| kACEMaxPathLength | |
| kACEMaxPathLength | |
| kACMaxPathLength | |
| kACMaxPathLength | |
| kAcrobatBasicsSortKey | |
| kAcrobatCreatorCode — Acrobat creator code. | |
| kACWorkingCMYK | |
| kACWorkingGray | |
| kACWorkingRGB | |
| kACWorkingSpaces | |
| kAddIndexFailed | |
| kAFAlign_Bottom | |
| kAFAlign_Center | |
| kAFAlign_Justify | |
| kAFAlign_JustifyAll | |
| kAFAlign_Left | |
| kAFAlign_Middle | |
| kAFAlign_Right | |
| kAFAlign_Top | |
| kAFOptionsR2LDirection — The default paragraph direction is right to left. | |
| KAITypeCode — Adobe Illustrator AI file. | |
| kAPFTypeCode — Acrobat profile format (PPKLite). | |
| kASArabicScript | |
| kASArmenianScript | |
| kASBengaliScript | |
| kASBurmeseScript | |
| kASCyrillicScript | |
| kASDevanagariScript | |
| kASDontKnowScript | |
| kASEastEuropeanRomanScript | |
| kASEUnicodeScript | |
| kASExtendedArabicScript | |
| kASFileDialUp — (Acrobat 5.0 and later) Set if media/access is a dial up connection. This flag is only fully implemented on Windows. On Mac OS, this flag is always conservatively set to true. | |
| kASFileDoCaching — Set if the file is to be cached (requires kASFileUseMRead to be set as well). | |
| kASFileHasOutstandingMReads —
true if the file has outstanding MReads. | |
| kASFileHasVirtualEOF —
true if the file is built with a Virtual EOF (Acrobat 10). | |
| kASFileIsTerminating | |
| kASFileModeDisableExplicitMReadRequests — If set, the file will be read all at once regardless of multiple read requests. | |
| kASFileModeDoNotYieldIfBytesNotReady — If set, ASFileRead does not yield if bytes are not ready (which raises the fileErrBytesNotReady exception). | |
| kASFileNoRequestIfBytesNotReady — If set, no read requests are issued if bytes are not ready (that is, the bytes are not in the cache). | |
| kASFileOkay | |
| kASFileRaiseIfBytesNotReady — If set, ASFileRead will raise the fileErrBytesNotReady exception when trying to read from a file with a cache for which the requested bytes are not yet present. | |
| kASFileSlowConnect — Set if initiating each access to the file is slow. For example, access may be slow because the file is served by an HTTP server that spawns a new process for each request. | |
| kASFileSlowTransfer — Set if the file's data transfer rate is generally slow. For example, the file is on a floppy disk or is being accessed via modem. | |
| kASFileStillFetching — Set if the file is still being loaded. | |
| kASFileSuspendIfBytesNotReady — If set, ASFileRead will suspend the current thread when trying to read from a file with a cache for which the requested bytes are not yet present. Note that if kASFileSuspendIfBytesNotReady is set, the kASFileRaiseIfBytesNotReady is ignored. | |
| kASFileSysFile | |
| kASFileSysFolder | |
| kASFileSysUnknown | |
| kASFileUseMRead — Use multi-read commands to access the file. | |
| kASGeezScript | |
| kASGeorgianScript | |
| kASGreekScript | |
| kASGujaratiScript | |
| kASGurmukhiScript | |
| kASHebrewScript | |
| kASJapaneseScript | |
| kASKannadaScript | |
| kASKhmerScript | |
| kASKoreanScript | |
| kASLaotianScript | |
| kASMalayalamScript | |
| kASMAXEnum16 | |
| kASMAXEnum16 | |
| kASMAXEnum8 | |
| kASMAXEnum8 | |
| kASMongolianScript | |
| kASMungeCopy | |
| kASMungeCopyMissing | |
| kASMungeRemove | |
| kASMungeRemoveBadValues | |
| kASMungeRemoveDefaults | |
| kASMungeRemoveNulls | |
| kASMungeRemoveUnknown | |
| kASMungeReplace | |
| kASOriyaScript | |
| kASReportError | |
| kASReportNote | |
| kASReportWarning | |
| kASRightLeftScript | |
| kASRomanScript | |
| kASSimplifiedChineseScript | |
| kASSinhaleseScript | |
| kASTamilScript | |
| kASTeluguScript | |
| kASTextFilterIdentity | |
| kASTextFilterLineEndings | |
| kASTextFilterLowerCase | |
| kASTextFilterLowerCaseDebug | |
| kASTextFilterNormalizeFullWidthASCIIVariants | |
| kASTextFilterRemoveAmpersands | |
| kASTextFilterRsvd1 | |
| kASTextFilterUnknown | |
| kASTextFilterUpperCase | |
| kASTextFilterUpperCaseDebug | |
| kASTextFilterXXXDebug | |
| kASTextRemoveLineEndings | |
| kASThaiScript | |
| kASTibetanScript | |
| kASTimeNone | |
| kASTimePDF | |
| kASTimeUniversal | |
| kASTimeUniversalH | |
| kASTimeUTC_ASN1 | |
| kASTraditionalChineseScript | |
| kASValueAtom | |
| kASValueBinary | |
| kASValueBool | |
| kASValueCabinet | |
| kASValueDouble | |
| kASValueInt64 | |
| kASValueInteger | |
| kASValueNull | |
| kASValuePointer | |
| kASValueString | |
| kASValueText | |
| kASValueUnknown | |
| kASValueUns | |
| kASValueUns64 | |
| kASVietnameseScript | |
| kAV3DSortKey | |
| kAVAccessForceSystemColors | |
| kAVAccessInferredReadOrder | |
| kAVAccessTaggedReadOrder | |
| kAVAccessTBLRReadOrder | |
| kAVAccessUndefinedReadOrder | |
| kAVAccessUseDocumentColors | |
| kAVAccessUseHiContBlackWhite | |
| kAVAccessUseHiContGreenBlack | |
| kAVAccessUseHiContWhiteBlack | |
| kAVAccessUseHiContYellowBlack | |
| kAVAccessUsePreferenceColors | |
| kAVAccessUseSystemColors | |
| kAVAccessWordyReadOrder | |
| kAVAdvCommentingMenuOrder | |
| kAVAdvEditingMenuOrder | |
| kAVAlertTypeNone | |
| kAVAlertTypeOk | |
| kAVAlertTypeOkCancel | |
| kAVAlertTypeYesNo | |
