
A PDPage is a page in a document, corresponding to the PDF Page object (see Page Objects in Section 3.6.2, Page Tree, in the PDF Reference).

Among other associated objects, a page contains:

Define Summary
Takes ASext as input. If set we use this profile as blending profile. kPDPageDisplayOverPrintPreviewStr must be set for this to get honored.
Directly imposed page.
Display overprint preview.
Const strings used as ASCab keys when passing PDPageDrawFlags. These are valid only for calls to PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx and PDPageDrawContentsToWindowEx2.
Do not substitute working spaces.
Draw smooth image using bicubic resampling. This option can have performance overhead.
Draw smooth image.
Draw smooth line art.
Draw smooth text.
Emit a page group.
Ignore Isolated and Knockout transparency at page boundary.
The page is being printed.
PostScript printing.
Pass metadata to AGM port.
Pass optional content to AGM port.
Pass open prepress interface (OPI) to AGM port.
Supress raster alpha.
Render colors in BGR order rather than RGB. It is only valid for calls to PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx() and only when outputing to an RGB colorspace.
Draw annotation appearances.
User printer's mark annotations.
If set, only consider Stamp annotations. This overrides kPDPageUseAnnotFaces.
Use trap network annotations.
If this is set, only use a working space instead of a device space if the process color model of the target device is different than that of the source.
Typedef Summary
A single page in the PDF representation of a document. Just as PDF files are partially composed of their pages, PDDoc objects are composed of PDPage objects. A page contains a series of objects representing the objects drawn on the page (PDGraphic), a list of resources used in drawing the page, annotations (PDAnnot), an optional thumbnail image of the page, and the beads used in any articles that occur on the page. The first page in a PDDoc is page 0.
A 0-based page number for use in AVPageView and AVDoc methods. Negative for special values.
Enumeration Summary
Different logical areas on a page.
Bit flags indicating how a page is rendered.
Bit flags indicating how a page is rendered.
Bit flags indicating which page marks are emitted for color separations.
An enumerated data type that specifies whether thumbnail images or bookmarks are shown.
Structure Summary
Represents an ink used on a page.
Specifies a range of pages in a document. Page numbers begin with 0.
A data structure used by PDPageStmGetToken(). It contains information about the current page contents token.
Callback Summary
Used for enumerating the inks on a page via PDPageEnumInks().
A callback for PDPageStmGetInlineImage(). It should be called when inline image data is encountered in PDPageStmGetToken(). This method may be called multiple times for one inline image. If so, each call provides sequential data for the image.
A callback used by PDPageStmGetToken(). It is called when the length of a string token exceeds kPDPageStmStringMax bytes (see PDExpT.h) in PDPageStmGetToken().
Method Summary
Increments the page's reference count. After you are done using the page, release it using PDPageRelease(). If PDPageRelease() is not called, it could block the document containing the page from being closed. To avoid such problems use the CSmartPDPage class as it ensures that the page is released as it goes out of scope.
void PDPageAddAnnot(PDPage aPage, ASInt32 addAfter, PDAnnot annot)
Adds an annotation at the specified location in a page's annotation array.
void PDPageAddCosContents(PDPage page, CosObj newContents)
Completely replaces the contents of the specified page with newContents.
void PDPageAddCosResource(PDPage page, const char* resType, const char* resName, CosObj resObj)
Adds a Cos resource to a page object. See Section 3.7.2 in the PDF Reference for a description of page resources.
PDAnnot PDPageAddNewAnnot(PDPage aPage, ASInt32 addAfter, ASAtom subType, const ASFixedRect* initialRect)
Adds an annotation to the page. To make the annotation visible after adding it, convert the coordinates of initialRect to device coordinates using AVPageViewRectToDevice(), then call AVPageViewInvalidateRect() using the converted rectangle. This method is equivalent to calling PDPageCreateAnnot() followed by PDPageAddAnnot().
Embeds an output intent into specified page.
void PDPageContentsDidChange(PDPage page, void* clientData)
The contents of a page have changed and the page will be redrawn.
void PDPageContentsDidChangeEx(PDPage page, ASBool invalidateViews, void* clientData)
The contents of a page changed. Unlike PDPageContentsDidChange() , this notification specifies whether the page is redrawn immediately.
PDAnnot PDPageCreateAnnot(PDPage aPage, ASAtom subType, const ASFixedRect* initialLocation)
Creates a new annotation, associated with the specified page's CosDoc, but not added to the page. Use PDPageAddAnnot() to add the annotation to the page.
void PDPageCreatePrintRecord(void* devmode, ASBool* bl, void* clientData)
void PDPageDidAddAnnot(PDPage page, PDAnnot annot, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
An annotation was added to a page.
void PDPageDidPrintAnnot(PDAnnot annot, ASInt32 page, ASInt32 status, void* clientData)
Clients who register for PDPageDidPrintAnnot() will be called after the annotation has printed. status indicates whether Acrobat tried to print any representation of this annotation.
void PDPageDidPrintAnnots(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 page, ASStm stm, void* clientData)
Annotations were printed.
void PDPageDidRedraw(PDPage page, void* clientData)
Sent when the page is redrawn via PDPageRedraw().
void PDPageDidRemoveAnnot(PDPage page, ASInt32 annotIndex, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
Superseded by PDPageDidRemoveAnnotEx() in Acrobat 6.0.
void PDPageDidRemoveAnnotEx(PDPage page, PDAnnot removedAnnot, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)
Supersedes PDPageDidRemoveAnnot() in Acrobat 6.0 and later.
void PDPageDirectDrawToPlatform(void* clientData)
void PDPageDrawContentsToWindow(PDPage page, void* window, void* displayContext, ASBool isDPS, ASFixedMatrix* matrix, ASFixedRect* updateRect, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)
Draws the contents of a page into the specified window.
void PDPageDrawContentsToWindowEx(PDPage page, void* window, void* displayContext, ASBool isDPS, ASFixedMatrix* matrix, ASUns32 flags, ASFixedRect* updateRect, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)
Provides control over the rendering of annotations on the page to be drawn into window. It provides the ability to specify the flags passed in to the PDPageDrawContentsToWindows() function.
void PDPageDrawContentsToWindowEx2(PDPage page, void* window, void* displayContext, ASBool isDPS, ASDoubleMatrix* matrix, ASCab flags, ASDoubleRect* updateRect, ASCancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)
Draws the contents of a page into the specified window.
Provides control over the rendering of contents on the page, including both those parameters you would pass to PDPageDrawContentsToWindowEx(), and an optional-content context that determines which contents are visible.
void PDPageEnumContents(PDPage page, PDGraphicEnumMonitor mon, void* clientData)
Enumerates the contents of a page, calling a procedure for each drawing object in the page description.
void PDPageEnumInks(PDPage pdPage, PDPageEnumInksCallback proc, void* clientData, ASBool includeOPI)
Enumerates the inks for a page, calling the supplied procedure for each PDPageInk structure.
void PDPageEnumInksEx(PDPage pdPage, PDPageEnumInksCallback proc, void* clientData, ASBool includeOPI, ASAtom colorModel)
Enumerates the inks for a page, calling the supplied procedure for each PDPageInk structure. This differs from PDPageEnumInks() in that it allows the process color model to be passed in.
void PDPageEnumOCGs(PDPage pdPage, PDOCGEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)
Enumerates the optional-content groups for the page, calling the supplied procedure for each one. Enumeration continues until all groups have been enumerated, or until enumProc returns false. Each group is reported once, even if it is referenced multiple times in the page.
void PDPageEnumResources(PDPage page, PDResourceEnumMonitor mon, void* clientData)
(Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Enumerates the page's resources, calling an enumeration procedure for each resource.
ASBool PDPageFlattenOC(PDPage pdPage, PDOCContext context)
Replaces the page's contents with a version that has no optional content, containing only what was visible on the page when the call was made.
PDAnnot PDPageGetAnnot(PDPage aPage, ASInt32 annotIndex)
Gets the annotIndex annotation on the page.
ASInt32 PDPageGetAnnotIndex(PDPage aPage, PDAnnot anAnnot)
