
PDEElement is the base class for elements of a page display list (PDEContent) and for clip objects. The general PDEElement methods allow you to get and set general element properties.

PDEElement is an abstract superclass from which the PDEContainer, PDEForm, PDEImage, PDEPath, PDEPlace, PDEText, and PDEXObject classes are derived. Your plug-in can determine the type of element with the PDEObjectGetType() method. It can then cast and apply the methods in that class to the object. In addition, it can cast any PDEElement subclass object to a PDEElement and use it anywhere a PDEElement is called for, such as in PDEElement methods.

Typedef Summary
The base class for elements of a page display list (PDEContent) and for clip objects. The general PDEElement methods allow you to get and set general element properties.
Enumeration Summary
A bit field for PDEElementCopy() .
Callback Summary
A callback for PDEEnumElements(). It is called once for each PDEElement in a page's Contents Stream or Resources dictionary.
Method Summary
PDEElement PDEElementCopy(INPDEElement pdeElement, INASUns32 flags)
Makes a copy of an element. The caller is responsible for releasing the copy with PDERelease().
ASUns32 PDEElementGetAllVisibilities(PDEElement elem, PDEContent content, PDOCContext ocContext, ASBool* visibilities, ASUns32 capacity)
Tests whether all occurrences of the element are visible in a given content and optional-content context. It traverses the content to find each occurrence of the element, in the supplied content and in all nested contents. To find the visibility of a content element without considering its parent, use PDEElementIsCurrentlyVisible().
void PDEElementGetBBox(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTASFixedRectP bboxP)
Gets the bounding box for an element.
PDEClip PDEElementGetClip(INPDEElement pdeElement)
Gets the current clip for an element. The current clipping path is part of the graphics state. Element types that are not graphics elements (for example, PDEContainer and PDEPlace) do not have an associated gstate and should not be expected to return valid results.
void PDEElementGetGState(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTPDEGraphicStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Gets the graphics state information for an element.
void PDEElementGetGStateEx(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTPDEGraphicStateExP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Gets the graphics state information for an element.
void PDEElementGetMatrix(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTASFixedMatrixP matrixP)
Superseded by PDEElementGetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
void PDEElementGetMatrixEx(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)
Supersedes PDEElementGetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
Gets an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object associated with the element. The element must be a PDEForm, PDEImage (XObject image), or PDEContainer. If it is not one of these, the method returns NULL. If the element is a PDEForm or PDEImage, the method returns the dictionary attached to the element's Cos XObject dictionary. If the element is a PDEContainer, and it is for optional content, the method returns the dictionary. If it is not for optional content, the method returns NULL.
ASBool PDEElementHasGState(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTPDEGraphicStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Gets the graphics state information for an element.
ASBool PDEElementHasGStateEx(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTPDEGraphicStateExP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Gets the graphics state information for an element.
Tests whether a point is on an element.
Tests whether any part of a rectangle is on an element.
Tests whether an element is visible in a given content and optional-content context. It traverses the content to find the first occurrence of the element, in the supplied content and in all nested contents. It returns true if the first occurrence of the element is visible in the context, taking into account the context's NonOCDrawing and PDOCDrawEnumType values.
ASBool PDEElementMakeVisible(PDEElement elem, PDEContent content, PDOCContext ocContext)
Makes an element visible in a given content and optional-content context, by manipulating the ON-OFF states of the optional-content groups.
Dissociates an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object from the element. The element must be a PDEForm, a PDEImage (XObject image), or a PDEContainer.
void PDEElementSetClip(INPDEElement pdeElement, INPDEClip pdeClip)
Sets the current clip for an element.
void PDEElementSetGState(INPDEElement pdeElement, INPDEGraphicStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Sets the graphics state information for an element.
void PDEElementSetGStateEx(INPDEElement pdeElement, INPDEGraphicStateExP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Sets the graphics state information for an element.
void PDEElementSetMatrix(INPDEElement pdeElement, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP)
Superseded by PDEElementSetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
void PDEElementSetMatrixEx(INPDEElement pdeElement, INASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)
Supersedes PDEElementSetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
Associates an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object with the element. The element must be a PDEForm, a PDEImage (XObject image), or a PDEContainer.

