Layer | PD_Layer |
Object | PDDoc |
A PDDoc object represents a PDF document. There is a correspondence between a PDDoc and an ASFile. Also, every AVDoc has an associated PDDoc, although a PDDoc may not be associated with an AVDoc.
A plug-in may create a new document or open a document using an ASFileSys and an ASPlatformPath. These frequently provide access to disk files, but could also provide access to PDF files by other methods, such as via a network. Because PDlayer objects do not have a concept of an active document, or even of a user, getting the PDDoc of a document opened by the user requires calls to AV layer objects.
Each PDF document contains, among other things:
These objects correspond to CosObj objects in the catalog of a CosDoc. However, they also have PD layer equivalents which are accessible directly through PDDoc methods. Other objects in the catalog of a PDF file may require Cos methods to access.
When you merge a PDF file containing form fields that have appearances, those appearances and forms data are merged along with all the other page contents. If you merge a file that has forms data into another file that has forms data, name conflicts are resolved (in the same way the Acrobat Forms plug-in resolves these conflicts).
Querying PDDoc Permissions
With Acrobat 5.0 and later, plug-ins can query the permissions on a PDDoc to a finer granularity than in previous Acrobat releases. Plug-ins can query specific PDDoc objects and for specific operations authorized to be performed on those objects. At the PDDoc level, for example, plug-ins can query whether printing the document is fully allowed, allowed only at a low resolution, or not allowed under any circumstances. A plug-in can request the applicable operations authorized for any the following objects:
To obtain the permissions, a plug-in can call the PDDocPermRequest() method (which replaces PDDocGetPermissions() used with earlier Acrobat versions). The plug in can request, for example, whether a particular operation can be performed on a particular object (from the list above) for a specified PDDoc. The plug-in may, for example, request whether permissions allow a rotating operation on a page object in the PDDoc.
See the PDPermReqOpr and PDPermReqObj enumerations for a list of all the operations (PDPermReqOpr) that each object (PDPermReqObj) supports (and a plug-in can request using PDDocPermRequest()).
New callbacks have been added to the security handler structure PDCryptHandler to support the finer granularity of permissions that plug-ins can query.
Enumeration With PDDoc Objects
The core API provides several methods that enumerate all objects of a particular type. This can be useful, either because there is no way to access the objects (such as PDPath objects) directly, or for convenience (such as using PDDocEnumFonts to enumerate all fonts used in a document).
The methods can be especially useful with PDDoc objects. When these methods are called, Acrobat enumerates the specified objects, and calls a plug-in-specified callback procedure for each object of that type. For example, when PDDocEnumFonts() is called, Acrobat enumerates all fonts used in the document, calling a procedure provided for each font it finds. Enumeration is complete after the enumeration method returns.
Your plug-in can call an enumeration method and create an array of found elements to be used later. Alternately, your plug-in can search for a particular item and, upon finding the item, stop the enumeration and immediately return. Using enumeration methods, your plug-in can find any toolbar or menu item, or any number of elements on a page.
Enumeration methods may take a monitor as a parameter. A monitor is a C structure that contains pointers to one or more plug-in-supplied callback procedures. The API calls one or more of the functions defined in the monitor for each object in a list. One method that uses a monitor is PDPathEnum(), which provides a set of callbacks for each path object in a page's display list (list of marking operations that represent the displayed portion of a page). This allows a plug-in to be aware of (but not to alter the rendering of) the path objects in a page.
Define | ||
Allows the AcroForm client to request that all the AcroForm data be read ahead, before the viewer needs it. This flag is ignored if the PDF file does not contain a Forms hint table. See Section F.3.5 in the PDF Reference for information about the Forms hint table.
Requests that the PDF file's page label data be read ahead, before the viewer needs it. There is currently no page label hint table defined, so this flag simply causes the rest of the file to be read.
kPDDocReadAheadRenditions | ||
Requests that the PDF file's logical structure data be read ahead, before the viewer needs it. There is currently no logical structure hint table defined, so this flag simply causes the rest of the file to be read.
Requests that the PDF file's Forms Template data be read ahead, before the viewer needs it. There is currently no Template hint table defined, so this flag simply causes the rest of the file to be read.
PDAllPages | ||
PDBeforeFirstPage | ||
PDCryptFilterStringProc | ||
PDDocCreateTextSelect | ||
PDDocGetWordFinder | ||
The document text and graphics can be copied to the clipboard.
The document can be modified (for example, by adding notes, links, or bookmarks).
The document's notes, but nothing else, can be modified.
The document can be printed.
The document has an owner password.
The document has a user password.
The user can copy information from the document to the clipboard. In the document restrictions, this corresponds to the Content Copying or Extraction entry.
The user can edit the document more than adding or modifying text notes (see also pdPermEditNotes). In the Document Security dialog, this corresponds to the Changing the Document entry.
The user can add, modify, and delete text notes (see also pdPermEdit). In the document restrictions, this corresponds to the Authoring Comments and Form Fields entry.
The user can open and decrypt the document.
The user is permitted to perform all operations, regardless of the permissions specified by the document. Unless this permission is set, the document's permissions will be reset to those in the document after a full save.
The user can print the document. Page Setup access is unaffected by this permission, since that affects Acrobat's preferences - not the document's. In the Document Security dialog, this corresponds to the Printing entry.
-1 The request was denied.
0 The request was granted.
3 The operation is not applicable for the specified object.
The handler does not have enough information to determine an answer at this point. Try again later.
1 The object is unknown.
2 The operation is unknown.
PDPermReqVersion | ||
The user can perform a Save As.... If both pdPermEdit and pdPermEditNotes are disallowed, Save will be disabled but Save As... will be enabled. The Save As... menu item is not necessarily disabled even if the user is not permitted to perform a Save As....
The user can change the document's security settings.
The OR of all operations that can be set by the user in the security restrictions (pdPermPrint + pdPermEdit + pdPermCopy + pdPermEditNotes).
All permissions.
Overrides pdPermCopy to enable the Accessibility API. If a document is saved in Rev2 format (Acrobat 4.0 compatible), only the pdPermCopy bit is checked to determine the Accessibility API state.
Overrides various pdPermEdit bits and allows the following operations: page insert/delete/rotate and create bookmark and thumbnail.
Overrides other PDPerm bits. It allows the user to fill in or sign existing form or signature fields.
This should be set if the user can spawn template pages. This bit will allow page template spawning even if pdPermEdit and pdPermEditNotes are clear.
This should be set if the user can submit forms outside of the browser. This bit is a supplement to pdPrivPermFillandSign.
This bit is a supplement to pdPermPrint. If it is clear (disabled) only low quality printing (Print As Image) is allowed. On UNIX platforms where Print As Image doesn't exist, printing is disabled.
STDSEC_CryptRevision1 | ||
STDSEC_CryptRevision2 | ||
STDSEC_CryptRevision3 | ||
STDSEC_CryptRevision4 | ||
STDSEC_CryptRevision5 | ||
STDSEC_CryptRevision6 | ||
STDSEC_CryptVersionV1 | ||
STDSEC_CryptVersionV2 | ||
STDSEC_CryptVersionV3 | ||
STDSEC_CryptVersionV4 | ||
New encryption method for Acrobat 9.0
New encryption method for Acrobat 9.0
New encryption method for Acrobat 9.0
Typedef | ||
PDCryptBatchHandler | ||
PDCryptBatchHandlerRec | ||
PDCryptFilterHandler | ||
PDCryptFilterHandlerRec | ||
PDCryptHandler | ||
PDCryptHandlerRec | ||
The underlying PDF representation of a document. There is a correspondence between a PDDoc and an ASFile; the PDDoc object is the hidden object behind every AVDoc. An ASFile may have zero or more underlying files, so a PDF file does not always correspond to a single disk file. For example, an ASFile may provide access to PDF data in a database.
PDDocAddWatermarkParams | ||
PDDocAddWatermarkParamsRec | ||
PDDocBatesNumberingParams | ||
PDDocBatesNumberingParamsRec | ||
PDDocCopyParams | ||
PDDocCopyParamsRec | ||
A signed int (which is never negative), for historical reasons.
PDDocInsertPagesParams | ||
PDDocInsertPagesParamsRec | ||
PDDocLayoutParams | ||
PDDocLayoutParamsRec | ||
A structure used by PDDocOpenWithParams() to specify file open information. The parameters are very similar to those in PDDocOpenEx() and PDDocOpenFromASFileEx().
PDDocOpenParamsRec | ||
PDDocPreSaveInfo | ||
PDDocPreSaveInfoRec | ||
PDDocSaveParams | ||
PDDocSaveParamsRec | ||
A signed int (which is never negative), for historical reasons.
PDDocWatermarkTextParams | ||
PDDocWatermarkTextParamsRec | ||
The set of valid PDPermRequestStatus values providing the status of PDDoc-related permissions methods.
Constant values that specify permissions which allow operations on a document file.
A flag value for use in PDDocInsertPagesParams().
PDTile | ||
PDTileEx | ||
PDTrapPreset | ||
StdSecurityData | ||
StdSecurityDataRec |
Enumeration | ||
PDDocOCChangeType is an enumeration of types of changes to the optional content structures of a PDDoc. These types of changes may effect visibility in all PDOCContext objects. This enumeration is used in the
notifications. These notifications typically pass in the affected page, or PDAllPages if all pages may be affected.
This tells the callback why it is being called.
An enumerated data type that specifies various file status attributes. These flags indicate the state of the document and whether it needs to be saved or deleted on close, and so on. The flags are used as a bit field. More than one value may be set. Some flags may be set or get only. Most can be either set or get.
Used by PDDocInsertPages().
PDOCDrawEnumType controls drawing or enumerating the page with respect to optional content. It is an enumerated type that, together with the NonOCDrawing value, controls drawing or enumerating content on a page with optional content:
An enumerated data type that specifies the type of changes that occurred for the PDDocPrintingTiledPage() and PDDocDidChangePages() notifications. Not all Did notifications have corresponding Will notifications.
The document object type. The applicable operations are:
PDPermReqOprModify (Doc Info, open action, page label, modifying document)
PDPermReqOprCopy (Copy to clipboard)
PDPermReqOprSelect (Selection only)
PDPermReqOprImport (Non-PDF)
PDPermReqOprExport (Non-PDF and text extraction API, Search & Catalog)
An enumerated data type used to describe the target operation of a permissions request.
Passed to the PDDocWillPrintDocInMode() notification to specify the type of print operation being performed.
Structure | ||
Callbacks used to open secured files and to modify security settings while batch processing a list of files. These callbacks are not called while opening files through the user interface. In addition, the regular PDCryptHandler functions are not called during batch operations.
PDCrypt Filter support:
A data structure containing callbacks that implement a security handler. The callbacks implement the security handler functions. For example, they get authorization data such as a password from the user, set permissions, read and write security-related data in a PDF file, and so on.
Parameters used for adding and describing watermarks.
Parameters used for describing Bates Numbering. As an example, Bates Numbering with start=100 nDigits=6 would look like 000100, 000101, 000102, 000103....
A structure used by PDDocCopyToFile() to specify file copy information.
A structure used to pass information to the PDDocWillInsertPagesEx() and PDDocDidInsertPagesEx() notifications.
Parameters used for adding and describing Bates Numbering.
A structure used by PDDocOpenWithParams() to specify file open information. The parameters are very similar to those in PDDocOpenEx() and PDDocOpenFromASFileEx().
A structure used to flag Cos objects you wish to access while a PDDoc is being saved. It contains a pointer to a CosObjSetCallbackFlagProc(). In your pre-save callback, you can use this exposed proc to set a flag in the CosObj objects that you care about, so that your callback will be called back during the save and given their offset and length.
Parameters used when saving a file with PDDocSaveWithParams() and returned by the PDDocWillSaveEx() notification. Most of these parameters are the same as the parameters for PDDocSave().
Parameters used for describing text-based watermarks.
A structure describing the data for the standard security handler provided in the Acrobat viewer.
Printing flags
PDTileRecEx | ||
PDTrapPresetRec |
Callback | ||
Replaces PDCryptAuthorizeProc. PDPerms are now obsolete because Acrobat 5.0 introduces new permission controls. However, Acrobat still supports old security handlers.
A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is called by PDDocAuthorize() when a user tries to set security for an encrypted document and by a PDAuthProc() when a user tries to open a file.
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. It is called when a PDF file is opened. It is first called with NULL authData for the case without a user password. It is called again with authorization data provided for the security handler that matches the one used in the PDF file.
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. If provided, it must be used to free authData acquired via BatchGetAuthData() or BatchNewAuthData(). If no BatchFreeAuthData() function is provided, a default one will be used which calls ASfree() on the authData if it is non-NULL.
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. It is different from the regular PDCryptHandler NewAuthData function. It creates and returns a void* which is the authorization data for the batch security handler. This data should be used to batch both open files and secure files. Therefore, make sure to provide password information for both the pdPermOpen and pdPermSecure cases. This data will be passed to the PDCryptBatchAuthorizeProc() callback and eventually to PDCryptBatchFreeAuthDataProc() to free the data. This authorization data is collected before any files are opened in the batch sequence. It is permitted to display a user interface at this point since the batch operation has not started yet. The data applies to all files, and therefore could represent one or more passwords which can be enumerated in the BatchAuthorize function which receives the batch authorization data.
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. The developer should provide information about the current batch settings for the security handler. Batch settings are provided as a read-only ASCab that is passed to the function. A writable ASCab is also provided, which should be used to store parameter information about the security handler. The description information should be stored starting in the paramDesc ASCab using ASText objects starting with key " 1".
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. This function is called at the end of a batch sequence after all files have been processed. Any memory that was allocated in the BatchPreSequence() call should be cleaned up in this callback.
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. This function is called at the beginning of a batch sequence before any files have been opened. This allows a security handler to be called back with the ASCab of settings that were filled out by the BatchShowDialog() function, or by an ASCab that was read in from disk. Pointers of security information are not serialized to disk, and therefore a security information structure may need to be regenerated based on other security information in the ASCab. It is permitted for the BatchPreSequence() callback to put up a user interface asking the user for more information since the batch sequence has not started yet. If this function returns false, the viewer will assume that the command cannot be executed and will cancel the sequence.
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. This callback puts up a dialog box that allows a user to enter data that will be used to batch secure a series of files. The data is stored in an ASCab which is part of a batch sequence file. The actual security data, including password(s), should be stored as a pointer in the ASCab so that password information is not serialized to disk. Pointers are not serialized from ASCab objects, but ASText objects, ASInt32 objects, and ASBool objects are serialized.
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. This function should update the crypt handler's security data without bringing up a dialog. This data is provided by a PDCryptBatchShowDialogProc(). The current security data can be obtained by calling PDDocGetNewSecurityData().
(Optional) This call is used to provide PDCrypt handler interoperability. When an encrypted document is being opened and the security handler specified in the encryption dictionary is not present, this callback is used to determine if one of the registered security handlers can be used to open the document.
Called when the security handler should bring up a document (security) information dialog box with the current settings. It also should return true when the user wants to change the settings.
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It determines whether a document's metadata will be encrypted. If this call is not implemented, the metadata is always encrypted. Note that documents with plain text metadata can be opened only by Acrobat versions 6.0 and later.
A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is called when an encrypted document is saved. It fills the document's Encryption dictionary with whatever information the security handler wants to store in the document.
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptFilterHandler. Acrobat's security mechanism calls this method to determine whether the user should have access to this filter.
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptFilterHandler. Acrobat's security mechanism calls this method to retrieve the encryption/decryption key for this filter. It is called only when the filter's encryption method is V2.
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptFilterHandler. Callbacks that conform to this prototype are called to encrypt or decrypt streams from a document.
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is used to free authorization data acquired via PDCryptNewAuthDataProc(). If this callback is omitted, the viewer defaults to freeing the data using ASfree().
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is used to free authorization data acquired via PDCryptNewCryptDataProc(). If this callback is omitted, the viewer defaults to freeing the data using ASfree().
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is used to free security data acquired via PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc(). If this callback is omitted, the viewer defaults to freeing the data using ASfree().
Replaces PDCryptGetAuthDataProc(). It is called whenever Acrobat needs to get authorization data and/or check permissions for operations.
A callback for PDCryptHandler. This callback is called from a PDAuthProc when a file is opened after PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc() is called.
A callback for PDCryptHandler. This function should extract and return information about the document permissions to display for the user: whether the user can print, edit, copy text and graphics, edit notes and do form fill in and signing.
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It provides information for display about document security settings.
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is called by PDDocGetNewSecurityInfo(). It extracts the security information from the security data structure, and returns the security information.
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It creates a new empty authorization data structure. This structure is subsequently filled by PDCryptGetAuthDataProc(), then passed to PDCryptAuthorizeProc() and eventually to ASfree().
A callback for PDCryptHandler. It sets up the key to be passed to initialize the RC4 cipher for encryption and decryption of a PDF file. It is called when an encrypted document is opened or saved.
A callback for PDCryptHandler. It sets up the key to be passed to initialize the RC4 cipher for encryption and decryption of a PDF file. It is called when an encrypted document is opened or saved.
Called when the application needs to open a rolled back portion of the original document. A rolled back document is the original portion of the document when it is digitally signed. This functionality is used for document modification detection.
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It creates and populates a new structure that contains whatever security-related information the security handler requires (for example, permissions, whether the file has owner and/or user passwords, owner and/or user passwords, or other data used internally by the security handler). If encryptDict is not NULL, the structure should be populated based on the encryptDict parameter's contents. This method is intended only to initialize the security data structure.
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is used by the Acrobat WebBuy proprietary method of passing crypt data.
(Optional) Used by Acrobat for Automated Permission Testing.
A callback for PDCryptHandler. It updates the security data structure that was created by PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc(). This structure can be obtained by calling PDDocGetNewSecurityData(). The security data structure of the previously saved file can be obtained with a call to PDDocGetSecurityData().
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It validates the security data structure, which specifies the user's permissions. This callback may modify the security data structure (for example, because the user is not authorized to change the security as they requested). A client may have called PDDocNewSecurityData() to obtain a new security data structure, then modified it, and then called PDDocSetNewSecurityData() to change the document security. This callback should be called before actually setting the document's security data.
A callback for PDEnumDocs(). It is called once for each open PDDoc.
A callback in the PDDocSaveParams structure used by PDDocSaveWithParams(). Use this callback to flag Cos objects you wish to access while a PDDoc is being saved.
A callback in the PDDocSaveParams structure. It is invoked by PDDocSaveWithParams() immediately before a PDDoc is saved to disk.
A callback used by PDDocRequestEntireFile. Use this callback to process a document file.
A callback for PDDocRequestPages().
A callback for PDDocExportNotes. It determines whether an annotation is exported.
A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It determines whether an annotation is exported.
A callback for PDDocImportCosDocNotes() and PDDocImportNotes(). It determines whether an annotation will be imported.
A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It determines whether an annotation will be imported.
Receives the notification that the XMP metadata describing a document as a whole has changed.
Declare the type PDOCFindOutAutoStatePrefProc, which is a callback that lets the client set the AutoState preference.
Declare the type PDOCFindOutLanguageProc, which is a callback that lets the client set the current user interface language level.
Declare the type PDOCFindOutUserProc, which is a callback that lets the client set the current user interface user level.
Declare the type PDOCFindOutZoomProc, which is a callback that lets the client set the current user interface zoom level.
StdPassword |
Method | ||
ASBool PDCryptAuthorizeFilterAccess(PDDoc doc, ASAtom handlerName, ASAtom filterName, ASBool bEncrypt)
Gets authorization to encrypt or decrypt an embedded file, where that file's cryptographic filter is not the one used to open the document in which the file is embedded.
void PDDocAcquire(PDDoc doc)
Increments a document's reference count. The document will not be closed until the reference count is zero, or the application terminates.
Gets a PDPage from a document. It increments the page's reference count. After you are done using the page, release it using PDPageRelease(). If PDPageRelease() is not called, it could block the document containing the page from being closed. To avoid such problems, use the CSmartPDPage class, as it ensures that the page is released as it goes out of scope.
ASBool PDDocAddBatesNumbering(PDDoc pdDoc, PDDocBatesNumberingParams batesParams, PDDocLayoutParamsRec params)
Deprecated The following function has been deprecated, do not use.
Adds an article thread to a document after the specified thread index.
Adds a PDPage as a watermark to a page range in the given document.
void PDDocAddWatermarkFromText(PDDoc pdDoc, PDDocWatermarkTextParamsRec* pTextParams, PDDocAddWatermarkParamsRec* pParams)
Adds a text-based watermark to a page range in the given document.
Applies a set of redaction marks to the document, permanently removing the affected document content and the marks themselves.
Deprecated in Acrobat 7.0. Use PDDocPermRequest() instead.
void PDDocCalculateImplicitMetadata(INPDDoc pdDoc)
Notifies all registered implicit metadata calculators to run. It issues the notification PDDocCalculateMetadata(), passing pdDoc to all registered handlers.
void PDDocCalculateMetadata(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
The client is requested to calculate and set metadata items that depend on the state of the document. It is issued when a document is saved. It can also be issued explicitly via
Sent during PostScript printing, when a form or image containing an OPI dictionary is encountered. If it returns true (by filling the boolean variable passed to it), the client is presumed to have taken care of the entire form or image, and PDFL will emit nothing. Otherwise, PDFL will generate OPI comments based on the dictionary.
void PDDocClearErrors(PDDoc doc)
Clears all the non-fatal errors encountered since the document was opened, or PDDocClearErrors was called.
Clears flags associated with a document. This method is most frequently used to mark a modified document as clean (by clearing the PDDocNeedsSave flag) to avoid bringing up the Save dialog box when the file is closed.
void PDDocClose(PDDoc doc)
Closes a document and releases its resources. If doc is NULL, it does nothing. Changes are not saved. You must use PDDocSave() to save any modifications before calling PDDocClose().
In Adobe Reader or for documents that are not dirty, this method copies the bytes from the document's ASFile to the specified location. This also occurs if the saveChanges field in params is false. If saveChanges is true, the document is dirty, and the product is Acrobat, a full save is performed to the specified file. The resulting file is linearized (optimized for the web). If the file already exists, it is overwritten.
Returns the number of array items in a property array associated with a PDDoc.
PDDoc PDDocCreate()
Creates a new document. The only Cos object in the document will be a Catalog. See Section 3.6 in the PDF Reference. After the document is created, at least one page must be added using PDDocCreatePage() or PDDocInsertPages() before the Acrobat viewer can display or save the document.
Retrieves the name tree inside the Names dictionary with the specified key name, or creates it if it does not exist.
Creates and acquires a new page. The page is inserted into the document at the specified location. Call PDPageRelease() when you are done using the page.
PDCollection PDDocCreatePDCollection(PDDoc pdDoc)
Creates a collection in a document. It replaces any existing collection.
Creates a redaction mark on a given page. The resulting annotation will be added to the page, but the affected content will not be removed until PDDocApplyRedactions is called with this mark.
Creates a new StructTreeRoot element.
Creates a text selection that includes all words totally or partially enclosed by a rectangle. The text selection can then be set as the current selection using AVDocSetSelection().
void PDDocCreateThumbs(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 firstPage, ASInt32 lastPage, PDThumbCreationServer server, void* serverClientData, ASAtom colorSpace, ASInt32 bitsPerComponent, ASInt32 hiVal, char* lookupTable, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)
Creates thumbnail images for the specified range of pages. Thumbnail images are only created for pages that have none.
PDWordFinder PDDocCreateWordFinder(PDDoc doc, ASUns16* outEncInfo, char** outEncVec, char** ligatureTbl, ASInt16 algVersion, ASUns16 rdFlags, void* clientData)
Creates a word finder that is used to extract text in the host encoding from a PDF file. The word finder may either be used by PDWordFinderEnumWords() (which enumerates words one-by-one) or by PDWordFinderAcquireWordList() (which fills a table with all the words on a page).
PDWordFinder PDDocCreateWordFinderEx(PDDoc doc, ASInt16 algVersion, ASBool outUnicode, PDWordFinderConfig wbConfig)
This is a version 6.0 replacement for PDDocCreateWordFinder() and PDDocCreateWordFinderUCS() that adds configurable word-breaking behavior. This method creates a word finder that is used to extract text from a PDF file, according to the given configuration. The word finder can be used to enumerate words one-by-one or to fill a table with all the words on a page. You can choose to find only words that are visible in a given context.
