
HFT and HFT server objects.

Define Summary
A flag that specifies whether an HFT entry is replaceable: If the flag is set, the new entry can be replaced. Clients should generally use this value, allowing other clients to subsequently replace the method again. If the flag is not set, the new entry cannot be replaced.
Typedef Summary
An object that describes a set of exported functions. It is an array of function pointers, where the first element is unused.
An HFTEntry may be cast to a pointer to a function whose prototype must be provided by the HFT's description file.
Each HFT is serviced by an HFT server. The HFT server is responsible for handling requests to obtain or destroy its HFT. An HFTServer is an object that manages several versions of an HFT for different clients which may have been compiled with different versions of the HFT's API.
Structure Summary
A data structure to pass to an HFT server to create a new HFT. New in Acrobat 6.0.
Callback Summary
A callback for an HFT server. This destroys the specified HFT (for example, by calling HFTServerDestroy()).
A callback for an HFT server. This returns an HFT with the specified version number. If the HFT has not yet been created, create and return it. If the HFT already exists, do not create a new copy of it; simply return the existing copy.
Method Summary
Gets the specified version of the Host Function Table (HFT) that has the specified name. If you want to get one of the Acrobat viewer's built-in HFTs, use the predefined global variables for the HFT Values instead of this method.
void HFTDestroy(HFT hft)
Destroys an existing HFT by freeing all the HFT's memory. Call this method only if you are absolutely sure that neither your plug-in nor any other plug-in will use the HFT again. Because this is usually impossible to know, plug-ins should not destroy HFTs. It is even dangerous to destroy an HFT at unload time, because the order in which plug-ins are unloaded is not specified.
HFTEntry HFTGetReplacedEntry(HFT hft, Selector sel, HFTEntry oldEntry)
Gets the HFTEntry that was replaced by the specified HFTEntry in the specified entry. Plug-ins should generally not use this method directly, but use the CALL_REPLACED_PROC macro instead.
ASVersion HFTGetVersion(HFT hft)
Returns the version of the HFT, if available.
ASBool HFTIsValid(HFT hft)
Tests whether an HFT is valid.
HFT HFTNew(HFTServer hftServer, ASTCount numSelectors)
Obsolete. See HFTNewEx(). Creates a new HFT by calling the specified HFT server's HFTServerProvideHFTProc().
HFT HFTNewEx(HFTServer hftServer, HFTData data)
Extends HFTNew() with version information in Acrobat 6. Creates a new HFT by calling the specified HFT server's HFTServerProvideHFTProc().
void HFTReplaceEntry(HFT hft, Selector sel, HFTEntry newEntry, ASFlagBits flags)
Replaces the specified entry in the specified HFT. This allows a plug-in to override and replace certain methods in Acrobat's API. See Replaceable Methods for a list of replaceable methods. This method can be used from anywhere in the plug-in, but it makes the most sense for most plug-ins to replace methods in the importReplaceAndRegisterCallback() procedure. Plug-ins register their HFTs in the export callback, but the code to populate the function table is only executed when the first client requests the HFT.
void HFTReplaceEntryEx(HFT hft, Selector sel, HFTEntry newEntry, ASExtension extension, ASFlagBits flags)
A new version of HFTReplaceEntry() that adds the extension argument.
void HFTServerDestroy(HFTServer hftServer)
Destroys an HFT server. Call this method only if the HFT will not be used again.
HFTServer HFTServerNew(const char* name, HFTServerProvideHFTProc serverProc, HFTServerDestroyProc destroyProc, void* clientData)
Creates a new Host Function Table (HFT) server. An HFT server is responsible for creating an instance of an HFT with the specified version number, and destroying the HFT.
void HFTUnreplaceEntry(HFT hft, Selector sel, HFTEntry oldEntry, ASExtension extension)
Removes the oldEntry item from hft at sel if the extension fields match. It allows HFT replacements to be undone in cases such as with the DigSig plug-in, which replaces a method that Acrobat could use after DigSig unloads.
Defines Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define ASExtensionMgrGetHFT ASGetHFTByNameAndVersion

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#define HFTEntryReplaceable (0x00000001)


A flag that specifies whether an HFT entry is replaceable:

See Also

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#define kHFT_IN_BETA_FLAG 0x80000000

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Typedefs Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef HFTEntry HFT;

An object that describes a set of exported functions. It is an array of function pointers, where the first element is unused.


An HFT object may be cast to an (HFTEntry *); you may then index directly into this object by a selector to obtain a pointer to a function.

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typedef HFTDataRec HFTData;

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typedef _t_HFTData HFTDataRec;

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typedef void* HFTEntry;

An HFTEntry may be cast to a pointer to a function whose prototype must be provided by the HFT's description file.

