

Description #

Roving tabindex is a pattern whereby multiple focusable elements are represented by a single tabindex=0 element, while the individual elements maintain tabindex=-1 and are made accessible via arrow keys after the entry element if focused. This allows keyboard users to quickly tab through a page without having to stop on every element in a large collection. Attaching a RovingTabindexController to your custom element will manage the supplied elements via this pattern.

Usage #

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project?

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/reactive-controllers

Import the RovingTabindexController via:

import { RovingTabindexController } from '@spectrum-web-components/reactive-controllers/RovingTabindex.js';

Example #

A Container element that manages a collection of <sp-button> elements that are slotted into it from outside might look like the following:

import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import { RovingTabindexController } from '@spectrum-web-components/reactive-controllers/RovingTabindex.js';
import type { Button } from '@spectrum-web-components/button';

class Container extends LitElement {
    rovingTabindexController =
        new RovingTabindexController() <
        Button >
            elements: () => [...this.querySelectorAll('sp-button')],

    render() {
        return html`

The above will default to entering the Container element via the first <sp-button> element every time while making all slotted <sp-button> elements accessible via the the arrow key (ArrowLeft, ArrowRight, ArrowUp, and ArrowDown) managed tab order.

Options #

A Container can further customize the implementation of the RovingTabindexController with the following options:

  • direction to customize how and which arrow keys manage what element is to be focused and accepts a either a string of both, vertical, horizontal, or grid or a method returning one of those strings
  • elementEnterAction enacts actions other than focus on the entered element which accepts a method with a signature of (el: T) => void
  • elements provides the elements that will have their tabindex managed via a method with a signature of () => T[]
  • focusInIndex to control what element will recieve tabindex=0 while focus is outside of the Container and accepts a method with a signature of (_elements: T[]) => number
  • isFocusableElement describes the state an element much be in to receive focus via a method with a signature of (el: T) => boolean
  • listenerScope outlines which parts on a container's DOM when listening for arrow key presses via an element reference or a method returning an element reference with the signature () => HTMLElement

Advanced usage #

These options can be combined to form various interfaces from the more default that we saw above to the very complex. Below is another Container that manages slotted <sp-button> elements via the RovingTabindexController. The options provided ensure:

  • the first focused <sp-button> is the one selected by the container
  • the elements are only focused via the ArrowLeft and ArrowRight keys
  • when an element is focused it becomes the selected element
  • only enabled elements are focusable
import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import { RovingTabindexController } from '@spectrum-web-components/reactive-controllers/RovingTabindex.js';
import type { Button } from '@spectrum-web-components/button';

class Container extends LitElement {
    rovingTabindexController = new RovingTabindexController<Button>(this, {
        focusInIndex: (buttons) => return this.selected
            ? buttons.indexOf(this.selected)
            : 0,
        direction: 'horizontal',
        elementEnterAction: (button) => this.selected = button,
        elements: () => [...this.querySelectorAll('sp-button')],
        isFocusableElement: (button) => !button.disabled,

    selected!: Button;

    render() {
        return html`<slot></slot>`;

The above usage is very close to what can be seen in the <sp-radio-group> element.