Typedefs Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef struct _t_PDEElement* PDEElement;

The base class for elements of a page display list (PDEContent) and for clip objects. The general PDEElement methods allow you to get and set general element properties.

See Also

PDEContainer (subclass)
PDEForm (subclass)
PDEGroup (subclass)
PDEImage (subclass)
PDEPath (subclass)
PDEPlace (subclass)
PDEPS (subclass)
PDEShading (subclass)
PDEText (subclass)
PDEUnknown (subclass)
PDEXObject (subclass)
PDEClipGetElem (subclass)
PDEContentGetElem (subclass)
PDEElementCopy (subclass)

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Enumeration Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum PDEElementCopyFlags {
 kPDEElementCopyForClip = 0x0001,
 kPDEElementCopyClipping = 0x0002

See Also

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The copied element does not need gstate or clip.


Acquire the clip path and put it in the copied object.

Callbacks Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool (*PDEElementEnumProc)(IN PDEElement elem, IN void *clientData)

A callback for PDEEnumElements(). It is called once for each PDEElement in a page's Contents Stream or Resources dictionary.

See Also

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Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDEElement PDEElementCopy(INPDEElement pdeElement, INASUns32 flags)

Makes a copy of an element. The caller is responsible for releasing the copy with PDERelease().


pdeElement — 

IN/OUT The element to copy.

flags — 

IN/OUT A bit field of PDEElementCopyFlags.


A copy of pdeElement.

See Also




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASUns32 PDEElementGetAllVisibilities(PDEElement elem, PDEContent content, PDOCContext ocContext, ASBool* visibilities, ASUns32 capacity)

Tests whether all occurrences of the element are visible in a given content and optional-content context. It traverses the content to find each occurrence of the element, in the supplied content and in all nested contents. To find the visibility of a content element without considering its parent, use PDEElementIsCurrentlyVisible().

It returns the number of occurrences and an array of boolean values containing true for each occurrence of the element that is visible in the context, taking into account the context's NonOCDrawing and PDOCDrawEnumType values.


elem — 

The element for which to obtain visibilities.

content — 

The content containing the element.

ocContext — 

The optional-content context in which the element is tested.

visibilities — 

(Filled by the method) An array of boolean values containing true for each occurrence of the element that is visible in the context.

capacity — 

The size of the visibilities array.


The number of occurrences of the element in the content.

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDEElementGetBBox(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTASFixedRectP bboxP)

Gets the bounding box for an element.

The returned bounding box is guaranteed to encompass the element, but is not guaranteed to be the smallest box that could contain the element. For example, for an arc, bboxP encloses the bezier control points, and not just the curve itself.


pdeElement — 

IN/OUT An element whose bounding box is obtained.

bboxP — 

IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a ASFixedRect structure specifying the bounding box of pdeElement, specified in user space coordinates.





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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDEClip PDEElementGetClip(INPDEElement pdeElement)

Gets the current clip for an element. The current clipping path is part of the graphics state. Element types that are not graphics elements (for example, PDEContainer and PDEPlace) do not have an associated gstate and should not be expected to return valid results.


pdeElement — 

IN/OUT An element whose clip is obtained. Note that a clip may be shared by many elements. Use care when modifying a clip. Copy it first if you want to modify the clip for a specific element.


The clip object for pdeElement.

See Also





This method does not change the reference count of the clip object.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDEElementGetGState(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTPDEGraphicStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)

Gets the graphics state information for an element.

This method is only valid for PDEForm, PDEImage, PDEPath, and PDEShading elements.


pdeElement — 

An element whose graphics state is obtained.

stateP — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEGraphicState structure that contains graphics state information for pdeElement. This PDEGraphicStateP may contain PDEObjects for color spaces or an ExtGState. They are not acquired by this method. Note that for a PDEImage, only the ExtGState value is used for images. For indexed images, the fill color space and values are categorized in the PDEImage object.

stateSize — 

The size of the stateP buffer in bytes.

See Also




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDEElementGetGStateEx(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTPDEGraphicStateExP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)

Gets the graphics state information for an element.

This method fills PDEGraphicStateEx as output which is higher precision alternative of PDEGraphicState structure.

