optional-content context. An intent is an ASAtom value broadly describing the intended use, either View or Design. | |
| PDOCContextGetNonOCDrawing — Gets the non-OC drawing status for an optional-content context. Content that is not marked as optional content is drawn when NonOCDrawing is true, and not drawn when NonOCDrawing is false. | |
| PDOCContextGetOCDrawEnumType — Gets the drawing and enumeration type for an optional-content context. This type, together with the visibility determined by the OCG and Optional Content Membership Dictionary (OCMD) states, controls whether content that is marked as optional content is drawn or enumerated. | |
| PDOCContextGetOCGStates — Gets the ON-OFF states for the given optional-content groups (OCGs) in the given optional-content context. It returns the states in the states array, which must be large enough to hold as many ASBool values as there are OCGs. | |
| PDOCContextGetPDDoc — Gets the document that contains an optional-content context. | |
| PDOCContextInit — Initializes the ON-OFF states of all optional-content groups (OCGs) within an existing context. | |
| PDOCContextInitPolicy — PDOCContextInitPolicy is used to specify how to initialize the states of Optional Content Groups (OCGs) when calling PDOCContextNew() or PDOCContextInit(). | |
| PDOCContextMakeCopy — Creates a new context object to represent an optional-content state of the document, using an existing context as a template. | |
| PDOCContextMakeCopyWithAutoStateChanges — Creates a new context object that represents an optional-content state of the document, using an existing context as a template, but applying an automatic state change for the specified event. An automatic state change toggles all groups' ON-OFF states when the triggering event occurs. | |
| PDOCContextNew — Creates a context object that represents an optional-content state of the document, initializing it in the same way as PDOCContextInit(). | |
| PDOCContextNewWithInitialState — Creates a context object that represents an optional-content state of the document, using the current state as the initial state for each group (OCG), as determined by the document's optional-content configuration (returned by PDDocGetOCConfig(pdDoc)). | |
| PDOCContextNewWithOCDisabled — Creates a context object that represents an optional-content state of the document, with the PDOCDrawEnumType property set to kPDOC_NoOC, so that no content marked as optional content is drawn, regardless of the visibility according to the OCGs and OCMDs. | |
| PDOCContextPopOCMD — Pops the optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) stack for an optional-content context. The stack is used to track nesting of optional-content states as contents are enumerated or drawn: | |
| PDOCContextPushOCMD — Pushes a new optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) onto the stack for an optional-content context. | |
| PDOCContextResetOCMDStack — Clears the Optional Content Membership Dictionary (OCMD) stack for an optional-content context, and resets the current visibility for the context based on the context's non-OC drawing setting (see PDOCContextSetNonOCDrawing()). Call this method at the start of an enumeration or drawing operation that uses a given context. | |
| PDOCContextSetIntent — Sets the Intent entry in an optional-content context's Cos dictionary. An intent is an ASAtom value broadly describing the intended use, either View or Design. | |
| PDOCContextSetNonOCDrawing — Sets the non-OC status for an optional-content context. Content that is not marked as optional content is drawn when NonOCDrawing is true, and not drawn when NonOCDrawing is false. | |
| PDOCContextSetOCDrawEnumType — Sets the drawing and enumeration type for an optional-content context. This type, together with the visibility determined by the OCG and OCMD states, controls whether content that is marked as optional content is drawn or enumerated. | |
| PDOCContextSetOCGStates — Sets the ON-OFF states for the given optional-content groups (OCGs) in the given optional-content context. The newStates array must be large enough to hold as many ASBool values as there are OCGs. | |
| PDOCContextWillChange — An optional-content context is changing in a way that could affect the visibility state of content. | |
| PDOCContextXObjectIsVisible — Tests whether an XObject form or image contained in obj is visible in the optional-content context. The method considers the context's current OCMD stack, optional-content group ON-OFF states, the non-OC drawing status, the drawing and enumeration type, the intent, and the specific OCG. | |
| PDOCDrawEnumType — PDOCDrawEnumType controls drawing or enumerating the page with respect to optional content. It is an enumerated type that, together with the NonOCDrawing value, controls drawing or enumerating content on a page with optional content: | |
| PDOCFindOutAutoStatePrefProc — Declare the type PDOCFindOutAutoStatePrefProc, which is a callback that lets the client set the AutoState preference. | |
| PDOCFindOutLanguageProc — Declare the type PDOCFindOutLanguageProc, which is a callback that lets the client set the current user interface language level. | |
| PDOCFindOutUserProc — Declare the type PDOCFindOutUserProc, which is a callback that lets the client set the current user interface user level. | |
| PDOCFindOutZoomProc — Declare the type PDOCFindOutZoomProc, which is a callback that lets the client set the current user interface zoom level. | |
| PDOCG — The PDOCCG object represents an optional-content group. This corresponds to a PDF OCG dictionary representing a collection of
graphic objects that can be made visible or invisible. Any graphic content of the PDF can be made optional, including page contents,
XObjects, and annotations. The specific content objects in the group have an OC entry in the PDF. The group itself is a named object
that you can manipulate in the Layers panel of Acrobat 6.0 and later.
| |
| PDOCG — A PDOCG represents a named object whose state can be toggled in a user interface to affect changes in visibility of content. | |
| PDOCGCreate — Creates a new optional-content group (OCG) object in the document. The order of the groups (as returned by PDDocGetOCGs()) is not guaranteed, and is not the same as the display order (see PDOCConfigGetOCGOrder()). | |
| PDOCGCreateFromCosObj — Creates a new optional-content group (OCG) object from a Cos object. | |
| PDOCGDestroy — Destroys an optional-content group (OCG) object. This does not delete any content, but deletes the PDOCG object, destroys the corresponding Cos object, and invalidates references from optional-content membership dictionaries (OCMDs). | |
| PDOCGEnumProc — A callback used for enumerating optional-content groups (OCGs). Enumeration stops when all OCGs have been enumerated, or when the callback returns false. | |
| PDOCGGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object associated with the optional-content group (OCG) object. | |
| PDOCGGetCurrentState — Gets the current ON-OFF state of the optional-content group (OCG) object in a given context. | |
| PDOCGGetFromCosObj — Gets an optional-content group (OCG) object from the associated Cos object. If you call this multiple times for the same PDOCG, it returns the same object. | |
| PDOCGGetInitialState — Gets a initial state (ON or OFF) of the optional-content group (OCG) object in a given configuration. If the configuration has a BaseState of Unchanged, and the OCG is not listed explicitly in its ON list or OFF list, then the initial state is taken from the OCG's current state in the document's default context, and the method returns false. | |
| PDOCGGetIntent — Gets the intent list for an optional-content group. An intent is an ASAtom value broadly describing the intended use, either View or Design. | |
| PDOCGGetLocked — Returns the locked state of an OCG in a given configuration. The on/off state of a locked OCG cannot be toggled by the user through the user interface. | |
| PDOCGGetName — Gets the name of an optional-content group. The returned ASText is a copy of the OCG's name. The client is free to modify it and responsible for destroying it. | |
| PDOCGGetPDDoc — Gets the document that contains an optional-content group. | |
| PDOCGGetUsageEntry — Gets usage information from an optional-content group (OCG) object. A Usage dictionary entry provides more specific intended usage information than an intent entry. The possible key values are: | |
| PDOCGGetUserOverride — Tests whether the optional-content group is marked as having had its state set directly by client code in the specified context (as opposed to automatically by the optional-content AutoState mechanism). | |
| PDOCGHasUsageInfo — Tests whether an optional-content group (OCG) object is associated with a Usage dictionary. | |
| PDOCGRemoveInitialState — Removes the initial ON-OFF state information for the optional-content group (OCG) object in a given configuration. | |
| PDOCGSetCurrentState — Sets the current ON-OFF state of the optional-content group (OCG) object in a given context. | |
| PDOCGSetInitialState — Sets the initial state (ON or OFF) of the optional-content group (OCG) object in a given configuration. | |
| PDOCGSetIntent — Sets the Intent entry in an optional-content group's Cos dictionary. An intent is an ASAtom value broadly describing the intended use, which can be either View or Design. | |
| PDOCGSetLocked — Sets the locked state of an OCG in a given configuration. The on/off state of a locked OCG cannot be toggled by the user through the user interface. | |
| PDOCGSetName — Sets the name of an optional-content group. | |
| PDOCGSetUsageDictEntry — Sets a Usage dictionary entry in an optional-content group (OCG) object. The entry associates usage information with an entry key for retrieval. If a dictionary does not exist, the method creates one. | |
| PDOCGSetUserOverride — Marks the optional-content group as having had its state set directly by client code in the specified context (as opposed to automatically by the optional-content AutoState mechanism). | |
| PDOCGUsedInOCConfig — Tests whether an optional-content group (OCG) object is used in a context initialized using the given configuration. | |
| PDOCGUsedInOCContext — Tests whether an optional-content group (OCG) object is used in a given context. | |
| PDOCMD — The PDOCMD object represents an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) that allows the visibility of optional content to
depend on the states in a set of optional-content groups (PDOCG). The object corresponds to the PDF OCMD dictionary.
