Layer | PD_Layer |
Object | PDFont |
A PDFont is a font that is used to draw text on a page. It corresponds to a font resource in a PDF file (see Chapter 5, Text, in the PDF Reference).
Plug-ins can get a list of PDFont objects used on a PDPage or a range of PDPage objects. More than one PDPage may reference the same PDFont object.
A PDFont has a number of attributes whose values can be read or set, including an array of widths, the character encoding, and the font's resource name.
In general, a PDFont refers to a base font and an encoding. The base font is specified by the font name and the subtype (typically Type 0, Type 1, MMType1, Type3, or TrueType). This combination of base font and encoding is commonly referred to as a font instance.
In single-byte character systems, an encoding specifies a mapping from an 8-bit index, often called a codepoint, to a glyph.
Type 0 fonts support single-byte or multibyte encodings and can refer to one or more descendent fonts. These fonts are analogous to the Type 0 or composite fonts supported by Level 2 PostScript interpreters. However, PDF Type 0 fonts only support character encodings defined by a character map (CMap). The CMap defines the encoding for a Type 0 font. It specifies the mappings between character codes and the glyphs in the descendant fonts. For more information on Type 0 fonts, see Section 5.6.5, Type 0 Font Dictionaries, in the PDF Reference. See Section 5.6.4, CMaps, for information on CMaps.
Type 0 fonts may have a CIDFont as a descendent. A CIDFont is designed to contain a large number of glyph procedures and is used for languages such as Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. Instead of being accessed by a name, each glyph procedure is accessed by an integer known as a character identifier or CID. Instead of a font encoding, CIDFonts use a CMap to define the mapping from character codes to a font number and a character selector. For more information on CIDFonts, see the following sections in the PDF Reference:
To access documents on CIDFonts, see the Adobe Solutions Network Web site (
For general information on CID Fonts, refer to these technical notes:
For information on specific CID fonts, see these technical notes:
Each base font contains a fixed set of glyphs. There are some common sets of glyph names, and these sets are typically called charsets. Acrobat takes advantage of the most common charset to enable font substitution. This charset is called the Adobe Standard Roman Character Set (see the PostScript Language Reference). If Acrobat encounters a font with this charset, it knows that it can represent all of the glyphs in the font using font substitution. Other common charsets are the Adobe Expert and Expert Subset charsets, and the Symbol charset. Most decorative fonts, such as Carta and Wingdings, have custom charsets.
Given a base font and its charset, multiple encodings are possible. For example, one encoding
for a font could specify that the glyph for the letter 'A'
appears at codepoint 65.
A different encoding could specify that 'A'
appears at both codepoint 65 and at
codepoint 97. If text were rendered using the second encoding using the text string
"a is always A"
, it would appear as "A is always A"
using a font
such as Times. Encodings allow glyphs to be reordered to the most convenient order for an
application or operating system.
Every font has a default encoding, commonly called its built-in encoding. In PDF, shortcuts are taken when specifying an encoding in order to minimize document size. If a font instance uses the built-in encoding, no encoding information is written into the PDF document. If a font has a different encoding, only those codepoints for which the encoding differs from the built-in encoding are recorded in the PDF file. This information is called a difference encoding; it describes the difference between the built-in encoding and the current encoding.
For non-Roman systems, the font encoding may be a variety of encodings, which are defined by a CMap. See Section 5.6.4, CMaps, in the PDF Reference for a list of predefined CMaps, such as SHIFT-JIS for Japanese.
A host encoding is a platform-dependent encoding for the host machine's base font. For
non-UNIX Roman systems, it is WinAnsiEncoding
on Windows and MacRomanEncoding
on Mac OS.
For UNIX (except HP-UX) Roman systems, it is
(ISO Latin-1). For HP-UX, it is HP-ROMAN8
. See Appendix D,
Character Sets and Encoding, in the PDF Reference for descriptions of WinAnsiEncoding
. These encodings specify a mapping from codepoint to glyph name for
fonts that use the Adobe Standard Roman Character Set on Mac OS and Windows.
