
A CosDoc object is the Cos layer representation of an entire PDF file. See the PDF Reference for an overview of PDF document structure. See Section 3.6.1, "Document Catalog", in the PDF Reference, for a description of the catalog dictionary.

Define Summary
Typedef Summary
Structure Summary
Parameters used when saving a file using CosDocOpenWithParams().
Parameters used when saving a file using CosDocSaveToFile() and CosDocSaveWithParams().
Callback Summary
A callback for CosDocEnumEOFs(). It is called once for each position in a CosDoc after a %EOF keyword that marks the end of either a main cross-reference section, or an update cross-reference section that corresponds to an incremental save. See CosDocEnumEOFs() for more details.
A callback for CosDocEnumEOFs64(). It is called once for each position in a CosDoc after a %EOF keyword that marks the end of either a main cross-reference section, or an update cross-reference section that corresponds to an incremental save. See CosDocEnumEOFs() for more details. This is similar to CosDocEnumEOFsProc(), except that the fileOffset parameter is a 64-bit value instead of a 31-bit value.
Method Summary
void CosDocClose(CosDoc cosDoc)
Closes a Cos document. You should only call this method with a document obtained via CosDocOpenWithParams() to release resources used by the Cos document.
CosDoc CosDocCreate(ASFlagBits createFlags)
Creates an empty Cos document.
ASBool CosDocEnumEOFs(CosDoc cosDoc, CosDocEnumEOFsProc proc, void* clientData)
Calls the specified procedure for each EOF in a given CosDoc, where the EOF is a position in a PDF file after a %EOF keyword that marks the end of either a main cross-reference section, or an update cross-reference section that corresponds to an incremental save. Not every %EOF keyword fits these criteria. For example, the first %EOF in a linearized (optimized for the web) file does not, so its position is not be passed to proc.
ASBool CosDocEnumEOFs64(CosDoc cosDoc, CosDocEnumEOFsProc64 proc, void* clientData)
Calls the specified procedure for each EOF in a given CosDoc. For details, see CosDocEnumEOFs() . This is the same as CosDocEnumEOFs() , except that the callback proc takes a 64-bit file position instead of a 32-bit file position.
ASBool CosDocEnumIndirect(CosDoc dP, CosObjEnumProc proc, void* clientData)
Enumerates all the indirect objects of a given CosDoc.
ASBool CosDocGetAdobeExtensionLevel(CosDoc dP, CosObj* baseVersion, ASUns32* extension)
Tests whether the supplied CosDoc contains Adobe extensions to ISO 32000 (aka ISO PDF), and if so, returns the BaseVersion and ExtensionLevel
ASBool CosDocGetID(CosDoc dP, CosByte** pInstanceID, CosByte** pPermaID, ASTCount* instIDLength, ASTCount* permIDLength)
Returns two ID byte arrays identifying the CosDoc. The client should copy these arrays before making the next call to Acrobat.
Gets the specified document's Info dictionary. In general, access the document's Info dictionary using PDDocGetInfo() and PDDocSetInfo() wherever possible.
CosObj CosDocGetObjByID(CosDoc dP, CosID objNum)
Gets the indirect CosObj with the latest generation number.
Gets the Catalog (the root object) for the specified document. See Section 3.6.1 in the PDF Reference for a description of the Catalog.
Tests whether the Cos document is fully compressed. In a fully compressed document, most objects are stored in object streams, which are normally Flate-encoded to reduce the size of the PDF file. Cross-reference information for these objects is stored in cross-reference streams, which are also normally Flate-encoded. See the PDF Reference.
Tests whether the supplied CosDoc contains as extensions to ISO 32000 (aka ISO PDF)
Tests whether the Cos document is partially compressed. In a partially compressed file, the size of the logical structure information is reduced; however, this information is unavailable to pre-PDF 1.5 viewers, while the document can still be viewed and printed. PDF 1.5 viewers (such as Acrobat 6 and later) have full access to the structure information.
ASBool CosDocObjIsWithinRange(CosObj obj, ASInt32 byteRanges, ASInt32 numEntries)
Tests whether the definition of a specified Cos object, in the file associated with the object's CosDoc, begins within any of a set of byte ranges. The test is inclusive; that is the object may begin at the first or last byte of a range.
ASBool CosDocObjIsWithinRange64(CosObj obj, ASFilePos64 byteRanges, ASInt32 numEntries)
Tests whether the definition of a specified Cos object, in the file associated with the object's CosDoc, begins within any of a set of byte ranges. For details, see CosDocObjIsWithinRange() . This is the same as CosDocObjIsWithinRange() , except that the byte ranges are 64-bit file positions instead of a 32-bit file positions.
Opens a Cos document. The document does not need to be a PDF document. In params, the client specifies a file system and path name from which to open the document. The client may also specify a header string other than "%PDF-". For example, a client might want to open a private file type, such as "%FDF-".
void CosDocSaveToFile(CosDoc cosDoc, ASFile asFile, CosDocSaveFlags saveFlags, CosDocSaveParams saveParams)
Saves a Cos document to a file handle. CosDocSaveToFile() will not generate an cross-reference table in the saved file. If you want the cross-reference to be generated, then you have to use CosDocSaveWithParams() , which generates the cross-reference table by default.
void CosDocSaveWithParams(CosDoc cosDoc, ASFile asFile, CosDocSaveFlags saveFlags, CosDocSaveParams saveParams)
Saves a Cos document, optionally to a new file handle. It generates an cross-reference table by default.
void CosDocSetAdobeExtensionLevel(CosDoc dP, CosObj baseVersion, ASUns32 extension)
Adds the necessary data structures to the supplied CosDoc to identify it as containing Adobe extensions to ISO 32000 (aka ISO PDF)
void CosDocSetDirty(CosDoc cosDoc, ASBool isDirty)
Sets a Cos document's dirty flag to a given boolean value. If this flag is true when the document is closed, it indicates that the document must be saved to preserve changes.
Defines Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kCosDocOpenDoRepair 0x0001

