
A PDTextAnnot corresponds to a PDF text annotation. For details, see Text Annotations in Section 8.4.5, Annotation Types, in the PDF Reference. You can use any PDAnnot method on a PDTextAnnot.

Plug-ins can use PDTextAnnot methods to:

The Acrobat SDK provides three useful macros to cast among PDAnnot and its text annotation and link annotation subclasses. These are (see PDExpT.h):

Define Summary
Casts a link annotation or a generic annotation to a text annotation.
Typedef Summary
A PDF text annotation on a page in a PDF file. You can use any PDAnnot method on a PDTextAnnot.
Method Summary
ASInt32 PDTextAnnotGetContents(PDTextAnnot aTextAnnot, char* buffer, ASInt32 bufSize)
Gets the text of a text annotation.
Gets the text of a text annotation as an ASText object.
ASBool PDTextAnnotIsOpen(PDTextAnnot aTextAnnot)
Tests whether a text annotation is open.
void PDTextAnnotSetContents(PDTextAnnot aTextAnnot, const char* str, ASInt32 nBytes)
Sets the text of a text annotation. This method also sets the modification date of the annotation to the current date and time.
void PDTextAnnotSetContentsASText(PDTextAnnot aTextAnnot, const ASText contents)
Sets the text of a text annotation.
void PDTextAnnotSetOpen(PDTextAnnot aTextAnnot, ASBool isOpen)
Opens or closes a text annotation.
Defines Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define CastToPDTextAnnot *(PDTextAnnot *)&(a)


Casts a link annotation or a generic annotation to a text annotation.

See Also

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Line: 435

Typedefs Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef OPAQUE_64_BITS PDTextAnnot;

A PDF text annotation on a page in a PDF file. You can use any PDAnnot method on a PDTextAnnot.

Applications can:

To obtain a PDF text annotation, use any of the PDAnnot calls, followed by CastToPDTextAnnot(). The annotation passed to CastToPDTextAnnot() must be a text annotation; it will not convert other annotation types into text annotations.

See Also

File: PDExpT.h
Line: 339

Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 PDTextAnnotGetContents(PDTextAnnot aTextAnnot, char* buffer, ASInt32 bufSize)

Gets the text of a text annotation.


aTextAnnot — 

The text annotation whose text is obtained.

buffer — 

(Filled by the method) A buffer into which the text is placed. If the text is encoded using PDFDocEncoding, it can be converted to a platform's native encoding using PDXlateToHost() or PDXlateToHostEx().

bufSize — 

The maximum number of characters that buffer can hold.


The number of characters written into buffer.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000


The contents of text annotations are encoded in PDFDocEncoding if they are created in a Roman environment, Unicode if they are created in a non-Roman environment.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDTextAnnotGetContentsASText(PDTextAnnot aTextAnnot, ASText contents)

Gets the text of a text annotation as an ASText object.


aTextAnnot — 

The text annotation whose text is obtained.

contents — 

(Filled by the method) The text object containing the contents. The client must pass a valid ASText object title. The routine does not allocate it.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00080000

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Line: 11351
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool PDTextAnnotIsOpen(PDTextAnnot aTextAnnot)

Tests whether a text annotation is open.


aTextAnnot — 

The text annotation whose open/closed state is obtained.


true if the annotation is open, false otherwise.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000


In versions later than Acrobat 4.0, this method cannot always correctly determine a text annotation's open state. Beginning with Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3), text annotations (and other annotations) have an associated Popup annotation which maintains the open state of the popup window; the method works correctly when you pass it the popup annotation itself. You can use Cos-level routines to find the Popup entry in the annotation dictionary, which is itself a dictionary containing an Open entry.

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Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDTextAnnotSetContents(PDTextAnnot aTextAnnot, const char* str, ASInt32 nBytes)

Sets the text of a text annotation. This method also sets the modification date of the annotation to the current date and time.


aTextAnnot — 

The text annotation whose text is set.

str — 

A string containing the new text. The string must be encoded using PDFDocEncoding or Unicode. The strings in a platform's native encoding can be converted to PDFDocEncoding using PDXlateToPDFDocEnc() or PDXlateToPDFDocEncEx().

nBytes — 

The number of characters in str.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000


The text must be encoded using PDFDocEncoding or Unicode.

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Line: 607
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDTextAnnotSetContentsASText(PDTextAnnot aTextAnnot, const ASText contents)

Sets the text of a text annotation.


aTextAnnot — 

The text annotation whose text is set.

contents — 

The text object containing the new text.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00080000

File: PDProcs.h
Line: 11366
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDTextAnnotSetOpen(PDTextAnnot aTextAnnot, ASBool isOpen)

Opens or closes a text annotation.


aTextAnnot — 

The annotation to open or close.

isOpen — 

true if the annotation is opened, false if the annotation is closed.

See Also



PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000


In versions later than Acrobat 4.0, this method cannot always correctly set a text annotation's open state. Beginning with Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3), text annotations (and other annotations) have an associated Popup annotation which maintains the open state of the popup window; the method works correctly when you pass it the popup annotation itself. You can use Cos-level routines to find the Popup entry in the annotation dictionary, which is itself a dictionary containing an Open entry.

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Line: 650