
An ASText object holds encoded text.

In Acrobat, encoded text can be specified in one of two ways:

Each of the formats described in the following table can be mapped to one of the two cases outlined above:

ASText objects also can be used to accomplish encoding conversions; your plug-in can request a string in any of the formats specified above.

In all cases the ASText code attempts to preserve all characters. For example, if your plug-in attempts to concatenate strings in separate host encoding, the implementation may convert both to Unicode and perform the concatenation in Unicode space.

When creating a new ASText object, or putting new data in an existing object, Acrobat will always copy the supplied data into the ASText object. The original data is yours to do with as you wish (and release if necessary).

The size of ASText data always is specified in bytes (for example, the len argument to ASTextFromSizedUnicode() specifies the number of bytes in the string rather than the number of Unicode characters).

Host encoding and Unicode strings are always terminated with a NULL character (which consists of one NULL byte for host-encoded strings and two NULL bytes for Unicode strings). You cannot create a string with an embedded NULL character even using methods that take an explicit length parameter.

The GetXXX methods return pointers to data held by the ASText object. Your plug-in cannot free or manipulate this data directly. The GetXXXCopy methods return data that your plug-in can manipulate at will and is responsible for freeing.

Define Summary
Typedef Summary
An opaque object holding constant encoded text.
An opaque object holding encoded text.
An ASUnicodeChar is large enough to hold any Unicode character (at least 21 bits wide).
Holds a single 16-bit value from a UTF-16 encoded Unicode string. It is typically used to point to the beginning of an UTF-16 string. For example: ASUTF16Val *utf16String = ...
An ASUTF8Val holds a single 8-bit value from a UTF-8 encoded Unicode string.
Enumeration Summary
Constants that specify filter types used to modify text objects.
Describes the various Unicode formats you can place into and read out of an ASText object.
Callback Summary
Method Summary
Compares two ASConstText objects, ignoring language and country information. The comparison is case-sensitive.
Concatenates the from text to the end of the to text, altering to but not from. It does not change the language or country of to unless it has no language or country, in which case it acquires the language and country of from.
void ASTextCatMany(ASText to, ... )
Concatenates a series of ASText objects to the end of the to object. Be sure to provide NULL as the last argument to the call.
ASInt32 ASTextCmp(ASConstText str1, ASConstText str2)
Compares two ASText objects. This routine can be used to sort text objects using the default collating rules of the underlying operating system before presenting them to the user. The comparison is case-sensitive. The results are suitable for displaying a sorted list of strings to the user in his chosen language and according to the rules of the platform on which the application is running. The results can vary based on the platform and user locale. If you want to compare strings in a way that is consistent across locales and platforms (but not suitable for displaying sorted strings to a user) see ASTextCaseSensitiveCmp().
Copies the text in from to to, along with the country and language.
Frees all memory associated with the text object.
Creates a new ASText object that contains the same text/country/language as the one passed in.
void ASTextEval(ASText theText, ASCab params)
Replaces percent-quoted expressions in the text object with the result of their evaluation, using key/value pairs in the ASCab. For example, for a text value containing the string "%keyone%%keytwo%", the value is replaced with the concatenation of the values of the keys keyone and keytwo in the ASCab passed in.
Runs the specified filter on a text object, modifying the text as specified.
ASText ASTextFromEncoded(const char* str, ASHostEncoding encoding)
Creates a new text object from a NULL-terminated multi-byte string in the specified host encoding.
Creates a new string from an ASInt32 by converting the number to its decimal representation without punctuation or leading zeros.
ASText ASTextFromPDText(const char* str)
Creates a new string from some PDF text taken out of a PDF file. This is either a UTF-16 string with the 0xFEFF prepended to the front or a PDFDocEncoding string. In either case the string is expected to have the appropriate NULL termination. If the PDText is in UTF-16, it may have embedded language and country information; this will cause the ASText object to have its language and country codes set to the values found in the string.
ASText ASTextFromScriptText(const char* str, ASScript script)
Creates a new string from a NULL-terminated multi-byte string of the specified script. This is a wrapper around ASTextFromEncoded(); the script is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().
ASText ASTextFromSizedEncoded(const char* str, ASTArraySize len, ASHostEncoding encoding)
Creates a new text object from a multi-byte string of the specified length in the specified host encoding.
ASText ASTextFromSizedPDText(const char* str, ASTArraySize length)
Creates a new string from some PDF text taken out of a PDF file. This is either a UTF-16 string with the 0xFEFF prepended to the front or a PDFDocEncoding string. If the PDText is in UTF-16, it may have embedded language and country information; this will cause the ASText object to have its language and country codes set to the values found in the string. The length parameter specifies the size, in bytes, of the string. The string must not contain embedded NULL characters.
ASText ASTextFromSizedScriptText(const char* str, ASTArraySize len, ASScript script)
Creates a new text object from the specified multi-byte string of the specified script. This is a wrapper around ASTextFromEncoded(); the script is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().
Creates a new text object from the specified Unicode string. This string is not expected to have 0xFE 0xFF prepended, or country/language identifiers.
ASText ASTextFromUnicode(const ASUTF16Val* ucs, ASUnicodeFormat format)
Creates a new string from a NULL-terminated Unicode string. This string is not expected to have 0xFE 0xFF prepended, or country/language identifiers.
Creates a new string from an ASUns32 by converting it to a decimal representation without punctuation or leading zeros.
ASHostEncoding ASTextGetBestEncoding(ASConstText str, ASHostEncoding preferredEncoding)
Returns the best host encoding for representing the text. The best host encoding is the one that is least likely to lose characters during the conversion from Unicode to host. If the string can be represented accurately in multiple encodings (for example, it is low-ASCII text that can be correctly represented in any host encoding), ASTextGetBestEncoding() returns the preferred encoding based on the preferredEncoding parameter.
