
An ASFileSys is a collection of functions that implement file system services, such as opening files, deleting files, reading data from a file, and writing data to a file. Each ASFileSys provides these services for one class of devices. Acrobat has a built-in ASFileSys that services the platform's native file system. Acrobat on Windows includes an additional ASFileSys that services the OLE2 IStorage/IStream interfaces. Plug-ins may create additional ASFileSys objects to service other file systems. For example, a plug-in could implement an ASFileSys to access PDF files stored in a document database or to access PDF files across a serial link.

An ASFileSysRec structure contains pointers to callback procedures used by the ASFileSys and ASFile methods. See Developing Plug-ins and Applications for more information on implementing an ASFileSys. The primary service of an ASFileSys is to provide clients with a readable and/or writable file object (ASFile) corresponding to a particular named location (ASPathName) on a particular type of device. An ASPathName is specific to a given ASFileSys.

To allow Acrobat, another application, or a plug-in to open a file in your file system, your file system must implement the pathFromDIPath() method, which is used by ASFileSysDIPathFromPath(). This method converts a path name specified in Acrobat's device-independent path name representation to a file system-specific ASPathName, or a named location for a particular type of device. The ASPathName uses the ASFileSys structure pointers for callback, and is specific to a given ASFileSys. See the note below for more information

The device-independent representation is as defined in Section 3.10 in the PDF Reference. Examples of device-independent paths are:




To allow Acrobat, another application, or a plug-in to create new open file actions for your file system, your file system must implement the diPathFromPath method, which is used by ASFileSysDIPathFromPath(). This method converts a path name specified in your file system's ASPathName representation to Acrobats device-independent path name representation.

To determine whether two ASFileSys instances are equal, your plug-in should compare their ASFileSys pointers. It cannot, however, compare two ASPathName objects directly to determine whether they are equal; instead, it should convert them to device-independent path names using ASFileSysDIPathFromPath(), and compare the resulting device-independent path name strings. There are a few cases where comparing device-independent path names may result in incorrectly believing two path names specify the same file when they do not. For example, it is possible to have two identical path names that specify files on different Mac OS disks.

