Layer | PDFEdit_Layer |
Object | PDEText |
A PDEText object is a PDEElement that represents text. It is a container for text as show strings or as individual characters. Each subelement may have different graphics state properties. However, the same clipping path applies to all sub-elements of a PDEText. Also, the charpath of a PDEText object can be used to represent a clipping path.
Text consists of text runs, which are runs of characters in a PDF file with the same attributes. For instance, the text in the string before a Tj operator would constitute a text run or part of a text run. PDFEdit combines text from multiple Tj operators into a single text run, when possible.
Many PDEText methods take an index parameter to indicate a text position. These methods also take a PDETextFlags parameter to indicate whether a plug-in is accessing the text by characters or by text runs. If the plug-in uses the kPDETextChar flag, the index is the character offset from the beginning of the text element. This lets a plug-in ignore the fact that the PDEText consists of text runs. If a plug-in uses the kPDETextRun flag, the index is the index of the text run in the text element. Accessing text by text run is faster than accessing text a character at a time.
A plug-in can get and set attributes (such as the font or text matrix) of a PDEText object with PDEText methods.
Typedef | ||
A PDEElement representing text. It is a container for text as show strings or as individual characters. Each sub-element may have different graphics state properties. However, the same clip applies to all sub-elements of a PDEText. Also, the charpath of a PDEText can be used to represent a clip.
PDETextState | ||
PDETextStateP |
Enumeration | ||
A bit field used in PDEText methods.
Flags indicating text rendering mode set by the Tr operator.
A structure describing the text state that was set.
Structure | ||
Attributes of a PDEText element.
Method | ||
void PDETextAdd(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, INASUns8* text, INASInt32 textLen, INPDEFont font, INPDEGraphicStateP gstateP, INASUns32 gstateLen, INPDETextStateP tstateP, INASUns32 tstateLen, INASFixedMatrixP textMatrixP, INASFixedMatrixP strokeMatrixP)
Superseded by PDETextAddEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
void PDETextAddEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, INASUns8* text, INASInt32 textLen, INPDEFont font, INPDEGraphicStateP gstateP, INASUns32 gstateLen, INPDETextStateP tstateP, INASUns32 tstateLen, INASDoubleMatrixP textMatrixP, INASDoubleMatrixP strokeMatrixP)
Supersedes PDETextAdd() in Acrobat 10.0.
void PDETextAddGlyphs(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, INPDEGlyphRunP glyphRun, INPDEFont font, INPDEGraphicStateP gstateP, INASUns32 gstateLen, INPDETextStateP tstateP, INASUns32 tstateLen, INASFixedMatrixP textMatrixP, INASFixedMatrixP strokeMatrixP)
Superseded by PDETextAddGlyphsEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
void PDETextAddGlyphsEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, INPDEGlyphRunP glyphRun, INPDEFont font, INPDEGraphicStateP gstateP, INASUns32 gstateLen, INPDETextStateP tstateP, INASUns32 tstateLen, INASDoubleMatrixP textMatrixP, INASDoubleMatrixP strokeMatrixP)
Supersedes PDETextAddGlyphs() in Acrobat 10.0.
Adds a text item to a text element at a given index position.
PDEText PDETextCreate()
Creates an empty text object.
void PDETextGetAdvance(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASFixedPointP advanceP)
Gets the advance width of a character or a text element. Advance width is returned in either character space or user space. The advance width is the amount by which the current point advances when the character is drawn.
void PDETextGetAdvanceWidth(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASFixedPointP advanceP)
Gets the advance width of a character or a text element. Advance width is returned in either character space or user space. The advance width is the amount by which the current point advances when the character is drawn.
Gets the bounding box of a character or a text run.
Gets the font for a text character or element.
void PDETextGetGState(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTPDEGraphicStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Gets the graphics state of a character or a text run.
void PDETextGetGStateEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTPDEGraphicStateExP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Gets the graphics state of a character or a text run.