PDWordFinder PDDocCreateWordFinderUCS(PDDoc doc, ASInt16 algVersion, ASUns16 rdFlags, void* clientData)
Creates a word finder that is used to extract text in Unicode format from a PDF file. The word finder may either be used by PDWordFinderEnumWords() (which enumerates words one-by-one) or by PDWordFinderAcquireWordList() (which fills a table with all the words on a page).
void PDDocDeleteCollection(PDDoc pdDoc)
Removes a collection dictionary from a document.
void PDDocDeletePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 firstPage, ASInt32 lastPage, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData)
Deletes the specified pages.
void PDDocDeleteThumbs(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 firstPage, ASInt32 lastPage, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData)
Deletes thumbnail images for a range of pages in a document.
A thread has been added to a document.
void PDDocDidChangePageAreas(PDDoc pdDoc, ASInt32 areaMask, ASInt32 firstPage, ASInt32 lastPage, void* clientData)
Page areas changed.
void PDDocDidChangePages(PDDoc doc, PDOperation op, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
Pages have been inserted, deleted, moved, or modified.
void PDDocDidChangeThumbs(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
Thumbnail images have been added or removed. In addition to the expected ways in which this can occur, it can also occur if pages are inserted into a file.
void PDDocDidClose(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
A PDDoc closed. A PDDoc is closed only if its reference count is zero.
void PDDocDidDeletePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
One or more pages were deleted.
void PDDocDidExportAnnots(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
The annotations of a document were exported.
void PDDocDidImportAnnots(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
The annotations from one document were imported into another document.
void PDDocDidInsertPages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 insertAfterThisPage, PDDoc srcDoc, ASInt32 srcFromPage, ASInt32 srcToPage, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
One or more pages have been inserted.
void PDDocDidInsertPagesEx(PDDocInsertPagesParams params, void* clientData)
Pages were inserted into a document. This notification occurs after the
void PDDocDidMovePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 moveAfterThisPage, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
One or more pages were moved.
void PDDocDidOpen(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
A document was opened.
This notification is broadcast once per page that is printed, after all marks have been made on the page. When printing to a PostScript printer, printing commands can also be sent that will be placed on the page after all other marks.
void PDDocDidPrintPages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
This notification is broadcast after printing ends.
void PDDocDidPrintTiledPage(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 page, ASStm stm, ASInt32 error, ASInt32 whichTile, ASInt32 numTiles, void* clientData)
This notification is obsolete in Acrobat 7.0 and later.
A thread was removed from a document.
void PDDocDidReplacePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, PDDoc srcDoc, ASInt32 srcFromPage, ASInt32 srcToPage, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
One or more pages have been replaced.
A document has been saved.
void PDDocEnumFonts(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 firstPage, ASInt32 lastPage, PDFontEnumProc eproc, void* clientData, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData)
Enumerates all the fonts in the specified page range. This may take a considerable amount of time for a large page range.
Enumerates all the fonts that have been encountered so far. A font is loaded when a page that uses it is processed. This typically happens when a page is drawn or its thumbnail image is created.
Enumerates the optional-content configurations for the document, calling the supplied procedure for each one. These include the configuration for the D configuration dictionary and those for all entries in the Configs array dictionary.
Enumerates the optional-content groups for the document, calling the supplied procedure for each one. Enumeration continues until all groups have been enumerated, or until enumProc returns false. Each group is reported once, even if it is referenced multiple times in a page, or on multiple pages.
ASBool PDDocEnumPDSElementsWithUserProperties(PDDoc doc, EnumElementsWithUserPropertiesProc proc, void* clientData)
Enumerates the elements in the document's structure tree that have UserProperties attributes or classes, calling the supplied enumeration procedure for each such element found. The procedure returns true to continue enumeration, or false to halt enumeration.
void PDDocEnumResources(PDDoc pdDoc, ASInt32 startPage, ASInt32 endPage, ASAtom resourceType, CosObjEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)
Enumerates the specified type of page resources, for a specified range of pages.
CosDoc PDDocExportNotes(PDDoc doc, ASFileSys unused1, ASPathName unused2, void* unused3, void* unused4, PDDocWillExportAnnotCallback exportFilter, ASInt32* numNotesP)
Creates a document containing empty pages plus text annotations (notes) from sourceDoc. It does not create a new document if sourceDoc contains no notes.
CosDoc PDDocExportSomeNotes(PDDoc doc, ASFileSys unused1, ASPathName unused2, void* unused3, void* unused4, PDDocWillExportAnnotCallback exportFilter, PDAnnotArray pdanArray, ASInt32* numNotesP)
Like PDDocExportNotes(), but the caller provides the list of annotations to export. This is useful in scenarios when it may be inappropriate to use PDDocExportNotes() and look for annotations on every page. This is an especially important consideration when in a browser.
Superseded by PDDocFindPageNumForLabelEx() in Acrobat 6.0.
Supersedes PDDocFindPageNumForLabel in Acrobat 6.0.
Replaces the contents of every page in the document with a version that has no optional content, containing only what was visible on the page when the call was made, and removes all other optional-content information.
PDDoc PDDocFromCosDoc(CosDoc cosDoc)
Gets the PDDoc associated with a CosDoc.
AdobePDFVersion PDDocGetAdobePDFVersion(PDDoc doc)
PDDocGetAdobePDFVersion() returns the current version of the document in the AdobePDFVersion define in CosExp.T
PDBookmark PDDocGetBookmarkRoot(PDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the root of the document's bookmark tree. The return value is valid even if the document's bookmark tree is empty (meaning that there is no Outlines key in the underlying PDF file).
CosDoc PDDocGetCosDoc(PDDoc doc)
Gets a document's Cos-level document object.
ASAtom PDDocGetCryptHandler(PDDoc doc)
Gets the specified document's current security handler (that is, the security handler that was used to open the document).
void* PDDocGetCryptHandlerClientData(PDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the client data for the encryption handler associated with the PDDoc. This is the client data provided as a parameter in PDRegisterCryptHandlerEx().
ASInt32 PDDocGetCryptRevision(PDDoc pdDoc)
Sets the cryptRevision param based on the Security handler of the document. This is either retrieved directly from the Security handler or read from the encrypt dict.
ASInt32 PDDocGetCryptVersion(PDDoc pdDoc)
Sets the cryptVersion param based on the Security handler of the document. This is either retrieved directly from the Security handler or read from the encrypt dict.
ASFile PDDocGetFile(PDDoc doc)
Gets the file object for a document.
ASInt32 PDDocGetFlags(PDDoc doc)
Gets information about the document's file and its state.
ASBool PDDocGetFullScreen(PDDoc pdDoc)
Tests whether the document will open in full-screen mode. This provides an alternative to calling PDDocGetPageMode() to test for PDFullScreen.
Gets an element of a document's file identifier. See Section 10.3 in the PDF Reference for a description of file IDs.
Gets the value of a key in a document's Info dictionary, or the value of this same key in the XMP metadata, whichever is later. However, it is preferable to use PDDocGetXAPMetadataProperty(), because it also allows accessing XMP properties that are not duplicated in the Info dictionary.
Gets the value of a key in a document's Info dictionary, or the value of this same key in the XMP metadata, whichever is latest as an ASText object.
Superseded by PDDocGetLabelForPageNumEx() in Acrobat 6.0.
Supersedes PDDocGetLabelForPageNum() in Acrobat 6.0.
PDLayoutMode PDDocGetLayoutMode(PDDoc doc)
Gets the value of the PageLayout key in the Catalog dictionary.
ASText PDDocGetMergedXAPKeywords(PDDoc pdDoc)
Yields an ASText containing a semicolon-separated list of fields. The first such field is the entire contents of the pdf:Keywords property of the document XMP; the remaining fields are the contents of successive items in the xmp:Keywords bag of keyword items.
Retrieves a name tree, with the key name specified in theTree, from the Names dictionary of thePDDoc.
ASAtom PDDocGetNewCryptHandler(PDDoc doc)
Gets the specified document's new security handler (that is, the security handler that will be used after the document is saved).
void* PDDocGetNewSecurityData(PDDoc doc)
Gets the security data structure for the specified document's new security handler. Use PDDocGetSecurityData() to get the security data structure for the document's current security handler.
Gets the security information from the specified document's new security handler. It calls the PDCryptGetSecurityInfoProc() callback of the document's new security handler. No permissions are required to call this method.
ASInt32 PDDocGetNthError(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 errNumber, ASInt32* errorP, char* buffer, ASInt32 bufSize)
Returns the error code and string for the nth non-fatal error encountered since the document was opened, or PDDocClearErrors was called.
ASInt32 PDDocGetNumErrors(PDDoc doc)
Return the number of non-fatal errors encountered since the document was opened, or PDDocClearErrors was called.
ASUns32 PDDocGetNumOCGs(PDDoc pdDoc)
Returns the number of optional-content groups associated with a document, which is the number of unique entries in the document's OCProperties OCGs array.
ASInt32 PDDocGetNumPages(PDDoc doc)
Gets the number of pages in a document.
ASInt32 PDDocGetNumThreads(PDDoc doc)
Gets the number of article threads in a document.
PDOCConfig PDDocGetOCConfig(PDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the built-in default optional-content configuration for the document from the OCProperties D entry.
PDOCContext PDDocGetOCContext(PDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the built-in default optional-content context for the document. This context is used by all content drawing and enumeration calls that do not take an optional-content context parameter, or for which no context is specified.
PDOCG* PDDocGetOCGs(PDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the optional-content groups for the document. The order of the groups is not guaranteed to be the creation order, and is not the same as the display order (see PDOCConfigGetOCGOrder()).
PDAction PDDocGetOpenAction(PDDoc doc)
Gets the value of the OpenAction key in the Catalog dictionary, which is the action performed when the document is opened. After you obtain the action, you can execute it with AVDocPerformAction().
Returns the label that is in effect for the given page.
PDPageMode PDDocGetPageMode(PDDoc doc)
Gets the value of the PageMode key in the Catalog dictionary.
Returns the page Cos object corresponding to the given page number.
PDCollection PDDocGetPDCollection(PDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the collection object in a document.
PDPerms PDDocGetPermissions(PDDoc doc)
Deprecated in Acrobat 5.0. Use PDDocPermRequest() instead.
void* PDDocGetSecurityData(PDDoc doc)
Superseded in Acrobat 5.0 by PDDocPermRequest.
Gets the structure tree root for a document.
Gets an article thread having the specified index.
Gets the index of the specified article thread.
ASAtom PDDocGetTrapped(PDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the value of the Trapped key in the Info dictionary.
Gets the major and minor PDF document versions. This is the PDF version of the document, which is specified in the header of a PDF file in the string "%PDF-xx. yy" where xx is the major version and yy is the minor version. For example, version 1.2 has the string "%PDF<code>-1</code>.2". See Section H.1 in the PDF Reference.
void PDDocGetVersionEx(PDDoc doc, ASUns32* majorP, ASUns32* minorP, CosObj* adbeExtensionBaseP, ASUns32* adbeExtensionLevelP)
Returns the Adobe version of the PDF format to which the PDF file conforms. For PDF versions 1.0 through 1.7, this method will return a major version of 1, a minor version in the range of 0 through 7, and an adbeExtensionLevel of 0. For Acrobat 9, this method will return a major version of 1 and a minor version of 8. For Acrobat 10, this method will return a major version of 1 and a minor version of 9. Starting with Acrobat 9, Adobe extensions to the PDF format will be identified via the Extensions dictionary in the catalog; in this case, the major and minor versions will be returned, and the Adobe extension level will be returned via the last argument.
Gets the word finder associated with a document. It is not necessary to destroy the word finder returned by this method.
ASText PDDocGetXAPMetadata(INPDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the XMP metadata associated with a document. It returns an ASText whose text is the XML text of the XMP metadata associated with the document pdDoc. The ASText becomes the property of the client, which is free to alter or destroy it.
Gets the value of an XMP metadata array item, associated with a document, based on an index. It returns an ASText object containing the XML text of the value of the specified property in the XMP metadata array associated with the document pdDoc. The ASText object becomes the property of the client, which is free to alter or destroy it.
Gets the value of an XMP metadata property associated with a document. It returns an ASText whose text is the XML text of the value of the specified property in the XMP metadata associated with the document pdDoc. The ASText becomes the property of the client, which is free to alter or destroy it.
ASBool PDDocHasISOExtensions(PDDoc doc)
Returns true if the document contains an Extensions dictionary as defined by ISO 32000 for specifying the inclusion of features beyond the ISO 32000 specification. Starting with Acrobat 9, Adobe extensions to the PDF format will be identified via this Extensions dictionary in the catalog.
ASBool PDDocHasOC(PDDoc pdDoc)
Determines whether the optional content feature is associated with the document. The document is considered to have optional content if there is an OCProperties dictionary in the document's catalog, and that dictionary has one or more entries in the OCGs array.
ASBool PDDocHasUserProperties(PDDoc doc)
Returns true if the document declares that it has structure elements that conform to the UserProperties attributes or class conventions.
ASInt32 PDDocImportCosDocNotes(PDDoc doc, CosDoc src, const char* noteTitle, ASInt32 noteTitleLen, PDColorValue color, void* progMon, void* monClientData, PDDocWillImportAnnotCallback importFilter)
Adds text annotations from sourceDoc to doc.
ASInt32 PDDocImportNotes(PDDoc doc, PDDoc sourceDoc, void* progMon, void* monClientData, PDDocWillImportAnnotCallback importFilter)
Adds text annotations (notes) from sourceDoc to doc.
void PDDocInksDidChange(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
Sent when the inks for the document change.
void PDDocInsertPages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 mergeAfterThisPage, PDDoc doc2, ASInt32 startPage, ASInt32 numPages, ASUns16 insertFlags, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)
Inserts numPages pages from doc2 into doc. All annotations, and anything else associated with the page (such as a thumbnail image) are copied from the doc2 pages to the new pages in doc. This method does not insert pages if doc equals doc2.
void PDDocMergeXAPKeywords(PDDoc pdDoc)
Causes a string produced as by PDDocGetMergedXAPKeywords() to be stored as the new value of the pdf:Keywords property, and the former value of the pdf:Keywords property to be stored as an item in the xmp:Keywords bag of keyword items.
Moves one page in a document.
void* PDDocNewSecurityData(PDDoc doc)
Creates a security data structure appropriate for the specified document's new security handler. The new security handler must have been previously set using PDDocSetNewCryptHandler(). The structure is created by calling the new security handler's PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc().
void PDDocOCDidChange(PDDoc doc, PDDocOCChangeType whatHappened, void* object, ASErrorCode error, void* clientData)
An optional-content context changed in a PDDoc in a way that could affect the visibility state of content.
An optional-content context is changing in a PDDoc in a way that could affect the visibility state of content.
Opens the specified document. If the document is already open, it returns a reference to the already opened PDDoc. You must call PDDocClose() once for every successful open. If the call fails and the exception is pdErrNeedRebuild, then call again with doRepair set to true. This allows the application to decide whether to perform the time-consuming repair operation.
PDDoc PDDocOpenEx(ASPathName fileName, ASFileSys fileSys, PDAuthProcEx authProcEx, void* authProcClientData, ASBool doRepair)
Opens the specified document. If the document is already open, it returns a reference to the already opened PDDoc. You must call PDDocClose() once for every successful open. If the call fails and the exception is pdErrNeedRebuild, then call again with doRepair equal to true. This allows the application to decide whether to perform the time-consuming repair operation.
Opens the document specified by the ASFile. aFile must be a valid ASFile. It is the caller's responsibility to dispose of the ASFile after calling PDDocClose().
PDDoc PDDocOpenFromASFileEx(ASFile aFile, PDAuthProcEx authProcEx, void* authProcClientData, ASBool doRepair)
Opens the document specified by the ASFile. aFile must be a valid ASFile. It is the caller's responsibility to dispose of the ASFile after calling PDDocClose().
PDDoc PDDocOpenWithParams(PDDocOpenParams openParams)
Opens the document specified by the ASFile or ASFileSys/ASPathName. If both are set, the ASFile is used and the fileSys and pathName are ignored.
void PDDocPageDirectionDidChange(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
Sent when the page direction of the document changes. The page direction is determined by the Direction key in the ViewerPreferences dictionary.
A range of pages' labels changed in a PDDoc.
PDPermReqStatus PDDocPermRequest(PDDoc pdDoc, PDPermReqObj reqObj, PDPermReqOpr reqOpr, void* authData)
This method supersedes PDDocGetPermissions().
PDPermReqStatus PDDocPermRequestNoUB(PDDoc pdDoc, PDPermReqObj reqObj, PDPermReqOpr reqOpr, void* authData)
PDDocPermRequestNoUB() indicates whether the permission would have been granted had the document not been Rights Enabled.
void PDDocPermsReady(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
A document was opened and its permissions (if present) have been validated.
void PDDocPrintingTiledPage(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 page, ASStm stm, ASInt32 whichRow, ASInt32 whichColumn, ASInt32 numRows, ASInt32 numColumns, ASFixedRect* cropRegion, PDTile tile, void* clientData)
This notification is obsolete in Acrobat 7.0 and later.
Used for page-at-a-time downloading and byte-serving Acrobat data. If a document is being viewed over a slow file system, PDDocReadAhead() issues a byte range request for all the data associated with the flags in flags.
Used for page-at-a-time downloading and byte-serving Acrobat data. If a document is being viewed over a slow file system, the method issues a byte range request for all the data associated with an embedded file.
Reads ahead nPages starting at startPage (if the file is linearized).
void PDDocRelease(PDDoc doc)
Decrements a document's reference count. The document will not be closed until the reference count is zero, or the application terminates.
ASBool PDDocRemoveBatesNumbering(PDDoc pdDoc)
Deprecated The following function has been deprecated, do not use.
Removes the name tree inside the Names dictionary with the specified key name. It does nothing if no object with that name exists.
void PDDocRemoveOpenAction(PDDoc doc)
Removes the value of the OpenAction key in the Catalog dictionary. The value is the action performed when the document is opened.
Removes the page label that is attached to the specified page, effectively merging the specified range with the previous page label sequence.
void PDDocRemoveStructTreeRoot(INPDDoc pdDoc)
Removes, but does not destroy, the specified StructTreeRoot element from the specified PDDoc.
Removes an article thread from a document. If you also wish to destroy the thread, use PDThreadDestroy() after calling PDDocRemoveThread().
In the document associated with a specified optional-content group, replaces that group with another group.
void PDDocReplacePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 startPage, PDDoc doc2, ASInt32 startPageDoc2, ASInt32 numPages, ASBool mergeTextAnnots, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)
Replaces the specified range of pages in one document with pages from another. The contents, resources, size and rotation of the pages are replaced. The bookmarks are not copied, because they are attached to the document, not to individual pages.
Requests the document file and performs the specified procedure on it.
void PDDocRequestPages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 startPage, ASInt32 nPages, PDDocRequestPagesProc requestProc, void* clientData)
Requests nPages starting at startPage, and performs a specified procedure on them.
void PDDocResetInkUsage(PDDoc doc)
Resets the cached ink (spot color) usage information in a document. This should be called when the set of non-process colorants for a document have been changed. Calling this will force the cached information to be recomputed.
void PDDocSave(PDDoc doc, PDSaveFlags saveFlags, ASPathName newPath, ASFileSys fileSys, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData)
Saves a document to disk. If a full save is requested to the original path, the file is saved to a file system-determined temporary file, the old file is deleted, and the temporary file is renamed to newPath. You must call PDDocClose() to release resources; do not call PDDocRelease().
Saves a document to disk as specified in a parameter's structure. This is essentially the same as PDDocSave() with two additional parameters: a cancel proc and cancel proc client data (so you could cut and paste description information and other information from PDDocSave()).
PDDocSetAdobePDFVersion() sets the current version of the document in the AdobePDFVersion define in CosExp.T
Sets information about the document's file and its state. This method can only be used to set, not clear, flags. As a result, it is not possible, for example, to use this method to clear the flag that indicates that a document has been modified and needs to be saved. Instead, use PDDocClearFlags() to clear flags.
Sets whether this document opens in full-screen mode. This provides an alternative to calling PDDocSetPageMode() with PDFullScreen.
Sets the value of a key in a document's Info dictionary. However, it is preferable to use PDDocSetXAPMetadataProperty(), because it also allows accessing XMP properties that are not duplicated in the Info dictionary.
Sets the value of a key in a document's Info dictionary.
Sets the value of the PageLayout key in the Catalog dictionary.
Sets the PDF minor version to the greater of its current value and the requested value. This function should be called when any feature requiring a PDF version of 1.7 or higher is applied to a document.
void PDDocSetNewCryptFilterData(PDDoc doc, ASAtom filterName, char* cryptData, ASInt32 cryptDataLen)
Sets the encrypted data for the specified document's encryption filter to decrypt. Call this before accessing the stream to be decrypted.
Sets or resets the specified document's security filter method, used for encryption and decryption of the document's data.
Sets the specified document's new security handler (that is, the security handler that will be used after the document is saved).
Extends PDDocSetNewCryptHandler() for Acrobat 6.0. It sets the specified document's new security handler (that is, the security handler that will be used after the document is saved). This method should be called when the current document's security handler requires authorization data to validate permission to change security handlers.
Sets or resets the document's default security filter methods for streams and strings, used to encrypt and decrypt the document's data. This method is only valid with version 4 algorithms (/V 4 in the Encrypt dictionary).
void PDDocSetNewSecurityData(PDDoc pdDoc, void* secData)
Sets the security data structure for the specified document's new security handler. Use PDDocSetNewCryptHandler() to set a new security handler for a document.
Sets the value of the OpenAction key in the Catalog dictionary, which is the action performed when the document is opened.
Attaches a label to a page. This establishes the numbering scheme for that page and all pages following it, until another page label is encountered. This label allows PDF producers to define a page numbering system other than the Acrobat default.
Sets the value of the PageMode key in the Catalog dictionary.
Sets the value of the Trapped key in the Info dictionary to the specified ASAtom.
Sets the XMP metadata associated with a document. It replaces the XMP metadata associated with the document pdDoc with the XMP metadata stored in metadataASText.
void PDDocSetXAPMetadataArrayItem(PDDoc pdDoc, ASText namespaceName, ASText namespacePrefix, ASText path, ASInt32 index, ASText newValue)
Sets the value of an XMP metadata array item, associated with a document, based on an index.
void PDDocSetXAPMetadataProperty(PDDoc pdDoc, ASText namespaceName, ASText namespacePrefix, ASText path, ASText newValue)
Sets the value of an XMP metadata property associated with a document. The XMP metadata represents all the properties in pdDoc object's Info dictionary, and can also contain properties that are not in the Info dictionary. This call is preferred to PDDocSetInfo(), which only allows access to properties that are in the Info dictionary (although the older function is supported for compatibility).
void PDDocWillChangePages(PDDoc doc, PDOperation op, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, void* clientData)
Pages will be inserted, deleted, moved, or modified.
void PDDocWillClose(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
A PDDoc will be closed. A PDDoc is closed only if its reference count is zero.
One or more pages will be deleted.
void PDDocWillExportAnnots(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
The annotations of a document will be exported.
void PDDocWillImportAnnots(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
The annotations from one document will be imported into another document.
void PDDocWillInsertPages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 insertAfterThisPage, PDDoc srcDoc, ASInt32 srcFromPage, ASInt32 srcToPage, void* clientData)
One or more pages will be inserted.
void PDDocWillInsertPagesEx(PDDocInsertPagesParams params, void* clientData)
Pages will be inserted into a document. This notification occurs after the
void PDDocWillMovePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 moveAfterThisPage, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, void* clientData)
One or more pages will be moved.
This notification is broadcast before a document is printed, and before any marks are made on the first page. When printing to a PostScript printer, printing commands can also be sent that are placed on the page before any other marks. For example, a setpagedevice operator could be placed in the print stream.
Sent before a document is printed, before any marks are made on the first page. Page resources and contents may be modified at the time this notification is broadcast.
This notification is broadcast once per page that is printed, before any marks are made on the page. When printing to a PostScript printer, printing commands can also be sent that will be placed on the page before any other marks.
void PDDocWillPrintPages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, ASInt32 psLevel, ASBool binaryOK, void* clientData)
This notification is broadcast when printing begins, before any pages are printed.
void PDDocWillPrintTiledPage(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 page, ASStm stm, ASInt32 whichTile, ASInt32 numTiles, ASFixedRect* cropRegion, PDTile tile, void* clientData)
This notification is obsolete in Acrobat 7.0 and later.