| |
| PDOCMD — A PDOCMD is an object that is attached to content to indicate membership in an OCG or group of OCGs. | |
| PDOCMDCreate — Creates a new optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object in the given document for the given groups and visibility policy. | |
| PDOCMDFindOrCreate — Locates an existing optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object that references the given groups, and that uses the same visibility policy. If no such dictionary is found, the method creates one. | |
| PDOCMDFindOrCreateEx — Locates an existing optional-content membership dictionary (PDOCMD) object that references the given groups, uses the same visibility policy, and uses the same visibility expression. If no such PDOCMD is found, the method creates one. | |
| PDOCMDGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object associated with the optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object. | |
| PDOCMDGetFromCosObj — Gets an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object from the associated Cos object. | |
| PDOCMDGetOCGs — Gets the optional-content groups listed in a membership dictionary. | |
| PDOCMDGetPDDoc — Gets the document that contains an optional-content membership dictionary. | |
| PDOCMDGetVisibilityExpression — If the PDOCMD has a visibility expression entry, the function returns true, and if veObj is non-NULL, *veObj is set to the CosObj for the visibility expression. If the PDOCMD does not have a visibility expression entry, the function returns false. | |
| PDOCMDGetVisPolicy — Gets the optional-content membership dictionary's visibility policy, which determines the visibility of content with respect to the ON-OFF state of OCGs listed in the dictionary. | |
| PDOCMDIsCurrentlyVisible — Based on the optional-content groups listed in the dictionary, the current ON-OFF state of those groups within the specified context, and the dictionary's visibility policy, test whether the content tagged with this dictionary would be visible. | |
| PDOCMDsAreCurrentlyVisible — Tests a set of optional-content membership dictionaries to determine whether contents tagged with any of them is visible in a given optional-content context. The method calls PDOCMDIsCurrentlyVisible() on each of the dictionaries. If content is visible in the given context in any of the dictionaries, this method returns true. | |
| PDOCMDsMakeContentVisible — Makes content that uses any of a set of optional-content membership dictionaries visible in a given optional-content context. The method manipulates the states of optional-content groups in the dictionaries so that any content controlled by any of the dictionaries will be visible in the given context. There can be more than one combination of states that satisfies the request. The particular combination of states is not guaranteed from one call to the next. | |
| PDOCMDVisPolicy — PDOCMDVisPolicy represents the four legal values for the /P key in an Optional Content Membership Dictionary (OCMD) dictionary. They specify the visibility of content with respect to the on/off state of the Optional Content Groups (OCGs) listed in the OCMD. | |
| PDOCRegisterFindOutAutoStatePrefProc — Registers a callback to the client user interface that can tell the core what the current AutoState preference is. | |
| PDOCRegisterFindOutLanguageProc — Registers a callback to the client user interface that can tell the core what the current language is. | |
| PDOCRegisterFindOutUserProc — Registers a callback to the client user interface that can tell the core what the current user is. | |
| PDOCRegisterFindOutZoomProc — Registers a callback to the client user interface that can tell the core what the current zoom level is. | |
| PDOddPagesOnly | |
| pdOpAddContents | |
| pdOpAddResource | |
| pdOpAddResources | |
| pdOpCropPages | |
| pdOpDeletePages | |
| PDOperation — An enumerated data type that specifies the type of changes that occurred for the PDDocPrintingTiledPage() and PDDocDidChangePages() notifications. Not all Did notifications have corresponding Will notifications. | |
| pdOpInsertPages | |
| pdOpMovePages | |
| pdOpRemoveContents | |
| pdOpRemoveResource | |
| pdOpRemoveResources | |
| pdOpReplacePages | |
| pdOpRotatePages | |
| pdOpSetArtBox | |
| pdOpSetBleedBox | |
| pdOpSetMediaBox | |
| pdOpSetTabOrder | |
| pdOpSetTrimBox | |
| PDOutput_EPSMacExtPrev | |
| PDOutput_EPSMacStdPrev | |
| PDOutput_EPSNoPrev | |
| PDOutput_PS | |
| PDOutputType — Specifies what kind of file to emit. | |
| PDPage — A PDPage is a page in a document, corresponding to the PDF Page object (see Page Objects in Section 3.6.2,
Page Tree, in the PDF Reference). | |
| PDPage — A single page in the PDF representation of a document. Just as PDF files are partially composed of their pages, PDDoc objects are composed of PDPage objects. A page contains a series of objects representing the objects drawn on the page (PDGraphic), a list of resources used in drawing the page, annotations (PDAnnot), an optional thumbnail image of the page, and the beads used in any articles that occur on the page. The first page in a PDDoc is page 0. | |
| PDPageAcquirePage — Increments the page's reference count. After you are done using the page, release it using PDPageRelease(). If PDPageRelease() is not called, it could block the document containing the page from being closed. To avoid such problems use the CSmartPDPage class as it ensures that the page is released as it goes out of scope. | |
| PDPageAddAnnot — Adds an annotation at the specified location in a page's annotation array. | |
| PDPageAddCosContents — Completely replaces the contents of the specified page with newContents. | |
| PDPageAddCosResource — Adds a Cos resource to a page object. See Section 3.7.2 in the PDF Reference for a description of page resources. | |
| PDPageAddNewAnnot — Adds an annotation to the page. To make the annotation visible after adding it, convert the coordinates of initialRect to device coordinates using AVPageViewRectToDevice(), then call AVPageViewInvalidateRect() using the converted rectangle. This method is equivalent to calling PDPageCreateAnnot() followed by PDPageAddAnnot(). | |
| PDPageArea — Different logical areas on a page. | |
| PDPageColorConvertEmbedOutputIntent — Embeds an output intent into specified page. | |
| PDPageContentsDidChange — The contents of a page have changed and the page will be redrawn. | |
| PDPageContentsDidChangeEx — The contents of a page changed. Unlike
, this notification specifies whether the page is redrawn immediately. | |
| PDPageCreateAnnot — Creates a new annotation, associated with the specified page's CosDoc, but not added to the page. Use PDPageAddAnnot() to add the annotation to the page. | |
| PDPageCreatePrintRecord | |
| PDPageDidAddAnnot — An annotation was added to a page. | |
| PDPageDidPrintAnnot — Clients who register for
will be called after the annotation has printed. status indicates whether Acrobat tried to print any representation of this annotation. | |
| PDPageDidPrintAnnots — Annotations were printed. | |
| PDPageDidRedraw — Sent when the page is redrawn via PDPageRedraw(). | |
| PDPageDidRemoveAnnot — Superseded by
in Acrobat 6.0. | |
| PDPageDidRemoveAnnotEx — Supersedes
in Acrobat 6.0 and later. | |
| PDPageDirectDrawToPlatform | |
| PDPageDrawContentsPlacedToWindow — Draws the page to the window or display context. The window and display context are implementation-dependent. | |
| PDPageDrawContentsPlacedWithParams — Draws the page to the window or display context. The window and display context are implementation-dependent. | |
| PDPageDrawContentsToMemory — Superseded by PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx — Supersedes PDPageDrawContentsToMemory() in Acrobat 10.0. | |
| PDPageDrawContentsToWindow — Draws the contents of a page into the specified window. | |
| PDPageDrawContentsToWindowEx — Provides control over the rendering of annotations on the page to be drawn into window. It provides the ability to specify the flags passed in to the PDPageDrawContentsToWindows() function. | |
| PDPageDrawContentsToWindowEx2 — Draws the contents of a page into the specified window. | |
| PDPageDrawContentsWithParams — Provides control over the rendering of contents on the page, including both those parameters you would pass to PDPageDrawContentsToWindowEx(), and an optional-content context that determines which contents are visible. | |
| PDPageDrawFlags — Bit flags indicating how a page is rendered. | |
| PDPageDrawFlagsPI | |
| PDPageDrawSmoothFlags — Bit flags indicating how a page is rendered. | |
| PDPageEmitPSOrient — Obsolete in PDF Library 6.0. Do not use. | |
| PDPageEnumContents — Enumerates the contents of a page, calling a procedure for each drawing object in the page description. | |
| PDPageEnumInks — Enumerates the inks for a page, calling the supplied procedure for each PDPageInk structure. | |
| PDPageEnumInksCallback — Used for enumerating the inks on a page via PDPageEnumInks(). | |
| PDPageEnumInksEx — Enumerates the inks for a page, calling the supplied procedure for each PDPageInk structure. This differs from PDPageEnumInks() in that it allows the process color model to be passed in. | |
| PDPageEnumOCGs — Enumerates the optional-content groups for the page, calling the supplied procedure for each one. Enumeration continues until all groups have been enumerated, or until enumProc returns false. Each group is reported once, even if it is referenced multiple times in the page. | |
| PDPageEnumResources — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Enumerates the page's resources, calling an enumeration procedure for each resource. | |
| PDPageError | |
| PDPageErrorAlways | |
| PDPageErrors | |
| PDPageErrorSilent | |
| PDPageFlattenOC — Replaces the page's contents with a version that has no optional content, containing only what was visible on the page when the call was made. | |
| PDPageGetAnnot — Gets the annotIndex annotation on the page. | |
| PDPageGetAnnotIndex — Gets the index of a given annotation object on a given page. | |
| PDPageGetAnnotSequence — Returns the sequence number of the specified annotation for the given page. It is applicable only to annotations that are listed in Acrobat's Comments pane and therefore cannot be summarized using Summarize command (as would be the case for link and widget annotations, for example). | |
| PDPageGetBBox — Gets the bounding box for a page. The bounding box is the rectangle that encloses all text, graphics, and images on the page. | |
| PDPageGetBox — Returns the box specified for the page object intersected with the media box. If the value for boxName is CropBox, this call is equivalent to PDPageGetCropBox(); if the value is MediaBox, this call is equivalent to PDPageGetMediaBox(). | |
| PDPageGetCosObj — Gets the dictionary Cos object associated with a page. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDPageGetCosResources — Gets the Cos object corresponding to a page's resource dictionary. A page's resource Cos object may either be directly in the Page Cos object and apply only to the page. Or, it may be in the Pages tree, be shared by multiple pages, and applies to all Page nodes below the point in the Pages tree where it is located. | |
| PDPageGetCropBox — Gets the crop box for a page. The crop box is the region of the page to display and print. | |
| PDPageGetDefaultMatrix — Gets the matrix that transforms user space coordinates to rotated and cropped coordinates. The origin of this space is the bottom-left of the rotated, cropped page. Y is increasing. | |
| PDPageGetDoc — Gets the document that contains the specified page. | |
| PDPageGetDuration — Gets the page's automatic-advance timing value, which is the maximum amount of time the page is displayed before the viewer automatically advances to the next page. | |
| PDPageGetFlippedMatrix — Gets the matrix that transforms user space coordinates to rotated and cropped coordinates. The origin of this space is the top-left of the rotated, cropped page. Y is decreasing. | |
| PDPageGetMediaBox — Gets the media box for a page. The media box is the natural size of the page (for example, the dimensions of an A4 sheet of paper). | |
| PDPageGetNumAnnots — Gets the number of annotations on a page. Annotations associated with pop-up windows (such as strikeouts) are counted as two annotations. Widget annotations (form fields) are included in the count. | |
| PDPageGetNumber — Gets the page number for the specified page. | |
| PDPageGetOCGs — Gets the optional-content groups for the document. | |
| PDPageGetPalette — Useful for obtaining the static, platform-specific palette; the bitmap must be already selected into the displayContext to get the palette. This API was exposed for the purpose of the ImageConversion plug-in. When that code uses PDPageDrawContentsToWindow() to get a bitmap from AGM, it needs the palette that AGM used in order to get the correct results. | |
| PDPageGetPrintMatrix — Sent when the PDF Library has calculated the PostScript Print Page matrix. The PostScript Print Page matrix provides the mapping from user space to PS output space. The matrix can be used to calculate the PostScript page bounding box. | |
| PDPageGetRotate — Gets the rotation value for a page. | |
| PDPageGetSize — Returns the width and height of the page, which could be rotated or defaulted. | |
| PDPageGetTransition — Gets the transition for a given page. | |