Obtains a text item from a text element at a given index position.
void PDETextGetMatrix(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASFixedMatrixP matrixP)
Superseded by PDETextGetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
void PDETextGetMatrixEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)
Supersedes PDETextGetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
Gets the number of bytes occupied by the character code or text run.
ASInt32 PDETextGetNumChars(INPDEText pdeText)
Gets the number of characters in a text object.
ASInt32 PDETextGetNumRuns(INPDEText pdeText)
Gets the number of text runs (show strings) in a text object.
Gets the quad bounding the specified text run or character.
Gets the index of the text run that contains the nth character in a text object.
void PDETextGetState(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTPDETextStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Returns the text state of a character or a text element.
void PDETextGetStrokeMatrix(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASFixedMatrixP matrixP)
Superseded by PDETextGetStrokeMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
void PDETextGetStrokeMatrixEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)
Supersedes PDETextGetStrokeMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
Gets the text for a text run or character.
void PDETextGetTextMatrix(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASFixedMatrixP matrixP)
Superseded by PDETextGetTextMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
void PDETextGetTextMatrixEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)
Supersedes PDETextGetTextMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
void PDETextGetTextState(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTPDETextStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Gets the text state of a character or a text element.
Tests whether a point is on specified text. It checks if the point is in a bounding box for the PDEText.
Tests whether any part of a rectangle is on the specified text.
Removes characters or text runs from a text object.
Removes contiguous text items from a text element starting at a given index position.
void PDETextReplaceChars(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, INASUns8* textBuffer, INASInt32 numChars)
Replaces characters in a text object.
Gets the character offset of the first character of the specified text run.
Gets the number of characters in a text run.
Sets the font of a text run.
void PDETextRunSetGState(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INPDEGraphicStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Sets the graphics state of a text run.
void PDETextRunSetGStateEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INPDEGraphicStateExP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Sets the graphics state of a text run.
Superseded by PDETextRunSetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Supersedes PDETextRunSetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
void PDETextRunSetState(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INPDETextStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Sets the text state of a text run.
Superseded by PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Supersedes PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
Superseded by PDETextRunSetTextMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Supersedes PDETextRunSetTextMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
void PDETextRunSetTextState(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INPDETextStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Sets the text state of a text run.
Splits a text run into two text runs.
PDEText |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_PDEText* PDEText;
A PDEElement representing text. It is a container for text as show strings or as individual characters. Each sub-element may have different graphics state properties. However, the same clip applies to all sub-elements of a PDEText. Also, the charpath
of a PDEText can be used to represent a clip.
See Also
File: PEExpT.h |
Line: 163 |
PDETextState |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDETextState PDETextState;
File: PEExpT.h |
Line: 844 |
PDETextStateP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDETextState PDETextStateP;
File: PEExpT.h |
Line: 844 |
PDETextFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDETextFlags {
kPDETextRun = 0x0001,
kPDETextChar = 0x0002,
kPDETextPageSpace = 0x0004,
kPDETextGetBounds = 0x0008
See Also
File: PEExpT.h |
Line: 1659 |
kPDETextRun | Text run. |
kPDETextChar | Character (text run with only one character). |
kPDETextPageSpace | ||
kPDETextGetBounds | Fill in the left and right bounds of the text run's bounding box. |
PDETextRenderMode |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDETextRenderMode {
See Also
File: PEExpT.h |
Line: 1678 |
kPDETextFill | Fill text. |
kPDETextStroke | Stroke text. |
kPDETextFillAndStroke | Fill and stroke text. |
kPDETextInvisible | Text with no fill and no stroke (invisible). |
PDETextStateWasSetFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDETextStateWasSetFlags {
kPDECharSpacingWasSet = 0x0001,
kPDEWordSpacingWasSet = 0x0002,
kPDERenderModeWasSet = 0x0004,
kPDEFontSizeWasSet = 0x0008,
kPDEHScaleWasSet = 0x0010,
kPDETextRiseWasSet = 0x0020
See Also
File: PEExpT.h |
Line: 634 |
_t_PDETextState |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDETextState {
ASUns32 wasSetFlags;
ASFixed charSpacing;
ASFixed wordSpacing;
ASInt32 renderMode;
ASFixed fontSize;
ASFixed hScale;
ASFixed textRise;
Attributes of a PDEText element.
