Layer | PDFEdit_Layer |
Object | PDEImage |
A PDEImage is a PDEElement that contains an image XObject or inline image.
Image XObjects and inline images are described in the following sections in the PDF Reference:
You can associate data or a stream with an image via PDEImageSetData() and PDEImageSetDataStm() methods. PDEImage methods allow your plug-in to get and set properties of images, such as the color space and filters.
Typedef | ||
A PDEElement that contains an Image XObject or an inline image. You can associate data or a stream with an image.
PDEImageAttrs | ||
PDEImageAttrsP | ||
A reference to a PDEImageFlate.
PDEImageFlateAttrs | ||
PDEImageFlateAttrsP | ||
A reference to a PDEImageJPX.
PDEImageJPXAttrs | ||
PDEImageJPXAttrsP |
Enumeration | ||
Flags for PDEImageAttrs. See Section 4.8.4 in the PDF Reference for more information on image attributes.
Flags to enable
to return a color space with a particular bpc, depending on the image's bpc.
Flags for
, and
Structure | ||
Attributes of a PDEImage.
Attributes of a JPX image.
Method | ||
PDEImageFlate PDEImageAcquireImageFlate(INPDEImage image)
Acquires the PDEImageFlate resource of the PDEImage content element when the image filter type is "FlateDecode", or 0 if it is not.
PDEImageJPX PDEImageAcquireImageJPX(INPDEImage image)
Acquires the PDEImageJPX resource of the PDEImage content element when the image filter type is "JPXDecode", or 0 if it is not.
PDEImage PDEImageCreate(INPDEImageAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP, INASUns32 flags, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP, INPDEFilterArrayP filtersP, INASStm dataStm, INASUns8* data, INASUns32 encodedLen)
Superseded by PDEImageCreateEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
PDEImage PDEImageCreateEx(INPDEImageAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize, INASDoubleMatrixP matrixP, INASUns32 flags, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP, INPDEFilterArrayP filtersP, INASStm dataStm, INASUns8* data, INASUns64 encodedLen)
Supersedes PDEImageCreate() in Acrobat 10.0.
PDEImage PDEImageCreateFromCosObj(const CosObj* imageObjP, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP)
Superseded by PDEImageCreateFromCosObjEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
PDEImage PDEImageCreateFromCosObjEx(const CosObj* imageObjP, INASDoubleMatrixP matrixP, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP)
Supersedes PDEImageCreateFromCosObj() in Acrobat 10.0.
PDEImage PDEImageCreateInCosDoc(INPDEImageAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP, INASUns32 flags, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP, INPDEFilterArrayP filtersP, INASStm dataStm, INASUns8* data, INASUns32 encodedLen, INCosDoc cosDoc)
Superseded by PDEImageCreateInCosDocEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
PDEImage PDEImageCreateInCosDoc64(INPDEImageAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP, INASUns32 flags, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP, INPDEFilterArrayP filtersP, INASStm dataStm, INASUns8* data, INASUns64 encodedLen, INCosDoc cosDoc)
Superseded by PDEImageCreateInCosDocEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
PDEImage PDEImageCreateInCosDocEx(INPDEImageAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize, INASDoubleMatrixP matrixP, INASUns32 flags, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP, INPDEFilterArrayP filtersP, INASStm dataStm, INASUns8* data, INASUns64 encodedLen, INCosDoc cosDoc)
Supersedes PDEImageCreateInCosDoc() and PDEImageCreateInCosDoc64() in Acrobat 10.0.
Determines if image data is encoded or not. It is used only for inline images; it is not relevant to XObject images.
PDEColorSpace PDEImageFlateAcquireColorSpace(INPDEImageFlate imgFlate)
Acquires the color space of the flate image. PDERelease should be used to release the color space when it is no longer referenced by the caller.
void PDEImageFlateGetAttrs(INPDEImageFlate imgFlate, OUTPDEImageFlateAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize)
Gets the attributes of a flate image.
Gets a Cos object for an image.
Gets a data stream for a flate compressed image, PDEImageFlate object.
Gets the attributes for an image.
PDEColorSpace PDEImageGetColorSpace(INPDEImage image)
Gets the color space object for an image.
Retrieves a PDEImage object's color space, in the desired bits per component, based on the flags parameter.
