Layer | AS_Layer |
Object | ASCab |
ASCab objects (cabinets) can be used to store arbitrary key-value pairs.
The keys are always NULL
-terminated strings containing only low-ASCII
alphanumeric characters.
An ASCab owns all the non-scalar data inside it. That is, when a plug-in places a value inside a cabinet, the ASCab now manages the value and frees it when the key is destroyed. If, for example, a plug-in creates an ASText object and adds it as a value to an ASCab, that ASText object is no longer owned by the plug-in: it is owned by the ASCab. The ASCab destroys the ASText object when the object's associated key is removed or its value is overwritten.
ASCab objects are used to store data used by numerous Acrobat APIs, including AVCommand, AVConversion, and batch security features.
ASCab Method Naming
The ASCab naming conventions indicate how the ASCab methods work. The conventions are as follows:
methods return a value. These objects are owned by the ASCab
and should not be altered or destroyed by the caller of Get
methods make a copy of the data; the GetCopy
caller owns the resulting information and can do whatever it wants with it.
methods work the same way as Get
but the key is removed from the ASCab without destroying the associated value,
which is passed back to the caller of Detach
Any of the ASCab methods can take a compound name or string consisting of multiple keys,
each of which is separated by a colon (:
) character. This format is:
Acrobat burrows down through such a compound string until it reaches the most deeply nested cabinet.
Handling Pointers
Normally, pointers are treated like scalars (for example, integers) in an ASCab: the ASCab passes the pointer value back and forth but does not own the data pointed to.
If, however, the pointer has an associated destroyProc
, this is no longer the case.
When the destroyProc
is set, the ASCab reference counts pointers to track how
many times the pointer is being referenced from any ASCab.
For example, the reference count is incremented whenever the pointer is copied via ASCabCopy().
Detaching a pointer removes one reference to the pointer but does not destroy the associated data.
The data is destroyed by a call to the destroyProc
when the
reference count is 0
ASCabDetachPointer() returns a separate value indicating whether the pointer can safely be destroyed or if it still is being referenced by other key/value pairs inside ASCab objects.
Define | ||
ASCabDetachPointer | ||
ASCabGetPointer | ||
ASCabPutPointer |
Typedef | ||
ASCab objects (cabinets) can be used to store arbitrary key/value pairs. The keys are always NULL-terminated strings containing only low ASCII alphanumeric characters and spaces (ASCII character 32). Key names cannot begin or end with a space.
ASCabEntryRec | ||
ASConstCab |
Enumeration | ||
A value that determines the actions to be taken when ASCabMunge() is called. keyCab is the ASCab that provides the keys determining how theCab is to be changed. During an ASCabMunge() operation, the key cab will not be altered.
ASCabinet objects can be used to store arbitrary key/value pairs. The keys are always NULL-terminated strings containing only low ASCII alphanumeric characters. The various types of values are enumerated here.
Structure | ||
A data structure representing a cabinet entry. The first entry in each descriptor specifies the name of the key, the second field contains the type, and the following fields contain the values. The entry list must end with a descriptor containing NULL for the key name. It can be used as shown below to construct an ASCab:
Callback | ||
Used when enumerating the values inside a cabinet.
A deallocation callback that can be associated with a pointer in an ASCab. When the reference count of the pointer falls to zero, this callback is called to free the resources associated with the object the pointer references.
Used when enumerating the values inside a constant cabinet. The callback procedure must not add, delete, or modify items in theCab during the enumeration.
Method | ||
For each key/value pair in srcCab a copy of the key/value pair will be placed into dstCab, possibly overwriting any identically named key/value pair in dstCab. If the value being copied is a pointer with an associated destroyProc, the pointer and its type string, but not the data it points to, will be copied and an internal reference count will be incremented.
void ASCabDestroy(ASCab theCab)
Destroys the cabinet and all its key/value pairs. This method raises an exception if the cabinet is the value for some key in another cabinet.
Finds any empty cabinets in theCab, removes their corresponding keys, and destroys them.
Retrieves the binary object stored under theKey in theCab and removes the key from theCab.