Gets the index of a given annotation object on a given page.
Returns the sequence number of the specified annotation for the given page. It is applicable only to annotations that are listed in Acrobat's Comments pane and therefore cannot be summarized using Summarize command (as would be the case for link and widget annotations, for example).
void PDPageGetBBox(PDPage page, ASFixedRect* bboxP)
Gets the bounding box for a page. The bounding box is the rectangle that encloses all text, graphics, and images on the page.
ASBool PDPageGetBox(PDPage page, ASAtom boxName, ASFixedRect* box)
Returns the box specified for the page object intersected with the media box. If the value for boxName is CropBox, this call is equivalent to PDPageGetCropBox(); if the value is MediaBox, this call is equivalent to PDPageGetMediaBox().
CosObj PDPageGetCosObj(PDPage page)
Gets the dictionary Cos object associated with a page. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
Gets the Cos object corresponding to a page's resource dictionary. A page's resource Cos object may either be directly in the Page Cos object and apply only to the page. Or, it may be in the Pages tree, be shared by multiple pages, and applies to all Page nodes below the point in the Pages tree where it is located.
void PDPageGetCropBox(PDPage page, ASFixedRect* cropBoxP)
Gets the crop box for a page. The crop box is the region of the page to display and print.
void PDPageGetDefaultMatrix(PDPage pdPage, ASFixedMatrix* defaultMatrix)
Gets the matrix that transforms user space coordinates to rotated and cropped coordinates. The origin of this space is the bottom-left of the rotated, cropped page. Y is increasing.
PDDoc PDPageGetDoc(PDPage page)
Gets the document that contains the specified page.
Gets the page's automatic-advance timing value, which is the maximum amount of time the page is displayed before the viewer automatically advances to the next page.
Gets the matrix that transforms user space coordinates to rotated and cropped coordinates. The origin of this space is the top-left of the rotated, cropped page. Y is decreasing.
void PDPageGetMediaBox(PDPage page, ASFixedRect* mediaBoxP)
Gets the media box for a page. The media box is the natural size of the page (for example, the dimensions of an A4 sheet of paper).
ASInt32 PDPageGetNumAnnots(PDPage aPage)
Gets the number of annotations on a page. Annotations associated with pop-up windows (such as strikeouts) are counted as two annotations. Widget annotations (form fields) are included in the count.
ASInt32 PDPageGetNumber(PDPage page)
Gets the page number for the specified page.
PDOCG* PDPageGetOCGs(PDPage pdPage)
Gets the optional-content groups for the document.
ASBool PDPageGetPalette(PDPage page, void* displayContext, char* table)
Useful for obtaining the static, platform-specific palette; the bitmap must be already selected into the displayContext to get the palette. This API was exposed for the purpose of the ImageConversion plug-in. When that code uses PDPageDrawContentsToWindow() to get a bitmap from AGM, it needs the palette that AGM used in order to get the correct results.
void PDPageGetPrintMatrix(PDPage page, ASFixedMatrix* matrix, void* clientData)
Sent when the PDF Library has calculated the PostScript Print Page matrix. The PostScript Print Page matrix provides the mapping from user space to PS output space. The matrix can be used to calculate the PostScript page bounding box.
PDRotate PDPageGetRotate(PDPage page)
Gets the rotation value for a page.
Gets the transition for a given page.
Returns the UserUnit value for the page. If the key is not present in the page dictionary the default of 1.0 is returned.
void PDPageGetVisibleBBox(PDPage page, PDOCContext ocContext, ASBool includeAnnots, ASFixedRect* fr)
Gets the bounding box for a given page for those contents that are visible in the given optional-content context. The bounding box is the rectangle that encloses the visible text, graphics, and images on the page.
Checks whether a page contains overprint (with qualifications).
Tests whether a page has a transition.
ASBool PDPageHasTransparency(PDPage pdPage, ASBool includeAnnotAppearances)
Checks whether a page uses any transparency features.
Generates print color separations for a page.
Broadcasts a PDPageContentsDidChange() notification. If the Acrobat viewer is version 2.1 or later, also broadcasts a PDPageContentsDidChangeEx() notification with invalidateViews set to true.
void PDPageNotifyContentsDidChangeEx(PDPage page, ASBool invalidateViews)
Broadcasts a PDPageContentsDidChange() notification and a PDPageContentsDidChangeEx() notification. These notify the Acrobat viewer that a page's contents have been modified, and tells the Acrobat viewer whether to redraw the page immediately.
ASInt32 PDPageNumFromCosObj(CosObj pageObj)
Gets the page number of the page specified by a Cos object.
Decrements the specified page's reference count.
void PDPageRemoveAnnot(PDPage aPage, ASInt32 annotIndex)
Removes an annotation from the specified page. Annotations are stored in Cos arrays, which are automatically compressed when an annotation is removed (see CosArrayRemove()). For this reason, if you use a loop in which you remove annotations, structure the code so the loop processes from the highest to the lowest index. If you loop the other direction, you will skip over annotations immediately following ones you remove.
Removes the contents of the specified page.
void PDPageRemoveCosResource(PDPage page, const char* resType, const char* resName)
Removes a Cos resource from a page object. See Section 3.7.2 in the PDF Reference for a description of page resources.
void PDPageSetBox(PDPage page, ASAtom boxName, ASFixedRect box)
Sets the box specified by boxName for the page.
void PDPageSetCropBox(PDPage page, ASFixedRect cropBox)
Sets the crop box for a page. The crop box is the region of the page to display and print. This method ignores the request if either the width or height of cropBox is less than 72 points (one inch).
void PDPageSetDuration(PDPage pdp, ASFixed fxDuration)
Sets the page's automatic-advance timing value, which is the maximum amount of time the page is displayed before the viewer automatically advances to the next page.
void PDPageSetMediaBox(PDPage page, ASFixedRect mediaBox)
Sets the media box for a page. The media box is the natural size of the page, for example, the dimensions of an A4 sheet of paper.
void PDPageSetRotate(PDPage page, PDRotate angle)
Sets the rotation value for a page.
Sets the transition for a given page.
void PDPageSetUserUnitSize(PDPage page, float unitSize)
Set the UserUnit value for a page.
ASUns32 PDPageStmGetInlineImage(ASStm stm, ASUns32 flags, CosDoc cosDoc, CosObj resDict, PDPageStmImageDataProc proc, void* procClientData, ASUns32* imageRawDataStmOffsetP, ASUns32* imageRawDataLenP, CosObj* imageDict)
Reads a PDF page content inline image from a stream. The stream is typically obtained by getting the Cos stream for a page contents or a Form contents, and calling CosStreamOpenStm() to open the stream using the filtered mode. This method is called after a BI token has been read from the stream. BI indicates that the following tokens comprise an inline image dictionary and data.
ASUns32 PDPageStmGetToken(ASStm stm, ASUns32 flags, PDPageStmStringOverflowProc proc, void* procClientData, PDPageStmToken pageStmToken)
Reads a PDF page content token from a stream. The stream is typically obtained by getting the Cos stream for a page contents or a Form contents, and calling CosStreamOpenStm() to open the stream using the filtered mode.
void PDPageWillAddAnnot(PDPage page, ASInt32 addAfter, PDAnnot annot, void* clientData)
An annotation will be added to a page.
void PDPageWillPrintAnnot(PDAnnot annot, ASInt32 page, void* clientData)
Clients who register for this notification will be notified just before an annotation is expected to print. This notification allows clients that manage annotations to prepare the appearance of the annotation for printing purposes. There is no requirement that the annot referred to in this parameter list actually has a print appearance.
void PDPageWillPrintAnnots(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 page, ASStm stm, void* clientData)
Clients who register for PDPageWillPrintAnnots() will be called before the printed representations of any annotations have been emitted. If a page has no annotations, this will not be called. If a page has annotations, this will be called. There may not be any code emitted for the annotations on that page, however, since they may not have any appearance for printing. The status parameter passed in the PDPageDidPrintAnnot() will indicate this.
void PDPageWillRemoveAnnot(PDPage page, ASInt32 annotIndex, void* clientData)
An annotation will be removed from a page.
Defines Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define _PagePDEContentHFT_IS_BETA 0