ASScript ASTextGetBestScript(ASConstText str, ASScript preferredScript)
Returns the best host script for representing the text. The functionality is similar to ASTextGetBestEncoding(), with resulting host encoding converted to a script code using ASScriptFromHostEncoding().
ASCountryCode ASTextGetCountry(ASConstText text)
Retrieves the country associated with an ASText object.
const char* ASTextGetEncoded(ASConstText str, ASHostEncoding encoding)
Returns a NULL-terminated string in the given encoding. The memory to which this string points is owned by the ASText object and may not be valid after additional operations are performed on the object.
Returns a copy of a string in a specified encoding.
ASLanguageCode ASTextGetLanguage(ASConstText text)
Retrieves the language code associated with an ASText object.
Returns the text in a form suitable for storage in a PDF file. If the text can be represented using PDFDocEncoding, it is; otherwise it is represented in big-endian UTF-16 format with 0xFE 0xFF prepended to the front and any country/language codes embedded in an escape sequence right after 0xFE 0xFF.
const char* ASTextGetScriptText(ASConstText str, ASScript script)
Converts the Unicode string in the ASText object to the appropriate script, and returns a pointer to the converted text. The memory to which it points is owned by the ASText object and must not be altered or destroyed by the client. The memory may also become invalid after subsequent operations are applied to the ASText object.
Converts the Unicode string in the ASText object to the appropriate script and returns a pointer to the converted text. The memory to which it points is owned by the client, which is responsible for freeing it using ASfree().
const ASUTF16Val* ASTextGetUnicode(ASConstText str)
Returns a pointer to a string in kUTF16HostEndian format (see ASUnicodeFormat). The memory to which this string points is owned by the ASText object, and may not be valid after additional operations are performed on the object.
Returns a pointer to a NULL-terminated string in the specified Unicode format. The memory to which this string points is owned by the client, which can modify it at will and is responsible for destroying it using ASfree.
Used to determine whether the ASText object contains no text. For example, it determines if retrieving Unicode text would yield a 0-length string.
Removes the contents of an ASText (turns it into an empty string).
Removes the contents of an ASText object (converts it into an empty string). It clears the released storage (for security strings).
ASText ASTextNew()
Creates a new text object containing no text.
Replaces all end-of-line characters within the ASText object with the correct end-of-line character for the current platform. For example, on Windows, \r and \n are replaced with \r\n.
void ASTextReplace(ASText src, ASConstText toReplace, ASConstText replacement)
Replaces all occurrences of toReplace in src with the text specified in replacement. This uses an ASText string to indicate the toReplace string; ASTextReplaceASCII() uses a low ASCII Roman string to indicate the text to replace.
void ASTextReplaceASCII(ASText src, const char* toReplace, ASConstText replacement)
Replaces all occurrences of toReplace in src with the text specified in replacement. ASTextReplace() uses an ASText string to indicate the toReplace string; this uses a low-ASCII Roman string to indicate the text to replace.
void ASTextReplaceBadChars(ASText str, const char* pszBadCharList, char replaceChar)
Replaces all occurrences of characters contained in the list pszBadCharList in the text with the specified replacement character.
Sets the language codes associated with a piece of text. ASText objects can have country and language codes associated with them. These can be explicitly set or parsed from the Unicode form of PDText strings.
void ASTextSetEncoded(ASText str, const char* text, ASHostEncoding encoding)
Replaces the contents of an existing ASText object with a NULL-terminated multi-byte string in the specified host encoding.
Sets the language codes associated with a piece of text.
void ASTextSetPDText(ASText str, const char* text)
Alters an existing string from some PDF text taken out of a PDF file. This is either a big-endian UTF-16 string with the 0xFEFF prepended to the front or a PDFDocEncoding string. In either case the string is expected to have the appropriate NULL termination. If the PDText is in UTF-16, it may have embedded language and country information; this will cause the ASText object to have its language and country codes set to the values found in the string.
void ASTextSetScriptText(ASText str, const char* text, ASScript script)
Alters an existing string from a NULL-terminated multi-byte string of the specified script. This is a wrapper around ASTextFromEncoded(); the script is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().
void ASTextSetSizedEncoded(ASText str, const char* text, ASTArraySize len, ASHostEncoding encoding)
Alters an existing string from a multi-byte string in the specified host encoding and of the specified length. This text does not need to be NULL-terminated, and no NULL (zero) bytes should appear in the characters passed in.
void ASTextSetSizedPDText(ASText str, const char* text, ASTArraySize length)
Replaces the contents of an existing ASText object with PDF text taken out of a PDF file. This is either a big-endian UTF-16 string with the 0xFEFF prepended to the front or a PDFDocEncoding string. In either case the length parameter indicates the number of bytes in the string. The string should not be NULL-terminated and must not contain any NULL characters. If the PDText is in UTF-16, it may have embedded language and country information; this will cause the ASText object to have its language and country codes set to the values found in the string.
void ASTextSetSizedScriptText(ASText str, const char* text, ASTArraySize len, ASScript script)
Replaces the contents of an existing ASText object with the specified multi-byte string of the specified script. This is a wrapper around ASTextFromSizedEncoded(); the script is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().
void ASTextSetSizedUnicode(ASText str, const ASUTF16Val* ucsValue, ASUnicodeFormat format, ASTArraySize len)
Replaces the contents of an existing ASText object with the specified Unicode string. This string is not expected to have 0xFE 0xFF prepended or embedded country/language identifiers.
void ASTextSetUnicode(ASText str, const ASUTF16Val* ucsValue, ASUnicodeFormat format)
Alters an existing string from a NULL-terminated Unicode string. This string is not expected to have 0xFE 0xFF prepended or embedded country/language identifiers.
Defines Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define ASTextEqual (ASTextCmp((a), (b)) == 0)