Across PDF documents, or even within a single PDF document, the same base font can be used with
more than one encoding. This allows documents from different platforms to be combined without
losing information. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see a document that contains two instances
of Helvetica, one using MacRoman encoding and another using WinAnsi encoding. See Appendix D,
Character Sets and Encoding, in the PDF Reference for descriptions of WinAnsiEncoding
and MacRomanEncoding
. For non-Roman systems, the host encoding may be a variety of encodings,
which are defined by a CMap.
Type 3 fonts do not have the ability to provide a base font with more than one encoding. For each Type 3 font, there is only one encoding. This encoding is completely specified in the PDF file; there are no shortcuts as there are for other fonts.
See Section 5.7, Font Descriptors, in the PDF Reference for a discussion of font descriptors. Methods are provided to create and destroy fonts, as well as to access the information in the font's descriptor.
Define | ||
PDFontGetDescendant |
Typedef | ||
A font that is used to draw text on a page. It corresponds to a Font Resource in a PDF file. Applications can get a list of PDFont objects used on a PDPage or a range of PDPage objects. More than one PDPage may reference the same PDFont object. A PDFont has a number of attributes whose values can be read or set, including an array of widths, the character encoding, and the font's resource name.
An italic angle value in degrees, for use in PDFontMetrics.
A resource tree for a PDPage or other PDModel object. Maintains information about the current print job and what fonts have been downloaded.
PDFontFlags | ||
An unsigned measurement of a font characteristic (for example, width).
PDFontMetrics | ||
PDFontMetricsP | ||
A font offset value, for use in PDFontMetrics.
PDFontStyles | ||
A font metric value (which is never negative), for use in PDFontMetrics.
Enumeration | ||
An enumerated data type that specifies a font's encoding.
Specifies a synthetic font style.
Structure | ||
A data structure containing additional information about a font.
A data structure containing information about a font's metrics. See Section 5.5.1 in the PDF Reference for more information about font metrics.You also can find information about Adobe Font Metrics (AFM) at
A data structure containing PANOSE and sFamily class values for a font. It is used in the PDFontMetrics structure. See Section 5.7.2 in the PDF Reference for more information. For additional details on the PANOSE number, see the Japanese TrueType Font Property Selection Guidelines by the TrueType Conference Technical Committee.
Callback | ||
A callback used by PDDocEnumFonts() and PDDocEnumLoadedFonts(). It is called once for each font.
Method | ||
ASUns8** PDFontAcquireEncodingArray(PDFont font)
Acquires a font's encoding array (the mapping of character codes to glyphs). When you are done with this array, call PDFontEncodingArrayRelease() to release it.
ASInt16* PDFontAcquireXlateTable(PDFont font)
Increments the specified font's XlateTable reference count and also returns the XlateTable, which is a 256-entry table that maps characters from their encoding in the PDF file to host encoding. If a character cannot be mapped to host encoding, then the table entry will (for that character) contain -1. When you are done using the XlateTable, call PDFontXlateTableRelease() to release it.
void PDFontEncodingArrayRelease(ASUns8** array)
Releases a font's encoding array (the mapping of character codes to glyphs). Call this method after you are done using an encoding array acquired using PDFontAcquireEncodingArray().
Enumerates a Type 3 font's character drawing procedures. The elements of a single character procedure can be enumerated using PDCharProcEnum().
PDFont PDFontFromCosObj(CosObj fontObj)
Converts a dictionary Cos object to a font. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
Fills in an ASText object with the font name, to be used in displaying lists or menus.
Gets a Type 3 font's bounding box, which is the smallest rectangle that would enclose every character in the font if they were overlaid and painted.
PDCharSet PDFontGetCharSet(PDFont font)
Gets the font's character set. This is derived from the 'Uses Adobe standard encoding' bit in the font descriptor (if the font has a font descriptor) or from the font's name (if the font is one of the base 14 fonts and does not have a font descriptor).
ASAtom PDFontGetCIDSystemInfo(PDFont font)
Gets an ASAtom representing Registry and Ordering for a CIDFont. This information resides in the CIDSystemInfo entry of the CIDFont dictionary, which describes a CIDFont.
ASInt32 PDFontGetCIDSystemSupplement(PDFont font)
Gets the SystemSupplement number of a CIDFont. This field resides in the CIDSystemInfo entry of the CIDFont dictionary, which describes a CIDFont.