Gets a Cos object for an image.
Gets an image's data.
ASInt32 PDEImageGetDataLen(INPDEImage image)
Gets the length of data for an image.
ASInt64 PDEImageGetDataLen64(INPDEImage image)
Gets the length of data for an image.
Gets a data stream for an image. It may only be called for XObject images.
Gets the decode array from the attributes of the image. This array specifies the parameters used with the array of filters used to decode the image. This should be called first with a NULL decode to obtain the number of elements that may be returned so that a properly sized array can be allocated for a subsequent call. There are two decode entries per colorant in normal use.
Gets the filter array for an image.
Gets the matte array for the image XObject.
PDEImage PDEImageGetSMask(INPDEImage image)
Gets the soft mask for an image. Use PDERelease() to dispose of the object when it is no longer referenced.
ASAtom PDEImageGetType(INPDEImage image)
Returns the type of image as "FlateDecode", "JPXDecode", or "Unknown" when the image filter is not one of these types.
ASBool PDEImageHasSMask(INPDEImage image)
Checks whether the image has a soft mask.
ASBool PDEImageIsCosObj(INPDEImage image)
Determines if an image is an XObject image.
PDEColorSpace PDEImageJPXAcquireColorSpace(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX)
Acquires the PDEColorSpace associated with the JPX encoded image, if one exists. If a PDF color space has not been associated with the JPX encoded image, 0 will be returned. This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use.
JPXColorSpace PDEImageJPXAcquireJPXColorSpace(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX)
Acquires a link list of JPXColorSpace objects defined with the JPX encoded image. if one exists. This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use.
JPXPalette PDEImageJPXAcquirePalette(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX)
Acquires the JPXPalette from the JPX image object This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use.
void PDEImageJPXGetAttrs(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX, OUTPDEImageJPXAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize)
Gets the attributes of a JPX encoded PDEImage.
Gets a Cos object for an image.
Returns a stream containing the image data. Color component values are interlaced. For images with greater then 8 bits per component, the component values occupy the least significant bits of a two byte value. Valid values of flags are 0.
ASInt32 PDEImageJPXGetNumColorSpaces(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX)
Returns the number of JPX color spaces reference by the JPX encoded image.
ASBool PDEImageJPXHasPalette(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX)
Returns true if the JPX encoded image has a JPX palette
Sets the color space of the image.
Sets data for an image.
Sets a data stream for an image. It can only be used for XObject images.
Sets the decode array of an image.
Sets the matte array for the image XObject.
Sets the soft mask.
PDEImage |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_PDEImage* PDEImage;
A PDEElement that contains an Image XObject or an inline image. You can associate data or a stream with an image.
See Also
File: PEExpT.h |
Line: 180 |
PDEImageAttrs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDEImageAttrs PDEImageAttrs;
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PDEImageAttrsP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDEImageAttrs PDEImageAttrsP;
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PDEImageFlate |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_PDEImageFlate* PDEImageFlate;
A reference to a PDEImageFlate.
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Line: 429 |
PDEImageFlateAttrs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDEImageAttrs PDEImageFlateAttrs;
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PDEImageFlateAttrsP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDEImageAttrs PDEImageFlateAttrsP;
File: PEExpT.h |
Line: 877 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_PDEImageJPX* PDEImageJPX;
A reference to a PDEImageJPX.
