Layer | PD_Layer |
Object | PDNameTree |
A PDNameTree is used to map Cos strings to Cos objects, just as a Cos dictionary is used to map Cos names to Cos objects. However, a name tree can have many more entries than a Cos dictionary. You can create a PDNameTree and locate it where appropriate (perhaps under a page, but most often right under the catalog). A PDNameTree is used to store the named destination information.
Name trees use Cos-style strings, which may use Unicode encoding, rather than
-terminated C strings. Unicode encoding may contain bytes with zeroes in them
(the high bytes of ASCII characters).
Typedef | ||
The dictionary used to store all of the Named Destinations in a PDF file. A name tree is used to map Cos strings to Cos objects just as a Cos dictionary is used to map Cos names to Cos objects. However, a name tree can have many more entries than a Cos dictionary can. You create a PDNameTree and locate it where you think is appropriate (perhaps under a page, but most often right under the catalog). Name trees use Cos-style strings (not NULL-terminated C strings), which may use Unicode encoding, and these may contain bytes with zeroes in them (high bytes of ASCII characters).
Method | ||
Enumerates the entries in the tree.
Compares two name trees to determine if they are the same object.
PDNameTree PDNameTreeFromCosObj(CosObj obj)
Creates a type cast of the CosObj to a name tree. This does not copy the object.
Retrieves an object from the name tree.
CosObj PDNameTreeGetCosObj(PDNameTree theTree)
Creates a type cast of the name tree to a CosObj. This does not copy the object.
ASBool PDNameTreeIsValid(PDNameTree theTree)
Validates whether a PDNameTree is a CosDict Cos object.
Given a name tree (such as the Dests tree in the Names dictionary) and a string, find the CosObj in the tree that matches the string.
An entry was added to a name tree.
An entry was removed from a name tree.
An entry will be removed from the PDNameTree.
PDNameTree PDNameTreeNew(PDDoc pdDoc)
Creates a new name tree in the document.
Sends a PDNameTreeNameAdded() notification.
Sends a PDNameTreeNameRemoved() notification.
Puts a new entry in the name tree. If an entry with this name is already in the tree, it is replaced.
Removes the specified object from the tree. It does nothing if no object with that name exists.
PDNameTree |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef OPAQUE_64_BITS PDNameTree;
The dictionary used to store all of the Named Destinations in a PDF file. A name tree is used to map Cos strings to Cos objects just as a Cos dictionary is used to map Cos names to Cos objects. However, a name tree can have many more entries than a Cos dictionary can. You create a PDNameTree and locate it where you think is appropriate (perhaps under a page, but most often right under the catalog). Name trees use Cos-style strings (not NULL
-terminated C strings), which may use Unicode encoding, and these may contain bytes with zeroes in them (high bytes of ASCII characters).
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5438 |
PDNameTreeEnum | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDNameTreeEnum(PDNameTree theTree, CosObjEnumProc proc, void* clientData)
Enumerates the entries in the tree.
theTree — | IN/OUT A name tree. |
proc — | IN/OUT A procedure to call once for each name/object pair in |
clientData — | IN/OUT Data used by the enumeration procedure. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6896 |
PDNameTreeEqual | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDNameTreeEqual(PDNameTree tree1, PDNameTree tree2)
Compares two name trees to determine if they are the same object.
tree1 — | A name tree. |
tree2 — | Another name tree. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6826 |
PDNameTreeFromCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDNameTree PDNameTreeFromCosObj(CosObj obj)
Creates a type cast of the CosObj to a name tree. This does not copy the object.
obj — | IN/OUT The CosObj for which a PDNameTree representation is desired. |
A PDNameTree representation of |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6788 |
PDNameTreeGet | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDNameTreeGet(PDNameTree theTree, const char* name, ASInt32 nameLen, CosObj* value)
Retrieves an object from the name tree.