This method is only valid for PDEForm, PDEImage, PDEPath, and PDEShading elements.


pdeElement — 

An element whose graphics state is obtained.

stateP — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateEx structure that contains graphics state information for pdeElement. This PDEGraphicStateExP may contain PDEObjects for color spaces or an ExtGState. They are not acquired by this method. Note that for a PDEImage, only the ExtGState value is used for images. For indexed images, the fill color space and values are categorized in the PDEImage object.

stateSize — 

The size of the stateP buffer in bytes.

See Also




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDEElementGetMatrix(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTASFixedMatrixP matrixP)

Superseded by PDEElementGetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.

Gets the transformation matrix for an element.

This matrix provides the transformation from user space to device space for the element. If there is no cm (concatmatrix) operator in the page stream, the matrix is the identity matrix.

For the Adobe PDF Library v1, the element may not be a PDEContainer, a PDEGroup, a PDEPlace, or a PDEText.

For the Adobe PDF Library v4, the element may not be a PDEText.


pdeElement — 

An element whose transformation matrix is obtained.

matrixP — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to ASFixedMatrix that holds a transformation matrix for pdeElement. If pdeElement is a text object, it returns the identity matrix.

See Also




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDEElementGetMatrixEx(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)

Supersedes PDEElementGetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.

Gets the transformation matrix for an element.

This matrix provides the transformation from user space to device space for the element. If there is no cm (concatmatrix) operator in the page stream, the matrix is the identity matrix.

For the Adobe PDF Library v1, the element may not be a PDEContainer, a PDEGroup, a PDEPlace, or a PDEText.

For the Adobe PDF Library v4, the element may not be a PDEText.


pdeElement — 

An element whose transformation matrix is obtained.

matrixP — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to ASDoubleMatrix that holds a transformation matrix for pdeElement. If pdeElement is a text object, it returns the identity matrix.

See Also




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDOCMD PDEElementGetOCMD(PDEElement elem)

Gets an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object associated with the element. The element must be a PDEForm, PDEImage (XObject image), or PDEContainer. If it is not one of these, the method returns NULL.


elem — 

The element from which the dictionary is obtained.


The dictionary object, or NULL if the element is not a PDEForm, PDEImage (XObject image), or PDEContainer, or if it is a container that is not for optional content.

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDEElementHasGState(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTPDEGraphicStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)

Gets the graphics state information for an element.


pdeElement — 

The PDEElement whose graphics state is to be obtained.

stateP — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEGraphicState structure that contains graphics state information for pdeElement.

stateSize — 

The size of the stateP buffer. Set it to sizeof(PDEGraphicState).


true if the element has a graphics state, false otherwise.

See Also




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDEElementHasGStateEx(INPDEElement pdeElement, OUTPDEGraphicStateExP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)

Gets the graphics state information for an element.

This method fills PDEGraphicStateEx as output which is higher precision alternative of PDEGraphicState structure.


pdeElement — 

The PDEElement whose graphics state is to be obtained.

stateP — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateEx structure that contains graphics state information for pdeElement.

stateSize — 

The size of the stateP buffer. Set it to sizeof(PDEGraphicStateEx).


true if the element has a graphics state, false otherwise.

See Also




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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDEElementIsAtPoint(INPDEElement elem, INASFixedPoint point)

Tests whether a point is on an element.


elem — 

IN/OUT The element to test. If PDEElement is a PDEText or PDEImage, it uses the bounding box of the PDEElement to make the check. If the PDEElement is a PDEPath and it is stroked, it checks if the point is on the path. If the PDEElement is a PDEPath and it is filled, it checks if the point is in the fill area, taking into consideration whether it is filled using the non-zero winding number rule or the even-odd rule.

point — 

IN/OUT The point, specified in user space coordinates.


true if the point is on the element, false otherwise.

See Also




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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDEElementIsAtRect(INPDEElement elem, INASFixedRect rect)

Tests whether any part of a rectangle is on an element.


elem — 

IN/OUT The element to test. If PDEElement is a PDEText or PDEImage, it uses the bounding box of the PDEElement to make the check. If the PDEElement is a PDEPath and it is stroked, it checks if the rectangle is on the path. If the PDEElement is a PDEPath and it is filled, it checks if the rectangle is in the fill area, taking into consideration whether it is filled using the non-zero winding number rule or the even-odd rule.

rect — 

IN/OUT The rectangle, specified in user space coordinates.


true if any part of the rectangle is on the element, false otherwise.