| kAVAlertTypeYesNoCancel | |
| kAVAllowADCAccess | |
| kAVAnnotAccDefaultAction | |
| kAVAnnotAcceptFocus | |
| kAVAnnotAccName | |
| kAVAnnotAccValue | |
| kAVAnnotAddNewReply | |
| kAVAnnotClick | |
| kAVAnnotDefaultAction | |
| kAVAnnotDoPageHasClosed | |
| kAVAnnotDoPageHasOpened | |
| kAVAnnotDoPageIsInView | |
| kAVAnnotDoPageIsNotInView | |
| kAVAnnotGetStateModel | |
| kAVAnnotLostFocus | |
| kAVAnnotResumeFocus | |
| kAVAnnotShowMenu | |
| kAVAnnotSuspendFocus | |
| kAVAnnotTab | |
| kAVAnnotUnknown | |
| kAVAppearanceDrawNow | |
| kAVAppearanceNoRotate | |
| kAVAppearanceNoZoom | |
| kAVAppearanceSelected | |
| kAVAppearanceSmooth | |
| kAVAppLanguage_app | |
| kAVAppLanguage_EFIPrint | |
| kAVAppLanguage_fallback | |
| kAVAppLanguage_ISO4Char | |
| kAVAppLanguage_ISO4Variant | |
| kAVAppLanguage_langpack | |
| kAVAppLanguage_LCID | |
| kAVAppLanguage_MaxSelector | |
| kAVAppLanguage_RFC1766 | |
| kAVAppLanguage_RFC3066Bis | |
| kAVApplyOverPrint — (New for 5.0) When set, the print path behaves as if the user had clicked the Apply Overprint Preview checkbox in the Advanced print dialog box. | |
| kAVApplySoftProofSettings — Use the softProofing settings before doing color management. | |
| kAVApplyWorkingColorSpaces — (New for 5.0) When set, the print path behaves as if the user had clicked the Apply Working Color Spaces checkbox in the Advanced print dialog box. | |
| kAVAppSessionUUID | |
| kAVAppUserUUID | |
| kAVBleedMarks — Emit bleed marks. | |
| kAVBooklet_BackSideOnly | |
| kAVBooklet_BothSides | |
| kAVBooklet_FrontSideOnly | |
| kAVBookletBinding_Left | |
| kAVBookletBinding_LeftTall | |
| kAVBookletBinding_Right | |
| kAVBookletBinding_RightTall | |
| kAVBookmarkFilterFocus | |
| kAVBookmarkFilterSelected | |
| kAVBrowseForFolderNoNewFolderButton | |
| kAVButtonPriorityAlwaysOn | |
| kAVButtonPriorityOffExtraHigh | |
| kAVButtonPriorityOffExtraLow | |
| kAVButtonPriorityOffHigh | |
| kAVButtonPriorityOffLow | |
| kAVButtonPriorityOffNormal | |
| kAVButtonPriorityOnExtraHigh | |
| kAVButtonPriorityOnExtraLow | |
| kAVButtonPriorityOnHigh | |
| kAVButtonPriorityOnLow | |
| kAVButtonPriorityOnNormal | |
| kAVCollabTasksTaskOrder | |
| kAVColorBarMarks — Emit color bar marks. | |
| kAVCombineFilesTaskOrder | |
| kAVCombineSortKey | |
| kAVCommandCanceled | |
| kAVCommandCanceledForMultiple | |
| kAVCommandDone | |
| kAVCommandInError | |
| kAVCommandKeyASFileSys — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyASPathName — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyAVDoc — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyBaseFileName — If possible, use kAVCommandKeyBaseFileNameASText instead. | |
| kAVCommandKeyBaseFileNameASText — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyCanBatch — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyCanDescribeParams — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyCanPause — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyCanShowDialog — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyFireWhenModal — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyGenericTitle — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyGroupTitle — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyInstructions — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyIsDocStatus | |
| kAVCommandKeyIsStatus — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyIsTask | |
| kAVCommandKeyNeedPause — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyOrigExtension — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyParams — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyParamsDesc — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyPDDoc — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyScreenName — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandKeyTitle — AVCommandStringConstants | |
| kAVCommandNotExecuted | |
| kAVCommandPaused | |
| kAVCommandReady | |
| kAVCommandUIErrorsOnly | |
| kAVCommandUIInteractive | |
| kAVCommandUISemiInteractive | |
| kAVCommandUISilent | |
| kAVCommandWorking | |
| kAVCommentingMenuOrder | |
| kAVConversionAsyncOkay | |
| kAVConversionBusy | |
| kAVConversionCancelled | |
| kAVConversionDontOverwrite | |
| kAVConversionFailed | |
| kAVConversionFailureNetworkRequired | |
| kAVConversionInteractive | |
| kAVConversionNoFlags | |
| kAVConversionPopSettingsDialog | |
| kAVConversionSuccess | |
| kAVConversionSuccessAsync | |
| kAVCreateSortKey | |
| kAVCropMarks — Emit crop marks. | |
| kAVDefaultMarkType | |
| kAVDocOpenInNewWindow | |
| kAVDocOpenWithNoFlags | |
| kAVDocSplitterPinnedLeft — Specifies a special value for AVDocSetSplitterPosition() and AVDocGetSplitterPosition(). | |
| kAVDocSplitterPinnedRight — Specifies a special value for AVDocSetSplitterPosition() and AVDocGetSplitterPosition(). | |
| kAVDocStatusKeyAlwaysInformText | |
| kAVDocStatusKeyDefaultsToChecked | |
| kAVDocStatusKeyHelpText | |
| kAVDocStatusKeyLargeIcon | |
| kAVDocStatusKeyName | |
| kAVDocStatusKeySmallIcon | |
| kAVDocStatusKeyTipText | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyBringToFront —