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Typedefs Detail
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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef struct _t_ASTextRec* ASConstText;

An opaque object holding constant encoded text.

See Also

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typedef ASUns16 ASCountryCode;

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typedef ASUns16 ASLanguageCode;

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typedef struct _t_ASTextRec* ASText;

An opaque object holding encoded text.

An ASText object represents a Unicode string. ASText objects can also be used to convert between Unicode and various platform-specific text encodings, as well as conversions between various Unicode formats such as UTF-16 or UTF-8. Since it is common for a Unicode string to be repeatedly converted to or from the same platform-specific text encoding, ASText objects are optimized for this operation. For example, they can cache both the Unicode and platform-specific text strings.

There are several ways of creating an ASText object depending on the type and format of the original text data. The following terminology is used throughout this API to describe the various text formats:

Text Format



A multi-byte string terminated with a single 0 character and coupled with a specific host encoding indicator. On Mac OS, the text encoding is specified using a script code. On Windows, the text encoding is specified using a CHARSET code. On UNIX the only valid host encoding indicator is 0, which specifies text in the platform's default Roman encoding. On all platforms, Asian text is typically specified using multi-byte strings.


A multi-byte string terminated with a single 0 character and coupled with an ASScript code. This is merely another way of specifying the Encoded case; the ASScript code is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().