theTree — | The PDNameTree from which an object is retrieved. |
name — | The name of the object within |
nameLen — | ||
value — | (Filled by the method) The Cos object corresponding to |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6861 |
PDNameTreeGetCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
CosObj PDNameTreeGetCosObj(PDNameTree theTree)
Creates a type cast of the name tree to a CosObj. This does not copy the object.
theTree — | IN/OUT The PDNameTree for which a CosObj representation is desired. |
A CosObj representation of |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6801 |
PDNameTreeIsValid | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDNameTreeIsValid(PDNameTree theTree)
Validates whether a PDNameTree is a CosDict Cos object.
theTree — | The PDNameTree whose validity is desired. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6814 |
PDNameTreeLookup | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Given a name tree (such as the Dests tree in the Names dictionary) and a string, find the CosObj in the tree that matches the string.
See Section 3.8.5 in the PDF Reference for more information on name trees.
nameTree — | The name tree in which to search. |
string — | The name to search for. The name tree uses Cos-style strings, which may use Unicode encoding, and these may contain bytes with zeroes in them (high bytes of ASCII characters). Note that |
stringLen — |
The Cos object associated with the specified name, which is the array element following the name. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6115 |
PDNameTreeNameAdded | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDNameTreeNameAdded(PDNameTree NameTree, CosObj Key, CosObj Value, void* clientData)
An entry was added to a name tree.
NameTree — | The name tree to which an entry was added. |
Key — | The Cos object of the key for the entry. This object is a Cos integer. |
Value — | The Cos object for the value associated with key. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1684 |
PDNameTreeNameRemoved | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDNameTreeNameRemoved(PDNameTree NameTree, CosObj Key, void* clientData)
An entry was removed from a name tree.
NameTree — | The name tree from which an entry was removed. |
Key — | The Cos object of the key for the entry. This object is a Cos integer. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1698 |
PDNameTreeNameWillRemove | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDNameTreeNameWillRemove(PDNameTree tree, const char* key, ASInt32 keyLen, void* clientData)
An entry will be removed from the PDNameTree
tree |
key |
keyLen |
clientData |
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 2587 |
PDNameTreeNew | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDNameTree PDNameTreeNew(PDDoc pdDoc)
Creates a new name tree in the document.
pdDoc — |
The newly created name tree or a PDNameTreeIsValid() should be called to determine if the name tree returned by PDNameTreeNew() is usable. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6775 |
PDNameTreeNotifyNameAdded | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDNameTreeNotifyNameAdded(PDNameTree theTree, CosObj key, CosObj value)
Sends a PDNameTreeNameAdded() notification.
theTree — | The PDNameTree to which a name had been added. |
key — | The name of the object within |
value — | (Filled by the method) The Cos object corresponding to the object name that was added to |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 7826 |
PDNameTreeNotifyNameRemoved | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDNameTreeNotifyNameRemoved(PDNameTree theTree, CosObj removedName)
Sends a PDNameTreeNameRemoved() notification.
theTree — | The PDNameTree from which the name had been removed. |
removedName — | The name within |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 7837 |
PDNameTreePut | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDNameTreePut(PDNameTree theTree, CosObj key, CosObj value)
Puts a new entry in the name tree. If an entry with this name is already in the tree, it is replaced.
theTree — | IN/OUT The name tree for which a new entry is added. |
key — | IN/OUT The name of the object to put in the tree. This is a Cos-style string, not a C string. This allows the use of an existing indirect object for the key rather than forcing the creation of a new object. |
value — | IN/OUT The Cos object to be associated with |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6844 |
PDNameTreeRemove | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDNameTreeRemove(PDNameTree theTree, const char* key, ASInt32 keyLen)
Removes the specified object from the tree. It does nothing if no object with that name exists.
theTree — | IN/OUT The name tree from which an entry is removed. |
key — | IN/OUT The name of the entry to remove. This is a Cos- style string, not a C string. |
keyLen — | IN/OUT The length of |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6877 |