boolean | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyOCGStates — cab | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyOverViewMode —
int | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyOverViewPos —
int | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyOverViewX —
int | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyOverViewY —
int | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyPageViewBead — binary: PDBead | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyPageViewLayoutMode —
int | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyPageViewPageNum —
int | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyPageViewStartThread —
int | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyPageViewThreadIndex —
int | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyPageViewX —
int | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyPageViewY —
int | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyPageViewZoom —
int | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyPageViewZoomType —
int | |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyWindowFrame — binary:
| |
| kAVDocViewDefKeyWindowMaximized — binary:
| |
| kAVDoNotAllowCloudConnections | |
| kAVDragBottomLeft | |
| kAVDragBottomMiddle | |
| kAVDragBottomRight | |
| kAVDragLeftMiddle | |
| kAVDragRect | |
| kAVDragRightMiddle | |
| kAVDragSnapToBottom | |
| kAVDragSnapToBottomLeft | |
| kAVDragSnapToBottomRight | |
| kAVDragSnapToLeft | |
| kAVDragSnapToRight | |
| kAVDragSnapToTop | |
| kAVDragSnapToTopLeft | |
| kAVDragSnapToTopRight | |
| kAVDragTopLeft | |
| kAVDragTopMiddle | |
| kAVDragTopRight | |
| kAVEasternStyleMarks — Emit Eastern style marks (the default is Western style). | |
| kAVeBookTaskOrder | |
| kAVEmitBBoxClip — (New for 5.0) Emits a clip to the BoundingBox for EPS. | |
| kAVEmitCJKTTAsType2 — Emit CJK TrueType fonts as CID Type 2 fonts. | |
| kAVEmitFileEPSNoPrev | |
| kAVEmitFileEPSPreview | |
| kAVEmitFilePS | |
| kAVEmitFlatness — Provide control over the emission of the setflat operator. | |
| kAVEmitFontAllEmbType1 | |
| kAVEmitFontAllFonts | |
| kAVEmitFontAllType1 | |
| kAVEmitFontEmbeddedFonts | |
| kAVEmitFontNoFonts | |
| kAVEmitFormFieldsOnly — Emit only form fields; this takes precedence over kAVSuppressAnnots. | |
| kAVEmitFormsAsPSForms — When emitting forms, use the execform operator. | |
| kAVEmitHalftones — Emit the halftones specified in the document. | |
| kAVEmitPostScriptXObjects — (PostScript only) Include the PostScript XObjects' content in the output. | |
| kAVEmitSeparableImagesOnly — Raise an error on images that cannot be represented in EPS files, following the separation conventions in Technical Note # 5044, Color Separation Conventions for PostScript Language Programs. | |
| kAVEmitStampsOnly — Emit document and stamp annotations only. | |
| kAVEndMenuOrder | |
| kAVEngineeringToolsSortKey | |
| kAVExportSortKey | |
| kAVExportTaskOrder | |
| kAVFavToolsFlagOkExternal | |
| kAVFavToolsFlagOkInternal | |
| kAVFindMenuOrder | |
| kAVForceColorNone | |
| kAVForceColorToGrayscale | |
| kAVForceColorToMonochrome | |
| kAVFormSortKey | |
| kAVFormTaskOrder | |
| kAVFullScreen_END_ENUM | |
| kAVFullScreenLargest | |
| kAVFullScreenLargestIntersection | |
| kAVFullScreenMain | |
| kAVFullScreenMostColors | |
| kAVFullScreenTallest | |
| kAVFullScreenWidest | |
| kAVHowToSortKey | |
| kAVIconColor | |
| kAVIconGrayscale | |
| kAVIconHighContrast | |
| kAVIconLayered | |
| kAVIconMacIconRef128 | |
| kAVIconMacIconRef16 | |
| kAVIconMacIconRef32 | |
| kAVIconPNG | |
| kAVICorporation | |
| kAVICorporationAbbr | |
| kAVIDepartment | |
| kAVIEMail | |
| kAVIFirstName | |
| kAVILast | |
| kAVILastName | |
| kAVIllustratorJ | |
| kAVIllustratorMarkType | |
| kAVILoginName | |
| kAVIName | |
| kAVInDesignJ1MarkType | |
| kAVInDesignJ2MarkType | |
| kAVInfoPanelLock | |
| kAVInfoPanelRect | |
| kAVInfoPanelUnlock | |
| kAVITitle | |
| kAVLeftButtonClick | |
| kAVLeftButtonDblClick | |
| kAVLeftButtonDown | |
| kAVLeftButtonUp | |
| kAVMaxJP2KRes — When emitting JPEG2000 images, use the maximum available resolution. | |
| kAVMeasuringMenuOrder | |
| kAVMeetingTaskOrder | |
| kAVMenuKeyEnabled | |
| kAVMenuKeyHelpText | |
| kAVMenuKeyIcon | |
| kAVMenuKeyMarked | |
| kAVMenuKeyName | |
| kAVMenuKeyShortcut | |
| kAVMenuKeyShortcutFlags | |
| kAVMenuKeyTitle | |
| kAVMenuKeyTitleChanges | |
| kAVMenuKeyVisible | |
| kAVMouseEnter | |
| kAVMouseLeave | |
| kAVMouseMove | |
| kAVMultimediaTaskOrder | |
| kAVNavigationMenuOrder | |
| kAVNewDocumentTaskOrder | |
| kAVnoUse | |
| kAVnUpPageOrderHorizontal | |
| kAVnUpPageOrderHorizontalRev | |
| kAVnUpPageOrderVertical | |
| kAVnUpPageOrderVerticalRev | |
| kAVOpenSaveAllowAllFlag | |
| kAVOpenSaveAllowForeignFileSystems | |
| kAVOpenSaveAllowMultiple | |
| kAVOpenSaveAllowSettingsButton | |
| kAVOpenSaveMergeTogetherPassedFilters | |
| kAVOptimizeForSpeed — (New for 5.0) (PostScript only) If set, PostScript is optimized for speed, otherwise pages must be independent. | |
| kAVPageInfoMarks — Emit page information marks. | |
| kAVPageSizeBooklet | |