See Also
File: PEExpT.h |
Line: 811 |
wasSetFlags | PDETextStateWasSetFlags indicates whether an attribute has been set. |
charSpacing | Character spacing was set corresponding to the Tc operator. |
wordSpacing | Word spacing corresponding to the Tw operator. |
renderMode | Text rendering mode corresponding to the Tr operator. |
fontSize | Default is |
hScale | Default is |
textRise | Specifies the distance, in text space units that are not scaled, to move the baseline up or down from its default location. See Section 5.2.6 in the PDF Reference. |
PDETextAdd | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextAdd(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, INASUns8* text, INASInt32 textLen, INPDEFont font, INPDEGraphicStateP gstateP, INASUns32 gstateLen, INPDETextStateP tstateP, INASUns32 tstateLen, INASFixedMatrixP textMatrixP, INASFixedMatrixP strokeMatrixP)
Superseded by PDETextAddEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Adds a character or a text run to a PDEThe text object.
pdeText — | ||||||||
flags — | A PDETextFlags that specifies what kind of text to add. It must be one of the following values:
index — | ||||||||
text — | A pointer to the characters to add. Note that passing |
textLen — | ||||||||
font — | The font for the element. |
gstateP — | A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with the graphics state for the element. |
gstateLen — | The length of the graphics state for the element. |
tstateP — | A pointer to a PDETextState structure with the text state for the element. Note that PDFEdit ignores the |
tstateLen — | ||||||||
textMatrixP — | A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the matrix for the element. |
strokeMatrixP — | A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the matrix for the line width when stroking text. It may be |
See Also
; however, the reference count of the objects in the gstateP
parameter are incremented. File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 423 |
PDETextAddEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextAddEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, INASUns8* text, INASInt32 textLen, INPDEFont font, INPDEGraphicStateP gstateP, INASUns32 gstateLen, INPDETextStateP tstateP, INASUns32 tstateLen, INASDoubleMatrixP textMatrixP, INASDoubleMatrixP strokeMatrixP)
Supersedes PDETextAdd() in Acrobat 10.0.
Adds a character or a text run to a PDEThe text object.
pdeText — | ||||||||
flags — | A PDETextFlags that specifies what kind of text to add. It must be one of the following values:
index — | ||||||||
text — | A pointer to the characters to add. Note that passing |
textLen — | ||||||||
font — | The font for the element. |
gstateP — | A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with the graphics state for the element. |
gstateLen — | The length of the graphics state for the element. |
tstateP — | A pointer to a PDETextState structure with the text state for the element. Note that PDFEdit ignores the |
tstateLen — | ||||||||
textMatrixP — | A pointer to an ASDoubleMatrix that holds the matrix for the element. |
strokeMatrixP — | A pointer to an ASDoubleMatrix that holds the matrix for the line width when stroking text. It may be |
See Also
; however, the reference count of the objects in the gstateP
parameter are incremented. File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 4072 |
PDETextAddGlyphs | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextAddGlyphs(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, INPDEGlyphRunP glyphRun, INPDEFont font, INPDEGraphicStateP gstateP, INASUns32 gstateLen, INPDETextStateP tstateP, INASUns32 tstateLen, INASFixedMatrixP textMatrixP, INASFixedMatrixP strokeMatrixP)
Superseded by PDETextAddGlyphsEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Adds Unicode text to a PDEText object.
