Layer | PD_Layer |
Object | PDAction |
Actions are tasks that Acrobat performs when a user clicks on a link or a bookmark. Acrobat allows a document to execute an action automatically when a document is opened.
Action types include:
You can add custom action types to your plug-in by creating new action handlers (see Developing Plug-ins and Applications) that are responsible for interpreting an action's data and carrying out the action.
Typedef | ||
Actions are what happens when a user clicks on a link or bookmark. In addition, the Acrobat viewer allows a document to have an action that is executed automatically when the document is opened. Applications can also support actions in custom annotation types they add.
PDActionClipboardData | ||
PDActionHandler | ||
Used to store PDAction data for copy and paste operations.
PDActionHandlerRec |
Structure | ||
A data structure containing callbacks that implement an action manager. The callbacks provide copy-and-paste functionality for a particular type of action.
Callback | ||
(Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It returns true if the copy operation is expected to succeed. It tests, for example, whether copying is allowed by document permissions.
(Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It returns true if the paste operation is expected to succeed. It tests, for example, whether pasting is allowed by document permissions.
(Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It copies data from an action object to a new data structure, from which it can be pasted to a new document. The PDActionHandlerData does not store any information related to a Next action. Rebuilding the action chain is the responsibility of the caller and can be ignored by the PDActionHandler.
A callback for PDActionHandler. It destroys data copied into an action clipboard data structure after it has been successfully pasted to a new document.
(Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It destroys the action handler structure when the application no longer requires it. The handler should destroy any dynamic memory stored in the userData field.
A callback for PDActionHandler. It returns an ASAtom indicating the action type for which the handler is responsible. Types are defined by the client when registering the action handler.
(Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It creates a new PDAction in the destination document using data that was placed in a PDActionClipboardA data structure using the PDActionCopy() function, and returns the new action object.
Method | ||
ASBool PDActionCanCopy(PDAction action)
Tests whether the data from an action object can be copied to a clipboard for pasting. If the action is part of an action chain, the method tests all actions in the chain, and returns true only if all actions in the chain can be copied.
Tests whether data from an action object that has been copied to a clipboard can be pasted into a destination document. It tests, for example, whether pasting is allowed by document permissions.
PDActionClipboardData PDActionCopy(PDAction action)
Copies action object data to a clipboard structure, from which it can be pasted. When the PDActionClipboardData is no longer required, it must be explicitly freed using PDActionDestroyClipboardData().
void PDActionDestroy(PDAction action)
Destroys an action object.
Destroys data that has been copied from an action object into a clipboard. Use this method when the clipboard data is no longer needed.
Compares two actions for equality. Two actions are equal only if their Cos objects are equal (see CosObjEqual()).
PDAction PDActionFromCosObj(CosObj obj)
Converts a dictionary Cos object to an action and verifies that the action is valid. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
CosObj PDActionGetCosObj(PDAction action)
Gets the Cos object corresponding to an action. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
PDViewDestination PDActionGetDest(PDAction action)
Gets an action's destination view. This only works for actions that contain a view destination; that is, actions whose subtype is GoTo.
PDFileSpec PDActionGetFileSpec(PDAction action)
Gets a file specification from an action.
ASAtom PDActionGetSubtype(PDAction action)
Gets an action's subtype.
ASBool PDActionIsValid(PDAction action)
Tests whether an action is valid. This method can be used in the following cases:
To determine whether a PDAction returned from a method is really an action. For example, calling PDLinkAnnotGetAction() returns an invalid action if no action is associated with the link annotation.
To ensure that an action has not been deleted.
Creates a new action object.
Creates a new action that takes the user to the specified destination view. This method can only be used for destinations in the same document as the source document. Cross-document links must be built up from the Cos level, populating the Action dictionary for the GotoR action as described in Section 8.5.3 in the PDF Reference.
Creates an action of the specified type from a file specification.
Creates a new PDAction in the destination document, using clipboard data generated by PDActionCopy(). If the original PDAction was an action chain, the entire action chain is recreated. The returned PDAction is the first item in the chain.
void PDRegisterActionHandler(PDActionHandler handler)
Registers a handler for PDAction operations.
PDAction |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef OPAQUE_64_BITS PDAction;
Actions are what happens when a user clicks on a link or bookmark. In addition, the Acrobat viewer allows a document to have an action that is executed automatically when the document is opened. Applications can also support actions in custom annotation types they add.