| kAVPageSizeCustom | |
| kAVPageSizeFitToPaper | |
| kAVPageSizeNone | |
| kAVPageSizeNup | |
| kAVPageSizeShrinkLargePages | |
| kAVPageSizeTileAllPages | |
| kAVPageSizeTileLargePages | |
| kAVPageSizeUninitialized | |
| kAVPageViewGrayBorder | |
| kAVPageViewHorizontalScrollBar | |
| kAVPageViewPageFlipControls | |
| kAVPageViewPageNumberControl | |
| kAVPageViewPageSizeControl | |
| kAVPageViewSplitterBar | |
| kAVPageViewVerticalScrollBar | |
| kAVPageViewZoomControl | |
| kAVParagraphDirection — Describes the paragraph direction. | |
| kAVParagraphDirection_END_ENUM | |
| kAVParagraphDirectionLeftToRight | |
| kAVParagraphDirectionRightToLeft | |
| kAVParagraphDirectionSameAsDocument | |
| kAVPictureTasksTaskOrder | |
| kAVPrintDuplexDontCare | |
| kAVPrintDuplexFlipLongEdge | |
| kAVPrintDuplexFlipShortEdge | |
| kAVPrintDuplexSimplex | |
| kAVPrintersMarks — Emit the printer's mark annotations, even if suppress annotations is on. The default is off. | |
| kAVPrintProductionSortKey | |
| kAVPrintTrapInRIP | |
| kAVPrintTrapNone | |
| kAVPrintTrapOnHost | |
| kAVQuarkXPress | |
| kAVRasterizeAllowComplexClipRegions | |
| kAVRasterizeAllStrokesToOutlines | |
| kAVRasterizeAllTextToOutlines | |
| kAVRasterizeNoFlags | |
| kAVRasterizePreserveOverprint | |
| kAVRectHandleBottomLeft | |
| kAVRectHandleBottomMiddle | |
| kAVRectHandleBottomRight | |
| kAVRectHandleLeftMiddle | |
| kAVRectHandleNone | |
| kAVRectHandleRightMiddle | |
| kAVRectHandleTopLeft | |
| kAVRectHandleTopMiddle | |
| kAVRectHandleTopRight | |
| kAVRegMarks — Emit registration marks. | |
| kAVResPolicySendAtStart | |
| kAVResPolicySendByRange | |
| kAVResPolicySendPerPage | |
| kAVReviewAndCommentSortKey | |
| kAVReviewAndCommentTaskOrder | |
| kAVRightButtonClick | |
| kAVRightButtonDblClick | |
| kAVRightButtonDown | |
| kAVRightButtonUp | |
| kAVRotateViewMenuOrder | |
| kAVSaveVM — (New for 5.0) Attempt to reduce the amount of VM used on PostScript printers. | |
| kAVSCApp | |
| kAVSCLast | |
| kAVSCLocal | |
| kAVSCUser | |
| kAVSECouldntCreate | |
| kAVSecureSortKey | |
| kAVSecureTaskOrder | |
| kAVSEDoesntExist | |
| kAVSEError | |
| kAVSEInvalidCombination | |
| kAVSelectionMenuOrder | |
| kAVSendForReviewTaskOrder | |
| kAVSEOkay | |
| kAVSetPageSize — (New for 5.0) Enable setPageSize(), choose the paper tray by PDF page size. | |
| kAVSFAcroApp | |
| kAVSFApplicationAllLocales | |
| kAVSFApplicationCurrentLocale | |
| kAVSFApplicationResources | |
| kAVSFAuthoring | |
| kAVSFBuiltInPlugIns | |
| kAVSFDesktop | |
| kAVSFDictionaries | |
| kAVSFDocSettings | |
| kAVSFDocSettingsCombineFiles | |
| kAVSFDocSettingsRedaction | |
| kAVSFDocTemplates | |
| kAVSFDocuments | |
| kAVSFEBooks | |
| kAVSFFileInfo | |
| kAVSFGettingStarted | |
| kAVSFHelp | |
| kAVSFHelpLocale | |
| kAVSFHostedServicesTemplates | |
| kAVSFIDTemplates | |
| kAVSFJavaScript | |
| kAVSFJobOptions | |
| kAVSFLast | |
| kAVSFLinguistics | |
| kAVSFLocalCache | |
| kAVSFLocalRoot | |
| kAVSFMappingTables | |
| kAVSFMessages | |
| kAVSFMultimediaSkins | |
| kAVSFNavigators | |
| kAVSFNavigatorsLocalized | |
| kAVSFOrganizerDatabase | |
| kAVSFPlugIns | |
| kAVSFPreferences | |
| kAVSFPrintSupport | |
| kAVSFResource | |
| kAVSFRoot | |
| kAVSFSecurity | |
| kAVSFSequences | |
| kAVSFServices | |
| kAVSFServicesPro | |
| kAVSFServicesRdr | |
| kAVSFServicesStd | |
| kAVSFSPPlugIns | |
| kAVSFStamps | |
| kAVSFStampsLocale | |
| kAVSFSwatchbooks | |
| kAVSFSWF | |
| kAVSFTasks | |
| kAVSFTemp | |
| kAVSFTouchUpFind | |
| kAVSFUICustomization | |
| kAVSFUpdate | |
| kAVSignSortKey | |
| kAVSignTaskOrder | |
| kAVSilent — (New for 5.0) When printing via the Windows Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), alerts are not generated; false is returned. | |
| kAVSimulateInkBlack — Soft proofing: simulate ink black and paper white when doing soft proofing. | |
| kAVSimulatePaperWhite — EmitFlags | |
| kAVSuppressAnnots — (New for 5.0) Do not emit text annotations. | |
| kAVSuppressBG — Do not emit the BlackGeneration in the document. | |
| kAVSuppressCenter — (New for 5.0) Do not center the page. | |
| kAVSuppressCJKFontSubst — If the field is set, calls to AVDocPrintPagesWithParams() generate PostScript that suppresses printer-based font substitution for CJK fonts. | |
| kAVSuppressCropClip — Do not emit the cropbox page clip. | |
| kAVSuppressRotate — (New for 5.0) Do not rotate the page. | |
| kAVSuppressTransfer — Do not emit the transfer functions in the document. | |
| kAVSuppressUCR — Do not emit the UnderColorRemovals in the document. | |
| kAVSysHugeIcon | |
| kAVSysLargeIcon | |
| kAVSysSmallIcon | |
| kAVTabOrderFirst | |
| kAVTabOrderLast | |
| kAVTabOrderNext | |
| kAVTabOrderPrev | |
| kAVTaskKeyButtonDefaultUserVisible | |
| kAVTaskKeyButtonOrder | |
| kAVTaskKeyDoesWork | |
| kAVTaskKeyHowToPanelName | |
| kAVTaskKeyToolBarName | |
| kAVTileMarkEastern | |
| kAVTileMarkNone | |
| kAVTileMarkWestern | |
| kAVToolBarDockBottom | |
| kAVToolBarDockLeft | |
| kAVToolBarDockRight | |
| kAVToolBarDockTop | |
| kAVToolBarFloating | |
| kAVToolBarHorizontal | |
| kAVToolBarTwoColumn | |