| PDPageGetUserUnitSize — Returns the UserUnit value for the page. If the key is not present in the page dictionary the default of 1.0 is returned. | |
| PDPageGetVisibleBBox — Gets the bounding box for a given page for those contents that are visible in the given optional-content context. The bounding box is the rectangle that encloses the visible text, graphics, and images on the page. | |
| PDPageHasOverprintExt — Checks whether a page contains overprint (with qualifications). | |
| PDPageHasTransition — Tests whether a page has a transition. | |
| PDPageHasTransparency — Checks whether a page uses any transparency features. | |
| PDPageInk | |
| PDPageInkRec | |
| PDPageLabel — A PDPageLabel represents a page label. These labels allow non-sequential page numbering or the addition of arbitrary labels for a page (such as the inclusion of Roman numerals at the beginning of a book). | |
| PDPageLabel — A label used to describe a page. This is used to allow for non-sequential page numbering or the addition of arbitrary labels for a page (such as the inclusion of Roman numerals at the beginning of a book). A PDPageLabel specifies the numbering style to use (for example, upper-case or lower-case Roman, decimal, and so on), the starting number for the first page, and an arbitrary prefix to be preappended to each number (for example, "A-" is used to generate "A-1", "A-2", "A-3", and so on). | |
| PDPageLabelEqual — Compares two page labels to see if they are equivalent. Two labels are equivalent if they have the same style, starting number (the numeric value of the first page associated with the label), and prefix strings which are the same byte-for-byte. | |
| PDPageLabelFromCosObj — Creates a type cast of the CosObj to a PDPageLabel object. | |
| PDPageLabelGetCosObj — Creates a type cast of the page label object to a Cos object. | |
| PDPageLabelGetPrefix — Returns the prefix string for the label. The prefix string is transitory and should be copied immediately. | |
| PDPageLabelGetPrefixASText — Returns the prefix string for the label as an ASText object. The prefix string is transitory and should be copied immediately. | |
| PDPageLabelGetStart — Gets the starting number of a given page label. | |
| PDPageLabelGetStyle — Returns an ASAtom for the style of the label. | |
| PDPageLabelIsValid — Determines whether a page label is valid. | |
| PDPageLabelNew — Constructs a new label object in the document with the specified style, prefix, and starting page number. | |
| PDPageLabelNewASText — Constructs a new label object in the document with the specified style, prefix, and starting page number. | |
| PDPageMakeSeparations — Generates print color separations for a page. | |
| PDPageMarkFlags — Bit flags indicating which page marks are emitted for color separations. | |
| PDPageMode — An enumerated data type that specifies whether thumbnail images or bookmarks are shown. | |
| PDPageNotifyContentsDidChange — Broadcasts a PDPageContentsDidChange() notification. If the Acrobat viewer is version 2.1 or later, also broadcasts a PDPageContentsDidChangeEx() notification with invalidateViews set to true. | |
| PDPageNotifyContentsDidChangeEx — Broadcasts a PDPageContentsDidChange() notification and a PDPageContentsDidChangeEx() notification. These notify the Acrobat viewer that a page's contents have been modified, and tells the Acrobat viewer whether to redraw the page immediately. | |
| PDPageNumber — A 0-based page number for use in AVPageView and AVDoc methods. Negative for special values. | |
| PDPageNumFromCosObj — Gets the page number of the page specified by a Cos object. | |
| PDPageRange | |
| PDPageRelease — Decrements the specified page's reference count. | |
| PDPageRemoveAnnot — Removes an annotation from the specified page. Annotations are stored in Cos arrays, which are automatically compressed when an annotation is removed (see CosArrayRemove()). For this reason, if you use a loop in which you remove annotations, structure the code so the loop processes from the highest to the lowest index. If you loop the other direction, you will skip over annotations immediately following ones you remove. | |
| PDPageRemoveCosContents — Removes the contents of the specified page. | |
| PDPageRemoveCosResource — Removes a Cos resource from a page object. See Section 3.7.2 in the PDF Reference for a description of page resources. | |
| PDPageSetBox — Sets the box specified by boxName for the page. | |
| PDPageSetCropBox — Sets the crop box for a page. The crop box is the region of the page to display and print. This method ignores the request if either the width or height of cropBox is less than 72 points (one inch). | |
| PDPageSetDuration — Sets the page's automatic-advance timing value, which is the maximum amount of time the page is displayed before the viewer automatically advances to the next page. | |
| PDPageSetMediaBox — Sets the media box for a page. The media box is the natural size of the page, for example, the dimensions of an A4 sheet of paper. | |
| PDPageSetRotate — Sets the rotation value for a page. | |
| PDPageSetTransition — Sets the transition for a given page. | |
| PDPageSetUserUnitSize — Set the UserUnit value for a page. | |
| PDPageStmGetInlineImage — Reads a PDF page content inline image from a stream. The stream is typically obtained by getting the Cos stream for a page contents or a Form contents, and calling CosStreamOpenStm() to open the stream using the filtered mode. This method is called after a BI token has been read from the stream. BI indicates that the following tokens comprise an inline image dictionary and data. | |
| PDPageStmGetToken — Reads a PDF page content token from a stream. The stream is typically obtained by getting the Cos stream for a page contents or a Form contents, and calling CosStreamOpenStm() to open the stream using the filtered mode. | |
| PDPageStmImageDataProc — A callback for PDPageStmGetInlineImage(). It should be called when inline image data is encountered in PDPageStmGetToken(). This method may be called multiple times for one inline image. If so, each call provides sequential data for the image. | |
| PDPageStmStringOverflowProc — A callback used by PDPageStmGetToken(). It is called when the length of a string token exceeds kPDPageStmStringMax bytes (see PDExpT.h) in PDPageStmGetToken(). | |
| PDPageStmToken | |
| PDPageStmTokenRec | |
| PDPageTilingMode | |
| PDPageWillAddAnnot — An annotation will be added to a page. | |
| PDPageWillPrintAnnot — Clients who register for this notification will be notified just before an annotation is expected to print. This notification allows clients that manage annotations to prepare the appearance of the annotation for printing purposes. There is no requirement that the annot referred to in this parameter list actually has a print appearance. | |
| PDPageWillPrintAnnots — Clients who register for
will be called before the printed representations of any annotations have been emitted. If a page has no annotations, this will not be called. If a page has annotations, this will be called. There may not be any code emitted for the annotations on that page, however, since they may not have any appearance for printing. The status parameter passed in the
will indicate this. | |
| PDPageWillRemoveAnnot — An annotation will be removed from a page. | |
| PDPath — A PDPath is a graphic object (a subclass of PDGraphic) representing a path in a page description. Paths are arbitrary shapes
made of straight lines, rectangles, and cubic curves. Path objects may be filled or stroked, and they can serve as a clipping path.
For details, see the following sections in the PDF Reference:
| |
| PDPath | |
| pdPathClip | |
| PDPathClosePathProc — A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every path closing operator. | |
| PDPathCurveToProc — A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every c operator. | |
| PDPathEnum — Enumerates the specified path's operators, calling one of several user-supplied callbacks for each operator. The callback that is called depends on which operator is encountered. | |
| PDPathEnumMonitor | |
| PDPathEnumMonitorRec | |
| pdPathEOClip | |
| pdPathEOFill | |
| pdPathFill | |
| PDPathGetPaintOp — Gets flags that indicate which paint/close/clip operators are used for the specified path. For a description of the path painting operators, see Section 4.4.2 in the PDF Reference. | |
| PDPathLineToProc — A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every l operator. | |
| PDPathMoveToProc — A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every m operator. | |
| pdPathNoPaint | |
| pdPathOpClose | |
| PDPathPaintOp — A path object consists of a sequence of segment operators (moveto, lineto, an so on), as well as a set of operations to be performed with the path. Note that the operations include doing nothing, closing, stroking, filling and using the path as a clip. | |
| PDPathRectProc — A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every re operator. | |
| PDPathSegmentOp — A path object consists of a sequence of segment operators (moveto, lineto, and so on), as well as a set of operations to be performed with the path. Note that the operations include doing nothing, closing, stroking, filling and using the path as a clip. | |
| pdPathStroke | |
| PDPathVCurveToProc — A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every v operator. | |
| PDPathYCurveToProc — A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every y operator. | |
| PDPDFarEastFont_Download_All | |
| PDPDFarEastFont_Download_None | |
| PDPDFarEastFont_Print_As_Image | |
| pdPermAll — PDPermsFlags | |
| pdPermCopy — The user can copy information from the document to the clipboard. In the document restrictions, this corresponds to the Content Copying or Extraction entry. | |
| pdPermEdit — The user can edit the document more than adding or modifying text notes (see also pdPermEditNotes). In the Document Security dialog, this corresponds to the Changing the Document entry. | |
| pdPermEditNotes — The user can add, modify, and delete text notes (see also pdPermEdit). In the document restrictions, this corresponds to the Authoring Comments and Form Fields entry. | |
| pdPermExt — PDPermsFlags | |
| pdPermOpen — The user can open and decrypt the document. | |
| pdPermOwner — The user is permitted to perform all operations, regardless of the permissions specified by the document. Unless this permission is set, the document's permissions will be reset to those in the document after a full save. | |
| pdPermPrint — The user can print the document. Page Setup access is unaffected by this permission, since that affects Acrobat's preferences - not the document's. In the Document Security dialog, this corresponds to the Printing entry. | |
| PDPermReqDenied —
-1 The request was denied. | |
| PDPermReqGranted —
0 The request was granted. | |
| PDPermReqObj — The document object type. The applicable operations are:
PDPermReqOprModify (Doc Info, open action, page label, modifying document)
PDPermReqOprCopy (Copy to clipboard)
PDPermReqOprSelect (Selection only)
PDPermReqOprImport (Non-PDF)
PDPermReqOprExport (Non-PDF and text extraction API, Search & Catalog)
| |
| PDPermReqObjAnnot | |
| PDPermReqObjBookmark | |
| PDPermReqObjDoc | |
| PDPermReqObjEF | |
| PDPermReqObjForm | |
| PDPermReqObjLast | |
| PDPermReqObjLink | |
| PDPermReqObjPage | |
| PDPermReqObjReaderAnnot | |
| PDPermReqObjSignature | |
| PDPermReqObjThumbnail | |
| PDPermReqOperationNA —
3 The operation is not applicable for the specified object. | |
| PDPermReqOpr — An enumerated data type used to describe the target operation of a permissions request. | |
| PDPermReqOprAccessible | |
| PDPermReqOprAll | |
| PDPermReqOprAny | |
| PDPermReqOprBarcodePlaintext | |
| PDPermReqOprCopy | |
| PDPermReqOprCreate | |
| PDPermReqOprCrop | |
| PDPermReqOprDelete | |
| PDPermReqOprExport | |
| PDPermReqOprFillIn | |
| PDPermReqOprFullSave | |
| PDPermReqOprImport | |
| PDPermReqOprInsert | |
| PDPermReqOprLast | |
| PDPermReqOprModify | |
| PDPermReqOprOnline | |
| PDPermReqOprOpen | |
| PDPermReqOprPrintHigh | |
| PDPermReqOprPrintLow | |
| PDPermReqOprReorder | |
| PDPermReqOprReplace | |
| PDPermReqOprRotate | |
| PDPermReqOprSecure | |
| PDPermReqOprSelect | |
| PDPermReqOprSpawnTemplate | |
| PDPermReqOprSubmitStandalone | |
| PDPermReqOprSummarize | |
| PDPermReqOprSummaryView | |
| PDPermReqOprUIemail | |
| PDPermReqOprUIprint | |
| PDPermReqOprUIsave | |
| PDPermReqOprUnknownOpr | |
| PDPermReqPending — The handler does not have enough information to determine an answer at this point. Try again later. | |
| PDPermReqStatus — The set of valid PDPermRequestStatus values providing the status of PDDoc-related permissions methods. | |
| PDPermReqUnknownObject —
1 The object is unknown. | |
| PDPermReqUnknownOperation —
2 The operation is unknown. | |
| PDPermReqVersion | |
| PDPerms — Constant values that specify permissions which allow operations on a document file. | |
| pdPermSaveAs — The user can perform a Save As.... If both pdPermEdit and pdPermEditNotes are disallowed, Save will be disabled but Save As... will be enabled. The Save As... menu item is not necessarily disabled even if the user is not permitted to perform a Save As.... | |
| pdPermSecure — The user can change the document's security settings. | |
| pdPermSettable — The OR of all operations that can be set by the user in the security restrictions (pdPermPrint + pdPermEdit + pdPermCopy + pdPermEditNotes). | |