File: PEExpT.h |
Line: 434 |
PDEImageJPXAttrs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDEImageJPXAttrs PDEImageJPXAttrs;
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PDEImageJPXAttrsP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDEImageJPXAttrs PDEImageJPXAttrsP;
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PDEImageAttrFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDEImageAttrFlags {
kPDEImageExternal = 0x0001,
kPDEImageIsMask = 0x0002,
kPDEImageInterpolate = 0x0004,
kPDEImageHaveDecode = 0x0008,
kPDEImageIsIndexed = 0x0010,
kPDEImageMaskedByPosition = 0x0020,
kPDEImageMaskedByColor = 0x0040
See Also
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Line: 1770 |
kPDEImageExternal | The image is an XObject. |
kPDEImageIsMask | The image is an imagemask. |
kPDEImageInterpolate |
kPDEImageHaveDecode | The image has a decode array. |
kPDEImageIsIndexed | ||
kPDEImageMaskedByPosition | The image has a Mask key containing an ImageMask stream. |
kPDEImageMaskedByColor | The image has a Mask key containing an array of color values. |
PDEImageColorSpaceFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDEImageColorSpaceFlags {
kPDEImageConvert16bpcColorSpace = 0x0001
See Also
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Line: 1821 |
kPDEImageConvert16bpcColorSpace | Indicates conversion of the color space of 16 bpc image to 8 bpc. |
PDEImageDataFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDEImageDataFlags {
kPDEImageEncodedData = 0x0001,
kPDEImageAllowDelayedRead = 0x0002,
kPDEImage16bpcData = 0x0004
See Also
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Line: 1803 |
kPDEImageEncodedData | Indicates that the filter is active; data is encoded. |
kPDEImage16bpcData | Indicates if the accompanying image data is 16-bit. Should be passed in for 16-bit images to PDEImageGetData/PDEImageGetDataStm to prevent the return of 8-bit converted data. |
_t_PDEImageAttrs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDEImageAttrs {
ASUns32 flags;
ASInt32 width;
ASInt32 height;
ASInt32 bitsPerComponent;
ASFixed decode[8];
ASAtom intent;
See Also
File: PEExpT.h |
Line: 853 |
flags | PDEImageAttrFlags indicating image attributes. |
width | The width of the image corresponding to the Width key in the image dictionary. |
height | The height of the image corresponding to the Height key in the image dictionary. |
bitsPerComponent | The number of bits used to represent each color component in the image corresponding to the BitsPerComponent key in the image dictionary. |
decode | An array of numbers specifying the mapping from sample values in the image to values appropriate for the current color space. These values correspond to the Decode key in the image dictionary. |
intent | The color rendering intent corresponding to the Intent key in the image dictionary. |
_t_PDEImageJPXAttrs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDEImageJPXAttrs {
ASUns32 flags;
ASInt32 width;
ASInt32 height;
ASInt32 tileWidth;
ASInt32 tileHeight;
ASInt32 nResolutions;
ASInt32 nComponents;
ASInt32 bpc[24];
ASFixed decode[24];
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PDEImageAcquireImageFlate | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEImageFlate PDEImageAcquireImageFlate(INPDEImage image)
Acquires the PDEImageFlate resource of the PDEImage content element when the image filter type is "FlateDecode"
, or 0
if it is not.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the PDEImageFlate when finished with it.
image — | IN/OUT The PDEImage object. |
a PDEImageFlate resource object. |
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Line: 2930 |
PDEImageAcquireImageJPX | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEImageJPX PDEImageAcquireImageJPX(INPDEImage image)
Acquires the PDEImageJPX resource of the PDEImage content element when the image filter type is "JPXDecode"
, or 0
if it is not.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the PDEImageJPX when finished with it.
image — | IN/OUT The PDEImage object. |
a PDEImageJPX resource object. |
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Line: 2944 |
PDEImageCreate | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEImage PDEImageCreate(INPDEImageAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP, INASUns32 flags, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP, INPDEFilterArrayP filtersP, INASStm dataStm, INASUns8* data, INASUns32 encodedLen)
Superseded by PDEImageCreateEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Creates an image object.
The image data may be specified as a stream or as a buffer. If data
is non-NULL
, dataStm
is ignored.
See PDEImageSetDataStm() for information on handling the stream.
The caller must dispose of dataStm
after calling this method.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned image object when finished with it.
attrsP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEImageAttrs object with attributes of the image. |
attrsSize — | ||
matrixP — | IN/OUT A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to use for the image. |
flags — | IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, and the data is provided directly (not as a stream), then |
colorSpace — | IN/OUT The color space of the image. When the image is an image mask, |
colorValueP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEColorValue structure. If the image is an image mask, |
filtersP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFilterArray structure that specifies which filters to use in encoding the contents; it may be |
dataStm — | IN/OUT The stream holding the image data. |
data — | IN/OUT The image data. If |
encodedLen — |
The image. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 659 |
PDEImageCreateEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEImage PDEImageCreateEx(INPDEImageAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize, INASDoubleMatrixP matrixP, INASUns32 flags, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP, INPDEFilterArrayP filtersP, INASStm dataStm, INASUns8* data, INASUns64 encodedLen)
Supersedes PDEImageCreate() in Acrobat 10.0.