Text specified using UTF-16 or UTF-8. In the UTF-16 case, the bytes can be in either big-endian format or the endian-ness that matches the platform, and are always terminated with a single ASUns16 0 value. In the UTF-8 case, the text is always terminated with a trailing 0 byte. Unicode usage in this case is straight Unicode without the 0xFE 0xFF prefix or language and country codes that can be encoded inside a PDF document.


A string of text pulled out of a PDF document. This will either be a big-endian Unicode string pre-appended with the bytes 0xFE 0xFF, or a string in PDFDocEncoding. In this case, the Unicode string may have embedded language and country identifiers. ASText objects strip language and country information out of the PDText string and track them separately. See below for more details.

ASText objects can also be used to accomplish encoding and format conversions; you can request a string in any of the formats specified above. In all cases the ASText code attempts to preserve all characters. For example, if you attempt to concatenate two strings in separate host encodings, the implementation may convert both to Unicode and perform the concatenation in Unicode space.

When creating a new ASText object or putting new data into an existing object, the implementation will always copy the supplied data into the ASText object. The original data is yours to do with as you wish (and release if necessary).

The size of ASText data is always specified in bytes. For example, the len argument to ASTextFromSizedUnicode() specifies the number of bytes in the string, not the number of Unicode characters.

Host encoding and Unicode strings are always terminated with a NULL character (which consists of one NULL byte for host encoded strings and two NULL bytes for Unicode strings). You cannot create a string with an embedded NULL character, even using the calls which take an explicit length parameter.

The Getxxx calls return pointers to data held by the ASText object. You cannot free or manipulate this data directly. The GetxxxCopy calls return data you can manipulate and that you are responsible for freeing.

An ASText object can have language and country codes associated with it. A language code is a 2-character ISO 639 language code. A country code is a 2- character ISO 3166 country code. In both cases the 2-character codes are packed into an ASUns16 value: the first character is packed in bits 8-15, and the second character is packed in bits 0-7. These language and country codes can be encoded into a UTF-16 variant of PDText encoding using an escape sequence; see Section 3.8 in the PDF Reference. The ASText calls will automatically parse the language and country codes embedded inside a UTF-16 PDText object, and will also author appropriate escape sequences to embed the language and country codes (if present) when generating a UTF-16 PDText object.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef ASUTF16Val ASUniChar;

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef ASUns32 ASUnicodeChar;

An ASUnicodeChar is large enough to hold any Unicode character (at least 21 bits wide).

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef ASUns16 ASUTF16Val;

Holds a single 16-bit value from a UTF-16 encoded Unicode string. It is typically used to point to the beginning of an UTF-16 string. For example: ASUTF16Val *utf16String = ...

This data type is not large enough to hold any arbitrary Unicode character. Use ASUnicodeChar to pass individual Unicode characters.

See Also

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typedef ASUns32 ASUTF32Val;

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typedef ASUns8 ASUTF8Val;

An ASUTF8Val holds a single 8-bit value from a UTF-8 encoded Unicode string.

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Enumeration Detail
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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


See Also

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Does nothing.


Normalizes line endings (equivalent to ASTextNormalizeEndOfLine()).


Makes all text upper case. DEPRECATED: Case is not a reliably localizable concept. Do not use this.


Makes all text lower case. DEPRECATED: Case is not a reliably localizable concept. Do not use this.


Changes any ASText to "XXX" (for debugging).


Makes all text except scanf format strings upper case.


Makes all text except scanf format strings lower case.


Removes stand-alone ampersands, and turns && into &


Changes any full width ASCII variants to their lower-ASCII version.


Removes line endings and replaces them with spaces.


Reserved. Do not use.


An invalid filter type.

Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum ASUnicodeFormat {

See Also

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Always returns the bytes in big-endian order.


Returns the bytes in the host's native endian order, whatever is natural for an ASUns16.


Endian neutral.


Always returns the bytes in big-endian order.


Returns the bytes in the host's native endian order, whatever is natural for an ASUns32.

Callbacks Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText (*ASTextEvalProc)(ASCab params)

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Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 ASTextCaseSensitiveCmp(ASConstText str1, ASConstText str2)

Compares two ASConstText objects, ignoring language and country information. The comparison is case-sensitive.

Various exceptions may be raised.


str1 — 

First text object.

str2 — 

Second text object.


Returns a negative number if str1 < str2, a positive number if str1 > str2, and 0 if they are equal.