| pdPermUser — All permissions. | |
| pdPErrBadType3Font | |
| pdPErrFormTooComplex | |
| pdPErrNoError | |
| pdPErrPageDimOutOfRange | |
| pdPErrType3TooComplex | |
| pdPErrUnableToCreateRasterPort | |
| PDPlacementTypes | |
| PDPrefGetAntialiasLevel — Returns the antialias level, in pixels. | |
| PDPrefGetBlackPointCompensation — Returns the black-point compensation flag. | |
| PDPrefGetBlackPointCompensation — Returns the black-point compensation flag. | |
| PDPrefGetColorCal — Gets the values to use for displaying the calibrated color and grayscale. These values are the chromaticity and gammas of the phosphors in the monitor. | |
| PDPrefGetDefaultBlendingColorSpace — Get the default blending color space Index | |
| PDPrefGetEnableThinLineHeuristics — Determines whether thin lines will be fattened non-linearly or the stroke adjust will be applied to thin rectangles. | |
| PDPrefGetGreekLevel — Returns the greek level. | |
| PDPrefGetInstallPatternParentGState — Get the preference whether to install the graphics state that was in effect at the beginning of the pattern's parent content stream | |
| PDPrefGetRefXObj — Gets reference XObject parameters. | |
| PDPrefGetSuppressICCSpaces — Returns the value of the suppress flag for ICC-based spaces with the specified number of components. | |
| PDPrefGetUseOutputIntents — Returns the value of the Output Intent flag. When this flag is true, the system overrides the working space with the Output Intent, if it is present. | |
| PDPrefGetUseOutputIntents — Returns the value of the Output Intent flag. When this flag is true, the system overrides the working space with the Output Intent, if it is present. | |
| PDPrefSetAntialiasLevel — Sets the default smooth text and smooth images global flags for subsequent rendering methods. | |
| PDPrefSetBlackPointCompensation — Sets the black-point compensation flag, which controls whether to adjust for differences in black points when converting colors between color spaces. When enabled, the full dynamic range of the source space is mapped into the full dynamic range of the destination space. When disabled, the dynamic range of the source space is simulated in the destination space (which can result in blocked or gray shadows). | |
| PDPrefSetBlackPointCompensation — Sets the black-point compensation flag, which controls whether to adjust for differences in black points when converting colors between color spaces. When enabled, the full dynamic range of the source space is mapped into the full dynamic range of the destination space. When disabled, the dynamic range of the source space is simulated in the destination space (which can result in blocked or gray shadows). | |
| PDPrefSetColorCal — Sets the values to use for displaying the calibrated color and grayscale. These values are the chromaticities and gammas of the phosphors in the monitor. | |
| PDPrefSetDefaultBlendingColorSpace — Sets the default blending color space to working CMYK or working RGB | |
| PDPrefSetEnableThinLineHeuristics — Sets whether thin lines will be fattened non-linearly or the stroke adjust will be applied to thin rectangles. | |
| PDPrefSetGreekLevel — Sets the greek level. The greek level is a text height below which text characters are not rendered. Instead, text-like glyphs that have no meaning but look good at very small size are used. This is known as greeking. | |
| PDPrefSetInstallPatternParentGState — Sets the preference to install the graphics state that was in effect at the beginning of the pattern's parent content stream | |
| PDPrefSetRefXObj — Sets reference XObject parameters. | |
| PDPrefSetSuppressICCSpaces — Specifies use of a default color space rather than an ICC-based color space. | |
| PDPrefSetUseLocalFonts — Enables or disables use of local fonts. | |
| PDPrefSetUseOutputIntents — Sets the Output Intent flag. | |
| PDPrefSetUseOutputIntents — Sets the Output Intent flag. | |
| PDPrefSetWorkingCMYK — Sets the current CMYK working space to a given ICC profile. A CMYK working space in PDF is defined as a profile to substitute for a corresponding /DeviceCMYK space. | |
| PDPrefSetWorkingCMYK — Sets the current CMYK working space to a given ICC profile. A CMYK working space in PDF is defined as a profile to substitute for a corresponding /DeviceCMYK space. | |
| PDPrefSetWorkingGray — Sets the current gray working space to a given ICC profile. A gray working space in PDF is defined as a profile to substitute for a corresponding /DeviceGray space. When rendering with overprint preview, the gray substitution is suppressed, to avoid converting grayscale to "rich black." | |
| PDPrefSetWorkingGray — Sets the current gray working space to a given ICC profile. A Gray working space in PDF is defined as a profile to substitute for a corresponding /DeviceGray space. When rendering with overprint preview, the gray substitution is suppressed, to avoid converting grayscale to rich black. | |
| PDPrefSetWorkingRGB — Set the current RGB working space to a given ICC profile. An RGB working space in PDF is defined as a profile to substitute for a corresponding /DeviceRGB space. | |
| PDPrefSetWorkingRGB — Set the current RGB working space to a given ICC profile. An RGB working space in PDF is defined as a profile to substitute for a corresponding /DeviceRGB space. | |
| PDPrintCanEmitFontProc — (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called to determine whether a font can be emitted into the print job. This is used to determine whether a font is a document-included resource. Only used for PostScript printing. | |
| PDPrintClient — A data structure used by PDDocPrintPages(). It contains methods to be implemented by the client. Unless otherwise indicated, methods may be NULL, indicating that they do nothing. The methods are called in the order listed in this structure. | |
| PDPrintClientRec | |
| PDPrintController | |
| PDPrintEmitFontProc — (Required) A callback for PDPrintClient. It emits a font. For Type0 fonts that require font substition, this routine may emit multiple font definitions. The caller can get the list of fonts used by calling GetFontComponentList(). | |
| PDPrintFontArray — An array of font pointers for use in PDFontPSGetComponentFontList. | |
| PDPrintFontArrayP | |
| PDPrintFontP | |
| PDPrintFontRec | |
| PDPrintGetFontEncodingMethodProc — (Required for PostScript printing) A callback for PDPrintClient. It asks the client which encoding method should be used for the font. | |
| PDPrintMarkStyles | |
| PDPrintParams | |
| PDPrintParamsRec — A data structure indicating how a document should be printed. | |
| PDPrintStr — A structure for controlling the printing of glyphs. | |
| PDPrintStrP | |
| PDPrintTrapType | |
| PDPrintWhat — Passed to the PDDocWillPrintDocInMode() notification to specify the type of print operation being performed. | |
| PDPrintWhat_COUNT | |
| PDPrintWhat_DOCUMENT | |
| PDPrintWhat_MIN | |
| PDPrintWhatAnnot | |
| PDPrintWhatAnnot_NoExtras | |
| PDPrintWhatAnnot_PrinterMarks | |
| PDPrintWhatAnnot_TrapAnnots | |
| PDPrintWhatFlip | |
| pdPrivPermAccessible — Overrides pdPermCopy to enable the Accessibility API. If a document is saved in Rev2 format (Acrobat 4.0 compatible), only the pdPermCopy bit is checked to determine the Accessibility API state. | |
| pdPrivPermDocAssembly — Overrides various pdPermEdit bits and allows the following operations: page insert/delete/rotate and create bookmark and thumbnail. | |
| pdPrivPermFillandSign — Overrides other PDPerm bits. It allows the user to fill in or sign existing form or signature fields. | |
| pdPrivPermFormSpawnTempl — This should be set if the user can spawn template pages. This bit will allow page template spawning even if pdPermEdit and pdPermEditNotes are clear. | |
| pdPrivPermFormSubmit — This should be set if the user can submit forms outside of the browser. This bit is a supplement to pdPrivPermFillandSign. | |
| pdPrivPermHighPrint — This bit is a supplement to pdPermPrint. If it is clear (disabled) only low quality printing (Print As Image) is allowed. On UNIX platforms where Print As Image doesn't exist, printing is disabled. | |
| PDReasonCode — Callback reason code. | |
| PDReasonNone | |
| PDReasonNotImplemented | |
| PDRedactionGetProps — Retrieves a set of properties for a given redaction mark. | |
| PDRedactionSetProps — Assigns a set of properties to a given redaction mark. | |
| PDRedactParams | |
| PDRedactParamsRec | |
| PDRefXObjMode — Modes used to control the display of reference XObjects. | |
| PDRegisterActionHandler — Registers a handler for PDAction operations. | |
| PDRegisterAnnotHandler — Registers a handler for an annotation subtype, replacing any previous handler that had been registered for that subtype. The annotation handler is not registered if its PDAnnotHandlerGetTypeProc() returns NULL. | |
| PDRegisterCryptHandler — Registers a new security handler with the Acrobat viewer. | |
| PDRegisterCryptHandlerEx — Registers a new security handler with the Acrobat viewer. It is the same as PDRegisterCryptHandler() except that it accepts a client data parameter. | |
| PDRegisterFileSpecHandler — Registers a new file specification handler with the Acrobat viewer. In version 3.0 and later of the Acrobat viewer, use the PDRegisterFileSpecHandlerByName method instead. | |
| PDRegisterFileSpecHandlerByName — Registers a new file specification handler with the Acrobat viewer. The viewer calls the appropriate file specification handler when it encounters a file specification in a PDF file. The appropriate file specification handler is the one whose specSysName matches the value of the FS key in the file specification and whose contextFileSys matches the file system on which the PDF file resides. | |
| PDResourceEnumColorSpaceProc — A callback for PDResourceEnumMonitor. It is called for color space resources. | |
| PDResourceEnumFontProc — A callback for PDResourceEnumMonitor. It is a procedure called for font resources. | |
| PDResourceEnumMonitor — A data structure containing callbacks used when enumerating the resources of a form with PDFormEnumResources() or PDPageEnumResources(). | |
| PDResourceEnumMonitorRec | |
| PDResourceEnumProcSetProc — A callback for PDResourceEnumMonitor. It is a procedure called for ProcSet resources. | |
| PDResourceEnumXObjectProc — A callback for PDResourceEnumMonitor. It is a procedure called for XObject resources. | |
| PDResTree — A selection of text on a single page that may contain more than one disjoint group of words. A text selection is specified by one or more ranges of text, with each range containing the word numbers of the selected words. Each range specifies a start and end word, where "start" is the first of a series of selected words and "end" is the first word not in the series. | |
| PDRoman | |
| PDRotate — Specifies page rotation, in degrees. It is used for routines that set or get the value of a page's Rotate key. | |
| pdRotate0 | |
| pdRotate180 | |
| pdRotate270 | |
| pdRotate90 | |
| PDSAttrObj — A PDSAttrObj represents a structure attribute object, which is a Cos dictionary or stream describing
attributes associated with a PDSElement. The attribute's data may be application-specific, suiting
the application that adds or extracts logical structure information. An attribute object can have a
revision number to indicate whether other applications have modified either the associated element
or the element's contents since the application created or modified the element.
| |
| PDSAttrObj — Represents PDF logical structure attribute objects, which are dictionaries containing application-specific data that can be attached to PDSElement objects. | |
| PDSAttrObjCreate — Creates a new attribute object with the specified owner. | |
| PDSAttrObjCreateFromStream — Creates an attribute object with the specified owner from the specified Cos stream. | |
| PDSAttrObjGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object corresponding to the specified attribute object. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDSAttrObjGetOwner — Gets the value of the key (Owner) in the specified attribute object. | |
| PDSaveAddFlate | |
| PDSaveAutoSave | |
| PDSaveBinaryOK | |
| PDSaveCollectGarbage | |
| PDSaveCompressed | |
| PDSaveCompressStructureOnly | |
| PDSaveCopy | |
| PDSaveEnsure7bitASCII | |
| PDSaveFlags — Flags for the PDDocSave saveFlags parameter. All undefined flags should be set to zero. | |
| PDSaveFlags2 — More flags for the PDDocSave() saveFlags parameter (PDSaveFlags2). All undefined flags should be set to zero. The first three flags, PDSaveUncompressed, PDSaveCompressed, and PDSaveCompressStructureOnly, are mutually exclusive; they can all be off, but at most one can be on. | |
| PDSaveForceIncremental | |
| PDSaveFull | |
| PDSaveIncremental | |
| PDSaveKeepModDate | |
| PDSaveLeaveOpen | |
| PDSaveLinearized | |
| PDSaveOptimizeContentStreams | |
| PDSaveOptimizeFonts | |
| PDSaveOptimizeMarkedJBIG2Dictionaries | |
| PDSaveOptimizeXObjects | |
| PDSaveOverrideCollections | |
| PDSaveRemoveASCIIFilters | |
| PDSaveReplaceLZW | |
| PDSaveUncompressed | |
| PDSaveWithPSHeader | |
| PDSClassMap — The PDSClassMap (or class map) associates class names with a set of attribute objects. A structural
element may have a list of names identifying the classes to which it belongs. Associated attributes
are shared by all structural elements belonging to a given class. There is only one class map per
document, associated with the PDSTreeRoot.