ASCab ASCabDetachCab(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Retrieves the ASCab stored under theKey in theCab and removes the key from theCab.
void ASCabDetachPathName(ASCab theCab, const char* keyName, ASFileSys* fileSys, ASPathName* pathName)
Retrieves the ASPathName stored under theKey in theCab and removes the key from theCab.
void* ASCabDetachPointerRaw(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey, const char* expectedType, ASBool* noRefs)
Retrieves the pointer stored under theKey in theCab and removes the key from theCab. If noRefs is set to true, the client assumes ownership of the data referenced by the pointer and is responsible for deallocating any resources associated with it.
char* ASCabDetachString(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Retrieves the string stored under theKey in theCab and removes the key from theCab.
ASText ASCabDetachText(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Retrieves the ASText object stored under theKey in theCab and removes the key from theCab.
ASCab ASCabDup(ASConstCab srcCab)
Creates a new ASCab and populates it with copies of the key/value pairs in srcCab. It is equivalent to ASCabCopy( srcCab, ASCabNew () ).
Enumerates all the keys in the cabinet.
Compares two cabinets and verifies that they have a matching set of keys and that all key values are equal as reported by ASCabValueEqual().
ASCab ASCabFromEntryList(const ASCabEntryRec* entryList)
Builds a cabinet based on a constant array of ASCabDescriptor records (see ASCabEntryRec). The first entry in each descriptor specifies the name of the key; subsequent fields contain the value. The entry list must end with a descriptor containing NULL for the key name. See ASExtraExpT.h for more info.
Returns the ASAtom value stored under theKey in theCab.
Returns the binary object stored under theKey in theCab.
Returns a copy of the binary object stored under theKey in theCab.
Returns the ASBool value stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCab ASCabGetCab(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns the ASCab stored under theKey in theCab.
double ASCabGetDouble(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey, double defValue)
Returns the double value stored under theKey in theCab. If the value stored under theKey is of type kASValueInteger, this value will be cast to a double and returned to the client.
Returns the ASInt32 value stored under theKey in theCab.
Returns the ASInt64 value stored under theKey in theCab.
void ASCabGetPathNameCopy(ASConstCab theCab, const char* keyName, ASFileSys* fileSys, ASPathName* pathName)
Returns a copy of ASPathName stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabPointerDestroyProc ASCabGetPointerDestroyProc(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Obtains the resource deallocation callback associated with the pointer stored under theKey in theCab. When the reference count of the pointer falls to zero, the callback is called to free the resources associated with the object it references.
void* ASCabGetPointerRaw(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey, const char* expectedType)
Returns the pointer value stored under theKey in theCab.
const char* ASCabGetPointerType(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns a string representation of the data type referenced by the pointer stored under theKey in theCab.
const char* ASCabGetString(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns the string stored under theKey in theCab.
char* ASCabGetStringCopy(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns a copy of the string stored under theKey in theCab.
ASText ASCabGetText(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns the ASText object stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabValueType ASCabGetType(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns the type of value stored under theKey in theCab.
Returns the ASUns32 value stored under theKey in theCab.
Returns the ASUns64 value stored under theKey in theCab.
ASBool ASCabKnown(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns true if theKey is present in theCab.
void ASCabMakeEmpty(ASCab theCab)
Removes all keys from theCab and destroys all values they point to.
Munges the keys and the corresponding values in theCab based on the keys in keyCab and the munge action. Note that keyCab is never altered, but theCab is.
ASCab ASCabNew()
Creates a new, empty cabinet.
ASTArraySize ASCabNumEntries(ASConstCab theCab)
Returns the number of key/value pairs in theCab.
Stores an ASAtom value in theCab under theKey.
Stores a binary object in theCab under theKey. The ASCab assumes ownership of the binary object, so the client should not attempt to free the memory associated with it. The binary object must have been allocated using ASmalloc().
Stores an ASBool value in theCab under theKey.
Stores an ASCab in theCab under theKey. If the cabinet is already a value for some other ASCab, ASCabPutCab() will raise an exception, since any cabinet can be contained by at most one other cabinet.
void ASCabPutDouble(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey, double floatValue)
Stores a double value in theCab under theKey.
Stores an ASInt32 value in theCab under theKey.
