
A Cos dictionary is an associative table whose elements are pairs of objects:

See Section 3.2.6 in the PDF Reference for details.

Callback Summary
Receives the notification that the XMP metadata describing an object represented by a Cos dictionary or stream has changed.
Method Summary
CosObj CosDictGet(CosObj dict, ASAtom key)
Gets the value of the specified key in the specified dictionary. If it is called with a stream object instead of a dictionary object, this method gets the value of the specified key from the stream's attributes dictionary.
CosObj CosDictGetKey(CosObj dict, CosObj key)
Gets the value of the specified key in the specified dictionary. For more details, see CosDictGet() .
CosObj CosDictGetKeyString(CosObj dict, const char* key)
Gets the value of the specified key in the specified dictionary. For more details, see CosDictGet() .
ASBool CosDictGetXAPMetadata(INCosObj obj, OUTASText* metadataASText)
Gets the XMP metadata associated with a Cos dictionary or stream. If there is XMP metadata, it is returned as an ASText in the output parameter metadataASText. The ASText returned becomes the property of the client, which is free to alter or destroy it.
ASBool CosDictIsWeakReference(CosObj dict, const char* key)
Gets the state of a weak reference. For details, see CosDictSetWeakReference() .
ASBool CosDictKnown(CosObj dict, ASAtom key)
Tests whether a specific key is found in the specified dictionary. Calling this method is equivalent to checking if the value returned from CosDictGet() is a NULL Cos object.
ASBool CosDictKnownKey(CosObj dict, CosObj key)
Tests whether a specific key is found in the specified dictionary. Calling this method is equivalent to checking if the value returned from CosDictGetKey() is a NULL Cos object. For more details, see CosDictKnown().
ASBool CosDictKnownKeyString(CosObj dict, const char* key)
Tests whether a specific key is found in the specified dictionary. Calling this method is equivalent to checking if the value returned from CosDictGetKeyString() is a NULL Cos object. For more details, see CosDictKnown() .
void CosDictPut(CosObj dict, ASAtom key, CosObj val)
Sets the value of a dictionary key, adding the key to the dictionary if it is not already present. Sets the PDDocNeedsSave flag (see PDDocSetFlags) of the dict object's CosDoc if dict is indirect or is a direct object with an indirect composite object at the root of its container chain.
void CosDictPutKey(CosObj dict, CosObj key, CosObj val)
Sets the value of a dictionary key, adding the key to the dictionary if it is not already present. For more details, see CosDictPut() .
void CosDictPutKeyString(CosObj dict, const char* key, CosObj val)
Sets the value of a dictionary key, adding the key to the dictionary if it is not already present. For more details, see CosDictPut() .
void CosDictRemove(CosObj dict, ASAtom key)
Removes a key-value pair from a dictionary. Sets the PDDocNeedsSave flag (see PDDocSetFlags) of the dict object's CosDoc if the dictionary is indirect or has an indirect composite object at the root of its container chain.
Removes a key-value pair from a dictionary. For more details, see CosDictRemove() .
void CosDictRemoveKeyString(CosObj dict, const char* key)
Removes a key-value pair from a dictionary. For more details, see CosDictRemove() .
void CosDictSetWeakReference(CosObj dict, const char* key, ASBool isWeak)
Weak and strong references.
void CosDictSetXAPMetadata(INCosObj obj, INASText metadataASText)
Sets the XMP metadata associated with a Cos dictionary or stream. It replaces the XMP metadata associated with the Cos object obj with the XMP metadata stored in metadataASText.
void CosDictXAPMetadataDidChange(CosObj dict, ASText newMetadata, void* clientData)
The XMP metadata describing the object represented by a Cos dictionary has changed.
CosObj CosNewDict(CosDoc dP, ASBool indirect, ASTArraySize nEntries)
Creates a new dictionary.

Callbacks Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*CosDictXAPMetadataDidChangeProc)(CosObj dict, ASText newMetadata, void *data)

Receives the notification that the XMP metadata describing an object represented by a Cos dictionary or stream has changed.