See Also
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PDActionClipboardData |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_PDActionClipboardData* PDActionClipboardData;
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PDActionHandler |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDActionHandler PDActionHandler;
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Line: 125 |
PDActionHandlerData |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef void* PDActionHandlerData;
Used to store PDAction data for copy and paste operations.
See Also
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Line: 136 |
PDActionHandlerRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDActionHandler PDActionHandlerRec;
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Line: 291 |
_t_PDActionHandler |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDActionHandler {
ASSize_t size;
void* userData;
PDActionHandlerGetTypeProc GetType;
PDActionHandlerCanCopyProc CanCopy;
PDActionHandlerCopyProc Copy;
PDActionHandlerCanPasteProc CanPaste;
PDActionHandlerPasteProc Paste;
PDActionHandlerDestroyDataProc DestroyData;
PDActionHandlerDestroyProc Destroy;
A data structure containing callbacks that implement an action manager. The callbacks provide copy-and-paste functionality for a particular type of action.
See Also
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Line: 263 |
size | The size of the data structure. It must be set to |
userData | ||
PDActionHandlerCanCopyProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDActionHandlerCanCopyProc)(PDActionHandler pdah, PDAction action)
(Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It returns true
if the copy operation is expected to succeed. It tests, for example, whether copying is allowed by document permissions.
See Also
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Line: 167 |
PDActionHandlerCanPasteProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDActionHandlerCanPasteProc)(PDActionHandler pdah, PDDoc dest, PDActionHandlerData data)
(Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It returns true
if the paste operation is expected to succeed. It tests, for example, whether pasting is allowed by document permissions.
See Also
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Line: 208 |
PDActionHandlerCopyProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDActionHandlerData (*PDActionHandlerCopyProc)(PDActionHandler pdah, PDAction action)
(Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It copies data from an action object to a new data structure, from which it can be pasted to a new document. The PDActionHandlerData does not store any information related to a Next action. Rebuilding the action chain is the responsibility of the caller and can be ignored by the PDActionHandler.
See Also
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Line: 187 |
PDActionHandlerDestroyDataProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*PDActionHandlerDestroyDataProc)(PDActionHandler pdah, PDActionHandlerData data)
A callback for PDActionHandler. It destroys data copied into an action clipboard data structure after it has been successfully pasted to a new document.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 244 |
PDActionHandlerDestroyProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*PDActionHandlerDestroyProc)(PDActionHandler pdah)
(Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It destroys the action handler structure when the application no longer requires it. The handler should destroy any dynamic memory stored in the userData
See Also
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Line: 255 |
PDActionHandlerGetTypeProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASAtom (*PDActionHandlerGetTypeProc)(PDActionHandler pdah)
A callback for PDActionHandler. It returns an ASAtom indicating the action type for which the handler is responsible. Types are defined by the client when registering the action handler.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 147 |
PDActionHandlerPasteProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDAction (*PDActionHandlerPasteProc)(PDActionHandler pdah, PDDoc dest, PDActionHandlerData data)
(Optional) A callback for PDActionHandler. It creates a new PDAction in the destination document using data that was placed in a PDActionClipboardA data structure using the PDActionCopy() function, and returns the new action object.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 228 |
PDActionCanCopy | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Tests whether the data from an action object can be copied to a clipboard for pasting. If the action is part of an action chain, the method tests all actions in the chain, and returns true
only if all actions in the chain can be copied.
action — | The action to test. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 8588 |
PDActionCanPaste | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDActionCanPaste(PDDoc dest, PDActionClipboardData data)
Tests whether data from an action object that has been copied to a clipboard can be pasted into a destination document. It tests, for example, whether pasting is allowed by document permissions.
dest — | The destination document. |
data — | The action data to test. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 8620 |
PDActionCopy | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDActionClipboardData PDActionCopy(PDAction action)
Copies action object data to a clipboard structure, from which it can be pasted. When the PDActionClipboardData is no longer required, it must be explicitly freed using PDActionDestroyClipboardData().
action — | The action to copy. |
The action clipboard data object. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 8603 |
PDActionDestroy | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDActionDestroy(PDAction action)
Destroys an action object.