Creates an image object.
The image data may be specified as a stream or as a buffer. If dataStm
is non-NULL
, data
is ignored.
See PDEImageSetDataStm() for information on handling the stream.
The caller must dispose of dataStm
after calling this method.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned image object when finished with it.
attrsP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEImageAttrs object with attributes of the image. |
attrsSize — | ||
matrixP — | IN/OUT A pointer to an ASDoubleMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to use for the image. |
flags — | IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, and the data is provided directly (not as a stream), then |
colorSpace — | IN/OUT The color space of the image. When the image is an image mask, |
colorValueP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEColorValue structure. If the image is an image mask, |
filtersP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFilterArray structure that specifies which filters to use in encoding the contents; it may be |
dataStm — | IN/OUT The stream holding the image data. |
data — | IN/OUT The image data. If |
encodedLen — |
The image. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 3809 |
PDEImageCreateFromCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEImage PDEImageCreateFromCosObj(const CosObj* imageObjP, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP)
Superseded by PDEImageCreateFromCosObjEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Creates an image object from a Cos object.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned image object when finished with it.
imageObjP — | IN/OUT The Cos object for the image. |
matrixP — | IN/OUT A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to use for the image. |
colorSpace — | IN/OUT The color space used for the image, if the image is an image mask; otherwise, set it to |
colorValueP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEColorValue structure. If the image is an image mask, |
An image corresponding to the Cos object. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 691 |
PDEImageCreateFromCosObjEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEImage PDEImageCreateFromCosObjEx(const CosObj* imageObjP, INASDoubleMatrixP matrixP, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP)
Supersedes PDEImageCreateFromCosObj() in Acrobat 10.0.
Creates an image object from a Cos object.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned image object when finished with it.
imageObjP — | IN/OUT The Cos object for the image. |
matrixP — | IN/OUT A pointer to an ASDoubleMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to use for the image. |
colorSpace — | IN/OUT The color space used for the image, if the image is an image mask; otherwise, set it to |
colorValueP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEColorValue structure. If the image is an image mask, |
An image corresponding to the Cos object. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 3886 |
PDEImageCreateInCosDoc | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEImage PDEImageCreateInCosDoc(INPDEImageAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP, INASUns32 flags, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP, INPDEFilterArrayP filtersP, INASStm dataStm, INASUns8* data, INASUns32 encodedLen, INCosDoc cosDoc)
Superseded by PDEImageCreateInCosDocEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Creates an image object like PDEImageCreate(), except that the client can specify the CosDoc in which the image is created.
The image data may be specified as a stream or as a buffer. If data
is non-NULL
, dataStm
is ignored.
See PDEImageSetDataStm() for information on handling the stream.
The caller must dispose of dataStm
after calling this method.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned image object when finished with it.
attrsP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEImageAttrs object with attributes of the image. |
attrsSize — | ||
matrixP — | IN/OUT A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to use for the image. |
flags — | IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, and the data is provided directly (not as a stream), then |
colorSpace — | IN/OUT The color space of the image. When the image is an image mask, |
colorValueP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEColorValue structure. If the image is an image mask, |
filtersP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFilterArray structure that specifies which filters to use in encoding the contents; it may be |
dataStm — | IN/OUT The stream holding the image data. |
data — | IN/OUT The image data. If |
encodedLen — | ||
cosDoc — | IN/OUT The document in which the image is created. |
The image. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 3164 |
PDEImageCreateInCosDoc64 | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEImage PDEImageCreateInCosDoc64(INPDEImageAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize, INASFixedMatrixP matrixP, INASUns32 flags, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP, INPDEFilterArrayP filtersP, INASStm dataStm, INASUns8* data, INASUns64 encodedLen, INCosDoc cosDoc)
Superseded by PDEImageCreateInCosDocEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Creates an image object like PDEImageCreateInCosDoc(), except that the client can create an image with a large amount of data.
The image data may be specified as a stream or as a buffer. If data
is non-NULL
, dataStm
is ignored.
See PDEImageSetDataStm() for information on handling the stream.