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typedef _t_HFTLocations HFTLocations;

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typedef struct _t_HFTServer* HFTServer;

Each HFT is serviced by an HFT server. The HFT server is responsible for handling requests to obtain or destroy its HFT. An HFTServer is an object that manages several versions of an HFT for different clients which may have been compiled with different versions of the HFT's API.

See Also

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Structure Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_HFTData {
 ASUns32 size; 
 ASCount numSelectors; 
 ASVersion version; 
 const void* hftProcs; 

A data structure to pass to an HFT server to create a new HFT. New in Acrobat 6.0.

See Also

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Set to sizeof(HFTDataRec)


The number of entries in the new HFT. This determines the number of methods that the HFT can contain; each method occupies one entry.


The version number.


Optional. This should point to an HFT array of function pointers.

Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_HFTLocations {
 ASUns8 dummy; 

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Callbacks Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*HFTServerDestroyProc)(HFTServer hftServer, void *rock)

A callback for an HFT server. This destroys the specified HFT (for example, by calling HFTServerDestroy()).

See Also

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HFT (*HFTServerProvideHFTProc)(HFTServer hftServer, ASVersion version, void *rock)

A callback for an HFT server. This returns an HFT with the specified version number. If the HFT has not yet been created, create and return it. If the HFT already exists, do not create a new copy of it; simply return the existing copy.

See Also


The version numeric type has changed in Acrobat 6.0.

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Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


HFT ASExtensionMgrGetHFT(ASAtom name, ASVersion version)

Gets the specified version of the Host Function Table (HFT) that has the specified name. If you want to get one of the Acrobat viewer's built-in HFTs, use the predefined global variables for the HFT Values instead of this method.


name — 

The name of the HFT to obtain.

version — 

The version number of the HFT to obtain.


The specified HFT, or NULL if the HFT does not exist.

See Also



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void HFTDestroy(HFT hft)

Destroys an existing HFT by freeing all the HFT's memory. Call this method only if you are absolutely sure that neither your plug-in nor any other plug-in will use the HFT again. Because this is usually impossible to know, plug-ins should not destroy HFTs. It is even dangerous to destroy an HFT at unload time, because the order in which plug-ins are unloaded is not specified.


hft — 

The HFT to destroy.

See Also



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HFTEntry HFTGetReplacedEntry(HFT hft, Selector sel, HFTEntry oldEntry)

Gets the HFTEntry that was replaced by the specified HFTEntry in the specified entry. Plug-ins should generally not use this method directly, but use the CALL_REPLACED_PROC macro instead.

It is necessary to specify both a selector (the index of an entry in the HFT's table of callback pointers) and an HFTEntry (a callback pointer) because a method may be replaced several times, and the various replacement methods are kept in a linked list. The selector determines which linked list is examined, and the HFTEntry determines the entry in the linked list to return.


hft — 

The HFT in which a replaced entry is retrieved. See HFTReplaceEntry() for more information.

sel — 

The selector whose previous value is obtained. See HFTReplaceEntry() for more information.

oldEntry — 

The HFTEntry for which the previous value is obtained.


The entry present prior to being replaced. NULL is returned if the entry has not been replaced.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASVersion HFTGetVersion(HFT hft)

Returns the version of the HFT, if available.


hft — 

The HFT whose version is obtained.


The version number if the HFT is valid and the version is available, HFT_ERROR_NO_VERSION otherwise.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool HFTIsValid(HFT hft)

Tests whether an HFT is valid.


hft — 

IN/OUT The HFT to test.


true if hft is valid, false otherwise.



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HFT HFTNew(HFTServer hftServer, ASTCount numSelectors)

Obsolete. See HFTNewEx(). Creates a new HFT by calling the specified HFT server's HFTServerProvideHFTProc().


hftServer — 

The HFT server for the HFT being created. The HFT server must have been created previously using HFTServerNew().

numSelectors — 

The number of entries in the new HFT. This determines the number of methods that the HFT can contain; each method occupies one entry.


The newly created HFT.

See Also



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HFT HFTNewEx(HFTServer hftServer, HFTData data)

Extends HFTNew() with version information in Acrobat 6. Creates a new HFT by calling the specified HFT server's HFTServerProvideHFTProc().


hftServer — 

The HFT server for the HFT being created. The HFT server must have been created previously using HFTServerNew().

data — 

The data to pass to the server, which includes:

  • The number of entries in the new HFT, which determines the number of methods that the HFT can contain. Each method occupies one entry.

  • The HFT version.