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Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj CosDictGet(CosObj dict, ASAtom key)

Gets the value of the specified key in the specified dictionary. If it is called with a stream object instead of a dictionary object, this method gets the value of the specified key from the stream's attributes dictionary.


dict — 

The dictionary or stream from which a value is obtained.

key — 

The key whose value is obtained, repesented as an ASAtom. See the PDF Reference to obtain the names of keys in dictionary objects that are part of standard PDF, such as annotations or page objects (for example, CosDictGet(dict, ASAtomFromString("Length")) ).

Note that strings can be used directly as keys, by calling CosDictGetKeyString() (for example, CosDictGetKeyString(dict, "Length") ). This method is preferred, because it avoids the creation of new ASAtom objects.

Key Names: Even though key names in a PDF file are written with a leading slash (e.g., <</Length 42>>), the slash is omitted when creating an ASAtom to be used as a key, or when using the string directly as a key, as in the examples above.

Cos name objects can also be used as keys, by calling CosDictGetKey() . This method will also avoid the creation of new ASAtom objects and is often more convenient than using ASAtom objects or strings.


The object associated with the specified key. If key is not present or if its value is NULL (which is equivalent), it returns a NULL Cos object (a Cos object of type CosNull.)

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000


Use CosObjEnum() to list all key-value pairs in a dictionary.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj CosDictGetKey(CosObj dict, CosObj key)

Gets the value of the specified key in the specified dictionary. For more details, see CosDictGet() .


dict — 

The dictionary or stream from which a value is obtained.

key — 

The key whose value is obtained, represented as a Cos name object.


The object associated with the specified key. If key is not present, it returns a NULL Cos object.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Line: 1878
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj CosDictGetKeyString(CosObj dict, const char* key)

Gets the value of the specified key in the specified dictionary. For more details, see CosDictGet() .


dict — 

The dictionary or stream from which a value is obtained.

key — 

The key whose value is obtained, represented as a string.


The object associated with the specified key. If key is not present, returns a NULL Cos object.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDictGetXAPMetadata(INCosObj obj, OUTASText* metadataASText)

Gets the XMP metadata associated with a Cos dictionary or stream. If there is XMP metadata, it is returned as an ASText in the output parameter metadataASText. The ASText returned becomes the property of the client, which is free to alter or destroy it.


obj — 

A dictionary or stream CosObj.

metadataASText — 

(Filled by the method) The ASText object from which the XMP metadata will be obtained.


true if obj has associated XMP metadata, false if it does not. It also returns false if obj is not a dictionary or stream. It returns true exactly when the Cos object obj has XMP metadata.

See Also






CosDictGetXAPMetadata() will not attempt to verify that obj is one of the objects that is specified in the PDF Reference to allow XMP metadata.
The term XAP refers to an early internal code name for Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP). For more information on this protocol, see the Adobe XMP specification.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDictIsWeakReference(CosObj dict, const char* key)

Gets the state of a weak reference. For details, see CosDictSetWeakReference() .


dict — 

A dictionary.

key — 

The name of a key.


Returns the value of the isWeak parameter in the most recent call to CosDictSetWeakReference() with these parameters, or false if there has been no such call.


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDictKnown(CosObj dict, ASAtom key)

Tests whether a specific key is found in the specified dictionary. Calling this method is equivalent to checking if the value returned from CosDictGet() is a NULL Cos object.

If it is called with a stream object instead of a dictionary object, this method tests whether the specified key is found in the stream's attributes dictionary.


dict — 

The dictionary or stream in which to look for key.

key — 

The key to find. See the PDF Reference to obtain the names of keys in dictionary objects that are part of standard PDF, such as annotations or page objects (see CosDictGet() for Key Names).

Note that strings can be used directly as keys, by calling CosDictKnownKeyString() (for example, CosDictKnownKeyString(dict, "Length") ). This method is preferred, because it avoids the creation of new ASAtom objects.

Cos name objects can also be used as keys, by calling CosDictKnownKey() . This method will also avoid the creation of new ASAtom objects and is often more convenient than using ASAtom objects or strings.


true if the value of a key is known (exists and is not NULL) in dict, false otherwise.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Line: 749
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDictKnownKey(CosObj dict, CosObj key)

Tests whether a specific key is found in the specified dictionary. Calling this method is equivalent to checking if the value returned from CosDictGetKey() is a NULL Cos object. For more details, see CosDictKnown().


dict — 

The dictionary or stream in which to look for key.

key — 

The key to find, represented as a Cos name object.


true if the value of a key is known (exists and is not NULL) in dict, false otherwise.