The caller must dispose of dataStm
after calling this method.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned image object when finished with it.
attrsP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEImageAttrs object with attributes of the image. |
attrsSize — | ||
matrixP — | IN/OUT A pointer to an ASFixedMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to use for the image. |
flags — | IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, and the data is provided directly (not as a stream), then |
colorSpace — | IN/OUT The color space of the image. When the image is an image mask, |
colorValueP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEColorValue structure. If the image is an image mask, |
filtersP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFilterArray structure that specifies which filters to use in encoding the contents; it may be |
dataStm — | IN/OUT The stream holding the image data. |
data — | IN/OUT The image data. If |
encodedLen — | ||
cosDoc — | IN/OUT The document in which the image is created. |
The image. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 3578 |
PDEImageCreateInCosDocEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEImage PDEImageCreateInCosDocEx(INPDEImageAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize, INASDoubleMatrixP matrixP, INASUns32 flags, INPDEColorSpace colorSpace, INPDEColorValueP colorValueP, INPDEFilterArrayP filtersP, INASStm dataStm, INASUns8* data, INASUns64 encodedLen, INCosDoc cosDoc)
Supersedes PDEImageCreateInCosDoc() and PDEImageCreateInCosDoc64() in Acrobat 10.0.
Creates an image object like PDEImageCreateInCosDoc(), except that the client can create an image with a large amount of data, and using a double precision transformation matrix.
The image data may be specified as a stream or as a buffer. If dataStm
is non-NULL
, data
is ignored.
See PDEImageSetDataStm() for information on handling the stream.
The caller must dispose of dataStm
after calling this method.
Call PDERelease() to dispose of the returned image object when finished with it.
attrsP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEImageAttrs object with attributes of the image. |
attrsSize — | ||
matrixP — | IN/OUT A pointer to an ASDoubleMatrix that holds the transformation matrix to use for the image. |
flags — | IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, and the data is provided directly (not as a stream), then |
colorSpace — | IN/OUT The color space of the image. When the image is an image mask, |
colorValueP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEColorValue structure. If the image is an image mask, |
filtersP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFilterArray structure that specifies which filters to use in encoding the contents; it may be |
dataStm — | IN/OUT The stream holding the image data. |
data — | IN/OUT The image data. If |
encodedLen — | ||
cosDoc — | IN/OUT The document in which the image is created. |
The image. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 3746 |
PDEImageDataIsEncoded | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Determines if image data is encoded or not. It is used only for inline images; it is not relevant to XObject images.
It always returns false
for XObject images; XObject image data can be obtained from PDEImageGetData() or PDEImageGetDataStm(), either encoded or decoded.
If an inline image is obtained via PDEContentCreateFromCosObj() or related methods, the inline image data is always decoded. That is, if PDFEdit parses the stream, the data is always decoded. Only if PDEImageCreate() is used to explicitly create a new image using encoded data does PDEImageDataIsEncoded() return true
image — | IN/OUT The image to examine. |
encodedLenP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The length of the encoded data. If the data is encoded, the method returns |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 895 |
PDEImageFlateAcquireColorSpace | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEColorSpace PDEImageFlateAcquireColorSpace(INPDEImageFlate imgFlate)
Acquires the color space of the flate image. PDERelease should be used to release the color space when it is no longer referenced by the caller.
imgFlate — | IN/OUT An object of type PDEImageFlate. |
The color space of the flate image; otherwise it returns |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 3006 |
PDEImageFlateGetAttrs | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDEImageFlateGetAttrs(INPDEImageFlate imgFlate, OUTPDEImageFlateAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize)
Gets the attributes of a flate image.
imgFlate — | IN/OUT A flate image resource object. |
attrsP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEImageFlateAttrs structure containing the attributes of the flate image. |
attrsSize — |
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PDEImageFlateGetCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDEImageFlateGetCosObj(INPDEImageFlate pdeImageFlate, OUTCosObj* cosObjP)
Gets a Cos object for an image.
pdeImageFlate — | IN/OUT The flate image whose Cos object is obtained. |
cosObjP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for the image. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 2976 |
PDEImageFlateGetDataStm | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASStm PDEImageFlateGetDataStm(INPDEImageFlate imgFlate, INASUns32 flags)
Gets a data stream for a flate compressed image, PDEImageFlate object.