See Also


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void ASTextCat(ASText to, ASConstText from)

Concatenates the from text to the end of the to text, altering to but not from. It does not change the language or country of to unless it has no language or country, in which case it acquires the language and country of from.


to — 

IN/OUT The encoded text to which from is appended.

from — 

IN/OUT The encoded text to be appended to to.


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextCatMany(ASText to, ... )

Concatenates a series of ASText objects to the end of the to object. Be sure to provide NULL as the last argument to the call.

Various exceptions may be raised.


to — 

IN/OUT The ASText object to which the subsequent ASText arguments are concatenated.



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 ASTextCmp(ASConstText str1, ASConstText str2)

Compares two ASText objects. This routine can be used to sort text objects using the default collating rules of the underlying operating system before presenting them to the user. The comparison is case-sensitive. The results are suitable for displaying a sorted list of strings to the user in his chosen language and according to the rules of the platform on which the application is running. The results can vary based on the platform and user locale. If you want to compare strings in a way that is consistent across locales and platforms (but not suitable for displaying sorted strings to a user) see ASTextCaseSensitiveCmp().

Various exceptions may be raised.


str1 — 

The first text object.

str2 — 

The second text object.


A negative number if str1 < str2, a positive number if str1 > str2, and 0 if they are equal.

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextCopy(ASText to, ASConstText from)

Copies the text in from to to, along with the country and language.


to — 

IN/OUT The destination text object.

from — 

IN/OUT The source text object.


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextDestroy(ASText str)

Frees all memory associated with the text object.


str — 

IN/OUT A text object.


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ASText ASTextDup(ASConstText str)

Creates a new ASText object that contains the same text/country/language as the one passed in.


str — 

A text object.


An ASText object.


genErrBadParm is raised if str is NULL.


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextEval(ASText theText, ASCab params)

Replaces percent-quoted expressions in the text object with the result of their evaluation, using key/value pairs in the ASCab. For example, for a text value containing the string "%keyone%%keytwo%", the value is replaced with the concatenation of the values of the keys keyone and keytwo in the ASCab passed in.


theText — 

A text object containing percent-quoted expressions to replace.

params — 

The ASCab containing the key/value pairs to use for text replacement.


genErrBadParm if theText is NULL.


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextFilter(ASText text, ASTextFilterType filter)

Runs the specified filter on a text object, modifying the text as specified.


text — 

A text object modified by the method.

filter — 

The filter to run on the text object.


genErrBadParm if text is NULL or if an invalid filter is specified.


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText ASTextFromEncoded(const char* str, ASHostEncoding encoding)

Creates a new text object from a NULL-terminated multi-byte string in the specified host encoding.


str — 

The input string.

encoding — 

The host encoding.


An ASText object.

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText ASTextFromInt32(ASInt32 num)

Creates a new string from an ASInt32 by converting the number to its decimal representation without punctuation or leading zeros.


num — 

A number of type ASInt32.


An ASText object.

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText ASTextFromPDText(const char* str)

Creates a new string from some PDF text taken out of a PDF file. This is either a UTF-16 string with the 0xFEFF prepended to the front or a PDFDocEncoding string. In either case the string is expected to have the appropriate NULL termination. If the PDText is in UTF-16, it may have embedded language and country information; this will cause the ASText object to have its language and country codes set to the values found in the string.


str — 

A string.


An ASText object.

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText ASTextFromScriptText(const char* str, ASScript script)

Creates a new string from a NULL-terminated multi-byte string of the specified script. This is a wrapper around ASTextFromEncoded(); the script is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().


str — 

A string.

script — 

The specified script.


An ASText object.

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText ASTextFromSizedEncoded(const char* str, ASTArraySize len, ASHostEncoding encoding)

Creates a new text object from a multi-byte string of the specified length in the specified host encoding.


str — 

A string.

len — 

The length in bytes.

encoding — 

The specified host encoding.


An ASText object.

See Also


genErrBadParm is raised if len < 0.


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText ASTextFromSizedPDText(const char* str, ASTArraySize length)

Creates a new string from some PDF text taken out of a PDF file. This is either a UTF-16 string with the 0xFEFF prepended to the front or a PDFDocEncoding string. If the PDText is in UTF-16, it may have embedded language and country information; this will cause the ASText object to have its language and country codes set to the values found in the string. The length parameter specifies the size, in bytes, of the string. The string must not contain embedded NULL characters.


str — 

A string.

length — 

The length in bytes.


An ASText object.