A thread will be removed from a document.
void PDDocWillReplacePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, PDDoc srcDoc, ASInt32 srcFromPage, ASInt32 srcToPage, void* clientData)
One or more pages will be replaced.
void PDDocWillSave(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
A document will be saved.
A document will be saved.
The XMP metadata describing the document as a whole has changed.
Registers a callback to the client user interface that can tell the core what the current AutoState preference is.
Registers a callback to the client user interface that can tell the core what the current language is.
void PDOCRegisterFindOutUserProc(PDOCFindOutUserProc proc)
Registers a callback to the client user interface that can tell the core what the current user is.
void PDOCRegisterFindOutZoomProc(PDOCFindOutZoomProc proc)
Registers a callback to the client user interface that can tell the core what the current zoom level is.
kPDDocReadAheadAcroForms |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define kPDDocReadAheadAcroForms 0x0001
Allows the AcroForm client to request that all the AcroForm data be read ahead, before the viewer needs it. This flag is ignored if the PDF file does not contain a Forms hint table. See Section F.3.5 in the PDF Reference for information about the Forms hint table.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 3956 |
kPDDocReadAheadPageLabels |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define kPDDocReadAheadPageLabels 0x0004
Requests that the PDF file's page label data be read ahead, before the viewer needs it. There is currently no page label hint table defined, so this flag simply causes the rest of the file to be read.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 3972 |
kPDDocReadAheadRenditions |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define kPDDocReadAheadRenditions 0x0010
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 3983 |
kPDDocReadAheadStructure |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define kPDDocReadAheadStructure 0x0008
Requests that the PDF file's logical structure data be read ahead, before the viewer needs it. There is currently no logical structure hint table defined, so this flag simply causes the rest of the file to be read.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 3979 |
kPDDocReadAheadTemplates |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define kPDDocReadAheadTemplates 0x0002
Requests that the PDF file's Forms Template data be read ahead, before the viewer needs it. There is currently no Template hint table defined, so this flag simply causes the rest of the file to be read.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 3964 |
PDAllPages |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDAllPages ((PDPageNumber) -3)
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 2103 |
PDBeforeFirstPage |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDBeforeFirstPage ((PDPageNumber) -1)
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 2101 |
PDCryptFilterStringProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDCryptFilterStringProc CosCryptStringProc
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5040 |
PDDocCreateTextSelect |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDDocCreateTextSelect PDDocCreateTextSelectHost
File: PDCalls.h |
Line: 159 |
PDDocGetWordFinder |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDDocGetWordFinder PDDocGetWordFinderHost
File: PDCalls.h |
Line: 158 |
pdInfoCanCopy |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdInfoCanCopy pdPermCopy
The document text and graphics can be copied to the clipboard.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4173 |
pdInfoCanEdit |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdInfoCanEdit pdPermEdit
The document can be modified (for example, by adding notes, links, or bookmarks).
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4168 |
pdInfoCanEditNotes |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdInfoCanEditNotes pdPermEditNotes
The document's notes, but nothing else, can be modified.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4179 |
pdInfoCanPrint |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdInfoCanPrint pdPermPrint
The document can be printed.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4162 |
pdInfoHasOwnerPW |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdInfoHasOwnerPW pdPermSecure
The document has an owner password.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4157 |
pdInfoHasUserPW |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdInfoHasUserPW pdPermOpen
The document has a user password.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4152 |
pdPermAll |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPermAll 0xFFFFFFFF
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1403 |
pdPermCopy |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPermCopy 0x10
The user can copy information from the document to the clipboard. In the document restrictions, this corresponds to the Content Copying or Extraction entry.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1319 |
pdPermEdit |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPermEdit 0x08
The user can edit the document more than adding or modifying text notes (see also pdPermEditNotes). In the Document Security dialog, this corresponds to the Changing the Document entry.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1312 |
pdPermEditNotes |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPermEditNotes 0x20
The user can add, modify, and delete text notes (see also pdPermEdit). In the document restrictions, this corresponds to the Authoring Comments and Form Fields entry.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1326 |
pdPermExt |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPermExt 0x80
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1341 |
pdPermOpen |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPermOpen 0x01
The user can open and decrypt the document.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1292 |
pdPermOwner |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPermOwner 0x8000
The user is permitted to perform all operations, regardless of the permissions specified by the document. Unless this permission is set, the document's permissions will be reset to those in the document after a full save.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1386 |
pdPermPrint |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPermPrint 0x04
The user can print the document. Page Setup access is unaffected by this permission, since that affects Acrobat's preferences - not the document's. In the Document Security dialog, this corresponds to the Printing entry.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1305 |
PDPermReqDenied |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDPermReqDenied (PDPermReqStatus)(-1)
The request was denied.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 3998 |
PDPermReqGranted |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDPermReqGranted (PDPermReqStatus)(0)
The request was granted.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4000 |
PDPermReqOperationNA |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDPermReqOperationNA (PDPermReqStatus)(3)
The operation is not applicable for the specified object.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4006 |
PDPermReqPending |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDPermReqPending (PDPermReqStatus)(4)
The handler does not have enough information to determine an answer at this point. Try again later.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4009 |
PDPermReqUnknownObject |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDPermReqUnknownObject (PDPermReqStatus)(1)
The object is unknown.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4002 |
PDPermReqUnknownOperation |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDPermReqUnknownOperation (PDPermReqStatus)(2)
The operation is unknown.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4004 |
PDPermReqVersion |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDPermReqVersion 0x0004
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4012 |
pdPermSaveAs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPermSaveAs 0x40
The user can perform a Save As.... If both pdPermEdit and pdPermEditNotes are disallowed, Save will be disabled but Save As... will be enabled. The Save As... menu item is not necessarily disabled even if the user is not permitted to perform a Save As....
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1336 |
pdPermSecure |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPermSecure 0x02
The user can change the document's security settings.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1297 |
pdPermSettable |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPermSettable (pdPermPrint + pdPermEdit + pdPermCopy + pdPermEditNotes)
The OR of all operations that can be set by the user in the security restrictions (pdPermPrint + pdPermEdit + pdPermCopy + pdPermEditNotes).
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1409 |
pdPermUser |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPermUser (pdPermAll - pdPermOpen - pdPermSecure)
All permissions.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1414 |
pdPrivPermAccessible |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPrivPermAccessible 0x200
Overrides pdPermCopy to enable the Accessibility API. If a document is saved in Rev2 format (Acrobat 4.0 compatible), only the pdPermCopy bit is checked to determine the Accessibility API state.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1360 |
pdPrivPermDocAssembly |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPrivPermDocAssembly 0x400
Overrides various pdPermEdit bits and allows the following operations: page insert/delete/rotate and create bookmark and thumbnail.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1366 |
pdPrivPermFillandSign |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPrivPermFillandSign 0x100
Overrides other PDPerm bits. It allows the user to fill in or sign existing form or signature fields.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1353 |
pdPrivPermFormSpawnTempl |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPrivPermFormSpawnTempl 0x20000
This should be set if the user can spawn template pages. This bit will allow page template spawning even if pdPermEdit and pdPermEditNotes are clear.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1398 |
pdPrivPermFormSubmit |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPrivPermFormSubmit 0x10000
This should be set if the user can submit forms outside of the browser. This bit is a supplement to pdPrivPermFillandSign.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1392 |
pdPrivPermHighPrint |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define pdPrivPermHighPrint 0x800
This bit is a supplement to pdPermPrint. If it is clear (disabled) only low quality printing (Print As Image) is allowed. On UNIX platforms where Print As Image doesn't exist, printing is disabled.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1373 |
STDSEC_CryptRevision1 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define STDSEC_CryptRevision1 1
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Line: 4257 |
STDSEC_CryptRevision2 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define STDSEC_CryptRevision2 2
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Line: 4258 |
STDSEC_CryptRevision3 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define STDSEC_CryptRevision3 3
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Line: 4259 |
STDSEC_CryptRevision4 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define STDSEC_CryptRevision4 4
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Line: 4260 |
STDSEC_CryptRevision5 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define STDSEC_CryptRevision5 5
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Line: 4268 |
STDSEC_CryptRevision6 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define STDSEC_CryptRevision6 6
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Line: 4270 |
STDSEC_CryptVersionV1 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define STDSEC_CryptVersionV1 1
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Line: 4248 |
STDSEC_CryptVersionV2 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define STDSEC_CryptVersionV2 2
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Line: 4249 |
STDSEC_CryptVersionV3 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define STDSEC_CryptVersionV3 3
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Line: 4250 |
STDSEC_CryptVersionV4 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define STDSEC_CryptVersionV4 4
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Line: 4252 |
STDSEC_CryptVersionV5 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define STDSEC_CryptVersionV5 5
New encryption method for Acrobat 9.0
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Line: 4254 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
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Line: 4243 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
New encryption method for Acrobat 9.0
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Line: 4245 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
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Line: 4241 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
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Line: 4242 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
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Line: 4236 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
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Line: 4237 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
New encryption method for Acrobat 9.0
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Line: 4239 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define STDSEC_METHOD_RC4_V2 2
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Line: 4235 |
PDCryptBatchHandler |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDCryptBatchHandler PDCryptBatchHandler;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5186 |
PDCryptBatchHandlerRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDCryptBatchHandler PDCryptBatchHandlerRec;
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Line: 5184 |
PDCryptFilterHandler |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDCryptFilterHandler PDCryptFilterHandler;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5090 |
PDCryptFilterHandlerRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDCryptFilterHandler PDCryptFilterHandlerRec;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5088 |
PDCryptHandler |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDCryptHandler PDCryptHandler;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5418 |
PDCryptHandlerRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDCryptHandler PDCryptHandlerRec;
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Line: 5416 |
PDDoc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_PDDoc* PDDoc;
The underlying PDF representation of a document. There is a correspondence between a PDDoc and an ASFile; the PDDoc object is the hidden object behind every AVDoc. An ASFile may have zero or more underlying files, so a PDF file does not always correspond to a single disk file. For example, an ASFile may provide access to PDF data in a database.
Through PDDoc objects, your application can perform most of the menu items for pages from Acrobat (delete, replace, and so on). Thumbnails can be created and deleted through this object. You can set and retrieve document information fields through this object as well. The first page in a PDDoc is page 0
See Also
File: PDBasicExpT.h |
Line: 57 |
PDDocAddWatermarkParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocAddWatermarkParams PDDocAddWatermarkParams;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6594 |
PDDocAddWatermarkParamsRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocAddWatermarkParams PDDocAddWatermarkParamsRec;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6594 |
PDDocBatesNumberingParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocBatesNumberingParams PDDocBatesNumberingParams;
File: PDBatesExpT.h |
Line: 46 |
PDDocBatesNumberingParamsRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocBatesNumberingParams PDDocBatesNumberingParamsRec;
File: PDBatesExpT.h |
Line: 46 |
PDDocCopyParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocCopyParams PDDocCopyParams;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6162 |
PDDocCopyParamsRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocCopyParams PDDocCopyParamsRec;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6162 |
PDDocFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASInt32 PDDocFlags;
A signed int
(which is never negative), for historical reasons.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 92 |
PDDocInsertPagesParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocInsertPagesParams PDDocInsertPagesParams;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1880 |
PDDocInsertPagesParamsRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocInsertPagesParams PDDocInsertPagesParamsRec;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1879 |
PDDocLayoutParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocLayoutParams PDDocLayoutParams;
File: PDBatesExpT.h |
Line: 92 |
PDDocLayoutParamsRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocLayoutParams PDDocLayoutParamsRec;
File: PDBatesExpT.h |
Line: 92 |
PDDocOpenParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocOpenParams PDDocOpenParams;
A structure used by PDDocOpenWithParams() to specify file open information. The parameters are very similar to those in PDDocOpenEx() and PDDocOpenFromASFileEx().
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1888 |
PDDocOpenParamsRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocOpenParams PDDocOpenParamsRec;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1930 |
PDDocPreSaveInfo |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocPreSaveInfo PDDocPreSaveInfo;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1609 |
PDDocPreSaveInfoRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocPreSaveInfo PDDocPreSaveInfoRec;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1609 |
PDDocSaveParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocSaveParams PDDocSaveParams;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1795 |
PDDocSaveParamsRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocSaveParams PDDocSaveParamsRec;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1794 |
PDDocVersion |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASInt16 PDDocVersion;
A signed int
(which is never negative), for historical reasons.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 84 |
PDDocWatermarkTextParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocWatermarkTextParams PDDocWatermarkTextParams;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6496 |
PDDocWatermarkTextParamsRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDDocWatermarkTextParams PDDocWatermarkTextParamsRec;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6496 |
PDPermReqStatus |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASInt16 PDPermReqStatus;
The set of valid PDPermRequestStatus values providing the status of PDDoc-related permissions methods.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4009 |
PDPerms |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASUns32 PDPerms;
Constant values that specify permissions which allow operations on a document file.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1425 |
PDSmallFlagBits |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASUns16 PDSmallFlagBits;
A flag value for use in PDDocInsertPagesParams().
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 56 |
PDTile |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef PDTileRec PDTile;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6238 |
PDTileEx |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef PDTileRecEx PDTileEx;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 421 |
PDTrapPreset |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef PDTrapPresetRec PDTrapPreset;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5784 |
StdSecurityData |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_StdSecurityData StdSecurityData;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4245 |
StdSecurityDataRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_StdSecurityData StdSecurityDataRec;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4245 |
AFHorizontalAlign |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum AFHorizontalAlign {
File: AF_ExpT.h |
Line: 271 |
AFVerticalAlign |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum AFVerticalAlign {
File: AF_ExpT.h |
Line: 280 |
GCHTextType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum GCHTextType {
kGCHTTipText = 1,
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4287 |
PDDocFontFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDDocFontFlags {
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5789 |
kHSEmitFontNoFonts | Embed no fonts. |
kHSEmitFontEmbeddedFonts | Emit all embedded fonts. |
kHSEmitFontAllFonts | Emit all fonts. |
PDDocOCChangeType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDDocOCChangeType {
kPDOC_LastDocChangeType = kPDDocRemoveOC
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5670 |
PDDocRequestReason |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDDocRequestReason {
kPDDocRequestUnderway = 0,
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6397 |
kPDDocRequestUnderway | The request is still being processed. |
kPDDocRequestComplete | The requested data has arrived. |
kPDDocRequestCancelled | The request is cancelled because the file is being closed. |
kPDDocRequestError | An error occurred. |
PDDocSaveFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDDocSaveFlags {
PDDocNeedsSave = 0x0001,
PDDocRequiresFullSave = 0x0002,
PDDocIsModified = 0x0004,
PDDocDeleteOnClose = 0x0008,
PDDocWasRepaired = 0x0010,
PDDocNewMajorVersion = 0x0020,
PDDocNewMinorVersion = 0x0040,
PDDocOldVersion = 0x0080,
PDDocSuppressErrors = 0x0100,
PDDocIsEmbedded = 0x0200,
PDDocIsLinearized = 0x0400,
PDDocIsOptimized = 0x0800,
PDDocIsPXDF = 0x1000,
PDDocIsOpen = 0x2000
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 2014 |
PDDocNeedsSave | The document has been modified and needs to be saved. (get/set) |
PDDocRequiresFullSave | The document cannot be saved incrementally; when it is saved using PDDocSave(), the |
PDDocIsModified | The document has been modified slightly (for example, bookmarks or text annotations have been opened or closed), but not in a way that warrants saving. (get only) |
PDDocDeleteOnClose | The document is based on a temporary file that must be deleted when the document is closed or saved. (get/set) |
PDDocWasRepaired | The document was repaired when it was opened. (get only) |
PDDocNewMajorVersion | The document's major version is newer than current. (get only) |
PDDocNewMinorVersion | The document's minor version is newer than current. (get only) |
PDDocOldVersion | The document's version is older than current. (get only) |
PDDocSuppressErrors | Do not display errors. (get/set) |
PDDocIsEmbedded | The document is embedded in a compound document (OLE, OpenDoc). (get/set) |
PDDocIsLinearized | The document is linearized (optimized) for page-served remote (network) access. (get only) |
PDDocIsOptimized | The document is optimized. If this flag is cleared, the Batch Optimizer plug-in and the Adobe PDF Library do not save the file optimized. You can, therefore, linearize a PDF file without optimizing it. Optimizing without linearizing is not allowed, however. (set only) |
PDDocIsPXDF | The underlying file is PxDF (get/set). |
PDDocIsOpen | The document is fully opened (didOpen). (get only) |
PDEndStyle |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDEndStyle {
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5747 |
PDHorizAlign |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDHorizAlign {
kPDHorizLeft = 0,
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6446 |
PDInsertFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDInsertFlags {
PDInsertBookmarks = 0x0001,
PDInsertAll = 0x1000,
PDInsertThreads = 0x0002,
PDDoNotInsertOutputIntent = 0x0004,
PDInsertNamedDestinations = 0x0006
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 2079 |
PDInsertBookmarks | Insert bookmarks as well as pages. |
PDInsertAll | Insert all Catalog and Info dictionary values as well as pages. |
PDInsertThreads | Insert articles as well. |
PDDoNotInsertOutputIntent | Do not merge output Intents |
PDInsertNamedDestinations | Copy named destinations to maintain link annotations |
PDJoinStyle |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDJoinStyle {
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5735 |
PDOCDrawEnumType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDOCDrawEnumType {
kPDOC_VisibleOC = 0,
kPDOC_LastDrawEnumType = kPDOC_NoOC
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5625 |
kPDOC_VisibleOC | Draw or enumerate optional content that is visible, according to the current state of Optional Content Groups (OCGs) and Optional Content Membership Dictionaries (OCMDs). This is the normal default mode. |
kPDOC_AllOC | Draw or enumerate all optional content, regardless of its visibility state. If the context's |
kPDOC_NoOC | Draw or enumerate no optional content, regardless of its visibility state. If the context's |
PDOperation |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDOperation {
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 968 |
pdOpInsertPages | Page insertion. |
pdOpDeletePages | Page deletion. |
pdOpReplacePages | Page replacement. |
pdOpMovePages | Page rearrangment. |
pdOpRotatePages | Page rotation. |
pdOpCropPages | Page cropping. |
pdOpAddResources | Only PDDocDidChangePages() exists, not PDDocWillChangePages(). |
pdOpRemoveResources | Only PDDocDidChangePages() exists, not PDDocWillChangePages(). |
pdOpAddContents | Only PDDocDidChangePages() exists, not PDDocWillChangePages(). |
pdOpRemoveContents | Only PDDocDidChangePages() exists, not PDDocWillChangePages(). |
pdOpSetMediaBox | Page media box modification. |
pdOpSetBleedBox | Page bleed box modification. |
pdOpSetTrimBox | Page trim box modification. |
pdOpSetArtBox | Page art box modification. |
pdOpSetTabOrder | Page tab order modification. |
PDPermReqObj |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDPermReqObj {
PDPermReqObjDoc = 1,
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4044 |
PDPermReqOpr |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDPermReqOpr {
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4081 |
PDPermReqOprAll | Check all operations. |
PDPermReqOprCreate | Generic. |
PDPermReqOprDelete | Delete. |
PDPermReqOprModify | Modify. |
PDPermReqOprCopy | Copy. |
PDPermReqOprAccessible | For accessibility use. |
PDPermReqOprSelect | For document or page, selecting (not copying) text or graphics. |
PDPermReqOprOpen | For document open. |
PDPermReqOprSecure | For the document: changing security settings. |
PDPermReqOprPrintHigh | For the document: regular printing. |
PDPermReqOprPrintLow | For the document: low quality printing. |
PDPermReqOprFillIn | Form fill-in, or sign the existing field. |
PDPermReqOprRotate | Rotate. |
PDPermReqOprCrop | Crop. |
PDPermReqOprSummarize | For summarizing notes. |
PDPermReqOprInsert | Insert. |
PDPermReqOprReplace | For the page. |
PDPermReqOprReorder | For the page. |
PDPermReqOprFullSave | For the document. |
PDPermReqOprImport | For the notes and image. |
PDPermReqOprExport | For the notes. ExportPS should check print. |
PDPermReqOprAny | Used for checking to see if any operation is allowed. |
PDPermReqOprUnknownOpr | Used for error checking. |
PDPermReqOprSubmitStandalone | Submit forms outside of the browser. |
PDPermReqOprSpawnTemplate | Allow the form to spawn template pages. |
PDPermReqOprOnline | This should be always the last item For annotations and forms: enabling online functionality. |
PDPermReqOprSummaryView | For annotations: enabling a summary view of annotations in Adobe Reader. |
PDPermReqOprBarcodePlaintext | For forms: enables form appearance to be rendered as a plain text barcode. |
PDPermReqOprUIsave | For controlling the "save" UI from a UIPerms handler |
PDPermReqOprUIprint | For controlling the "print" UI from a UIPerms handler |
PDPermReqOprUIemail | For controlling the "email" UI from a UIPerms handler |
PDPlacementTypes |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDPlacementTypes {
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5757 |
PDPrintWhat |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDPrintWhat {
PDPrintWhat_MIN = PDPrintWhat_DOCUMENT
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5499 |
PDPrintWhat_DOCUMENT | Print only the document. |
PDPrintWhat_DOCUMENT_AND_COMMENTS | Print the document and associated annotations (WYSIWYG -- the default for Acrobat 8.0 and later). |
PDPrintWhat_DOCUMENT_AND_STAMPS | Print the document and stamp annotations. |
PDPrintWhat_FORM_FIELDS_ONLY | Print only the data within form fields. |
PDPrintWhatAnnot |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDPrintWhatAnnot {
PDPrintWhatAnnot_NoExtras = 0x01,
PDPrintWhatAnnot_TrapAnnots = 0x02,
PDPrintWhatAnnot_PrinterMarks = 0x04
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 453 |
PDPrintWhatFlip |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDPrintWhatFlip {
kPDPrintFlipNone = 0x01,
kPDPrintFlipX = 0x02,
kPDPrintFlipY = 0x04,
kPDPrintFlipXY = 0x08
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 461 |
PDVertAlign |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDVertAlign {
kPDVertTop = 0,
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6453 |
_t_PDCryptBatchHandler |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDCryptBatchHandler {
Callbacks used to open secured files and to modify security settings while batch processing a list of files. These callbacks are not called while opening files through the user interface. In addition, the regular PDCryptHandler functions are not called during batch operations.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5101 |
size | Set this to |
BatchShowDialog | This function should display a dialog box that allows a user to enter data that will be used to batch secure a series of files. The data is stored in an ASCab which is part of a Batch sequence file. The actual security data, including password(s), should be stored as a pointer in the ASCabinet so that password information is not serialized to disk. Pointers are not serialized from ASCab objects, but ASText objects, ASInt32 objects, and ASBool objects are serialized. |
BatchParamDesc | The developer should provide information about the current batch settings for the security handler. Batch settings are provided as a read-only ASCab which is passed in to the function. A writeable ASCab is also provided, which should be used to store parameter information about the security handler. The description information should be stored starting in the |
BatchNewAuthData | This is different from the regular PDCryptHandler This authorization data is collected before any files are opened in the Batch sequence. It is permitted to display a user interface at this point since the Batch operation has not started yet. The data applies to all files, and therefore could represent one or more passwords which can be enumerated in the |
BatchAuthorize | Called when a PDF file is opened. It is first called with During a Batch operation, a file will first be opened with the |
BatchFreeAuthData | If provided, this must be used to free the |
BatchUpdateSecurityData | This function should update the crypt handler's security data without bringing up a dialog. This data is provided by a PDCryptShowBatchDialogProc(). The current security data can be obtained by calling PDDocGetNewSecurityData(). This function should return |
BatchPreSequence | This function is called at the beginning of a Batch sequence before any files have been opened. This allows a security handler to be called back with the ASCab of settings that were filled out by the BatchShowDialog() function, or by an ASCabinet that was read in from disk. Pointers of security information are not serialized to disk, and therefore a security information structure may need to be regenerated based on other security information in the ASCabinet. It is permitted for the If this function returns |
BatchPostSequence | This function is called at the end of a Batch sequence after all files have been processed. Any memory that was allocated in the |
_t_PDCryptFilterHandler |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDCryptFilterHandler {
ASSize_t size;
PDCryptFilterAuthorizeProc Authorize;
PDCryptFilterGetDataProc GetData;
PDCryptFilterStreamProc DecryptStream;
PDCryptFilterStreamProc EncryptStream;
PDCryptFilterStringProc DecryptString;
PDCryptFilterStringProc EncryptString;
PDCrypt Filter support:
Encryption callback routines are optional. However, the security handler is responsible for not allowing the application to cause a Full Save.