| |
| PDSClassMap — Associates class identifiers, which are names, with objects of type PDSAttrObj. Structural elements maintain a list of names identifying classes to which they belong. The associated attributes are thus shared by all structural elements belonging to a given class. There is one class map per document, associated with the PDSTreeRoot. | |
| PDSClassMapAddAttrObj — Adds the specified attribute object to the specified PDSClassMap for the given class name. If the attribute object is already present, it is not added a second time. | |
| PDSClassMapGetAttrObj — Gets the attribute object associated with the specified class name at an index in the class. | |
| PDSClassMapGetNumAttrObjs — Gets the number of attribute objects associated with a class name. | |
| PDSClassMapRemoveAttrObj — Removes the specified attribute object from the specified PDSClassMap. If classAtom is ASAtomNull, it removes all occurrences of attrObj in the entire classMap. | |
| PDSClassMapRemoveClass — Removes the specified class from the specified PDSClassMap, if it exists. | |
| PDSEditError | |
| PDSEditErrors | |
| pdSegClosePath | |
| pdSegCurveTo | |
| pdSegLineTo | |
| pdSegMoveTo | |
| pdSegRect | |
| pdSegVCurveTo | |
| pdSegYCurveTo | |
| PDSElement — PDSElement is the basic building block of the structure tree. It represents PDF structural elements,
which are nodes in a tree, defining a PDF document's logical structure.
| |
| PDSElement — Represents PDF structural elements, which are nodes in a tree giving a PDF document's logical structure. | |
| PDSElementAddAttrObj — Associates the specified attribute object with an element at the element's current revision value. | |
| PDSElementAddClass — Adds a class name to the element's list of classes to which it belongs at the element's current revision value. | |
| PDSElementClearID — Removes an element's ID, if it exists. | |
| PDSElementCreate — Creates a new (but empty) PDSElement. | |
| PDSElementEnumKidsWithUserProperties — Enumerates PDSElement objects, beneath the supplied PDSElement, that have user properties attributes/classes. | |
| PDSElementEnumUserPropertiesAsASText — Enumerates the PDSElement object's user properties by traversing the list of attribute objects and class objects, calling the caller-supplied procedure for each entry in the properties array. The enumeration proc receives the property information as a pair of ASText objects, for the property name and the property value. The enumeration continues as long as the callback returns true, and halts when the proc returns false or all properties have been enumerated. | |
| PDSElementEnumUserPropertiesAsASTextProc — Callback for PDSElementEnumUserPropertiesAsASText(). | |
| PDSElementEnumUserPropertiesAsCosObj — Enumerates the PDSElement object's user properties by traversing the list of attribute objects and class objects, calling the caller-supplied procedure for each entry in the properties array. The enumeration proc receives the property information as a Cos Dictionary, with contents as described in the PDF Reference. The enumeration continues as long as the callback returns true, and halts when the proc returns false or all properties have been enumerated. | |
| PDSElementEnumUserPropertiesAsCosObjProc — A callback for PDSElementEnumUserPropertiesAsCosObj(). | |
| PDSElementExportUserProperties — Exports user properties of the specified PDSElement in XML. | |
| PDSElementFindAncestorWithUserProperties — Starting at the supplied structure element, this procedure follows the chain of parents (see PDSElementGetParent()) until a structure element is found that has user properties. If no such element is found (for example, the chain ended at the structure tree root), CosNull is returned. | |
| PDSElementGetActualText — Gets the actual text associated with the specified PDSElement. It returns the number of bytes in the text, or 0 if the element has no actual text or has an empty string. | |
| PDSElementGetActualTextASText — Gets the actual text associated with the specified PDSElement as an ASText object. | |
| PDSElementGetAlt — Gets the alternate text associated with an element. | |
| PDSElementGetAltASText — Gets the alternate text associated with the specified PDSElement as an ASText object. | |
| PDSElementGetAttrObj — Gets the attribute object at a specified array index in the specified element. | |
| PDSElementGetClass — Gets the class name at an array index in the specified element. | |
| PDSElementGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object corresponding to the specified element object. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDSElementGetFirstPage — Gets the Cos object for the page of the first kid of the element. | |
| PDSElementGetID — Gets the ID of an element, or CosObjNull if there is no ID set. | |
| PDSElementGetKid — Gets the kid at an array index in the specified element. | |
| PDSElementGetKidEx — Functions identically to PDSElementGetKid(), but for children that are marked contents can return the mcid as well as or instead of the actual object. | |
| PDSElementGetKidWithMCInfo — Functions identically to PDSElementGetKidEx(), but returns additional information about marked content kids that are in streams other than the page content streams. | |
| PDSElementGetLanguage — Gets the language associated with the specified PDSElement. | |
| PDSElementGetNumAttrObjs — Gets the number of attribute objects directly attached to the specified element. | |
| PDSElementGetNumClasses — Gets the number of classes to which the specified element belongs. | |
| PDSElementGetNumKids — Gets the number of kids of the specified element. | |
| PDSElementGetParent — Gets the immediate ancestor element of the specified element in the tree. | |
| PDSElementGetRevision — Gets the revision number of an element. | |
| PDSElementGetStructTreeRoot — Gets the structure tree root of the document containing element. | |
| PDSElementGetTitle — Gets the title of the specified element, returning the number of bytes in the title. | |
| PDSElementGetTitleASText — Gets the title associated with the specified PDSElement as an ASText object. | |
| PDSElementGetType — Gets the element's structural element type. The type corresponds to the Subtype key in the structure element dictionary. | |
| PDSElementHasActualText — Tests whether ActualText is defined for a given PDSElement. | |
| PDSElementHasAlt — Tests whether Alt text is defined for a given PDSElement. | |
| PDSElementHasLanguage — Tests whether a language string is defined for a given PDSElement. | |
| PDSElementHasUserProperties — Returns true if the PDSElement has attribute objects or class objects with an owner of UserProperties. | |
| PDSElementIncrementRevision — Increments an element's revision count by one. | |
| PDSElementInsertKid — Inserts the specified kid PDSElement object into the specified element after position insertAfter. | |
| PDSElementInsertMCAsKid — Inserts a reference to the specified PDSMC (marked content) in the specified element after position insertAfter. | |
| PDSElementInsertMCAsKidEx — Extends PDSElementInsertMCAsKid(), inserting content that is in a stream other than a page content stream. This function is the same as PDSElementInsertStmMCAsKid(). | |
| PDSElementInsertMCRefAsKid — Takes a marked content reference and places the content that it identifies in the structure as a child of the element. | |
| PDSElementInsertOBJAsKid — Inserts a reference to the specified PDF object as a kid into the specified element. | |
| PDSElementInsertStmMCAsKid — Inserts a marked content sequence from a non-page-content stream as a kid of the specified element. | |
| PDSElementRemoveAllAttrObjs — Removes all attribute objects directly associated with the specified element. | |
| PDSElementRemoveAllClasses — Removes all classes from the specified element. | |
| PDSElementRemoveAttrObj — Removes the specified attribute object from an element. If element does not have an attrObj attribute, this method does nothing. | |
| PDSElementRemoveClass — Removes the specified class name from the element's list of classes to which it belongs. | |
| PDSElementRemoveKid — Removes the specified kid from an element. | |
| PDSElementRemoveKidMC — Removes the specified PDSMC (marked content) from an element's kids, if it has any. | |
| PDSElementRemoveKidOBJ — Removes an OBJ from among the kids of a given element. It does nothing if the given OBJ is not a kid of the given element. | |
| PDSElementReplaceKid — Replaces the specified kid in the specified element. | |
| PDSElementReplaceKidMC — Replaces the specified PDSMC (on oldCosPage) with a new PDSMC (on newCosPage) in the specified element. | |
| PDSElementReplaceKidOBJ — Replaces oldObj with newObj on the specified page in the specified element. | |
| PDSElementSetActualText — Sets the actual text representation of the specified PDSElement object's contents to buffer (from 0 to nBytes). | |
| PDSElementSetActualTextASText — Sets an element's actual text. | |
| PDSElementSetAlt — Sets the alternate text representation of an element's contents. | |
| PDSElementSetAltASText — Sets the alternate text representation of an element's contents (ASText version of PDSElementSetAlt). | |
| PDSElementSetID — Sets the ID of an element to the given Cos string. | |
| PDSElementSetLanguage — Sets the language field associated with the PDSElement to the buffer parameter's contents (from 0 to nBytes). | |
| PDSElementSetTitle — Sets an element's title. | |
| PDSElementSetTitleASText — Sets an element's title. | |
| PDSElementSetType — Sets an element's type value to the specified type. The type corresponds to the Subtype key in the structure element dictionary. | |
| pdsErrAlreadyExists | |
| pdsErrBadPDF | |
| pdsErrCantDo | |
| pdsErrRequiredMissing | |
| pdsErrWrongTypeEntry | |
| pdsErrWrongTypeParameter | |
| PDSetHostEncoding — For internal use only. | |
| PDSmallFlagBits — A flag value for use in PDDocInsertPagesParams(). | |
| PDSMC — Portions of a page's contents may be wrapped with marked content operators. A PDSMC object represents
this marked content. A tag and an optional property list may be associated with a PDSMC. PDSMC is
identical to the PDFEdit class PDEContainer. PDSMC objects may be nested.
| |
| PDSMC — Represents marked content, which are portions of the graphic content of a PDF document that may be included in the document's logical structure hierarchy. This type is identical with the PDFEdit layer type PDEContainer. | |
| PDSMCGetInfo — Gets information about how the specified marked content is contained in its parent. | |
| PDSMCGetParent — Gets the parent element of the specified marked content. | |
| PDSMCGetPDEContainer — Gets the PDE container object for the specified marked content. | |
| PDSMCIDGetParent — Gets the parent element of the specified marked content, referred to by its containing object and marked-content identifier. | |
| PDSMCInfo | |
| PDSMCInfoP | |
| PDSMCRef — An opaque pointer type to a marked content reference handle. | |
| PDSMCRefCreate — Creates a reference handle to a piece of marked content that can be used to associate the content with structure. The handle can persist beyond the lifetime of the marked contents, allowing greater flexibility about when structure information can be created. | |
| PDSMCRefDestroy — Destroys a marked content reference created with PDSMCRefCreate(). This should only be called once the reference has been placed in the structure tree or if the reference is no longer needed. | |
| PDSOBJGetParent — Gets the parent element of the specified PDF object. | |
| PDSOBJR — An object reference (OBJR) is a reference to a PDF object. A PDSOBJR object references an entire Cos
dictionary or stream.
| |
| PDSRead_VERSION_2 | |
| PDSRead_VERSION_5 | |
| PDSRead_VERSION_6 | |
| PDSRead_VERSION_7 | |
| PDSRead_VERSION_8 | |
| PDSReadHFTName | |
| PDSRoleMap — Each structure element must have a structure type. The definition of such types is application-specific.
In addition, PDF 1.3 defines a standard set of structure types for logical structure in PDF documents.