pdeText — | ||||||||
flags — | A PDETextFlags that specifies what kind of text to add. It must be one of the following values:
index — | ||||||||
glyphRun — | A pointer to a PDEGlyphRun structure with Unicode data, GlyphIDs and their correspondence. |
font — | The font for the element. |
gstateP — | A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with the graphics state for the element. |
gstateLen — | The length of the graphics state for the element. |
tstateP — | A pointer to a PDETextState structure with text state for the element. Note that PDFEdit ignores the |
tstateLen — | ||||||||
textMatrixP — | A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the matrix for the element. |
strokeMatrixP — | A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the matrix for the line width when stroking text. It may be |
See Also
; however, the reference count of the objects in the gstateP
parameter are incremented. File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 2932 |
PDETextAddGlyphsEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextAddGlyphsEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, INPDEGlyphRunP glyphRun, INPDEFont font, INPDEGraphicStateP gstateP, INASUns32 gstateLen, INPDETextStateP tstateP, INASUns32 tstateLen, INASDoubleMatrixP textMatrixP, INASDoubleMatrixP strokeMatrixP)
Supersedes PDETextAddGlyphs() in Acrobat 10.0.
Adds Unicode text to a PDEText object.
pdeText — | ||||||||
flags — | A PDETextFlags that specifies what kind of text to add. It must be one of the following values:
index — | ||||||||
glyphRun — | A pointer to a PDEGlyphRun structure with Unicode data, GlyphIDs and their correspondence. |
font — | The font for the element. |
gstateP — | A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateP structure with the graphics state for the element. |
gstateLen — | The length of the graphics state for the element. |
tstateP — | A pointer to a PDETextState structure with text state for the element. Note that PDFEdit ignores the |
tstateLen — | ||||||||
textMatrixP — | A pointer to an ASDoubleMatrix that holds the matrix for the element. |
strokeMatrixP — | A pointer to an ASDoubleMatrix that holds the matrix for the line width when stroking text. It may be |
See Also
; however, the reference count of the objects in the gstateP
parameter are incremented. File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 4007 |
PDETextAddItem | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextAddItem(INPDEText text, INASInt32 addIndex, INPDETextItem textItem)
Adds a text item to a text element at a given index position.
text — | The text object to which the text item is added. |
addIndex — | ||
textItem — | The text item to add. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 2824 |
PDETextCreate | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEText PDETextCreate()
Creates an empty text object.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned text object when finished with it.
ReturnsAn empty text object. |
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PDETextGetAdvance | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetAdvance(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASFixedPointP advanceP)
Gets the advance width of a character or a text element. Advance width is returned in either character space or user space. The advance width is the amount by which the current point advances when the character is drawn.
Advance width may be horizontal or vertical, depending on the writing style. Thus advanceP
has both a horizontal and vertical component.
pdeText — | A text object containing a character or text run whose advance width is found. |
flags — | A PDETextFlags value that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
In addition, set the kPDETextPageSpace flag to obtain the advance width in user space. If it is not set, the advance width is in character space. If this flag is not set, this method returns a value that is independent of any sizes, matrices, or scaling, simply adding up the font's raw glyph widths, supplemented only by unscaled character and word spacing. This differs from the behavior of the older function, PDETextGetAdvanceWidth(). |
index — | ||||||||
advanceP — | (Filled by the method) A pointer to a ASFixedPoint value indicating the advance width. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 2774 |
PDETextGetAdvanceWidth | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetAdvanceWidth(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASFixedPointP advanceP)
Gets the advance width of a character or a text element. Advance width is returned in either character space or user space. The advance width is the amount by which the current point advances when the character is drawn.
Advance width may be horizontal or vertical, depending on the writing style. Thus advanceP
has both a horizontal and vertical component.
pdeText — | A text object containing a character or text run whose advance width is found. |
flags — | A PDETextFlags value that specifies whether
In addition, set the kPDETextPageSpace flag to obtain the advance width in user space. If it is not set, the advance width is in character space. |
index — | ||||||||
advanceP — | (Filled by the method) A pointer to a ASFixedPoint value indicating the advance width. |
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PDETextGetBBox | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetBBox(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASFixedRectP bboxP)
Gets the bounding box of a character or a text run.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose bounding box is found. |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
bboxP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to ASFixedRect to set to the bounding box of specified character or text run. |
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 438 |
PDETextGetFont | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the font for a text character or element.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose font is found. |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 547 |
PDETextGetGState | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetGState(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTPDEGraphicStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Gets the graphics state of a character or a text run.