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText ASTextFromSizedScriptText(const char* str, ASTArraySize len, ASScript script)

Creates a new text object from the specified multi-byte string of the specified script. This is a wrapper around ASTextFromEncoded(); the script is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().


str — 

A string.

len — 

The length in bytes.

script — 

The specified script.


An ASText object.

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText ASTextFromSizedUnicode(const ASUTF16Val* ucs, ASUnicodeFormat format, ASTArraySize len)

Creates a new text object from the specified Unicode string. This string is not expected to have 0xFE 0xFF prepended, or country/language identifiers.

The string cannot contain an embedded NULL character.


ucs — 

The Unicode string

format — 

The Unicode format of ucs.

len — 

The length of ucs in bytes.


An ASText object.

See Also


genErrBadParm is raised if len < 0.


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText ASTextFromUnicode(const ASUTF16Val* ucs, ASUnicodeFormat format)

Creates a new string from a NULL-terminated Unicode string. This string is not expected to have 0xFE 0xFF prepended, or country/language identifiers.


ucs — 

A Unicode string.

format — 

The Unicode format used by ucs.


An ASText object.

See Also


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Line: 108
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText ASTextFromUns32(ASUns32 num)

Creates a new string from an ASUns32 by converting it to a decimal representation without punctuation or leading zeros.


num — 

IN/OUT A value of type ASUns32.


An ASText object.

See Also


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Line: 1605
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASHostEncoding ASTextGetBestEncoding(ASConstText str, ASHostEncoding preferredEncoding)

Returns the best host encoding for representing the text. The best host encoding is the one that is least likely to lose characters during the conversion from Unicode to host. If the string can be represented accurately in multiple encodings (for example, it is low-ASCII text that can be correctly represented in any host encoding), ASTextGetBestEncoding() returns the preferred encoding based on the preferredEncoding parameter.

Various exceptions may be raised.


str — 

An ASText string.

preferredEncoding — 

The preferred encoding. There is no default.


The text encoding.

How to use examples
// If you prefer to use the application's language encoding: ASHostEncoding bestEncoding = ASTextGetBestEncoding(text, AVAppGetLanguageEncoding()); // If you prefer to use the operating system encoding: ASHostEncoding bestEncoding = ASTextGetBestEncoding(text, (ASHostEncoding)PDGetHostEncoding()); // If you want to favor Roman encodings: ASHostEncoding hostRoman = ASScriptToHostEncoding(kASRomanScript); ASHostEncoding bestEncoding = ASTextGetBestEncoding(text, hostRoman);

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 494
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASScript ASTextGetBestScript(ASConstText str, ASScript preferredScript)

Returns the best host script for representing the text. The functionality is similar to ASTextGetBestEncoding(), with resulting host encoding converted to a script code using ASScriptFromHostEncoding().


str — 

IN/OUT An ASText string.

preferredScript — 

IN/OUT The preferred host script. There is no default.


The best host script.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 508
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASCountryCode ASTextGetCountry(ASConstText text)

Retrieves the country associated with an ASText object.


text — 

IN/OUT An ASText object.


The country code.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 518
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


const char* ASTextGetEncoded(ASConstText str, ASHostEncoding encoding)

Returns a NULL-terminated string in the given encoding. The memory to which this string points is owned by the ASText object and may not be valid after additional operations are performed on the object.

Various exceptions may be raised.


str — 

IN/OUT An ASText object.

encoding — 

IN/OUT The specified host encoding.


A pointer to a NULL-terminated string corresponding to the text in str.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 390
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char* ASTextGetEncodedCopy(ASConstText str, ASHostEncoding encoding)

Returns a copy of a string in a specified encoding.


str — 

An ASText object.

encoding — 

The specified encoding.


A copy of the text in str. The client owns the resulting information and is responsible for freeing it using ASfree().

See Also


genErrNoMemory is raised if memory could not be allocated for the copy.


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 404
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASLanguageCode ASTextGetLanguage(ASConstText text)

Retrieves the language code associated with an ASText object.


text — 

An ASText object.


The language code.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 540
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char* ASTextGetPDTextCopy(ASConstText str, ASTArraySize* len)

Returns the text in a form suitable for storage in a PDF file. If the text can be represented using PDFDocEncoding, it is; otherwise it is represented in big-endian UTF-16 format with 0xFE 0xFF prepended to the front and any country/language codes embedded in an escape sequence right after 0xFE 0xFF.