The caller must dispose of the returned ASStm by calling ASStmClose().
imgFlate — | IN/OUT The flate image whose data stream is obtained. |
flags — | IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, data is returned in encoded form. Otherwise, data is decoded. |
The stream for the image. |
See Also
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Line: 3028 |
PDEImageGetAttrs | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDEImageGetAttrs(INPDEImage image, INPDEImageAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize)
Gets the attributes for an image.
image — | IN/OUT The image whose attributes are obtained. |
attrsP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEImageAttrs structure with attributes of image. |
attrsSize — |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 822 |
PDEImageGetColorSpace | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEColorSpace PDEImageGetColorSpace(INPDEImage image)
Gets the color space object for an image.
image — |
Color space for image. It returns |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 852 |
PDEImageGetColorSpaceEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEColorSpace PDEImageGetColorSpaceEx(INPDEImage image, INASUns32 flags)
Retrieves a PDEImage
object's color space, in the desired bits per component, based on the flags
image — | ||
flags — | IN A set of flags to specify the desired bits per component (bpc) of the returned color space. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 3314 |
PDEImageGetCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets a Cos object for an image.
image — | IN/OUT The image whose Cos object is obtained. |
cosObjP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for the image. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 1004 |
PDEImageGetData | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets an image's data.
If the image is an XObject image, data is always returned as decoded data.
See the note about inline images under PDEImageDataIsEncoded().
image — | IN/OUT The image whose data is obtained. |
flags — | IN/OUT Unused - must be zero. |
buffer — | IN/OUT The image data. If the data is decoded, |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 930 |
PDEImageGetDataLen | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the length of data for an image.
image — |
The number of bytes of image data, specified by the width, height, bits per component, and color space of the image. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 968 |
PDEImageGetDataLen64 | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the length of data for an image.
image — |
The number of bytes of image data, specified by the width, height, bits per component, and color space of the image. Clients should switch to this routine. PDEImageGetDataLen() will raise an error if it encounters an image with a length that is larger than |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 3506 |
PDEImageGetDataStm | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets a data stream for an image. It may only be called for XObject images.
The caller must dispose of the returned ASStm by calling ASStmClose.
image — | IN/OUT The image whose data stream is obtained. |
flags — | IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, data is returned in encoded form. Otherwise, data is decoded. |
The stream for the image. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 953 |
PDEImageGetDecodeArray | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the decode array from the attributes of the image. This array specifies the parameters used with the array of filters used to decode the image. This should be called first with a NULL
to obtain the number of elements that may be returned so that a properly sized array can be allocated for a subsequent call. There are two decode entries per colorant in normal use.
image — | The image whose decode array is obtained. |
decode — | (Filled by the method) A pointer to the |
decodeSize — | The number of elements in |
The number of elements in the |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 2042 |
PDEImageGetFilterArray | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 PDEImageGetFilterArray(INPDEImage image, OUTPDEFilterArrayP filtersP)
Gets the filter array for an image.
image — | IN/OUT The image whose filter array is obtained. |
filtersP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to PDEFilterArray structure to fill with the current filter array for the image. |
The number of filter elements. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 989 |
PDEImageGetMatteArray | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the matte array for the image XObject.
image — | IN/OUT The image XObject. |
matte — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) An array of values. |
numComp — | IN/OUT The number of values in |
The number of values copied. |
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 2433 |
PDEImageGetSMask | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the soft mask for an image. Use PDERelease() to dispose of the object when it is no longer referenced.
image — |
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 2418 |
PDEImageGetType | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Returns the type of image as "FlateDecode"
, "JPXDecode"
, or "Unknown"
when the image filter is not one of these types.
image — | IN/OUT The PDEImage object. |
See above. |
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Line: 2917 |
PDEImageHasSMask | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Checks whether the image has a soft mask.
image — |
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Line: 2407 |
PDEImageIsCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Determines if an image is an XObject image.
image — | IN/OUT The image to examine. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 865 |
PDEImageJPXAcquireColorSpace | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDEColorSpace PDEImageJPXAcquireColorSpace(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX)
Acquires the PDEColorSpace associated with the JPX encoded image, if one exists. If a PDF color space has not been associated with the JPX encoded image, 0
will be returned. This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use.