CosObj PDFontGetCosObj(PDFont font)
Gets the Cos object for a font. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
PDFont PDFontGetDescendant(PDFont font)
Gets a Type 0 font's descendant, which may be a CIDType0 or CIDType2 font.
ASInt32 PDFontGetEncodingIndex(PDFont font)
Gets a font's encoding index.
const ASUns8* PDFontGetEncodingName(PDFont font)
Gets a string representing a font's encoding.
Gets a font's matrix, which specifies the transformation from character space to text space. See Section 5.5.4 in the PDF Reference. This is only valid for Type 3 fonts.
Gets a font's metrics, which provide the information needed to create a substitute Multiple Master font when the original font is unavailable. See Section 5.7 in the PDF Reference for a discussion of font descriptors.
Gets the name of a font. The behavior depends on the font type; for a Type 3 font it gets the value of the Name key in a PDF Font resource. See Section 5.5.4 in the PDF Reference. For other types it gets the value of the BaseFont key in a PDF font resource.
ASAtom PDFontGetSubtype(PDFont font)
Gets a font's subtype.
Gets the advance width of every glyph in a font. The advance width is the amount by which the current point advances when the glyph is drawn. The advance width may not correspond to the visible width of the glyph (for example, a glyph representing an accent mark might have an advance width of zero so that characters can be drawn under it). For this reason, the advance width cannot be used to determine the glyphs' bounding boxes.
ASBool PDFontIsEmbedded(PDFont font)
Tests whether the specified font is embedded in the PDF file, meaning that the font is stored as a font file, which is a stream embedded in the PDF file. Only Type 1 and TrueType fonts can be embedded.
Sets a font's metrics, which provide the information needed to create a substitute Multiple Master font when the original font is unavailable. See Section 5.7 in the PDF Reference for a discussion of font descriptors. This method can only be used on Type 1, Multiple Master Type 1, and TrueType fonts; it cannot be used on Type 3 fonts.
Translates a string from the PDFont's encoding into host encoding. If any characters cannot be represented in host encoding, they are replaced with space characters. If no XlateTable exists in the font, the function returns false and outP is not written.
void PDFontXlateTableRelease(ASInt16* table)
Decrements the specified font's XlateTable reference count. The XlateTable is a 256-entry table that maps characters from their encoding in the PDF file to host encoding. If a character cannot be mapped to host encoding, then the table entry will (for that character) contain -1.
Translates a string from the PDFont's encoding to host encoding. This is useful for converting the text from a PDWord into host encoding. In the same way that PDXlateToHostEx() converts text from bookmark titles to host encoding, PDFontXlateToHost() converts text from a page contents stream to host encoding. Use PDFontXlateToUCS() to translate from the PDFont's encoding to Unicode.
Translates a string from whatever encoding the PDFont uses to Unicode encoding. This is useful for converting the text from a PDWord into Unicode. Use PDFontXlateToHost() to translate from the PDFont's encoding to host encoding.
Translates an array of 256 glyph advance widths (obtained from PDFontGetWidths()) from their order in the PDF file into host encoding order. If the widths are already in host encoding order, the widths are merely copied. All un-encoded code points are given a width of zero.
PDFontGetDescendant |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDFontGetDescendant PDFontGetDescendantInt
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Line: 166 |
PDFont |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_PDFont* PDFont;
A font that is used to draw text on a page. It corresponds to a Font Resource in a PDF file. Applications can get a list of PDFont objects used on a PDPage or a range of PDPage objects. More than one PDPage may reference the same PDFont object. A PDFont has a number of attributes whose values can be read or set, including an array of widths, the character encoding, and the font's resource name.
See Also
File: PDBasicExpT.h |
Line: 96 |
PDFontAngle |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASInt16 PDFontAngle;
An italic angle value in degrees, for use in PDFontMetrics.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 66 |
PDFontDownloadContext |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_PDFontDownloadContext* PDFontDownloadContext;
A resource tree for a PDPage or other PDModel object. Maintains information about the current print job and what fonts have been downloaded.
See Also
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Line: 1665 |
PDFontFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDFontFlags PDFontFlags;
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Line: 2166 |
PDFontMetric |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASUns16 PDFontMetric;
An unsigned measurement of a font characteristic (for example, width).