Stores an ASInt64 value in theCab under theKey.
void ASCabPutNull(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Stores a value with a type of kASValueNull in theCab under theKey. NULL cabinet entries are used as placeholders or to removed other cabinet entries during an ASCabMunge operation.
Stores an ASPathName in theCab under theKey.
void ASCabPutPointerRaw(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey, const char* theType, void* thePtr, ASCabPointerDestroyProc destroy)
Stores a pointer in theCab under theKey. See the ASCab description for more information.
void ASCabPutString(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey, const char* theStr)
Stores a string in theCab under theKey. A string consists of some number of bytes followed by a single NULL (zero) byte. The string must have been allocated using ASmalloc().
Stores an ASText object in theCab under theKey.
Stores the ASUns32 value under theKey in theCab.
Stores an ASUns64 value in theCab under theKey.
ASCab ASCabReadFromStream(ASStm stm)
Reads a previously written cabinet from a stream.
void ASCabRemove(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Removes theKey entry from theCab, destroying the associated value.
void ASCabRename(ASCab theCab, const char* oldKeyName, const char* newKeyName)
Renames a key within theCab while preserving the value associated with it. If there is already a key equal to newKeyName in theCab, its value will be destroyed and replaced with the value of oldKeyName.
ASBool ASCabValueEqual(ASConstCab cab1, const char* keyName1, ASConstCab cab2, const char* keyName2)
Compares two cabinet values and returns true only if they are equal (meaning that they have the same type and value). Cabinets are compared using ASCabEqual(). ASText values are compared by using ASTextCmp() and testing for a return value of 0 (zero). Strings and binary values must have the same lengths and byte-for-byte contents. Booleans, atoms, doubles, and integers must have equal values. Pointer values must point to the same location in memory but may have different destroyProcs and type strings.
Writes theCab out to a stream. The caller retains ownership of the cabinet. The stream will not be closed or flushed.
Enumerates all the keys in the constant cabinet.
ASCabDetachPointer |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define ASCabDetachPointer ((theType) \ ASCabDetachPointerRaw((theCab), (theKey), #theType, (noRefs)))
File: ASExtraCalls.h |
Line: 398 |
ASCabGetPointer |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define ASCabGetPointer ((theType) ASCabGetPointerRaw((theCab), (theKey), #theType))
File: ASExtraCalls.h |
Line: 394 |
ASCabPutPointer |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define ASCabPutPointer ASCabPutPointerRaw((theCab), (theKey), #theType, (thePtr), (destroyProc))
File: ASExtraCalls.h |
Line: 396 |
ASCab |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_ASCabinet* ASCab;
ASCab objects (cabinets) can be used to store arbitrary key/value pairs. The keys are always NULL
-terminated strings containing only low ASCII alphanumeric characters and spaces (ASCII character 32
). Key names cannot begin or end with a space.
Every time you place a non-scalar value inside a cabinet, you are handing that value to the ASCab implementation to manage. Putting a value in a cabinet is always a handoff operation. For example, if you create an ASText object and add it as a value in an ASCab, the ASText object is no longer managed by you; it is managed by the ASCab. The ASCab will destroy the ASText object when its associated key is removed or the key's value is overwritten. Pointer values are a special case discussed in more detail below.
The routine naming convention is as follows:
Name |
Description |
Get |
GetCopy |
Detach |
Normally, pointers are treated the same way as scalars; the ASCab passes the pointer value back and forth but does not manage the data to which it points. This all changes if the pointer has an associated destroyProc
. If the destroyProc
is set, the ASCab will reference count the pointer to track how many times the pointer is referenced from any ASCab. For example, the reference count will be bumped up whenever the pointer is copied via ASCabCopy() or added to another ASCab via ASCabPutPointer(), and will destroy the data associated with the pointer when the reference count goes to 0
. The data is destroyed by calling the destroyProc
. Detaching a pointer removes one reference to the pointer without ever destroying the information to which it points. ASCabDetachPointer() returns a separate value indicating whether the pointer can safely be destroyed by the client or is still referred to by other key/value pairs inside any ASCab objects (for example, whether the reference count went to zero when the pointer was detached from the ASCab).