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Typedefs Detail
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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef struct _t_CosDoc* CosDoc;

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typedef _t_CosDocOpenParams CosDocOpenParams;

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typedef _t_CosDocOpenParams CosDocOpenParamsRec;

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typedef ASFlagBits CosDocSaveFlags;

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typedef _t_CosDocSaveParams CosDocSaveParams;

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typedef _t_CosDocSaveParams CosDocSaveParamsRec;

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Structure Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_CosDocOpenParams {
 ASSize_t size; 
 ASFlagBits openFlags; 
 ASFileSys fileSys; 
 ASPathName pathName; 
 const char* headerString; 

Parameters used when saving a file using CosDocOpenWithParams().

See Also

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The size of this struct.


A bitfield of kCosDocOpen flags.


May be NULL if using the default file system.


Must be provided.


An expected header string (for example, "%ADF-"). If it is NULL, "%PDF-" is the assumed value.

Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_CosDocSaveParams {
 ASSize_t size; 
 const char* header; 
 char* cryptData; 
 ASTArraySize cryptDataLen; 
 ASProgressMonitor mon; 
 void* monClientData; 
 CosCryptVersion cryptVersion; 

Parameters used when saving a file using CosDocSaveToFile() and CosDocSaveWithParams().

See Also

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The size of this struct.


A complete header string, such as "%ADF-1.0".


The encryption key to pass into the PDCryptHandler if security has been set on the document.


The length of the encryption key in bytes. Cannot be greater than 5.


The progress monitor. Use AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor() to obtain the default progress monitor.


A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to mon each time it is called.


The Cos cryptographic version - the version of the algorithm that is used to encrypt and decrypt document data. cryptVersion equal to 0 is treated as cryptVersion equal to 1, to maintain backward compatibility.

Callbacks Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool (*CosDocEnumEOFsProc)(CosDoc cosDoc, ASFileOffset fileOffset, void *clientData)

A callback for CosDocEnumEOFs(). It is called once for each position in a CosDoc after a %EOF keyword that marks the end of either a main cross-reference section, or an update cross-reference section that corresponds to an incremental save. See CosDocEnumEOFs() for more details.