action — | IN/OUT The action to destroy. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 116 |
PDActionDestroyClipboardData | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDActionDestroyClipboardData(PDActionClipboardData data)
Destroys data that has been copied from an action object into a clipboard. Use this method when the clipboard data is no longer needed.
data — | The clipboard action data to destroy. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 8658 |
PDActionEqual | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Compares two actions for equality. Two actions are equal only if their Cos objects are equal (see CosObjEqual()).
action — | The first actions to be compared. |
action2 — | The second action to be compared. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 156 |
PDActionFromCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Converts a dictionary Cos object to an action and verifies that the action is valid. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
obj — | The dictionary Cos object whose action is obtained. |
The PDAction corresponding to |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 211 |
PDActionGetCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the Cos object corresponding to an action. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
action — | IN/OUT The action whose Cos object is obtained. |
The dictionary Cos object for the action. The contents of the dictionary can be enumerated using CosObjEnum(). |
See Also
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Line: 194 |
PDActionGetDest | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDViewDestination PDActionGetDest(PDAction action)
Gets an action's destination view. This only works for actions that contain a view destination; that is, actions whose subtype is GoTo.
For named destinations, this method may return a Cos string object or a Cos name object. See Section 8.2.1 in the PDF Reference for more information on named destinations.
action — | The action whose destination is obtained. |
The action's destination, which may be a PDViewDestination, or for named destinations, a Cos string object or a Cos name object. Use the PDViewDestResolve() method on this returned value to obtain a PDViewDestination. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 181 |
PDActionGetFileSpec | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDFileSpec PDActionGetFileSpec(PDAction action)
Gets a file specification from an action.
Not all types of actions have file specifications; this method only works for actions that contain a file specification. See Section 8.5 in the PDF Reference for more information on the contents of various types of actions.
action — | The action whose file specification is obtained. |
The action's file specification. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 226 |
PDActionGetSubtype | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets an action's subtype.
action — | IN/OUT The action whose subtype is obtained. |
The ASAtom corresponding to the action's subtype. The ASAtom can be converted to a string using ASAtomGetString(). |
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PDActionIsValid | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Tests whether an action is valid. This method can be used in the following cases:
To determine whether a PDAction returned from a method is really an action. For example, calling PDLinkAnnotGetAction() returns an invalid action if no action is associated with the link annotation.
To ensure that an action has not been deleted.
action — | The action whose validity is determined. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 134 |
PDActionNew | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Creates a new action object.
doc — | The document in which the action is created. |
type — | The ASAtom corresponding to the action's subtype. The ASAtom can be obtained from a string using ASAtomFromString(). |
The newly created PDAction. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 67 |
PDActionNewFromDest | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDAction PDActionNewFromDest(PDDoc doc, PDViewDestination dest, PDDoc destDoc)
Creates a new action that takes the user to the specified destination view. This method can only be used for destinations in the same document as the source document. Cross-document links must be built up from the Cos level, populating the Action dictionary for the GotoR action as described in Section 8.5.3 in the PDF Reference.
doc — | The document in which the action is created and used. |
dest — | The destination view. |
destDoc — | The destination document. |
The newly created action. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 88 |
PDActionNewFromFileSpec | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDAction PDActionNewFromFileSpec(PDDoc containingDoc, ASAtom type, PDFileSpec fileSpec)
Creates an action of the specified type from a file specification.
containingDoc — | The document in which the action is created and used. |
type — | The type of action to create. |
fileSpec — | The file specification that is made part of an action. |
The newly created PDAction. |
See Also
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Line: 105 |
PDActionPaste | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDAction PDActionPaste(PDDoc dest, PDActionClipboardData data)
Creates a new PDAction in the destination document, using clipboard data generated by PDActionCopy(). If the original PDAction was an action chain, the entire action chain is recreated. The returned PDAction is the first item in the chain.
When the data is no longer needed, use PDActionDestroyClipboardData() to free the structure.
dest — | The destination document for the paste operation. |
data — | The clipboard structure holding the copied action data. |
A newly created action object (or the first such object in the action chain) associated with the specified document, containing the same data as the copied action. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 8645 |
PDRegisterActionHandler | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDRegisterActionHandler(PDActionHandler handler)
Registers a handler for PDAction operations.
handler — | A pointer to a structure containing the action handler's callbacks. This structure must not be freed after this call, but must be retained. |
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