String encryption/decryption support is not required.
The DecryptStream
callback can be NULL
if the crypt filter handler does not perform encryption/decryption on its own. In such cases, GetDataProc
must be supplied.
Crypt Filter handlers are expected to return 0
length buffer (or EOF) when unauthorized access is made.
The CryptStringProcs
string callback is expected to return the desired buffer size (the required destination buffer length) when NULL
is passed as the destination buffer. This mechanism is to allow a different buffer length upon encryption/decryption.
About the ASCryptStm in the callback: upon the first call (back) to Encrypt/Decrypt stream procs, the handler is expected to fill out an ASCryptStmRec. ASCryptStm has pointers to callback routines for various stream access. Subsequent stream access is made to these callback routines. See ASExpT.h for the ASCryptStmRec definition.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5073 |
size | Set this to |
GetData | Called to get crypt data when the application's built-in method is used. |
_t_PDCryptHandler |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDCryptHandler {
A data structure containing callbacks that implement a security handler. The callbacks implement the security handler functions. For example, they get authorization data such as a password from the user, set permissions, read and write security-related data in a PDF file, and so on.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5197 |
size | Set this to |
Authorize | This function will be called when a user tries to open or set security for an encrypted document. If this function is called to authorize Open, decryption will not yet have been installed. So while any part of the document may be examined, some calls must be avoided. For example, a call that causes a page to be parsed will probably result in an error since the encrypted contents will be parsed. In general, it is safe to obtain information about the presence or absence of things, or the number of things, and to examine any part of a document at the Cos level. |
NewAuthData | Creates and returns a new |
GetAuthData | This function obtains authorization data from the user. As with |
NewSecurityData | Creates a new |
ValidateSecurityData | Validates the security data, modifying it as necessary. A client may have called PDDocNewSecurityData() to obtain a new security data structure, then modified it, and then called PDDocSetNewSecurityData() to change the document security. This is called before actually setting the document's security data. |
UpdateSecurityData | This function should update the crypt handler's security data, usually by displaying a dialog. The current security data can be obtained by calling PDDocGetNewSecurityData(). Like |
NewCryptData | Sets up the key to be passed to initialize the RC4 cipher for encryption and decryption. The length may not be greater than |
FillEncryptDict | This function should fill the encryption dictionary with whatever information is to be stored in the document. Unlike all other strings and streams, direct object elements of the encryption dictionary are not encrypted automatically. They must be encrypted before they are inserted into the dictionary. |
GetSecurityInfo | This function should return information about security for display to the user: whether the document has owner and user passwords and whether the user password enables printing, editing, copying text and graphics, and editing notes. See PDexpt.h for possible permissions. All other bits in |
FreeSecurityData | If provided, this must be used to free |
FreeAuthData | If provided, must be used to free |
FreeCryptData | If provided, this must be used to free |
NewCryptDataEx | Sets up the key to be passed to initialize the RC4 cipher and the version of algorithm for encryption and decryption. The key will be truncated when the length is greater than the viewer currently supports. Data will be freed by |
AuthorizeEx | This was added to replace PDCryptGetAuthDataProc(). There are now new permission controls. PDPerms are obsolete. Yet, the viewer still supports the old security handler. It is called whenever the viewer needs to get authorization data and/or check permission for operation(s). |
GetAuthDataEx | This was added to replace PDCryptGetAuthDataProc(). There are now new permission controls. PDPerms are obsolete. Yet, the viewer still supports the old security handler. It is called whenever the viewer needs to get authorization data and/or check permission for operation(s). |
DisplaySecurityData | When the security handler is called, it should pop up a dialog box with current permission settings. This callback was added to provide the security handler with a way to display its custom permission settings. It should return |
GetReservedData | Used for the Acrobat Web Buy proprietary method of passing encrypted data. |
CryptBatchHandler | A pointer to the PDCryptBatchHandler structure. If this parameter is non- |
CanParseEncryptDict | This call is used to provide PDCrypt handler interoperability. When an encrypted ducument is being opened and the the security handler specified in the encryption dictionary is not present, the viewer will call this function on existing security handlers to see if one of them can be used to open the document. |
CryptFilterHandler | A pointer to the PDCryptFilterHandler structure. If this parameter is non- |
GetDocPerms | This function should return information about the document permissions for display to the user: whether the user can print, edit, copy text and graphics, edit notes and do form fill in and signing. See PDexpt.h for possible permissions. |
EncryptDocMetadata | It determines whether a document's metadata will be encrypted. If this call is not implemented, the metadata is always encrypted. |
NewSecurityDataFromOrgDoc | A new call added for Acrobat 7.0, used for opening a rolled back document (the original portion of a signed document). If this call is not implemented, the security handler is asked for authorization. Since authorization is already requested for the document, this would be the second authorization call for the rolled back part. The callee is expected to authorize the opening of this document using an already opened document, including the subsequent callback to authorize the Crypt Filter(s). |
GetInfoText | New calls added for Acrobat 7.0.5 Used by Acrobat to display user interface information about the document. |
_t_PDDocAddWatermarkParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDDocAddWatermarkParams {
ASSize_t size;
PDPageRange targetRange;
ASBool fixedPrint;
ASBool zOrderTop;
ASBool showOnScreen;
ASBool showOnPrint;
PDHorizAlign horizAlign;
PDVertAlign vertAlign;
float horizValue;
float vertValue;
ASBool percentageVals;
float scale;
float rotation;
float opacity;
ASProgressMonitor progMon;
void* progMonData;
ASCancelProc cancelProc;
void* cancelProcData;
Parameters used for adding and describing watermarks.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6504 |
size | The size of the data structure. |
targetRange | The page range of the document to which the watermark should be added. |
fixedPrint | A boolean specifying whether this watermark is a FixedPrint watermark. FixedPrint watermarks maintain their size and position regardless of the dimensions of the target media. |
zOrderTop | A boolean specifying where in the page z-order the watermark should be added. If it is This parameter is ignored if |
showOnScreen | A boolean specifying whether the watermark should be visible when viewing on screen. |
showOnPrint | A boolean specifying whether the watermark should be printed. |
horizAlign | The horizontal alignment to be used when adding the watermark to a page. |
vertAlign | The vertical alignment to be used when adding the watermark to a page. |
horizValue | The horizontal offset value to be used when adding the watermark on a page. If |
vertValue | The vertical offset value to be used when adding the watermark on a page. If |
percentageVals | A boolean specifying the units of |
scale | The scale factor to be used when adding the watermark, with |
rotation | The counter-clockwise rotation, in degrees, to be used when adding the watermark. |
opacity | The opacity to be used when adding the watermark, with |
progMon | The progress monitor to be updated when adding the watermark. It may be |
progMonData | The private data to be passed to |
cancelProc | The cancel procedure to be checked when adding the watermark. It may be |
cancelProcData | The private data to be passed to |
_t_PDDocBatesNumberingParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDDocBatesNumberingParams {
ASSize_t size;
ASInt64 start;
ASUns8 nDigits;
ASText prefix;
ASText suffix;
ASUns8 pageIndex;
Parameters used for describing Bates Numbering. As an example, Bates Numbering with start=100 nDigits=6
would look like 000100, 000101, 000102, 000103...
See Also
File: PDBatesExpT.h |
Line: 26 |
size | The size of the data structure. |
start | The start number of the Bates Numbering (required). |
nDigits | The number of digits of the Bates Numbering (required). |
prefix | Bates Numbering prefix (optional). |
suffix | Bates Numbering suffix (optional). |
pageIndex | The original page index to which Bates Numbering was added(optional). |
_t_PDDocCopyParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDDocCopyParams {
ASSize_t size;
ASPathName newPath;
ASFileSys fileSys;
ASProgressMonitor progMon;
void* progMonData;
ASCancelProc cancelProc;
void* cancelProcData;
ASBool saveChanges;
A structure used by PDDocCopyToFile() to specify file copy information.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6129 |
size | The size of the data structure. It must be set to |
newPath | The path name to copy to, specified in whatever format is correct for |
fileSys | A pointer to an ASFileSysRec containing the file system that does the copy. |
progMon | A progress monitor. It may be |
progMonData | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
cancelProc | A cancel procedure. It may be |
cancelProcData | A pointer to user-specified data to pass to |
saveChanges | Determines whether changes should be saved if the document is dirty. When it is |
_t_PDDocInsertPagesParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDDocInsertPagesParams {
ASSize_t size;
PDDoc targetDoc;
PDPageNumber insertAfterThisPage;
PDDoc srcDoc;
PDPageNumber srcFromPage;
PDPageNumber srcToPage;
PDSmallFlagBits insertFlags;
ASErrorCode error;
A structure used to pass information to the PDDocWillInsertPagesEx() and PDDocDidInsertPagesEx() notifications.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1803 |
size | The size of the data structure. It must be set to |
targetDoc | The document into which pages are inserted. This document must have at least one page. |
insertAfterThisPage | The page number in |
srcDoc | The document containing the pages that are inserted into |
srcFromPage | The page number of the first page in |
srcToPage | The page number of the last page in |
insertFlags | Flags that determine what additional information is copied from
error | An error code which is only valid for the PDDocDidInsertPagesEx() notification. |
_t_PDDocLayoutParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDDocLayoutParams {
Parameters used for adding and describing Bates Numbering.
See Also
File: PDBatesExpT.h |
Line: 52 |
size | The size of the data structure. |
targetRange | The page range of the document to which Bates Numbering should be added. |
margins | The margin for placement of Bates. |
horizAlign | The horizontal alignment to be used when adding Bates Numbering to a page. |
vertAlign | The vertical alignment to be used when adding Bates Numbering to a page. |
color | The color setting for adding Bates Numbering to a page. |
fontSize | ||
fontName | ||
fontType | ||
underline | Determines whether to draw an underline to Bates Numbering in a page (optional). |
_t_PDDocOpenParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDDocOpenParams {
ASSize_t size;
ASFile file;
ASPathName fileName;
ASFileSys fileSys;
PDAuthProcEx authProcEx;
void* authProcClientData;
ASBool doRepair;
PDPerms restrictPerms;
A structure used by PDDocOpenWithParams() to specify file open information. The parameters are very similar to those in PDDocOpenEx() and PDDocOpenFromASFileEx().
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1895 |
size | The size of the data structure. It must be set to |
file | The path name to the file, specified in whatever format is correct for |
fileName | The path name to the file, specified in whatever format is correct for |
fileSys | A pointer to an ASFileSysRec containing the file system in which the file resides. |
authProcEx | An authorization callback, called only if the file is encrypted. This callback should obtain whatever information is needed to determine whether the user is authorized to open the file, then call PDDocAuthorize() (which returns the permissions that the authentication data enables). If the file is encrypted and |
authProcClientData | A pointer to user-specified data to pass to authProcEx() each time it is called. |
doRepair | If |
restrictPerms | The permissions to remove from the document. |
_t_PDDocPreSaveInfo |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDDocPreSaveInfo {
ASSize_t size;
CosObjSetCallbackFlagProc callbackProc;
A structure used to flag Cos objects you wish to access while a PDDoc is being saved. It contains a pointer to a CosObjSetCallbackFlagProc(). In your pre-save callback, you can use this exposed proc to set a flag in the CosObj objects that you care about, so that your callback will be called back during the save and given their offset and length.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1602 |
size | The size of structure. Set it to |
_t_PDDocSaveParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDDocSaveParams {
Parameters used when saving a file with PDDocSaveWithParams() and returned by the PDDocWillSaveEx() notification. Most of these parameters are the same as the parameters for PDDocSave().
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1644 |
size | Set this to be the size of this |
saveFlags | It must be one of the PDSaveFlags values. |
newPath | The path to which the file is saved. A path must be specified when either If |
fileSys | The file system. If it is |
mon | Progress monitor. Use AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor() to obtain the default. It may be |
monClientData | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
cancelProc | A callback to test whether an operation should be cancelled. A |
cancelProcClientData | A pointer to user-specified data to pass to |
preSaveProc | A callback to flag Cos objects you wish to access while the PDDoc is being saved. |
preSaveProcClientData | A pointer to user-specified data to pass to |
offsetProc | A callback to get information about Cos objects while the PDDoc is being saved. |
offsetProcClientData | A pointer to user-specified data to pass to |
major | The major PDF version number of the document. If |
minor | The minor PDF version number of the document. |
XMPPacketReadOnly | If |
XMPPacketPaddingBytes | Specifies the number of bytes of padding to include in the XML packet containing the XMP metadata for the document, when |
preWriteProc | A callback that is called just before the document is written to disk. |
preWriteProcClientData | Client data to pass to the pre-write proc. |
saveFlags2 | More flags for PDDocSave(). |
numSubFilesToCompact | The number of incremental saves to compact. It will eliminate the last This parameter is taken into account only if:
More precisely, compaction of incremental saves will only happen only if:
Moreover, if there are any signatures added in any of the incremental saves that are compacted, these signatures will be invalidated. It is up to the client to determine the incremental save at which it should stop compacting to avoid this. |
offsetProc64 | A 64-bit callback to get information about Cos objects while the PDDoc is being saved. |
_t_PDDocWatermarkTextParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDDocWatermarkTextParams {
ASSize_t size;
ASText srcText;
PDHorizAlign textAlign;
PDEFont pdeFont;
ASAtom sysFontName;
float fontSize;
PDColorValueRec color;
Parameters used for describing text-based watermarks.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6464 |
size | The size of the data structure. |
srcText | ||
textAlign | The alignment to be used when justifying a text-based watermark. |
pdeFont | The PDEFont to be used when generating a text-based watermark. If it is |
sysFontName | The name of a system font to be used when generating a text-based watermark. The font will be embedded/subsetted when possible. This parameter is ignored if |
fontSize | The size of the font, in points, to be used when generating a text-based watermark. |
color | The color to be used when generating a text-based watermark. |
_t_StdSecurityData |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_StdSecurityData {
ASSize_t size;
ASBool newUserPW;
ASBool hasUserPW;
StdPassword userPW;
ASBool newOwnerPW;
ASBool hasOwnerPW;
StdPassword ownerPW;
PDPerms perms;
Int32 keyLength;
Int32 revision;
ASBool encryptMetadata;
Int32 encryptMethod;
ASBool encryptAttachmentsOnly;
Int32 version;
A structure describing the data for the standard security handler provided in the Acrobat viewer.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4205 |
size | The size of this stucture. |
newUserPW |
hasUserPW |
userPW | The user password. |
newOwnerPW |
hasOwnerPW |
ownerPW | The owner password. |
perms | The permissions to allow. |
keyLength | The encryption key length in bytes. New for Acrobat 5.0. |
revision | Indicates a /R value. New for Acrobat 6.0. |
encryptMetadata | A flag that indicates whether document metadata will be encrypted. |
encryptMethod | New for Acrobat 7.0. The method of encryption for filters to use. It is only valid if the version is 4 or greater. The valid values are:
encryptAttachmentsOnly | A flag to indicate that only attachments are encrypted. |
version | Indicates a /V value. New for Acrobat 9.0. |
PDTileRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct PDTileRec {
ASUns32 overlap;
ASBool center;
ASInt32 marksflags;
ASInt32 paperWidth;
ASInt32 paperHeight;
char* docTitle;
char* docDate;
char* docTime;
ASInt32 col;
ASInt32 row;
ASInt32 numCols;
ASInt32 numRows;
ASInt32 xOffset;
ASInt32 yOffset;
Printing flags
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6191 |
overlap | The number of points to overlap (user interface units may be anything, clients convert to points). |
center | Center the pages' contents on the physical paper. |
marksflags | Determines which printer marks to emit. |
paperWidth | The width of the paper (points). It is client-provided since the client has PPD access. |
paperHeight | The height of the paper (points). |
docTitle | The title string for the slug (optional). |
docDate | The date string for the slug (optional). |
docTime | The time string for the slug (optional). |
col | The current column |
row | The current row. |
numCols | The number of columns for this page. |
numRows | The number of rows for this page. |
xOffset | The amount to shift right. First tile to center the entire image on the sheets. |
yOffset | The amount to shift down. |
PDTileRecEx |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct PDTileRecEx {
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 387 |
pubRec | Used for giving information to and from the user. |
imageablePaperWidth | (pts) |
imageablePaperHeight | (pts) |
unprintablePaperWidth | Unprintable left edge (pts). |
unprintablePaperHeight | Unprintable bottom edge (pts). |
indent | The amount tile indented within the imageable area (pts). |
rotateAngle | ||
labelTemplate | The optional label string template has 6 parameters it can fill in. If it is |
driverScale | The scale selected by the user in the Print Setup or Printer Properties dialog box. |
tileScale | The scale for tiled pages. |
PDTrapPresetRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct PDTrapPresetRec {
ASBool noTrap;
ASBool defaultTrap;
float trapWidth;
float blackWidth;
float imageTrapWidth;
ASUns32 trapJoinStyle;
ASUns32 trapEndStyle;
ASUns32 stepLimit;
ASUns32 blackColorLimit;
float blackDensityLimit;
ASUns32 slidingTrapLimit;
ASUns32 trapColorScaling;
ASUns32 trapPlacement;
ASBool imageToImageTrapping;
ASBool imageToObjectTrapping;
ASBool imageInternalTrapping;
ASBool imagemaskTrapping;
ASAtom trapStyleName;
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5765 |
PDCryptAuthorizeExProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDPermReqStatus (*PDCryptAuthorizeExProc)(PDDoc pdDoc, PDPermReqObj reqObj, PDPermReqOpr reqOpr, void *authData)
Replaces PDCryptAuthorizeProc. PDPerms are now obsolete because Acrobat 5.0 introduces new permission controls. However, Acrobat still supports old security handlers.
It is called whenever Acrobat needs to get authorization data and/or check permissions for operations.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4682 |
PDCryptAuthorizeProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is called by PDDocAuthorize() when a user tries to set security for an encrypted document and by a PDAuthProc() when a user tries to open a file.
It must decide, based on the contents of the authorization data structure, whether the user is permitted to open the file, and what permissions the user has for this file. The authorization data structure is available for making this decision. Alternate implementations may not require authorization data and may, for example, make authorization decisions based on data contained in the security data structure (use PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc()).
This callback must not obtain the authorization data (for example, by displaying a user interface into which a user can type a password). Obtaining authorization data is handled by the security handler's PDCryptGetAuthDataProc(), which must be called before this callback. Instead, PDCryptAuthorizeProc() must work with whatever authorization data is passed to it.
It is legitimate for this callback to be called with NULL
authorization data; the Acrobat viewer's built-in authProc
does this in order to support authorization methods that do not require authorization data.
When this callback is invoked to determine whether a user is permitted to open a file, permWanted
is set to pdPermOpen
. In this case, the file's contents are not yet decrypted (since this callback is being asked to permit decryption), and some calls must be avoided. For example, a call that causes a page to be parsed results in an error, since the encrypted contents are parsed. In general, it is safe to obtain information about the presence or absence of things, or the number of things, and to examine any part of a document at the Cos level.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4351 |
PDCryptBatchAuthorizeProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDPermReqStatus (*PDCryptBatchAuthorizeProc)(PDDoc pdDoc, PDPermReqObj reqObj, PDPermReqOpr reqOpr, void *authData)
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. It is called when a PDF file is opened. It is first called with NULL
for the case without a user password. It is called again with authorization data provided for the security handler that matches the one used in the PDF file.
bit set. It will then be opened with the pdPermOpen
bit set. File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4911 |
PDCryptBatchFreeAuthDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*PDCryptBatchFreeAuthDataProc)(void *authData)
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. If provided, it must be used to free authData
acquired via BatchGetAuthData() or BatchNewAuthData(). If no BatchFreeAuthData() function is provided, a default one will be used which calls ASfree() on the authData
if it is non-NULL
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4922 |
PDCryptBatchNewAuthDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void * (*PDCryptBatchNewAuthDataProc)(void)
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. It is different from the regular PDCryptHandler NewAuthData
function. It creates and returns a void*
which is the authorization data for the batch security handler. This data should be used to batch both open files and secure files. Therefore, make sure to provide password information for both the pdPermOpen
and pdPermSecure
cases. This data will be passed to the PDCryptBatchAuthorizeProc() callback and eventually to PDCryptBatchFreeAuthDataProc() to free the data. This authorization data is collected before any files are opened in the batch sequence. It is permitted to display a user interface at this point since the batch operation has not started yet. The data applies to all files, and therefore could represent one or more passwords which can be enumerated in the BatchAuthorize
function which receives the batch authorization data.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4888 |
PDCryptBatchParamDescProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*PDCryptBatchParamDescProc)(const ASCab settings, ASCab paramDesc)
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. The developer should provide information about the current batch settings for the security handler. Batch settings are provided as a read-only ASCab that is passed to the function. A writable ASCab is also provided, which should be used to store parameter information about the security handler. The description information should be stored starting in the paramDesc
ASCab using ASText objects starting with key " 1"
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4869 |
PDCryptBatchPostSequenceProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*PDCryptBatchPostSequenceProc)(ASCab settings)
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. This function is called at the end of a batch sequence after all files have been processed. Any memory that was allocated in the BatchPreSequence() call should be cleaned up in this callback.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4950 |
PDCryptBatchPreSequenceProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. This function is called at the beginning of a batch sequence before any files have been opened. This allows a security handler to be called back with the ASCab of settings that were filled out by the BatchShowDialog() function, or by an ASCab that was read in from disk. Pointers of security information are not serialized to disk, and therefore a security information structure may need to be regenerated based on other security information in the ASCab. It is permitted for the BatchPreSequence() callback to put up a user interface asking the user for more information since the batch sequence has not started yet. If this function returns false
, the viewer will assume that the command cannot be executed and will cancel the sequence.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4941 |
PDCryptBatchShowDialogProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. This callback puts up a dialog box that allows a user to enter data that will be used to batch secure a series of files. The data is stored in an ASCab which is part of a batch sequence file. The actual security data, including password(s), should be stored as a pointer in the ASCab so that password information is not serialized to disk. Pointers are not serialized from ASCab objects, but ASText objects, ASInt32 objects, and ASBool objects are serialized.
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Line: 4854 |
PDCryptBatchUpdateSecurityDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDCryptBatchUpdateSecurityDataProc)(PDDoc pdDoc, ASCab settings, ASAtom *cryptHandler, void **secDataP)
A callback for PDCryptBatchHandler. This function should update the crypt handler's security data without bringing up a dialog. This data is provided by a PDCryptBatchShowDialogProc(). The current security data can be obtained by calling PDDocGetNewSecurityData().
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4969 |
PDCryptCanParseEncryptDictProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
(Optional) This call is used to provide PDCrypt handler interoperability. When an encrypted document is being opened and the security handler specified in the encryption dictionary is not present, this callback is used to determine if one of the registered security handlers can be used to open the document.
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Line: 4770 |
PDCryptDisplaySecurityDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Called when the security handler should bring up a document (security) information dialog box with the current settings. It also should return true
when the user wants to change the settings.
If this callback is not supplied, the default information dialog is displayed with PDPerms bits information (an Acrobat 4.x-equivalent dialog).
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Line: 4748 |
PDCryptEncryptDocMetadata |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It determines whether a document's metadata will be encrypted. If this call is not implemented, the metadata is always encrypted. Note that documents with plain text metadata can be opened only by Acrobat versions 6.0 and later.
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Line: 4813 |
PDCryptFillEncryptDictProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is called when an encrypted document is saved. It fills the document's Encryption dictionary with whatever information the security handler wants to store in the document.
Normally this callback is called after PDCryptUpdateSecurityDataProc(). The security data structure can be obtained with a call to PDDocGetNewSecurityData(), and encryptDict
is filled based on this data.
The sequencing of events that the viewer performs during creation of the encryptDict is as follows:
The viewer creates the encryptDict
The viewer adds the Filter attribute to the dictionary.
The viewer calls this PDCryptFillEncryptDictProc() to allow the security handler to add its own attributes to the dictionary.
The viewer calls the PDCryptNewCryptDataExProc() (the PDCryptNewCryptDataProc() if unsuccessful) to get the algorithm version, key, and key length.