Any of the ASCab API's can take a compound name: a string consisting of multiple keys separated by the colon (:) character. For example, "Grandparent:Parent:Child:Key"
can be such a compound name. The implementation will burrow down through such a compound string until it reaches the most deeply nested cabinet. Also, any of the Put
routines can take a NULL
key name. If the key name is NULL
, the routine creates a new numeric key name. If the cabinet is empty, the first generated key name will be "0"
and subsequent names will increase in ascending order. This is useful when treating an ASCab as a bag of unnamed items, or when adding an ordered list of items to an empty ASCab.
See Also
File: ASExpT.h |
Line: 1367 |
ASCabEntryRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_ASCabEntryRec ASCabEntryRec;
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Line: 233 |
ASConstCab |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_ASCabinet* ASConstCab;
File: ASExpT.h |
Line: 1368 |
ASCabMungeAction |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum ASCabMungeAction {
File: ASExtraExpT.h |
Line: 272 |
kASMungeRemove | Any keys in |
kASMungeRemoveUnknown | Any keys in |
kASMungeRemoveDefaults | Any keys in |
kASMungeRemoveBadValues | Any keys in |
kASMungeCopy | All key/value pairs in |
kASMungeReplace | Any keys in |
kASMungeCopyMissing | Any keys in |
kASMungeRemoveNulls | Any keys in |
ASCabValueType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum ASCabValueType {
See Also
File: ASExtraExpT.h |
Line: 99 |
kASValueBool | An ASBool. |
kASValueInteger | An ASInt32. |
kASValueAtom | An ASAtom. |
kASValueDouble | A double precision floating-point number. |
kASValueString | A |
kASValueText | An ASText object. |
kASValueBinary | A binary blob of any size. |
kASValuePointer | A pointer to something outside the cabinet. |
kASValueCabinet | Another cabinet. |
kASValueNull | The key exists but has no useful value. For example, the key may be a placeholder. |
kASValueUns | An ASUns32. |
kASValueInt64 | An ASInt64. |
kASValueUns64 | An ASUns64. |
kASValueUnknown | An invalid type. |
_t_ASCabEntryRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_ASCabEntryRec {
const char* keyName;
ASCabValueType type;
ASInt32 intVal;
const void* ptrVal;
double doubleVal;
A data structure representing a cabinet entry. The first entry in each descriptor specifies the name of the key, the second field contains the type, and the following fields contain the values. The entry list must end with a descriptor containing NULL
for the key name. It can be used as shown below to construct an ASCab:
ASCabEntryRec cabData[] = {{"key1", kASValueInteger, 1}, {"key2", kASValueInteger, -1}, {"key3", kASValueBool, false}, {NULL}};
ASCab CreateDefaultCab() { return ASCabFromEntryList (cabData); }
This example uses just three values for each record. However, more may be required, such as a double
{"keyDouble", kASValueDouble, 0, NULL, double}
For a string
, the following code could be used:
{"keyString", kASValueString, 0, (void*)string}
See Also
File: ASExtraExpT.h |
Line: 199 |
keyName | The name of the key. |
type | The supported ASCabValueTypes are:
No other types are supported (specifically kASValueCabinet and kASValuePointer). You can build nested cabinets using the |
intVal | See above. |
ptrVal | See above. |
doubleVal | See above. |
ASCabEnumProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*ASCabEnumProc)(ASCab theCab, const char *theKey, ASCabValueType itsType, void *clientData)
Used when enumerating the values inside a cabinet.
See Also
File: ASExtraExpT.h |
Line: 248 |
ASCabPointerDestroyProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*ASCabPointerDestroyProc)(void *ptr)
A deallocation callback that can be associated with a pointer in an ASCab. When the reference count of the pointer falls to zero, this callback is called to free the resources associated with the object the pointer references.
See Also
File: ASExtraExpT.h |
Line: 311 |
ASConstCabEnumProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*ASConstCabEnumProc)(ASConstCab theCab, const char *theKey, ASCabValueType itsType, void *clientData)
Used when enumerating the values inside a constant cabinet. The callback procedure must not add, delete, or modify items in theCab
during the enumeration.