pdeImageJPX — | IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. |
A PDF colorspace associated with the JPX encoded image. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 3065 |
PDEImageJPXAcquireJPXColorSpace | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
JPXColorSpace PDEImageJPXAcquireJPXColorSpace(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX)
Acquires a link list of JPXColorSpace objects defined with the JPX encoded image. if one exists. This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use.
pdeImageJPX — | IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. |
A JPX colorspace associated with the JPX encoded image. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 3115 |
PDEImageJPXAcquirePalette | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
JPXPalette PDEImageJPXAcquirePalette(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX)
Acquires the JPXPalette from the JPX image object This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use.
pdeImageJPX — | IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. |
A JPX palette associated with the JPX encoded image. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 3148 |
PDEImageJPXGetAttrs | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDEImageJPXGetAttrs(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX, OUTPDEImageJPXAttrsP attrsP, INASUns32 attrsSize)
Gets the attributes of a JPX encoded PDEImage.
pdeImageJPX — | IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. |
attrsP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDEImageJPXAttrs structure containing the attributes of the JPX encoded image. |
attrsSize — |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 3047 |
PDEImageJPXGetCosObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDEImageJPXGetCosObj(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX, OUTCosObj* cosObjP)
Gets a Cos object for an image.
pdeImageJPX — | IN/OUT The JPX image whose Cos object is obtained. |
cosObjP — | IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The Cos object for the image. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 2960 |
PDEImageJPXGetDataStm | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASStm PDEImageJPXGetDataStm(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX, INASUns32 flags)
Returns a stream containing the image data. Color component values are interlaced. For images with greater then 8 bits per component, the component values occupy the least significant bits of a two byte value. Valid values of flags are 0
pdeImageJPX — | IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. |
flags — | Unused. |
The stream for the image. |
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Line: 3083 |
PDEImageJPXGetNumColorSpaces | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 PDEImageJPXGetNumColorSpaces(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX)
Returns the number of JPX color spaces reference by the JPX encoded image.
pdeImageJPX — | IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. |
The number of JPX color spaces specified by the JPX encoded image. |
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Line: 3096 |
PDEImageJPXHasPalette | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDEImageJPXHasPalette(INPDEImageJPX pdeImageJPX)
Returns true
if the JPX encoded image has a JPX palette
pdeImageJPX — | IN/OUT A JPX encoded image object. |
See Also
File: PERProcs.h |
Line: 3129 |
PDEImageSetColorSpace | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDEImageSetColorSpace(INPDEImage image, INPDEColorSpace space)
Sets the color space of the image.
image — | ||
space — | IN/OUT An object of type PDEColorSpace. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 2464 |
PDEImageSetData | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets data for an image.
image — | IN/OUT The image whose data is set. |
flags — | IN/OUT A set of PDEImageDataFlags flags. If kPDEImageEncodedData is set, the data must be encoded for the current filters, and |
buffer — | IN/OUT The image data. |
encodedLen — |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 561 |
PDEImageSetDataStm | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDEImageSetDataStm(INPDEImage image, INASUns32 flags, INPDEFilterArrayP filtersP, INASStm stm)
Sets a data stream for an image. It can only be used for XObject images.
The caller must dispose of the stream by calling ASStmClose().
image — | IN/OUT The image whose data stream is set. |
flags — | IN/OUT PDEImageDataFlags flags. If the kPDEImageEncodedData flag is set, the stream must be encoded. |
filtersP — | IN/OUT A pointer to a PDEFilterArray structure. If it is not |
stm — | IN/OUT The stream for the image data. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 596 |
PDEImageSetDecodeArray | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the decode array of an image.
Normally, the decode array is accessed through the decode
field in the PDEImageAttrs structure. However, this method defines a decode array to handle images with a color space that has more than four components.
image — | The image whose decode array is set. |
decode — | A pointer to the decode array. |
decodeSize — | The number of elements in the decode array. |
See Also
File: PEWProcs.h |
Line: 1748 |
PDEImageSetMatteArray | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the matte array for the image XObject.
image — | IN/OUT The image XObject. |
matte — | IN/OUT An array of values. |
numComp — | IN/OUT The number of values in mArray. |
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Line: 2200 |
PDEImageSetSMask | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Sets the soft mask.
image — | IN/OUT The image XObject. |
sMask — | IN/OUT The soft mask. |
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