The viewer checks if the V attribute has been added to the dictionary and, if not, it sets V to the algorithm version.
The viewer sets the Length attribute if V is 2
or greater.
The viewer adds the encryptDict to the document.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4568 |
PDCryptFilterAuthorizeProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDCryptFilterAuthorizeProc)(CosDoc dP, ASAtom filterName, CosObj encryptDict, ASBool bEncrypt, ASBool bUIAllowed)
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptFilterHandler. Acrobat's security mechanism calls this method to determine whether the user should have access to this filter.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5028 |
PDCryptFilterGetDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 (*PDCryptFilterGetDataProc)(CosDoc dP, ASAtom filterName, char **key, ASBool bNewKey, ASBool bUIAllowed)
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptFilterHandler. Acrobat's security mechanism calls this method to retrieve the encryption/decryption key for this filter. It is called only when the filter's encryption method is V2.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5051 |
PDCryptFilterStreamProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*PDCryptFilterStreamProc)(CosDoc dP, ASAtom filterName, ASCryptStm stm, ASBool handOff, CosObj params, ASInt32 stmLength)
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptFilterHandler. Callbacks that conform to this prototype are called to encrypt or decrypt streams from a document.
The first call to a procedure of this type must fill out an ASCryptStmRec structure with pointers to callback routines for various types of stream access; see ASCryptStmProcs().
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 5004 |
PDCryptFreeAuthDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is used to free authorization data acquired via PDCryptNewAuthDataProc(). If this callback is omitted, the viewer defaults to freeing the data using ASfree().
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4621 |
PDCryptFreeCryptDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is used to free authorization data acquired via PDCryptNewCryptDataProc(). If this callback is omitted, the viewer defaults to freeing the data using ASfree().
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4635 |
PDCryptFreeSecurityDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is used to free security data acquired via PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc(). If this callback is omitted, the viewer defaults to freeing the data using ASfree().
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4607 |
PDCryptGetAuthDataExProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDCryptGetAuthDataExProc)(PDDoc pdDoc, PDPermReqObj reqObj, PDPermReqOpr reqOpr, void **authDataP)
Replaces PDCryptGetAuthDataProc(). It is called whenever Acrobat needs to get authorization data and/or check permissions for operations.
PDPerms are now obsolete because Acrobat 5.0 introduces new permission controls. However, Acrobat still supports old security handlers.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4705 |
PDCryptGetAuthDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDCryptHandler. This callback is called from a PDAuthProc when a file is opened after PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc() is called.
The callback must determine the user's authorization properties for the document by obtaining authorization data, such as a user interface log in or password entry. It populates an authorization data structure with this data.
This callback may call the security handler's PDCryptNewAuthDataProc() to allocate the authorization data structure. The use of an authorization data structure is optional (an implementation may wish to contain authorization data within the security data structure). The authorization data structure is subsequently used by the security handler's PDCryptAuthorizeProc() to determine whether the user is authorized to open the file.
A security handler can specify the standard password dialog box by using AVCryptGetPassword(). In this case, authData
is a char*
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4406 |
PDCryptGetDocPermsProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*PDCryptGetDocPermsProc)(PDDoc pdDoc, ASBool perms[PDPermReqObjLast][PDPermReqOprLast], ASInt16 *version)
A callback for PDCryptHandler. This function should extract and return information about the document permissions to display for the user: whether the user can print, edit, copy text and graphics, edit notes and do form fill in and signing.
The permissions returned are logically AND-ed with the document permissions returned by any other permissions handlers, and displayed to the user. All crypt handlers should implement this call so that consolidated permissions can be displayed. To display your own crypt handler's permissions, implement PDCryptDisplaySecurityDataProc().
If this callback is absent, Acrobat assumes that all the operations on the document are allowed.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4800 |
PDCryptGetInfoTextProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASText (*PDCryptGetInfoTextProc)(PDDoc pdDoc, GCHTextType textType)
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It provides information for display about document security settings.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4833 |
PDCryptGetSecurityInfoProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is called by PDDocGetNewSecurityInfo(). It extracts the security information from the security data structure, and returns the security information.
This function is also used after a Save As... to reset the permissions according to the current document.
A default set of permissions is used if this callback is absent:
See PDPerms.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4592 |
PDCryptNewAuthDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It creates a new empty authorization data structure. This structure is subsequently filled by PDCryptGetAuthDataProc(), then passed to PDCryptAuthorizeProc() and eventually to ASfree().
This callback is not called by the Acrobat viewer, but a security handler may use it if it wishes. The Acrobat viewer's standard security handler does not use this method.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4368 |
PDCryptNewCryptDataExProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*PDCryptNewCryptDataExProc)(PDDoc pdDoc, char **cryptData, ASInt32 *cryptDataLen, ASInt32 *cryptVersion)
A callback for PDCryptHandler. It sets up the key to be passed to initialize the RC4 cipher for encryption and decryption of a PDF file. It is called when an encrypted document is opened or saved.
The key is truncated when the length is greater than the viewer currently supports. Data is freed by PDCryptFreeCryptDataProc() if provided. Otherwise, ASfree() is used.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4659 |
PDCryptNewCryptDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDCryptHandler. It sets up the key to be passed to initialize the RC4 cipher for encryption and decryption of a PDF file. It is called when an encrypted document is opened or saved.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4529 |
PDCryptNewSecurityDataFromOriginalDocProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDCryptNewSecurityDataFromOriginalDocProc)(PDDoc pdDoc, CosObj encryptDict, PDDoc alreadyOpenedDoc, CosObj openedEncryptDict, void **authDataP)
Called when the application needs to open a rolled back portion of the original document. A rolled back document is the original portion of the document when it is digitally signed. This functionality is used for document modification detection.
A rolled back document still requires authorization data which should be identical to the original document's. However, the authDataP
structure is unique to each security handler; therefore, it cannot be duplicated by the application.
This callback is intended for opening a rolled back document silently by asking the security handler to provide authorization data for it. The security handler should be able to duplicate the security data associated with the original document and supply for the rolled back document. The callee is expected to authorize subsequent callbacks, including Crypt Filters.
If this callback is not provided, the security handler is asked for authorization data via a normal call such as PDCryptGetAuthDataExProc(). The side effect might include the security handler's prompting for a password for the rolled back document.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4733 |
PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It creates and populates a new structure that contains whatever security-related information the security handler requires (for example, permissions, whether the file has owner and/or user passwords, owner and/or user passwords, or other data used internally by the security handler). If encryptDict
is not NULL
, the structure should be populated based on the encryptDict
parameter's contents. This method is intended only to initialize the security data structure.
This callback is called under two circumstances:
When a document is opened, it is called with encryptDict set to the document's Encryption dictionary. The handler should then populate the new security data structure with data that is obtained from the Encryption dictionary.
When the user chooses a new encryption method, it is called without an encryptDict. The handler should return a security data structure with default values.
If a security handler does not have this callback, the document's newSecurityData
field is set to NULL
If a file is to be saved, then PDCryptUpdateSecurityDataProc() is subsequently called to allow user interface modification of the contents.
Security data is freed using PDCryptFreeSecurityDataProc(). If PDCryptFreeSecurityDataProc() is not defined, ASfree() is used.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4450 |
PDCryptReservedProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void * (*PDCryptReservedProc)(void)
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It is used by the Acrobat WebBuy proprietary method of passing crypt data.
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Line: 4754 |
PDCryptReservedProc2 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
(Optional) Used by Acrobat for Automated Permission Testing.
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Line: 4838 |
PDCryptUpdateSecurityDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDCryptHandler. It updates the security data structure that was created by PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc(). This structure can be obtained by calling PDDocGetNewSecurityData(). The security data structure of the previously saved file can be obtained with a call to PDDocGetSecurityData().
The security data structure should be updated to reflect the encryption parameters that will be used when saving the file (this information is usually obtained via dialogs). The encryption parameters are transferred to the Encrypt dictionary by a subsequent callback to PDCryptFillEncryptDictProc().
The security data should be allocated by ASmalloc() or a related function. Security data is freed using PDCryptFreeSecurityDataProc(). If PDCryptFreeSecurityDataProc() is not defined, ASfree() is used.
The callback can also update the security handler itself. For example, the standard encryption handler switches to no encryption if no passwords or permissions are set in the security dialog box. Return ASAtomNull in cryptHandler
if no encryption is used in the saved file.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4513 |
PDCryptValidateSecurityDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
(Optional) A callback for PDCryptHandler. It validates the security data structure, which specifies the user's permissions. This callback may modify the security data structure (for example, because the user is not authorized to change the security as they requested). A client may have called PDDocNewSecurityData() to obtain a new security data structure, then modified it, and then called PDDocSetNewSecurityData() to change the document security. This callback should be called before actually setting the document's security data.
This callback is not called automatically by the Acrobat viewer. It must be called, if desired, by the security handler's PDCryptUpdateSecurityDataProc().
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4475 |
PDDocEnumProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDEnumDocs(). It is called once for each open PDDoc.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 3604 |
PDDocPreSaveProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*PDDocPreSaveProc)(PDDoc pdDoc, PDDocPreSaveInfo preSaveInfo, void *clientData)
A callback in the PDDocSaveParams structure used by PDDocSaveWithParams(). Use this callback to flag Cos objects you wish to access while a PDDoc is being saved.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1624 |
PDDocPreWriteProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback in the PDDocSaveParams structure. It is invoked by PDDocSaveWithParams() immediately before a PDDoc is saved to disk.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 1635 |
PDDocRequestEntireFileProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 (*PDDocRequestEntireFileProc)(PDDoc pdDoc, PDDocRequestReason reason, void *clientData)
A callback used by PDDocRequestEntireFile. Use this callback to process a document file.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6436 |
PDDocRequestPagesProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 (*PDDocRequestPagesProc)(PDDoc pdDoc, ASInt32 startPage, ASInt32 nPages, PDDocRequestReason reason, void *clientData)
A callback for PDDocRequestPages().
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6415 |
PDDocWillExportAnnotCallback |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDDocExportNotes. It determines whether an annotation is exported.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6105 |
PDDocWillExportAnnotProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDDocWillExportAnnotProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh, PDAnnot src, PDAnnot dst)
A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It determines whether an annotation is exported.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 621 |
PDDocWillImportAnnotCallback |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDDocImportCosDocNotes() and PDDocImportNotes(). It determines whether an annotation will be imported.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 6122 |
PDDocWillImportAnnotProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDDocWillImportAnnotProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh, PDDoc doc, PDPage pdpage, PDAnnot annot)
A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It determines whether an annotation will be imported.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 640 |
PDDocXAPMetadataDidChangeProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Receives the notification that the XMP metadata describing a document as a whole has changed.
File: PDMetadataExpT.h |
Line: 61 |
PDOCFindOutAutoStatePrefProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDOCFindOutAutoStatePrefProc)()
Declare the type PDOCFindOutAutoStatePrefProc, which is a callback that lets the client set the AutoState preference.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 2403 |
PDOCFindOutLanguageProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
char * (*PDOCFindOutLanguageProc)()
Declare the type PDOCFindOutLanguageProc, which is a callback that lets the client set the current user interface language level.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 2397 |
PDOCFindOutUserProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Declare the type PDOCFindOutUserProc, which is a callback that lets the client set the current user interface user level.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 2400 |
PDOCFindOutZoomProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Declare the type PDOCFindOutZoomProc, which is a callback that lets the client set the current user interface zoom level.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 2394 |
StdPassword |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 4199 |
PDCryptAuthorizeFilterAccess | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDCryptAuthorizeFilterAccess(PDDoc doc, ASAtom handlerName, ASAtom filterName, ASBool bEncrypt)
Gets authorization to encrypt or decrypt an embedded file, where that file's cryptographic filter is not the one used to open the document in which the file is embedded.
doc — | The document containing the embedded file whose filter access is requested. |
handlerName — | The security handler containing the Authorize() callback procedure to run. |
filterName — | The ASAtom corresponding to the name of the security filter used by the embedded file. |
bEncrypt — | When |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10701 |
PDDocAcquire | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocAcquire(PDDoc doc)
Increments a document's reference count. The document will not be closed until the reference count is zero, or the application terminates.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose reference count is incremented. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1399 |
PDDocAcquirePage | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets a PDPage from a document. It increments the page's reference count. After you are done using the page, release it using PDPageRelease(). If PDPageRelease() is not called, it could block the document containing the page from being closed. To avoid such problems, use the CSmartPDPage
class, as it ensures that the page is released as it goes out of scope.
doc — | The document containing the page to acquire. |
pageNum — | The page number of the page to acquire. The first page is |
The acquired page. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1563 |
PDDocAddBatesNumbering | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDDocAddBatesNumbering(PDDoc pdDoc, PDDocBatesNumberingParams batesParams, PDDocLayoutParamsRec params)
Deprecated The following function has been deprecated, do not use.
Adds Bates Numbering to a PDF document.
pdDoc — | The PDF document to which Bates Numbering is added. |
batesParams — | Bates Numbering specific parameters, which include the start number, number of digits, prefix, and suffix. |
params — | All layout parameters that are related to how Bates Numbering is placed on the page. |
See Also
File: PDBatesProcs.h |
Line: 28 |
PDDocAddThread | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Adds an article thread to a document after the specified thread index.
doc — | IN/OUT The document in which the thread is added. It must match the document used in the call to PDThreadNew() that created the thread. |
addAfterIndex — | IN/OUT The index of the thread after which |
thread — | IN/OUT The thread to add. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1864 |
PDDocAddWatermarkFromPDPage | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocAddWatermarkFromPDPage(PDDoc pdDoc, PDPage pdPage, PDDocAddWatermarkParamsRec* pParams)
Adds a PDPage as a watermark to a page range in the given document.
pdDoc — | The document onto which the watermark will be added. |
pdPage — | The page to be added as a watermark. |
pParams — | Structure specifying how the watermark should be added to the document. |
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 11184 |
PDDocAddWatermarkFromText | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocAddWatermarkFromText(PDDoc pdDoc, PDDocWatermarkTextParamsRec* pTextParams, PDDocAddWatermarkParamsRec* pParams)
Adds a text-based watermark to a page range in the given document.
pdDoc — | The document onto which the watermark will be added. |
pTextParams — | Structure describing the text-based watermark to be added. |
pParams — | Structure specifying how the watermark should be added to the document. |
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 11192 |
PDDocApplyRedactions | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDDocApplyRedactions(PDDoc pdDoc, PDApplyRedactionParams applyParams)
Applies a set of redaction marks to the document, permanently removing the affected document content and the marks themselves.
pdDoc — | IN/OUT The document to which the redaction marks should be applied. |
applyParams — | IN/OUT A pointer to a |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 11820 |
PDDocAuthorize | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Deprecated in Acrobat 7.0. Use PDDocPermRequest() instead.
Adds permissions to the specified document, if permitted. It calls the PDCryptAuthorizeProc() callback of the document's security handler to determine which of the specified permissions will actually be granted. After calling this method, the document's permissions will be the OR
of the previous permissions and the permissions granted by the PDCryptAuthorizeProc() callback.
Use PDDocPermRequest() to determine if a document's permissions allow a particular operation for a particular object.
pdDoc — | The document for which new permissions are requested. |
permsWanted — | The new permissions being requested. It must be an |
authData — | A pointer to data to pass to the PDCryptAuthorizeProc() callback of the document's security handler. For the Acrobat viewer's built-in security handler, |
The |
See Also
. It also raises whatever exceptions are raised by the security handler's PDCryptAuthorizeProc() callback. Since
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2408 |
PDDocCalculateImplicitMetadata | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocCalculateImplicitMetadata(INPDDoc pdDoc)
Notifies all registered implicit metadata calculators to run. It issues the notification PDDocCalculateMetadata(), passing pdDoc
to all registered handlers.
pdDoc — | The document for which implicit metadata is calculated. |
See Also
File: PDMetadataProcs.h |
Line: 278 |
PDDocCalculateMetadata | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocCalculateMetadata(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
The client is requested to calculate and set metadata items that depend on the state of the document. It is issued when a document is saved. It can also be issued explicitly via
doc — | The document for which implicit metadata is to be calculated. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1989 |
PDDocCallOPIHandler | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sent during PostScript printing, when a form or image containing an OPI dictionary is encountered. If it returns true
(by filling the boolean variable passed to it), the client is presumed to have taken care of the entire form or image, and PDFL
will emit nothing. Otherwise, PDFL
will generate OPI comments based on the dictionary.
opi — | The OPI dictionary. |
stm — | The PostScript print stream. |
bl — | The pointer to a bool variable which the client returns. |
clientData — | Client data. |
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 2720 |
PDDocClearErrors | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocClearErrors(PDDoc doc)
Clears all the non-fatal errors encountered since the document was opened, or PDDocClearErrors
was called.
doc — | The document in which the non-fatal errors have occurred. |
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 12611 |
PDDocClearFlags | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Clears flags associated with a document. This method is most frequently used to mark a modified document as clean (by clearing the PDDocNeedsSave flag) to avoid bringing up the Save dialog box when the file is closed.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose flags are cleared. |
flags — | IN/OUT The flags to clear. It must be an |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 5358 |
PDDocClose | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocClose(PDDoc doc)
Closes a document and releases its resources. If doc
, it does nothing. Changes are not saved. You must use PDDocSave() to save any modifications before calling PDDocClose().
If the document has been modified but you wish to mark it as clean, use PDDocClearFlags().
doc — | The document to close. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1388 |
PDDocCopyToFile | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocCopyToFile(PDDoc pdDoc, PDDocCopyParams params)
In Adobe Reader or for documents that are not dirty, this method copies the bytes from the document's ASFile to the specified location. This also occurs if the saveChanges
field in params
is false
. If saveChanges
is true
, the document is dirty, and the product is Acrobat, a full save is performed to the specified file. The resulting file is linearized (optimized for the web). If the file already exists, it is overwritten.
pdDoc — | The document to copy. |
params — | A structure that defines how the PDF file is copied. |
in params
returned true
). Since
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 7686 |
PDDocCountXAPMetadataArrayItems | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Returns the number of array items in a property array associated with a PDDoc.
pdDoc — | The document containing the metadata. |
namespaceName — | The XML namespace URI for the schema in which the property is to be found. |
path — | The name of the simple property to be modified. |
An ASInt32 which is the number of array items in the property array. |
See Also
File: PDMetadataProcs.h |
Line: 561 |
PDDocCreate | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDDoc PDDocCreate()
Creates a new document. The only Cos object in the document will be a Catalog. See Section 3.6 in the PDF Reference. After the document is created, at least one page must be added using PDDocCreatePage() or PDDocInsertPages() before the Acrobat viewer can display or save the document.
When you are done with the document, you must call PDDocClose() to release the resources used by the PDDoc; do not call PDDocRelease().
ReturnsThe newly created document. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1289 |
PDDocCreateNameTree | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDNameTree PDDocCreateNameTree(PDDoc thePDDoc, ASAtom theTree)
Retrieves the name tree inside the Names dictionary with the specified key name, or creates it if it does not exist.
thePDDoc — | The document in which the name tree is created. |
theTree — | The name of the name tree to create. A string can be converted to an ASAtom using ASAtomFromString(). |
The newly created PDNameTree for the PDDoc. It returns a |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6931 |
PDDocCreatePage | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDPage PDDocCreatePage(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 afterPageNum, ASFixedRect mediaBox)
Creates and acquires a new page. The page is inserted into the document at the specified location. Call PDPageRelease() when you are done using the page.
doc — | The document in which the page is created. |
afterPageNum — | The page number after which the new page is inserted. The first page is |
mediaBox — | A rectangle specifying the page's media box, specified in user space coordinates. |
The newly created page. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1588 |
PDDocCreatePDCollection | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDCollection PDDocCreatePDCollection(PDDoc pdDoc)
Creates a collection in a document. It replaces any existing collection.
pdDoc — | The document that will host the new collection. |
The new collection object. |
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 12201 |
PDDocCreateRedaction | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDAnnot PDDocCreateRedaction(PDDoc pdDoc, PDRedactParams redactionProps)
Creates a redaction mark on a given page. The resulting annotation will be added to the page, but the affected content will not be removed until PDDocApplyRedactions
is called with this mark.
pdDoc — | IN/OUT The document for which the new redaction mark should be created. |
redactionProps — | IN A set of properties to be used for the new redaction mark. |
The new annotation representing the redaction mark. |
See Also
or if contains an invalid page number or an empty list of quads. File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 11835 |
PDDocCreateStructTreeRoot | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocCreateStructTreeRoot(INPDDoc pdDoc, OUTPDSTreeRoot* treeRoot)
Creates a new StructTreeRoot element.
If PDDocCreateStructTreeRoot() is called on a PDDoc that already has a structure tree root, it returns without modifying the document.
It raises an exception if pdDoc
already has a StructTreeRoot.
pdDoc — | IN/OUT The PDDoc for which the StructTreeRoot element is created. |
treeRoot — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The newly-created StructTreeRoot element. |
See Also
File: PDSWriteProcs.h |
Line: 68 |
PDDocCreateTextSelect | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDTextSelect PDDocCreateTextSelect(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 pageNum, ASFixedRect* boundingRect)
Creates a text selection that includes all words totally or partially enclosed by a rectangle. The text selection can then be set as the current selection using AVDocSetSelection().
doc — | ||
pageNum — | ||
boundingRect — | A pointer to a rectangle specifying the text selection's bounding rectangle, specified in user space coordinates. |
The newly created text selection. |
See Also
. File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2253 |
PDDocCreateThumbs | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocCreateThumbs(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 firstPage, ASInt32 lastPage, PDThumbCreationServer server, void* serverClientData, ASAtom colorSpace, ASInt32 bitsPerComponent, ASInt32 hiVal, char* lookupTable, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)
Creates thumbnail images for the specified range of pages. Thumbnail images are only created for pages that have none.
Use as large a page range as possible, because the color space object is shared by all the thumbnails created by a single invocation of this method. This means that if you call this method separately for each page, there will be duplicate color space objects.
See Section 4.5 in the PDF Reference for more details on color spaces.
See Developing Plug-ins and Applications for additional important information about creating thumbnails.
doc — | IN/OUT The document for which thumbnail images are created. |
firstPage — | IN/OUT The page number of the first page for which thumbnails are created. The first page is |
lastPage — | IN/OUT The page number of the last page for which thumbnails are created. The constant PDLastPage (see PDExpT.h) can also be used. |
server — | IN/OUT A server (set of callback procedures) that provides the sampled image used as the thumbnail image. Pass |
serverClientData — | IN/OUT User-supplied data to pass to the thumbnail creation server. |
colorSpace — | IN/OUT The color space in which the thumbnail data is represented. It must be |
bitsPerComponent — | IN/OUT The number of bits per color component in the thumbnail image's data. |
hiVal — | IN/OUT Used only for indexed color space; pass |
lookupTable — | IN/OUT Used only for indexed color space; pass
progMon — | IN/OUT A monitor to call to display thumbnail creation progress. Use AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor() to obtain the standard progress monitor to pass for this parameter. |
progMonClientData — | IN/OUT A user-supplied data to pass to |
cancelProc — | IN/OUT A procedure to call frequently to allow the user to cancel thumbnail creation. Use AVAppGetCancelProc() to obtain the default cancel proc for this parameter. It may be |
cancelProcClientData — | IN/OUT A user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2008 |
PDDocCreateWordFinder | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDWordFinder PDDocCreateWordFinder(PDDoc doc, ASUns16* outEncInfo, char** outEncVec, char** ligatureTbl, ASInt16 algVersion, ASUns16 rdFlags, void* clientData)
Creates a word finder that is used to extract text in the host encoding from a PDF file. The word finder may either be used by PDWordFinderEnumWords() (which enumerates words one-by-one) or by PDWordFinderAcquireWordList() (which fills a table with all the words on a page).
A default ligature table is used, containing the following ligatures:
The glyph name is substituted for the ligature.
This method also works for non-Roman (CJK or Chinese-Japanese-Korean) viewers. In this case, words are extracted to the host encoding. Developers desiring Unicode output must use PDDocCreateWordFinderUCS(), which does the extraction for Roman or non-Roman text.
The type of PDWordFinder determines the encoding of the string returned by PDWordGetString(). For instance, if PDDocCreateWordFinderUCS() is used to create the word finder, PDWordGetString() returns only Unicode.