See Also
File: ASExtraExpT.h |
Line: 265 |
ASCabCopy | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabCopy(ASConstCab srcCab, ASCab dstCab)
For each key/value pair in srcCab
a copy of the key/value pair will be placed into dstCab
, possibly overwriting any identically named key/value pair in dstCab
. If the value being copied is a pointer with an associated destroyProc
, the pointer and its type string, but not the data it points to, will be copied and an internal reference count will be incremented.
srcCab — | The source cabinet. |
dstCab — | The destination cabinet. |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1383 |
ASCabDestroy | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabDestroy(ASCab theCab)
Destroys the cabinet and all its key/value pairs. This method raises an exception if the cabinet is the value for some key in another cabinet.
theCab — | The cabinet. |
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Line: 689 |
ASCabDestroyEmpties | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Finds any empty cabinets in theCab
, removes their corresponding keys, and destroys them.
theCab — | The cabinet. |
recurse — |
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Line: 1365 |
ASCabDetachBinary | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void* ASCabDetachBinary(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey, ASTArraySize* numBytes)
Retrieves the binary object stored under theKey
in theCab
and removes the key from theCab
The client assumes ownership of the object and is responsible for deallocating any resources associated with it.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
numBytes — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method, may be |
A pointer to the binary object. It will be |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1309 |
ASCabDetachCab | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Retrieves the ASCab stored under theKey
in theCab
and removes the key from theCab
The client assumes ownership of the ASCab returned and is responsible for destroying it.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
The cabinet. Will be |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1115 |
ASCabDetachPathName | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabDetachPathName(ASCab theCab, const char* keyName, ASFileSys* fileSys, ASPathName* pathName)
Retrieves the ASPathName stored under theKey
in theCab
and removes the key from theCab
Both fileSys
and pathName
will be NULL
if theKey
was not found, there was no valid ASPathName stored under the key, or if the ASPathName does not point to an existing file.
It is the client's responsibility to release the memory associated with the ASPathName using ASFileSysReleasePath().
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
keyName — | IN/OUT The key name. |
fileSys — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The ASFileSys that pathName was opened through. |
pathName — |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1516 |
ASCabDetachPointerRaw | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void* ASCabDetachPointerRaw(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey, const char* expectedType, ASBool* noRefs)
Retrieves the pointer stored under theKey
in theCab
and removes the key from theCab
. If noRefs
is set to true
, the client assumes ownership of the data referenced by the pointer and is responsible for deallocating any resources associated with it.
theCab — | The cabinet. |
theKey — | The key name. |
expectedType — | The data type referenced by the pointer. Since ASCabGetPointer() is actually a macro, you should pass the type as a literal name, not a string. For example, use |
noRefs — | (Filled by the method, may be |
The pointer value stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1007 |
ASCabDetachString | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
char* ASCabDetachString(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Retrieves the string stored under theKey
in theCab
and removes the key from theCab
The client assumes ownership of the string and is responsible for deallocating any resources associated with it.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
The string stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1172 |
ASCabDetachText | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Retrieves the ASText object stored under theKey
in theCab
and removes the key from theCab
The client assumes ownership of the ASText object and is responsible for deallocating it using ASTextDestroy().
theCab — | The cabinet. |
theKey — | The key name. |
The ASText object stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1227 |
ASCabDup | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASCab ASCabDup(ASConstCab srcCab)
Creates a new ASCab and populates it with copies of the key/value pairs in srcCab
. It is equivalent to ASCabCopy( srcCab, ASCabNew () )
srcCab — | The source cabinet. |
The newly created ASCab. |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1395 |
ASCabEnum | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabEnum(ASCab theCab, ASCabEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)
Enumerates all the keys in the cabinet.