Define Summary
 ASFileSysCreatePathFromCFURLRef (Macintosh)
Helper macro for the ASFileSysCreatePathName() method.
A helper macro for the ASFileSysCreatePathName() method.
 ASFileSysCreatePathFromFSRef (Macintosh)
 ASFileSysCreatePathFromFSRefWithCFStringRef (Macintosh)
 ASFileSysCreatePathFromFSSpec (Macintosh)
Helper macro for the ASFileSysCreatePathName() method.
 ASFileSysCreatePathFromPOSIXPath (Macintosh)
Helper macro for the ASFileSysCreatePathName() method.
Typedef Summary
A data structure containing callbacks that implement a file system.
An opaque object used to iterate through the contents of a folder. ASFileSysFirstFolderItem() returns the first item in the folder along with an ASFolderIterator object for iterating through the rest of the items in the folder. Call ASFileSysNextFolderItem() with this object to return the next object in the folder until the method returns false. To discard the ASFolderIterator object, call ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator().
A data structure representing an I/O request.
ASMDFile replaces MDFile. MDFile is an obsolete name for this data type for backward compatibility.
Enumeration Summary
An enumerated data type used to categorize an object associated with an ASPathName.
Structure Summary
A list of properties for the object referenced by an ASPathName. It is used in ASFileSysGetItemProps() and the folder enumeration routines.
A data structure containing callbacks that implement a file system.
The first five items in the ASIORequestSingleRec structure exactly match the parameters of an ASFileSys read or write call.
Callback Summary
A callback for ASFileSysRec that is used for non-local file systems. It returns an ASPathName on the new ASFileSys that refers to an image (which may be cached) of the remote file. Because of the possibility of cache flushing, you must hold a copy of the remote file's ASPathName for the duration of use of the local file.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that acquires a platform-specific file system representation of the specified path, according to the specified type, wrapped in an allocated ASPlatformPath object. Use the ASPlatformPath* calls to get the actual platform object.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that aborts all uncompleted asynchronous I/O requests for the specified file. This callback can be called at any time.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that asynchronously reads the specified data, returning immediately after the request has been queued. The ASFileSys must call the ASIODoneProc() (if one was provided) when the specified data has been read.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that asynchronously writes the specified data, returning immediately after the request has been queued. The ASFileSys must call the ASIODoneProc() (if one was provided) when the specified data has been written.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that tests whether a specified operation can be performed on the file, which means that it tests whether a handler is defined for that operation in ASFileSysPerformOpOnItemProc.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that determines whether ASFileSys can set the end of file marker (EOF) to a new offset for the specified file.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that is used to advise a file system that the previous range of bytes requested to read are not needed, so that it may drop the read requests. The file system can continue pushing the bytes if it cannot stop the reads.
A callback for ASFileSysRec. This callback is responsible for closing the specified file. It is called by ASFileClose().
A callback for ASFileSysRec that copies a path name (not the underlying file). It is called by ASFileSysCopyPath().
A callback for ASFileSysRec used to create an empty folder at the specified path.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that creates an ASPathName based on the input type and PDFileSpec. Each ASFileSys implementation must publish the input types that it accepts. For example, the Mac OS ASFileSys may accept the type FSSpecPtr, and the MS-DOS ASFileSys may only accept types of CString.
A callback for ASFileSysRec used to release the resources associated with folderIter.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that converts a path name to a device-independent path name, returned as an ASText object. It is called by ASFileSysDIPathFromPathEx().
A callback for ASFileSysRec that converts a path name to a device- independent path name. It is called by ASFileSysDIPathFromPath().
Places a representation that can be displayed to users of a path into displayText.
A callback for ASFileSysRec used to obtain a representation of a path that can be displayed by the user.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that is called by ASFileSysReleasePath().
A callback for ASFileSysRec that begins the process of iterating through the contents of a folder.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that flushes data for the specified file. It is called by ASFileFlush().
A callback for ASFileSysRec that flushes the volume on which the specified file resides. This ensures that any data written to the system for the volume containing pathName is flushed out to the physical volume (equivalent to the Mac OS FlushVol, or to the UNIX sync). Call this after you are finished writing a complete transaction to force a commit.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets a file's current logical size. It is called by ASFileGetEOF() and is capable of handling file sizes over 2 GB.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets a file's current logical size. It is called by ASFileGetEOF(), and is not capable of handling file sizes over 2 GB.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the flags for the specified file.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that returns the maximum file position that can be processed by this file system. This is not the maximum size file that can be created, but the maximum file position that can be handled by the arithmetic in the file system implementation. This will typically be (2 ^ 31) - 1 or (2 ^ 63) - 1. If this entry is not present, a value of (2 ^ 31) - 1 should be assumed.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets this file system's name.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets a full description of the file system object associated with pathName, returning the item properties in the ASCab format.
A callback for ASFileSysRec used to retrieve a full description of the file system object associated with the path.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the file name for the specified ASPathName as an ASText object.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the Windows Explorer/Mac Finder representation for the specified ASPathName as an ASText object. This may be a localized and extension-stripped version of the filename.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that returns a character string containing the file name for the specified ASPathName. The character string contains only the file name; it is not a complete path name.
A callback for ASFileSysRec used to obtain the parent of the input path.
Returns a platform file system representation of the ASPathName passed according to the atom selector. It allocates memory for the returned structure, which the caller must release with ASfree().
A callback that gets the current position for the specified file. It is called by ASFileGetPos(), and is capable of handling file postions over 2 GB.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the current position for the specified file. It is called by ASFileGetPos(), and is not capable of handling file positions over 2 GB.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the status of the specified file. This callback is used for asynchronous I/O. For example, it can indicate that an underlying file connection has been closed.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the amount of free space on the volume containing the specified ASPathName. It is similar to ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace(), except that the return value is not limited to 4 GB (with a 64-bit return value).
A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the amount of free space on the volume containing the specified ASPathName.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that returns a unique path name suitable for use in creating temporary files.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the file type and creator for the file. This callback is currently only implemented on Mac OS. It does not raise an error.
Does a hard flush on the file. A hard flush makes sure the data is flushed even if the file is remote. This proc should succeed and do nothing if it is not supported.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that tests whether a file is in use by another process.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that tests whether two files are the same.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that queues asynchronous requests for one or more byte ranges that the caller (usually the Acrobat viewer or library) will need in the near future. This callback is important for slow file systems, such as the web, to improve overall performance. It allows the file system to begin retrieving bytes before they are actually needed, while the Acrobat software continues processing as much as it can with the data that has already been downloaded.
A callback for ASFileSysRec used to continue the iteration process associated with the ASFolderIterator object. Both itemPath and props are optional and can be NULL if the caller is not interested in that information.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that opens the specified file. It is called by ASFileSysOpen64(). This callback must be used if the file is over 2 GB in length.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that opens the specified file. It is called by ASFileSysOpenFile() and ASFileReopen(). This callback returns an error if the file is over 2 GB in length.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that converts a device-independent path name from an ASText object to an ASPathName. It is called by ASFileSysPathFromDIPathEx().
A callback for ASFileSysRec that converts a device-independent path name to an ASPathName. It is called by ASFileSysPathFromDIPath().
A callback for ASFileSysRec that performs the specified operation on a particular file.
A callback for ASFileSysRec used when a byte range has arrived during a file load operation.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that reads data from the specified file. It is called by ASFileRead() and returns an error if the file size is over 2 GB.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that releases the specified platform path object when the client is done with it.
A callback for ASFileSysRec used to delete the folder at the specified path.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that deletes a file. It is called by ASFileSysRemoveFile().
A callback for ASFileSysRec that renames a file. It is not called directly by any method in the client API, but is used internally by the Acrobat viewer.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that reopens a file in the specified mode. ASFileReopen() calls this method if it is present. If this method is not present, or if it returns NULL and error is 0, ASFileReopen() does a close followed by an open. If error is non-zero, ASFileReopen() ignores the return value and fails with that error.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that increases or decreases the logical size of a file. It is called by ASFileSetEOF() and is capable of handling file sizes over 2 GB.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that increases or decreases the logical size of a file. It is called by ASFileSetEOF(). It returns an error if the current file position is over 2 GB.
ASFileSysSetMode() sets and gets parameters for the specified file.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that sets the current position in a file, which is the point from which data will next be read. It is called by ASFileSetPos() and is capable of handling file postions over 2 GB.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that sets the current position in a file (the point from which data will next be read). It is called by ASFileSetPos().
A callback for ASFileSysRec that sets the file type and creator for the file. This callback is currently only implemented on Mac OS. It does not raise an error.
A callback for ASFileSysRec used to obtain the URL associated with the given ASPathName.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that writes data to the specified file.
A callback for ASFileSysRec that yields the asynchronous I/O requests for the specified file. This allows other processes to process events that may be required for a file read to complete. An ASFileSys should implement a yield mechanism to complement asynchronous read and write requests.
Method Summary
ASPathName ASFileSysAcquireFileSysPath(ASFileSys oldFileSys, ASPathName oldPathName, ASFileSys newFileSys)
Converts an ASPathName from one file system to another. It returns an ASPathName acquired through newFileSys that refers to an image (which may possibly be cached) of the file in oldfileSys. Use this call to get a local file that is an image of a remote file (in a URL file system, for example). This is needed by programs such as the QuickTime Movie Player, because they can only work from local file-system files. The returned ASPathName may be a reference to a cache, so the file should be treated as read-only.
ASPathName ASFileSysAcquireParent(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)
Returns the parent folder of the file system object associated with pathName. The following rules apply in the default file systems:
ASInt32 ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASAtom platformPathType, ASPlatformPath* platformPath)
Returns a platform-specific file system representation of the specified path, according to the specified type, wrapped in an allocated ASPlatformPath object. It calls ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc().
ASInt32 ASFileSysCanPerformOpOnItem(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, const char* op)
Tests whether a given operation can be performed on a particular file. It calls the canPerformOpOnItem() procedure registered for the ASFileSysRec, which determines whether the operation is one of the file system-defined operation strings for which there is a handler.
Converts a set of item properties from the ASCab format to the ASFileSysItemPropsRec format.
Converts a set of item properties from the ASFileSysItemPropsRec format to the ASCab format.
ASPathName ASFileSysCopyPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)
Generates and copies the specified ASPathName (but does not copy the file specified by the path name). The ASPathName must have been obtained through the specified file system. This method may be used regardless of whether the file specified by path name is open.
ASErrorCode ASFileSysCreateFolder(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASBool recurse)
Creates an empty folder at the specified pathName.
ASPathName ASFileSysCreatePathName(const ASFileSys fileSys, ASAtom pathSpecType, const void* pathSpec, const void* additionalData)
Creates an ASPathName based on the input type and pathSpec. Each fileSys implementation must publish the input types that it accepts.
Releases the resources associated with folderIter.
char* ASFileSysDIPathFromPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
Converts a file name, specified as an ASPathName, to a device-independent path name. It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory associated with the returned string using ASfree().
ASErrorCode ASFileSysDIPathFromPathEx(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath, ASText diPathText)
Converts a file name, specified as an ASPathName, to a device-independent path name, which is returned as an ASText object. It calls ASFileSysDIPathFromPathExProc().
ASErrorCode ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASText displayText)
Returns a user-friendly representation of a path as a text object. It calls ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPathProc().
Returns a user-friendly representation of a path. It is the caller's responsibility to release the memory associated with the returned string using ASfree().
ASFolderIterator ASFileSysFirstFolderItem(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName folderPath, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName* itemPath)
Creates an iterator which can be used to enumerate all objects inside the specified folder, and returns the properties of the first item found in the folder. The iteration can be continued by passing the returned ASFolderIterator to ASFileSysNextFolderItem.
ASErrorCode ASFileSysFlushVolume(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)
Flushes the volume on which the specified file resides. This ensures that any data written to the system for the volume containing pathName is flushed out to the physical volume (equivalent to Mac OS FlushVol or to the UNIX sync).
ASFilePos64 ASFileSysGetFilePosLimit(ASFileSys fileSys)
Returns the maximum file position that can be processed by this file system. This is not the maximum size file that can be created or the amount of room left in the file system, but the maximum file position that can be handled by the arithmetic in the file system implementation. This will typically be (2 ^ 31) - 1 or (2 ^ 63) - 1.
ASErrorCode ASFileSysGetItemProps(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, ASFileSysItemProps props)
Populates an ASFileSysItemProps record with a full description of the file system object associated with pathName. It calls ASFileSysGetItemPropsProc().
ASInt32 ASFileSysGetItemPropsAsCab(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, ASCab theCab)
Gets a full description of the file system object associated with pathName, returning the item properties in the ASCab format. Calls ASFileSysGetItemPropsAsCabProc().
ASErrorCode ASFileSysGetNameFromPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, char* name, ASTArraySize maxLength)
Extracts the file name (including extension) from the path.
ASErrorCode ASFileSysGetNameFromPathAsASText(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, ASText name)
Extracts the file name (including the extension) from the path as an ASText object. This method supersedes ASFileSysGetNameFromPath() in Acrobat 6.0 and later.
ASErrorCode ASFileSysGetNameFromPathForDisplay(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, ASText nameForDisplay)
This method writes into nameForDisplay the representation of that item as it would be shown in Windows Explorer or Mac OS Finder. For example, it will provide the localized string for "My Documents" even though, on disk, "My Documents" is always in English. It will also strip the extension if that is what Windows Explorer or the Mac Finder would do for that file.
Deprecated API: always returns NULL.
ASDiskSpace ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)
Gets the amount of free space on the volume containing pathName.
ASDiskSpace64 ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace64(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)
Gets the amount of free space on the volume containing pathName. This is the same as ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace() without the 4 GB limit.
ASPathName ASFileSysGetTempPathName(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName siblingPathName)
Returns a unique path name suitable for use in creating temporary files. It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned object using ASFileSysReleasePath().
void ASFileSysGetTypeAndCreator(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASUns32* type, ASUns32* creator)
Gets the type and creator of the file specified by the path.
ASBool ASFileSysIsLocal(ASFileSys fileSys)
Returns true if fileSys is NULL, the default file system or the default Unicode file system.
Continues the iteration process associated with the ASFolderIterator object.
ASErrorCode ASFileSysOpenFile(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, ASFileMode mode, ASFile* fP)
Attempts to open a file in the specified file system, in the specified read/write/create mode. If the file is already open, the existing file handle is returned. The caller retains ownership of pathName.
ASErrorCode ASFileSysOpenFile64(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, ASFileMode mode, ASFile* fP)
Attempts to open a file in the specified file system, in the specified read/write/create mode. If the file is already open, the existing file handle is returned. The caller retains ownership of pathName.
ASPathName ASFileSysPathFromDIPath(ASFileSys fileSys, const char* diPath, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
Converts a device-independent path name to an ASPathName. This method can only be used for files that already exist (that is, it cannot be used to create a placeholder path name for files that a plug-in intends to create in the future).
ASPathName ASFileSysPathFromDIPathEx(ASFileSys fileSys, ASConstText diPathText, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)
Converts a device-independent path name in an ASText object to an ASPathName. This method can only be used for files that already exist (that is, it cannot be used to create a placeholder path name for files that a plug-in intends to create in the future).
ASInt32 ASFileSysPerformOpOnItem(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, const char* op, ASCab params)
Performs a specified operation on a particular file, passing specified parameters. It calls the performOpOnItem() procedure registered for the ASFileSysRec.
void ASFileSysReleasePath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)
Decrements the internal reference count for the path name and disposes of the path name (but not the file itself) if the reference count is zero. This does not result in any file-level operations, and is unaffected by whether there is an open file for this path name.
Releases the specified platform path object. Each call to ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath() should have a corresponding call to this method.
ASErrorCode ASFileSysRemoveFile(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)
Attempts to delete the file referred to by pathName.
ASErrorCode ASFileSysRemoveFolder(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path)
Deletes the folder at the specified pathName only if it is empty.
Sets the type and creator of a file. See Type/Creator Codes.
Returns the URL corresponding to pathName. It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory associated with the returned string using ASfree().
Gets the default standard file system implementation for a platform.
ASFileSys ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtom pathSpecType, const void* pathSpec)
Gets the best file system implementation that supports the passed in path. If the path requires the Unicode file system then the default Unicode file system is returned, otherwise the default file system is returned.
Gets the file system implementation that supports Unicode file path names. If a platform does not have a file system that supports Unicode, then NULL will be returned.
ASFileSys ASGetRamFileSys()
Gets the in-memory file system implementation for a platform.
ASFileSys ASGetTempFileSys()
Gets the temporary file system implementation for a platform.
ASPathName ASPathFromPlatformPath(void* platformPath)
This method was deprecated in Acrobat 5.0. Use ASFileSysCreatePathName() instead.
Sets the temporary file system implementation for a platform.
Sets the temporary file system implementation for a platform.
Defines Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define ASFileSysCopyPath ASFileSysCopyPathName

File: ASCalls.h
Line: 121
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh


#define ASFileSysCreatePathFromCFURLRef ASFileSysCreatePathName(asfs, ASAtomFromString("CFURLRef"), \ (void *)CHECKTYPE(CFURLRef, cfURLRef), NULL);

File: ASExpT.h
Line: 3830
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define ASFileSysCreatePathFromCString ASFileSysCreatePathName(asfs, ASAtomFromString("Cstring"), \ (void *)CHECK_CHARSTR(cPath), NULL);


Helper macro for the ASFileSysCreatePathName() method.