For CJK viewers, words are stored internally using CID encoding. For more information on CIDFonts and related topics, see Section 5.6 in the PDF Reference. For detailed information on CIDFonts, see Technical Note #5092, CID-Keyed Font Technology Overview, and Technical Note #5014, Adobe CMap and CIDFont Files Specification.
doc — | The document on which the word finder is used. |
outEncInfo — | An array of 256 flags, specifying the type of character at each position in the encoding. Each flag is an |
outEncVec — | Array of 256 |
ligatureTbl — | A
algVersion — | The version of the word-finding algorithm to use (see PDExpT.h), as follows (pass
rdFlags — | Word-finding options that determine the tables filled when using PDWordFinderAcquireWordList(). It must be an |
clientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to the newly created word finder. |
The newly created word finder. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2176 |
PDDocCreateWordFinderEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDWordFinder PDDocCreateWordFinderEx(PDDoc doc, ASInt16 algVersion, ASBool outUnicode, PDWordFinderConfig wbConfig)
This is a version 6.0 replacement for PDDocCreateWordFinder() and PDDocCreateWordFinderUCS() that adds configurable word-breaking behavior. This method creates a word finder that is used to extract text from a PDF file, according to the given configuration. The word finder can be used to enumerate words one-by-one or to fill a table with all the words on a page. You can choose to find only words that are visible in a given context.
You can use version 6.0 methods such as PDWordGetCharOffsetEx() to extract character information from words if you create the word finder with WF_VERSION_3 or later.
doc — | The document on which the word finder is used. |
algVersion — | The version of the word-finding algorithm to use (see PDExpT.h), as follows (pass
outUnicode — | Whether to return Unicode. When |
wbConfig — | A pointer to a configuration record for the new word finder that customizes the way the extraction is performed. The configuration is only used if the algorithm version is WF_VERSION_3 or higher. When it is |
The newly created word finder object. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 8285 |
PDDocCreateWordFinderUCS | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDWordFinder PDDocCreateWordFinderUCS(PDDoc doc, ASInt16 algVersion, ASUns16 rdFlags, void* clientData)
Creates a word finder that is used to extract text in Unicode format from a PDF file. The word finder may either be used by PDWordFinderEnumWords() (which enumerates words one-by-one) or by PDWordFinderAcquireWordList() (which fills a table with all the words on a page).
PDDocCreateWordFinder() also works for non-Roman character set viewers. For PDDocCreateWordFinder(), words are extracted to the host encoding. Users desiring Unicode output should use PDDocCreateWordFinderUCS().
The type of PDWordFinder determines the encoding of the string returned by PDWordGetString(). If PDDocCreateWordFinderUCS() is used to create the word finder, PDWordGetString() returns only Unicode. Note that there is no way to detect Unicode strings returned by PDWordGetString(), since there is no UCS header (FEFF) added to each string returned.
In CJK viewers, words are stored internally using CID encoding. For more information on CIDFonts and related topics, see Section 5.6 in the PDF Reference. For detailed information on CIDFonts, see Technical Note #5092, CID-Keyed Font Technology Overview, and Technical Note #5014, Adobe CMap and CIDFont Files Specification.
doc — | The document on which the word finder is used. |
algVersion — | The version of the word-finding algorithm to use. If it is WF_LATEST_VERSION (see PDExpT.h), the most recent version is used. Set to |
rdFlags — | Word-finding options that determine the tables filled when using PDWordFinderAcquireWordList(). It must be an |
clientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to the newly created word finder. |
The newly created word finder. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6468 |
PDDocDeleteCollection | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDeleteCollection(PDDoc pdDoc)
Removes a collection dictionary from a document.
pdDoc — | The document whose collection dictionary is to be removed. |
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 12206 |
PDDocDeletePages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDeletePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 firstPage, ASInt32 lastPage, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData)
Deletes the specified pages.
doc — | The document from which pages are deleted. |
firstPage — | The page number of the first page to delete. The first page is |
lastPage — | The page number of the last page to delete. |
progMon — | A progress monitor. Use AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor() to obtain the default progress monitor. |
progMonClientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data passed to |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1613 |
PDDocDeleteThumbs | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDeleteThumbs(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 firstPage, ASInt32 lastPage, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData)
Deletes thumbnail images for a range of pages in a document.
doc — | IN/OUT The document from which thumbnail images are deleted. |
firstPage — | IN/OUT The page number of the first page in |
lastPage — | IN/OUT The page number of the last page in |
progMon — | IN/OUT A monitor to call to display thumbnail deletion progress. Use AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor() to obtain the standard progress monitor to pass for this parameter. |
progMonClientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2029 |
PDDocDidAddThread | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A thread has been added to a document.
doc — | The document to which a thread was added. |
thread — | The thread that was added. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 772 |
PDDocDidChangePageAreas | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidChangePageAreas(PDDoc pdDoc, ASInt32 areaMask, ASInt32 firstPage, ASInt32 lastPage, void* clientData)
Page areas changed.
pdDoc — | The document in which the page areas changed. |
areaMask — | The area mask. |
firstPage — | The first page. |
lastPage — | The last page. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 2034 |
PDDocDidChangePages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidChangePages(PDDoc doc, PDOperation op, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
Pages have been inserted, deleted, moved, or modified.
doc — | The document in which pages have been changed. |
op — | The change that was made. |
fromPage — | The page number of the first page that was modified. For page insertion, this is the number of the page before the first inserted page. For page deletion, this is the page number of the first deleted page. |
toPage — | The page number of the last page that was modified. If broadcast by |
error — | The error code. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 609 |
PDDocDidChangeThumbs | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidChangeThumbs(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
Thumbnail images have been added or removed. In addition to the expected ways in which this can occur, it can also occur if pages are inserted into a file.
doc — | The document in which thumbnail images have been changed. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 633 |
PDDocDidClose | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidClose(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
closed. A PDDoc
is closed only if its reference count is zero.
Neither this notification,
, nor
are broadcast if the user selects Cancel when prompted to save a modified document as it is closed.
doc — | The document that closed. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1717 |
PDDocDidDeletePages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidDeletePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
One or more pages were deleted.
doc — | The document from which pages were deleted. |
fromPage — | The page number of the first page that was deleted. |
toPage — | The page number of the last page that was deleted. |
error — | The error code. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 548 |
PDDocDidExportAnnots | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidExportAnnots(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
The annotations of a document were exported.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose annotations were exported. |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1427 |
PDDocDidImportAnnots | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidImportAnnots(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
The annotations from one document were imported into another document.
doc — | IN/OUT The document into which annotations were imported. |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1654 |
PDDocDidInsertPages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidInsertPages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 insertAfterThisPage, PDDoc srcDoc, ASInt32 srcFromPage, ASInt32 srcToPage, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
One or more pages have been inserted.
doc — | The document into which pages were inserted. |
insertAfterThisPage — | The page number (in |
srcDoc — | The document that provided the pages that were inserted. This is |
srcFromPage — | The page number (in |
srcToPage — | The page number (in |
error — | The error code. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 421 |
PDDocDidInsertPagesEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidInsertPagesEx(PDDocInsertPagesParams params, void* clientData)
Pages were inserted into a document. This notification occurs after the
params — | IN/OUT A structure describing how pages were inserted. |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1737 |
PDDocDidMovePages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidMovePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 moveAfterThisPage, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
One or more pages were moved.
doc — | The document in which pages were moved. |
moveAfterThisPage — | The page number after which the moved pages were placed. |
fromPage — | The page number of the first page that was moved. |
toPage — | The page number of the last page that was moved. |
error — | The error code. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 511 |
PDDocDidOpen | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidOpen(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
A document was opened.
doc — | The document. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1974 |
PDDocDidPrintPage | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
This notification is broadcast once per page that is printed, after all marks have been made on the page. When printing to a PostScript printer, printing commands can also be sent that will be placed on the page after all other marks.
doc — | ||
page — | The page number of the page that was printed. |
stm — | The PostScript print stream used when printing to a PostScript printer, and |
error — | The error code. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 759 |
PDDocDidPrintPages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidPrintPages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
This notification is broadcast after printing ends.
doc — | The document from which pages were printed. |
fromPage — | The page number of the first page that was printed. |
toPage — | The page number of the last page that was printed. |
error — | The error code. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 688 |
PDDocDidPrintTiledPage | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidPrintTiledPage(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 page, ASStm stm, ASInt32 error, ASInt32 whichTile, ASInt32 numTiles, void* clientData)
This notification is obsolete in Acrobat 7.0 and later.
Clients who register for
will be called after the tile marks (if any) have been emitted for this tiled page. Tiled pages can be requested by the user from the Advanced print dialog box; clients are made aware of the selection via the tiled page notifications.
doc — | The document containing the tiled page. |
page — | The page being printed. |
stm — | The PostScript print stream used when printing to a PostScript printer, and |
error — | The error code. |
whichTile — | The sheet to be printed. |
numTiles — | The number of sheets to be printed. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1916 |
PDDocDidRemoveThread | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A thread was removed from a document.
doc — | The document from which a thread was removed. |
index — | The index of the thread that was removed. Because the thread has already been removed, it is not possible to access it using |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 787 |
PDDocDidReplacePages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocDidReplacePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, PDDoc srcDoc, ASInt32 srcFromPage, ASInt32 srcToPage, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
One or more pages have been replaced.
doc — | The document in which pages have been replaced. |
fromPage — | The page number (in |
toPage — | The page number (in |
srcDoc — | The document that provided the replacement pages. |
srcFromPage — | ||
srcToPage — | ||
error — | The error code. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 470 |
PDDocDidSave | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A document has been saved.
notification takes place just after the save operation finishes. At the time of a DidSave()
notification, a client or application can reacquire resources from the PDDoc
if needed. It should examine the error code err
associated with the save. If the save was not successful, the error code is non-zero. In the case of a unsuccessful save, a client or application should not attempt to do anything further with this PDDoc
for important information on releasing objects derived from the PDDoc
before it is saved.
doc — | The document that was saved. |
err — | The error code. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 839 |
PDDocEnumFonts | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocEnumFonts(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 firstPage, ASInt32 lastPage, PDFontEnumProc eproc, void* clientData, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData)
Enumerates all the fonts in the specified page range. This may take a considerable amount of time for a large page range.
doc — | The document whose fonts are enumerated. |
firstPage — | The page number of the first page for which fonts are enumerated. The first page is |
lastPage — | The page number of the last page for which fonts are enumerated. |
eproc — | A user-supplied callback to call for each font. Enumeration terminates if |
clientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
progMon — | A progress monitor. Use AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor() to obtain the standard progress monitor. |
progMonClientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1907 |
PDDocEnumLoadedFonts | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocEnumLoadedFonts(PDDoc doc, PDFontEnumProc proc, void* clientData)
Enumerates all the fonts that have been encountered so far. A font is loaded when a page that uses it is processed. This typically happens when a page is drawn or its thumbnail image is created.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose loaded fonts are enumerated. |
proc — | IN/OUT A user-supplied callback to call for each loaded font. Enumeration terminates if |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1925 |
PDDocEnumOCConfigs | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocEnumOCConfigs(PDDoc pdDoc, PDOCConfigEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)
Enumerates the optional-content configurations for the document, calling the supplied procedure for each one. These include the configuration for the D configuration dictionary and those for all entries in the Configs array dictionary.
pdDoc — | The document whose configurations are enumerated. |
enumProc — | A user-supplied callback to call for each configuration. Enumeration terminates if |
clientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10168 |
PDDocEnumOCGs | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocEnumOCGs(PDDoc pdDoc, PDOCGEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)
Enumerates the optional-content groups for the document, calling the supplied procedure for each one. Enumeration continues until all groups have been enumerated, or until enumProc
returns false
. Each group is reported once, even if it is referenced multiple times in a page, or on multiple pages.
pdDoc — | The document whose groups are enumerated. |
enumProc — | A user-supplied callback to call for each group. Enumeration terminates if |
clientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 9065 |
PDDocEnumPDSElementsWithUserProperties | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDDocEnumPDSElementsWithUserProperties(PDDoc doc, EnumElementsWithUserPropertiesProc proc, void* clientData)
Enumerates the elements in the document's structure tree that have UserProperties attributes or classes, calling the supplied enumeration procedure for each such element found. The procedure returns true
to continue enumeration, or false
to halt enumeration.
doc — | The PDDoc whose structure elements are to be enumerated. |
proc — | The procedure to call for each PDSElement found to have UserProperties. |
clientData — | Client-supplied data to be passed to the client callback. |
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Line: 898 |
PDDocEnumResources | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocEnumResources(PDDoc pdDoc, ASInt32 startPage, ASInt32 endPage, ASAtom resourceType, CosObjEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)
Enumerates the specified type of page resources, for a specified range of pages.
This method enumerates resources in each page's Resources dictionary (ColorSpace resources, Fonts, ExtGState objects, or others). In addition, it looks inside in-line images and page contents to enumerate ColorSpace resources that are not in the Resources dictionary, such as DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, and DeviceCMYK.
pdDoc — | IN/OUT The document whose resources are enumerated. |
startPage — | IN/OUT The first page whose resources are enumerated. The first page in a document is |
endPage — | IN/OUT The last page whose resources are enumerated. |
resourceType — | IN/OUT Resource type to enumerate. It must be one of the valid PDF resource types, such as Font, ColorSpace, XObject, Pattern, and so on, described in Section 3.7 in the PDF Reference. Pass ASAtomNull to enumerate all resource types. |
enumProc — | IN/OUT A user-supplied callback to call once for each resource of the specified type. The resource is presented as a CosObj, and it is the first parameter of |
clientData — | IN/OUT User-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6620 |
PDDocExportNotes | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
CosDoc PDDocExportNotes(PDDoc doc, ASFileSys unused1, ASPathName unused2, void* unused3, void* unused4, PDDocWillExportAnnotCallback exportFilter, ASInt32* numNotesP)
Creates a document containing empty pages plus text annotations (notes) from sourceDoc
. It does not create a new document if sourceDoc
contains no notes.
doc — | The document from which notes are exported. |
unused1 — | Currently unused. |
unused2 — | Currently unused. |
unused3 — | Currently unused. |
unused4 — | Currently unused. |
exportFilter — | A user-supplied routine that selects which notes to export. |
numNotesP — | If non- |
The CosDoc of the document created to hold the exported notes. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6691 |
PDDocExportSomeNotes | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
CosDoc PDDocExportSomeNotes(PDDoc doc, ASFileSys unused1, ASPathName unused2, void* unused3, void* unused4, PDDocWillExportAnnotCallback exportFilter, PDAnnotArray pdanArray, ASInt32* numNotesP)
Like PDDocExportNotes(), but the caller provides the list of annotations to export. This is useful in scenarios when it may be inappropriate to use PDDocExportNotes() and look for annotations on every page. This is an especially important consideration when in a browser.
doc — | The document from which notes are exported. |
unused1 — | Currently unused. |
unused2 — | Currently unused. |
unused3 — | Currently unused. |
unused4 — | Currently unused. |
exportFilter — | A user-supplied routine that selects which notes to export. |
pdanArray — | An array of PDAnnotArrayRec objects; the number of items in the arrray is the number of pages in |
numNotesP — | (Filled by the method) If non- |
The CosDoc of the document created to hold the exported notes. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 8017 |
PDDocFindPageNumForLabel | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Superseded by PDDocFindPageNumForLabelEx() in Acrobat 6.0.
Finds the first page in the document with a specified label.
pdDoc — | The document to search for the page named in |
labelStr — | The label of the page to find. |
labelLen — | The length of |
The page number of the first page with the specified label, or |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 7241 |
PDDocFindPageNumForLabelEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 PDDocFindPageNumForLabelEx(PDDoc pdDoc, ASConstText labelText)
Supersedes PDDocFindPageNumForLabel in Acrobat 6.0.
Finds the first page in the document with a specified label.
pdDoc — | The document to search for the page named in |
labelText — | The label of the page to find. |
The page number of the first page with the specified label, or |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10970 |
PDDocFlattenOC | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDDocFlattenOC(PDDoc pdDoc, PDOCContext context)
Replaces the contents of every page in the document with a version that has no optional content, containing only what was visible on the page when the call was made, and removes all other optional-content information.
pdDoc — | The document to be modified. |
context — | The optional-content context in which content is checked for visibility. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10354 |
PDDocFromCosDoc | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the PDDoc associated with a CosDoc.
cosDoc — | The Cos-level document object for which a PDDoc is obtained. This object represents the PDF. |
See Also
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Line: 6576 |
PDDocGetAdobePDFVersion | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AdobePDFVersion PDDocGetAdobePDFVersion(PDDoc doc)
PDDocGetAdobePDFVersion() returns the current version of the document in the AdobePDFVersion define in CosExp.T
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose version is obtained. |
current version of document. |
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Line: 12688 |
PDDocGetBookmarkRoot | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDBookmark PDDocGetBookmarkRoot(PDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the root of the document's bookmark tree. The return value is valid even if the document's bookmark tree is empty (meaning that there is no Outlines key in the underlying PDF file).
pdDoc — | IN/OUT Document whose root bookmark is obtained. |
The document's root bookmark. |
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Line: 1532 |
PDDocGetCosDoc | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets a document's Cos-level document object.
doc — | The document whose CosDoc is obtained. |
The document's CosDoc. |
See Also
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Line: 1473 |
PDDocGetCryptHandler | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the specified document's current security handler (that is, the security handler that was used to open the document).
doc — | The document whose new security handler is obtained. |
The ASAtom corresponding to the name of the document's security handler. It returns ASAtomNull if the document does not have a current security handler. |
See Also
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Line: 11232 |
PDDocGetCryptHandlerClientData | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void* PDDocGetCryptHandlerClientData(PDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the client data for the encryption handler associated with the PDDoc. This is the client data provided as a parameter in PDRegisterCryptHandlerEx().
pdDoc — | The document whose encryption handler client data is obtained. |
Client data for the encryption handler associated with the PDDoc. It returns |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6044 |
PDDocGetCryptRevision | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the cryptRevision
param based on the Security handler of the document. This is either retrieved directly from the Security handler or read from the encrypt dict.
pdDoc — | The document. |
The Crypt Revision retreived from the Security handler or encrypt dict or 0 if not found or not encrypted |
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Line: 12603 |
PDDocGetCryptVersion | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the cryptVersion
param based on the Security handler of the document. This is either retrieved directly from the Security handler or read from the encrypt dict.
pdDoc — | The document. |
The Crypt Version retreived from the Security handler or encrypt dict or 0 if not found or not encrypted |
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Line: 12595 |
PDDocGetFile | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the file object for a document.
doc — | The document whose ASFile is obtained. |
The document's ASFile. |
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Line: 1481 |
PDDocGetFlags | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets information about the document's file and its state.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose flags are obtained. |
Flags field, containing an |
See Also
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Line: 1424 |
PDDocGetFullScreen | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Tests whether the document will open in full-screen mode. This provides an alternative to calling PDDocGetPageMode() to test for PDFullScreen.
pdDoc — | The document to test. |
See Also
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Line: 6056 |
PDDocGetID | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets an element of a document's file identifier. See Section 10.3 in the PDF Reference for a description of file IDs.
doc — | The document whose file ID is obtained. |
nElemNum — | The element number to get from the document's file ID. It must be one of the following:
buffer — | (Filled by the method) If |
bufferSize — | The length of |
The number of bytes in the ID element. |
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Line: 1504 |
PDDocGetInfo | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the value of a key in a document's Info dictionary, or the value of this same key in the XMP metadata, whichever is later. However, it is preferable to use PDDocGetXAPMetadataProperty(), because it also allows accessing XMP properties that are not duplicated in the Info dictionary.
See Section 10
.2.1 in the PDF Reference for information about Info dictionaries. All values in the Info dictionary should be strings; other data types such as numbers and booleans should not be used as values in the Info dictionary.
Users may define their own Info dictionary entries. In this case, it is strongly recommended that the key have the developer's prefix assigned by the Adobe Solutions Network.
doc — | The document whose Info dictionary key is obtained. |
infoKey — | The name of the Info dictionary key whose value is obtained. |
buffer — | (Filled by the method) The buffer containing the value associated with |
bufSize — | The maximum number of bytes that can be written into |
If |
See Also
. For non-Roman character set viewers, this text is stored as PDFDocEncoding
or Unicode, depending on the file's creator. File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2297 |
PDDocGetInfoASText | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the value of a key in a document's Info dictionary, or the value of this same key in the XMP metadata, whichever is latest as an ASText object.
doc — | The document whose Info dictionary key is obtained. |
key — | The name of the Info dictionary key whose value is obtained. |
value — | (Filled by the method) The text object containing the value associated with |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 11386 |
PDDocGetLabelForPageNum | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Superseded by PDDocGetLabelForPageNumEx() in Acrobat 6.0.
Retrieves the label string associated with the given page number. The page number is returned in host encoding and is truncated to the length of the buffer.
pdDoc — | The document containing the page for which a label is requested. |
pageNum — | The number of the page whose label is requested. |
buffer — | If a label exists for |
bufferLen — |
The length of the resulting label. If no such page number exists, the resulting string will be the ASCII representation of |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 7218 |
PDDocGetLabelForPageNumEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Supersedes PDDocGetLabelForPageNum() in Acrobat 6.0.
Retrieves the label string associated with the given page number. The page number is returned in host encoding as a ASText object.
pdDoc — | The document containing the page for which a label is requested. |
pageNum — | The number of the page whose label is requested. |
text — | If a label exists for |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10949 |
PDDocGetLayoutMode | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDLayoutMode PDDocGetLayoutMode(PDDoc doc)
Gets the value of the PageLayout key in the Catalog dictionary.
doc — | IN The document whose layout mode is obtained. |
Layout mode value from the PDF Catalog dictionary. |
See Also
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Line: 11212 |
PDDocGetMergedXAPKeywords | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Yields an ASText containing a semicolon-separated list of fields. The first such field is the entire contents of the pdf:Keywords
property of the document XMP; the remaining fields are the contents of successive items in the xmp:Keywords
bag of keyword items.
The document's metadata is not modified as a result of this call.
pdDoc — | The document containing the metadata from which to extract the merged list of keywords. |
An ASText containing the textual representation of the merged list of keywords. The ASText returned becomes the sole property of the caller. |
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Line: 439 |
PDDocGetNameTree | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDNameTree PDDocGetNameTree(PDDoc thePDDoc, ASAtom theTree)
Retrieves a name tree, with the key name specified in theTree
, from the Names dictionary of thePDDoc
thePDDoc — | IN/OUT The document containing the name tree desired. |
theTree — | IN/OUT The name of the tree requested. This can be created by passing a string to the ASAtomFromString() method. |
The PDNameTree requested. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6913 |
PDDocGetNewCryptHandler | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the specified document's new security handler (that is, the security handler that will be used after the document is saved).
If the document does not have a new security handler, it returns the document's current security handler.
doc — | The document whose new security handler is obtained. |
The ASAtom corresponding to the |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2504 |
PDDocGetNewSecurityData | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void* PDDocGetNewSecurityData(PDDoc doc)
Gets the security data structure for the specified document's new security handler. Use PDDocGetSecurityData() to get the security data structure for the document's current security handler.
doc — | The document whose new security data structure is obtained. |
The security data structure for the document's new security handler. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2369 |
PDDocGetNewSecurityInfo | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the security information from the specified document's new security handler. It calls the PDCryptGetSecurityInfoProc() callback of the document's new security handler. No permissions are required to call this method.