Keys consisting solely of digits are enumerated first, in numeric order (assuming they are not padded with zeros at the front, which will confuse matters). Non-numeric keys are then enumerated in strcmp
It is safe to add, delete, and modify items in theCab
during the enumeration. Items that are added during the enumeration will not be enumerated. Modified items that have been enumerated already will not be enumerated again. Deleted items that have not yet been enumerated will not be enumerated.
theCab — | The cabinet. |
enumProc — | A user-supplied callback that is called for each entry found in |
clientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
any exceptions thrown by enumProc
. File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 747 |
ASCabEqual | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool ASCabEqual(ASConstCab cab1, ASConstCab cab2)
Compares two cabinets and verifies that they have a matching set of keys and that all key values are equal as reported by ASCabValueEqual().
cab1 — | The first cabinet. |
cab2 — | The second cabinet. |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1432 |
ASCabFromEntryList | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASCab ASCabFromEntryList(const ASCabEntryRec* entryList)
Builds a cabinet based on a constant array of ASCabDescriptor records (see ASCabEntryRec). The first entry in each descriptor specifies the name of the key; subsequent fields contain the value. The entry list must end with a descriptor containing NULL
for the key name. See ASExtraExpT.h for more info.
entryList — | A constant array of ASCabDescriptor records (see ASCabEntryRec). Passing |
The newly created ASCab. |
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Line: 679 |
ASCabGetAtom | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASAtom ASCabGetAtom(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey, ASAtom defValue)
Returns the ASAtom value stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
defValue — | IN/OUT The default value. |
The ASAtom value stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 881 |
ASCabGetBinary | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
const void* ASCabGetBinary(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey, ASTArraySize* numBytes)
Returns the binary object stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
numBytes — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method, may be |
The binary object stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1265 |
ASCabGetBinaryCopy | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void* ASCabGetBinaryCopy(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey, ASTArraySize* numBytes)
Returns a copy of the binary object stored under theKey
in theCab
It is the client's responsibility to release the memory associated with the object using ASfree().
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
numBytes — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method, may be |
The binary object stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1287 |
ASCabGetBool | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool ASCabGetBool(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey, ASBool defValue)
Returns the ASBool value stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
defValue — | IN/OUT The default value. |
The ASBool value stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 827 |
ASCabGetCab | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASCab ASCabGetCab(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns the ASCab stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
The ASCab stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1097 |
ASCabGetDouble | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
double ASCabGetDouble(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey, double defValue)
Returns the double
value stored under theKey
in theCab
. If the value stored under theKey
is of type kASValueInteger, this value will be cast to a double
and returned to the client.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
defValue — | IN/OUT The default value. |
The |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 909 |
ASCabGetInt | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 ASCabGetInt(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey, ASInt32 defValue)
Returns the ASInt32 value stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
defValue — | IN/OUT The default value. |
The ASInt32 value stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 854 |
ASCabGetInt64 | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt64 ASCabGetInt64(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey, ASInt64 defValue)
Returns the ASInt64 value stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
defValue — | IN/OUT The default value. |
The ASInt64 value stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 2412 |
ASCabGetPathNameCopy | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabGetPathNameCopy(ASConstCab theCab, const char* keyName, ASFileSys* fileSys, ASPathName* pathName)
Returns a copy of ASPathName stored under theKey
in theCab
It is the client's responsibility to release the ASPathName using ASFileSysReleasePath().
Both fileSys
and pathName
will be NULL
if theKey
was not found, there was no valid ASPathName stored under the key, or if pathName
does not point to an existing file.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
keyName — | IN/OUT The key name. |
fileSys — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The ASFileSys that |
pathName — |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1490 |
ASCabGetPointerDestroyProc | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASCabPointerDestroyProc ASCabGetPointerDestroyProc(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Obtains the resource deallocation callback associated with the pointer stored under theKey
in theCab
. When the reference count of the pointer falls to zero, the callback is called to free the resources associated with the object it references.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
The callback (if any) associated with the pointer if the key is found and the value stored under it is of type kASValuePointer; otherwise |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1047 |
ASCabGetPointerRaw | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void* ASCabGetPointerRaw(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey, const char* expectedType)
Returns the pointer value stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | The cabinet. |
theKey — | The key name. |
expectedType — | The data type referenced by the pointer. Since ASCabGetPointer() is actually a macro, you should pass the type as a literal name, not a string. For example, use |
The pointer value stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 979 |
ASCabGetPointerType | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
const char* ASCabGetPointerType(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns a string representation of the data type referenced by the pointer stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
The string if the key is found and the value stored under it is of type kASValuePointer; otherwise |
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1061 |
ASCabGetString | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
const char* ASCabGetString(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns the string stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
The string stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1134 |
ASCabGetStringCopy | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
char* ASCabGetStringCopy(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns a copy of the string stored under theKey
in theCab
It is the client's responsibility to release the memory allocated for the string using ASfree().
