
A PDInlineImage is an image whose data is stored in the page description's contents stream instead of being stored as an image resource (see PDImage). PDInlineImage is a subclass of PDGraphic and corresponds to the PDF inline image operator (see Section 4.8.6, In-Line Images, in the PDF Reference).

Inline images generally are used for images with small amounts of data (up to several kilobytes), while image resources are used for large images. The reason for this is that there is a tradeoff between the time needed to access an image resource and the time saved by not having to parse inline image data when display large images is disabled in Acrobat. For small images, the time needed to access an image resource is large compared to the time needed to parse the image data; the opposite is true for large images.

Typedef Summary
Method Summary
Gets the lookup table for an indexed color space. The table will contain the number of entries specified by the index size, and there will be 1 byte for each color component for each entry. The number of color components depends on the color space:
Gets an inline image's attributes.
Gets the image data for an inline image.

Typedefs Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef struct _t_PDGraphic* PDInlineImage;

File: PDExpT.h
Line: 2414

Method Detail
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDInlineImageColorSpaceGetIndexLookup(PDInlineImage image, ASUns8* data, ASInt32 dataLen)

Gets the lookup table for an indexed color space. The table will contain the number of entries specified by the index size, and there will be 1 byte for each color component for each entry. The number of color components depends on the color space:


Number of components









For additional information on indexed color space, see Section 4.5.5 in the PDF Reference. There is also some useful discussion in the PostScript Language Reference Manual under indexed color spaces.


image — 

IN/OUT The inline image whose lookup table is obtained.

data — 

IN/OUT (Filled by the method) The lookup table for image.

dataLen — 

IN/OUT The length of data in bytes.

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

File: PDProcs.h
Line: 3724
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDInlineImageGetAttrs(PDInlineImage obj, PDImageAttrsP attrsP, ASInt32 attrsLen)

Gets an inline image's attributes.


obj — 

IN/OUT The inline image whose attributes are obtained.

attrsP — 

IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDImageAttrs structure containing the image attributes. Note that this structure contains a Cos object that is subject to the warning below.

attrsLen — 

IN/OUT It must be sizeof(PDImageAttrs).

See Also


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000


This method is provided only for backwards compatibility. It has not been updated beyond PDF Version 1.1 and may not work correctly for newly created PDF 1.2 or later files. You should use the PDFEdit API to enumerate page contents.
The attribute for a color space is a CosObj. Cos objects that are the result of parsing inline dictionaries in the PDF page contents are a special class of Cos objects. You should never depend on these objects lasting the lifetime of the document. You should extract the information you need from the object immediately and refer to it no further in your code.

File: PDProcs.h
Line: 3680
Product availability: PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDInlineImageGetData(PDInlineImage obj, ASUns8* data, ASInt32 dataLen)

Gets the image data for an inline image.


obj — 

IN/OUT The inline image whose data is obtained.

data — 

IN/OUT (Filled by the method) A buffer into which the image data will be placed.

dataLen — 

IN/OUT The number of bytes that data can hold. It must be large enough to hold the entire inline image. Use PDInlineImageGetAttrs() to determine how much data is in the image.

See Also


genErrBadParm is raised if dataLen is less than the amount of data in the image.


PI_PDMODEL_VERSION >= 0x00020000

File: PDProcs.h
Line: 3695