| kAVToolBarVertical | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyEnabled | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyExternal | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyHelpText | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyIcon | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyInternal | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyLabel | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyLabelPriority | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyMarked | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyMenu | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyMenuIcon | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyName | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyShortcut | |
| kAVToolButtonKeyVisible | |
| kAVTrapAnnots — Emit TrapNet annots, even if suppress annotations is on. | |
| kAVTrimMarks — Emit trim marks. | |
| kAVuse | |
| kAVuseAuto | |
| kAVZoomMenuOrder | |
| kBooleanQuery | |
| kCheckSubFonts | |
| kCollectionSplitDefault | |
| kCollectionSplitHorizontal | |
| kCollectionSplitNone | |
| kCollectionSplitPreview | |
| kCollectionSplitVertical | |
| kCollectionViewCustom | |
| kCollectionViewDetails | |
| kCollectionViewTile | |
| kColorConvAlternateSpace | |
| kColorConvAnySpace | |
| kColorConvBaseSpace | |
| kColorConvCalibratedSpace | |
| kColorConvCMYKSpace | |
| kColorConvConvert | |
| kColorConvDecalibrate | |
| kColorConvDeviceNSpace | |
| kColorConvDeviceSpace | |
| kColorConvDownConvert | |
| kColorConvGraySpace | |
| kColorConvIndexedSpace | |
| kColorConvLabSpace | |
| kColorConvMaxEnum | |
| kColorConvNChannelSpace | |
| kColorConvObj_AnyObject | |
| kColorConvObj_Image | |
| kColorConvObj_JPEG | |
| kColorConvObj_JPEG2000 | |
| kColorConvObj_LineArt | |
| kColorConvObj_Lossless | |
| kColorConvObj_Lossy | |
| kColorConvObj_MaxEnum | |
| kColorConvObj_Overprinting | |
| kColorConvObj_OverprintMode | |
| kColorConvObj_Shade | |
| kColorConvObj_Text | |
| kColorConvObj_Transparent | |
| kColorConvPreserve | |
| kColorConvRGBSpace | |
| kColorConvSeparationSpace | |
| kColorConvSpace_MaxEnum | |
| kConvertToProcess | |
| kCosDocOpenDoRepair | |
| kDictionaryTypeCode — Spelling dictionary file. | |
| kDirDirectoryTooLargeToList — Retrieve all entries in the specified groups. If that would take too long, return kDirDirectoryTooLargeToList. This may be used in the user interface to immediately display the contents of a small directory or group, so responsiveness is important. | |
| kDoNotForce | |
| kDontEmitPlate | |
| kDontLoadPlugIns | |
| kDSDigestEnumSize | |
| kDSDigestMD5 | |
| kDSDigestNone | |
| kDSDigestRIPEMD160 | |
| kDSDigestSHA1 | |
| kDSDigestSHA224 | |
| kDSDigestSHA256 | |
| kDSDigestSHA384 | |
| kDSDigestSHA512 | |
| kDSDisplayOnPageIconAlways | |
| kDSDisplayOnPageIconEnumSize | |
| kDSDisplayOnPageIconExceptWhenValid | |
| kDSDisplayOnPageIconNever | |
| kDSException — Get the exception string. When this is returned, the exception text should be available from the called routine. If the exception text is NULL, it is considered to be an unknown error. | |
| kDSFalse — A boolean return value. | |
| kDSForceEmbed | |
| kDSHandlerCanDocAuthSign | |
| kDSHandlerCanDocPDDocSignVisible | |
| kDSHandlerEScriptAware | |
| kDSHandlerPropEnumSize | |
| kDSLTVEnabled | |
| kDSLTVNotEnabled | |
| kDSLTVUnknown | |
| kDSMDPAllowAll | |
| kDSMDPAllowNone | |
| kDSMDPCommentsAndDefault | |
| kDSMDPDefault | |
| kDSMDPEnumSize | |
| kDSMDPNone | |
| kDSMerge | |
| kDSNotifyModifiedAfterSig | |
| kDSNotifyNone | |
| kDSNotifySetUnknown | |
| kDSNotifySigTypeEnumSize | |
| kDSObjCosDoc | |
| kDSObjEnumSize | |
| kDSObjUbiquity | |
| kDSOk — Success. | |
| kDSParameterError — Error in a parameter to the function call. There is no exception string. | |
| kDSPropLegal | |
| kDSPropNone | |
| kDSPropSignature | |
| kDSPropTypeEnumSize | |
| kDSPropViewVersion | |
| kDSSigEncodeEnumSize | |
| kDSSigEncodeETSICAdES | |
| kDSSigEncodeETSIDocTimestamp | |
| kDSSigEncodeNone | |
| kDSSigEncodePKCS1 | |
| kDSSigEncodePKCS7 | |
| kDSSigEncodePKCS7Detached | |
| kDSSigEncodeRawSig | |
| kDSSigIconAuthInvalid | |
| kDSSigIconAuthUnknown | |
| kDSSigIconAuthValid | |
| kDSSigIconAuthValidIdUnknown | |
| kDSSigIconAuthValidIdUnknownModAfter | |
| kDSSigIconAuthValidModAfter | |
| kDSSigIconBlank | |
| kDSSigIconEnumSize | |
| kDSSigIconSigDeleted | |
| kDSSigIconSigInvalid | |
| kDSSigIconSigUnknown | |
| kDSSigIconSigValid | |
| kDSSigIconSigValidIdUnknown | |
| kDSSigIconSigValidIdUnknownModAfter | |
| kDSSigIconSigValidModAfter | |
| kDSSigIconSigValidTrailingModsAfter | |
| kDSSigRefErrEnumSize | |
| kDSSigRefErrMissingPlugin | |
| kDSSigRefErrNewVersion | |
| kDSSigRefErrNone | |
| kDSSigRefErrOldVersion | |
| kDSSigValEnumSize | |
| kDSSigValFalse | |
| kDSSigValInvalidTrouble | |
| kDSSigValJustSigned | |
| kDSSigValTextAP | |
| kDSSigValTextDSAVIdValidity | |
| kDSSigValTextDSDetail | |
| kDSSigValTextDSTooltip | |
| kDSSigValTextDSTop | |
| kDSSigValTextDSTTIdValidity | |
| kDSSigValTextEnumSize | |
| kDSSigValTextNull | |
| kDSSigValTextProp | |