See Also



PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Line: 1894
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDictKnownKeyString(CosObj dict, const char* key)

Tests whether a specific key is found in the specified dictionary. Calling this method is equivalent to checking if the value returned from CosDictGetKeyString() is a NULL Cos object. For more details, see CosDictKnown() .


dict — 

The dictionary or stream in which to look for key.

key — 

The key to find, represented as a string.


true if the value of a key is known (exists and is not NULL) in dict, false otherwise.

See Also



PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDictPut(CosObj dict, ASAtom key, CosObj val)

Sets the value of a dictionary key, adding the key to the dictionary if it is not already present. Sets the PDDocNeedsSave flag (see PDDocSetFlags) of the dict object's CosDoc if dict is indirect or is a direct object with an indirect composite object at the root of its container chain.

This method can also be used with a stream object. In that case, the key-value pair is added to the stream's attributes dictionary.

It is not safe to call CosDictPut() during a call to CosObjEnum() on that same dictionary (for example, from within the callback procedure).

An exception is raised if val is a direct non-scalar object that is already contained in another dictionary, array, or stream, or if dict and val belong to different documents.


dict — 

The dictionary or stream in which a value is set.

key — 

The key whose value is set, represented as an ASAtom. See the PDF Reference to obtain the names of keys in dictionary objects that are part of standard PDF, such as annotations or page objects (see CosDictGet() for Key Names).

Note that strings can be used directly as keys, by calling CosDictPutKeyString() (for example, CosDictPutKeyString(dict, "Length", lenObj) ). This method is preferred, because it avoids the creation of new ASAtom objects.

Cos name objects can also be used as keys, by calling CosDictPutKey() . This method will also avoid the creation of new ASAtom objects and is often more convenient than using ASAtom objects or strings.

val — 

The value to set.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000


A dictionary entry whose value is NULL is equivalent to an absent entry; using CosDictPut() to put a NULL value in a dictionary has the same effect as calling CosDictRemove() to remove it from the dictionary.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDictPutKey(CosObj dict, CosObj key, CosObj val)

Sets the value of a dictionary key, adding the key to the dictionary if it is not already present. For more details, see CosDictPut() .

It is not safe to call CosDictPutKey() during a call to CosObjEnum() on that same dictionary (for example, from within the callback procedure)

An exception is raised if val is a direct non-scalar object that is already contained in another dictionary, array, or stream, or if dict and val belong to different documents.


dict — 

The dictionary or stream in which a value is set.

key — 

The key whose value is set, represented as a Cos name object.

val — 

The value to set.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Line: 1916
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDictPutKeyString(CosObj dict, const char* key, CosObj val)

Sets the value of a dictionary key, adding the key to the dictionary if it is not already present. For more details, see CosDictPut() .

It is not safe to call CosDictPutKey() during a call to CosObjEnum() on that same dictionary (for example, from within the callback procedure).

An exception is raised if val is a direct non-scalar object that is already contained in another dictionary, array, or stream, or if dict and val belong to different documents.


dict — 

The dictionary or stream in which a value is set.

key — 

The key whose value is set, represented as a string.

val — 

The value to set.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Line: 1979
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDictRemove(CosObj dict, ASAtom key)

Removes a key-value pair from a dictionary. Sets the PDDocNeedsSave flag (see PDDocSetFlags) of the dict object's CosDoc if the dictionary is indirect or has an indirect composite object at the root of its container chain.

If it is called with a stream object instead of a dictionary object, this method removes the value of the specified key from the stream's attributes dictionary.

It is not safe to call CosDictRemove() during a call to CosObjEnum() on that same dictionary (for example, from within the callback procedure).

If the key is not present in the dictionary, CosDictRemove() has no effect.


dict — 

The dictionary from which the key-value pair is removed.

key — 

The key to remove, represented as an ASAtom. See the PDF Reference to obtain the names of keys in dictionary objects that are part of standard PDF, such as annotations or page objects (see CosDictGet() for Key Names).

Note that strings can be used directly as keys, by calling CosDictRemoveString() (for example, CosDictRemoveString(dict, "Length") ). This method is preferred, because it avoids the creation of new ASAtom objects.