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
A copy of the string stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1153 |
ASCabGetText | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASText ASCabGetText(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns the ASText object stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
The ASText object stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1209 |
ASCabGetType | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASCabValueType ASCabGetType(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns the type of value stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
The type of value stored under |
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 720 |
ASCabGetUns | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASUns32 ASCabGetUns(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey, ASUns32 defValue)
Returns the ASUns32 value stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | The cabinet. |
theKey — | The key name. |
defValue — | The default value. |
The ASUns32 value stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1644 |
ASCabGetUns64 | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASUns64 ASCabGetUns64(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey, ASUns64 defValue)
Returns the ASUns64 value stored under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
defValue — | IN/OUT The default value. |
The ASUns64 value stored under |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 2438 |
ASCabKnown | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool ASCabKnown(ASConstCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Returns true
if theKey
is present in theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
See above. |
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 708 |
ASCabMakeEmpty | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabMakeEmpty(ASCab theCab)
Removes all keys from theCab
and destroys all values they point to.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1352 |
ASCabMunge | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabMunge(ASCab theCab, ASConstCab keyCab, ASCabMungeAction action)
Munges the keys and the corresponding values in theCab
based on the keys in keyCab
and the munge action. Note that keyCab
is never altered, but theCab
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet to be modified. |
keyCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet used to modify |
action — | IN/OUT The type of action to be taken. |
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1445 |
ASCabNew | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASCab ASCabNew()
Creates a new, empty cabinet.
ReturnsThe newly created cabinet. |
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 664 |
ASCabNumEntries | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASTArraySize ASCabNumEntries(ASConstCab theCab)
Returns the number of key/value pairs in theCab
theCab — | The cabinet. |
See above. |
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 698 |
ASCabPutAtom | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Stores an ASAtom value in theCab
under theKey
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT (May be |
atomValue — | IN/OUT The value to be stored. |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 892 |
ASCabPutBinary | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabPutBinary(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey, void* theBlob, ASTArraySize blobSize)
Stores a binary object in theCab
under theKey
. The ASCab assumes ownership of the binary object, so the client should not attempt to free the memory associated with it. The binary object must have been allocated using ASmalloc().
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT (May be |
theBlob — | IN/OUT (May be |
blobSize — | IN/OUT The size of the binary object. |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1329 |
ASCabPutBool | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Stores an ASBool value in theCab under theKey.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | ||
theBool — | IN The value to be stored. Non-zero values are stored as |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 838 |
ASCabPutCab | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Stores an ASCab in theCab
under theKey
. If the cabinet is already a value for some other ASCab, ASCabPutCab() will raise an exception, since any cabinet can be contained by at most one other cabinet.
assumes ownership of the cabinet, so the client must not destroy it.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
keyName — | IN/OUT (May be |
putCab — | IN/OUT (May be |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1082 |
ASCabPutDouble | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabPutDouble(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey, double floatValue)
Stores a double
value in theCab
under theKey
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT (May be |
floatValue — | IN/OUT The value to be stored. |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 920 |
ASCabPutInt | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Stores an ASInt32 value in theCab
under theKey
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT (May be |
theInt — | IN/OUT The value to be stored. |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 865 |
ASCabPutInt64 | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Stores an ASInt64 value in theCab
under theKey
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT (May be |
theInt — | IN/OUT The value to be stored. |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 2423 |
ASCabPutNull | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabPutNull(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Stores a value with a type of kASValueNull in theCab
under theKey
cabinet entries are used as placeholders or to removed other cabinet entries during an ASCabMunge operation.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1342 |
ASCabPutPathName | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabPutPathName(ASCab theCab, const char* keyName, ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)
Stores an ASPathName in theCab
under theKey
assumes ownership of the ASPathName, so the client need not call ASFileSysReleasePath().
