
A PDFileSpec corresponds to the PDF file specification object (see Section 3.10, File Specifications, in the PDF Reference). It is used to specify a file in an action (see PDAction).

A file specification in a PDF file can take two forms:

PDFileSpec objects can be created from ASPathName objects or from Cos objects. Methods are also provided to get ASPathName objects and device-independent path names from PDFileSpec objects.

Typedef Summary
The PDF file specification object. It is used to specify a file in an action (see PDAction). A file specification in a PDF file can take two forms:
Structure Summary
A data structure that implements a file specification handler. It contains callbacks that implement the file specification handler's functions (converting from a file specification to an ASPathName, creating a new file specification from an ASPathName, and launching the specified file).
Callback Summary
A callback for PDFileSpecHandler. It aquires the ASPath corresponding to a file specification.
A callback for PDFileSpecHandler. It creates a file specification from an ASPath.
Method Summary
ASPathName PDFileSpecAcquireASPath(PDFileSpec fileSpec, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
Acquires an ASPathName for the specified file specification and relative path.
ASPathName PDFileSpecAcquireASPathEx(PDFileSpec fileSpec, ASFileSys relPathFileSys, ASPathName relativeToThisPath, ASFileSys* retFileSys, ASBool pathMustExist)
Acquires an ASPathName for the specified file specification and relative path.
Converts an appropriate string or dictionary Cos object to a file specification. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
Gets the Cos object associated with a file specification. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
ASInt32 PDFileSpecGetDIPath(PDFileSpec fileSpec, char* buffer, ASInt32 bufLen)
Gets the device-independent path name from a file specification.
void PDFileSpecGetDIPathEx(PDFileSpec fileSpec, ASText diPath)
Gets the device-independent path name from a file specification.
Gets the PDDoc that contains fileSpec.
ASFileSys PDFileSpecGetFileSys(PDFileSpec fileSpec)
Gets the file system that services the specified file specification.
Gets the name of the file system that a PDFileSpec belongs to. For a simple fileSpec (string form), the name of the file system is the name of the document's file system if the CosObj that is the fileSpec is contained in a document. For a complex fileSpec (dictionary form) with an FS key, the name of the file system is the atom associated with the FS key.
ASBool PDFileSpecIsValid(PDFileSpec fileSpec)
Tests whether a file specification is valid. This is intended only to ensure that the file specification has not been deleted, not to ensure that all necessary information is present and valid.
PDFileSpec PDFileSpecNewFromASPath(PDDoc pdDoc, ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
Creates a new file specification from the specified ASPathName, using the PDFileSpecNewFromASPathProc() of the specified file system's file specification handler.
PDFileSpec PDFileSpecNewFromASPathEx(PDDoc pdDoc, ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASFileSys relPathFileSys, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
Creates a new file specification from the specified ASPathName, using the PDFileSpecNewFromASPathProc() of the specified file system's file specification handler.

Typedefs Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef OPAQUE_64_BITS PDFileSpec;

The PDF file specification object. It is used to specify a file in an action (see PDAction). A file specification in a PDF file can take two forms:

PDFileSpec objects can be created from ASPathName objects or from Cos objects.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_PDFileSpecHandler PDFileSpecHandler;

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_PDFileSpecHandler PDFileSpecHandlerRec;

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Structure Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_PDFileSpecHandler {
 ASSize_t size; 
 PDFileSpecNewFromASPathProc NewFromASPath; 
 PDFileSpecAcquireASPathProc AcquireASPath; 
 PDLaunchActionProc LaunchAction; 
 ASFileSys fileSys; 

A data structure that implements a file specification handler. It contains callbacks that implement the file specification handler's functions (converting from a file specification to an ASPathName, creating a new file specification from an ASPathName, and launching the specified file).

See Also

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Must be sizeof(PDFileSpecHandlerRec).


The file system that is to be used with this file specification handler.

Callbacks Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName (*PDFileSpecAcquireASPathProc)(void *fileSpecHandlerObj, PDFileSpec fileSpec, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)

A callback for PDFileSpecHandler. It aquires the ASPath corresponding to a file specification.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDFileSpec (*PDFileSpecNewFromASPathProc)(void *fileSpecHandlerObj, PDDoc pdDoc, ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)

A callback for PDFileSpecHandler. It creates a file specification from an ASPath.

See Also

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Line: 1142

Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName PDFileSpecAcquireASPath(PDFileSpec fileSpec, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)

Acquires an ASPathName for the specified file specification and relative path.


fileSpec — 

IN/OUT The file specification for which an ASPathName is acquired.

relativeToThisPath — 

IN/OUT A path name relative to which the fileSpec is interpreted. If it is NULL, fileSpec is assumed to be an absolute, not a relative, path.


The ASPathName corresponding to fileSpec.

After you are done using the ASPathName, you must free it using ASFileSysReleasePath().

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName PDFileSpecAcquireASPathEx(PDFileSpec fileSpec, ASFileSys relPathFileSys, ASPathName relativeToThisPath, ASFileSys* retFileSys, ASBool pathMustExist)

Acquires an ASPathName for the specified file specification and relative path.


fileSpec — 

IN/OUT The file specification for which an ASPathName is acquired.

relPathFileSys — 

The file system that owns relativeToThisPath.

relativeToThisPath — 

IN/OUT A path name relative to which the fileSpec is interpreted. If it is NULL, fileSpec is assumed to be an absolute, not a relative, path. If it is not NULL and fileSys and relPathFileSys are not the same, then an attempt is made to fabricate a relPathName in terms of fileSys, and if that is not possible, NULL is used.

retFileSys — 

IN/OUT The file system that owns the returned ASPathName.

pathMustExist — 

IN/OUT If it is true and the result ASPathName does not exist, then the return value is NULL.