See Also


This macro uses a local variable named scratchFourBytes: (void* scratchFourBytes). PDF Library users need to provide this variable in order to utilize the macro; the variable must be local to the client application, not to the library. Any client can use this macro provided that it has code similar to the following, in the same source file that uses the macro: static void* scratchFourBytes;

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define ASFileSysCreatePathFromDIPath ASFileSysCreatePathName(asfs, ASAtomFromString("DIPath"), \ (void *)CHECK_CHARSTR(cDIPath), (void *)CHECKTYPE(ASPathName, aspRelativeTo))


A helper macro for the ASFileSysCreatePathName() method.

See Also

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Line: 3758
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define ASFileSysCreatePathFromDIPathText ASFileSysCreatePathName(asfs, ASAtomFromString("DIPathWithASText"), \ (void *)CHECKTYPE(ASText, tDIPath), (void *)CHECKTYPE(ASPathName, aspRelativeTo))

File: ASExpT.h
Line: 3762
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh


#define ASFileSysCreatePathFromFSRef ASFileSysCreatePathName(asfs, ASAtomFromString("FSRef"), \ (void *)CHECKTYPE(FSRef, fsRef), NULL);

File: ASExpT.h
Line: 3822
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh


#define ASFileSysCreatePathFromFSRefWithCFStringRef ASFileSysCreatePathName(asfs, ASAtomFromString("FSRefWithCFStringRef"), \ (void *)CHECKTYPE(FSRefWithCFStringRefRec *, fsRefWithCFStringRef), NULL);

File: ASExpT.h
Line: 3826
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh


#define ASFileSysCreatePathFromFSSpec ASFileSysCreatePathName(asfs, ASAtomFromString("FSSpec"), \ (void *)CHECKTYPE(FSSpec *, cPath), NULL);


Helper macro for the ASFileSysCreatePathName() method.

See Also

File: ASExpT.h
Line: 3817
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh


#define ASFileSysCreatePathFromPOSIXPath ASFileSysCreatePathName(asfs, ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), \ (void *)CHECK_CHARSTR(posixPath), NULL);

File: ASExpT.h
Line: 3834
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define ASFileSysCreatePathWithFolderName ASFileSysCreatePathName(asfs, ASAtomFromString("FolderPathName"), \ (void *)CHECKTYPE(ASPathName, aspFolder), (void *)CHECK_CHARSTR(cFileName))


Helper macro for the ASFileSysCreatePathName() method.

See Also

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Line: 3778
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define ASFileSysCreatePathWithFolderNameWithASText ASFileSysCreatePathName(asfs, ASAtomFromString("FolderPathNameWithASText"), \ (void *)CHECKTYPE(ASPathName, aspFolder), (void *)CHECKTYPE(ASText, tFileName))

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Line: 3782
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define ASFileSysReleasePath ASFileSysReleasePathName

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Line: 122
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define ASFileSysRemoveFile ASFileSysRemove

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Line: 123

Typedefs Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_ASFileSysRec ASFileSys;

A data structure containing callbacks that implement a file system.

See Also


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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_ASFileSysItemProps ASFileSysItemProps;

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_ASFileSysItemProps ASFileSysItemPropsRec;

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_ASFileSysRec ASFileSysRec;

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Line: 3555
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef struct _t_ASFolderIterator* ASFolderIterator;

An opaque object used to iterate through the contents of a folder. ASFileSysFirstFolderItem() returns the first item in the folder along with an ASFolderIterator object for iterating through the rest of the items in the folder. Call ASFileSysNextFolderItem() with this object to return the next object in the folder until the method returns false. To discard the ASFolderIterator object, call ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator().

See Also

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Line: 2167
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_ASIORequestRec ASIORequest;

A data structure representing an I/O request.

See Also

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Line: 1935
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_ASIORequestRec ASIORequestRec;

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef ASUns32 ASlFileMode;

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Line: 129
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef void* ASMDFile;

ASMDFile replaces MDFile. MDFile is an obsolete name for this data type for backward compatibility.

An MDFile is an opaque representation of a file instance for a particular file system. File system implementors may choose any convenient representation for an MDFile. In particular, file systems need not worry about MDFile space conflicts; the ASFile object exported by the common implementation is guaranteed to be unique across all open files, and the common implementation maps calls of ASFile methods to calls of ASFileSystem callbacks with the corresponding MDFile.

See Also

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef struct _t_ASPathNameRec* ASPathName;

See Also

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Enumeration Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum ASFileSysItemType {
 kASFileSysUnknown = -1

See Also

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The object is associated with a file.


The object is associated with a folder.


The object type is unknown.

Structure Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_ASFileSysItemProps {
 ASSize_t size; 
 ASBool isThere; 
 ASFileSysItemType type; 
 ASBool isHidden; 
 ASBool isReadOnly; 
 ASBool creationDateKnown; 
 ASTimeRec creationDate; 
 ASBool modDateKnown; 
 ASTimeRec modDate; 
 ASByteCount fileSize; 
 ASByteCount fileSizeHigh; 
 ASTCount folderSize; 
 ASUns32 creatorCode; 
 ASUns32 typeCode; 

A list of properties for the object referenced by an ASPathName. It is used in ASFileSysGetItemProps() and the folder enumeration routines.

See Also

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Line: 2085


The size of the data structure. It must be set to sizeof(ASFileSysItemPropsRec).


true if the object exists. If it is false, none of the following fields are valid.


One of the ASFileSysItemType objects.


true if the object's hidden bit is set.


true if the object is read-only.


true if the file system could determine the creation date of the object.


The creation date of the object. It is valid only if creationDateKnown is true.


true if the file system could determine the last modification date of the object.


The modification date of the object. It is valid only if modDateKnown is true.


If the type is kASFileSysFile, this field holds the lower 32 bits of the size of the file (the upper 32 bits are maintained by fileSizeHigh.


If the type is kASFileSysFile, this field holds the upper 32 bits of the size of the file (the lower 32 bits are maintained by fileSize.


If the type is kASFileSysFolder, this field specifies how many items are in the folder. If this value is -1, the file system was unable to easily determine the number of objects. You will need to explicitly enumerate the objects to determine how many are in the folder.


The Mac OS creator code for the file. For other file systems, this will be zero.


The Mac OS type code for the file. For other file systems, this will be zero.

Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_ASFileSysRec {
 ASSize_t size; 
 ASFileSysOpenProc open; 
 ASFileSysCloseProc close; 
 ASFileSysFlushProc flush; 
 ASFileSysSetPosProc setpos; 
 ASFileSysGetPosProc getpos; 
 ASFileSysSetEofProc seteof; 
 ASFileSysGetEofProc geteof; 
 ASFileSysReadProc read; 
 ASFileSysWriteProc write; 
 ASFileSysRemoveProc remove; 
 ASFileSysRenameProc rename; 
 ASFileSysIsSameFileProc isSameFile; 
 ASFileSysGetNameProc getName; 
 ASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc getTempPathName; 
 ASFileSysCopyPathNameProc copyPathName; 
 ASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc diPathFromPath; 
 ASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc pathFromDIPath; 
 ASFileSysDisposePathNameProc disposePathName; 
 ASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc getFileSysName; 
 ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc getStorageFreeSpace; 
 ASFileSysFlushVolumeProc flushVolume; 
 ASFileSysGetFileFlags getFileFlags; 
 ASFileSysAsyncReadProc readAsync; 
 ASFileSysAsyncWriteProc writeAsync; 
 ASFileSysAsyncAbortProc abortAsync; 
 ASFileSysYieldProc yield; 
 ASFileSysMReadRequestProc mreadRequest; 
 ASFileSysGetStatusProc getStatus; 
 ASFileSysCreatePathNameProc createPathName; 
 ASFileSysAcquireFileSysPathProc acquireFileSysPath; 
 ASFileSysClearOutstandingMReadsProc clearOutstandingMReads; 
 ASFileSysGetItemPropsProc getItemProps; 
 ASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc firstFolderItem; 
 ASFileSysNextFolderItemProc nextFolderItem; 
 ASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc destroyFolderIterator; 
 ASFileSysSetModeProc setFileMode; 
 ASFileSysURLFromPathProc urlFromPath; 
 ASFileSysGetParentProc getParent; 
 ASFileSysCreateFolderProc createFolder; 
 ASFileSysRemoveFolderProc removeFolder; 
 ASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc displayStringFromPath; 
 ASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc setTypeAndCreator; 
 ASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc getTypeAndCreator; 
 ASFileSysReopenProc reopen; 
 ASFileSysHardFlushProc hardFlush; 
 ASFileSysGetPlatformThingProc getPlatformThing; 
 ASFileSysGetItemPropsAsCabProc getItemPropsAsCab; 
 ASFileSysCanPerformOpOnItemProc canPerformOpOnItem; 
 ASFileSysPerformOpOnItemProc performOpOnItem; 
 ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc acquirePlatformPath; 
 ASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc releasePlatformPath; 
 ASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc getNameAsASText; 
 ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPathProc displayASTextFromPath; 
 ASFileSysRangeArrivedProc rangeArrived; 
 ASFileSysCanSetEofProc canSetEof; 
 ASFileSysDIPathFromPathExProc diPathFromPathEx; 
 ASFileSysPathFromDIPathExProc pathFromDIPathEx; 
 ASFileSysGetFilePositionLimitProc getfileposlimit; 
 ASFileSysOpen64Proc open64; 
 ASFileSysSetPos64Proc setpos64; 
 ASFileSysGetPos64Proc getpos64; 
 ASFileSysSetEof64Proc seteof64; 
 ASFileSysGetEof64Proc geteof64; 
 ASFileSysGetNameForDisplayProc getNameForDisplay; 
 ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace64Proc getStorageFreeSpace64; 
 ASFileSysIsInUseProc isInUse; 

A data structure containing callbacks that implement a file system.