You can determine if the string is Unicode by inspecting the first two bytes. The Unicode case is used if the string has a language and country code set. The resulting string is NULL-terminated as appropriate. That is, one NULL byte is used for PDFDocEncoding, two are used for UTF-16.

Various exceptions may be raised.


str — 

A string.

len — 

The length in bytes of the resulting string, not counting the NULL bytes at the end.


A string copy. The client owns the resulting information and is responsible for freeing it with ASfree().


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 463
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


const char* ASTextGetScriptText(ASConstText str, ASScript script)

Converts the Unicode string in the ASText object to the appropriate script, and returns a pointer to the converted text. The memory to which it points is owned by the ASText object and must not be altered or destroyed by the client. The memory may also become invalid after subsequent operations are applied to the ASText object.

Various exceptions may be raised.


str — 

IN/OUT A string.

script — 

IN/OUT The writing script.


A string.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 422
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char* ASTextGetScriptTextCopy(ASConstText str, ASScript script)

Converts the Unicode string in the ASText object to the appropriate script and returns a pointer to the converted text. The memory to which it points is owned by the client, which is responsible for freeing it using ASfree().


str — 

A string.

script — 

A writing script.


A string copy. The client owns the resulting information.

See Also


genErrNoMemory is raised if memory could not be allocated for the copy.


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 439
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASUTF16Val ASTextGetUnicode(ASConstText str)

Returns a pointer to a string in kUTF16HostEndian format (see ASUnicodeFormat). The memory to which this string points is owned by the ASText object, and may not be valid after additional operations are performed on the object.

The Unicode text returned will not have 0xFE 0xFF prepended or any language or country codes.


str — 

A string.


See above.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 353
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASUTF16Val ASTextGetUnicodeCopy(ASConstText str, ASUnicodeFormat format)

Returns a pointer to a NULL-terminated string in the specified Unicode format. The memory to which this string points is owned by the client, which can modify it at will and is responsible for destroying it using ASfree.

The Unicode text returned will not have 0xFE 0xFF prepended or any language or country codes.


str — 

A string.

format — 

The Unicode format.


A string copy. The client owns the resulting information.

See Also


genErrNoMemory is raised if memory could not be allocated for the copy.


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 373
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool ASTextIsEmpty(ASConstText str)

Used to determine whether the ASText object contains no text. For example, it determines if retrieving Unicode text would yield a 0-length string.


str — 

A string.


Returns true if the ASText object contains no text.


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 1571
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextMakeEmpty(ASText str)

Removes the contents of an ASText (turns it into an empty string).




PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 1612
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextMakeEmptyClear(ASText str)

Removes the contents of an ASText object (converts it into an empty string). It clears the released storage (for security strings).




PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00090000

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Line: 2458
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText ASTextNew()

Creates a new text object containing no text.


An ASText object.




PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 96
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextNormalizeEndOfLine(ASText text)

Replaces all end-of-line characters within the ASText object with the correct end-of-line character for the current platform. For example, on Windows, \r and \n are replaced with \r\n.


text — 

An object of type ASText.


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 1582
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextReplace(ASText src, ASConstText toReplace, ASConstText replacement)

Replaces all occurrences of toReplace in src with the text specified in replacement. This uses an ASText string to indicate the toReplace string; ASTextReplaceASCII() uses a low ASCII Roman string to indicate the text to replace.

Various exceptions may be raised.


src — 

Source text.

toReplace — 

Text in source text to replace.

replacement — 

Text used in replacement.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 633
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextReplaceASCII(ASText src, const char* toReplace, ASConstText replacement)

Replaces all occurrences of toReplace in src with the text specified in replacement. ASTextReplace() uses an ASText string to indicate the toReplace string; this uses a low-ASCII Roman string to indicate the text to replace.

This call is intended for formatting strings for the user interface. For example, it can be used for replacing a known sequence such as '1' with other text. Be sure to use only low ASCII characters, which are safe on all platforms. Avoid using backslash and currency symbols.

Various exceptions may be raised.


src — 

The ASText object containing the text.

toReplace — 

The text to replace.

replacement — 

The replacement text.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 656
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextReplaceBadChars(ASText str, const char* pszBadCharList, char replaceChar)

Replaces all occurrences of characters contained in the list pszBadCharList in the text with the specified replacement character.