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Line: 61 |
PDFontMetrics |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDFontMetrics PDFontMetrics;
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Line: 2378 |
PDFontMetricsP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDFontMetrics PDFontMetricsP;
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Line: 2378 |
PDFontOffset |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASInt16 PDFontOffset;
A font offset value, for use in PDFontMetrics.
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Line: 71 |
PDFontStyles |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDFontStyles PDFontStyles;
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Line: 2316 |
PDiFontMetric |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASInt16 PDiFontMetric;
A font metric value (which is never negative), for use in PDFontMetrics.
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 76 |
PDFontEncoding |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDFontEncoding {
PDBuiltInEncoding = -1,
PDMacRomanEncoding = 0,
PDMacExpertEncoding = 1,
PDWinAnsiEncoding = 2,
PDStdEncoding = 3,
PDFDocEncoding = 4,
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Line: 2202 |
PDBuiltInEncoding | The encoding specified internally in the font. In the case of a Type 1 or MMType 1 font, this is specified by the Encoding value in the font's |
PDMacRomanEncoding | MacRomanEncoding, as defined in Appendix D in the PDF Reference. |
PDMacExpertEncoding | MacExpertEncoding, as defined in Appendix D in the PDF Reference. |
PDWinAnsiEncoding | WinAnsiEncoding, as defined in Appendix D in the PDF Reference. |
PDStdEncoding | StandardEncoding, as defined in Appendix D in the PDF Reference. |
PDFDocEncoding | PDFDocEncoding, as defined in Appendix D in the PDF Reference. This will never be returned for a font; it is used internally. |
PDFontStyle |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDFontStyle {
PDRoman = 0,
See Also
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Line: 208 |
_t_PDFontFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A data structure containing additional information about a font.
See Also
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Line: 2159 |
notUsed | Not used. For backward compatibility. |
flags | It must be an OR of the |
_t_PDFontMetrics |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDFontMetrics {
A data structure containing information about a font's metrics. See Section 5.5.1 in the PDF Reference for more information about font metrics.You also can find information about Adobe Font Metrics (AFM) at
See Also
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Line: 2326 |
flags | It must be an OR of the Font Flags values. All unused flags must be off. |
fontBBox | A font bounding box in 1000 EM units. An EM is a typographic unit of measurement equal to the size of a font. In a 12-point font, an EM is 12 points. |
missingWidth | The width of the missing character ( |
stemV | The vertical stem width. |
stemH | The horizontal stem width. |
capHeight | The capital height. |
xHeight | ||
ascent | The maximum ascender height. |
descent | The maximum descender depth. |
leading | The additional leading between lines. |
maxWidth | The maximum character width. |
avgWidth | The average character width. |
italicAngle | The italic angle in degrees, if any. |
style | The PANOSE and sFamily class values. |
baseLineAdj | The baseline adjustment, which is a vertical adjustment for font baseline difference and writing mode 1 (vertical). This should only be used for CIDFontType 2 fonts with font substitution. |
_t_PDFontStyles |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDFontStyles {
ASUns8 sFamilyClassID;
ASUns8 sFamilySubclassID;
ASUns8 bFamilyType;
ASUns8 bSerifStyle;
ASUns8 bWeight;
ASUns8 bProportion;
A data structure containing PANOSE and sFamily class values for a font. It is used in the PDFontMetrics structure. See Section 5.7.2 in the PDF Reference for more information. For additional details on the PANOSE number, see the Japanese TrueType Font Property Selection Guidelines by the TrueType Conference Technical Committee.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 2284 |
sFamilyClassID | A number that identifies the font family and determines the meaning of the remaining PANOSE digits. The possible families are Latin, Kanji, Hebrew, and so forth. |
sFamilySubclassID | A number to identify the kind of family: text, decorative, handwritten, symbols, and so on. |
bFamilyType | A number to identify the family type: text, decorative, handwritten, symbols, and so on. |
bSerifStyle | A number that specifies the font's serif style, such as cove, obtuse cove, square, bone, and so forth. |
bWeight | A number that specifies the font's weight, such as very light, heavy, black, and so on. |
bProportion | A number that specifies the font's proportions, such as modern, expanded, condensed, mono-spaced, and so on. |
PDFontEnumProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDFontEnumProc)(PDFont font, PDFontFlags *fontFlags, void *clientData)
A callback used by PDDocEnumFonts() and PDDocEnumLoadedFonts(). It is called once for each font.