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#define _PagePDEContentHFT_LAST_BETA_COMPATIBLE_VERSION 0x00060000

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Line: 97
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#define _PagePDEContentHFT_LATEST_VERSION 0x00060000

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Line: 96
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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageBlendingProfileValueStr "BlendingProfileDesc"


Takes ASext as input. If set we use this profile as blending profile. kPDPageDisplayOverPrintPreviewStr must be set for this to get honored.

See Also

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Line: 1239
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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageDirectlyImposedStr "DirectlyImposed"


Directly imposed page.

See Also

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Line: 1129
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageDisplayOverPrintPreviewStr "DisplayOverPrintPreview"


Display overprint preview.

See Also

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Line: 1111
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageDoLazyEraseStr "DoLazyErase"


Const strings used as ASCab keys when passing PDPageDrawFlags. These are valid only for calls to PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx and PDPageDrawContentsToWindowEx2.

See Also

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Line: 1075
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageDoNotSubstituteWorkingSpacesStr "DoNotSubstituteWorkingSpaces"


Do not substitute working spaces.

See Also

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Line: 1192
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageDrawSmoothBicubicImageStr "SmoothImageUsingBicubicResampling"


Draw smooth image using bicubic resampling. This option can have performance overhead.

See Also

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Line: 1328
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageDrawSmoothImageStr "SmoothImage"


Draw smooth image.

See Also

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Line: 1320
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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageDrawSmoothLineArtStr "SmoothLineArt"


Draw smooth line art.

See Also

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Line: 1312
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageDrawSmoothTextStr "SmoothText"


Draw smooth text.

See Also

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Line: 1304
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageEmitPageGroupStr "EmitPageGroup"


Emit a page group.

See Also

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Line: 1147
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageEnableMatrixCorrectionStr "EnableMatrixCorrection"

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Line: 1331
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageIgnoreIsolatedAndKnockoutTransparencyGroupStr "IgnoreIsolatedAndKnockoutTransparencyGroup"


Ignore Isolated and Knockout transparency at page boundary.

See Also

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Line: 1084
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageIsPrintingStr "IsPrinting"


The page is being printed.

See Also

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Line: 1102
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageIsPSPrintingStr "IsPSPrinting"


PostScript printing.

See Also

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Line: 1138
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPagePassMetadatatoAGMPortStr "PassMetadatatoAGMPort"


Pass metadata to AGM port.

See Also

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Line: 1174
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPagePassOCtoAGMPortStr "PassOCtoAGMPort"


Pass optional content to AGM port.

See Also

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Line: 1183
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPagePassOPItoAGMPortStr "PassOPItoAGMPort"


Pass open prepress interface (OPI) to AGM port.

See Also

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Line: 1165
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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageStmSkipComments 0x0001

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#define kPDPageStmStringMax 256

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#define kPDPageStmTokenHexString 0x0001

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Line: 3866
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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageSuppressRasterAlphaStr "SuppressRasterAlpha"


Supress raster alpha.

See Also

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Line: 1210
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageSwapComponentsStr "SwapComponents"


Render colors in BGR order rather than RGB. It is only valid for calls to PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx() and only when outputing to an RGB colorspace.

See Also

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Line: 1202
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageUseAnnotFacesStr "UseAnnotFaces"


Draw annotation appearances.

See Also

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Line: 1093
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageUsePrinterMarkAnnotsStr "UsePrinterMarkAnnots"


User printer's mark annotations.

See Also

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Line: 1156
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageUseStampAnnotsOnlyStr "UseStampAnnotsOnly"


If set, only consider Stamp annotations. This overrides kPDPageUseAnnotFaces.

See Also

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Line: 1229
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageUseTrapAnnotsStr "UseTrapAnnots"


Use trap network annotations.

See Also

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Line: 1120
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kPDPageWorkingSpacesOnlyForChangeStr "WorkingSpacesOnlyForChange"


If this is set, only use a working space instead of a device space if the process color model of the target device is different than that of the source.

See Also

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#define PagePDEContentHFT_VERSION_4 0x00040000

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#define PagePDEContentHFT_VERSION_5 0x00050000

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#define PagePDEContentHFT_VERSION_6 0x00060000

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define PagePDEContentHFTName "PagePDEContent"

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Typedefs Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef struct _t_PDPage* PDPage;

A single page in the PDF representation of a document. Just as PDF files are partially composed of their pages, PDDoc objects are composed of PDPage objects. A page contains a series of objects representing the objects drawn on the page (PDGraphic), a list of resources used in drawing the page, annotations (PDAnnot), an optional thumbnail image of the page, and the beads used in any articles that occur on the page. The first page in a PDDoc is page 0.

See Also

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typedef _t_PDPageInkRec PDPageInk;

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typedef _t_PDPageInkRec PDPageInkRec;

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typedef ASInt32 PDPageNumber;

A 0-based page number for use in AVPageView and AVDoc methods. Negative for special values.

See Also


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typedef _t_PDPageRange PDPageRange;

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typedef _t_PDPageStmToken PDPageStmToken;

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typedef _t_PDPageStmToken PDPageStmTokenRec;

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Enumeration Detail
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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum PDPageArea {

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum PDPageDrawFlags {
 kPDPageDoLazyErase = 0x00000001,
 kPDPageIgnoreIsolatedAndKnockoutTransparencyGroup = 0x00000010,
 kPDPageUseAnnotFaces = 0x00000040,
 kPDPageIsPrinting = 0x00000080,
 kPDPageDisplayOverPrintPreview = 0x00000100,
 kPDPageUseTrapAnnots = 0x00002000,
 kPDPageDirectlyImposed = 0x00004000,
 kPDPageIsPSPrinting = 0x00008000,
 kPDPageEmitPageGroup = 0x00010000,
 kPDPageUsePrinterMarkAnnots = 0x00020000,
 kPDPagePassOPItoAGMPort = 0x00040000,
 kPDPagePassMetadatatoAGMPort = 0x00080000,
 kPDPagePassOCtoAGMPort = 0x00100000,
 kPDPageDoNotSubstituteWorkingSpaces = 0x00800000,
 kPDPageSwapComponents = 0x01000000,
 kPDPageSuppressRasterAlpha = 0x02000000,
 kPDPageWorkingSpacesOnlyForChange = 0x04000000,
 kPDPageUseStampAnnotsOnly = 0x08000000

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Erase the page while rendering only as needed.


Ignore Isolated and Knockout transparency at page boundary.


Draw annotation appearances.


The page is being printed.


Display overprint preview.


Use trap network annotations.


Directly imposed page.


PostScript printing.


Emit a page group.


User printer's mark annotations.


Pass open prepress interface (OPI) to AGM port.


Pass metadata to AGM port.


Pass optional content to AGM port.


Do not substitute working spaces.


Render colors in BGR order rather than RGB. It is only valid for calls to PDPageDrawContentsToMemory() and only when outputing to an RGB colorspace.


Supress raster alpha.


If this is set, only use a working space instead of a device space if the process color model of the target device is different than that of the source


If set, only consider Stamp annotations. This overrides kPDPageUseAnnotFaces.

Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum PDPageDrawFlagsPI {
 kPDPageDoLazyErasePI = 0x00000001,
 kPDPageIgnoreIsolatedAndKnockoutTransparencyGroupPI = 0x00000010,
 kPDPageUseAnnotFacesPI = 0x00000040,
 kPDPageIsPrintingPI = 0x00000080,
 kPDPageDisplayOverPrintPreviewPI = 0x00000100,
 kPDPageUseTrapAnnotsPI = 0x00002000,
 kPDPageDirectlyImposedPI = 0x00004000,
 kPDPageIsPSPrintingPI = 0x00008000,
 kPDPageEmitPageGroupPI = 0x00010000,
 kPDPageUsePrinterMarkAnnotsPI = 0x00020000,
 kPDPagePassOPItoAGMPortPI = 0x00040000,
 kPDPagePassMetadatatoAGMPortPI = 0x00080000,
 kPDPagePassOCtoAGMPortPI = 0x00100000,
 kPDPageDoNotSubstituteWorkingSpacesPI = 0x00800000,
 kPDPageSwapComponentsPI = 0x01000000,
 kPDPageSuppressRasterAlphaPI = 0x02000000,
 kPDPageWorkingSpacesOnlyForChangePI = 0x04000000,
 kPDPageUseStampAnnotsOnlyPI = 0x08000000

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Erase the page while rendering only as needed.


Ignore Isolated and Knockout transparency at page boundary.


Draw annotation appearances.


The page is being printed.


Display overprint preview.


Use trap network annotations.


Directly imposed page.


PostScript printing.


Emit a page group.


User printer's mark annotations.


Pass open prepress interface (OPI) to AGM port.


Pass metadata to AGM port.


Pass optional content to AGM port.


Do not substitute working spaces.


Render colors in BGR order rather than RGB. It is only valid for calls to PDPageDrawContentsToMemory() and only when outputing to an RGB colorspace.


Supress raster alpha.


If this is set, only use a working space instead of a device space if the process color model of the target device is different than that of the source


If set, only consider Stamp annotations. This overrides kPDPageUseAnnotFaces.

Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum PDPageDrawSmoothFlags {
 kPDPageDrawSmoothText = 0x00000001,
 kPDPageDrawSmoothLineArt = 0x00000002,
 kPDPageDrawSmoothImage = 0x00000004,
 kPDPageDrawSmoothBicubicImage = 0x00000008,
 kPDPageEnableMatrixCorrection = 0x000000010

See Also

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Line: 1280


Draw smooth text.