See Also

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The size of the data structure. It must be set to sizeof( ASFileSysRec).


Open file callback.


Close file callback.


Flush callback.


Set position callback.


Get position callback.


Set a file's current logical size.


Get a file's current logical size.


Read file callback.


Write file callback.


Remove file callback.


Rename file callback.


Is the same file.


Get the file name.


Get the temporary path name.


Copy the path name.


Get the device-independent path from the path.


Get the path from the device-independent path.


Dispose the path name.


Get the file system name.


Get the amount of free space on the volume.


Flush the volume.


Get the file flags.


Asynchronous read.


Asynchronous write.


Asynchronous abort.


Yield callback.


Asynchronous request for a byte range.


Retrieve the status.


Create the path name.


Acquire the path.


Drop read request.


Get the file description.


Begin iterating through the folder.


Get the next folder item.


Destroy the folder iterator.


Set the file mode.


Get the URL from the path.


Get the parent of the input path.


Create a folder.


Remove a folder.


Get a display string representing the path.


Set the type and creator.


Get the type and creator.


Reopen the file.


Perform a hard flush on the file.


Deprecated. Get the platform file system representation.


Get the file item properties in ASCab format.


Test whether an operation can be performed.


Perform the operation.


Acquire the platform path.


Release the platform path.


Get the file name as an ASText object.


Get the path for display.


The byte range has arrived.


Determine whether the ASFileSys can set the end of file marker (EOF) to a new offset for the specified file.


Convert a path to a device-independent path.


Convert a device-independent path to a path.


Get the maximum file position that can be processed by this file system.


Open a file over 2 GB in length.


Set the current position in a file over 2 GB in length.


Get the current position in a file over 2 GB in length.


Increase or decrease the logical size for a file over 2 GB in length.


Get a file's current logical size for a file over 2 GB in length.


Gets the Windows Explorer or Mac Finder representation of the specified ASPathName as an ASText object.


Get the amount of free space on the volume.


Determine whether the file is in use by another process.

Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_ASIORequestRec {
 ASMDFile mdFile; 
 void* ptr; 
 ASTFilePos offset; 
 ASTArraySize count; 
 ASTArraySize totalBytesCompleted; 
 ASErrorCode pError; 
 void* clientData; 
 ASIODoneProc IODoneProc; 
 void* IODoneProcData; 

The first five items in the ASIORequestSingleRec structure exactly match the parameters of an ASFileSys read or write call.

totalBytesRead is filled in before the IODoneProc is called. If totalBytesRead is 0 or if pError is non-zero, the read was either terminated or did not complete.

If IODoneProc is non-zero, it points to a procedure that must be called either when the request has terminated due to an error or other condition, or when all of the bytes have been received for this request.

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The MDFile corresponding to the ASFile for which this request is intended.


A pointer to data to write to or read from mdFile.


An offset (specified in bytes) into mdFile of the first byte to read or write.


The number of bytes to read or write. It must be filled in before IODoneProc is called. If is value is 0, the read was either terminated or did not complete.


The number of bytes actually read or written.


An error code. This code is filled by the ASFileSys before IODoneProc is called. If its value is non-zero, the read was either terminated or did not complete.


User-supplied data that the ASFileSys can use for any purpose.


A user-supplied callback for use by the ASFileSys when the operation has completed. If it is non-NULL, it points to a procedure that must be called either when the request has terminated due to an error or other condition, or when all of the bytes have been received for this request.


User-supplied data that is available for IODoneProc to use.

Callbacks Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName (*ASFileSysAcquireFileSysPathProc)(ASPathName pathName, ASFileSys newFileSys)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that is used for non-local file systems. It returns an ASPathName on the new ASFileSys that refers to an image (which may be cached) of the remote file. Because of the possibility of cache flushing, you must hold a copy of the remote file's ASPathName for the duration of use of the local file.

See Also


Do not remove the local file copy, since the default file system does not know about the linkage to the remote file. The removal of this temporary file should be left to the file system.
The ASPathName returned should be released with the ASFileSysReleasePath() method when it is no longer needed.

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Line: 2427
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 (*ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc)(ASPathName path, ASAtom platformPathType, ASPlatformPath *platformPath)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that acquires a platform-specific file system representation of the specified path, according to the specified type, wrapped in an allocated ASPlatformPath object. Use the ASPlatformPath* calls to get the actual platform object.

See Also

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Line: 3095
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*ASFileSysAsyncAbortProc)(ASMDFile f)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that aborts all uncompleted asynchronous I/O requests for the specified file. This callback can be called at any time.

This callback calls each outstanding ASIORequest object's ASIODoneProc() to be called with totalBytes = 0 and error = -1.

See Also

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Line: 2316
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysAsyncReadProc)(ASIORequest req)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that asynchronously reads the specified data, returning immediately after the request has been queued. The ASFileSys must call the ASIODoneProc() (if one was provided) when the specified data has been read.

This callback is similar to the ASFileSysMReadRequestProc(), except that this callback contains a caller-provided ASIODoneProc() and can only be used for a single byte range.

See Also

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Line: 2280
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysAsyncWriteProc)(ASIORequest req)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that asynchronously writes the specified data, returning immediately after the request has been queued. The ASFileSys must call the ASIODoneProc() (if one was provided) when the specified data has been written.

See Also

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Line: 2300
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 (*ASFileSysCanPerformOpOnItemProc)(ASPathName pathName, const char *op)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that tests whether a specified operation can be performed on the file, which means that it tests whether a handler is defined for that operation in ASFileSysPerformOpOnItemProc.

See Also

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Line: 3055
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool (*ASFileSysCanSetEofProc)(ASMDFile f, ASFilePos pos)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that determines whether ASFileSys can set the end of file marker (EOF) to a new offset for the specified file.

See Also

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Line: 3155
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*ASFileSysClearOutstandingMReadsProc)(ASMDFile f)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that is used to advise a file system that the previous range of bytes requested to read are not needed, so that it may drop the read requests. The file system can continue pushing the bytes if it cannot stop the reads.

See Also

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Line: 2390
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysCloseProc)(ASMDFile f)

A callback for ASFileSysRec. This callback is responsible for closing the specified file. It is called by ASFileClose().

See Also

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Line: 2458
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName (*ASFileSysCopyPathNameProc)(ASPathName pathName)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that copies a path name (not the underlying file). It is called by ASFileSysCopyPath().

Copying a path name does not result in any file-level operations, and does not depend on the existence of an open file for the path name.

See Also


The ASPathName returned should be released by the ASFileSysReleasePath() method when it is no longer needed.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysCreateFolderProc)(ASPathName path)

A callback for ASFileSysRec used to create an empty folder at the specified path.

See Also

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName (*ASFileSysCreatePathNameProc)(ASAtom pathSpecType, const void *pathSpec, const void *mustBeZero)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that creates an ASPathName based on the input type and PDFileSpec. Each ASFileSys implementation must publish the input types that it accepts. For example, the Mac OS ASFileSys may accept the type FSSpecPtr, and the MS-DOS ASFileSys may only accept types of CString.

See Also


The ASPathName returned should be released by the ASFileSysReleasePath() method when it is no longer needed.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*ASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc)(ASFolderIterator folderIter)

A callback for ASFileSysRec used to release the resources associated with folderIter.

See Also

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysDIPathFromPathExProc)(ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath, ASText diPathText)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that converts a path name to a device-independent path name, returned as an ASText object. It is called by ASFileSysDIPathFromPathEx().

See Also

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char * (*ASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc)(ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that converts a path name to a device- independent path name. It is called by ASFileSysDIPathFromPath().

See Also


The memory for the char* returned should be freed with the ASfree() method when it is no longer needed.

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Line: 2671
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPathProc)(ASPathName path, ASText displayText)

Places a representation that can be displayed to users of a path into displayText.

This does not raise an error.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char * (*ASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc)(ASPathName path)

A callback for ASFileSysRec used to obtain a representation of a path that can be displayed by the user.

See Also

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Line: 2929
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*ASFileSysDisposePathNameProc)(ASPathName pathName)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that is called by ASFileSysReleasePath().

This callback frees any memory occupied by pathname. It does not result in any file-level operations.

See Also

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Line: 2705
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFolderIterator (*ASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc)(ASPathName folderPath, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName *itemPath)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that begins the process of iterating through the contents of a folder.

See Also

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Line: 2802
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysFlushProc)(ASMDFile f)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that flushes data for the specified file. It is called by ASFileFlush().

See Also

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysFlushVolumeProc)(ASPathName pathName)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that flushes the volume on which the specified file resides. This ensures that any data written to the system for the volume containing pathName is flushed out to the physical volume (equivalent to the Mac OS FlushVol, or to the UNIX sync). Call this after you are finished writing a complete transaction to force a commit.

This callback is not called directly from any client API method, but is used internally by the Acrobat viewer.

See Also

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysGetEof64Proc)(ASMDFile f, ASFilePos64 *pos)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets a file's current logical size. It is called by ASFileGetEOF() and is capable of handling file sizes over 2 GB.

See Also

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Line: 3292
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysGetEofProc)(ASMDFile f, ASFilePos *pos)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets a file's current logical size. It is called by ASFileGetEOF(), and is not capable of handling file sizes over 2 GB.

See Also

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Line: 2525
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFlagBits (*ASFileSysGetFileFlags)(ASMDFile f)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the flags for the specified file.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysGetFilePositionLimitProc)(ASFilePos64 *pos)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that returns the maximum file position that can be processed by this file system. This is not the maximum size file that can be created, but the maximum file position that can be handled by the arithmetic in the file system implementation. This will typically be (2 ^ 31) - 1 or (2 ^ 63) - 1. If this entry is not present, a value of (2 ^ 31) - 1 should be assumed.

