Layer | PDFEdit_Layer |
Object | PDEPath |
A PDEPath is a PDEElement that contains a path. It can have fill and stroke attributes. It also has graphics state attributes. The shape of a PDEPath can be used to represent a clipping path.
The PDEPath methods allow constructing a path from segments and setting its fill and stroke attributes.
Typedef | ||
A PDEElement that contains a path. Path objects can be stroked, filled, and/or serve as clipping paths.
Enumeration | ||
An enumerated data type for path segment operators in PDEPath elements.
Flags for paint operators in a PDEPath.
Method | ||
void PDEPathAddSegment(INPDEPath path, INASUns32 segType, INASFixed x1, INASFixed y1, INASFixed x2, INASFixed y2, INASFixed x3, INASFixed y3)
Adds a segment to a path. The number of ASFixed values used depends upon segType:
PDEPath PDEPathCreate()
Creates an empty path element.
Gets the size of the path data and, optionally, the path data.
Gets the size of the path data and, optionally, the path data. This API is an extension to the PDEPathGetData API.
ASUns32 PDEPathGetPaintOp(INPDEPath path)
Gets the fill and stroke attributes of a path.
Sets new path data for a path element.
Sets new path data for a path element. This API is an extension to the PDEPathSetData API.
Sets the fill and stroke attributes of a path.
PDEPath |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_PDEPath* PDEPath;
A PDEElement that contains a path. Path objects can be stroked, filled, and/or serve as clipping paths.
See Also
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PDEPathElementType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDEPathElementType {
See Also
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Line: 1701 |
kPDEMoveTo | Designates the m ( |
kPDELineTo | Designates the l ( |
kPDECurveTo | Designates the c ( |
kPDECurveToV | Designates the v ( |
kPDECurveToY | Designates the y ( |
kPDERect | Designates the re operator, which adds a rectangle to the current path. |
kPDEClosePath | Designates the h ( |
kPDEPathLastType | Designates a special path element which is used as a default. It does not represent any actual path operations like moveto, lineto, etc. |
PDEPathOpFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDEPathOpFlags {
kPDEInvisible = 0x00,
kPDEStroke = 0x01,
kPDEFill = 0x02,
kPDEEoFill = 0x04
See Also
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kPDEInvisible | The path is neither stroked nor filled, so it is invisible. |
kPDEStroke | Stroke the path, as with the S ( |
kPDEFill | Fills the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill, as with the f ( |
kPDEEoFill | Fills the path, using the even/odd rule to determine the region to fill, as with the f* ( |
PDEPathAddSegment | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDEPathAddSegment(INPDEPath path, INASUns32 segType, INASFixed x1, INASFixed y1, INASFixed x2, INASFixed y2, INASFixed x3, INASFixed y3)
Adds a segment to a path. The number of ASFixed values used depends upon segType
ASFixed values |
kPDEMoveTo |
kPDELineTo |
kPDECurveTo |
kPDECurveToV |
kPDECurveToY |
kPDERect |
kPDEClosePath |
None |
path — | IN/OUT The path to which a segment is added. |
segType — | IN/OUT A PDEPathElementType value indicating the type of path to add. |
x1 — | IN/OUT The x-coordinate of the first point. |
y1 — | IN/OUT The y-coordinate of the first point. |
x2 — | IN/OUT The x-coordinate of the second point. |
y2 — | IN/OUT The y-coordinate of the second point. |
x3 — | IN/OUT The x-coordinate of the third point. |
y3 — | IN/OUT The y-coordinate of the third point. |
See Also
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PDEPathCreate | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEPath PDEPathCreate()
Creates an empty path element.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned path object when finished with it.
ReturnsAn empty path element. |
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PDEPathGetData | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the size of the path data and, optionally, the path data.
path — | ||
data — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to the path data. If |
dataSize — | IN/OUT Specifies the size of the buffer provided in data. If it is less than the length of the path data, the method copies |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 775 |
PDEPathGetDataEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the size of the path data and, optionally, the path data. This API is an extension to the PDEPathGetData
path — | ||
data — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to the path data. If |
dataSize — | IN/OUT Specifies the size of the buffer provided in data. If it is less than the length of the path data, the method copies |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 3536 |
PDEPathGetPaintOp | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the fill and stroke attributes of a path.
path — | The path whose fill and stroke attributes are obtained. |
A set of PDEPathOpFlags flags describing fill and stroke attributes. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 788 |
PDEPathSetData | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets new path data for a path element.
path — | ||
data — | IN/OUT A pointer to the path data. It is a variable-sized array of path operators and operands. The format is a 32-bit operator followed by zero to three ASFixedPoint values, depending on the operator. Operators are codes for |
dataSize — |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 503 |
PDEPathSetDataEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets new path data for a path element. This API is an extension to the PDEPathSetData
path — | ||
data — | IN/OUT A pointer to the path data. It is a variable-sized array of path operators and operands. The format is a 32-bit operator followed by zero to three ASReal values, depending on the operator. Operators are codes for |
dataSize — |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 4171 |
PDEPathSetPaintOp | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the fill and stroke attributes of a path.
path — | IN/OUT The path whose fill and stroke attributes are set. |
op — | IN/OUT The operation to set; it must be one of PDEPathOpFlags. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 518 |