Draw smooth line art.


Draw smooth image.


Draw smooth image using bicubic resampling. This option can have performance overhead

Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum PDPageMarkFlags {
 kPDPageEmitColorBars = 0x0001,
 kPDPageEmitRegMarks = 0x0002,
 kPDPageEmitCropMarks = 0x0004,
 kPDPageEmitBleedMarks = 0x0008,
 kPDPageEmitPageInfo = 0x0010,
 kPDPageEmitTrimMarks = 0x0020,
 kPDPageEmitSlurMarks = 0x0040

See Also


One of the enum member "kPDPageEmitSlurMarks" is deprecated and it has no effect on printing.

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Line: 434


enum kPDPageEmitColorBars.


enum kPDPageEmitRegMarks.


enum kPDPageEmitCropMarks.


enum kPDPageEmitBleedMarks.


enum kPDPageEmitPageInfo.


enum kPDPageEmitTrimMarks.


Deprecated It has no effect on printing.

Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum PDPageMode {

See Also


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Line: 1940


Leaves the view mode as is.


Displays the document, but displays neither thumbnails nor bookmarks.


Displays the document plus thumbnails.


Displays the document plus bookmarks.


Displays the document in full-screen viewing mode. This is equivalent to AVAppBeginFullScreen().


Displays the document plus attachments.

Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum PDPageTilingMode {
 kPDNoPageTiling = 0,

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Print all pages normally


Use tiling settings for all pages


Use tiling only for pages larger than size indicated in PDTileRec of tileInfo

Structure Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_PDPageInkRec {
 ASSize_t size; 
 ASAtom colorantName; 
 ASBool isProcessColor; 
 ASUns8 whatToDo; 
 ASUns8 r; 
 ASUns8 g; 
 ASUns8 b; 
 float frequency; 
 float angle; 
 ASUns8 inkType; 
 ASInt32 trapSequence; 
 float cyan; 
 float magenta; 
 float yellow; 
 float black; 
 float density; 
 ASAtom alias; 

Represents an ink used on a page.

See Also


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Line: 5855


The size of the structure. It must be set to sizeof(PDPageInkRec).


The name of the colorant from the Separation or DeviceN colorspace, or the process color name.


true if this is a process color, false if this is a spot color.


How to handle the colorant for a separation preview. Its value can be:

  • kEmitColorant

  • kDontEmitColorant

  • kConvertToProcess


RGB values for on-screen display of a colorswatch.


The frequency for this ink.


The angle for this ink.


The ink type for this ink.


The trap sequence for this ink.


The neutral density for this ink.


Alias this spot to another.

Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_PDPageRange {
 ASInt32 startPage; 
 ASInt32 endPage; 
 ASInt32 pageSpec; 

Specifies a range of pages in a document. Page numbers begin with 0.

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The starting page number.


The ending page number.


The pages in the range to print. It must be one of: PDAllPages, PDEvenPagesOnly, or PDOddPagesOnly.

Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_PDPageStmToken {
 ASSize_t size; 
 CosType type; 
 ASUns32 flags; 
 ASInt32 iVal; 
 char sVal[kPDPageStmStringMax]; 
 ASSize_t sValLen; 

A data structure used by PDPageStmGetToken(). It contains information about the current page contents token.

See Also

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Line: 3887


The size of this record. It is to be filled in by the caller.


The type of token.


Additional information about the token (for example, indicating a hex string).


The value of the token if it is a CosInteger, ASFixed, or Name.


The value of the token if it is a CosString.


The number of bytes in sVal.

Callbacks Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*PagePDEContentDidChangeNPROTO)(PDPage pdPage, PDEContent pagesPDEContent)

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Line: 115
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*PagePDEContentNotCachedNPROTO)(PDPage pdPage, PDEContent pagesPDEContent)

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Line: 117
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool (*PDPageEnumInksCallback)(PDPageInk ink, void *clientData)

Used for enumerating the inks on a page via PDPageEnumInks().

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Line: 5906
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool (*PDPageStmImageDataProc)(ASUns8 *data, ASSize_t dataLen, void *clientData)

A callback for PDPageStmGetInlineImage(). It should be called when inline image data is encountered in PDPageStmGetToken(). This method may be called multiple times for one inline image. If so, each call provides sequential data for the image.

See Also

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Line: 3939
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*PDPageStmStringOverflowProc)(char *sVal, ASSize_t sValLen, void *clientData)

A callback used by PDPageStmGetToken(). It is called when the length of a string token exceeds kPDPageStmStringMax bytes (see PDExpT.h) in PDPageStmGetToken().

See Also

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Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageAcquirePage(PDPage pdPage)

Increments the page's reference count. After you are done using the page, release it using PDPageRelease(). If PDPageRelease() is not called, it could block the document containing the page from being closed. To avoid such problems use the CSmartPDPage class as it ensures that the page is released as it goes out of scope.


pdPage — 

IN The page whose reference count is to be incremented.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00070000.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageAddAnnot(PDPage aPage, ASInt32 addAfter, PDAnnot annot)

Adds an annotation at the specified location in a page's annotation array.


aPage — 

The page to which the annotation is added.

addAfter — 

The index into the page's annotation array where the annotation is added. See Section 8.4 in the PDF Reference for a description of the annotation array. The first annotation in the array has an index of zero. Passing a value of -2 adds the annotation to the end of the array. Passing other negative values produces undefined results.

annot — 

The annotation to add.

See Also


pdErrOpNotPermitted is raised if:



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3345
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageAddCosContents(PDPage page, CosObj newContents)

Completely replaces the contents of the specified page with newContents.


page — 

IN/OUT The page whose Cos contents are replaced.

newContents — 

IN/OUT A stream Cos object or an array Cos object containing the new contents (stream Cos objects) for page.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageAddCosResource(PDPage page, const char* resType, const char* resName, CosObj resObj)

Adds a Cos resource to a page object. See Section 3.7.2 in the PDF Reference for a description of page resources.

The necessary dictionaries are created automatically if the page does not already have any resources of the type specified by resType, or does not have a Resources dictionary. For example, if you specify a font resource, but the page does not already have a font resource dictionary, this method automatically creates one and puts the font you specify into it.

ProcSet resources cannot be added using this method; they must be added using Cos-level methods to:


page — 

The page to which a resource is added.

resType — 

The resource type. The named resource types in PDF are: ExtGState, ColorSpace, Pattern, Shading, XObject, Font, and Properties. Although ProcSet is also a valid resource type, it cannot be added by this method.

resName — 

The resource name (for example, the name of a font might be F1).

resObj — 

The Cos object being added as a resource to page.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDAnnot PDPageAddNewAnnot(PDPage aPage, ASInt32 addAfter, ASAtom subType, const ASFixedRect* initialRect)

Adds an annotation to the page. To make the annotation visible after adding it, convert the coordinates of initialRect to device coordinates using AVPageViewRectToDevice(), then call AVPageViewInvalidateRect() using the converted rectangle. This method is equivalent to calling PDPageCreateAnnot() followed by PDPageAddAnnot().

The PDPageWillAddAnnot() and PDPageDidAddAnnot() notifications are broadcast before the PDPageAddNewAnnot() method returns. If you want to finish formatting the annotation before these notifications are called, for example, by adding additional key-value pairs to the annotation dictionary, you should call PDPageCreateAnnot() followed by PDPageAddAnnot() instead of PDPageAddNewAnnot().


aPage — 

The page to which the annotation is added.

addAfter — 

Where to add the annotation in the page's annotation array. See Section 8.4 in the PDF Reference for a description of the annotation array. Passing a value of -2 adds the annotation to the end of the array (this is generally what you should do unless you have a need to place the annotation at a special location in the array). Passing a value of -1 adds the annotation to the beginning of the array. Passing other negative values produces undefined results.

subType — 

The subtype of the annotation to add.

initialRect — 

A pointer to a rectangle specifying the annotation's bounds, specified in user space coordinates.


The newly created annotation.

See Also


pdErrOpNotPermitted is raised if:



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3318
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageColorConvertEmbedOutputIntent(PDPage page, AC_Profile OIProfile, ASAtom subtype)

Embeds an output intent into specified page.


page — 

The page in which to embed the output intent.

OIProfile — 

The parameter from which to get the output intent, described as the target space.

subtype — 

The ASAtom for the name of output intent subtype created. The subtype must be one of the following: GTS_PDFX, GTS_PDFA1, or ISO_PDFE1.