The ASPathName corresponding to fileSpec.

After you are done using the ASPathName, you must free it using ASFileSysReleasePath().

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00080000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDFileSpec PDFileSpecFromCosObj(CosObj obj)

Converts an appropriate string or dictionary Cos object to a file specification. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.


obj — 

IN/OUT The Cos object to convert to a file specification.


The file specification corresponding to obj.

See Also


pdErrBadFileSpec is raised if the file specification is not valid, as determined by PDFileSpecIsValid().


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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj PDFileSpecGetCosObj(PDFileSpec fileSpec)

Gets the Cos object associated with a file specification. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.


fileSpec — 

IN/OUT The file specification whose Cos object is obtained.


The string or dictionary Cos object corresponding to the file specification.

See Also


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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 PDFileSpecGetDIPath(PDFileSpec fileSpec, char* buffer, ASInt32 bufLen)

Gets the device-independent path name from a file specification.


fileSpec — 

IN/OUT The file specification whose device-independent path name is obtained.

buffer — 

IN/OUT (Filled by the method) NULL-terminated device- independent path name. If buffer is NULL, the method simply returns the length of the path name.

bufLen — 

IN/OUT The length of buffer in bytes. If the device- independent path name is longer than this, only the first bufLen - 1 bytes are copied into buffer, plus a NULL at the end of the buffer.


The number of characters (excluding the NULL) copied into buffer.


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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDFileSpecGetDIPathEx(PDFileSpec fileSpec, ASText diPath)

Gets the device-independent path name from a file specification.


fileSpec — 

IN The file specification whose device-independent path name is obtained.

diPath — 

IN/OUT An existing ASText object whose content is set to the path name obtained from from fileSpec.


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00080000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDDoc PDFileSpecGetDoc(PDFileSpec fileSpec)

Gets the PDDoc that contains fileSpec.


fileSpec — 

IN/OUT A PDFileSpec in a document.


A PDDoc or NULL if the file specification CosObj is not in a document.


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020002

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFileSys PDFileSpecGetFileSys(PDFileSpec fileSpec)

Gets the file system that services the specified file specification.


fileSpec — 

IN/OUT The file specification whose file system is obtained.


The file system that services fileSpec.

See Also


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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASAtom PDFileSpecGetFileSysName(PDFileSpec fileSpec)

Gets the name of the file system that a PDFileSpec belongs to. For a simple fileSpec (string form), the name of the file system is the name of the document's file system if the CosObj that is the fileSpec is contained in a document. For a complex fileSpec (dictionary form) with an FS key, the name of the file system is the atom associated with the FS key.

The file system returned by PDFileSpecGetFileSys() is the file system that has registered a PDFileSpecHandler() for the file specification's file system name (if there is one), and is not necessarily the same as ASFileGetFileSysByName(PDFileSpecGetFileSysName(fileSpec)); .


fileSpec — 

A PDFileSpec.


An ASAtom representing the file system of fileSpec.

See Also


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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDFileSpecIsValid(PDFileSpec fileSpec)

Tests whether a file specification is valid. This is intended only to ensure that the file specification has not been deleted, not to ensure that all necessary information is present and valid.


fileSpec — 

The file specification whose validity is tested.


true if fileSpec is valid, false otherwise.


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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDFileSpec PDFileSpecNewFromASPath(PDDoc pdDoc, ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)

Creates a new file specification from the specified ASPathName, using the PDFileSpecNewFromASPathProc() of the specified file system's file specification handler.


pdDoc — 

The document in which the new file specification will be used.

fileSys — 

A pointer to an ASFileSysRec specifying the file system responsible for the newly created file specification.

path — 

The path to convert into a file specification.

relativeToThisPath — 

A path name relative to which path is interpreted. If it is NULL, path is interpreted as an absolute path name, not a relative path name.


The newly created file spec, or an invalid file spec if the ASPathName cannot be converted to a PDFileSpec (use PDFileSpecIsValid() to test whether the conversion was successful).

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDFileSpec PDFileSpecNewFromASPathEx(PDDoc pdDoc, ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASFileSys relPathFileSys, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)

Creates a new file specification from the specified ASPathName, using the PDFileSpecNewFromASPathProc() of the specified file system's file specification handler.


pdDoc — 

The document in which the new file specification will be used.

fileSys — 

A pointer to an ASFileSysRec specifying the file system responsible for the newly created file specification.

path — 

The path to convert into a file specification.

relPathFileSys — 

The file system that owns relativeToThisPath.

relativeToThisPath — 

A path name relative to which the fileSpec is interpreted. If it is NULL, fileSpec is assumed to be an absolute, not a relative, path. If it is not NULL and fileSys and relPathFileSys are not the same, then an attempt is made to fabricate a relPathName in terms of fileSys, and if that is not possible, NULL is used.


The newly created file specification, or an invalid file specification if the ASPathName cannot be converted to a PDFileSpec (use PDFileSpecIsValid() to test whether the conversion was successful).

See Also


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