| kDSSigValTextPropIdValidity | |
| kDSSigValTextSigInfo | |
| kDSSigValTextVal | |
| kDSSigValTrue | |
| kDSSigValUnknown | |
| kDSSigValUnknownBytesNotReady | |
| kDSSigValUnknownTrouble | |
| kDSSigValUnused | |
| kDSTrue — A boolean return value. | |
| kEDNTypeCode — eBook EDN activation file. | |
| kEmitPlate | |
| kEPSTypeCode — EPS file. | |
| kETDTypeCode — eBook Exchange Transfer Data (ETD) file. | |
| kExcelCreatorCode — Microsoft Excel. | |
| kFDFTypeCode — Forms data format. | |
| kGCHTLargeText | |
| kGCHTMiniText | |
| kGCHTTipText | |
| kGIFTypeCode — GIF file. | |
| kHSEmitFontAllFonts | |
| kHSEmitFontEmbeddedFonts | |
| kHSEmitFontNoFonts | |
| kHTMLCreatorCode — Microsoft Internet Explorer. | |
| kHTMLTypeCode — HTML file. | |
| kHyphen_all | |
| kHyphenType_nonpreferred | |
| kHyphenType_normal | |
| kHyphenType_preferred | |
| kIllustratorCreatorCode — Adobe Illustrator creator code. | |
| Kilometers | |
| kImageReadyCreatorCode — Adobe ImageReady creator code. | |
| kIncludeByRange | |
| kIncludeNever | |
| kIncludeOncePerDoc | |
| kIncludeOnEveryPage | |
| kIncludeWhenNeeded | |
| kIndexAvailableFlag — The index is available for searching. | |
| kIndexExists | |
| kIndexPtrInvalidFlag — (Read only - cannot be set) | |
| kIndexSelectedFlag — The index is used for searching. | |
| kInitPDFEdit | |
| kIsUIMirrored — Key name for "enable UI Mirroring options" | |
| kJPEGTypeCode — JPEG file. | |
| kJPXColorSpace | |
| kJPXCSAnyICC | |
| kJPXCSEnumerated | |
| kJPXCSRestrictedICC | |
| kJPXCSUnknown | |
| kJPXCSVenderColor | |
| kJPXPalette | |
| kKeyPrefsIntlDigitsUI — Key name for "enable Digits UI". | |
| kKeyPrefsIntlNationalDigits — Key name for "Current Keyboard Mode for Digits". | |
| kKeyPrefsIntlParagraphDir — Key name for paragraph direction. | |
| kKeyPrefsIntlRTLUI — Key name for "enable Right to left Options". | |
| kKeyPrefsIntlTargetLanguage — Key name for Target Language on Re-Launch. | |
| kKeyPrefsTouchUpComplexScript — Key name for "enable direction switching for PDFEdit(content editing) context menu" | |
| kKeyPrefsTouchUpHindiDigit — Key name for "enable Hindi digit option for PDFEdit(content editing)" | |
| kKeyPrefsTouchUpLigature — Key name for "enable Ligature option for PDFEdit(content editing)" | |
| kKeyPrefsTouchUpParagraphDirection — Key name for "enable default paragraph direction for PDFEdit(content editing)" | |
| kLastMarkType | |
| kLocaleTypeCode — Locale file. | |
| kMacCGContextType | |
| kMatchAllWords | |
| kMatchAnyWords | |
| kMatchPhrase | |
| kMaxLanguageNameLen | |
| kMoreTextKey | |
| kNormal | |
| kOCCInit_FromConfig | |
| kOCCInit_FromOtherContext | |
| kOCCInit_OFF | |
| kOCCInit_ON | |
| kOCMDVisibility_AllOff | |
| kOCMDVisibility_AllOn | |
| kOCMDVisibility_AnyOff | |
| kOCMDVisibility_AnyOn | |
| kOpaqueIgnore | |
| kOpaqueInk | |
| kParserCQL | |
| kParserSimple | |
| kPDAdaptiveTiling | |
| kPDAnnotPrintStandard | |
| kPDAnnotPrintVariableData | |
| kPDBookmarkFontBold | |
| kPDBookmarkFontBoldItalic | |
| kPDBookmarkFontItalic | |
| kPDBookmarkFontNormal | |
| kPDClipArea | |
| kPDCodePageMacArabic | |
| kPDCodePageMacCentralEuropean | |
| kPDCodePageMacCroatian | |
| kPDCodePageMacCyrillic | |
| kPDCodePageMacGreek | |
| kPDCodePageMacHebrew | |
| kPDCodePageMacRomanian | |
| kPDCodePageMacTurkish | |
| kPDCodePageMacUkrainian | |
| kPDCodePageWinArabic | |
| kPDCodePageWinBaltic | |
| kPDCodePageWinCyrillic | |
| kPDCodePageWinEastEuropeanRoman | |
| kPDCodePageWinGreek | |
| kPDCodePageWinHebrew | |
| kPDCodePageWinTurkish | |
| kPDConstantTiling | |
| kPDDefaultMarkType | |
| kPDDocReadAheadAcroForms — Allows the AcroForm client to request that all the AcroForm data be read ahead, before the viewer needs it. This flag is ignored if the PDF file does not contain a Forms hint table. See Section F.3.5 in the PDF Reference for information about the Forms hint table. | |
| kPDDocReadAheadPageLabels — Requests that the PDF file's page label data be read ahead, before the viewer needs it. There is currently no page label hint table defined, so this flag simply causes the rest of the file to be read. | |
| kPDDocReadAheadRenditions | |
| kPDDocReadAheadStructure — Requests that the PDF file's logical structure data be read ahead, before the viewer needs it. There is currently no logical structure hint table defined, so this flag simply causes the rest of the file to be read. | |
| kPDDocReadAheadTemplates — Requests that the PDF file's Forms Template data be read ahead, before the viewer needs it. There is currently no Template hint table defined, so this flag simply causes the rest of the file to be read. | |
| kPDDocRemoveOC | |
| kPDDocRequestCancelled | |
| kPDDocRequestComplete | |
| kPDDocRequestError | |
| kPDDocRequestUnderway | |
| kPDDoNothing | |
| kPDDoReencode | |
| kPDDoXlate | |
| kPDDuplexOff | |
| kPDDuplexOnTumbleLong | |
| kPDDuplexOnTumbleShort | |
| kPDEAfterLast | |
| kPDEBeforeFirst | |
| kPDEBeginContainer | |
| kPDEBeginGroup | |
| kPDECharSpacingWasSet | |
| kPDEClip | |
| kPDEClosePath | |
| kPDEColorSpace | |
| kPDEContainer | |
