
A name is a sequence of non-white space characters. In code, a name is preceded by the forward slash (/) character indicating that it is a string literal, for example: /AName. See Section 3.2.4 in the PDF Reference for details.

Method Summary
ASAtom CosNameValue(CosObj obj)
Gets the value of a name object.
CosObj CosNewName(CosDoc dP, ASBool indirect, ASAtom name)
Creates a new name object associated with the specified document and having the specified value.
CosObj CosNewNameFromString(CosDoc dP, ASBool indirect, const char* namestring)
Creates a new name object associated with the specified document and having the specified value.

Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASAtom CosNameValue(CosObj obj)

Gets the value of a name object.


obj — 

The object of type CosName whose value is obtained.


The ASAtom corresponding to the specified name object. An ASAtom can be converted to a string using ASAtomGetString() . Note that CosCopyNameStringValue() can be used to obtain the name as a string, without creating an ASAtom (ASAtom objects consume global memory that is not deallocated).

An exception is raised if obj has the wrong type, if storage is exhausted, or if file access fails.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

File: CosProcs.h
Line: 532
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj CosNewName(CosDoc dP, ASBool indirect, ASAtom name)

Creates a new name object associated with the specified document and having the specified value.


dP — 

The document in which the new name is used.

indirect — 

If true, it creates the name as an indirect object, and sets the document's PDDocNeedsSave flag (see PDDocFlags) flag. If false, it creates the name as a direct object.

name — 

The ASAtom corresponding to the name to create. A C string can be converted to an ASAtom using ASAtomFromString() . Note that a name object can be created directly from a C string, without creating an ASAtom, by using CosNewNameFromString() .


The newly created name Cos object.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00020000

File: CosProcs.h
Line: 217
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj CosNewNameFromString(CosDoc dP, ASBool indirect, const char* namestring)

Creates a new name object associated with the specified document and having the specified value.


dP — 

The document in which the new name is used.

indirect — 

If true, it creates the name as an indirect object, and sets the document's PDDocNeedsSave flag (see PDDocFlags) flag. If false, it creates the name as a direct object.

namestring — 

The name to create. This routine will not create an ASAtom corresponding to namestring and is generally more efficient than CosNewName() . (ASAtom objects consume global memory that is not deallocated.)


The newly created name Cos object.

See Also


PI_COS_VERSION >= 0x00070000

File: CosProcs.h
Line: 2121