Various exceptions may be raised.


str — 

The text in which to replace characters.

pszBadCharList — 

A list of characters to replace, in sorted order with no duplicates.

replaceChar — 

The character with which to replace any character appearing in the list.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00060000

File: ASExtraProcs.h
Line: 1631
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextSetCountry(ASText text, ASCountryCode country)

Sets the language codes associated with a piece of text. ASText objects can have country and language codes associated with them. These can be explicitly set or parsed from the Unicode form of PDText strings.


text — 

IN/OUT An ASText object.

country — 

IN/OUT Country code.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 531
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextSetEncoded(ASText str, const char* text, ASHostEncoding encoding)

Replaces the contents of an existing ASText object with a NULL-terminated multi-byte string in the specified host encoding.


str — 

IN/OUT An ASText object to hold the string.

text — 

IN/OUT A pointer to the text string.

encoding — 

IN/OUT The type of encoding.

See Also


genErrBadParm is raised if text is NULL.


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 259
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextSetLanguage(ASText text, ASLanguageCode language)

Sets the language codes associated with a piece of text.


text — 

IN/OUT An ASText object.

language — 

IN/OUT The language code.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 550
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextSetPDText(ASText str, const char* text)

Alters an existing string from some PDF text taken out of a PDF file. This is either a big-endian UTF-16 string with the 0xFEFF prepended to the front or a PDFDocEncoding string. In either case the string is expected to have the appropriate NULL termination. If the PDText is in UTF-16, it may have embedded language and country information; this will cause the ASText object to have its language and country codes set to the values found in the string.


str — 

A string.

text — 

A text string.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 318
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextSetScriptText(ASText str, const char* text, ASScript script)

Alters an existing string from a NULL-terminated multi-byte string of the specified script. This is a wrapper around ASTextFromEncoded(); the script is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().


str — 

IN/OUT A string.

text — 

IN/OUT A pointer to the text string.

script — 

IN/OUT The writing script.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 287
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextSetSizedEncoded(ASText str, const char* text, ASTArraySize len, ASHostEncoding encoding)

Alters an existing string from a multi-byte string in the specified host encoding and of the specified length. This text does not need to be NULL-terminated, and no NULL (zero) bytes should appear in the characters passed in.


str — 

IN/OUT A string.

text — 

IN/OUT A pointer to the text string.

len — 

IN/OUT The length of the text string.

encoding — 

IN/OUT The host encoding type.

See Also


genErrBadParm is raised if text is NULL.


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 274
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextSetSizedPDText(ASText str, const char* text, ASTArraySize length)

Replaces the contents of an existing ASText object with PDF text taken out of a PDF file. This is either a big-endian UTF-16 string with the 0xFEFF prepended to the front or a PDFDocEncoding string. In either case the length parameter indicates the number of bytes in the string. The string should not be NULL-terminated and must not contain any NULL characters. If the PDText is in UTF-16, it may have embedded language and country information; this will cause the ASText object to have its language and country codes set to the values found in the string.


str — 

A string.

text — 

A pointer to a text string.

length — 

The length of the text string.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 337
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextSetSizedScriptText(ASText str, const char* text, ASTArraySize len, ASScript script)

Replaces the contents of an existing ASText object with the specified multi-byte string of the specified script. This is a wrapper around ASTextFromSizedEncoded(); the script is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().


str — 

IN/OUT A string.

text — 

IN/OUT A pointer to the text string.

len — 

IN/OUT The length of the text string.

script — 

IN/OUT The writing script.


genErrBadParm is raised if text is NULL.


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 302
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextSetSizedUnicode(ASText str, const ASUTF16Val* ucsValue, ASUnicodeFormat format, ASTArraySize len)

Replaces the contents of an existing ASText object with the specified Unicode string. This string is not expected to have 0xFE 0xFF prepended or embedded country/language identifiers.

The string cannot contain a NULL character.


str — 

(Filled by the method) A string.

ucsValue — 

A Unicode string.

format — 

The Unicode format.

len — 

The length of the string in bytes.

See Also


PI_ASEXTRA_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Line: 246
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ASTextSetUnicode(ASText str, const ASUTF16Val* ucsValue, ASUnicodeFormat format)

Alters an existing string from a NULL-terminated Unicode string. This string is not expected to have 0xFE 0xFF prepended or embedded country/language identifiers.


str — 

(Filled by the method) A string.

ucsValue — 

A Unicode string.

format — 

The Unicode format.

See Also


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Line: 229