Understanding "Theme" in Spectrum Web Components

Theme is an overloaded term that can lead to confusion and a general thought of "What is a theme anyway?". Is it just color appearance changes for light and dark mode? Is it scale changes? Our answer historically has kind of been, "yes—all that". We've built sp-theme to represent these different contexts as a collective type called a "theme".

<sp-theme theme="spectrum" color="dark" scale="medium">
    <sp-button>Don't Click</sp-button>

This guide aims to provide an understanding of what we mean when we say "theme" in the project and how you should think about it in your projects.

What is a theme anyway? #

In a world where "theme" is often used to describe the look and feel of an application, we often tie the term to color alone. If we think about how a theme in a CMS (like Wordpress) works, however, it’s often much more than just color. It can affect the entire layout of the page. We don't quite have that concept to worry about but we do have multiple parameters to think about. Those are:

A theme is all of it #

All these parameters together are what we consider a "theme". Theme becomes an aggregate concept that represents the state of this collection of values. This state can be modified in some cases by the user of the application—toggling light/dark mode with the color attribute. It could also be modified by their browser configuration or their locale—affecting direction. Themes also have advanced use cases as described in the theme guide where you could define overrides or custom subsystems that can then be exposed as new sets of color, system, etc. Finally, the theme may be dependent on future versions of the design system—for example, the system attribute will be the entry point for future versions of Spectrum allowing teams that need to migrate a clearer path to the new design language—which allows these parameters, like system, to be capable of their own beta cycle.

    <sp-button>Don't Click</sp-button>

<!-- is a different "theme" from -->

    <sp-button>Don't Click</sp-button>