See Also

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASAtom (*ASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc)(void)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets this file system's name.

This callback is not called directly by any method in the client API, but is used internally by the Acrobat viewer.

See Also

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 (*ASFileSysGetItemPropsAsCabProc)(ASPathName pathName, ASCab theCab)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets a full description of the file system object associated with pathName, returning the item properties in the ASCab format.

If the ASCab has no keys on entry, every known property is filled in. If it is not empty, only properties corresponding to keys in the ASCab are filled in. Keys that do not map to a property of the object are removed. The ASCab has the following potential entries:

ASBool isThere;

ASInt32 type;

ASBool isHidden;

ASBool isReadOnly;

char * creationDate; // PDF style date

string char * modDate; // PDF style date string

ASUns32 fileSizeHigh;

ASUns32 fileSizeLow;

ASInt32 folderSize;

ASUns32 creatorCode;

ASUns32 typeCode;

ASUns32 versionMajor;

ASUns32 versionMinor;

ASBool isCheckedOut;

ASBool isPublished;

See Also

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Line: 3041
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysGetItemPropsProc)(ASPathName pathName, ASFileSysItemProps props)

A callback for ASFileSysRec used to retrieve a full description of the file system object associated with the path.

See Also

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Line: 2779
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc)(ASPathName pathName, ASText name)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the file name for the specified ASPathName as an ASText object.

See Also


This supersedes ASFileSysGetNameProc() for Acrobat 6.0.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysGetNameForDisplayProc)(ASPathName pathName, ASText nameForDisplay)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the Windows Explorer/Mac Finder representation for the specified ASPathName as an ASText object. This may be a localized and extension-stripped version of the filename.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysGetNameProc)(ASPathName pathName, char *name, ASTArraySize maxLength)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that returns a character string containing the file name for the specified ASPathName. The character string contains only the file name; it is not a complete path name.

This callback is not called directly from any plug-in API method. It is used internally by the Acrobat viewer.

See Also

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Line: 2616
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName (*ASFileSysGetParentProc)(ASPathName path)

A callback for ASFileSysRec used to obtain the parent of the input path.

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Line: 2896
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void * (*ASFileSysGetPlatformThingProc)(ASPathName path, ASAtom thing)

Returns a platform file system representation of the ASPathName passed according to the atom selector. It allocates memory for the returned structure, which the caller must release with ASfree().

This does not raise an error.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysGetPos64Proc)(ASMDFile f, ASFilePos64 *pos)

A callback that gets the current position for the specified file. It is called by ASFileGetPos(), and is capable of handling file postions over 2 GB.

See Also

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Line: 3265
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysGetPosProc)(ASMDFile f, ASFilePos *pos)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the current position for the specified file. It is called by ASFileGetPos(), and is not capable of handling file positions over 2 GB.

See Also

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Line: 2497
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFlagBits (*ASFileSysGetStatusProc)(ASMDFile f)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the status of the specified file. This callback is used for asynchronous I/O. For example, it can indicate that an underlying file connection has been closed.

See Also

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Line: 2402
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASDiskSpace64 (*ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace64Proc)(ASPathName pathName)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the amount of free space on the volume containing the specified ASPathName. It is similar to ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace(), except that the return value is not limited to 4 GB (with a 64-bit return value).

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Line: 3318
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASDiskSpace (*ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc)(ASPathName pathName)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the amount of free space on the volume containing the specified ASPathName.

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Line: 2726
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName (*ASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc)(ASPathName pathName)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that returns a unique path name suitable for use in creating temporary files.

See Also


The ASPathName returned should be released by the ASFileSysReleasePath() method when it is no longer needed.

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Line: 2632
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*ASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc)(ASPathName path, ASUns32 *type, ASUns32 *creator)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the file type and creator for the file. This callback is currently only implemented on Mac OS. It does not raise an error.

See Also

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Line: 2957
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysHardFlushProc)(ASMDFile f)

Does a hard flush on the file. A hard flush makes sure the data is flushed even if the file is remote. This proc should succeed and do nothing if it is not supported.

This does not raise an error.

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Line: 2989
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool (*ASFileSysIsInUseProc)(ASPathName pathName)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that tests whether a file is in use by another process.

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Line: 3327
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool (*ASFileSysIsSameFileProc)(ASMDFile f, ASPathName pathName, ASPathName newPathName)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that tests whether two files are the same.

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Line: 2595
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysMReadRequestProc)(ASMDFile f, ASFile aFile, ASTFilePos *blockPairs, ASTArraySize nBlockPairs)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that queues asynchronous requests for one or more byte ranges that the caller (usually the Acrobat viewer or library) will need in the near future. This callback is important for slow file systems, such as the web, to improve overall performance. It allows the file system to begin retrieving bytes before they are actually needed, while the Acrobat software continues processing as much as it can with the data that has already been downloaded.

This callback does not actually read the data, but merely queues the requests, starts the asynchronous code that reads the data, and returns. The asynchronous code that reads the data must use ASFilePushData() to push the data from each byte range to the Acrobat software as soon as the data is ready.

This callback is similar to the ASFileSysAsyncReadProc(), except that this callback contains a caller-provided ASIODoneProc() and can only be used for a single byte range.

See Also

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool (*ASFileSysNextFolderItemProc)(ASFolderIterator folderIter, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName *itemPath)

A callback for ASFileSysRec used to continue the iteration process associated with the ASFolderIterator object. Both itemPath and props are optional and can be NULL if the caller is not interested in that information.

See Also

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysOpen64Proc)(ASPathName pathName, ASFileMode mode, ASMDFile *fP)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that opens the specified file. It is called by ASFileSysOpen64(). This callback must be used if the file is over 2 GB in length.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysOpenProc)(ASPathName pathName, ASFileMode mode, ASMDFile *fP)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that opens the specified file. It is called by ASFileSysOpenFile() and ASFileReopen(). This callback returns an error if the file is over 2 GB in length.

See Also

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Line: 2446
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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName (*ASFileSysPathFromDIPathExProc)(ASConstText diPathText, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that converts a device-independent path name from an ASText object to an ASPathName. It is called by ASFileSysPathFromDIPathEx().

See Also


The ASPathName returned should be released by the ASFileSysReleasePath() method when it is no longer needed.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName (*ASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc)(const char *diPath, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that converts a device-independent path name to an ASPathName. It is called by ASFileSysPathFromDIPath().

See Also


The ASPathName returned should be released by the ASFileSysReleasePath() method when it is no longer needed.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 (*ASFileSysPerformOpOnItemProc)(ASPathName pathName, const char *op, ASCab params)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that performs the specified operation on a particular file.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*ASFileSysRangeArrivedProc)(ASInt32 start, ASInt32 length, void *clientData)

A callback for ASFileSysRec used when a byte range has arrived during a file load operation.

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Line: 3142
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASSize_t (*ASFileSysReadProc)(void *ptr, ASSize_t size, ASSize_t count, ASMDFile f, ASErrorCode *pError)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that reads data from the specified file. It is called by ASFileRead() and returns an error if the file size is over 2 GB.

See Also

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Line: 2543
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*ASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc)(ASPlatformPath platformPath)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that releases the specified platform path object when the client is done with it.

See Also

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Line: 3107
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysRemoveFolderProc)(ASPathName path)

A callback for ASFileSysRec used to delete the folder at the specified path.

See Also

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Line: 2918
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysRemoveProc)(ASPathName pathName)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that deletes a file. It is called by ASFileSysRemoveFile().

See Also

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Line: 2568
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysRenameProc)(ASMDFile *f, ASPathName oldPath, ASPathName newPath)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that renames a file. It is not called directly by any method in the client API, but is used internally by the Acrobat viewer.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASMDFile (*ASFileSysReopenProc)(ASMDFile f, ASFileMode newMode, ASErrorCode *error)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that reopens a file in the specified mode. ASFileReopen() calls this method if it is present. If this method is not present, or if it returns NULL and error is 0, ASFileReopen() does a close followed by an open. If error is non-zero, ASFileReopen() ignores the return value and fails with that error.

On success, the old file should not need to be closed. On failure, the old file should remain unchanged.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysSetEof64Proc)(ASMDFile f, ASFilePos64 pos)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that increases or decreases the logical size of a file. It is called by ASFileSetEOF() and is capable of handling file sizes over 2 GB.

See Also

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Line: 3278
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysSetEofProc)(ASMDFile f, ASFilePos pos)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that increases or decreases the logical size of a file. It is called by ASFileSetEOF(). It returns an error if the current file position is over 2 GB.

See Also

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Line: 2511
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASlFileMode (*ASFileSysSetModeProc)(ASMDFile f, ASlFileMode modeValue, ASMaskBits modeMask)

ASFileSysSetMode() sets and gets parameters for the specified file.

Mode operations:



Get the current mode

ASFileSetMode(aFile, 0, 0);

Set the mode

ASFileSetMode( aFile, kASFileModeDoNotYieldIfBytesNotReady, kASFileModeDoNotYieldIfBytesNotReady );

Clear the mode

ASFileSetMode( aFile, 0, kASFileModeDoNotYieldIfBytesNotReady );

Setting parameters:




If set, then ASFileRead() will not perform a fileSys->yield() if RaiseIfBytesNotReady is true. Otherwise, it may call yield before raising the exception fileErrBytesNotReady.


If set, mread() requests made via ASFileMReadRequest() become NOPs.


If set, ASFileRead() will raise fileErrBytesNotReady when trying to read from a file with a cache for which the requested bytes are not yet present.

