
This is the abstract superclass for all annotations (see Section 8.4, Annotations, in the PDF Reference). Acrobat has two built-in annotation classes: PDTextAnnot and PDLinkAnnot. Plug-ins add movie, Widget (form field), and other annotation types. You can define new annotation subtypes by creating new annotation handlers (see Developing Plug-ins and Applications). There are no objects of type PDAnnot, but you can use PDAnnot methods on any subclass of PDAnnot.

The Acrobat SDK provides three useful macros to cast among PDAnnot and its text annotation and link annotation subclasses (see PDExpT.h). These are:

Typedef Summary
A data structure containing callbacks that implement an annotation manager. The callbacks implement the annotation manager functions (for example, view, delete, or export the annotations of a document as a list, sorted by type, author, or date).
Opaque data used by PDAnnotHandlers.
Structure Summary
A data structure containing callbacks that implement an annotation manager. The callbacks implement the annotation manager functions (for example, view, delete, or export the annotations of a document as a list, sorted by type, author, or date).
Callback Summary
(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It returns true if the copy operation is expected to succeed. It tests, for example, whether copying is allowed by document permissions.
(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It returns true if the paste operation is expected to succeed. It tests whether data from an annotation that has been copied to a clipboard can be pasted to a location on a page. Pasting can be disallowed by document permissions, or because the annotation cannot be accurately reproduced in the destination document.
(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It copies data from the annotation object to a new clipboard structure, and returns the clipboard structure.
(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It deletes information associated with an annotation. It frees all the memory associated with the annotation information.
(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It destroys data from an annotation that has been copied to a clipboard. This callback may be executed regardless of how many times (if any) the annotation was pasted.
(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It destroys the annotation handler structure when the application no longer requires it. The handler should destroy any dynamic memory stored in the userData field.
A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It gets the annotation handler information flags, which indicate the operations allowed with annotations of this type.
A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It gets the annotation information for an annotation.
A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It gets the heel point (the focus or starting point) for the annotation. For a rectangular annotation, this is usually the top left corner.
A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It is called by the host application to obtain a print appearance (a Form XObject). If this callback is not implemented, the default appearance (if any) is used.
A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It gets an ASAtom indicating the annotation type for which the handler is responsible. This corresponds to the annotation's Subtype key in the PDF file.
(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It creates a new annotation on the specified page using clipboard data generated by PDAnnotCopy().
Method Summary
Registers a handler for an annotation subtype, replacing any previous handler that had been registered for that subtype. The annotation handler is not registered if its PDAnnotHandlerGetTypeProc() returns NULL.

Typedefs Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_PDAnnotHandler PDAnnotHandler;

A data structure containing callbacks that implement an annotation manager. The callbacks implement the annotation manager functions (for example, view, delete, or export the annotations of a document as a list, sorted by type, author, or date).

To fully use a PDAnnotHandler, the AVAnnotHandler associated with this annotation must have its AVAnnotHandlerGetInfoProc() and AVAnnotHandlerDeleteInfoProc() callbacks defined.

See Also

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef void* PDAnnotHandlerClipboardData;

Opaque data used by PDAnnotHandlers.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_PDAnnotHandler PDAnnotHandlerRec;

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Line: 900

Structure Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_PDAnnotHandler {
 ASSize_t size; 
 void* userData; 
 PDAnnotHandlerGetTypeProc GetType; 
 PDAnnotHandlerGetAnnotInfoProc GetAnnotInfo; 
 PDAnnotHandlerDeleteAnnotInfoProc DeleteAnnotInfo; 
 PDDocWillExportAnnotProc WillExportAnnot; 
 PDDocWillImportAnnotProc WillImportAnnot; 
 PDAnnotWillPrintProc WillPrintAnnot; 
 PDAnnotHandlerGetAnnotInfoFlagsProc GetAnnotInfoFlags; 
 PDAnnotHandlerCanCopyProc CanCopy; 
 PDAnnotHandlerCopyProc Copy; 
 PDAnnotHandlerCanPasteProc CanPaste; 
 PDAnnotHandlerPasteProc Paste; 
 PDAnnotHandlerDestroyDataProc DestroyData; 
 PDAnnotHandlerDestroyProc Destroy; 
 PDAnnotHandlerGetHeelPointProc GetHeelPoint; 
 PDAnnotHandlerGetPrintAppearanceProc GetPrintAppearance; 

A data structure containing callbacks that implement an annotation manager. The callbacks implement the annotation manager functions (for example, view, delete, or export the annotations of a document as a list, sorted by type, author, or date).