It raises only those exceptions raised by the new security handler's PDCryptGetSecurityInfoProc() callback.
pdDoc — | IN/OUT The document whose new security information is obtained. |
secInfo — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The document's new security information. The value must be an |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2525 |
PDDocGetNthError | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 PDDocGetNthError(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 errNumber, ASInt32* errorP, char* buffer, ASInt32 bufSize)
Returns the error code and string for the nth non-fatal error encountered since the document was opened, or PDDocClearErrors
was called.
doc — | The document in which the error has occurred. |
errNumber — | This is the serial number of the non-fatal error to be returned. |
errorP — | The error code. Use |
buffer — | If there is a string associated with this error, the string is copied to this buffer if it is non- |
bufSize — | The maximum number of bytes that will be written to the buffer. |
If there is a string associated with this error, the length of that string is returned. If there is no string, the return value is zero. |
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Line: 11888 |
PDDocGetNumErrors | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Return the number of non-fatal errors encountered since the document was opened, or PDDocClearErrors
was called.
doc — | The document in which the non-fatal errors have occurred. |
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Line: 11875 |
PDDocGetNumOCGs | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Returns the number of optional-content groups associated with a document, which is the number of unique entries in the document's OCProperties OCGs array.
pdDoc — | The document whose groups are counted. |
The number of OCGs for the document. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10200 |
PDDocGetNumPages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the number of pages in a document.
doc — | IN/OUT The document for which the number of pages is obtained. |
The number of pages in the document. Remember to subtract |
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1543 |
PDDocGetNumThreads | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the number of article threads in a document.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose article thread count is obtained. |
The number of article threads in the document. |
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Line: 1823 |
PDDocGetOCConfig | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDOCConfig PDDocGetOCConfig(PDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the built-in default optional-content configuration for the document from the OCProperties D entry.
pdDoc — | The document whose configuration is obtained. |
The document's current optional-content configuration. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 9894 |
PDDocGetOCContext | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDOCContext PDDocGetOCContext(PDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the built-in default optional-content context for the document. This context is used by all content drawing and enumeration calls that do not take an optional-content context parameter, or for which no context is specified.
pdDoc — | The document whose context is obtained. |
The document's current optional-content context. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 9365 |
PDDocGetOCGs | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the optional-content groups for the document. The order of the groups is not guaranteed to be the creation order, and is not the same as the display order (see PDOCConfigGetOCGOrder()).
pdDoc — | The document whose OCGs are obtained. |
A |
See Also
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Line: 10220 |
PDDocGetOpenAction | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the value of the OpenAction key in the Catalog dictionary, which is the action performed when the document is opened. After you obtain the action, you can execute it with AVDocPerformAction().
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose open action is obtained. |
The document's open action. It is invalid if there is no OpenAction key in the Catalog dictionary (this can be tested with PDActionIsValid()). |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1257 |
PDDocGetPageLabel | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDPageLabel PDDocGetPageLabel(PDDoc pdDoc, ASInt32 pageNum, ASInt32* firstPage, ASInt32* lastPage)
Returns the label that is in effect for the given page.
pdDoc — | ||
pageNum — | The page number of the page for which a label is requested. |
firstPage — | (Filled by the method) If non- |
lastPage — | (Filled by the method) If non- |
The label that is in effect for the given page. If there is no label object in effect, this method returns an invalid page label object, and |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 7077 |
PDDocGetPageMode | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDPageMode PDDocGetPageMode(PDDoc doc)
Gets the value of the PageMode key in the Catalog dictionary.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose page mode is obtained. |
Page mode value from PDF Catalog dictionary. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1453 |
PDDocGetPageObjByNum | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Returns the page Cos object corresponding to the given page number.
pdd — | ||
nPage — | The page number. |
A Cos object representing the page, or an object of type CosNull if the page does not exist. |
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Line: 7851 |
PDDocGetPDCollection | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDCollection PDDocGetPDCollection(PDDoc pdDoc)
Gets the collection object in a document.
pdDoc — | The document. |
The collection. If the document does not have a collection, the returned collection is invalid. |
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Line: 12195 |
PDDocGetPermissions | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Deprecated in Acrobat 5.0. Use PDDocPermRequest() instead.
Gets the permissions for the specified document. You can set permissions with PDDocAuthorize().
doc — | The document whose permissions are obtained. |
A bit field indicating the document's permissions. It is an |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2541 |
PDDocGetSecurityData | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void* PDDocGetSecurityData(PDDoc doc)
Superseded in Acrobat 5.0 by PDDocPermRequest.
Gets the security data structure for the specified document's current security handler. Use PDDocGetNewSecurityData() to get the data structure for the document's new security handler.
doc — | The document whose security data structure is obtained. |
A pointer to the document's current security data structure. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2350 |
PDDocGetStructTreeRoot | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDDocGetStructTreeRoot(INPDDoc pdDoc, OUTPDSTreeRoot* treeRoot)
Gets the structure tree root for a document.
pdDoc — | The PDDoc whose root is obtained. |
treeRoot — | (Filled by the method) The structure tree root. |
See Also
File: PDSReadProcs.h |
Line: 61 |
PDDocGetThread | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets an article thread having the specified index.
doc — | IN/OUT The document containing the article thread. |
index — | IN/OUT The index of the article thread to obtain. |
The specified article thread. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1837 |
PDDocGetThreadIndex | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the index of the specified article thread.
doc — | IN/OUT The document containing the thread. |
thread — | IN/OUT The thread whose index is obtained. |
The index of thread in doc. It returns |
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1847 |
PDDocGetTrapped | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the value of the Trapped key in the Info dictionary.
pdDoc — | The document whose Trapped key value is obtained. |
The value of the Trapped key in the Info dictionary if the entry exists and is a name, or ASAtomNull if the entry does not exist or is not a name. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10904 |
PDDocGetVersion | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the major and minor PDF document versions. This is the PDF version of the document, which is specified in the header of a PDF file in the string "%PDF-xx. yy"
where xx
is the major version and yy
is the minor version. For example, version 1.2 has the string "%PDF<code>-1</code>.2"
. See Section H.1 in the PDF Reference.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose version is obtained. |
majorP — | ||
minorP — |
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Line: 1520 |
PDDocGetVersionEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocGetVersionEx(PDDoc doc, ASUns32* majorP, ASUns32* minorP, CosObj* adbeExtensionBaseP, ASUns32* adbeExtensionLevelP)
Returns the Adobe version of the PDF format to which the PDF file conforms. For PDF versions 1.0 through 1.7, this method will return a major version of 1, a minor version in the range of 0 through 7, and an adbeExtensionLevel
of 0. For Acrobat 9, this method will return a major version of 1 and a minor version of 8. For Acrobat 10, this method will return a major version of 1 and a minor version of 9. Starting with Acrobat 9, Adobe extensions to the PDF format will be identified via the Extensions dictionary in the catalog; in this case, the major and minor versions will be returned, and the Adobe extension level will be returned via the last argument.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose version is obtained. |
majorP — | ||
minorP — | ||
adbeExtensionBaseP — | IN/OUT (Filled in by the method) The value of the BaseVersion entry in the ADBE dictionary. If there is no Extensions dictionary or no ADBE sub-dictionary, the value returned will be a null CosObj. |
adbeExtensionLevelP — | IN/OUT (Filled in by the method) The values of the ExtensionLevel entry in the ADBE dictionary. If there is no Extensions dictionary or no ADBE sub-dictionary, the value returned will be zero. |
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Line: 11914 |
PDDocGetWordFinder | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDWordFinder PDDocGetWordFinder(PDDoc docP, ASInt16 WXEVersion)
Gets the word finder associated with a document. It is not necessary to destroy the word finder returned by this method.
docP — | The document whose word finder is obtained. |
WXEVersion — | The version of the word finder to get. |
The document's word finder. It returns |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2048 |
PDDocGetXAPMetadata | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the XMP metadata associated with a document. It returns an ASText whose text is the XML text of the XMP metadata associated with the document pdDoc
. The ASText becomes the property of the client, which is free to alter or destroy it.
The XMP metadata returned always represents all the properties in the pdDoc
object's Info dictionary, and can also contain properties not present in the Info dictionary. This call is preferred to PDDocGetInfo(), which only returns properties that are in the Info dictionary (although the older function is supported for compatibility).
pdDoc — | The document containing the metadata. |
An ASText object containing the XMP metadata associated with the document pdDoc. |
See Also
File: PDMetadataProcs.h |
Line: 140 |
PDDocGetXAPMetadataArrayItem | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the value of an XMP metadata array item, associated with a document, based on an index. It returns an ASText object containing the XML text of the value of the specified property in the XMP metadata array associated with the document pdDoc
. The ASText object becomes the property of the client, which is free to alter or destroy it.
pdDoc — | The document containing the metadata. |
namespaceName — | The XML namespace URI for the schema in which the property is to be found. |
path — | The name of the desired simple property. |
index — | The index in the metadata property array associated with the property. |
An ASText object containing the XML text of the value of the specified property in the XMP metadata associated with the document |
See Also
File: PDMetadataProcs.h |
Line: 501 |
PDDocGetXAPMetadataProperty | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the value of an XMP metadata property associated with a document. It returns an ASText whose text is the XML text of the value of the specified property in the XMP metadata associated with the document pdDoc
. The ASText becomes the property of the client, which is free to alter or destroy it.
The XMP metadata can represent all properties in the pdDoc
object's Info dictionary, as well as other properties. This call is preferred to PDDocGetInfo(), which only allows access to properties that are in the Info dictionary (although the latter is supported for compatibility).
pdDoc — | The document containing the metadata. |
namespaceName — | The XML namespace URI for the schema in which the property is to be found. |
path — | The name of the desired simple property. Note that XMP properties can have an XML substructure; this method can only retrieve values from simple textual properties. |
An ASText object containing the XML text of the value of the specified property in the XMP metadata associated with the document |
See Also
File: PDMetadataProcs.h |
Line: 381 |
PDDocHasISOExtensions | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Returns true if the document contains an Extensions dictionary as defined by ISO 32000 for specifying the inclusion of features beyond the ISO 32000 specification. Starting with Acrobat 9, Adobe extensions to the PDF format will be identified via this Extensions dictionary in the catalog.
doc — | IN/OUT The document tested for ISO extensions. |
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Line: 11927 |
PDDocHasOC | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Determines whether the optional content feature is associated with the document. The document is considered to have optional content if there is an OCProperties dictionary in the document's catalog, and that dictionary has one or more entries in the OCGs array.
pdDoc — | The document whose OC status is obtained. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10184 |
PDDocHasUserProperties | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Returns true
if the document declares that it has structure elements that conform to the UserProperties attributes or class conventions.
This is based on both the presence of StructTreeRoot, and a value of "true"
for the UserProperties key in the document's MarkInfo dictionary.
doc — | The PDDoc to be examined. |
An ASBool indicating whether the document declares that it has structure elements with UserProperties attributes or classes. |
File: PDSReadProcs.h |
Line: 880 |
PDDocImportCosDocNotes | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 PDDocImportCosDocNotes(PDDoc doc, CosDoc src, const char* noteTitle, ASInt32 noteTitleLen, PDColorValue color, void* progMon, void* monClientData, PDDocWillImportAnnotCallback importFilter)
Adds text annotations from sourceDoc
to doc
It raises an exception if the given object has the wrong Cos type. It also raises exceptions if storage is exhausted or file access fails.
doc — | The document that will receive the imported annotations. |
src — | The document from which the annotations will be imported. |
noteTitle — | Not currently used. |
noteTitleLen — | Not currently used. |
color — | If non- |
progMon — | If supplied, it is a procedure to call regularly to update a progress bar for the user. |
monClientData — | If supplied, it is a pointer to the private data buffer used by |
importFilter — | A user-supplied procedure that will be called to provide a filtering process, allowing only desired annotations to import. |
The number of notes imported. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6660 |
PDDocImportNotes | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 PDDocImportNotes(PDDoc doc, PDDoc sourceDoc, void* progMon, void* monClientData, PDDocWillImportAnnotCallback importFilter)
Adds text annotations (notes) from sourceDoc
to doc
It raises an exception if the given object has the wrong Cos type. Also raises exceptions if storage is exhausted or file access fails.
doc — | The document to which the notes are exported. |
sourceDoc — | The document from which the notes are exported. |
progMon — | A user-supplied progress monitor. |
monClientData — | Data supplied by the monitoring routine. |
importFilter — | A user-supplied filter which determines what type of notes will be exported. |
The number of notes imported. |
See Also
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Line: 7270 |
PDDocInksDidChange | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocInksDidChange(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
Sent when the inks for the document change.
doc — | The document. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
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Line: 2686 |
PDDocInsertPages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocInsertPages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 mergeAfterThisPage, PDDoc doc2, ASInt32 startPage, ASInt32 numPages, ASUns16 insertFlags, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)
Inserts numPages
pages from doc2
into doc
. All annotations, and anything else associated with the page (such as a thumbnail image) are copied from the doc2
pages to the new pages in doc
. This method does not insert pages if doc
equals doc2
The insertFlags
parameter controls whether bookmarks and threads are inserted along with the specified pages. Setting The PDInsertAll flag has two effects:
The parameters indicating which pages to insert are ignored: all the pages of doc2
are inserted.
In addition to inserting the pages themselves, it also merges other document data from doc2
into doc
Named destinations from doc2
(of PDF 1.1 and later) are copied into doc
. If there are named destinations in doc2
with the same name as some named destination in doc
, the ones in doc
retain their names and the copied named destinations are given new names based on the old ones, with distinguishing digits added. Actions and bookmarks referring to the old names are made to refer to the new names after being copied into doc
If it is also the case that mergeAfterThisPage
denotes the last page of the document, then document metadata is merged, and the optional content properties are merged in a more symmetrical manner than would otherwise be the case.
Document logical structure from doc2
is copied into doc
. If less than the whole of doc2
is being inserted, only those structure elements having content on the copied pages, and the ancestors of those elements, are copied into the logical structure tree of doc
. The top-level children of the structure tree root of doc2
are copied as new top-level children of the structure tree root of doc
; a structure tree root is created in doc
if there was none before. The role maps of the two structure trees are merged, with name conflicts resolved in favor of the role mappings present in doc
. Attribute objects having scalar values, or values that are arrays of scalar values, are copied. Class map information from doc2
is also merged into that for doc
doc — | The document into which pages are inserted. This document must have at least one page. |
mergeAfterThisPage — | The page number in |
doc2 — | The document containing the pages that are inserted into |
startPage — | The page number of the first page in |
numPages — | The number of pages in |
insertFlags — | Flags that determine what additional information is copied from
progMon — | A progress monitor. Use AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor() to obtain the default progress monitor. |
progMonClientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
cancelProc — | A cancel procedure. Use AVAppGetCancelProc() to obtain the current cancel procedure. It may be |
cancelProcClientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
is editable and doc2
is not encrypted or the owner opened it. doc2
is a newer major version than the Acrobat viewer understands. mergeAfterThisPage
is an invalid page number or doc
has no pages. Notifications
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1752 |
PDDocMergeXAPKeywords | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocMergeXAPKeywords(PDDoc pdDoc)
Causes a string produced as by PDDocGetMergedXAPKeywords() to be stored as the new value of the pdf:Keywords
property, and the former value of the pdf:Keywords
property to be stored as an item in the xmp:Keywords
bag of keyword items.
The algorithm used to compute merged keywords lists detects the case in which the keywords lists have already been merged and makes no changes to the XMP metadata in this case.
pdDoc — | The document containing the metadata that is to be modified to make the |
File: PDMetadataProcs.h |
Line: 461 |
PDDocMovePage | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Moves one page in a document.
doc — | The document in which the page is moved. |
moveToAfterThisPage — | The new location of the page to move. The first page is |
pageToMove — | The page number of the page to move. |
See Also
or pageToMove
is invalid. Other exceptions may be raised as well. Notifications
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1633 |
PDDocNewSecurityData | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void* PDDocNewSecurityData(PDDoc doc)
Creates a security data structure appropriate for the specified document's new security handler. The new security handler must have been previously set using PDDocSetNewCryptHandler(). The structure is created by calling the new security handler's PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc().
After calling PDDocNewSecurityData(), fill the structure as appropriate, call PDDocSetNewSecurityData() with the structure, and then free the structure using ASfree().
doc — | The document for which a security data structure is created. |
The newly created security data structure. |
See Also
. Since
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2431 |
PDDocOCDidChange | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocOCDidChange(PDDoc doc, PDDocOCChangeType whatHappened, void* object, ASErrorCode error, void* clientData)
An optional-content context changed in a PDDoc
in a way that could affect the visibility state of content.
doc — | The document containing the optional-content context whose visibility state changed. |
whatHappened — | The type of change that occurred. |
object — | A pointer to the object that changed. The kind of object this can be depends on the type of change that occurred:
error — | If non-zero, it indicates an error that occurred while setting the optional-content context. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 2404 |
PDDocOCWillChange | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocOCWillChange(PDDoc doc, PDDocOCChangeType whatWillHappen, void* object, void* clientData)
An optional-content context is changing in a PDDoc
in a way that could affect the visibility state of content.
doc — | The document containing the optional-content context whose visibility state is changing. |
whatWillHappen — | The type of change that will occur. |
object — | A pointer to the object that will change. The kind of object this can be depends on the type of change that will occur:
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
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Line: 2374 |
PDDocOpen | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDDoc PDDocOpen(ASPathName fileName, ASFileSys fileSys, PDAuthProc authProc, ASBool doRepair)
Opens the specified document. If the document is already open, it returns a reference to the already opened PDDoc. You must call PDDocClose() once for every successful open. If the call fails and the exception is pdErrNeedRebuild, then call again with doRepair
set to true
. This allows the application to decide whether to perform the time-consuming repair operation.
fileName — | A path name to the file, specified in whatever format is correct for |
fileSys — | A pointer to an ASFileSysRec containing the file system in which the file resides. If it is |
authProc — | An authorization callback, called only if the file has been secured (that is, if the file has either the user or the master password set). This callback should obtain whatever information is needed to determine whether the user is authorized to open the file, then call PDDocPermRequest(). The Acrobat viewer's built-in authorization procedure requires the user to enter a password, and allows the user to try three times before giving up. If the |
doRepair — | If |
The newly-opened document. |
See Also
or returns false
. doRepair
is false
or dictionary object). NULL
or dictionary object). doRepair
is true
and rebuild failed. Since
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1241 |
PDDocOpenEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDDoc PDDocOpenEx(ASPathName fileName, ASFileSys fileSys, PDAuthProcEx authProcEx, void* authProcClientData, ASBool doRepair)
Opens the specified document. If the document is already open, it returns a reference to the already opened PDDoc. You must call PDDocClose() once for every successful open. If the call fails and the exception is pdErrNeedRebuild, then call again with doRepair
equal to true
. This allows the application to decide whether to perform the time-consuming repair operation.
fileName — | A path name to the file, specified in whatever format is correct for |
fileSys — | A pointer to an ASFileSysRec containing the file system in which the file resides. |
authProcEx — | An authorization callback, called only if the file has been secured (meaning that the file has either the user or the master password set). This callback should obtain whatever information is needed to determine whether the user is authorized to open the file, then call PDDocAuthorize()() (which returns the permissions that the authentication data enables). The Acrobat viewer's built-in authorization procedure requires the user to enter a password, and allows the user to try three times before giving up. |
authProcClientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to authProcEx() each time it is called. |
doRepair — | If |
The newly-opened document. |
See Also
Ex() is NULL
or returns false
. doRepair
is false
or dictionary object). NULL
or dictionary object).doRepair
is true
and rebuild failed. Since
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 5960 |
PDDocOpenFromASFile | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDDoc PDDocOpenFromASFile(ASFile aFile, PDAuthProc authProc, ASBool doRepair)
Opens the document specified by the ASFile. aFile
must be a valid ASFile. It is the caller's responsibility to dispose of the ASFile after calling PDDocClose().
This method is useful when the document referenced by the ASFile is not on the local machine, and is being retrieved incrementally using the multi-read protocol of an ASFileSys. If the bytes required to open a PDDoc are not yet available, this method will raise the exception fileErrBytesNotReady. The client should call PDDocOpenFromASFile() until this exception is no longer raised.
aFile — | The ASFile to open. The ASFile should be released after the PDDoc is closed. |
authProc — | An authorization callback, called only if the file is encrypted. This callback should obtain whatever information is needed to determine whether the user is authorized to open the file, then call PDDocAuthorize() (which returns the permissions that the authentication data enables). The Acrobat viewer's built-in authorization procedure requires the user to enter a password, and allows the user to try three times before giving up. |
doRepair — | If |
A valid PDDoc if successfully opened. |
See Also
or returns false
. Since
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 5464 |
PDDocOpenFromASFileEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDDoc PDDocOpenFromASFileEx(ASFile aFile, PDAuthProcEx authProcEx, void* authProcClientData, ASBool doRepair)
Opens the document specified by the ASFile. aFile
must be a valid ASFile. It is the caller's responsibility to dispose of the ASFile after calling PDDocClose().
This method is useful when the document referenced by the ASFile is not on the local machine, and is being retrieved incrementally using the multiread protocol of an ASFileSys. If the bytes required to open a PDDoc are not yet available, this method will raise the exception fileErrBytesNotReady. The client should call PDDocOpenFromASFile() until this exception is no longer raised.
aFile — | The ASFile to open. The ASFile should be released after the PDDoc is closed. |
authProcEx — | An authorization callback, called only if the file is encrypted. This callback should obtain whatever information is needed to determine whether the user is authorized to open the file, then call PDDocAuthorize() (which returns the permissions that the authentication data enables). The Acrobat viewer's built-in authorization procedure requires the user to enter a password, and allows the user to try three times before giving up. |
authProcClientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to authProcEx() each time it is called. |
doRepair — | If |
A valid PDDoc if successfully opened. |
See Also
or returns false
. Since
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6001 |
PDDocOpenWithParams | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDDoc PDDocOpenWithParams(PDDocOpenParams openParams)
Opens the document specified by the ASFile or ASFileSys/ASPathName. If both are set, the ASFile is used and the fileSys
and pathName
are ignored.
openParams — | IN/OUT A structure that defines which PDF file is opened. It contains parameters such as a file name, a file system, an authorization procedure, and a set of flags that define what permissions the user has on a file. |
The PDDoc for the PDF document described by the structure passed in |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 7169 |
PDDocPageDirectionDidChange | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocPageDirectionDidChange(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
Sent when the page direction of the document changes. The page direction is determined by the Direction key in the ViewerPreferences dictionary.
doc — | The document. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 2599 |
PDDocPageLabelDidChange | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A range of pages' labels changed in a PDDoc
doc — | IN/OUT The document containing the pages whose labels changed. |
firstPage — | IN/OUT The number of the first page whose label changed. |
lastPage — | IN/OUT The number of the last page whose label changed. |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1376 |
PDDocPermRequest | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDPermReqStatus PDDocPermRequest(PDDoc pdDoc, PDPermReqObj reqObj, PDPermReqOpr reqOpr, void* authData)
This method supersedes PDDocGetPermissions().
Checks the permissions associated with the specified document using the latest permissions format, and determines whether the requested operation is allowed for the specified object in the document.
This method first checks the requested object and operation in a cached permissions list. If a value is not found, it calls the document's permission handlers, followed by security handlers via PDCryptAuthorizeExProc() to request permissions for the operation. The final permission is a logical AND
of the permissions granted by individual permissions and/or security handlers. If the document's security handler does not support this Acrobat 5.0 call, the method calls PDCryptAuthorizeProc() instead. The method then interprets the returned PDPerms
to determine whether the requested operation is allowed for the specified object in the document.
This method may throw exceptions.
pdDoc — | The PDDoc whose permissions are being requested. |
reqObj — | The target object of the permissions request. |
reqOpr — | The target operation of the permissions request. |
authData — | A pointer to an authorization data structure. |
The request status constant, |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 7728 |
PDDocPermRequestNoUB | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDPermReqStatus PDDocPermRequestNoUB(PDDoc pdDoc, PDPermReqObj reqObj, PDPermReqOpr reqOpr, void* authData)
PDDocPermRequestNoUB() indicates whether the permission would have been granted had the document not been Rights Enabled.
This may throw numerous exceptions.
pdDoc — | The PDDoc whose permissions are being requested. |
reqObj — | The target object of the permissions request. |
reqOpr — | The target operation of the permissions request. |
authData — | A pointer to an authorization data structure. |
The request status constant: |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 11136 |
PDDocPermsReady | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocPermsReady(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
A document was opened and its permissions (if present) have been validated.
doc — | The document. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
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Line: 2540 |
PDDocPrintingTiledPage | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocPrintingTiledPage(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 page, ASStm stm, ASInt32 whichRow, ASInt32 whichColumn, ASInt32 numRows, ASInt32 numColumns, ASFixedRect* cropRegion, PDTile tile, void* clientData)
This notification is obsolete in Acrobat 7.0 and later.