File: AcroColorProcs.h
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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageContentsDidChange(PDPage page, void* clientData)

The contents of a page have changed and the page will be redrawn.


page — 

The page whose contents changed.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().

See Also


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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageContentsDidChangeEx(PDPage page, ASBool invalidateViews, void* clientData)

The contents of a page changed. Unlike PDPageContentsDidChange() , this notification specifies whether the page is redrawn immediately.


page — 

The page whose contents changed.

invalidateViews — 

If true, the page is redrawn immediately. If false, redrawing is suppressed.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().

See Also


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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDAnnot PDPageCreateAnnot(PDPage aPage, ASAtom subType, const ASFixedRect* initialLocation)

Creates a new annotation, associated with the specified page's CosDoc, but not added to the page. Use PDPageAddAnnot() to add the annotation to the page.

If you want to create an annotation that prints even if the annotation handler is not present, you must provide an appearance for it. To do this, add an appearance key (AP) to the annotation dictionary, in which you place the Forms XObject for the Normal (N), Rollover (R), and Down (D) appearances; only the Normal appearance is required. Also, add a flags field (F) to the annotation dictionary and set the appropriate value for the bit field. A value of 4, which displays the annotation if the handler is not present, shows the annotation, and allows printing it, is recommended.


aPage — 

The page to whose PDDoc the annotation is added.

subType — 

The subtype of annotation to create.

initialLocation — 

A pointer to a rectangle specifying the annotation's bounds, specified in user space coordinates.


The newly created annotation.

See Also


pdErrOpNotPermitted is raised if:



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageCreatePrintRecord(void* devmode, ASBool* bl, void* clientData)



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageDidAddAnnot(PDPage page, PDAnnot annot, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)

An annotation was added to a page.


page — 

The page to which the annotation was added.

annot — 

The annotation that was added.

error — 

The error code. error is set to 0 if no errors occurred while adding the annotation. If an error occurred, error contains the error code.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().

See Also


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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageDidPrintAnnot(PDAnnot annot, ASInt32 page, ASInt32 status, void* clientData)

Clients who register for PDPageDidPrintAnnot() will be called after the annotation has printed. status indicates whether Acrobat tried to print any representation of this annotation.


annot — 

The annotation that Acrobat tried to print.

page — 

The page on which the annotation occurs.

status — 

A status of 0 indicates that no representation of the annotation was found. A status of 1 indicates the annotation was printed.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().

See Also



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageDidPrintAnnots(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 page, ASStm stm, void* clientData)

Annotations were printed.


doc — 

The document containing the annotations.

page — 

The page containing the annotations.

stm — 

The PostScript print stream used when printing to a PostScript printer, and NULL when printing to a non-PostScript printer. When printing to a PostScript printer, clients can write printing commands into stm (using ASStmWrite() ) to add marks to pages before any other marks have been made.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().

See Also



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageDidRedraw(PDPage page, void* clientData)

Sent when the page is redrawn via PDPageRedraw().


page — 

The page being redrawn.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageDidRemoveAnnot(PDPage page, ASInt32 annotIndex, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)

Superseded by PDPageDidRemoveAnnotEx() in Acrobat 6.0.

An annotation has been removed from a page.


page — 

The page from which an annotation was removed.

annotIndex — 

The index (in the page's annotation array) of the annotation that was removed. Because the annotation has already been removed from the array, it is not possible to access the annotation using annotIndex.

error — 

The error code. error is set to 0 if no errors occurred while removing the annotation. If an error occurred, error contains the error code.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().

See Also


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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageDidRemoveAnnotEx(PDPage page, PDAnnot removedAnnot, ASInt32 error, void* clientData)

Supersedes PDPageDidRemoveAnnot() in Acrobat 6.0 and later.

An annotation has been removed from a page.


page — 

The page from which an annotation was removed.

removedAnnot — 

The annotation object that was removed.

error — 

The error code. error is set to 0 if no errors occurred while removing the annotation. If an error occurred, error contains the error code.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().

See Also


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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageDirectDrawToPlatform(void* clientData)



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Windows, UNIX


void PDPageDrawContentsToWindow(PDPage page, void* window, void* displayContext, ASBool isDPS, ASFixedMatrix* matrix, ASFixedRect* updateRect, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)

Draws the contents of a page into the specified window.

This method just draws a bitmap to the window. If you want a live document, you need to open an AVDoc for the PDF file.

The page can also be derived from a PDDoc.

On UNIX, this method cannot be used to draw into a window. UNIX developers should instead use AVDocOpenFromASFileWithParamString() to draw PDF files into their own window from a client.


page — 

The page to draw into window.

window — 

A pointer to a platform-dependent window object (HWND on Windows, or WindowPtr). On Windows, to draw into an offscreen DC, pass NULL for window.

displayContext — 

A platform-dependent display context structure (HDC on Windows). Note that displayContext cannot be reliably used as the hDC for a printer device.

isDPS — 

Currently unused. Always set it to false.

matrix — 

A pointer to the matrix to concatenate onto the default page matrix. It is useful for converting from page to window coordinates and for scaling.

updateRect — 

A pointer to the rectangle to draw, defined in user space coordinates. Any objects outside of updateRect will not be drawn. All objects are drawn if updateRect is NULL.

cancelProc — 

The procedure called periodically to check for the user's cancelling of the drawing operation. The default cancel proc can be obtained using AVAppGetCancelProc(). It may be NULL, in which case no cancel proc is used.

cancelProcClientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to cancelProc each time it is called. It should be NULL if cancelProc is NULL.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000


This method cannot be reliably used to print to a device.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Windows, UNIX


void PDPageDrawContentsToWindowEx(PDPage page, void* window, void* displayContext, ASBool isDPS, ASFixedMatrix* matrix, ASUns32 flags, ASFixedRect* updateRect, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)

Provides control over the rendering of annotations on the page to be drawn into window. It provides the ability to specify the flags passed in to the PDPageDrawContentsToWindows() function.


page — 

The page to draw into window.

window — 

A pointer to a platform-dependent window object (HWND on Windows, or WindowPtr). On Windows, to draw into an offscreen DC, pass NULL for window.

displayContext — 

A platform-dependent display context structure (HDC on Windows). Note that displayContext cannot be reliably used as the hDC for a printer device.

isDPS — 

Currently unused. Always set it to false.

matrix — 

A pointer to the matrix to concatenate onto the default page matrix. It is useful for converting from page to window coordinates and for scaling.

flags — 

See PDPageDrawFlagsPI for possible values.

updateRect — 

A rectangle represented by the coordinates of its four sides.

cancelProc — 

A procedure called periodically to check for the user's cancelling of the drawing operation. The default cancel procedure can be obtained using AVAppGetCancelProc(). It may be NULL in which case no cancel procedure is used.

cancelProcClientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to cancelProc each time it is called. It should be NULL if cancelProc is NULL.

See Also




PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00050000


(Acrobat 5.0 Implementation) This function can only be called with a flags value of 0. The function is not supported with any other values for flags. flags = 0 means do not render the annotation faces. If you want to draw to a window with annotations, you should call the original PDPageDrawContentsToWindow(). In general, Adobe recommends that you not use PDPageDrawContentsToWindowsEx() in the Acrobat 5.0 release unless you have a specific need to prevent the drawing of annotations.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Windows, UNIX


void PDPageDrawContentsToWindowEx2(PDPage page, void* window, void* displayContext, ASBool isDPS, ASDoubleMatrix* matrix, ASCab flags, ASDoubleRect* updateRect, ASCancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)

Draws the contents of a page into the specified window.

This method just draws a bitmap to the window. If you want a live document, you need to open an AVDoc for the PDF file.

The page can also be derived from a PDDoc.

On UNIX, this method cannot be used to draw into a window. UNIX developers should instead use AVDocOpenFromASFileWithParamString() to draw PDF files into their own window from a client.


page — 

The page to draw into window.

window — 

A pointer to a platform-dependent window object (HWND on Windows, or WindowPtr). On Windows, to draw into an offscreen DC, pass NULL for window.

displayContext — 

A platform-dependent display context structure (HDC on Windows). Note that displayContext cannot be reliably used as the hDC for a printer device.

isDPS — 

Currently unused. Always set it to false.

matrix — 

A pointer to the matrix to concatenate onto the default page matrix. It is useful for converting from page to window coordinates and for scaling.

flags — 

See PDPageDrawFlagsPI for possible values.

updateRect — 

A pointer to the rectangle to draw, defined in user space coordinates. Any objects outside of updateRect will not be drawn. All objects are drawn if updateRect is NULL.

cancelProc — 

The procedure called periodically to check for the user's cancelling of the drawing operation. The default cancel proc can be obtained using AVAppGetCancelProc(). It may be NULL, in which case no cancel proc is used.

cancelProcClientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to cancelProc each time it is called. It should be NULL if cancelProc is NULL.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000


This method cannot be reliably used to print to a device.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Windows, UNIX


void PDPageDrawContentsWithParams(PDPage page, PDDrawParams params)

Provides control over the rendering of contents on the page, including both those parameters you would pass to PDPageDrawContentsToWindowEx(), and an optional-content context that determines which contents are visible.


page — 

The page to draw.

params — 

The parameters with which to draw the page, including the optional-content context to use for content visibility.