The role map (PDSRoleMap) maps application-specific element types to the standard element types that have
a similar function. There is only one PDSRoleMap per document, associated with the PDSTreeRoot.
| |
| PDSRoleMap — Represents mappings of structural element types present in a PDF document to standard element types having similar uses. There is one PDSClassMap per document, associated with the PDSTreeRoot. | |
| PDSRoleMapCopy — Makes a copy of a PDSRoleMap, making it the PDSRoleMap of the specified StructTreeRoot. | |
| PDSRoleMapDoesMap — Determines whether the specified PDSRoleMap provides any mapping path for two given element types. | |
| PDSRoleMapGetDirectMap — Gets the type, if any, directly mapped in the specified PDSRoleMap for the given element type. | |
| PDSRoleMapMap — Maps an element type (src) to another element type (dst) in the specified PDSRoleMap. | |
| PDSRoleMapUnMapDst — Makes the specified element type have no mapping. | |
| PDSRoleMapUnMapSrc — Makes the specified element type have no mapping. | |
| PDStandardRomanCharSet | |
| PDStdEncoding | |
| PDSTreeRoot — All logical structure information is in the structure tree, and the PDSTreeRoot is its root. There is
at most one PDSTreeRoot in each document.
| |
| PDSTreeRoot — The root of the structure tree, which is a central repository for information related to a PDF document's logical structure. There is at most one PDSTreeRoot in each document. | |
| PDSTreeRootCreateClassMap — Creates a PDSClassMap in the specified tree root. | |
| PDSTreeRootCreateRoleMap — Creates and sets the PDSRoleMap of the specified StructTreeRoot element. Any previously existing PDSRoleMap is unlinked. | |
| PDSTreeRootGetClassMap — Gets the PDSClassMap object for the specified structure tree root. | |
| PDSTreeRootGetElementFromID — Gets the element associated with the given ID, if any. | |
| PDSTreeRootGetKid — Gets the kid at an array index in the specified structure tree root. | |
| PDSTreeRootGetNumKids — Gets the number of kids of the structure tree root. | |
| PDSTreeRootGetRoleMap — Gets the PDSRoleMap object for the specified structure tree root. | |
| PDSTreeRootInsertKid — Inserts the specified kid element after the given position as a kid of the specified structure tree root. | |
| PDSTreeRootRemoveClassMap — Removes the PDSClassMap of the specified structure tree root element. It does nothing if one does not exist. | |
| PDSTreeRootRemoveKid — Removes the specified kid element from the specified structure tree root. | |
| PDSTreeRootRemoveRoleMap — Removes the PDSRoleMap of the specified structure tree root element. It does nothing if one does not exist. | |
| PDSTreeRootReplaceKid — Replaces structural element oldKid with element newKid as a kid of treeRoot. | |
| PDSTreeRootReplaceStreamRef — Updates the stream entries (Stm) in marked content reference dictionaries to reference a new Cos stream object. It replaces references to the old stream with refererences to the new stream. | |
| PDStringEnumProc — A callback for PDTextEnum(). It is called once for each string in a text object. | |
| PDStyle — A PDStyle object provides access to information on the fonts, font sizes, and colors used in a PDWord. | |
| PDStyle — Provides access to information about the fonts, font sizes, and colors used in a PDWord. | |
| PDStyleGetColor — Gets a style's color. | |
| PDStyleGetFont — Gets the specified style's font. | |
| PDStyleGetFontSize — Get a style's font size. | |
| PDSType — PDS object types. | |
| PDSWrite_VERSION_5 | |
| PDSWrite_VERSION_6 | |
| PDSWrite_VERSION_7 | |
| PDSWrite_VERSION_8 | |
| PDSWrite_VERSION_B | |
| PDSWriteHFTName | |
| PDSysEncoding — A PDSysEncoding is a subclass of PDEElement that provides system encoding for a PDF file. | |
| PDSysEncoding — A PDEElement that provides system encoding for a PDF file. | |
| PDSysEncodingCodePage | |
| PDSysEncodingCreateFromBaseName — Create an encoding object from the base name. | |
| PDSysEncodingCreateFromCMapName — Create an encoding object from a PDF CMap name. | |
| PDSysEncodingCreateFromCMapStream — Creates an encoding object from a given PDF CMap stream. | |
| PDSysEncodingCreateFromCodePage — Create an encoding object from a code page. | |
| PDSysEncodingGetWMode — Returns writing mode. 0 for horizontal writing and 1 for vertical writing. | |
| PDSysEncodingIsIdentity — Returns true for Identity-H or Identity-V encoding, false otherwise. | |
| PDSysEncodingIsMultiByte — Returns true for CMap encoding, false otherwise. | |
| PDSysEncodingSetIsUTF16 — IN/OUT An object of type PDSysEncoding. | |
| PDSysFont — A PDSysFont is a reference to a font installed on the host system. PDSysFont methods allow your
plug-in to list the fonts available on the host system and to find a font on the system that
matches a PDEFont, if it is present.
| |
| PDSysFont — A reference to a font installed in the host system. PDSysFont methods allow you to list the fonts available in the host system and to find a font in the system that matches a PDEFont, if it is present. | |
| PDSysFontAcquirePlatformData — Acquires platform-specific data for use by user interface code. It must be released when finished by PDSysFontReleasePlatformData(). | |
| PDSysFontEnumProc — A callback for PDEnumSysFonts(). It is called once for each system font. | |
| PDSysFontFID | |
| PDSysFontFRef | |
| PDSysFontFStyle | |
| PDSysFontGetAttrs — Gets the attributes of a system font. | |
| PDSysFontGetCIDSystemInfo — Derives the registry, ordering, and supplement information of a multi-byte system font. This information can be used to create a PDEFont from a system font. For more information on CID fonts, see PDFontGetCIDSystemInfo(). | |
| PDSysFontGetCreateFlags — This function returns a createFlags that can be passed to PDEFontCreateFromSysFontAndEncoding(). If the combination of sysFont and sysEnc is not allowed, -1 is returned. | |
| PDSysFontGetEncoding — Gets the encoding of a single-byte encoded system font. | |
| PDSysFontGetInfo — Gets high-level information about a system font. | |
| PDSysFontGetName — Gets the PostScript or TrueType styled name for a system font. | |
| PDSysFontGetType0Widths — Gets width information from a Type 0 system font. This information can be used to create a PDEFont from a system font. | |
| PDSysFontGetWidths — Gets the widths of a single byte encoded system font. | |
| PDSysFontGetWidthsEx — Gets the widths of a single-byte encoded system font. | |
| PDSysFontHFT_VERSION_4 | |
| PDSysFontHFTName | |
| PDSysFontMatchFlags — Font matching flags for PDFindSysFontForPDEFont() and PDFindSysFont(). | |
| PDSysFontMode | |
| PDSysFontPackageType | |
| PDSysFontPlatData | |
| PDSysFontPlatData | |
| PDSysFontPlatData | |
| PDSysFontPlatDataP | |
| PDSysFontPlatDataP | |
| PDSysFontPlatDataP | |
| PDSysFontReleasePlatformData — Releases platform-specific data for the specified PDSysFont. | |
| PDSysFontVerifyEncoding — Similar to PDSysFontGetCreateFlags but avoids compatibility issues with changing PDSysFontGetCreateFlags. If the combination of sysFont and sysEnc is not allowed, -1 is returned. If the combination is ok, then 0 is returned. If the combination only works if the font is embedded, kPDEFontCreateEmbedded is returned. | |
| PDText — A PDText is a graphic object (a subclass of PDGraphic) representing one or more character strings on a page. | |
| PDText | |
| PDTextAnnot — A PDTextAnnot corresponds to a PDF text annotation. For details, see Text Annotations in Section 8.4.5,
Annotation Types, in the PDF Reference. You can use any PDAnnot method on a PDTextAnnot.
| |
| PDTextAnnot — A PDF text annotation on a page in a PDF file. You can use any PDAnnot method on a PDTextAnnot. | |
| PDTextAnnotGetContents — Gets the text of a text annotation. | |
| PDTextAnnotGetContentsASText — Gets the text of a text annotation as an ASText object. | |
| PDTextAnnotIsOpen — Tests whether a text annotation is open. | |
| PDTextAnnotSetContents — Sets the text of a text annotation. This method also sets the modification date of the annotation to the current date and time. | |
| PDTextAnnotSetContentsASText — Sets the text of a text annotation. | |
| PDTextAnnotSetOpen — Opens or closes a text annotation. | |
| PDTextEnum — Enumerates the strings of a text object, calling a procedure for each string. The PDText object may be obtained from the PDGraphicEnumTextProc() callback of PDGraphicEnumMonitor. | |
| PDTextGetState — Gets the text state for a text object. See Section 5.2 in the PDF Reference for a discussion of the text state parameters. | |
| PDTextSelect — PDTextSelect objects represent a selection of text on a single page, and may contain more than one disjointed group of words.
A text selection contains one or more ranges of text, with each range containing the word numbers (in PDF order, as returned by
PDWordFinderEnumWords() or PDWordFinderAcquireWordList()) of the selected words. Each range has a start word
(the first word in the series) and an end word (the first word not in the series).
| |
| PDTextSelect — A pointer to a PDTextSelect struct. | |
| PDTextSelectCreatePageHilite | |
| PDTextSelectCreatePageHilite — Creates a text selection from a page and a list of highlights specified as character offsets from the start of the page. Character offsets are a well-defined quantity in the PDF file, and are therefore stable against revisions of the word-finding algorithm, which makes them a good way to isolate yourself from changes in the algorithm. | |
| PDTextSelectCreatePageHiliteEx — Adds the WFVersion parameter to PDTextSelectCreatePageHilite(). It is the same as PDTextSelectCreatePageHilite(), but it creates a WordFinder using the specified version number. It is intended to be used by plug-ins that want to do text highlighting with previous versions of the word finder algorithm. | |
| PDTextSelectCreateRanges | |
| PDTextSelectCreateRanges — Creates a text selection from one or more ranges. | |
| PDTextSelectCreateRangesEx — Adds the WFVersion parameter to PDTextSelectCreateRanges(). It is the same as PDTextSelectCreateRanges() but it creates a WordFinder using the specified version number. It is intended to be used by plug-ins that want to do text highlighting with previous versions of the word finder algorithm. | |
| PDTextSelectCreateWordHilite | |
| PDTextSelectCreateWordHilite — Creates a text selection from a list of highlights specified as word offsets from the start of the page. Word offsets are not well-defined in PDF files, but are calculated by the word-finding algorithm. As a result, word offsets will, in general, differ in different versions of the word-finding algorithm. If you choose to store word offsets, you must also store the version of the word-finding algorithm from which they are obtained using PDWordFinderGetLatestAlgVersion(). | |
| PDTextSelectCreateWordHiliteEx — Adds the WFVersion parameter to PDTextSelectCreateWordHilite(). | |
| PDTextSelectDestroy — Deletes a text selection object (the text on the page remains unchanged). Do not use this method to destroy a text selection that was passed to AVDocSetSelection(); such text selections are automatically destroyed when a new selection is made or the selection is cleared. | |
| PDTextSelectEnumQuadProc — A callback for PDTextSelectEnumQuads(). It is called once for each quad in a text selection. | |
| PDTextSelectEnumQuads | |
| PDTextSelectEnumQuads — Enumerates the bounding quads in a text selection. proc is called for each quad. If a word is on a curve it may have a quad for each character, but it may also have two characters per quad. An upright word will have only one quad for all the characters. An upright hyphenated word will have two quads. | |
| PDTextSelectEnumRTFTextProc | |
| PDTextSelectEnumText | |
| PDTextSelectEnumText — Enumerates the strings of the specified text select object, calling a procedure for each string. A string, in this context, is the set of like-styled characters within a word. It is never larger than a single word. A word containing three styles is enumerated as three strings. There is no guaranteed correspondence between these strings and the actual show strings in the PDF file. Acrobat enumerates text in the order it appears in the PDF file, which is often not the same as the order in which a person would read the text. | |
| PDTextSelectEnumTextProc — A callback for PDTextSelectEnumText() and PDTextSelectEnumTextUCS(). It is called once for each text run (which is text in the same font, size, color, and on the same line) in a text selection. | |
| PDTextSelectEnumTextUCS — Same as PDTextSelectEnumText(), except the output is forced to UCS. | |
| PDTextSelectGetBoundingRect | |
| PDTextSelectGetBoundingRect — Gets a text selection's bounding rectangle. This is the smallest rectangle that completely encloses all characters in the selection. | |
| PDTextSelectGetPage — Gets the page number of a text selection's page. | |
| PDTextSelectGetRange — Extracts the range specified by index from a text selection. Use PDTextSelectGetRangeCount() to determine the number of ranges in a text selection. | |
| PDTextSelectGetRangeCount — Gets the number of ranges in a text selection. Use PDTextSelectGetRange() to extract a single range from a text selection. | |
| PDTextSelectRange | |
| PDTextSelectRangeRec | |
| PDTextState | |
| PDTextStateP | |
| PDThread — A thread corresponds to an article in Acrobat's user interface, and contains an ordered sequence of
rectangles that bound the article. Each rectangle is called a bead. See Section 8.3.2, Articles,
in the PDF Reference for more information on articles and beads in PDF.
