
Cos arrays are one-dimensional collections of objects accessed by a numeric index. Array indexes are zero-based. An array's elements may be any combination of the Cos data types.

Method Summary
CosObj CosArrayGet(CosObj array, ASTArraySize index)
Gets the specified element from an array.
Inserts an object into an array.
Return the state of a weak reference in an array. See CosDictIsWeakReference() for details.
ASTArraySize CosArrayLength(CosObj array)
Gets the number of elements in array.
void CosArrayPut(CosObj array, ASTArraySize index, CosObj obj)
Puts the specified object into the specified location in an array. The array is extended as much as necessary and NULL objects are stored in empty slots. It sets the PDDocNeedsSave flag (see PDDocSetFlags) flag of the array object's CosDoc if array is indirect or is a direct object with an indirect composite object at the root of its container chain.
void CosArrayRemove(CosObj array, CosObj obj)
Finds the first element, if any, equal to the specified object and removes it from the array. CosObjEqual() is used to determine whether an array element is equal to the specified object.
Checks whether the position is within the array bounds, removes it from the array, moves each subsequent element to the slot with the next smaller index, and decrements the array's length by 1. It sets the dirty flag of the array object's CosDoc.
Establishes or removes a weak reference from an array. For a description of weak references, see CosDictSetWeakReference() .
CosObj CosNewArray(CosDoc dP, ASBool indirect, ASTArraySize nElements)
Creates and returns a new array Cos object.

Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj CosArrayGet(CosObj array, ASTArraySize index)

Gets the specified element from an array.


array — 

The array from which an element is obtained.

index — 

The array element to obtain. The first element in an array has an index of zero.


The Cos object occupying the index element of array. It returns a NULL Cos object if index is outside the array bounds.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

File: CosProcs.h
Line: 765
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosArrayInsert(CosObj array, ASTArraySize pos, CosObj obj)

Inserts an object into an array.

An exception is raised if the object to insert is a direct object that is already contained in another object, or if the object to insert belongs to another document.


array — 

The array into which the object is inserted.

pos — 

The location in the array to insert the object. The object is inserted before the specified location. The first element in an array has a pos of zero. If pos >= CosArrayLength(array), obj is added at the end of the array. The length of the array always increases by 1.

It is not safe to call CosArrayInsert() during a call to CosObjEnum() on that same array (for example, from within the callback procedure).

obj — 

The object to insert.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

File: CosProcs.h
Line: 819
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosArrayIsWeakReference(CosObj array, ASInt32 n)

Return the state of a weak reference in an array. See CosDictIsWeakReference() for details.


array — 

An array.

n — 

The index of an item in the array.


Returns the value of the isWeak parameter in the most recent call to CosArraySetWeakReference() with these parameters, or false if there has been no such call.


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

File: CosProcs.h
Line: 2072
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASTArraySize CosArrayLength(CosObj array)

Gets the number of elements in array.


array — 

IN/OUT The array for which the number of elements is determined.


The number of elements in array.


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

File: CosProcs.h
Line: 849
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosArrayPut(CosObj array, ASTArraySize index, CosObj obj)

Puts the specified object into the specified location in an array. The array is extended as much as necessary and NULL objects are stored in empty slots. It sets the PDDocNeedsSave flag (see PDDocSetFlags) flag of the array object's CosDoc if array is indirect or is a direct object with an indirect composite object at the root of its container chain.

It is not safe to call CosArrayPut() during a call to CosObjEnum() on that same array (for example, from within the callback procedure), if doing so would extend the length of the array.

An exception is raised if the object to insert is a direct object that is already contained in another object, or if the object to insert belongs to another document.


array — 

The array in which obj is stored.

index — 

The location in array to store obj. The first element of an array has an index of zero.

obj — 

The Cos object to insert into array.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

File: CosProcs.h
Line: 793
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosArrayRemove(CosObj array, CosObj obj)

Finds the first element, if any, equal to the specified object and removes it from the array. CosObjEqual() is used to determine whether an array element is equal to the specified object.

The array is compressed after removing the element. The compression is accomplished by moving each element following the deleted element to the slot with the next smaller index and decrementing the array's length by 1.

It is not safe to call CosArrayRemove() during a call to CosObjEnum() on that same dictionary (for example, from within the callback procedure).


array — 

The array from which obj is removed.

obj — 

The object to remove.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

File: CosProcs.h
Line: 840
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosArrayRemoveNth(CosObj array, ASTArraySize pos)

Checks whether the position is within the array bounds, removes it from the array, moves each subsequent element to the slot with the next smaller index, and decrements the array's length by 1. It sets the dirty flag of the array object's CosDoc.


array — 

IN/OUT The CosArray from which to remove the member.

pos — 

IN/OUT The index for the array member to remove. Array indices start at 0.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00040000

File: CosProcs.h
Line: 1314
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosArraySetWeakReference(CosObj array, ASInt32 n, ASBool isWeak)

Establishes or removes a weak reference from an array. For a description of weak references, see CosDictSetWeakReference() .


array — 

An array.

n — 

The index of the element that is the weak reference. Note that the weak reference travels with the element; that is, if an item is marked as a weak reference, and an item is subsequently inserted before that item, the weak reference applies to the same element as it did previously.

isWeak — 

Sets a weak reference for an array.


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

File: CosProcs.h
Line: 2061
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj CosNewArray(CosDoc dP, ASBool indirect, ASTArraySize nElements)

Creates and returns a new array Cos object.


dP — 

The document in which the array is used.

indirect — 

If true, it creates the array as an indirect Cos object, and sets the document's PDDocNeedsSave flag (see PDDocSetFlags). If false, it creates the array as a direct object.

nElements — 

The number of elements that will be in the array. nElements is only a hint; Cos arrays grow dynamically as needed.


The newly created array Cos object.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

File: CosProcs.h
Line: 259