A PDPath is a graphic object (a subclass of PDGraphic) representing a path in a page description. Paths are arbitrary shapes
made of straight lines, rectangles, and cubic curves. Path objects may be filled or stroked, and they can serve as a clipping path.
For details, see the following sections in the PDF Reference:
- Section 4.1, Graphic Objects.
- Section 4.4, Path Construction and Painting.
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_PDGraphic* PDPath;
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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
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Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
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Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
See Also
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| pdPathNoPaint | The path is not painted. |
| pdPathOpClose | The path contains a closepath operator. |
| pdPathStroke | The path contains a stroke operator. |
| pdPathFill | The path contains a fill operator. |
| pdPathEOFill | The path contains an eofill operator. |
| pdPathClip | The path contains a clip operator. |
| pdPathEOClip | The path contains an eoclip operator. |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDPathSegmentOp {
| pdSegMoveTo, |
| pdSegLineTo, |
| pdSegCurveTo, |
| pdSegVCurveTo, |
| pdSegYCurveTo, |
| pdSegRect, |
| pdSegClosePath |
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 2433 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDPathEnumMonitor {}
A data structure containing callbacks used by PDPathEnum(). One callback is called for each path operator encountered; the callback to call depends on the operator.
See Also
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Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDPathClosePathProc)(void *clientData)
A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every path closing operator.
See Also
File: PDExpT.h |
Line: 2943 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDPathCurveToProc)(ASFixedPoint *p1, ASFixedPoint *p2, ASFixedPoint *p3, void *clientData)
A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every c operator.
See Also
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Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every l operator.
See Also
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Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every m operator.
See Also
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Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every re operator.
See Also
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Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every v operator.
See Also
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Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDPathEnumMonitor. It is called for every y operator.
See Also
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Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Enumerates the specified path's operators, calling one of several user-supplied callbacks for each operator. The callback that is called depends on which operator is encountered.
| obj — | IN/OUT The path whose operators are enumerated. |
| mon — | IN/OUT A pointer to a structure that contains callbacks. One of the callbacks will be called for each path segment operator in the path. Enumeration ends if any of the monitor's callbacks returns false . |
| clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to the monitor's callbacks each time one is called. |
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Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets flags that indicate which paint/close/clip operators are used for the specified path. For a description of the path painting operators, see Section 4.4.2 in the PDF Reference.
| obj — | IN/OUT The path whose painting operators are obtained. |
| A bit-wise OR of the PDPathPaintOp flags. |
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Wed Feb 7 2024, 2:16 pm IST