See Also
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Line: 2180 |
PDFontAcquireEncodingArray | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Acquires a font's encoding array (the mapping of character codes to glyphs). When you are done with this array, call PDFontEncodingArrayRelease() to release it.
The array contains 256 pointers. If a pointer is not NULL
, it points to a C string containing the name of the glyph for the code point corresponding to the index. If it is NULL
, then the name of the glyph is unchanged from that specified by the font's built-in encoding.
For a Type 3 font, all glyph names will be present in the encoding array, and NULL
entries correspond to un-encoded code points.
For non-Roman character set viewers, it is not appropriate to call this method.
font — |
The font's encoding array. It returns |
See Also
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Line: 2750 |
PDFontAcquireXlateTable | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Increments the specified font's XlateTable reference count and also returns the XlateTable, which is a 256-entry table that maps characters from their encoding in the PDF file to host encoding. If a character cannot be mapped to host encoding, then the table entry will (for that character) contain -1
. When you are done using the XlateTable, call PDFontXlateTableRelease() to release it.
For non-Roman character set viewers, it is not appropriate to call this method.
font — | IN/OUT The font whose XlateTable is obtained. |
A pointer to the font's XlateTable, if any. Otherwise it returns |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2935 |
PDFontEncodingArrayRelease | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFontEncodingArrayRelease(ASUns8** array)
Releases a font's encoding array (the mapping of character codes to glyphs). Call this method after you are done using an encoding array acquired using PDFontAcquireEncodingArray().
array — | IN/OUT The encoding array to release. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2761 |
PDFontEnumCharProcs | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFontEnumCharProcs(PDFont font, PDCharProcEnumProc proc, void* clientData)
Enumerates a Type 3 font's character drawing procedures. The elements of a single character procedure can be enumerated using PDCharProcEnum().
font — | IN/OUT The Type 3 font's character drawing procedures are being enumerated. |
proc — | IN/OUT A user-supplied callback to call for each character in the font. Enumeration ends if |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to user-supplied data passed to |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 3931 |
PDFontFromCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Converts a dictionary Cos object to a font. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
fontObj — | IN/OUT The dictionary Cos object for the font. |
The PDFont for |
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Line: 7658 |
PDFontGetASTextName | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Fills in an ASText object with the font name, to be used in displaying lists or menus.
In PDF 1.5, the font name can be represented with a UTF8 byte sequence. In previous versions of Acrobat the name could also be represented by host encodings such as Shift- JIS, Big5, KSC, and so on. This routine tries to return a text object that uses the correct script, but cannot always do so.
The ASText object is owned by the caller.
font — | ||
removePrefix — | Whether to remove the subset prefix, if present. For example, when |
nameToFill — | (Filled by the method) The ASText object for the font's name. |
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Line: 10993 |
PDFontGetBBox | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFontGetBBox(PDFont font, ASFixedRect* bboxP)
Gets a Type 3 font's bounding box, which is the smallest rectangle that would enclose every character in the font if they were overlaid and painted.
font — | IN/OUT The font whose bounding box is obtained. |
bboxP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a rectangle specifying the font's bounding box. |
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Line: 2791 |
PDFontGetCharSet | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the font's character set. This is derived from the 'Uses Adobe standard encoding' bit in the font descriptor (if the font has a font descriptor) or from the font's name (if the font is one of the base 14 fonts and does not have a font descriptor).
For non-Roman character set viewers, call PDFontGetEncodingName() instead.
font — | IN/OUT The font whose character set is obtained. |
The font's character set. For non-Roman character set viewers, it returns PDUnknownCharSet. |
See Also
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Line: 2708 |
PDFontGetCIDSystemInfo | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets an ASAtom representing Registry and Ordering for a CIDFont. This information resides in the CIDSystemInfo entry of the CIDFont dictionary, which describes a CIDFont.