| |
| PDThread — An article in the Acrobat viewer's user interface. It contains an ordered sequence of rectangles that bound the article. Each rectangle is called a bead. Threads can be created either interactively, by the user, or programmatically. | |
| PDThreadDestroy — Deletes an article thread from its document. You must call PDDocRemoveThread() to remove the thread from the document (if it was added to one using PDDocAddThread()) before calling PDThreadDestroy(). | |
| PDThreadDidChange — A thread was changed. | |
| PDThreadFromCosObj — Gets the thread object corresponding to the specified Cos object. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDThreadGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object corresponding to a thread. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDThreadGetFirstBead — Gets an article thread's first bead. | |
| PDThreadGetInfo — Gets the specified article thread's info. | |
| PDThreadGetInfoASText — Gets the specified article thread's info as an ASText object. | |
| PDThreadIsValid — Tests whether a thread is valid. This is intended only to ensure that the thread has not been deleted, not to ensure that all necessary information is present and valid. | |
| PDThreadNew — Creates a new article thread. Use PDDocAddThread() to add the thread to a document. | |
| PDThreadSetFirstBead — Sets an article thread's first bead. | |
| PDThreadSetInfo — Sets the specified article thread's info. | |
| PDThreadSetInfoASText — Sets the specified article thread's info. | |
| PDThumb — A PDThumb is a thumbnail preview image of a page. | |
| PDThumb — A thumbnail preview image of a page. | |
| PDThumbCreationDrawThumbProc — (Optional) A callback for PDThumbCreationServer. It is called after PDThumbCreationGetThumbDataProc() and after a PDThumb has been created. It gives the server a chance to draw the thumbnail image in a status window. It may be NULL. | |
| PDThumbCreationGetThumbDataProc — (Optional) A callback for PDThumbCreationServer. It is called for each page that does not currently contain a thumbnail image. It may be NULL. If it is NULL, the thumbnail data is generated by the default thumbnail generator. | |
| PDThumbCreationNotifyPageProc — (Optional) A callback for PDThumbCreationServer. It is called before processing each page. It may be NULL. | |
| PDThumbCreationServer | |
| PDThumbCreationServerRec | |
| PDThumbGetImageData — Gets an ASStm from a thumbnail data. | |
| PDThumbGetIndexedColorSpace — Gets an ASStm from a thumbnail's indexed color space table. | |
| PDTile | |
| PDTileEx | |
| PDTileRec — Printing flags | |
| PDTileRecEx | |
| PDTrans — A PDTrans represents a transition to a page. The Trans key in a page dictionary specifies a transition dictionary,
which describes the effect to use when going to a page and the amount of time the transition should take.
See Section 8.3.3, Presentations, in the PDF Reference for more information on transitions.
| |
| PDTrans — A transition to a page. The Trans key in a Page dictionary specifies a Transition dictionary, which describes the effect to use when going to a page and the amount of time the transition should take. | |
| PDTransEqual — Tests two transitions for equality. Two transitions are equal only if their Cos objects are equal (see CosObjEqual()). | |
| PDTransFromCosObj — Converts the specified dictionary Cos object to a transition and verifies that the transition is valid. This method does not copy the object but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDTransGetCosObj — Gets the dictionary Cos object corresponding to the transition and verifies that the transition is valid. This method does not copy the object but is the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDTransGetDuration — Gets the duration for the given transition. | |
| PDTransGetSubtype — Gets a transition's subtype. | |
| PDTransIsValid — Tests whether a transition is valid, meaning that the transition has not been deleted. | |
| PDTransNew — Creates a new transition of the specified type and duration associated with the CosDoc of the given PDDoc. | |
| PDTransNewFromCosDoc — Creates a new transition of the specified type and duration associated with the given CosDoc. | |
| PDTransNull — Gets a NULL transition. This can be used in conjunction with PDTransEqual() to determine whether a transition is NULL. | |
| PDTrapPreset | |
| PDTrapPresetRec | |
| PDUnicodeEncoding | |
| PDUnknownCharSet | |
| PDUseAttachments | |
| PDUseBookmarks | |
| PDUseNone | |
| PDUseOC | |
| PDUserPropertiesXMLLabels | |
| PDUseThumbs | |
| PDVertAlign | |
| PDViewDest — A PDViewDest represents a particular view of a page in a document. It contains a reference to a page, a rectangle on that page,
and information specifying how to adjust the view to fit the window's size and shape. It corresponds to a
PDF Dest array (see Named Destinations in Section 8.2, Document-Level Navigation,
in the PDF Reference) and can be considered a special form of a PDAction.
| |
| PDViewDestCreate — Creates a new view destination object. | |
| PDViewDestDestroy — Deletes a view destination object. Before deleting a view destination, ensure that no link or bookmark refers to it. | |
| PDViewDestFromCosObj — Converts the specified Cos object to a view destination and verifies that the view destination is valid. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDViewDestGetAttr — Gets a view destination's fit type, destination rectangle, and zoom factor. The destination must be represented by an array, which is the case for a GoToR action. | |
| PDViewDestGetCosObj — Gets the Cos object corresponding to a view destination and verifies that the view destination is valid. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDViewDestination — A particular view of a page in a document. It contains a reference to a page, a rectangle on that page, and information specifying how to adjust the view to fit the window's size and shape. It corresponds to a PDF Dest array and can be considered a special form of a PDAction. | |
| PDViewDestIsValid — Tests whether a view destination is valid. This is intended only to ensure that the view destination has not been deleted, not to ensure that all necessary information is present and valid. | |
| PDViewDestNULL | |
| PDViewDestResolve — Resolves a destination. dest is the value of the D key in an action. It can be a real destination (an array) or a name. If it is a name, look it up in the doc parameter's Dests dictionary. The value found there can be a real destination (an array) or a dictionary. If it is a dictionary, look up the D key in that dictionary. | |
| PDWinAnsiEncoding | |
| PDWord — A PDWord object represents a word in a PDF file. Each word contains a sequence of characters in one or more styles (see PDStyle).
| |
| PDWord — A word in a PDF file. Each word contains a sequence of characters in one or more styles (see PDStyle). | |
| PDWordCreateTextSelect — Creates a text selection object for a given page that includes all words in a word list, as returned from a PDWordFinder method. The text selection can then be set as the current selection using AVDocSetSelection(). | |
| PDWordFilterString — Removes leading and trailing spaces and leading and trailing punctuation (including soft hyphens) from the specified word. It does not remove wildcard characters (
) or any punctuation surrounded by alphanumeric characters within the word. | |
| PDWordFilterWord — Removes leading and trailing spaces and leading and trailing punctuation (including soft hyphens) from the specified word. It does not remove wildcard characters ('*' and '?') or any punctuation surrounded by alphanumeric characters within the word. It also converts ligatures to their constituent characters. The determination of which characters to remove is made by examining the flags in the outEncInfo array passed to PDDocCreateWordFinder(). As a result, this method is most useful after you have been called with words obtained by calling PDWordFinderGetNthWord(), in the callback for PDWordFinderEnumWords(), and words in the pXYSortTable returned by PDWordFinderAcquireWordList(). See the description of PDWordFilterString() for further information, and for a description of how the two methods differ. | |
| PDWordFinder — A PDWordFinder extracts words from a PDF file, and enumerates the words on a single page or on all pages in a document.
The core API provides methods to extract words from a document, obtain information on the word finder, and to release a list
of words after a plug-in is done using it.
| |
| PDWordFinder — Extracts words from a PDF file, and enumerates the words on a single page or on all pages in a document. | |
| PDWordFinderAcquireVisibleWordList — Finds all words on the specified page that are visible in the given optional-content context and returns one or more tables containing the words. One table contains the words sorted in the order in which they appear in the PDF file, while the other contains the words sorted by their x- and y-coordinates on the page. | |
| PDWordFinderAcquireWordList — Finds all words on the specified page and returns one or more tables containing the words. One table contains the words sorted in the order in which they appear in the PDF file, while the other contains the words sorted by their x- and y-coordinates on the page. | |
| PDWordFinderConfig | |
| PDWordFinderConfigRec | |
| PDWordFinderCtrlProc — This is passed to PDWordFinderSetCtrlProc(). | |
| PDWordFinderDestroy — Destroys a word finder. Use this when you are done extracting text in a file. | |
| PDWordFinderEnumVisibleWords — Extracts visible words, one at a time, from the specified page or the entire document. It calls a user-supplied procedure once for each word found. If you wish to extract all text from a page at once, use PDWordFinderAcquireWordList() instead of this method. | |
| PDWordFinderEnumWords — Extracts words, one at a time, from the specified page or the entire document. It calls a user-supplied procedure once for each word found. If you wish to extract all text from a page at once, use PDWordFinderAcquireWordList() instead of this method. | |
| PDWordFinderEnumWordsStr — Constructs a PDWord list from a Unicode string, and calls a user-supplied procedure once for each word found. | |
| PDWordFinderGetLatestAlgVersion — Gets the version number of the specified word finder, or the version number of the latest word finder algorithm. | |
| PDWordFinderGetNthWord — Gets the nth word in the word list obtained using PDWordFinderAcquireWordList(). | |
| PDWordFinderReleaseWordList — Releases the word list for a given page. Use this to release a list created by PDWordFinderAcquireWordList() when you are done using this list. | |
| PDWordGetASText — Copies the text from a word into an ASText object. It automatically performs the necessary encoding conversions from the specified word (either in Unicode or Host Encoding) to the ASText object. | |
| PDWordGetAttr — Gets a bit field containing information on the types of characters in a word. Use PDWordGetCharacterTypes() if you wish to check each character's type individually. | |
| PDWordGetAttrEx — This is a version 6.0 extension of PDWordGetAttr() that can be used only with a word finder created with algorithm version WF_VERSION_3 or higher. It can get an additional 16-bit flag group defined in Acrobat 6. | |
| PDWordGetByteIdxFromHiliteChar — Returns the byte offset within the specified word of the highlightable character at the specified character offset. The first character of a word is at byte offset 0. This method can be used only with a word finder created with algorithm version WF_VERSION_3 or higher. | |
| PDWordGetCharacterTypes — Gets the character type for each character in a word. | |
| PDWordGetCharDelta — Gets the difference between the word length (the number of printed characters in the word) and the PDF word length (the number of character codes in the word). For instance, if the PDF word is fi (ligature) sh the mapped word will be "fish". The ligature occupies only one character code, so in this case the character delta will be 3-4 = -1. | |
| PDWordGetCharEncFlags — Gets the WordFinder Character Encoding Flags for each character in a word, which specify how reliably the word finder identified the character encoding. | |
| PDWordGetCharOffset — Returns a word's character offset from the beginning of its page. This information, together with the character delta obtained from PDWordGetCharDelta(), can be used to highlight a range of words on a page, using PDTextSelectCreatePageHilite(). | |
| PDWordGetCharOffsetEx — This is a version 6.0 extension of PDWordGetCharOffset() that can be used only with a word finder created with algorithm version WF_VERSION_3 or higher. | |
| PDWordGetCharQuad — Gets the quadrilateral bounding of the character at a given index position in the word. If the specified character is constructed with multiple bytes, only the first byte returns a valid quad. Otherwise, this method returns false. | |
| PDWordGetLength — Gets the number of bytes in a word. This method also works on non-Roman systems. | |
| PDWordGetNthCharStyle — Returns a PDStyle object for the nth style in a word. | |
| PDWordGetNthQuad — Gets the specified word's nth quad, specified in user space coordinates. See PDWordGetNumQuads() for a description of a quad. | |
| PDWordGetNumHiliteChar — Gets the number of highlightable characters in a word. A highlightable character is the minimum text unit that Acrobat can select and highlight. This method can be used only with a word finder created with algorithm version WF_VERSION_3 or higher. | |
| PDWordGetNumQuads — Gets the number of quads in a word. A quad is a quadrilateral bounding a contiguous piece of a word. Every word has at least one quad. A word has more than one quad, for example, if it is hyphenated and split across multiple lines or if the word is set on a curve rather than on a straight line. | |
| PDWordGetString — This method gets a word's text. The string to return includes any word break characters (such as space characters) that follow the word, but not any that precede the word. The characters that are treated as word breaks are defined in the outEncInfo parameter of PDDocCreateWordFinder() method. Use PDWordFilterString() to subsequently remove the word break characters. | |
| PDWordGetStyleTransition — Gets the locations of style transitions in a word. Every word has at least one style transition, at character position zero in the word. | |
| PDWordIsCurrentlyVisible — Tests whether a word is visible in a given optional-content context on a given page. | |
| PDWordIsRotated — Tests whether a word is rotated. | |
| PDWordMakeVisible — Makes a word visible in a given optional-content context on a given page. | |
| PDWordProc — A callback for PDWordFinderEnumWords. It is called once for each word. | |
| PDWordSplitString — Splits the specified string into words by substituting spaces for word separator characters. The list of characters considered to be word separators can be specified, or a default list can be used. | |
| PDXlateToASText — Returns an ASText object corresponding to a host encoded string. | |
| PDXlateToHost — Translates a string from PDFDocEncoding to host encoding. This method is useful when setting or retrieving displayed text that must be in PDFDocEncoding (or Unicode), such as text that appears in a text annotation or bookmark. | |
| PDXlateToHostASText — Returns a host encoded string corresponding to an ASText object. | |
| PDXlateToHostEx — Translates a string from Unicode or PDFDocEncoding to host encoding. This method is useful when setting or retrieving displayed text that might be in Unicode, such as text that appears in a text annotation or bookmark. | |
| PDXlateToPDFDocEnc — Translates a string from host encoding to PDFDocEncoding. This method is useful when setting or retrieving displayed text that must be in PDFDocEncoding (or Unicode), such as text that appears in a text annotation or bookmark. | |
| PDXlateToPDFDocEncEx — Translates a string from host encoding to PDFDocEncoding or Unicode. This method is useful when using text that must be in PDFDocEncoding or Unicode, such as text in a text annotation, bookmark, or article title. | |
| PDXObject — This object corresponds to a PDF XObject (see Section 4.9, Form XObjects, in the PDF Reference).