See Also


The precise value passed to the procedure is not defined. It is at least one byte past the %EOF keyword, but may include one or more white space characters. When the procedure is called only once, there is no guarantee that fileOffset is the same as the length of the file.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool (*CosDocEnumEOFsProc64)(CosDoc cosDoc, ASFileOffset64 fileOffset, void *clientData)

A callback for CosDocEnumEOFs64(). It is called once for each position in a CosDoc after a %EOF keyword that marks the end of either a main cross-reference section, or an update cross-reference section that corresponds to an incremental save. See CosDocEnumEOFs() for more details. This is similar to CosDocEnumEOFsProc(), except that the fileOffset parameter is a 64-bit value instead of a 31-bit value.

See Also

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Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDocClose(CosDoc cosDoc)

Closes a Cos document. You should only call this method with a document obtained via CosDocOpenWithParams() to release resources used by the Cos document.


cosDoc — 

IN/OUT The document to close.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020002

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosDoc CosDocCreate(ASFlagBits createFlags)

Creates an empty Cos document.


createFlags — 

An inclusive OR of bit flags that specify the attributes of a CosDoc when created by CosDocCreate() . The only flag currently defined is cosDocCreateInfoDict (0x01), which creates an Info dictionary for the document.


An empty Cos document.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020002

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDocEnumEOFs(CosDoc cosDoc, CosDocEnumEOFsProc proc, void* clientData)

Calls the specified procedure for each EOF in a given CosDoc, where the EOF is a position in a PDF file after a %EOF keyword that marks the end of either a main cross-reference section, or an update cross-reference section that corresponds to an incremental save. Not every %EOF keyword fits these criteria. For example, the first %EOF in a linearized (optimized for the web) file does not, so its position is not be passed to proc.

If cosDoc was created in memory (using CosDocCreate()), or if it was damaged and needed to be repaired, the procedure is not called at all.


cosDoc — 

The CosDoc in which the EOF's are enumerated.

proc — 

The CosDocEnumEOFsProc() to call for each EOF.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to proc each time it is called.


true if all of the calls to proc return true. false as soon as a call to proc returns false.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00040000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDocEnumEOFs64(CosDoc cosDoc, CosDocEnumEOFsProc64 proc, void* clientData)

Calls the specified procedure for each EOF in a given CosDoc. For details, see CosDocEnumEOFs() . This is the same as CosDocEnumEOFs() , except that the callback proc takes a 64-bit file position instead of a 32-bit file position.


cosDoc — 

The CosDoc in which the EOF's are enumerated.

proc — 

The CosDocEnumEOFsProc64() to call for each EOF.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to proc each time it is called.


true if all of the calls to proc return true, false as soon as a call to proc returns false.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDocEnumIndirect(CosDoc dP, CosObjEnumProc proc, void* clientData)

Enumerates all the indirect objects of a given CosDoc.

The objects are enumerated in no particular order. Successive enumerations of the same Cos document are not guaranteed to enumerate objects in the same order.

This method does not enumerate invalid objects, which include objects that are defined as NULL, objects that are not defined at all (those having no cross-reference entry), and objects that are on the free list (see the PDF Reference).

This re-raises any exception that proc raises.


dP — 

The CosDoc whose indirect objects are enumerated.

proc — 

A user-supplied callback to call for each indirect object in dP. Enumeration ends when proc returns false or all indirect objects have been enumerated. The value parameter returned in proc is always the NULL Cos object.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to proc each time it is called.


true if all of the calls to proc returned true. It returns false as soon as a call to proc returns false.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00040000

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDocGetAdobeExtensionLevel(CosDoc dP, CosObj* baseVersion, ASUns32* extension)

Tests whether the supplied CosDoc contains Adobe extensions to ISO 32000 (aka ISO PDF), and if so, returns the BaseVersion and ExtensionLevel


dP — 

IN The Cos document to test.

baseVersion — 

OUT The PDF version on which the extensions are based (will be of type CosName).

extension — 

OUT The level of the extension expressed as a monotonically increasing integer.