See Also




PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00060000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageEnumContents(PDPage page, PDGraphicEnumMonitor mon, void* clientData)

Enumerates the contents of a page, calling a procedure for each drawing object in the page description.


page — 

IN/OUT The page whose contents are enumerated.

mon — 

IN/OUT A pointer to a structure containing user-supplied callbacks that are called for each drawing operator on a page. Enumeration ends if any procedure returns false.

clientData — 

IN/OUT A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to mon each time it is called.


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000


This method is provided only for backwards compatibility. It has not been updated beyond PDF Version 1.1 and may not work correctly for newly created PDF 1.2 or later files. You should use the PDFEdit API to enumerate page contents.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageEnumInks(PDPage pdPage, PDPageEnumInksCallback proc, void* clientData, ASBool includeOPI)

Enumerates the inks for a page, calling the supplied procedure for each PDPageInk structure.

For the DeviceCMYK_K process color model, it always finds the four inks Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black, which are marked as process inks. The RGB values in the PDPageInk structure are the RGB equivalents (in system monitor space) of 100% of the ink, which can be used to show color swatches for a given ink.

If the inks are part of a DeviceN colorspace which has not been defined in a Colorants dictionary or elsewhere in a Separation colorspace, the color of the swatch is undefined.

This call finds all color spaces that are in a color space dictionary within the page, even if they are not used by the page contents.


pdPage — 

The page whose contents are enumerated.

proc — 

The user-supplied callback procedure to be applied to each ink. Enumeration ends if any procedure returns false.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to proc each time it is called.

includeOPI — 

If true, enumerate inks contained in OPI dictionaries.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00060000

File: PDProcs.h
Line: 8200
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageEnumInksEx(PDPage pdPage, PDPageEnumInksCallback proc, void* clientData, ASBool includeOPI, ASAtom colorModel)

Enumerates the inks for a page, calling the supplied procedure for each PDPageInk structure. This differs from PDPageEnumInks() in that it allows the process color model to be passed in.

For the DeviceCMYK_K process color model, it always finds the four inks Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black, which are marked as process inks. The RGB values in the PDPageInk structure are the RGB equivalents (in system monitor space) of 100% of the ink, which can be used to show color swatches for a given ink.

If the inks are part of a DeviceN color space which has not been defined in a Colorants dictionary or elsewhere in a Separation color space, the color of the swatch is undefined.

This call finds all color spaces that are in a color space dictionary within the page, even if they are not used by the page contents.


pdPage — 

The page whose contents are enumerated.

proc — 

The user-supplied callback procedure to be applied to each ink. Enumeration ends if any procedure returns false.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to proc each time it is called.

includeOPI — 

If true, enumerate inks contained in OPI dictionaries.

colorModel — 

CMYK_K, RGB_K, or Gray_K.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00060000

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Line: 11176
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageEnumOCGs(PDPage pdPage, PDOCGEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)

Enumerates the optional-content groups for the page, calling the supplied procedure for each one. Enumeration continues until all groups have been enumerated, or until enumProc returns false. Each group is reported once, even if it is referenced multiple times in the page.


pdPage — 

The page whose groups are enumerated.

enumProc — 

A user-supplied callback to call for each group. Enumeration terminates if proc returns false.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to enumProc each time it is called.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00060000

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Line: 9044
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageEnumResources(PDPage page, PDResourceEnumMonitor mon, void* clientData)

(Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Enumerates the page's resources, calling an enumeration procedure for each resource.

Instead of this method, use PDDocEnumOCGs().


page — 

The page whose Cos resources are enumerated.

mon — 

A pointer to a structure containing user-supplied callbacks that are called for each of the page's resources. Enumeration ends if any procedure returns false.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to each procedure in mon when it is called.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000


This method is provided only for backwards compatibility. It has not been updated beyond PDF Version 1.1 and may not work correctly for newly created PDF 1.2 or later files.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDPageFlattenOC(PDPage pdPage, PDOCContext context)

Replaces the page's contents with a version that has no optional content, containing only what was visible on the page when the call was made.


pdPage — 

The page to be modified.

context — 

The optional-content context in which content is checked for visibility.


true if the operation is successful, false otherwise.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00060000

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Line: 10340
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDAnnot PDPageGetAnnot(PDPage aPage, ASInt32 annotIndex)

Gets the annotIndex annotation on the page.


aPage — 

IN/OUT The page on which the annotation is located.

annotIndex — 

IN/OUT The index of the annotation to get on a page. The first annotation on a page has an index of zero.


The indexed annotation object.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3273
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 PDPageGetAnnotIndex(PDPage aPage, PDAnnot anAnnot)

Gets the index of a given annotation object on a given page.


aPage — 

IN/OUT The page to which the annotation is attached.

anAnnot — 

IN/OUT The annotation whose index is obtained.


The annotation's index. It returns -1 if the annotation is not on the page.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3390
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 PDPageGetAnnotSequence(PDPage page, PDAnnot annot)

Returns the sequence number of the specified annotation for the given page. It is applicable only to annotations that are listed in Acrobat's Comments pane and therefore cannot be summarized using Summarize command (as would be the case for link and widget annotations, for example).

This method is similar to PDPageGetAnnotIndex() but it checks the information flags from the annotation handler's PDAnnotHandlerGetAnnotInfoFlagsProc() to determine whether the PDAnnotOperationSummarize flag is set, meaning that the annotation has a sequence number.


page — 

The page on which the annotation exists.

annot — 

The annotation for which the sequence number is desired.


The sequence number of the specified annotation; or -1 if the annotation is not in the page or if it is an annotation that cannot be summarized.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00040000


The sequence number is one-based, while the index returned by PDPageGetAnnotIndex() is zero-based.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageGetBBox(PDPage page, ASFixedRect* bboxP)

Gets the bounding box for a page. The bounding box is the rectangle that encloses all text, graphics, and images on the page.


page — 

The page whose bounding box is obtained.

bboxP — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to a rectangle specifying the page's bounding box, specified in user space coordinates.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3180
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDPageGetBox(PDPage page, ASAtom boxName, ASFixedRect* box)

Returns the box specified for the page object intersected with the media box. If the value for boxName is CropBox, this call is equivalent to PDPageGetCropBox(); if the value is MediaBox, this call is equivalent to PDPageGetMediaBox().


page — 

The page whose box is obtained.

boxName — 

An ASAtom representing the type of box. It can have values such as ArtBox, BleedBox, CropBox, TrimBox, or MediaBox.

box — 

(Filled by the method) An ASFixedRect specifying the page's box.


true if the requested box was specified for the page, false otherwise.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 7748
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj PDPageGetCosObj(PDPage page)

Gets the dictionary Cos object associated with a page. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.


page — 

IN/OUT The page whose Cos object is obtained.


The dictionary Cos object associated with page.


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3064
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj PDPageGetCosResources(PDPage page)

Gets the Cos object corresponding to a page's resource dictionary. A page's resource Cos object may either be directly in the Page Cos object and apply only to the page. Or, it may be in the Pages tree, be shared by multiple pages, and applies to all Page nodes below the point in the Pages tree where it is located.


page — 

IN/OUT The page whose Cos resources are obtained.


The dictionary Cos object associated with the page's resource.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3421
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageGetCropBox(PDPage page, ASFixedRect* cropBoxP)

Gets the crop box for a page. The crop box is the region of the page to display and print.


page — 

The page whose crop box is obtained.

cropBoxP — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to a rectangle specifying the page's crop box, specified in user space coordinates.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3149
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageGetDefaultMatrix(PDPage pdPage, ASFixedMatrix* defaultMatrix)

Gets the matrix that transforms user space coordinates to rotated and cropped coordinates. The origin of this space is the bottom-left of the rotated, cropped page. Y is increasing.


pdPage — 

The page whose default transformation matrix is obtained.

defaultMatrix — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to the default transformation matrix.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3195
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDDoc PDPageGetDoc(PDPage page)

Gets the document that contains the specified page.


page — 

IN/OUT The page whose document is obtained.