PDFontGetCIDSystemInfo() takes either a Type 0 font or a descendant font (CIDType0 or CIDType2) as an argument. This information is always present for any Type 0 font; the actual registry ordering information is a part of the descendant font.
This method provides one way to identify a font's language.
The CIDSystemInfo entry uses three components to identify a character collection uniquely:
A registry name to identify an issuer of ordering information.
An ordering name to identify an ordered character collection.
A supplement number to indicate that the ordered character collection for a registry, ordering, and previous supplement has been changed to add new characters assigned CIDs beginning with the next available CID.
The PDFontGetCIDSystemInfo() method obtains the first two of these components.
A CIDFont is designed to contain a large number of glyph procedures. Instead of being accessed by a name, each glyph procedure is accessed by an integer known as a character identifier or CID. Instead of a font encoding, CIDFonts use a CMap with a Type 0 composite font to define the mapping from character codes to a font number and a character selector.
For more information on Type 0 fonts, CIDFonts, and CMaps, see Section 5.6 in the PDF Reference. For detailed information on CIDFonts, see Technical Note # 5092, CID-Keyed Font Technology Overview, and Technical Note # 5014, Adobe CMap and CIDFont Files Specification.
font — | IN/OUT The font whose Registry and Ordering information is obtained. |
The ASAtom representing the CIDFont's Registry and Ordering information (for example, |
See Also
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Line: 6219 |
PDFontGetCIDSystemSupplement | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the SystemSupplement number of a CIDFont. This field resides in the CIDSystemInfo entry of the CIDFont dictionary, which describes a CIDFont.
The CIDSystemInfo entry uses three components to identify a character collection uniquely:
A registry name to identify an issuer of orderings.
An ordering name to identify an ordered character collection.
A supplement number to indicate that the ordered character collection for a registry, ordering, and previous supplement has been changed to add new characters assigned CIDs beginning with the next available CID.
PDFontGetCIDSystemInfo() provides character collection information, and PDFontGetCIDSystemSupplement() specifies the version of the ordering.
A CIDFont is designed to contain a large number of glyph procedures. Instead of being accessed by a name, each glyph procedure is accessed by an integer known as a character identifier or CID. Instead of a font encoding, CIDFonts use a CMap with a Type 0 composite font to define the mapping from character codes to a font number and a character selector.
For more information on Type 0 fonts, CIDFonts, and CMaps, see Section 5.6 in the PDF Reference. For detailed information on CIDFonts, see Technical Note # 5092, CID-Keyed Font Technology Overview, and Technical Note # 5014, Adobe CMap and CIDFont Files Specification.
font — | IN/OUT The font whose |
The |
See Also
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Line: 6261 |
PDFontGetCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the Cos object for a font. This method does not copy the object, but is instead the logical equivalent of a type cast.
font — | IN/OUT The font whose Cos object is obtained. |
The dictionary Cos object for the font. The dictionary's contents may be enumerated with CosObjEnum(). |
See Also
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Line: 2994 |
PDFontGetDescendant | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets a Type 0 font's descendant, which may be a CIDType0 or CIDType2 font.
Type 0 fonts support single-byte or multi-byte encodings and can refer to one or more descendant fonts. These fonts are analogous to the Type 0 or composite fonts supported by Level 2 PostScript interpreters. However, PDF Type 0 fonts only support character encodings defined by a CMap. The CMap specifies the mappings between character codes and the glyphs in the descendant fonts.
For information on Type 0 fonts, see Section 5.6 in the PDF Reference. See Section 5.6.4 for more details on CMaps.
font — | IN/OUT The font whose descendant is obtained. |
The font's descendant font. |
See Also
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Line: 6141 |
PDFontGetEncodingIndex | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
For non-Roman character set viewers, call PDFontGetEncodingName() instead.
font — |
A font encoding index. If the index is greater than PDLastKnownEncoding, it is a custom encoding, and is unique within the document. If the index is less than PDLastKnownEncoding, it must be one of the PDFontEncoding values. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2724 |
PDFontGetEncodingName | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets a string representing a font's encoding.
Use PDFontGetEncodingIndex() to get encoding information for Roman viewers.