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Line: 2885
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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysSetPos64Proc)(ASMDFile f, ASFilePos64 pos)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that sets the current position in a file, which is the point from which data will next be read. It is called by ASFileSetPos() and is capable of handling file postions over 2 GB.

See Also

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Line: 3251
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysSetPosProc)(ASMDFile f, ASFilePos pos)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that sets the current position in a file (the point from which data will next be read). It is called by ASFileSetPos().

See Also

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Line: 2483
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*ASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc)(ASPathName path, ASUns32 type, ASUns32 creator)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that sets the file type and creator for the file. This callback is currently only implemented on Mac OS. It does not raise an error.

See Also

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Line: 2943
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char * (*ASFileSysURLFromPathProc)(ASPathName path)

A callback for ASFileSysRec used to obtain the URL associated with the given ASPathName.

See Also

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Line: 2852
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASSize_t (*ASFileSysWriteProc)(void *ptr, ASSize_t size, ASSize_t count, ASMDFile f, ASErrorCode *pError)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that writes data to the specified file.

See Also

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Line: 2558
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode (*ASFileSysYieldProc)(ASMDFile f)

A callback for ASFileSysRec that yields the asynchronous I/O requests for the specified file. This allows other processes to process events that may be required for a file read to complete. An ASFileSys should implement a yield mechanism to complement asynchronous read and write requests.

On Windows, this could be a normal PeekMessage-based yield.

In UNIX, it could mean using select on a file descriptor.

See Also

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Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName ASFileSysAcquireFileSysPath(ASFileSys oldFileSys, ASPathName oldPathName, ASFileSys newFileSys)

Converts an ASPathName from one file system to another. It returns an ASPathName acquired through newFileSys that refers to an image (which may possibly be cached) of the file in oldfileSys. Use this call to get a local file that is an image of a remote file (in a URL file system, for example). This is needed by programs such as the QuickTime Movie Player, because they can only work from local file-system files. The returned ASPathName may be a reference to a cache, so the file should be treated as read-only.

Because of the possibility of cache flushing, you must hold a copy of the remote file's ASPathName for the duration of use of the local file.

Do not remove the local file copy, since the newFileSys system does not know about the linkage to the remote (oldFileSys) file!

The source file does not have to be open.

This call is handled by oldFileSys if oldFileSys contains the appropriate procedure. Otherwise it is handled by copying the file. The source file is closed at the end of the copy if it was not open prior to the call.

It is the caller's responsibility to release the ASPathName when it is no longer needed by using ASFileSysReleasePath().


oldFileSys — 

IN/OUT (May be NULL) The file system from which oldPathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

oldPathName — 

IN/OUT The ASPathname in the current file system.

newFileSys — 

IN/OUT (May be NULL) The file system to which the oldPathName is converted. Pass NULL to use the default file system.


The ASPathName in newFileSys or NULL if one cannot be made.

See Also





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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName ASFileSysAcquireParent(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)

Returns the parent folder of the file system object associated with pathName. The following rules apply in the default file systems:

It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned ASPathName.


fileSys — 

IN/OUT (May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

IN/OUT The ASPathName.


The ASPathName associated with the parent folder. The method will return NULL if the parent could not be returned.

See Also





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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASAtom platformPathType, ASPlatformPath* platformPath)

Returns a platform-specific file system representation of the specified path, according to the specified type, wrapped in an allocated ASPlatformPath object. It calls ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc().

This method creates an equivalent platform-specific type (such as FSRef on Mac OS) from an ASPathName. Use ASFileSysCreatePathName() for the reverse situation to create an equivalent ASPathName from a platform-specific type.

In previous releases, you could cast an ASPathName to an FSSpec, for example, but that does not work in the Acrobat 6.0 SDK and later (because of changes to accommodate long, Unicode file names on Mac OS X). When developing for Mac OS, use this call to get an FSSpec from an ASPathName safely on Mac OS X, without casting. However, it is recommended that you transition to using newer types such as FSRef to be compatible with OS X filenames, or change to using all ASFileSys methods.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

path — 

The ASPathName in the file system specified by fileSys.

platformPathType — 

The platform path type, one of the following ASAtom values:

ASAtom value

Operating system


Mac OS


Mac OS


Mac OS


Mac OS

FSRef (pathName object must exist)

Mac OS



platformPath — 

(Filled by the method) The new platform path object. Always free this object with ASFileSysReleasePlatformPath() when done.


0 if the operation was successful, non-zero error code otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 ASFileSysCanPerformOpOnItem(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, const char* op)

Tests whether a given operation can be performed on a particular file. It calls the canPerformOpOnItem() procedure registered for the ASFileSysRec, which determines whether the operation is one of the file system-defined operation strings for which there is a handler.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

The ASPathName of the file.

op — 

The name of the operation to test. A file system-defined string handled by ASFileSysCanPerformOpOnItemProc().


asGenErrNoError if the operation can be performed on the item, or an error indicating why the oepration would fail.

See Also



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 ASFileSysConvertCabToItemProps(ASFileSysItemProps props, ASCab theCab)

Converts a set of item properties from the ASCab format to the ASFileSysItemPropsRec format.


props — 

(Filled by the method) The item properties structure.

theCab — 

Properties describing the object, in cabinet format.


0 if no error was encountered; otherwise an error code is returned.

See Also




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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 ASFileSysConvertItemPropsToCab(ASCab theCab, const ASFileSysItemPropsRec* props)

Converts a set of item properties from the ASFileSysItemPropsRec format to the ASCab format.

The ASCab has the following potential entries:

Key Name











char* (PDF style date string)


char* (PDF style date string)




















theCab — 

(Filled by the method) Properties describing the object, in cabinet format.

props — 

The item properties structure.


0 if no error was encountered; otherwise an error code is returned.

See Also




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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName ASFileSysCopyPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)

Generates and copies the specified ASPathName (but does not copy the file specified by the path name). The ASPathName must have been obtained through the specified file system. This method may be used regardless of whether the file specified by path name is open.

It is the caller's responsibility to release the ASPathName when it is no longer needed by using ASFileSysReleasePath().


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

The ASPathName to copy.


A copy of pathName.

See Also



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode ASFileSysCreateFolder(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASBool recurse)

Creates an empty folder at the specified pathName.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

path — 

The path of the folder to create.

recurse — 

Recursively create the parent folder if necessary.


0 if the operation was successful, a non-zero platform-dependent error code otherwise.

See Also





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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName ASFileSysCreatePathName(const ASFileSys fileSys, ASAtom pathSpecType, const void* pathSpec, const void* additionalData)

Creates an ASPathName based on the input type and pathSpec. Each fileSys implementation must publish the input types that it accepts.

It is the caller's responsibility to release the ASPathName when it is no longer needed by using ASFileSysReleasePath().

Developers should consider using the simpler helper macros instead of using the call directly.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The ASFileSys in which you are trying to create an ASPathName. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathSpecType — 

An ASAtom specifying the data type in pathSpec, as follows:

Data type



Accepted by the default file system on all platforms. pathSpec is a NULL- terminated char*. On Mac OS it must be an absolute path separated by colons, as in "VolumeName:Folder:file.pdf". On Windows the path may be absolute, as in "C:\\folder\\file.pdf" or relative as in "...\\folder\\file.pdf". On UNIX the path may be absolute as in "/folder/file.pdf" or relative as in ".../folder/file.pdf".


Accepted by the default file system on Mac OS. pathSpec is a pointer to a valid FSSpec. This type is deprecated in Acrobat 9.0. Use FSRef, FSRefWithCFStringRef, CFURLRef, or POSIXPath instead.


Accepted by the default file system on Mac OS. pathSpec is a valid FSRef.


Accepted by the default file system on Mac OS. pathSpec is a pointer to a valid FSRefWithCFStringRefRec.


Accepted by the default file system on Mac OS. pathSpec is a valid CFURLRef.


Accepted by the default file system on Mac OS. pathSpec is a NULL-terminated char* containing a POSIX-style, UTF-8 encoded path string.


In the past this was accepted by the default file system on Mac OS. This type is deprecated and should not be used.


Accepted by the default file system on Windows and Mac OS. pathSpec is a device-independent path as documented in the PDF Reference. pathSpec can contain an absolute or relative path. If a relative path is used, the method will evaluate that path against an ASPathName passed in the mustBeZero parameter.


Accepted by the default file system on Windows and Mac OS. pathSpec is a device-independent path, in the form of an ASText, as documented in the PDF Reference. pathSpec can contain an absolute or relative path. If a relative path is used, the method will evaluate that path against an ASPathName passed in the mustBeZero parameter.


Accepted by the default file system on Windows and Mac OS. pathSpec is an ASPathName that contains the path of a folder. mustBeZero is a C string containing the name of the file. The returned ASPathName contains the result of appending mustBeZero to pathSpec.


Accepted by the default file system on Windows and Mac OS. pathSpec is an ASPathName that contains the path of a folder. mustBeZero is an ASText containing the name of the file. The returned ASPathName contains the result of appending mustBeZero to pathSpec.

pathSpec — 

The file specification from which to create an ASPathName. Relative paths are evaluated from the directory containing the executable (if used with the PDF Library), or the directory containing Acrobat (if used in a plug-in).

additionalData — 

See pathSpecType parameter description.


The newly created path name, or NULL on failure.

See Also


genErrBadParm on Windows if the pathSpecType is not recognized.




This method does not work for relative POSIX paths on Mac OS; only absolute POSIX paths will work.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator(ASFileSys fileSys, ASFolderIterator folderIter)

Releases the resources associated with folderIter.


fileSys — 

IN/OUT (May be NULL) The file system from which the iteration was started. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

folderIter — 

IN/OUT An ASFolderIterator object returned from a previous call to ASFileSysFirstFolderItem().