PDXObject objects currently used by Acrobat are of one of the two XObject subclasses: PDImage and PDForm. You can use any PDXObject
method on these objects.
| |
| PDXObject — A superclass used for PDF XObjects. Acrobat currently uses two XObject subclasses: PDImage and PDForm. You can use any PDXObject method on these three objects. | |
| PDXObjectEnumFilters — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Enumerates the filters attached to an XObject, calling a user-supplied procedure for each filter. | |
| PDXObjectFilterEnumProc — A callback for PDXObjectEnumFilters(). It is called once for each filter that has been applied to an XObject's data. | |
| PDXObjectGetCosObj — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Gets the Cos object associated with an XObject. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast. | |
| PDXObjectGetData — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Passes the data from an XObject to a user-supplied procedure. | |
| PDXObjectGetDataLength — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Gets the value of the XObject stream's length key, which specifies the amount of data in the PDF file (that is, after all compression/encoding filters have been applied). | |
| PDXObjectGetSubtype — (Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Gets the subtype of an XObject. Examples of a subtype are Image and Form. | |
| peErrBadBlockHeader | |
| peErrBadFont | |
| peErrBadResMetrics | |
| peErrBadType3Font | |
| peErrCantCreateFontSubset | |
| peErrCantEmbedFont | |
| peErrCantGetAttrs | |
| peErrCantGetImageDict | |
| peErrCantGetShading | |
| peErrCantGetWidths | |
| peErrCantReadImage | |
| peErrErrorParsingImage | |
| peErrFontToEmbedNotOnSys | |
| peErrIllegalUTFText | |
| peErrInvalidUnicodeAttribute | |
| peErrNoError | |
| peErrPStackUnderflow | |
| peErrReadLessImageColor | |
| peErrReadLessImageData | |
| peErrTooFewPathOps | |
| peErrToUnicodeUsesPUA | |
| peErrUnknownPDEColorSpace | |
| peErrUnknownResType | |
| peErrWrongOpType | |
| peErrWrongPDEObjectType | |
| PEX1 | |
| PEX1 | |
| PEX2 | |
| PEX2 | |
| PI_ACROSUPPORT_VERSION — Specifies the version of the Acrobat support level HFT. This is automatically set by PIRequir.h. | |
| PI_ACROVIEW_VERSION — Specifies the version of the Acrobat viewer level HFT. This is automatically set by PIRequir.h. | |
| PI_CORE_VERSION — Specifies the version of the HFT. This is automatically set by PIRequir.h. | |
| PI_COS_VERSION — Specifies the version of the Cos-level HFT. This is automatically set by PIRequir.h. | |
| PI_MACINTOSH_VERSION — Specifies the version of the Mac OS-only methods HFT. This is automatically set by PIRequir.h. | |
| PI_PDMODEL_VERSION — Specifies the version of the PD level HFT. This is automatically set by PIRequir.h. | |
| PI_UNIX_VERSION — Specifies the version of the UNIX-only methods HFT. This is automatically set by PIRequir.h. | |
| PI_WIN_VERSION — Specifies the version of the Windows-only methods HFT. This is automatically set by PIRequir.h. | |
| PIExportHFTsProcType | |
| PIHandshake | |
| PIHandshakeData_V0200 | |
| PIHandshakeProcType | |
| PIImportReplaceAndRegisterProcType | |
| PIInitProcType | |
| PIPROC | |
| PIPROC | |
| PIPROC | |
| PIPROC | |
| PIPROC | |
| PIPROC | |
| PIPROC | |
| PIPROC | |
| PIPROC | |
| PIPROC | |
| PIPROC | |
| PISDKData_V0200 | |
| PISetupSDKProcType | |
| PIUnloadProcType | |
| PlatformBitmapPtr | |
| PlatformWindowPtr | |
| PLUGIN | |
| PMBeginOperationProc — A callback used in ASProgressMonitor that initializes the progress monitor and displays it with a current value of zero. This method must be called first when the progress monitor is used. | |
| PMEndOperationProc — A callback used in ASProgressMonitor that draws the progress monitor with its current value set to the progress monitor's duration (a full progress monitor), then removes the progress monitor from the display. | |
| PMGetCurrValueProc — A callback used in ASProgressMonitor that gets the progress monitor's duration, set by the most recent call to the progress monitor's PMSetCurrValueProc(). | |
| PMGetDurationProc — A callback used in ASProgressMonitor that gets the progress monitor's duration, set by the most recent call to the progress monitor's PMSetDurationProc(). | |
| PMSetCurrValueProc — A callback used in ASProgressMonitor that sets the current value of the progress monitor and updates the display. The allowed value ranges from 0 (empty) to the value passed to setDuration. For example, if the progress monitor's duration is 10, the current value must be between 0 and 10, inclusive. | |
| PMSetDurationProc — A callback used in ASProgressMonitor that sets the value that corresponds to a full progress monitor display. The progress monitor is subsequently filled in by setting its current value. This method must be called before you can set the progress monitor's current value. | |
| PMSetTextProc — A callback within ASProgressMonitorRec that sets the text string that is displayed by the progress monitor. | |
| POSIXPath_Ptr — A C string containing a POSIX path (UTF-8 encoding). | |
| PPDFeaturesP | |
| PPDFeaturesRec | |
| PROGRESS_HAS_CANCEL — Add either a Cancel button or a message directing the user how to abort the operation. | |
| PROGRESS_HAS_METER — Put a thermometer-style meter in the progress display. | |
| ProgressMonitor | |
| ProgressMonitorRec | |
| PROP_DirectoryInfo_DirHandlerID | |
| PROP_DirectoryInfo_DirType | |
| PROP_DirectoryInfo_ID | |
| PROP_DirectoryInfo_Name | |
| PROP_DirectoryInfo_Version | |
| PSPrintAfterBeginPageSetup — This notification is broadcast after the beginning of the Page Setup (immediately after writing %% BeginPageSetup) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods
(only available with PDF Library SDK) or
(only available with PDF Library SDK). At this point it is possible to use setpagedevice and set the graphics state but marks cannot be made on the page. | |
| PSPrintAfterBeginProlog — This notification is broadcast after the beginning of the PostScript Prolog (immediately after writing %% BeginPrologue) during the printing of a document to a PostScript printer with the methods
(only available with PDF Library SDK) or
(only available with PDF Library SDK). The Prolog is a set of application-specific procedure definitions that an application may emit in a PostScript stream. | |
| PSPrintAfterBeginSetup — This notification is broadcast after the beginning of the Document Setup (immediately after writing %% BeginSetup) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods
(only available with PDF Library SDK) or
(only available with PDF Library SDK). During Document Setup, fonts may be downloaded, setpagedevice may be called, procsets may be initialized, the graphics state may be initialized, and so forth. | |
| PSPrintAfterEmitExtGState — This notification is broadcast after extended graphics state parameters are emitted while printing to a PostScript printer with the methods
(only available with the PDF Library SDK) or
(only available with the PDF Library SDK). | |
| PSPrintAfterPageTrailer — This notification is broadcast after the page trailer is emitted (immediately after writing %% PageTrailer) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods
(only available with PDF Library SDK) or
(only available with PDF Library SDK). At this point it is possible to resolve comments (at end) and emit cleanup code. | |
| PSPrintAfterTrailer — This notification is broadcast after the DSC trailer is emitted (immediately after writing %% Trailer) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods
(only available with PDF Library SDK) or
(only available with PDF Library SDK). At this point it is possible to resolve comments (at end) and emit cleanup code. | |
| PSPrintBeforeAcrobatProcsets — Clients that register for this notification will be called back during PostScript printing, just prior to emission of the Acrobat procsets. | |
| PSPrintBeforeEndComments — This notification is broadcast after the DSC page-level comments that apply to all pages have been emitted (immediately before writing %% EndComments) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods
(only available with the PDF Library SDK) or
(only available with the PDF Library SDK). | |
| PSPrintBeforeEndSetup — This notification is broadcast before the end of Document Setup (immediately before writing %% EndSetup) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods
(only available with PDF Library SDK) or
(only available with PDF Library SDK). At this point all of the job level resources and procsets have been added to the print stream. | |
| PT_3DREF | |
| PT_ALL | |
| PT_BEAD | |
| PT_DATE | |
| PT_FIELD | |
| PT_FONT | |
| PT_FORM | |
| PT_IMAGE | |
| PT_NULL | |
| PT_OCG | |
| PT_OCMD | |
| PT_OPI_1_3_DICT | |
| PT_OPI_2_0_DICT | |
| PT_PAGE | |
| PT_URL | |
| PT_XUID | |