Cos name objects can also be used as keys, by calling CosDictRemoveKey() . This method will also avoid the creation of new ASAtom objects and is often more convenient than using ASAtom objects or strings.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDictRemoveKey(CosObj dict, CosObj key)

Removes a key-value pair from a dictionary. For more details, see CosDictRemove() .


dict — 

The dictionary from which the key-value pair is removed.

key — 

The key to remove, represented as a Cos name object.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Line: 1929
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDictRemoveKeyString(CosObj dict, const char* key)

Removes a key-value pair from a dictionary. For more details, see CosDictRemove() .


dict — 

The dictionary from which the key-value pair is removed.

key — 

The key to remove, represented as a string.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Line: 1991
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDictSetWeakReference(CosObj dict, const char* key, ASBool isWeak)

Weak and strong references.

When a Cos document is saved in full-save mode, objects that are not accessible from the root of the document are destroyed. This process uses a mark-and-sweep garbage collector: the root is marked, and then every object to which it refers is marked, and so on. At the end of this marking phase, objects that are not marked are destroyed.

A so-called weak reference changes this policy: during the marking phase, a reference that has been declared to be weak will not be marked. For example, when a dictionary is marked, all its keys and values are normally also marked. But if a certain key has been set as a weak reference, then the corresponding value will not be marked. Consequently, if there are no other references to that value, it will be destroyed.

A so-called strong reference also changes this policy, but in the opposite direction. An object for which there is a strong reference will be marked (and therefore will not be garbage-collected), even if there is no path to the object from the root of the document, and even if a weak reference exists for it.

CosDictSetWeakReference() establishes or removes a weak reference from a dictionary.


dict — 

The dictionary containing the weak reference.

key — 

The name of a key in the dictionary.

isWeak — 

If true, the object stored in dict under key at the time of every subsequent full-save garbage collection will not be marked as a component of the dictionary. If there is no other path to that object from the root of the document, then it will be garbage- collected (destroyed) by garbage collection.

It is not an error if there is no such value at the time of garbage collection or at the time of the call to this function.

If isWeak is false (the default condition), then there is no such behavior, and the value, if any, will be marked in the normal manner. The case where isWeak is specified as false is intended primarily to reverse the effect of a previous call in which isWeak was true.


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDictSetXAPMetadata(INCosObj obj, INASText metadataASText)

Sets the XMP metadata associated with a Cos dictionary or stream. It replaces the XMP metadata associated with the Cos object obj with the XMP metadata stored in metadataASText.

The contents of metadataASText must be well-formed XML and Resource Description Format (RDF), as defined by the W3C (see ), that also forms valid XMP. CosDictSetXAPMetadtata() will not destroy metadataASText or alter its text.


obj — 

The dictionary or stream Cos object whose associated XMP metadata is to be set.

metadataASText — 

The ASText object containing the metadata to be associated with obj.

See Also






CosDictSetXAPMetadtata() will raise an exception if the user does not have permission to change the document.
CosDictSetXAPMetadtata() will not attempt to verify that obj is one of the objects that is specified in the PDF Reference to allow XMP metadata.
The term XAP refers to an early internal code name for Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP). For more information on this protocol, see the Adobe XMP specification.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDictXAPMetadataDidChange(CosObj dict, ASText newMetadata, void* clientData)

The XMP metadata describing the object represented by a Cos dictionary has changed.


dict — 

The Cos dictionary or stream representing an object whose describing XMP metadata has changed.

newMetadata — 

A serialized representation of the new describing XMP metadata.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification().

See Also

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj CosNewDict(CosDoc dP, ASBool indirect, ASTArraySize nEntries)

Creates a new dictionary.

See the PDF Reference for information on dictionary objects that are in standard PDF files, such as annotations or page objects.


dP — 

The document in which the dictionary is used.

indirect — 

If true, it creates the dictionary as an indirect Cos object, and sets the dP object's PDDocNeedsSave flag (see PDDocFlags). If false, it creates the dictionary as a direct object.

nEntries — 

The number of entries in the dictionary. This value is only a hint; Cos dictionaries grow dynamically as needed.


The newly created dictionary Cos object.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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