To fully use a PDAnnotHandler, the AVAnnotHandler associated with this annotation must have its AVAnnotHandlerGetInfoProc() and AVAnnotHandlerDeleteInfoProc() callbacks defined.

See Also

File: PDExpT.h
Line: 848


The size of the data structure. It must be set to sizeof(PDAnnotHandlerRec).


A pointer to a block of user-supplied data.

Callbacks Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool (*PDAnnotHandlerCanCopyProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh, PDPage sourcePage, PDAnnot pdan)

(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It returns true if the copy operation is expected to succeed. It tests, for example, whether copying is allowed by document permissions.

See Also

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Line: 697
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool (*PDAnnotHandlerCanPasteProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh, PDPage destPage, const ASFixedPoint *center, PDAnnotHandlerClipboardData data)

(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It returns true if the paste operation is expected to succeed. It tests whether data from an annotation that has been copied to a clipboard can be pasted to a location on a page. Pasting can be disallowed by document permissions, or because the annotation cannot be accurately reproduced in the destination document.

See Also

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Line: 745
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDAnnotHandlerClipboardData (*PDAnnotHandlerCopyProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh, PDPage sourcePage, PDAnnot pdan)

(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It copies data from the annotation object to a new clipboard structure, and returns the clipboard structure.

See Also

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Line: 718
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*PDAnnotHandlerDeleteAnnotInfoProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh, PDAnnotInfo info)

(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It deletes information associated with an annotation. It frees all the memory associated with the annotation information.

See Also

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Line: 589
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*PDAnnotHandlerDestroyDataProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh, PDAnnotHandlerClipboardData data)

(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It destroys data from an annotation that has been copied to a clipboard. This callback may be executed regardless of how many times (if any) the annotation was pasted.

See Also

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Line: 787
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*PDAnnotHandlerDestroyProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh)

(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It destroys the annotation handler structure when the application no longer requires it. The handler should destroy any dynamic memory stored in the userData field.

See Also

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Line: 798
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFlagBits (*PDAnnotHandlerGetAnnotInfoFlagsProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh, PDAnnot pdan)

A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It gets the annotation handler information flags, which indicate the operations allowed with annotations of this type.

See Also

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Line: 680
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDAnnotInfo (*PDAnnotHandlerGetAnnotInfoProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh, PDAnnot pdan, PDPage pdpage)

A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It gets the annotation information for an annotation.

See Also

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Line: 574
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*PDAnnotHandlerGetHeelPointProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh, PDAnnot pdan, ASFixedPoint *point)

A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It gets the heel point (the focus or starting point) for the annotation. For a rectangular annotation, this is usually the top left corner.

See Also

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Line: 812
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj (*PDAnnotHandlerGetPrintAppearanceProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh, PDAnnot pdan, ASFixedRect *frAnnot, PDAnnotPrintOp op)

A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It is called by the host application to obtain a print appearance (a Form XObject). If this callback is not implemented, the default appearance (if any) is used.

See Also

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Line: 834
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASAtom (*PDAnnotHandlerGetTypeProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh)

A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It gets an ASAtom indicating the annotation type for which the handler is responsible. This corresponds to the annotation's Subtype key in the PDF file.

See Also

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Line: 603
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDAnnot (*PDAnnotHandlerPasteProc)(PDAnnotHandler pdanh, PDPage destPage, const ASFixedPoint *center, PDAnnotHandlerClipboardData data)

(Optional) A callback for PDAnnotHandler. It creates a new annotation on the specified page using clipboard data generated by PDAnnotCopy().

See Also

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Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDRegisterAnnotHandler(PDAnnotHandler handler)

Registers a handler for an annotation subtype, replacing any previous handler that had been registered for that subtype. The annotation handler is not registered if its PDAnnotHandlerGetTypeProc() returns NULL.

To effectively use a PDAnnotHandler, the AVAnnotHandler associated with this annotation must have its AVAnnotHandlerGetInfoProc() and AVAnnotHandlerDeleteInfoProc() callbacks defined.

PDF Library applications can use this method to register their annotation handlers. Link and Watermark annotations have default handlers. For other annotation types, the applications should register their own handlers.


handler — 

IN/OUT A pointer to a structure containing the annotation handler's callbacks. This structure must not be freed after this call, but must be retained.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00040000

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