pdeText — | A text object containing a character or text run whose graphics state is found. |
flags — | A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
stateP — | (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEGraphicState structure with the graphics state of the specified character or text run. |
stateSize — | The size of the |
See Also
. File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 475 |
PDETextGetGStateEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetGStateEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTPDEGraphicStateExP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Gets the graphics state of a character or a text run.
This method fills PDEGraphicStateEx as output which is higher precision alternative of PDEGraphicState structure.
pdeText — | A text object containing a character or text run whose graphics state is found. |
flags — | A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
stateP — | (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateExP structure with the graphics state of the specified character or text run. |
stateSize — | The size of the |
See Also
. File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 3651 |
PDETextGetItem | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDETextItem PDETextGetItem(INPDEText text, INASUns32 index)
Obtains a text item from a text element at a given index position.
text — | Text object from which the text item is obtained. |
index — |
The text item object. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
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PDETextGetMatrix | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetMatrix(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASFixedMatrixP matrixP)
Superseded by PDETextGetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Returns the matrix of a character or a text element. Unlike PDETextGetTextMatrix(), this function does not take fontSize
, hScale
, and textRise
in the textState
into account.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose graphics state is found. |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
matrixP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) An ASFixedMatrixP that holds the matrix of the specified character or text run. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 2581 |
PDETextGetMatrixEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetMatrixEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)
Supersedes PDETextGetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
Returns the matrix of a character or a text element. Unlike PDETextGetTextMatrixEx(), this function does not take fontSize
, hScale
, and textRise
in the textState
into account.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose graphics state is found. |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
matrixP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) An ASDoubleMatrixP that holds the matrix of the specified character or text run. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 3504 |
PDETextGetNumBytes | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the number of bytes occupied by the character code or text run.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A PDEText object returned from one of the |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — |
The number of bytes occupied by the text run or character. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 1795 |
PDETextGetNumChars | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the number of characters in a text object.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object whose number of characters is found. |
The total number of characters in |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 334 |
PDETextGetNumRuns | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the number of text runs (show strings) in a text object.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object whose number of text runs is found. |
The number of text runs in |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 349 |
PDETextGetQuad | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetQuad(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASFixedQuadP quadP)
Gets the quad bounding the specified text run or character.
The advance portion of the quad is based on the left side bearing and advance width.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose quad is found. |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether It must be one of the following values:
In addition, if the kPDETextBounding flag is set, PDETextGetQuad() uses the font descriptor's |
index — | ||||||||
quadP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to ASFixedQuad that bounds the specified character or text run. |
File: PERProcs.h |
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PDETextGetRunForChar | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the index of the text run that contains the nth character in a text object.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object to examine. |
charIndex — | IN/OUT The number of the character to find in |
The index of the text run with the specified character index into |
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 387 |
PDETextGetState | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetState(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTPDETextStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Returns the text state of a character or a text element.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose text state is found. |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
stateP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDETextState structure to fill with the text state of the specified character or text run. |
stateSize — | IN/OUT The size of the |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 2469 |
PDETextGetStrokeMatrix | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetStrokeMatrix(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASFixedMatrixP matrixP)
Superseded by PDETextGetStrokeMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Gets the stroke matrix of a character or a text run.
pdeText — | A text object containing a character or text run whose stroke matrix is found. |
flags — | A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
matrixP — | (Filled by the method) A pointer to ASFixedMatrix that holds the stroke matrix of the specified character or text run. This matrix is the transformation for line widths when stroking. The |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 622 |
PDETextGetStrokeMatrixEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetStrokeMatrixEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)
Supersedes PDETextGetStrokeMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
Gets the stroke matrix of a character or a text run.
