Layer | PDFEdit_Layer |
Object | PDEColorSpace |
A PDEColorSpace object is a reference to a color space used on a page. The color space is part of the graphics state attributes of a PDEElement. See Section 4.5, Color Spaces, in the PDF Reference, for details on color spaces and color operators.
Typedef | ||
A reference to a color space used on a page in a PDF file. The color space is part of the graphics state attributes of a PDEElement.
Union | ||
A color space structure for PDEColorSpaceCreate(). See Section 4.5 in the PDF Reference for information on color spaces.
Method | ||
Creates a new color space object of the specified type.
PDEColorSpace PDEColorSpaceCreateFromCosObj(const CosObj* cosObjP)
Creates a new color space object from a Cos object.
PDEColorSpace PDEColorSpaceCreateFromName(INASAtom name)
Creates a new color space object.
PDEColorSpace PDEColorSpaceCreateInCosDoc(INASAtom family, INPDEColorSpaceStruct* csStruct, INCosDoc cosDoc)
Creates a color space object like PDEColorSpaceCreate(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the color space object is created.
ASAtom PDEColorSpaceGetBase(INPDEColorSpace colorSpace)
Gets the name of the base color space. This is a helper routine for indexed color spaces.
ASInt32 PDEColorSpaceGetBaseNumComps(INPDEColorSpace colorSpace)
Gets the number of components in the base color space of an indexed color space.
Gets the CosObj representation of the color space object.
Gets the component information for an indexed color space.
ASInt32 PDEColorSpaceGetHiVal(INPDEColorSpace colorSpace)
Gets the highest index for the color lookup table for an indexed color space. Since the color table is indexed from zero to hiVal, the actual number of entries is hiVal + 1.
ASAtom PDEColorSpaceGetName(INPDEColorSpace colorSpace)
Gets the name of a color space object.
ASInt32 PDEColorSpaceGetNumComps(INPDEColorSpace colorSpace)
Calculates the number of components in a color space.
Retrieves a
from a PDEColorSpace. It supports all PDF version 1.3 color spaces except the Pattern color space.
PDEColorSpace |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_PDEColorSpace* PDEColorSpace;
A reference to a color space used on a page in a PDF file. The color space is part of the graphics state attributes of a PDEElement.
See Also
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PDEColorSpaceStruct |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
union PDEColorSpaceStruct {
PDEGrayCalFlt calGray;
PDELabCalFlt lab;
PDEICCBasedColorData icc;
PDEIndexedColorData indexed;
PDEPatternColorSpace patternbase;
PDESeparationColorData sep;
PDEDeviceNColorData devn;
See Also
File: PEExpT.h |
Line: 2254 |
PDEColorSpaceCreate | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEColorSpace PDEColorSpaceCreate(ASAtom family, PDEColorSpaceStruct* csStruct)
Creates a new color space object of the specified type.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned color space object when finished with it.
family — | IN/OUT Supports all PDF 1.3 color spaces, which include:
csStruct — |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 1590 |
PDEColorSpaceCreateFromCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEColorSpace PDEColorSpaceCreateFromCosObj(const CosObj* cosObjP)
Creates a new color space object from a Cos object.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned color space object when finished with it.
cosObjP — | IN/OUT Supports all PDF 1.3 color spaces, which include:
See Also
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Line: 1070 |
PDEColorSpaceCreateFromName | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEColorSpace PDEColorSpaceCreateFromName(INASAtom name)
Creates a new color space object.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned color space object when finished with it.
name — | IN/OUT The ASAtom for the name of the color space created. The name must be one of the following: DeviceCMYK, DeviceGray, or DeviceRGB. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 1042 |
PDEColorSpaceCreateInCosDoc | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEColorSpace PDEColorSpaceCreateInCosDoc(INASAtom family, INPDEColorSpaceStruct* csStruct, INCosDoc cosDoc)
Creates a color space object like PDEColorSpaceCreate(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the color space object is created.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned color space object when finished with it.
family — | IN/OUT Supports all PDF 1.3 color spaces, which include:
csStruct — | ||||||||||
cosDoc — | IN/OUT The document in which to put the Cos representation of resource. It may be |
See Also
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Line: 3453 |
PDEColorSpaceGetBase | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASAtom PDEColorSpaceGetBase(INPDEColorSpace colorSpace)
Gets the name of the base color space. This is a helper routine for indexed color spaces.
Call this method to obtain the base color space and color values for an uncolored pattern in PDFEdit.
colorSpace — |
The ASAtom for the name of the base color space. Use ASAtomGetString() to obtain a C string for the ASAtom. |
See Also
object if the base color space is DeviceN. To get the color values, a client gets the base color space, determines the type and number of components of the value, and looks them up in the PDEColorValue field. Exceptions
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Line: 1291 |
PDEColorSpaceGetBaseNumComps | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 PDEColorSpaceGetBaseNumComps(INPDEColorSpace colorSpace)
Gets the number of components in the base color space of an indexed color space.
For example, for [/ Indexed / DeviceRGB...]
, the number of components is 3
colorSpace — |
The number of components in |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 1612 |
PDEColorSpaceGetCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDEColorSpaceGetCosObj(INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, OUTCosObj* cosObjP)
Gets the CosObj representation of the color space object.
For image masks, use PDEElementGetGState() to obtain color information.
colorSpace — | ||
cosObjP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for the color space. |
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PDEColorSpaceGetCTable | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDEColorSpaceGetCTable(INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, OUTASUns8* colorTableP)
Gets the component information for an indexed color space.
colorSpace — | IN/OUT The color space whose component information table is obtained. |
colorTableP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The color lookup table, which is |
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Line: 1326 |
PDEColorSpaceGetHiVal | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 PDEColorSpaceGetHiVal(INPDEColorSpace colorSpace)
Gets the highest index for the color lookup table for an indexed color space. Since the color table is indexed from zero to hiVal
, the actual number of entries is hiVal + 1
colorSpace — |
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Line: 1305 |
PDEColorSpaceGetName | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASAtom PDEColorSpaceGetName(INPDEColorSpace colorSpace)
Gets the name of a color space object.
colorSpace — |
The color space object's name. It supports all PDF 1.3 color spaces, which include:
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Line: 1207 |
PDEColorSpaceGetNumComps | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 PDEColorSpaceGetNumComps(INPDEColorSpace colorSpace)
Calculates the number of components in a color space.
colorSpace — |
The number of components in
Call PDEColorSpaceGetBaseNumComps() to get the number of components in the base color space. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 1266 |
PDEColorSpaceGetStruct | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDEColorSpaceGetStruct(INPDEColorSpace cs, OUTPDEColorSpaceStruct* pdeColorSpaceStruct)
Retrieves a
from a PDEColorSpace
. It supports all PDF version 1.3 color spaces except the Pattern
color space.
It is the responsibility of the caller to free the
and the underlying allocations.
cs — | IN/OUT The |
pdeColorSpaceStruct — | IN/OUT The |
See Also
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Line: 3300 |