true if the file contains Adobe's ISO 32000 Extensions dictionary, false otherwise.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00090000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDocGetID(CosDoc dP, CosByte** pInstanceID, CosByte** pPermaID, ASTCount* instIDLength, ASTCount* permIDLength)

Returns two ID byte arrays identifying the CosDoc. The client should copy these arrays before making the next call to Acrobat.


dP — 

IN/OUT The CosDoc whose ID byte arrays are returned.

pInstanceID — 

IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The instance ID.

pPermaID — 

IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The permanent ID.

instIDLength — 

IN/OUT The length of pInstanceID in bytes.

permIDLength — 

IN/OUT The length of pPermaID in bytes.


true if the ID is returned, false otherwise.


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00050000

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj CosDocGetInfoDict(CosDoc dP)

Gets the specified document's Info dictionary. In general, access the document's Info dictionary using PDDocGetInfo() and PDDocSetInfo() wherever possible.


dP — 

IN/OUT The document whose Info dictionary is obtained.


The document's Info dictionary Cos object.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj CosDocGetObjByID(CosDoc dP, CosID objNum)

Gets the indirect CosObj with the latest generation number.


dP — 

The CosDoc to search for the matching Cos object.

objNum — 

The local master index for the indirect Cos object to return.


The CosObj with the latest generation number whose ID (object number) equals objNum, or the NULL object if there is no object with this ID.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00040000

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj CosDocGetRoot(CosDoc dP)

Gets the Catalog (the root object) for the specified document. See Section 3.6.1 in the PDF Reference for a description of the Catalog.


dP — 

IN/OUT The document whose Catalog is obtained.


The document's Catalog dictionary Cos object.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDocHasFullCompression(CosDoc doc)

Tests whether the Cos document is fully compressed. In a fully compressed document, most objects are stored in object streams, which are normally Flate-encoded to reduce the size of the PDF file. Cross-reference information for these objects is stored in cross-reference streams, which are also normally Flate-encoded. See the PDF Reference.


doc — 

The document whose compression is checked.


true if the document is fully compressed, false otherwise.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00060000


Fully compressed files are not compatible with PDF 1.4 and earlier viewers.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDocHasISOExtensions(CosDoc dP)

Tests whether the supplied CosDoc contains as extensions to ISO 32000 (aka ISO PDF)


dP — 

The Cos document to test.


true if the file contains an ISO 32000 Extensions dictionary, false otherwise.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00090000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDocHasPartialCompression(CosDoc doc)

Tests whether the Cos document is partially compressed. In a partially compressed file, the size of the logical structure information is reduced; however, this information is unavailable to pre-PDF 1.5 viewers, while the document can still be viewed and printed. PDF 1.5 viewers (such as Acrobat 6 and later) have full access to the structure information.

In a partially compressed document, objects related to logical structure are stored in object streams, which are normally Flate-encoded to compress the document. Their cross-reference information is stored twice: in a cross-reference stream, to which there is a reference in the trailer of an update section, and in the main cross-reference table, which indicates that the objects are on the free list. See the PDF Reference.


doc — 

The document whose compression is checked.


true if the document is partially compressed, false otherwise.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00060000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDocObjIsWithinRange(CosObj obj, ASInt32 byteRanges, ASInt32 numEntries)

Tests whether the definition of a specified Cos object, in the file associated with the object's CosDoc, begins within any of a set of byte ranges. The test is inclusive; that is the object may begin at the first or last byte of a range.

An exception is raised if obj is a direct object or numEntries is an odd number.


obj — 

The Cos object (must be indirect).

byteRanges — 

An array containing pairs of byte offsets within the document. Each pair is a start and end offset from the beginning of the document.

numEntries — 

The number of byte offsets (not pairs) in the byteRanges array.


true if the object begins within any of the given ranges and has not been modified, false otherwise.