pdeText — | A text object containing a character or text run whose stroke matrix is found. |
flags — | A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
matrixP — | (Filled by the method) A pointer to ASDoubleMatrix that holds the stroke matrix of the specified character or text run. This matrix is the transformation for line widths when stroking. The |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 3428 |
PDETextGetText | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the text for a text run or character.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose text is found. |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
textBuffer — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The text of the specified character or text run. |
The number of bytes in the text run or character. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 698 |
PDETextGetTextMatrix | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetTextMatrix(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASFixedMatrixP matrixP)
Superseded by PDETextGetTextMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Gets the matrix of a character or a text run.
pdeText — | A text object containing a character or text run whose matrix is found. |
flags — | A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
matrixP — | (Filled by the method) A pointer to ASFixedMatrix that holds the matrix of the specified character or text run. This is the transformation matrix from user space to the current text space. The |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 585 |
PDETextGetTextMatrixEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetTextMatrixEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)
Supersedes PDETextGetTextMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
Gets the matrix of a character or a text run.
pdeText — | A text object containing a character or text run whose matrix is found. |
flags — | A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
matrixP — | (Filled by the method) A pointer to ASDoubleMatrix that holds the matrix of the specified character or text run. This is the transformation matrix from user space to the current text space. The |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 3391 |
PDETextGetTextState | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextGetTextState(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, OUTPDETextStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Gets the text state of a character or a text element.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose text state is found. |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
stateP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDETextState structure to fill with the text state of the specified character or text run. |
stateSize — | IN/OUT The size of the |
See Also
, wordSpacing
, and renderMode
for backward compatibility. For all attributes, use PDETextGetState() instead. File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 514 |
PDETextIsAtPoint | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDETextIsAtPoint(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, INASFixedPoint point)
Tests whether a point is on specified text. It checks if the point is in a bounding box for the PDEText.
pdeText — | IN/OUT The text to test. |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
point — | IN/OUT The point, specified in user space coordinates. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 1918 |
PDETextIsAtRect | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDETextIsAtRect(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, INASFixedRect rect)
Tests whether any part of a rectangle is on the specified text.
pdeText — | IN/OUT The text to test. |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags flag that specifies whether index refers to the character offset from the beginning of the text object or the index of the text run in the text object. It must be one of the following values:
index — | ||||||||
rect — | IN/OUT The rectangle, specified in user space coordinates. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 1950 |
PDETextRemove | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Removes characters or text runs from a text object.
pdeText — | IN/OUT The text object from which text is removed. |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
count — |
See Also
in the graphic state and font. File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 461 |
PDETextRemoveItems | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Removes contiguous text items from a text element starting at a given index position.
text — | The text object from which the text items are removed. |
index — | ||
count — |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 2844 |
PDETextReplaceChars | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextReplaceChars(INPDEText pdeText, INASUns32 flags, INASInt32 index, INASUns8* textBuffer, INASInt32 numChars)
Replaces characters in a text object.
This method does not change the number of characters in the text object; extra characters are ignored.
pdeText — | IN/OUT The text object in which characters are replaced. |
flags — | IN/OUT A PDETextFlags that specifies whether
index — | ||||||||
textBuffer — | IN/OUT Replacement text. |
numChars — | IN/OUT The number of bytes to replace. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 1443 |
PDETextRunGetCharOffset | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the character offset of the first character of the specified text run.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object containing a character or text run whose graphics state is found. |
runIndex — | IN/OUT The index of the text run whose first character's index is returned. |
The character offset of the first character of the specified text run in |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 370 |
PDETextRunGetNumChars | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the number of characters in a text run.
pdeText — | IN/OUT A text object containing a text run whose number of characters is found. |
runIndex — | IN/OUT The index of the text run whose number of characters is returned. |
The number of characters in the specified text run. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 406 |
PDETextRunSetFont | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
pdeText — | IN/OUT The text object containing a text run whose font is set. |
runIndex — | ||
font — |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 315 |
PDETextRunSetGState | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextRunSetGState(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INPDEGraphicStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Sets the graphics state of a text run.
pdeText — | The text object containing a text run whose graphics state is set. |
runIndex — | ||
stateP — | A pointer to a PDEGraphicState structure with the graphics state to set. |
stateSize — | The size of the |
See Also
. File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 265 |
PDETextRunSetGStateEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextRunSetGStateEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INPDEGraphicStateExP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Sets the graphics state of a text run.