See Also



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Line: 1675
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char* ASFileSysDIPathFromPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)

Converts a file name, specified as an ASPathName, to a device-independent path name. It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory associated with the returned string using ASfree().


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

path — 

The ASPathName to convert.

relativeToThisPath — 

(May be NULL) The path name relative to which the device-independent path name is specified. If NULL, the device-independent path name will be an absolute, not a relative, path name.


A device-independent path name corresponding to the parameter values supplied, or NULL if the operation is not supported by the file system.

See section 3.10 in the PDF Reference for a description of the device-independent path name format. This path name may not be understood on another platform since drive specifiers may be prepended.

See Also




On Mac OS, if pathName and relativeToThisPath refer to files that are on different volumes, the method returns an absolute path.
This method can only be used to get host encoding. For any other encoding, use ASFileSysDIPathFromPathEx() in Acrobat 6.0 and later.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode ASFileSysDIPathFromPathEx(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASPathName relativeToThisPath, ASText diPathText)

Converts a file name, specified as an ASPathName, to a device-independent path name, which is returned as an ASText object. It calls ASFileSysDIPathFromPathExProc().

This method supersedes ASFileSysDIPathFromPath() in Acrobat 6.0 and later.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

path — 

The ASPathName to convert.

relativeToThisPath — 

(May be NULL) The path name relative to which the device-independent path name is specified. If it is NULL, the device-independent path name will be an absolute, not a relative, path name.

diPathText — 

(Filled by the method) The ASText object to contain the device-independent path. It must be allocated and freed by the client.


0 if the operation was successful, a non-zero platform-dependent error code otherwise.

See Also



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Line: 2519
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASText displayText)

Returns a user-friendly representation of a path as a text object. It calls ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPathProc().

This method supersedes ASFileSysDisplayStringFromPath() in Acrobat 6.0 and later.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

path — 

The ASPathName in question.

displayText — 

(Filled by method) The text object containing the display representation of the path.


0 if the operation was successful, a non-zero platform-dependent error code otherwise.

See Also



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Line: 2426
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char* ASFileSysDisplayStringFromPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path)

Returns a user-friendly representation of a path. It is the caller's responsibility to release the memory associated with the returned string using ASfree().


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

path — 

The ASPathName in question.


A buffer containing the display string, or NULL if this operation is not supported by the file system or some error occurred.

How to use examples
Operating system Display string
Windows "C:\\Folder\\File"
Mac OS "Hard Disk:Folder:File"
UNIX "/Folder/File"

See Also




In Acrobat 6.0 and later, this method can only be used to get host encoding. For any other encoding, use ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath().

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFolderIterator ASFileSysFirstFolderItem(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName folderPath, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName* itemPath)

Creates an iterator which can be used to enumerate all objects inside the specified folder, and returns the properties of the first item found in the folder. The iteration can be continued by passing the returned ASFolderIterator to ASFileSysNextFolderItem.

Both itemProps and itemPath are optional, and may be NULL if you are not interested in that information.

The client is obligated to eventually free the resources associated with ASFolderIterator by calling ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator().


fileSys — 

IN/OUT (May be NULL) The file system from which folderPath was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

folderPath — 

IN/OUT The path associated with the target folder.

props — 

IN/OUT (Filled by the method, may be NULL) A properties structure describing the first object iterated.

itemPath — 

(Filled by the method, may be NULL) An ASPathName, allocated by ASFileSysFirstFolderItem(), which is associated with the object. The caller of ASFileSysFirstFolderItem() must free the ASPathName. This parameter contains an absolute path on Windows and UNIX.


A valid ASFolderIterator object if folderPath contained any files. NULL will be returned if the folder is empty or the operation is not supported by the file system.

See Also


fileErrFNF (raised by the Windows default file system)
asFileErrNotADir (raised by the Windows default file system)




The order in which items are enumerated is implementation-dependent. Of particular importance is the fact that items will probably not be iterated in alphabetic order.
If items are added to or removed from a folder during iteration, the results are implementation-dependent.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode ASFileSysFlushVolume(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)

Flushes the volume on which the specified file resides. This ensures that any data written to the system for the volume containing pathName is flushed out to the physical volume (equivalent to Mac OS FlushVol or to the UNIX sync).

Only the Mac OS default file system implements the callback associated with this method. This is a no-op on Windows and UNIX.


fileSys — 

IN/OUT (May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

IN/OUT The ASPathName from which the volume information is obtained.


0 if the operation was successful, a non-zero platform-dependent error code otherwise.



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Line: 1803
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFilePos64 ASFileSysGetFilePosLimit(ASFileSys fileSys)

Returns the maximum file position that can be processed by this file system. This is not the maximum size file that can be created or the amount of room left in the file system, but the maximum file position that can be handled by the arithmetic in the file system implementation. This will typically be (2 ^ 31) - 1 or (2 ^ 63) - 1.


fileSys — 

IN/OUT (May be NULL) The file system from which the path name was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.


The maximum file position that can be processed.

See Also



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Line: 2672
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode ASFileSysGetItemProps(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, ASFileSysItemProps props)

Populates an ASFileSysItemProps record with a full description of the file system object associated with pathName. It calls ASFileSysGetItemPropsProc().


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

The ASPathName associated with the object.

props — 

(Filled by the method) A properties structure describing the object. The size field must be set on input.


0 if no error was encountered; otherwise an error code is returned. If an error code is returned, props will not be filled with valid values. If no file system object is present, an error will not be reported and the props.isThere field will be false.

See Also






The method clears the memory associated with itemProps, so the caller need not do so. However, the caller must explicitly set the props->size field of the ASFileSysItemProps structure before calling this method.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 ASFileSysGetItemPropsAsCab(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, ASCab theCab)

Gets a full description of the file system object associated with pathName, returning the item properties in the ASCab format. Calls ASFileSysGetItemPropsAsCabProc().

If the ASCab has no keys on entry, every property known is filled in. If it is not empty, only properties corresponding to keys in the ASCab are filled in. Keys that do not map to a property of the object are removed.

The ASCab has the following potential entries:

Key Name











char* (PDF style date string)


char* (PDF style date string)




















fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

The ASPathName associated with the object.

theCab — 

(Filled by the method) Properties describing the object, in cabinet format.


0 if no error was encountered; otherwise an error code is returned. If an error code is returned, theCab is not filled with valid values. If the path name does not point to an object on the file system, returns asFileErrFNF and a valid ASCab with isThere set to false.

See Also




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode ASFileSysGetNameFromPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, char* name, ASTArraySize maxLength)

Extracts the file name (including extension) from the path.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

The ASPathName associated with the file in question.

name — 

(Filled by the method) A buffer used to store the file name.

maxLength — 

Maximum number of bytes that buffer can hold.


0 if the operation was successful, a non-zero platform-dependent error code otherwise. The buffer is returned as a host-encoded C string.

See Also






In Acrobat 6.0 and later, this method can only be used to get host encoding. For any other encoding, use ASFileSysGetNameFromPathAsASText().

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode ASFileSysGetNameFromPathAsASText(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, ASText name)

Extracts the file name (including the extension) from the path as an ASText object. This method supersedes ASFileSysGetNameFromPath() in Acrobat 6.0 and later.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

The ASPathName associated with the file in question.

name — 

(Filled by the method) The text object containing the file name.


0 if the operation was successful, a non-zero platform-dependent error code otherwise.

See Also





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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode ASFileSysGetNameFromPathForDisplay(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, ASText nameForDisplay)

This method writes into nameForDisplay the representation of that item as it would be shown in Windows Explorer or Mac OS Finder. For example, it will provide the localized string for "My Documents" even though, on disk, "My Documents" is always in English. It will also strip the extension if that is what Windows Explorer or the Mac Finder would do for that file.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

The ASPathName associated with the file in question.

nameForDisplay — 

(Filled by the method) The text object containing the name used for display.


0 if the operation was successful, a non-zero platform-dependent error code otherwise.





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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void* ASFileSysGetPlatformThing(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASAtom thing)

Deprecated API: always returns NULL.





PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00060000

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASDiskSpace ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)

Gets the amount of free space on the volume containing pathName.


fileSys — 

IN/OUT (May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

IN/OUT The ASPathName in question.


The amount of free space in bytes, 0 otherwise. Because the free space is returned as an ASUns32, it is limited to 4 GB.



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASDiskSpace64 ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace64(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)

Gets the amount of free space on the volume containing pathName. This is the same as ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace() without the 4 GB limit.


fileSys — 

IN/OUT (May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

IN/OUT The ASPathName.


The amount of free space in bytes, 0 otherwise.



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName ASFileSysGetTempPathName(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName siblingPathName)

Returns a unique path name suitable for use in creating temporary files. It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned object using ASFileSysReleasePath().

If siblingPath is non-NULL, the returned ASPathName is created at the same folder level as this path. Otherwise the standard temporary file location is used.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which siblingPath was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

siblingPathName — 

(May be NULL) An ASPathName indicating the desired location of the temporary path name. The returned ASPathName is created at the same folder level as this path.


The ASPathName if the operation was successful, NULL otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASFileSysGetTypeAndCreator(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASUns32* type, ASUns32* creator)

Gets the type and creator of the file specified by the path.

See Creators and Acrobat Types.


fileSys — 

The file system containing the file for which the type and creator are needed.

path — 

The path name of the file.

type — 

(Filled by method) The type of the file.

creator — 

(Filled by method) The creator of the file.