Host encoding is a platform-dependent encoding for the host machine. For non-UNIX Roman systems, it is WinAnsiEncoding
on Windows and MacRomanEncoding
on Mac OS. On UNIX (except HP-UX) Roman systems, it is ISO8859-1
(ISO Latin-1); for HP-UX, it is HP-ROMAN8
. See Appendix D in the PDF Reference for descriptions of WinAnsiEncoding
, MacRomanEncoding
, and PDFDocEncoding
For non-Roman systems, the host encoding may be a variety of encodings, which are defined by a CMap (character map). See Section 5.6.4 in the PDF Reference for a list of predefined CMaps. In this case, the encoding string contains values such as "90ms-RKSJ-H"
, "90msp-RKSJ-H"
, "Identity-V"
, or "90pv-RKSJ-H"
; it does not return a string like "Shift-JIS"
font — |
The string representing the font's encoding. |
See Also
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Line: 6169 |
PDFontGetFontMatrix | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFontGetFontMatrix(PDFont fontP, ASFixedMatrix* matrixP)
Gets a font's matrix, which specifies the transformation from character space to text space. See Section 5.5.4 in the PDF Reference. This is only valid for Type 3 fonts.
fontP — | ||
matrixP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to the font's matrix. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2964 |
PDFontGetMetrics | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFontGetMetrics(PDFont font, PDFontMetricsP metricsP, os_size_t sizeMetrics)
Gets a font's metrics, which provide the information needed to create a substitute Multiple Master font when the original font is unavailable. See Section 5.7 in the PDF Reference for a discussion of font descriptors.
font — | IN/OUT The font whose metrics are being obtained. |
metricsP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDFontMetrics structure containing the font's metrics. The font metric values may be patched before being returned. If the actual values in the PDF file are required, use Cos instead to get trustworthy metrics. |
sizeMetrics — | IN/OUT It must be |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2780 |
PDFontGetName | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the name of a font. The behavior depends on the font type; for a Type 3 font it gets the value of the Name key in a PDF Font resource. See Section 5.5.4 in the PDF Reference. For other types it gets the value of the BaseFont key in a PDF font resource.
font — | ||
buffer — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The buffer into which the font's name is stored. The client may pass in |
bufSize — | IN/OUT The length of |
The number of characters in the font name. If the font name is too long to fit into |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2680 |
PDFontGetSubtype | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
font — |
The font's subtype. The ASAtom returned can be converted to a string using ASAtomGetString(). It must be one of the Font Subtypes. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2691 |
PDFontGetWidths | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the advance width of every glyph in a font. The advance width is the amount by which the current point advances when the glyph is drawn. The advance width may not correspond to the visible width of the glyph (for example, a glyph representing an accent mark might have an advance width of zero so that characters can be drawn under it). For this reason, the advance width cannot be used to determine the glyphs' bounding boxes.
For non-Roman character set viewers, this method gets the width for a single byte range (0
through 255
font — | IN/OUT The font whose glyph advance widths are obtained. |
widths — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) An array of glyph advance widths, measured in character space units. Un-encoded code points will have a width of zero. For non-Roman character set viewers, an array for a single byte range ( |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2817 |
PDFontIsEmbedded | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Tests whether the specified font is embedded in the PDF file, meaning that the font is stored as a font file, which is a stream embedded in the PDF file. Only Type 1 and TrueType fonts can be embedded.
font — | The font to test. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2862 |
PDFontSetMetrics | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFontSetMetrics(PDFont font, PDFontMetricsP metricsP, os_size_t sizeMetrics)
Sets a font's metrics, which provide the information needed to create a substitute Multiple Master font when the original font is unavailable. See Section 5.7 in the PDF Reference for a discussion of font descriptors. This method can only be used on Type 1, Multiple Master Type 1, and TrueType fonts; it cannot be used on Type 3 fonts.
font — | IN/OUT The font whose metrics are being set. |
metricsP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDFontMetrics structure containing the font's metrics. |
sizeMetrics — | IN/OUT It must be |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2981 |
PDFontXlateString | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Translates a string from the PDFont's encoding into host encoding. If any characters cannot be represented in host encoding, they are replaced with space characters. If no XlateTable exists in the font, the function returns false
and outP
is not written.