This method takes pointer to PDEGraphicStateEx as input which is higher precision alternative of PDEGraphicState structure.
pdeText — | The text object containing a text run whose graphics state is set. |
runIndex — | ||
stateP — | A pointer to a PDEGraphicStateEx structure with the graphics state to set. |
stateSize — | The size of the |
See Also
. File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 4247 |
PDETextRunSetMatrix | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextRunSetMatrix(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP)
Superseded by PDETextRunSetMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Sets the matrix of a text run. Unlike PDETextRunSetTextMatrix(), this function does not change fontSize
, hScale
, and textRise
in the textState
of PDEText.
pdeText — | IN/OUT The text object containing a text run. |
runIndex — | ||
matrixP — | IN/OUT ASFixedMatrixP pointer. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 2512 |
PDETextRunSetMatrixEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextRunSetMatrixEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)
Supersedes PDETextRunSetMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
Sets the matrix of a text run. Unlike PDETextRunSetTextMatrixEx(), this function does not change fontSize
, hScale
, and textRise
in the textState
of PDEText.
pdeText — | IN/OUT The text object containing a text run. |
runIndex — | ||
matrixP — | IN/OUT ASDoubleMatrixP pointer. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 4146 |
PDETextRunSetState | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextRunSetState(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INPDETextStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Sets the text state of a text run.
pdeText — | The text object containing a text run whose state is set. |
runIndex — | ||
stateP — | A pointer to a PDETextState structure with the state to set. |
stateSize — | The size of the |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 2303 |
PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrix | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrix(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP)
Superseded by PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Sets the stroke matrix of a text run.
pdeText — | The text object containing a text run whose stroke matrix is set. |
runIndex — | ||
matrixP — | A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the stroke matrix. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 359 |
PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrixEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrixEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)
Supersedes PDETextRunSetStrokeMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
Sets the stroke matrix of a text run.
pdeText — | The text object containing a text run whose stroke matrix is set. |
runIndex — | ||
matrixP — | A pointer to an ASDoubleMatrix that holds the stroke matrix. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 3854 |
PDETextRunSetTextMatrix | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextRunSetTextMatrix(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP)
Superseded by PDETextRunSetTextMatrixEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Sets the text matrix of a text run.
pdeText — | IN/OUT The text object containing a text run whose text matrix is set. |
runIndex — | ||
matrixP — | IN/OUT A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the text matrix. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 337 |
PDETextRunSetTextMatrixEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextRunSetTextMatrixEx(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INASDoubleMatrixP matrixP)
Supersedes PDETextRunSetTextMatrix() in Acrobat 10.0.
Sets the text matrix of a text run.
pdeText — | IN/OUT The text object containing a text run whose text matrix is set. |
runIndex — | ||
matrixP — | IN/OUT A pointer to an ASDoubleMatrix that holds the text matrix. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 3832 |
PDETextRunSetTextState | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDETextRunSetTextState(INPDEText pdeText, INASInt32 runIndex, INPDETextStateP stateP, INASUns32 stateSize)
Sets the text state of a text run.
pdeText — | The text object containing a text run whose text state is set. |
runIndex — | ||
stateP — | A pointer to a PDETextState structure with text state. |
stateSize — | The size of the |
See Also
, hScale
, and textRise
(see PDETextState). To avoid this behavior, use PDETextRunSetState() instead (which was added to address this problem). File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 294 |
PDETextSplitRunAt | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Splits a text run into two text runs.
pdeText — | ||
splitLoc — | The split location, relative to the text object. The first text run is from character index |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 1389 |