| kPDEContent | |
| kPDEContentDoNotEmitBXEX | |
| kPDEContentDoNotResolveForms | |
| kPDEContentDoNotResolveType3 | |
| kPDEContentEmitDefaultRGBAndGray | |
| kPDEContentHonorWasSetFlags | |
| kPDEContentIgnoreMarkedContent | |
| kPDEContentInheritState | |
| kPDEContentRev1Compat | |
| kPDEContentToCharProc | |
| kPDEContentToForm | |
| kPDEContentToPage | |
| kPDEContentUseMaxPrecision | |
| kPDEContentUseSpaceAsEOL | |
| kPDECurveTo | |
| kPDECurveToV | |
| kPDECurveToY | |
| kPDEDashWasSet | |
| kPDEDeviceNColors | |
| kPDEDoc | |
| kPDEElementCopyClipping | |
| kPDEElementCopyForClip | |
| kPDEEndContainer | |
| kPDEEndGroup | |
| kPDEEoFill | |
| kPDEExtGState | |
| kPDEExtGStateWasSet | |
| kPDEFill | |
| kPDEFillCSpaceWasSet | |
| kPDEFillCValueWasSet | |
| kPDEFlatnessWasSet | |
| kPDEFont | |
| kPDEFontCreateAllWidths | |
| kPDEFontCreateEmbedded | |
| kPDEFontCreateEmbedOpenType | |
| kPDEFontCreateGIDOverride | |
| kPDEFontCreateNeedEmbed | |
| kPDEFontCreateNeedToUnicode | |
| kPDEFontCreateNeedWidths | |
| kPDEFontCreateReserved1 | |
| kPDEFontCreateSubset | |
| kPDEFontCreateToUnicode | |
| kPDEFontDeferWidths | |
| kPDEFontDoNotEmbed | |
| kPDEFontEncodeByGID | |
| kPDEFontNoEditableEmbedding — Flags for protection of PDEFontAttrs: editable embedding is not allowed. | |
| kPDEFontNoEmbedding — Flags for protection of PDEFontAttrs: embedding is not allowed. | |
| kPDEFontSizeWasSet | |
| kPDEFontWillSubset | |
| kPDEForm | |
| kPDEFormMatrix | |
| kPDEGetColorSpaces | |
| kPDEGetFonts | |
| kPDEGetXObjects | |
| kPDEGroup | |
| kPDEHScaleWasSet | |
| kPDEImage | |
| kPDEImage16bpcData | |
| kPDEImageAllowDelayedRead | |
| kPDEImageConvert16bpcColorSpace | |
| kPDEImageEncodedData | |
| kPDEImageExternal | |
| kPDEImageFlate | |
| kPDEImageHaveDecode | |
| kPDEImageInterpolate | |
| kPDEImageIsIndexed | |
| kPDEImageIsMask | |
| kPDEImageJPX | |
| kPDEImageMaskedByColor | |
| kPDEImageMaskedByPosition | |
| kPDEInvisible | |
| kPDELastType | |
| kPDELineCapWasSet | |
| kPDELineJoinWasSet | |
| kPDELineTo | |
| kPDELineWidthWasSet | |
| kPDEmitEasternTileMarks — Tile marks. | |
| kPDEMiterLimitWasSet | |
| kPDEmitNoMarks — Nothing. | |
| kPDEmitSlug — Emit information about the document, name, page number, and so on. | |
| kPDEmitWesternTileMarks — Tile marks. | |
| kPDEMoveTo | |
| kPDEndMiter | |
| kPDEndOverlap | |
| kPDEPage | |
| kPDEPath | |
| kPDEPathLastType | |
| kPDEPattern | |
| kPDEPlace | |
| kPDEPS | |
| kPDEPSExternal | |
| kPDEReader | |
| kPDERect | |
| kPDERenderIntentWasSet | |
| kPDERenderModeWasSet | |
| kPDESetCacheDevice | |
| kPDESetCharWidth | |
| kPDEShading | |
| kPDESoftMask | |
| kPDESoftMaskMatrixWasSet | |
| kPDESoftMaskTypeAlpha | |
| kPDESoftMaskTypeLuminosity | |
| kPDEStroke | |
| kPDEStrokeCSpaceWasSet | |
| kPDEStrokeCValueWasSet | |
| kPDEText | |
| kPDETextChar | |
| kPDETextFill | |
| kPDETextFillAndStroke | |
| kPDETextGetBounds | |
| kPDETextInvisible | |
| kPDETextItem | |
| kPDETextPageSpace | |
| kPDETextRiseWasSet | |
| kPDETextRun | |
| kPDETextStroke | |
| kPDEUnknown | |
| kPDEWordSpacingWasSet | |
| kPDEWriter | |
| kPDEXGroup | |
| kPDEXGroupTypeTransparency | |
| kPDEXObject | |
| kPDFLInitIgnoreDefaultDirectories | |
| kPDFLVersion | |
| kPDFOptAcrobat10 | |
| kPDFOptAcrobat4 | |
| kPDFOptAcrobat5 | |
| kPDFOptAcrobat6 | |
| kPDFOptAcrobat7 | |
| kPDFOptAcrobat8 | |
| kPDFOptAcrobat9 | |
| kPDFOptAverage | |
| kPDFOptBicubic | |
| kPDFOptCCITT3 | |
| kPDFOptCCITT4 | |
| kPDFOptFlate | |
| kPDFOptFullCompression | |
| kPDFOptHighQlty | |
| kPDFOptJBIG2 | |
| kPDFOptJpeg | |
| kPDFOptJpeg2000 | |
| kPDFOptLossless | |
| kPDFOptLowQlty | |
| kPDFOptMaximumQlty | |
| kPDFOptMediumQlty | |
| kPDFOptMinimumQlty | |
| kPDFOptNoDownsampling | |
| kPDFOptNoRecompression | |
| kPDFOptPartialCompression | |
| kPDFOptRemoveCompression | |
| kPDFOptRetainVersion | |
| kPDFOptRunLength | |
| kPDFOptSubsampling | |
| kPDFOptUntouchedCompression | |
| kPDFStateSetAll | |
| kPDFTypeCode — Portable document format (PDF). | |
| kPDHorizCenter | |
| kPDHorizLeft | |
| kPDHorizRight | |
| kPDIllustratorJ | |
| kPDIllustratorJStyle | |
| kPDIllustratorMarkType | |
| kPDIllustratorStyle | |
| kPDInDesignJ1MarkType | |
| kPDInDesignJ1Style | |
| kPDInDesignJ2MarkType | |
| kPDInDesignJ2Style | |
| kPDInDesignStyle | |
| kPDJoinBevel | |
| kPDJoinMiter | |
| kPDJoinRound | |
| kPDNoPageTiling | |
| kPDNoTiling | |
| kPDNumAreas | |
| kPDOC_AllOC | |
| kPDOC_LastContextChangeType | |
| kPDOC_LastDocChangeType | |
| kPDOC_LastDrawEnumType | |
| kPDOC_NoOC | |
| kPDOC_VisibleOC | |
| kPDOCBaseState_OFF | |
| kPDOCBaseState_ON | |
| kPDOCBaseState_Unchanged | |
| kPDOCConfigChange | |
| kPDOCConfigCreate | |
| kPDOCConfigDestroy | |
| kPDOCContextDrawEnumType | |
| kPDOCContextInit | |
| kPDOCContextIntent | |
| kPDOCContextNonOCDrawing | |
| kPDOCGCreate | |
| kPDOCGDestroy | |
| kPDOCGProperties | |
| kPDOCGReplace | |
| kPDOCGState | |
| kPDOCMDAttach | |
| kPDOCMDRemove | |
| kPDPageArea | |
| kPDPageBlendingProfileValueStr — Takes ASext as input. If set we use this profile as blending profile. kPDPageDisplayOverPrintPreviewStr must be set for this to get honored. | |