For non-Roman character set viewers, it is not appropriate to call this method. Instead call one of the following: PDFontXlateToHost(), PDFontXlateToUCS(), PDXlateToHostEx(), or PDXlateToPDFDocEncEx().
font — | ||
inP — | The string to translate. |
outP — | (Filled by the method) The translated string. |
len — | The length of |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2914 |
PDFontXlateTableRelease | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFontXlateTableRelease(ASInt16* table)
Decrements the specified font's XlateTable reference count. The XlateTable is a 256-entry table that maps characters from their encoding in the PDF file to host encoding. If a character cannot be mapped to host encoding, then the table entry will (for that character) contain -1
table — | IN/OUT The XlateTable to release. |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 2949 |
PDFontXlateToHost | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Translates a string from the PDFont's encoding to host encoding. This is useful for converting the text from a PDWord into host encoding. In the same way that PDXlateToHostEx() converts text from bookmark titles to host encoding, PDFontXlateToHost() converts text from a page contents stream to host encoding. Use PDFontXlateToUCS() to translate from the PDFont's encoding to Unicode.
Non-Roman fonts, such as PostScript composite fonts, can be encoded in different ways, such as SHIFT-JIS, RKSJ, and so on. To use PDFontXlateToHost(), the caller does not need to know which encoding he is converting from, since that information is contained in the PDFont.
Host encoding is a platform-dependent encoding for the host machine. For non-UNIX Roman systems, it is WinAnsiEncoding
on Windows and MacRomanEncoding
on Mac OS. On UNIX (except HP-UX) Roman systems, it is ISO8859-1
(ISO Latin-1); for HP-UX, it is HP-ROMAN8
. See Appendix D in the PDF Reference for descriptions of MacRomanEncoding
, WinAnsiEncoding
, and PDFDocEncoding
For non-Roman systems, the host encoding may be a variety of encodings, which are defined by a CMap (character map). See Section 5.6.4 in the PDF Reference for a list of predefined CMaps.
Use PDGetHostEncoding() to determine if a system's host encoding is Roman.
fontP — | ||
inP — | A pointer to the string to translate. |
inLen — | The length of the |
outP — | (Filled by the method) A pointer to the translated string. |
outLen — | The length of the |
The number of bytes in the translated string |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6514 |
PDFontXlateToUCS | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Translates a string from whatever encoding the PDFont uses to Unicode encoding. This is useful for converting the text from a PDWord into Unicode. Use PDFontXlateToHost() to translate from the PDFont's encoding to host encoding.
Non-Roman fonts, like PostScript composite fonts, can be encoded in different ways, such as SHIFT-JIS, RKSJ, and so on. The caller does not need to know which encoding they're converting from, since that information is contained in the PDFont.
Host encoding is a platform-dependent encoding for the host machine. For non-UNIX Roman systems, it is WinAnsiEncoding
on Windows and MacRomanEncoding
on Mac OS. On UNIX (except HP-UX) Roman systems, it is ISO8859-1
(ISO Latin-1); for HP-UX, it is HP-ROMAN8
. See Appendix D in the PDF Reference for descriptions of WinAnsiEncoding
, MacRomanEncoding
, and PDFDocEncoding
For non-Roman systems, the host encoding may be a variety of encodings, which are defined by a CMap (character map). See Section 5.6.4 in the PDF Reference for a list of predefined CMaps.
Use PDGetHostEncoding() to determine if a system's host encoding is Roman.
fontP — | The font of the input string |
inP — | A pointer to the string to translate. |
inLen — | The length of the |
outP — | (Filled by the method) A pointer to the translated string. If it is |
outLen — | The length of the |
The number of bytes in the translated string in |
See Also
File: PDProcs.h |
Line: 6559 |
PDFontXlateWidths | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Translates an array of 256 glyph advance widths (obtained from PDFontGetWidths()) from their order in the PDF file into host encoding order. If the widths are already in host encoding order, the widths are merely copied. All un-encoded code points are given a width of zero.
For non-Roman character set viewers, it is not appropriate to call this method.
font — | IN/OUT The font whose glyph widths are translated. |
inP — | IN/OUT The array of glyph advance widths to rearrange. |
outP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The rearranged array of glyph advance widths. |
See Also
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Line: 2884 |