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
keyName — | IN/OUT (May be |
fileSys — | ||
pathName — | IN/OUT (May be |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1466 |
ASCabPutPointerRaw | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabPutPointerRaw(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey, const char* theType, void* thePtr, ASCabPointerDestroyProc destroy)
Stores a pointer in theCab
under theKey
. See the ASCab description for more information.
theCab — | The cabinet. |
theKey — | (May be |
theType — | The data type referenced by the pointer. Since ASCabGetPointer() is actually a macro, you should pass the type as a literal name, not a string. For example, use |
thePtr — | The value to be stored. |
destroy — | (May be |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1029 |
ASCabPutString | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabPutString(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey, const char* theStr)
Stores a string in theCab
under theKey
. A string consists of some number of bytes followed by a single NULL
(zero) byte. The string must have been allocated using ASmalloc().
assumes ownership of the string, so the client should not attempt to free the memory associated with it.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT (May be |
theStr — | IN/OUT (May be |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1192 |
ASCabPutText | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Stores an ASText object in theCab
under theKey
assumes ownership of the object, so the client should not attempt to free the memory associated with it.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT (May be |
theText — | IN/OUT (May be |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1244 |
ASCabPutUns | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Stores the ASUns32 value under theKey
in theCab
theCab — | The cabinet. |
theKey — | The key name. |
theUns — | The value to be stored. |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1655 |
ASCabPutUns64 | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Stores an ASUns64 value in theCab
under theKey
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT (May be |
theInt — | IN/OUT The value to be stored. |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 2449 |
ASCabReadFromStream | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Reads a previously written cabinet from a stream.
stm — | Must be a stream opened through ASFileStmRdOpen(), ASMemStmRdOpen(), or ASProcStmRdOpenEx(). |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1541 |
ASCabRemove | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabRemove(ASCab theCab, const char* theKey)
Removes theKey
entry from theCab
, destroying the associated value.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theKey — | IN/OUT The key name. |
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 811 |
ASCabRename | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabRename(ASCab theCab, const char* oldKeyName, const char* newKeyName)
Renames a key within theCab
while preserving the value associated with it. If there is already a key equal to newKeyName
in theCab
, its value will be destroyed and replaced with the value of oldKeyName.
Any attempt to move the item from one sub-cabinet to another will cause ASCabRename() to raise an exception. For example, ASCabRename(theCab, "SubCab1:Key1", "SubCab2:Key1")
will raise an exception. If this routine raises an exception, theCab
will be untouched.
theCab — | The cabinet. |
oldKeyName — | The key name to be changed. |
newKeyName — | The new name. |
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1561 |
ASCabValueEqual | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool ASCabValueEqual(ASConstCab cab1, const char* keyName1, ASConstCab cab2, const char* keyName2)
Compares two cabinet values and returns true
only if they are equal (meaning that they have the same type and value). Cabinets are compared using ASCabEqual(). ASText values are compared by using ASTextCmp() and testing for a return value of 0
(zero). Strings and binary values must have the same lengths and byte-for-byte contents. Booleans, atoms, doubles, and integers must have equal values. Pointer values must point to the same location in memory but may have different destroyProcs and type strings.
cab1 — | IN/OUT The first cabinet. |
keyName1 — | IN/OUT The key name. |
cab2 — | IN/OUT The second cabinet. |
keyName2 — | IN/OUT The key name. |
See above. |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1418 |
ASCabWriteToStream | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASCabWriteToStream(ASConstCab theCab, ASStm theStm)
Writes theCab
out to a stream. The caller retains ownership of the cabinet. The stream will not be closed or flushed.
theCab — | IN/OUT The cabinet. |
theStm — | IN/OUT Must be a stream opened through ASFileStmWrOpen() or ASProcStmWrOpen(). |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 1531 |
ASConstCabEnum | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void ASConstCabEnum(ASConstCab theCab, ASConstCabEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)
Enumerates all the keys in the constant cabinet.
Keys consisting solely of digits are enumerated first, in numeric order (assuming they are not padded with zeros at the front, which will confuse matters). Non-numeric keys are then enumerated in strcmp
The callback procedure must not add, delete, or modify items in theCab
during the enumeration.
any exceptions thrown by enumProc
theCab — | The cabinet. |
enumProc — | User-supplied callback that is called for each entry found in |
clientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
File: ASExtraProcs.h |
Line: 2370 |