The newly created HFT.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void HFTReplaceEntry(HFT hft, Selector sel, HFTEntry newEntry, ASFlagBits flags)

Replaces the specified entry in the specified HFT. This allows a plug-in to override and replace certain methods in Acrobat's API. See Replaceable Methods for a list of replaceable methods. This method can be used from anywhere in the plug-in, but it makes the most sense for most plug-ins to replace methods in the importReplaceAndRegisterCallback() procedure. Plug-ins register their HFTs in the export callback, but the code to populate the function table is only executed when the first client requests the HFT.

Plug-ins can use the REPLACE macro instead of calling HFTReplaceEntry() directly.

All plug-ins, and Acrobat itself, share a single copy of each HFT. As a result, when a plug-in replaces the implementation of a method, all other plug-ins and Acrobat also use the new implementation of that method. In addition, once a method's implementation has been replaced, there is no way to remove the new implementation without restarting Acrobat.


hft — 

The HFT in which a method is replaced. Use ASExtensionMgrGetHFT() to get the HFT, given its name. For the HFTs built into the Acrobat viewer, global variables containing the HFTs have been defined, so you can skip calling ASExtensionMgrGetHFT() for these HFTs.

sel — 

The entry in the HFT to replace, derived from the method's name by appending SEL. For example, to replace AVAlert, sel must be AVAlertSEL.

newEntry — 

The function to replace the current one. The function pointer must be converted to an HFTEntry using the ASCallbackCreateReplacement() macro.

flags — 

The new entry's properties. Currently, only HFTEntryReplaceable is defined.

See Also






The CALL_REPLACED_PROC macro is available to call the previous HFT entry function that was replaced.

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void HFTReplaceEntryEx(HFT hft, Selector sel, HFTEntry newEntry, ASExtension extension, ASFlagBits flags)

A new version of HFTReplaceEntry() that adds the extension argument.

Plug-ins can use the REPLACE macro instead of calling HFTReplaceEntryEx directly.


hft — 

The HFT in which a method is replaced. Use ASExtensionMgrGetHFT() to get the HFT, given its name. For the HFTs built into the Acrobat viewer, global variables containing the HFTs have been defined, so you can skip calling ASExtensionMgrGetHFT() for these HFTs.

sel — 

The entry in the HFT to replace, derived from the method's name by appending SEL. For example, to replace AVAlert, sel must be AVAlertSEL.

newEntry — 

The function to replace the current one. The function pointer must be converted to an HFTEntry using the ASCallbackCreateReplacement() macro.

extension — 

Plug-ins should pass in gExtensionID for this parameter (see the code for the Acrobat 5.0 version of the REPLACE macro). This parameter is stored by Acrobat so that any entries that were replaced by a plug-in can be unreplaced in the event that the plug-in unloads.

flags — 

The new entry's properties. Currently, only HFTEntryReplaceable is defined.

See Also






The CALL_REPLACED_PROC macro is available to call the previous HFT entry function that was replaced.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void HFTServerDestroy(HFTServer hftServer)

Destroys an HFT server. Call this method only if the HFT will not be used again.


hftServer — 

IN/OUT The HFT server to destroy.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


HFTServer HFTServerNew(const char* name, HFTServerProvideHFTProc serverProc, HFTServerDestroyProc destroyProc, void* clientData)

Creates a new Host Function Table (HFT) server. An HFT server is responsible for creating an instance of an HFT with the specified version number, and destroying the HFT.


name — 

The new HFT server's name.

serverProc — 

(Required) A user-supplied callback that provides an HFT when given a version number. This procedure is called by ASExtensionMgrGetHFT() when another plug-in imports the HFT.

destroyProc — 

(Optional) A user-supplied callback that destroys the specified HFT (this generally means deallocating the memory associated with the HFT). This procedure is called by HFTDestroy().

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to the HFT server.


The newly created HFT server.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void HFTUnreplaceEntry(HFT hft, Selector sel, HFTEntry oldEntry, ASExtension extension)

Removes the oldEntry item from hft at sel if the extension fields match. It allows HFT replacements to be undone in cases such as with the DigSig plug-in, which replaces a method that Acrobat could use after DigSig unloads.


hft — 

The HFT in which a method is un-replaced. Use ASExtensionMgrGetHFT() to get the HFT, given its name. For the HFTs built into the Acrobat viewer, global variables containing the HFTs have been defined, so you can skip calling ASExtensionMgrGetHFT() for these HFTs.

sel — 

The entry in the HFT to un-replace, derived from the method's name by appending SEL. For example, to replace AVAlert, sel must be AVAlertSEL.

oldEntry — 

The old function to be replaced. The function pointer must be converted to an HFTEntry using the ASCallbackCreateReplacement() macro.

extension — 

An object of type ASExtension.

See Also



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