Clients who register for PDDocPrintingTilePage()
will be called just after the page contents have been emitted for this tile. Tiled pages can be requested by the user from the Advanced print dialog box; clients are made aware of the selection via the tiled page notifications.
doc — | The document containing the tiled page. |
page — | The page being printed. |
stm — | The PostScript print stream used when printing to a PostScript printer, and |
whichRow — | The row that is being printed. |
whichColumn — | The column that is being printed. |
numRows — | The number of rows to be printed. |
numColumns — | The number of columns to be printed. |
cropRegion — | A pointer to an |
tile — | The |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1886 |
PDDocReadAhead | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Used for page-at-a-time downloading and byte-serving Acrobat data. If a document is being viewed over a slow file system, PDDocReadAhead() issues a byte range request for all the data associated with the flags in flags.
doc — | IN/OUT The document being read. |
flags — | IN/OUT Flags describing type of data to read ahead. It must be an |
clientData — | IN/OUT Currently unused. |
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Line: 5901 |
PDDocReadAheadEmbeddedFile | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Used for page-at-a-time downloading and byte-serving Acrobat data. If a document is being viewed over a slow file system, the method issues a byte range request for all the data associated with an embedded file.
doc — | The document being read. |
embeddedFileObj — | The Cos object of the embedded file stream (the stream referenced by entries in the EF dictionary). |
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Line: 10850 |
PDDocReadAheadPages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Reads ahead nPages
starting at startPage
(if the file is linearized).
doc — | IN/OUT The document for which pages are read ahead. |
startPage — | ||
nPages — | IN/OUT The number of pages to read ahead. |
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Line: 7184 |
PDDocRelease | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocRelease(PDDoc doc)
Decrements a document's reference count. The document will not be closed until the reference count is zero, or the application terminates.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose reference count is decremented. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1411 |
PDDocRemoveBatesNumbering | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Deprecated The following function has been deprecated, do not use.
Remove Bates Numbering from a PDF document.
pdDoc — | The PDF document from which Bates Numbering is to be removed. |
See Also
File: PDBatesProcs.h |
Line: 40 |
PDDocRemoveNameTree | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Removes the name tree inside the Names dictionary with the specified key name. It does nothing if no object with that name exists.
thePDDoc — | ||
theTree — |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6945 |
PDDocRemoveOpenAction | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocRemoveOpenAction(PDDoc doc)
Removes the value of the OpenAction key in the Catalog dictionary. The value is the action performed when the document is opened.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose open action is removed. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 7812 |
PDDocRemovePageLabel | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Removes the page label that is attached to the specified page, effectively merging the specified range with the previous page label sequence.
pdDoc — | ||
pageNum — | The page from which the page label is removed. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 7149 |
PDDocRemoveStructTreeRoot | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocRemoveStructTreeRoot(INPDDoc pdDoc)
Removes, but does not destroy, the specified StructTreeRoot element from the specified PDDoc.
pdDoc — | IN/OUT The PDDoc for which the StructTreeRoot element is removed. |
See Also
File: PDSWriteProcs.h |
Line: 79 |
PDDocRemoveThread | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Removes an article thread from a document. If you also wish to destroy the thread, use PDThreadDestroy() after calling PDDocRemoveThread().
doc — | IN/OUT The document from which the thread is removed. |
index — |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1880 |
PDDocReplaceOCG | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
In the document associated with a specified optional-content group, replaces that group with another group.
replaceOCG — | The OCG to replace. |
keepOCG — | The replacement OCG. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10235 |
PDDocReplacePages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocReplacePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 startPage, PDDoc doc2, ASInt32 startPageDoc2, ASInt32 numPages, ASBool mergeTextAnnots, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)
Replaces the specified range of pages in one document with pages from another. The contents, resources, size and rotation of the pages are replaced. The bookmarks are not copied, because they are attached to the document, not to individual pages.
doc — | The document in which pages are replaced. |
startPage — | The first page number in |
doc2 — | The document from which pages are copied into |
startPageDoc2 — | The page number of the first page in |
numPages — | The number of pages to replace. |
mergeTextAnnots — | If |
progMon — | A progress monitor. Use AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor() to obtain the default progress monitor. |
progMonClientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
cancelProc — | Currently unused. A cancel procedure. Use AVAppGetCancelProc() to obtain the current cancel procedure. It may be |
cancelProcClientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
is editable and doc2
is not encrypted or the owner opened it. doc2
is a newer major version than the Acrobat viewer understands. Notifications
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1813 |
PDDocRequestEntireFile | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocRequestEntireFile(PDDoc doc, PDDocRequestEntireFileProc requestProc, void* clientData)
Requests the document file and performs the specified procedure on it.
doc — | The document for which pages are read ahead. |
requestProc — | The procedure to call to process the request. |
clientData — | A pointer to user-defined data to pass to the |
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10732 |
PDDocRequestPages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocRequestPages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 startPage, ASInt32 nPages, PDDocRequestPagesProc requestProc, void* clientData)
Requests nPages
starting at startPage
, and performs a specified procedure on them.
doc — | The document for which pages are read ahead. |
startPage — | The first page requested. |
nPages — | The number of pages requested. |
requestProc — | The procedure to call to process the request. |
clientData — | A pointer to user-defined data to pass to the |
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10720 |
PDDocResetInkUsage | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocResetInkUsage(PDDoc doc)
Resets the cached ink (spot color) usage information in a document. This should be called when the set of non-process colorants for a document have been changed. Calling this will force the cached information to be recomputed.
doc — | IN The document on which to reset set the ink usage. |
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 11867 |
PDDocSave | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocSave(PDDoc doc, PDSaveFlags saveFlags, ASPathName newPath, ASFileSys fileSys, ProgressMonitor progMon, void* progMonClientData)
Saves a document to disk. If a full save is requested to the original path, the file is saved to a file system-determined temporary file, the old file is deleted, and the temporary file is renamed to newPath
. You must call PDDocClose() to release resources; do not call PDDocRelease().
If the document was created with PDDocCreate(), at least one page must be added using PDDocCreatePage() or PDDocInsertPages() before Acrobat can save the document.
You can replace this method with your own version, using HFTReplaceEntry().
A full save with linearization optimizes the PDF file. During optimization, all objects in a PDF file are rearranged, many of them acquiring not only a new file position, but also a new Cos object number. At the end of the save operation, Acrobat flushes its information of the PD layer and below to synchronize its in-memory state with the new disk file just written.
It is crucial that all objects that have been acquired from a PDDoc be released before Acrobat attempts to flush its in-memory state. This includes any object that was acquired with a PD*Acquire
method, such as PDDocAcquirePage() or PDBeadAcquirePage(). Failing to release these objects before the full save results in a save error, and the resulting PDF file is not valid. In addition, all PD level objects and Cos objects derived from the PDDoc are no longer valid after the full save. Attempting to use these objects after a full save produces undefined results.
Clients and applications should register for the PDDocWillSaveEx() and PDDocDidSave() notifications so that they can clean up appropriately. See these notifications for more information on releasing and reacquiring objects from the PDDoc.
doc — | The document to save. |
saveFlags — | A bit field composed of an |
newPath — | The path to which the file is saved. A path must be specified when either PDSaveFull or PDSaveCopy are used for saveFlags. If PDSaveIncremental is specified in saveFlags, then |
fileSys — | The file system. If it is |
progMon — | A progress monitor. Use AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor() to obtain the default. |
progMonClientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
or editNotes
(see PDPerms) is allowed, or you are doing a full save and saveAs is allowed. newPath
is already open. Notifications
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1366 |
PDDocSaveWithParams | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocSaveWithParams(PDDoc doc, PDDocSaveParams inParams)
Saves a document to disk as specified in a parameter's structure. This is essentially the same as PDDocSave() with two additional parameters: a cancel proc and cancel proc client data (so you could cut and paste description information and other information from PDDocSave()).
You can replace this method with your own version, using HFTReplaceEntry().
doc — | The document to save. |
inParams — | A PDDocSaveParams structure specifying how the document should be saved. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6092 |
PDDocSetAdobePDFVersion | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocSetAdobePDFVersion(PDDoc doc, const AdobePDFVersion version)
PDDocSetAdobePDFVersion() sets the current version of the document in the AdobePDFVersion define in CosExp.T
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose version is to be updated. |
version — | IN/OUT version to which document is updated. |
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 12698 |
PDDocSetFlags | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets information about the document's file and its state. This method can only be used to set, not clear, flags. As a result, it is not possible, for example, to use this method to clear the flag that indicates that a document has been modified and needs to be saved. Instead, use PDDocClearFlags() to clear flags.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose flags are set. |
flags — | IN/OUT A bit field composed of an |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1440 |
PDDocSetFullScreen | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets whether this document opens in full-screen mode. This provides an alternative to calling PDDocSetPageMode() with PDFullScreen.
pdDoc — | The document to set. |
fs — |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6068 |
PDDocSetInfo | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the value of a key in a document's Info dictionary. However, it is preferable to use PDDocSetXAPMetadataProperty(), because it also allows accessing XMP properties that are not duplicated in the Info dictionary.
See Section 10
.2.1 on Info dictionaries in the PDF Reference for information about Info dictionaries. All values in the Info dictionary should be strings; other data types such as numbers and Boolean values should not be used as values in the Info dictionary. If an Info dictionary key is specified that is not currently in the Info dictionary, it is added to the dictionary.
Users may define their own Info dictionary entries. In this case, it is strongly recommended that the key have the developer's prefix assigned by the Adobe Developers Association.
doc — | The document whose Info dictionary key is set. |
infoKey — | ||
buffer — | The buffer containing the value to associate with |
nBytes — | The number of bytes in |
See Also
. For non-Roman character set viewers, this text is stored as PDFDocEncoding
or Unicode, depending on the file's creator. File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2332 |
PDDocSetInfoAsASText | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the value of a key in a document's Info dictionary.
doc — | The document whose Info dictionary key is set. |
infoKey — | ||
value — | The text object containing the value to associate with |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 11404 |
PDDocSetLayoutMode | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocSetLayoutMode(PDDoc doc, PDLayoutMode mode)
Sets the value of the PageLayout key in the Catalog dictionary.
doc — | ||
mode — | IN The layout mode to set. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 11202 |
PDDocSetMinorVersion | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the PDF minor version to the greater of its current value and the requested value. This function should be called when any feature requiring a PDF version of 1.7 or higher is applied to a document.
pdDoc — | The document. |
minor — |
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 11728 |
PDDocSetNewCryptFilterData | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocSetNewCryptFilterData(PDDoc doc, ASAtom filterName, char* cryptData, ASInt32 cryptDataLen)
Sets the encrypted data for the specified document's encryption filter to decrypt. Call this before accessing the stream to be decrypted.
doc — | The document whose new encrypted data is set. |
filterName — | The ASAtom corresponding to the name of the security filter used by the document. |
cryptData — | The new encrypted data for the document. |
cryptDataLen — |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10655 |
PDDocSetNewCryptFilterMethod | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets or resets the specified document's security filter method, used for encryption and decryption of the document's data.
doc — | The document whose new security filter method is set. |
filterName — | The ASAtom corresponding to the name of the security filter to use. |
method — | One of five supported security methods:
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10631 |
PDDocSetNewCryptHandler | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the specified document's new security handler (that is, the security handler that will be used after the document is saved).
This method returns with no action if the new security handler is the same as the old one. Otherwise, it calls the new security handler's PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc() to set the document's newSecurityData
field. If the new security handler does not have this callback, the document's newSecurityData
field is set to 0
pdDoc — | The document whose new security handler is set. |
newCryptHandler — | The ASAtom for the name of the new security handler to use for the document. This name must be the same as the |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2483 |
PDDocSetNewCryptHandlerEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Extends PDDocSetNewCryptHandler() for Acrobat 6.0. It sets the specified document's new security handler (that is, the security handler that will be used after the document is saved). This method should be called when the current document's security handler requires authorization data to validate permission to change security handlers.
This method returns with no action if the new security handler is the same as the old one. Otherwise, the new security handler's PDCryptNewSecurityDataProc() is called to set the document's newSecurityData
field. If the new security handler does not have this callback, the document's newSecurityData
field is set to 0
pdDoc — | The document whose new security handler is set. |
newCryptHandler — | The ASAtom corresponding to the name of the new security handler to use for the document. This name must be the same as the |
currentAuthData — | A pointer to authorization data to be passed to the PDCryptAuthorizeProc() callback for the document's current security handler. For the Acrobat viewer's built-in security handler, the password is passed in the |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10891 |
PDDocSetNewDefaultFilters | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets or resets the document's default security filter methods for streams and strings, used to encrypt and decrypt the document's data. This method is only valid with version 4 algorithms (/V 4 in the Encrypt dictionary).
doc — | The document whose new security filter is set. |
defaultStmFilterName — | The ASAtom corresponding to the name of the default security filter to use for streams. The filter must exist and be registered. |
defaultStrFilterName — | The ASAtom corresponding to the name of the default security filter to use for strings. The filter must exist and be registered. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10678 |
PDDocSetNewSecurityData | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocSetNewSecurityData(PDDoc pdDoc, void* secData)
Sets the security data structure for the specified document's new security handler. Use PDDocSetNewCryptHandler() to set a new security handler for a document.
pdDoc — | IN/OUT The document whose new security data structure is set. |
secData — | IN/OUT A pointer to the new security data structure to set for |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2452 |
PDDocSetOpenAction | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the value of the OpenAction key in the Catalog dictionary, which is the action performed when the document is opened.
doc — | The document whose open action is set. |
action — | The open action you want to set. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1268 |
PDDocSetPageLabel | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocSetPageLabel(PDDoc pdDoc, ASInt32 pageNum, PDPageLabel pgLabel)
Attaches a label to a page. This establishes the numbering scheme for that page and all pages following it, until another page label is encountered. This label allows PDF producers to define a page numbering system other than the Acrobat default.
If pageNum
is less than 0
or greater than the number of pages in pdDoc
, the method does nothing.
pdDoc — | The document containing the page to label. |
pageNum — | The number of the page to label. |
pgLabel — |
See Also
is not a valid PDPageLabel.Notifications
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 7135 |
PDDocSetPageMode | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocSetPageMode(PDDoc doc, PDPageMode mode)
Sets the value of the PageMode key in the Catalog dictionary.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose page mode is set. |
mode — | IN/OUT The page mode to set. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 1464 |
PDDocSetTrapped | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the value of the Trapped key in the Info dictionary to the specified ASAtom.
This method causes the corresponding XMP metadata item to be set to a string reflecting the characters in the ASAtom.
pdDoc — | The document whose Trapped key value to set. |
newValue — | The new value of the Trapped key in the Info dictionary, or ASAtomNull to remove any existing entry. The method does not check that the value is one of the allowed values for the key. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 10923 |
PDDocSetXAPMetadata | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the XMP metadata associated with a document. It replaces the XMP metadata associated with the document pdDoc
with the XMP metadata stored in metadataASText
The contents of metadataASText
must be well-formed XML and Resource Description Format (RDF), as defined by the W3C (see ), that also forms valid XMP. If metadataASText
is ill-formed, an error is raised.
The call does not destroy metadataASText
or alter its text. This method copies the textual information it needs, so subsequent alteration or destruction of metadataASText
does not affect the document XMP metadata.
Calling PDDocSetXAPMetadata() changes the contents of the pdDoc
object's Info dictionary to reflect the values of corresponding metadata properties represented in metadataASText
. The XMP metadata can also contain properties that are not reflected in the Info dictionary.
pdDoc — | The document whose metadata is to be set. |
metadataASText — | An ASText object containing the metadata to be stored in the document. |
See Also
is not writable. Notifications
and xap:Title
) be equal, then the mechanism that maintains this equality when you set metadata via PDDocSetInfo() is disabled.File: PDMetadataProcs.h |
Line: 192 |
PDDocSetXAPMetadataArrayItem | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocSetXAPMetadataArrayItem(PDDoc pdDoc, ASText namespaceName, ASText namespacePrefix, ASText path, ASInt32 index, ASText newValue)
Sets the value of an XMP metadata array item, associated with a document, based on an index.
pdDoc — | The document containing the metadata. |
namespaceName — | The XML namespace URI for the schema in which the property is to be found. |
namespacePrefix — | A brief string to be used as an abbreviation when creating the XML representation of the property. This string must not be empty. |
path — | The name of the simple property to be modified. |
index — | The index in the metadata property array associated with the property. |
newValue — |
See Also
File: PDMetadataProcs.h |
Line: 535 |
PDDocSetXAPMetadataProperty | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocSetXAPMetadataProperty(PDDoc pdDoc, ASText namespaceName, ASText namespacePrefix, ASText path, ASText newValue)
Sets the value of an XMP metadata property associated with a document. The XMP metadata represents all the properties in pdDoc
object's Info dictionary, and can also contain properties that are not in the Info dictionary. This call is preferred to PDDocSetInfo(), which only allows access to properties that are in the Info dictionary (although the older function is supported for compatibility).
pdDoc — | The document containing the metadata. |
namespaceName — | The XML namespace URI for the schema in which the property is to be found. |
namespacePrefix — | A brief string to be used as an abbreviation when creating the XML representation of the property. This string must not be empty. |
path — | The name of the simple property to be modified. |
newValue — |
See Also
File: PDMetadataProcs.h |
Line: 417 |
PDDocWillChangePages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillChangePages(PDDoc doc, PDOperation op, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, void* clientData)
Pages will be inserted, deleted, moved, or modified.
doc — | The document in which pages will be changed. |
op — | The change that will be made. |
fromPage — | The page number of the first page that will be modified. |
toPage — | The page number of the last page that will be modified. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 569 |
PDDocWillClose | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillClose(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
will be closed. A PDDoc
is closed only if its reference count is zero.
Neither this notification,
, nor
are broadcast if the user selects Cancel when prompted to save a modified document as it is closed.
doc — | The document to close. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1359 |
PDDocWillDeletePages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
One or more pages will be deleted.
doc — | The document from which pages will be deleted. |
fromPage — | The page number of the first page that will be deleted. |
toPage — | The page number of the last page that will be deleted. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 528 |
PDDocWillExportAnnots | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillExportAnnots(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
The annotations of a document will be exported.
doc — | IN/OUT The document whose annotations will be exported. |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1393 |
PDDocWillImportAnnots | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillImportAnnots(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
The annotations from one document will be imported into another document.
doc — | IN/OUT The document into which annotations will be imported. |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1411 |
PDDocWillInsertPages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillInsertPages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 insertAfterThisPage, PDDoc srcDoc, ASInt32 srcFromPage, ASInt32 srcToPage, void* clientData)
One or more pages will be inserted.
doc — | The document into which pages will be inserted. |
insertAfterThisPage — | The page number (in |
srcDoc — | The document that provides the pages to insert. This is |
srcFromPage — | The page number (in |
srcToPage — | The page number (in |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 390 |
PDDocWillInsertPagesEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillInsertPagesEx(PDDocInsertPagesParams params, void* clientData)
Pages will be inserted into a document. This notification occurs after the
params — | IN/OUT A structure describing how pages will be inserted. |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1755 |
PDDocWillMovePages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillMovePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 moveAfterThisPage, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, void* clientData)
One or more pages will be moved.
doc — | The document in which pages will be moved. |
moveAfterThisPage — | The page number after which the moved pages will be placed. |
fromPage — | The page number of the first page to move. |
toPage — | The page number of the last page to move. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 490 |
PDDocWillPrintDoc | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
This notification is broadcast before a document is printed, and before any marks are made on the first page. When printing to a PostScript printer, printing commands can also be sent that are placed on the page before any other marks. For example, a setpagedevice
operator could be placed in the print stream.
doc — | The document that is about to be printed. |
stm — | The PostScript print stream used when printing to a PostScript printer, and
This sequence must not be relied upon, and it is to some extent dependent on the printer driver in use. Nevertheless, it is |
psLevel — | When printing to a PostScript printer, |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1276 |
PDDocWillPrintDocInMode | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillPrintDocInMode(PDDoc doc, PDPrintWhat printMode, void* clientData)
Sent before a document is printed, before any marks are made on the first page. Page resources and contents may be modified at the time this notification is broadcast.
doc — | The document that is about to be printed. |
printMode — | A constant that describes what is being printed:
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 2448 |
PDDocWillPrintPage | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
This notification is broadcast once per page that is printed, before any marks are made on the page. When printing to a PostScript printer, printing commands can also be sent that will be placed on the page before any other marks.
doc — | ||
page — | The page number of the page that is about to be printed. |
stm — | The PostScript print stream used when printing to a PostScript printer, or
This sequence must not be relied upon, and depends on the printer driver in use. However, by the time the |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 729 |
PDDocWillPrintPages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillPrintPages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, ASInt32 psLevel, ASBool binaryOK, void* clientData)
This notification is broadcast when printing begins, before any pages are printed.
doc — | The document from which pages will be printed. |
fromPage — | The page number of the first page that will be printed. |
toPage — | The page number of the last page that will be printed. |
psLevel — | When printing to a PostScript printer, |
binaryOK — | Valid only when printing to a PostScript printer. It indicates whether binary data can be sent. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 667 |
PDDocWillPrintTiledPage | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillPrintTiledPage(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 page, ASStm stm, ASInt32 whichTile, ASInt32 numTiles, ASFixedRect* cropRegion, PDTile tile, void* clientData)
This notification is obsolete in Acrobat 7.0 and later.
This notification is broadcast before a tiled page is printed. Tiled pages can be requested by the user from the Advanced print dialog box; clients are made aware of the selection via the tiled page notifications.
doc — | The document containing the tiled page. |
page — | The page to be printed. |
stm — | The PostScript print stream used when printing to a PostScript printer, and |
whichTile — | The sheet to be printed. |
numTiles — | The total number of sheets to be printed. |
cropRegion — | A pointer to an |
tile — | The |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1849 |
PDDocWillRemoveThread | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A thread will be removed from a document.
doc — | The document from which a thread will be removed. |
index — | The index of the thread that will be removed. Use PDDocGetThread() to obtain the thread from its index. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1133 |
PDDocWillReplacePages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillReplacePages(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 fromPage, ASInt32 toPage, PDDoc srcDoc, ASInt32 srcFromPage, ASInt32 srcToPage, void* clientData)
One or more pages will be replaced.
doc — | The document in which pages will be replaced. |
fromPage — | The page number (in |
toPage — | The page number (in |
srcDoc — | The document that provides the replacement pages. |
srcFromPage — | ||
srcToPage — | ||
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 444 |
PDDocWillSave | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillSave(PDDoc doc, void* clientData)
A document will be saved.
The PDDocWillSave()
notification takes place just before the save operation begins. At the time of a WillSave()
notification, the current PDDoc
is valid.
for important information on releasing objects derived from the PDDoc
before it is saved, and
for information on reacquiring objects from the PDDoc
after it has been saved.
doc — | The document that will be saved. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 810 |
PDDocWillSaveEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocWillSaveEx(PDDoc doc, PDDocSaveParams params, void* clientData)
A document will be saved.
notification takes place just before the save operation begins. At the time of a PDDoc
notification, the current PDDoc
is valid.
At this time, clients should inspect the save flags field saveFlags
in params
. In the case of a full save, they should release any objects that they have acquired from the PDDoc
with methods, such as
. During this notification, plug-in's should also forget any PD-level or Cos-level objects that had been derived from the PDDoc
; these will not be valid after the save.
for information on reacquiring objects from the PDDoc
after it has been saved.
doc — | The document that will be saved. |
params — | The |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1308 |
PDDocXAPMetadataDidChange | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
The XMP metadata describing the document as a whole has changed.
pdDoc — | The |
newMetadata — | A serialized representation of the new describing XMP metadata. |
clientData — | A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 2637 |
PDOCRegisterFindOutAutoStatePrefProc | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDOCRegisterFindOutAutoStatePrefProc(PDOCFindOutAutoStatePrefProc proc)
Registers a callback to the client user interface that can tell the core what the current AutoState preference is.
proc |
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 865 |
PDOCRegisterFindOutLanguageProc | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDOCRegisterFindOutLanguageProc(PDOCFindOutLanguageProc proc)
Registers a callback to the client user interface that can tell the core what the current language is.
proc |
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 855 |
PDOCRegisterFindOutUserProc | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDOCRegisterFindOutUserProc(PDOCFindOutUserProc proc)
Registers a callback to the client user interface that can tell the core what the current user is.
proc |
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 860 |
PDOCRegisterFindOutZoomProc | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDOCRegisterFindOutZoomProc(PDOCFindOutZoomProc proc)
Registers a callback to the client user interface that can tell the core what the current zoom level is.
proc |
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 850 |