Layer | PD_Layer |
Object | PDViewDest |
A PDViewDest represents a particular view of a page in a document. It contains a reference to a page, a rectangle on that page, and information specifying how to adjust the view to fit the window's size and shape. It corresponds to a PDF Dest array (see Named Destinations in Section 8.2, Document-Level Navigation, in the PDF Reference) and can be considered a special form of a PDAction.
PDViewDest provides a number of methods to get or set the attributes describing the location and size of the view, including the page, rectangle, and fit style.
Define | ||
PDViewDestNULL |
Typedef | ||
A particular view of a page in a document. It contains a reference to a page, a rectangle on that page, and information specifying how to adjust the view to fit the window's size and shape. It corresponds to a PDF Dest array and can be considered a special form of a PDAction.
Method | ||
PDViewDestination PDViewDestCreate(PDDoc doc, PDPage initialPage, ASAtom initialFitType, const ASFixedRectP initialRect, const ASFixed initialZoom, ASInt32 pageNumber)
Creates a new view destination object.
void PDViewDestDestroy(PDViewDestination dest)
Deletes a view destination object. Before deleting a view destination, ensure that no link or bookmark refers to it.
PDViewDestination PDViewDestFromCosObj(CosObj obj)
Converts the specified Cos object to a view destination and verifies that the view destination is valid. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
void PDViewDestGetAttr(PDViewDestination dest, ASInt32* pageNum, ASAtom* fitType, ASFixedRectP destRect, ASFixed* zoom)
Gets a view destination's fit type, destination rectangle, and zoom factor. The destination must be represented by an array, which is the case for a GoToR action.
CosObj PDViewDestGetCosObj(PDViewDestination dest)
Gets the Cos object corresponding to a view destination and verifies that the view destination is valid. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
ASBool PDViewDestIsValid(PDViewDestination dest)
Tests whether a view destination is valid. This is intended only to ensure that the view destination has not been deleted, not to ensure that all necessary information is present and valid.
Resolves a destination. dest is the value of the D key in an action. It can be a real destination (an array) or a name. If it is a name, look it up in the doc parameter's Dests dictionary. The value found there can be a real destination (an array) or a dictionary. If it is a dictionary, look up the D key in that dictionary.
PDViewDestNULL |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDViewDestNULL fixedNegativeInfinity
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PDViewDestination |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef OPAQUE_64_BITS PDViewDestination;
A particular view of a page in a document. It contains a reference to a page, a rectangle on that page, and information specifying how to adjust the view to fit the window's size and shape. It corresponds to a PDF Dest array and can be considered a special form of a PDAction.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
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PDViewDestCreate | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDViewDestination PDViewDestCreate(PDDoc doc, PDPage initialPage, ASAtom initialFitType, const ASFixedRectP initialRect, const ASFixed initialZoom, ASInt32 pageNumber)
Creates a new view destination object.
doc — | The document in which the destination is used. |
initialPage — | The destination page. |
initialFitType — | The destination fit type. It must be one of the View Destination Fit Types, which must be converted into an ASAtom with ASAtomFromString(). |
initialRect — | A pointer to an ASFixedRect specifying the destination rectangle, specified in user space coordinates. The appropriate information will be extracted from |
initialZoom — | The zoom factor to set for the destination. Used only if |
pageNumber — | Currently unused. |
The newly created view destination. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 4330 |
PDViewDestDestroy | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDViewDestDestroy(PDViewDestination dest)
Deletes a view destination object. Before deleting a view destination, ensure that no link or bookmark refers to it.
dest — | IN/OUT The view destination to destroy. |
See Also
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PDViewDestFromCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDViewDestination PDViewDestFromCosObj(CosObj obj)
Converts the specified Cos object to a view destination and verifies that the view destination is valid. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
obj — | IN/OUT The dictionary Cos object to convert to a view destination. |
An array Cos object for the view destination. |
See Also
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Line: 4412 |
PDViewDestGetAttr | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDViewDestGetAttr(PDViewDestination dest, ASInt32* pageNum, ASAtom* fitType, ASFixedRectP destRect, ASFixed* zoom)
Gets a view destination's fit type, destination rectangle, and zoom factor. The destination must be represented by an array, which is the case for a GoToR action.
dest — | IN/OUT The view destination whose attributes are obtained. |
pageNum — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The page number of the destination's page. |
fitType — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The destination fit type. One of the values listed in View Destination Fit Types. |
destRect — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a ASFixedRect containing the destination's rectangle, specified in user space coordinates. |
zoom — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The destination's zoom factor. |
See Also
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PDViewDestGetCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
CosObj PDViewDestGetCosObj(PDViewDestination dest)
Gets the Cos object corresponding to a view destination and verifies that the view destination is valid. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
dest — | IN/OUT The view destination whose Cos object is obtained. |
Array Cos object for the view destination. The contents of the array can be enumerated using CosObjEnum(). It returns a |
See Also
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PDViewDestIsValid | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDViewDestIsValid(PDViewDestination dest)
Tests whether a view destination is valid. This is intended only to ensure that the view destination has not been deleted, not to ensure that all necessary information is present and valid.
dest — | The view destination whose validity is determined. |
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PDViewDestResolve | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDViewDestination PDViewDestResolve(PDViewDestination dest, PDDoc doc)
Resolves a destination. dest
is the value of the D key in an action. It can be a real destination (an array) or a name. If it is a name, look it up in the doc
parameter's Dests dictionary. The value found there can be a real destination (an array) or a dictionary. If it is a dictionary, look up the D key in that dictionary.
This method is useful for getting a PDViewDestination from an action, as provided by PDActionGetDest(), since this method may not return a PDViewDestination.
This method can raise memory, I/O, and parsing exceptions.
dest — | IN/OUT The destination to resolve. |
doc — | IN/OUT The PDDoc that contains the destination. |
The resolved view destination. |
See Also
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