See Also




This is only meaningful for the Mac OS default file system. Windows and UNIX always return 0 for both type and creator.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool ASFileSysIsLocal(ASFileSys fileSys)

Returns true if fileSys is NULL, the default file system or the default Unicode file system.




true if fileSys is NULL or a local file system.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool ASFileSysNextFolderItem(ASFileSys fileSys, ASFolderIterator folderIter, ASFileSysItemProps props, ASPathName* itemPath)

Continues the iteration process associated with the ASFolderIterator object.

Both itemPath and itemProps are optional, and may be NULL if you are not interested in that information.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system with which the iteration was started. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

folderIter — 

An ASFolderIterator object returned from a previous call to ASFileSysFirstFolderItem().

props — 

(Filled by the method, may be NULL) A properties structure describing the next object in the iteration.

itemPath — 

(Filled by the method, may be NULL) An ASPathName, allocated by ASFileSysNextFolderItem(), which is associated with the object. The caller of ASFileSysNextFolderItem() must free the ASPathName. This parameter contains an absolute path on Windows and UNIX.


true if another object was found, false otherwise.

See Also





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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode ASFileSysOpenFile(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, ASFileMode mode, ASFile* fP)

Attempts to open a file in the specified file system, in the specified read/write/create mode. If the file is already open, the existing file handle is returned. The caller retains ownership of pathName.

This call returns an error if a file over 2 GB in length is opened. ASFileSysOpenFile64() should be used instead of this call wherever possible, and must be used if files over 2 GB in length may be encountered.

In Mac OS, when this method creates a file, the file's creator is set to 'CARO' and its type is set to 'PDF ' (with a space after PDF).


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

The path name of the file to open.

mode — 

An open-mode value as specified for ASFileMode.

fP — 

(Filled by the method) The ASFile that was opened.


0 if the operation was successful, a non-zero error code otherwise. The error is platform and file-system specific:




  • Returns fileErrWrPerm if trying to open a read-only file with write permissions.

  • Returns ErrSysXtnMgr (use GetLastError()) for platform-specific error conditions that CreateFile() may use.

Mac OS

  • Returns fileErrFNF if trying to open a file for reading that does not exist.

  • Returns ErrSysMDSystem for platform-specific errors that FSpCreate, FSpSetFInfo, FSpOpenRF, FSpOpenDF, or SetFPos may use).

See Also




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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode ASFileSysOpenFile64(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, ASFileMode mode, ASFile* fP)

Attempts to open a file in the specified file system, in the specified read/write/create mode. If the file is already open, the existing file handle is returned. The caller retains ownership of pathName.

This call can open files over 2 GB in length and should be used instead of ASFileSysOpenFile() whenever possible.

On Mac OS, when this method creates a file, the file's creator is set to 'CARO' and its type is set to 'PDF ' (with a space after PDF).


fileSys — 

IN/OUT (May be NULL) The file system from which the path name was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

IN/OUT The path name of the file to open.

mode — 

IN/OUT An OR of the ASFile Open Modes.

fP — 

IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The ASFile that was opened.


0 if the operation was successful, a non-zero error code otherwise. The error is platform and file-system specific:




  • Returns fileErrWrPerm if trying to open a read-only file with write permissions.

  • Returns ErrSysXtnMgr (use GetLastError()) for platform-specific error conditions that CreateFile() may use.

  • Returns fileErrGeneral if the developer passed in an invalid ASPathName.

Mac OS

  • Returns fileErrFNF if trying to open a file for reading that does not exist.

  • Returns ErrSysMDSystem for platform-specific errors that FSpCreate, FSpSetFInfo, FSpOpenRF, FSpOpenDF, or SetFPos may use).

  • Returns fileErrGeneral if the developer passed in an invalid ASPathName.

See Also




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName ASFileSysPathFromDIPath(ASFileSys fileSys, const char* diPath, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)

Converts a device-independent path name to an ASPathName. This method can only be used for files that already exist (that is, it cannot be used to create a placeholder path name for files that a plug-in intends to create in the future).

It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned ASPathName.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system within which the ASPathName will be created. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

diPath — 

The device-independent path name to convert. See Section 3.10 in the PDF Reference for a description of the device-independent path name format. This path name may not be understood on another platform since drive specifiers may be prepended. On Windows, you cannot specify a UNC path name. You must have a file mounted on the file server. For example, the following path is valid: /f/dirname/file.pdf where f is \server\people. The following does not work: /server/people/dirname/file.pdf.

relativeToThisPath — 

The path name relative to which diPath is interpreted. If it is NULL, diPath is interpreted as an absolute path name, not a relative path name.


An ASPathName corresponding to the parameter values supplied, NULL if diPath cannot be converted to an ASPathName or if the specified file does not already exist.

See Also






In Acrobat 6.0 and later, use ASFileSysPathFromDIPathEx() instead for anything other than host encoding.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName ASFileSysPathFromDIPathEx(ASFileSys fileSys, ASConstText diPathText, ASPathName relativeToThisPath)

Converts a device-independent path name in an ASText object to an ASPathName. This method can only be used for files that already exist (that is, it cannot be used to create a placeholder path name for files that a plug-in intends to create in the future).

It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned ASPathName.

This method supersedes ASFileSysPathFromDIPath() in Acrobat 6.0 and later.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system within which the ASPathName will be created. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

diPathText — 

The device-independent path name to convert, as an ASText object. See Section 3.10 in the PDF Reference for a description of the device-independent path name format. This path name may not be understood on another platform since drive specifiers may be prepended. On Windows, you cannot specify a UNC path name. You must have a file mounted on the file server. For example, the following path is valid: /f/dirname/file.pdf where f is \server\people. The following does not work: /server/people/dirname/file.pdf.

relativeToThisPath — 

A path name relative to which diPath is interpreted. If NULL, diPath is interpreted as an absolute path name, not a relative path name.


An ASPathName corresponding to the parameter values supplied. Returns NULL if diPath cannot be converted to an ASPathName. This would occur, for example, if the specified file does not already exist.

See Also





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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 ASFileSysPerformOpOnItem(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName, const char* op, ASCab params)

Performs a specified operation on a particular file, passing specified parameters. It calls the performOpOnItem() procedure registered for the ASFileSysRec.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

The ASPathName of the file.

op — 

The name of the operation to perform. A file system-defined string handled by ASFileSysPerformOpOnItemProc().

params — 

An ASCab object containing parameters to pass to the operation.


0 if the operation was successful, a nonzero platform-dependent error code otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASFileSysReleasePath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)

Decrements the internal reference count for the path name and disposes of the path name (but not the file itself) if the reference count is zero. This does not result in any file-level operations, and is unaffected by whether there is an open file for this path name.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

The ASPathName to release.



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASFileSysReleasePlatformPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPlatformPath platformPath)

Releases the specified platform path object. Each call to ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath() should have a corresponding call to this method.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

platformPath — 

The platform path object to release.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode ASFileSysRemoveFile(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)

Attempts to delete the file referred to by pathName.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

pathName — 

The file to delete.


0 if the operation was successful, a non-zero platform-dependent error code otherwise.




If a file is already open for this pathName, the semantics of ASFileSysRemoveFile() are file system-dependent. Make sure you have closed all ASFile objects for pathName before calling ASFileSysRemoveFile().

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASErrorCode ASFileSysRemoveFolder(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path)

Deletes the folder at the specified pathName only if it is empty.


fileSys — 

(May be NULL) The file system from which pathName was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

path — 

The path of the folder to remove.


0 if the operation was successful, a non-zero platform-dependent error code otherwise.

See Also





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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASFileSysSetTypeAndCreator(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path, ASUns32 type, ASUns32 creator)

Sets the type and creator of a file. See Type/Creator Codes.


fileSys — 

IN/OUT The file system for which the type and creator are needed.

path — 

IN/OUT The path name of the file.

type — 

IN/OUT The type of the file.

creator — 

IN/OUT The creator of the file.

See Also




As is the case for ASFileSysGetTypeAndCreator(), this method only applies to the Mac OS default file system. Windows and UNIX make this a no-op.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char* ASFileSysURLFromPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName path)

Returns the URL corresponding to pathName. It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory associated with the returned string using ASfree().


fileSys — 

IN/OUT The file system from which path was obtained. Pass NULL to use the default file system.

path — 

IN/OUT The ASPathName in question.


A buffer containing the URL, or NULL if some error occurred. The URL is in the standard 'file://' URL style.



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFileSys ASGetDefaultFileSys()

Gets the default standard file system implementation for a platform.


The platform's default file system.

See Also



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFileSys ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtom pathSpecType, const void* pathSpec)

Gets the best file system implementation that supports the passed in path. If the path requires the Unicode file system then the default Unicode file system is returned, otherwise the default file system is returned.




The platform's default or Unicode file system.

See Also



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFileSys ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys()

Gets the file system implementation that supports Unicode file path names. If a platform does not have a file system that supports Unicode, then NULL will be returned.


The platform's Unicode file system.

See Also



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFileSys ASGetRamFileSys()

Gets the in-memory file system implementation for a platform.


The platform's in-memory file system.

See Also




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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASFileSys ASGetTempFileSys()

Gets the temporary file system implementation for a platform.


The platform's default file system.

See Also



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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASPathName ASPathFromPlatformPath(void* platformPath)

This method was deprecated in Acrobat 5.0. Use ASFileSysCreatePathName() instead.

It converts a platform-specific path name to an ASPathName. It can create an ASPathName from a file path where the file does not already exist. It works for Windows UNC path names as well. It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned ASPathName.


platformPath — 

A pointer to a platform-specific path name. On Windows and UNIX, it is a NULL-terminated string containing the full path name with the appropriate path separators for each platform.


The ASPathName corresponding to platformPath.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASRamFileSysSetLimitKB(ASInt32 limit)

Sets the temporary file system implementation for a platform.



See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASSetTempFileSys(ASFileSys fileSys)

Sets the temporary file system implementation for a platform.



See Also



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