See Also




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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDEElementIsCurrentlyVisible(PDEElement elem, PDEContent content, PDOCContext ocContext)

Tests whether an element is visible in a given content and optional-content context. It traverses the content to find the first occurrence of the element, in the supplied content and in all nested contents. It returns true if the first occurrence of the element is visible in the context, taking into account the context's NonOCDrawing and PDOCDrawEnumType values.

The content can be NULL. In this case:


elem — 

The element to test.

content — 

The content containing the element.

ocContext — 

The optional-content context in which the element is tested.


Returns true if the element is visible in the given content and context, false if it is hidden.

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDEElementMakeVisible(PDEElement elem, PDEContent content, PDOCContext ocContext)

Makes an element visible in a given content and optional-content context, by manipulating the ON-OFF states of the optional-content groups.


elem — 

The element for which to set the visibility state.

content — 

The content containing the element.

ocContext — 

The optional-content context in which the element is made visible.


true if the element is successfully made visible in the given content and context, false otherwise.

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDEElementRemoveOCMD(PDEElement elem)

Dissociates an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object from the element. The element must be a PDEForm, a PDEImage (XObject image), or a PDEContainer.

If it is not one of these, nothing happens:


elem — 

The element for which to remove the dictionary.

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDEElementSetClip(INPDEElement pdeElement, INPDEClip pdeClip)

Sets the current clip for an element.

The pdeElement parameter's previous clip's reference count is decremented (if it had one), and the pdeClip parameter's reference count is incremented.


pdeElement — 

IN/OUT An element whose clip is set.

pdeClip — 

IN/OUT The clip to set for pdeContent.

See Also




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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDEElementSetGState(INPDEElement pdeElement, INPDEGraphicStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)

Sets the graphics state information for an element.

This method is valid only for PDEForm, PDEImage, PDEPath, and PDEShading elements.


pdeElement — 

An element whose graphics state is set.

stateP — 

A pointer to a PDEGraphicState structure with graphics state information to set for pdeContent. Any of the stateP parameter's color space or ExtGState objects have their reference count incremented.

stateSize — 

The size of the stateP buffer in bytes.

See Also


genErrBadParm will be raised if the first parameter, pdeElement, does not have a graphics state associated with it.



This method causes any of the stateP parameter's color space or ExtGState objects to have their reference count incremented, and previous graphic state objects to be decremented.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDEElementSetGStateEx(INPDEElement pdeElement, INPDEGraphicStateExP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)

Sets the graphics state information for an element.

This method takes pointer to PDEGraphicStateEx as input which is higher precision alternative of PDEGraphicState structure.

This method is valid only for PDEForm, PDEImage, PDEPath, and PDEShading elements.


pdeElement — 

An element whose graphics state is set.

stateP — 

A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateEx structure with graphics state information to set for pdeContent. Any of the stateP parameter's color space or ExtGState objects have their reference count incremented.

stateSize — 

The size of the stateP buffer in bytes.

See Also


genErrBadParm will be raised if the first parameter, pdeElement, does not have a graphics state associated with it.



This method causes any of the stateP parameter's color space or ExtGState objects to have their reference count incremented, and previous graphic state objects to be decremented.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDEElementSetMatrix(INPDEElement pdeElement, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP)

Superseded by PDEElementSetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.

Sets the transformation matrix for an element.

The element may not be a PDEContainer, a PDEGroup, a PDEPlace, or a PDEText.


pdeElement — 

IN/OUT An element whose transformation matrix is set.

matrixP — 

IN/OUT A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to set for pdeContent.

See Also




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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDEElementSetMatrixEx(INPDEElement pdeElement, INASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)

Supersedes PDEElementSetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.

Sets the transformation matrix for an element.

The element may not be a PDEContainer, a PDEGroup, a PDEPlace, or a PDEText.


pdeElement — 

IN/OUT An element whose transformation matrix is set.

matrixP — 

IN/OUT A pointer to an ASDoubleMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to set for pdeContent.

See Also




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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDEElementSetOCMD(PDEElement elem, PDOCMD pdOCMD)

Associates an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) object with the element. The element must be a PDEForm, a PDEImage (XObject image), or a PDEContainer.

If it is not one of these, nothing happens:


elem — 

The element for which to set the dictionary.

pdOCMD — 

The new dictionary.

See Also


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