The document that contains the page.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3053
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFixed PDPageGetDuration(PDPage pdp)

Gets the page's automatic-advance timing value, which is the maximum amount of time the page is displayed before the viewer automatically advances to the next page.


pdp — 

The page whose timing value is obtained.


The automatic-advance timing for the page, in seconds. If the page does not have an advance timing value, fxDefaultPageDuration is returned (representing positive infinity, meaning that it never advances).

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020002

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Line: 5799
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageGetFlippedMatrix(PDPage pdPage, ASFixedMatrix* flipped)

Gets the matrix that transforms user space coordinates to rotated and cropped coordinates. The origin of this space is the top-left of the rotated, cropped page. Y is decreasing.


pdPage — 

The page whose flipped transformation matrix is obtained.

flipped — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to the flipped transformation matrix.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3210
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageGetMediaBox(PDPage page, ASFixedRect* mediaBoxP)

Gets the media box for a page. The media box is the natural size of the page (for example, the dimensions of an A4 sheet of paper).


page — 

IN/OUT The page whose media box is obtained.

mediaBoxP — 

IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a rectangle specifying the page's media box, specified in user space coordinates.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3118
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 PDPageGetNumAnnots(PDPage aPage)

Gets the number of annotations on a page. Annotations associated with pop-up windows (such as strikeouts) are counted as two annotations. Widget annotations (form fields) are included in the count.


aPage — 

The page for which the number of annotations is obtained.


The number of annotations on aPage.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3403
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 PDPageGetNumber(PDPage page)

Gets the page number for the specified page.


page — 

IN/OUT The page whose page number is obtained.


The page within the document. The first page is 0.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3032
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDOCG PDPageGetOCGs(PDPage pdPage)

Gets the optional-content groups for the document.


pdPage — 

The page whose OCGs are obtained.


A NULL-terminated array of PDOCG objects. The client is responsible for freeing the array with ASfree().

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00060000

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Line: 9076
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDPageGetPalette(PDPage page, void* displayContext, char* table)

Useful for obtaining the static, platform-specific palette; the bitmap must be already selected into the displayContext to get the palette. This API was exposed for the purpose of the ImageConversion plug-in. When that code uses PDPageDrawContentsToWindow() to get a bitmap from AGM, it needs the palette that AGM used in order to get the correct results.


page — 

The page whose palette is obtained.

displayContext — 

The bitmap.

table — 

(Filled by the method) The palette.


true if the palette was returned, false otherwise.


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 8159
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageGetPrintMatrix(PDPage page, ASFixedMatrix* matrix, void* clientData)

Sent when the PDF Library has calculated the PostScript Print Page matrix. The PostScript Print Page matrix provides the mapping from user space to PS output space. The matrix can be used to calculate the PostScript page bounding box.


page — 

The PDPage that is being printed.

matrix — 

The Page matrix, which is passed to the client.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using PDFLibraryRegisterNotification() .

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDRotate PDPageGetRotate(PDPage page)

Gets the rotation value for a page.


page — 

IN/OUT The page whose rotation is obtained.


Rotation value for the given page. It must be one of the PDRotate values.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3089
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDTrans PDPageGetTransition(PDPage pdp)

Gets the transition for a given page.


pdp — 

The page whose transition is obtained.


The page's transition. If the page has no transition, it returns a NULL transition.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020002

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Line: 5774
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


float PDPageGetUserUnitSize(PDPage page)

Returns the UserUnit value for the page. If the key is not present in the page dictionary the default of 1.0 is returned.


page — 

The page whose UserUnit value is being obtained.


The value of UserUnit from the page dictionary, or a default value of 1.0 if not present.

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Line: 11109
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageGetVisibleBBox(PDPage page, PDOCContext ocContext, ASBool includeAnnots, ASFixedRect* fr)

Gets the bounding box for a given page for those contents that are visible in the given optional-content context. The bounding box is the rectangle that encloses the visible text, graphics, and images on the page.


page — 

The page whose visible-content bounding box is obtained.

ocContext — 

The context within which the contents are visible.

includeAnnots — 

When true, include annotations as content that must be visible to affect the bounding box. When false, annotations are not considered at all.

fr — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to a rectangle specifying the page's visible content bounding box, specified in user space coordinates. The client must not pass NULL.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00060002

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Line: 10601
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDPageHasOverprintExt(PDPage pdPage)

Checks whether a page contains overprint (with qualifications).


pdPage — 

The page to check.


true only if the page contains overprint.


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Line: 11718
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDPageHasTransition(PDPage pdp)

Tests whether a page has a transition.


pdp — 

The page to test.


true if the page has a transition, false otherwise.


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020002

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Line: 5762
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDPageHasTransparency(PDPage pdPage, ASBool includeAnnotAppearances)

Checks whether a page uses any transparency features.


pdPage — 

The page to check.

includeAnnotAppearances — 

If true, annotation appearances are included in the check; if false annotation appearances will be ignored.


true only if the page uses any transparency features.


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00050000


To determine whether the page uses transparency, the resources of the page must be enumerated (though the page contents do not need to be parsed). The page resources may not be optimized for slow (browser-based) connections, so calling PDPageHasTransparency() before the page has been downloaded may cause unpleasant read behavior and performance problems.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageMakeSeparations(PDPage pdPage, PDHostSepsSpec spec)

Generates print color separations for a page.

This is the entry point for creating separations for a single page. The spec structure contains an array of PDHostSepsPlate pointers, (typically based on the page inks reported by PDPageEnumInks()), with settings such as what to do on each plate and the output stream for plates that are being produced. The client owns the memory for the array and all of the records in it, and is responsible for disposing of all allocated memory.

On completion, the marked flags in the wasColorSet field of the plates indicate whether each plate was marked, meaning that any marking operation happened, even if it was clipped away or knocked out later. The special All colorant in a Separation color space does not affect the marked flags.

For Adobe Reader and Acrobat Standard, this method does nothing.


pdPage — 

The page.

spec — 

The separation specification structure containing parameters for the generation.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00060000

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Line: 8231
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageNotifyContentsDidChange(PDPage page)

Broadcasts a PDPageContentsDidChange() notification. If the Acrobat viewer is version 2.1 or later, also broadcasts a PDPageContentsDidChangeEx() notification with invalidateViews set to true.

You must use this method after using Cos methods to change a page's contents. Do not use this method if you use PDPageAddCosContents() or PDPageRemoveCosContents() to change a page's contents, because those methods automatically generate the appropriate notifications.

Use PDPageNotifyContentsDidChangeEx() instead of this method if you wish to suppress the Acrobat viewer's immediate redraw of the page.


page — 

IN/OUT The page that changed.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3021
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageNotifyContentsDidChangeEx(PDPage page, ASBool invalidateViews)

Broadcasts a PDPageContentsDidChange() notification and a PDPageContentsDidChangeEx() notification. These notify the Acrobat viewer that a page's contents have been modified, and tells the Acrobat viewer whether to redraw the page immediately.

You must use this method after using Cos methods to change a page's contents. Do not use this method if you use PDPageAddCosContents() or PDPageRemoveCosContents() to change a page's contents, because those methods automatically generate the appropriate notifications.

If your plug-in must be compatible with version 2.0 of the Acrobat viewer, you must use PDPageNotifyContentsDidChange() instead.


page — 

The page that changed.

invalidateViews — 

true if the Acrobat viewer redraws the page view, false otherwise. This allows plug-ins to make a sequence of modifications to a page's contents, without having the entire page flash after each modification. Passing true for invalidateViews is equivalent to calling PDPageNotifyContentsDidChange().

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020001

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Line: 5341
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 PDPageNumFromCosObj(CosObj pageObj)

Gets the page number of the page specified by a Cos object.


pageObj — 

IN/OUT The dictionary Cos object for the page whose number is obtained.


The page within the document (the first page in a document is page number zero).

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000


Do not call this method with a NULL Cos object.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageRelease(PDPage page)

Decrements the specified page's reference count.


page — 

IN/OUT The page whose reference count is decremented.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3043
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageRemoveAnnot(PDPage aPage, ASInt32 annotIndex)

Removes an annotation from the specified page. Annotations are stored in Cos arrays, which are automatically compressed when an annotation is removed (see CosArrayRemove()). For this reason, if you use a loop in which you remove annotations, structure the code so the loop processes from the highest to the lowest index. If you loop the other direction, you will skip over annotations immediately following ones you remove.


aPage — 

The page from which the annotation is removed.

annotIndex — 

The index (into the page's annotation array) of the annotation to remove.