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00060000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool CosDocObjIsWithinRange64(CosObj obj, ASFilePos64 byteRanges, ASInt32 numEntries)

Tests whether the definition of a specified Cos object, in the file associated with the object's CosDoc, begins within any of a set of byte ranges. For details, see CosDocObjIsWithinRange() . This is the same as CosDocObjIsWithinRange() , except that the byte ranges are 64-bit file positions instead of a 32-bit file positions.

An exception is raised if obj is a direct object or numEntries is an odd number.


obj — 

The Cos object (must be indirect).

byteRanges — 

An array containing pairs of byte offsets within the document. Each pair is a start and end offset from the beginning of the document.

numEntries — 

The number of byte offsets (not pairs) in the byteRanges array.


true if the object begins within any of the given ranges and has not been modified, false otherwise.


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosDoc CosDocOpenWithParams(CosDocOpenParams params)

Opens a Cos document. The document does not need to be a PDF document. In params, the client specifies a file system and path name from which to open the document. The client may also specify a header string other than "%PDF-". For example, a client might want to open a private file type, such as "%FDF-".

Various exceptions may be raised. Opening non-Cos docs with this API is unsupported and may lock the file after an open attempt.

If the doRepair flag is set in the open flags, a minimal document can be opened. A minimal document contains the header string and a trailer dictionary. It may contain indirect objects before the trailer dictionary, and the trailer dictionary can refer to those objects, as shown in the following example:


1 0 obj

<< /Version /1.5

/FDF << /F 20 0 R /JavaScript 5 0 R >>




/Root 1 0 R



params — 

Specifies how to open the document.


A Cos document.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020002

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDocSaveToFile(CosDoc cosDoc, ASFile asFile, CosDocSaveFlags saveFlags, CosDocSaveParams saveParams)

Saves a Cos document to a file handle. CosDocSaveToFile() will not generate an cross-reference table in the saved file. If you want the cross-reference to be generated, then you have to use CosDocSaveWithParams() , which generates the cross-reference table by default.


cosDoc — 

IN/OUT The document to save.

asFile — 

IN/OUT The file to which the document is written; it must be open in write mode. This file is not necessarily position-able.

saveFlags — 

IN/OUT An OR of the values listed in CosDocSave Flags specifying how to save the document.

saveParams — 

IN/OUT Optional parameters for use when saving a document, as described in CosDocSaveParams().

See Also



PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020002 Saves a Cos document to a file. CosDocSaveToFile() will not generate a cross-reference index (table or stream) in the saved file. If you want the index to be generated, then you must use CosDocSaveWithParams() , which generates it by default.
PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020002

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDocSaveWithParams(CosDoc cosDoc, ASFile asFile, CosDocSaveFlags saveFlags, CosDocSaveParams saveParams)

Saves a Cos document, optionally to a new file handle. It generates an cross-reference table by default.


cosDoc — 

IN/OUT The CosDoc for the document to save.

asFile — 

IN/OUT (Optional) If saving to the same file, do not pass in an ASFile. If saving to a different file, specify the file to which the document is written; it must be open in write mode. If NULL, this method saves to the ASFile originally associated with the CosDoc.

saveFlags — 

IN/OUT A bit field composed of the CosDocSaveFlags specifying how to save the document.

saveParams — 

IN/OUT (Optional) CosDocSaveParams parameters for use when saving the CosDoc document.

See Also



PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00040000 Saves a Cos document, optionally to a new file. It generates a cross-reference index (table or stream) by default.
PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00040000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDocSetAdobeExtensionLevel(CosDoc dP, CosObj baseVersion, ASUns32 extension)

Adds the necessary data structures to the supplied CosDoc to identify it as containing Adobe extensions to ISO 32000 (aka ISO PDF)


dP — 

The Cos document to set.

baseVersion — 

The PDF version on which the extensions are based (will be of type CosName).

extension — 

The level of the extension expressed as a monotonically increasing integer.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00090000

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void CosDocSetDirty(CosDoc cosDoc, ASBool isDirty)

Sets a Cos document's dirty flag to a given boolean value. If this flag is true when the document is closed, it indicates that the document must be saved to preserve changes.


cosDoc — 

The Cos document whose dirty flag is set.

isDirty — 

true if dirty, false otherwise.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020002

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