See Also


pdErrOpNotPermitted is raised if:



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3374
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageRemoveCosContents(PDPage page)

Removes the contents of the specified page.


page — 

IN/OUT The page whose Cos contents are removed.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3500
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageRemoveCosResource(PDPage page, const char* resType, const char* resName)

Removes a Cos resource from a page object. See Section 3.7.2 in the PDF Reference for a description of page resources.


page — 

The page whose Cos resources are removed.

resType — 

The resource type. The named resource types in PDF are: ExtGState, ColorSpace, Pattern, Shading, XObject, Font, ProcSet, and Properties.

resName — 

The resource name (for example, the name of a font might be F1).

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3490
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageSetBox(PDPage page, ASAtom boxName, ASFixedRect box)

Sets the box specified by boxName for the page.

This method may throw exceptions.


page — 

IN/OUT The page for which the box is to be set.

boxName — 

IN/OUT An ASAtom representing the type of box. The box names are:

  • ArtBox

  • BleedBox

  • CropBox

  • TrimBox

  • MediaBox

box — 

IN/OUT An ASFixedRect specifying the coordinates to set for the box.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 7774
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageSetCropBox(PDPage page, ASFixedRect cropBox)

Sets the crop box for a page. The crop box is the region of the page to display and print. This method ignores the request if either the width or height of cropBox is less than 72 points (one inch).


page — 

The page whose crop box is set.

cropBox — 

A rectangle specifying the page's crop box, specified in user space coordinates.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3165
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageSetDuration(PDPage pdp, ASFixed fxDuration)

Sets the page's automatic-advance timing value, which is the maximum amount of time the page is displayed before the viewer automatically advances to the next page.


pdp — 

The page whose timing is set.

fxDuration — 

The auto-advance timing, in seconds. If no advance timing is desired, fxDuration should be set to fxDefaultPageDuration.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020002

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Line: 5813
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageSetMediaBox(PDPage page, ASFixedRect mediaBox)

Sets the media box for a page. The media box is the natural size of the page, for example, the dimensions of an A4 sheet of paper.


page — 

IN/OUT The page whose media box is set.

mediaBox — 

IN/OUT Rectangle specifying the page's media box, specified in user space coordinates.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3135
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageSetRotate(PDPage page, PDRotate angle)

Sets the rotation value for a page.


page — 

The page whose rotation is set.

angle — 

Rotation value to be set for a given page. It must be one of the PDRotate values.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 3102
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageSetTransition(PDPage pdp, PDTrans pdt)

Sets the transition for a given page.


pdp — 

The page whose transition is set.

pdt — 

The transition for the page.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020002

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Line: 5785
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageSetUserUnitSize(PDPage page, float unitSize)

Set the UserUnit value for a page.


page — 

The page whose UserUnit value is being set.

unitSize — 

UserUnit value to be set for the page dictionary. The default value is 1.0.


genErrBadParm is raised if unitSize <= 0.0 .

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASUns32 PDPageStmGetInlineImage(ASStm stm, ASUns32 flags, CosDoc cosDoc, CosObj resDict, PDPageStmImageDataProc proc, void* procClientData, ASUns32* imageRawDataStmOffsetP, ASUns32* imageRawDataLenP, CosObj* imageDict)

Reads a PDF page content inline image from a stream. The stream is typically obtained by getting the Cos stream for a page contents or a Form contents, and calling CosStreamOpenStm() to open the stream using the filtered mode. This method is called after a BI token has been read from the stream. BI indicates that the following tokens comprise an inline image dictionary and data.

It begins reading at the current stream position. It returns the number of bytes read. This is the number of bytes read from the stream and indicates the amount by which the stream position has advanced.

The image attributes dictionary is returned in imageDict. The image data is passed to the PDPageStmImageDataProc(); if proc is not provided, the image data is discarded.

imageRawDataStmOffsetP and imageRawDataLenP may be NULL, in which case they are ignored.

The caller should call CosObjDestroy() on imageDict when it is done.

This method can raise memory, I/O, and parsing exceptions.


stm — 

The stream from which data is read.

flags — 

The CosDoc with the PDPage that contains the inline image.

cosDoc — 

The Resources dictionary in which to look up ColorSpace resources for inline images.

resDict — 

Currently unused by this method (used by PDPageStmGetToken().)

proc — 

A callback method to handle inline image data.

procClientData — 

Client data passed to proc.

imageRawDataStmOffsetP — 

(Filled by the method) The offset of the data stream, after BI, relative to the beginning of stm.

imageRawDataLenP — 

(Filled by the method) The offset of the last byte of the data stream between the BI and EI PDF operators.

imageDict — 

(Filled by the method) The returned image dictionary.


The number of bytes read from stm.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020002

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASUns32 PDPageStmGetToken(ASStm stm, ASUns32 flags, PDPageStmStringOverflowProc proc, void* procClientData, PDPageStmToken pageStmToken)

Reads a PDF page content token from a stream. The stream is typically obtained by getting the Cos stream for a page contents or a Form contents, and calling CosStreamOpenStm() to open the stream using the filtered mode.

It begins reading at the current stream position, and reads exactly one token. It returns the number of bytes read. This is the number of bytes read from the stream and indicates the amount by which the stream position has advanced. The end-of-stream criteria (loop terminating condition) is the following:

If the token is an integer, real (ASFixed), or ASBool, then the value is returned in pageStmToken.iVal. If the token is a string or a name, the value is returned in pageStmToken.sVal, and the length of the token is in pageStmToken.sValLen. Strings are not NULL-terminated, but names are NULL-terminated. If a string length is greater than kPDPageStmStringMax, the PDPageStmStringOverflowProc() is called repeatedly with portions of the string. On return from PDPageStmGetToken, the value of pageStmToken.sValLen is zero, and pageStmToken.sVal is empty (ival, sVal, and sValLen are components of the PDPageStmToken). If there is no overflow proc, then the first kPDPageStmStringMax bytes of the string will be returned in pageStmToken.sVal, and the remaining bytes are lost. The value of pageStmToken.sValLen is kPDPageStmStringMax in this case.

If the token is BI (begin inline image), PDPageStmGetInlineImage() should be called to parse the inline image.

This method can raise memory, I/O, and parsing exceptions.


stm — 

The stream from which data is read.

flags — 

A bit field of options such as 'skip comments' (kPDPageStmSkipComments means skip comments during token generation).

proc — 

A callback method to handle long strings.

procClientData — 

Client data passed to the callback method.

pageStmToken — 

The returned token.


The number of bytes read from stm.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020002

File: PDProcs.h
Line: 5591
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageWillAddAnnot(PDPage page, ASInt32 addAfter, PDAnnot annot, void* clientData)

An annotation will be added to a page.


page — 

The page to which the annotation will be added.

addAfter — 

The index in the page's annotation array after which the annotation will be added.

annot — 

The annotation that will be added.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().

See Also


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Line: 869
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageWillPrintAnnot(PDAnnot annot, ASInt32 page, void* clientData)

Clients who register for this notification will be notified just before an annotation is expected to print. This notification allows clients that manage annotations to prepare the appearance of the annotation for printing purposes. There is no requirement that the annot referred to in this parameter list actually has a print appearance.


annot — 

The annotation to print.

page — 

The page on which the annotation occurs.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().


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Line: 2102
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageWillPrintAnnots(PDDoc doc, ASInt32 page, ASStm stm, void* clientData)

Clients who register for PDPageWillPrintAnnots() will be called before the printed representations of any annotations have been emitted. If a page has no annotations, this will not be called. If a page has annotations, this will be called. There may not be any code emitted for the annotations on that page, however, since they may not have any appearance for printing. The status parameter passed in the PDPageDidPrintAnnot() will indicate this.


doc — 

The document containing the annotations.

page — 

The page to be printed.

stm — 

The PostScript print stream used when printing to a PostScript printer, and NULL when printing to a non-PostScript printer. When printing to a PostScript printer, clients can write printing commands into stm (using ASStmWrite() ) to add marks to pages before any other marks have been made.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().

See Also



File: PIPokes.h
Line: 1943
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDPageWillRemoveAnnot(PDPage page, ASInt32 annotIndex, void* clientData)

An annotation will be removed from a page.


page — 

The page from which an annotation will be removed.

annotIndex — 

The index (in the page's annotation array) of the annotation that will be removed. Use PDPageGetAnnot() to obtain the annotation from its index.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().

See Also


File: PIPokes.h
Line: 901