| kPDPageBlendingProfileValueStr — Takes ASext as input. If set we use this profile as blending profile. kPDPageDisplayOverPrintPreviewStr must be set for this to get honored. | |
| kPDPageDirectlyImposed | |
| kPDPageDirectlyImposedStr — Directly imposed page. | |
| kPDPageDisplayOverPrintPreview | |
| kPDPageDisplayOverPrintPreviewPI | |
| kPDPageDisplayOverPrintPreviewStr — Display overprint preview. | |
| kPDPageDisplayOverPrintPreviewStr — Display overprint preview. | |
| kPDPageDoLazyErase | |
| kPDPageDoLazyEraseStr — Const strings used as ASCab keys when passing drawing flags. These are valid only for calls to PDDrawPageOrCosObjectToBuffer. | |
| kPDPageDoLazyEraseStr — Const strings used as ASCab keys when passing PDPageDrawFlags. These are valid only for calls to PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx. | |
| kPDPageDoNotSubstituteWorkingSpaces | |
| kPDPageDoNotSubstituteWorkingSpacesStr — Do not substitute working spaces. | |
| kPDPageDoNotSubstituteWorkingSpacesStr — Do not substitute working spaces. | |
| kPDPageDrawSmoothBicubicImage | |
| kPDPageDrawSmoothBicubicImageStr — Draw smooth image using bicubic resampling. This option can have performance overhead. | |
| kPDPageDrawSmoothBicubicImageStr — Draw smooth image using bicubic resampling. This option can have performance overhead. | |
| kPDPageDrawSmoothImage | |
| kPDPageDrawSmoothImageStr — Draw smooth image. | |
| kPDPageDrawSmoothImageStr — Draw smooth image. | |
| kPDPageDrawSmoothLineArt | |
| kPDPageDrawSmoothLineArtStr — Draw smooth line art. | |
| kPDPageDrawSmoothLineArtStr — Draw smooth line art. | |
| kPDPageDrawSmoothText | |
| kPDPageDrawSmoothTextStr — Draw smooth text. | |
| kPDPageDrawSmoothTextStr — Draw smooth text. | |
| kPDPageEmitBleedMarks | |
| kPDPageEmitColorBars | |
| kPDPageEmitCropMarks | |
| kPDPageEmitPageGroup | |
| kPDPageEmitPageGroupStr — Emit a page group. | |
| kPDPageEmitPageGroupStr — Emit a page group. | |
| kPDPageEmitPageInfo | |
| kPDPageEmitRegMarks | |
| kPDPageEmitSlurMarks | |
| kPDPageEmitTrimMarks | |
| kPDPageIgnoreIsolatedAndKnockoutTransparencyGroup | |
| kPDPageIgnoreIsolatedAndKnockoutTransparencyGroupStr — Ignore Isolated and Knockout transparency at page boundary. | |
| kPDPageIgnoreIsolatedAndKnockoutTransparencyGroupStr — Ignore Isolated and Knockout transparency at page boundary. | |
| kPDPageIsPrinting | |
| kPDPageIsPrintingStr — The page is being printed. | |
| kPDPageIsPrintingStr — The page is being printed. | |
| kPDPageIsPSPrinting | |
| kPDPageIsPSPrintingStr — PostScript printing. | |
| kPDPageIsPSPrintingStr — PostScript printing. | |
| kPDPagePassMetadatatoAGMPort | |
| kPDPagePassMetadatatoAGMPortStr — Pass metadata to AGM port. | |
| kPDPagePassOCtoAGMPort | |
| kPDPagePassOCtoAGMPortStr — Pass optional content to AGM port. | |
| kPDPagePassOPItoAGMPort | |
| kPDPagePassOPItoAGMPortStr — Pass open prepress interface (OPI) to AGM port. | |
| kPDPageStmSkipComments | |
| kPDPageStmStringMax | |
| kPDPageStmTokenHexString | |
| kPDPageSuppressRasterAlpha | |
| kPDPageSuppressRasterAlphaStr — Supress raster alpha. | |
| kPDPageSuppressRasterAlphaStr — Supress raster alpha. | |
| kPDPageSwapComponents | |
| kPDPageSwapComponentsStr — Render colors in BGR order rather than RGB. It is only valid for calls to PDDrawPageOrCosObjectToBuffer() and only when outputing to an RGB colorspace. | |
| kPDPageSwapComponentsStr — Render colors in BGR order rather than RGB. It is only valid for calls to PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx() and only when outputing to an RGB colorspace. | |
| kPDPageUseAnnotFaces | |
| kPDPageUseAnnotFacesPI | |
| kPDPageUseAnnotFacesStr — Draw annotation appearances. | |
| kPDPageUseAnnotFacesStr — Draw annotation appearances. | |
| kPDPageUsePrinterMarkAnnots | |
| kPDPageUsePrinterMarkAnnotsStr — User printer's mark annotations. | |
| kPDPageUseStampAnnotsOnly | |
| kPDPageUseStampAnnotsOnlyPI | |
| kPDPageUseStampAnnotsOnlyStr — If set, only consider Stamp annotations. This overrides kPDPageUseAnnotFaces. | |
| kPDPageUseStampAnnotsOnlyStr — If set, only consider Stamp annotations. This overrides kPDPageUseAnnotFaces. | |
| kPDPageUseTrapAnnots | |
| kPDPageUseTrapAnnotsStr — Use trap network annotations. | |
| kPDPageWorkingSpacesOnlyForChange | |
| kPDPageWorkingSpacesOnlyForChangeStr — If this is set, only use a working space instead of a device space if the process color model of the target device is different than that of the source. | |
| kPDPageWorkingSpacesOnlyForChangeStr — If this is set, only use a working space instead of a device space if the process color model of the target device is different than that of the source. | |
| kPDPlacementCenter | |
| kPDPlacementChoke | |
| kPDPlacementNeutralDensity | |
| kPDPlacementSpread | |
| kPDPrefAASmoothImage | |
| kPDPrefAASmoothLineArt | |
| kPDPrefAASmoothText | |
| kPDPrintFlipNone | |
| kPDPrintFlipX | |
| kPDPrintFlipXY | |
| kPDPrintFlipY | |
| kPDPrintTrapInRIP | |
| kPDPrintTrapNone | |
| kPDQuarkXPress | |
| kPDQuarkXPressStyle | |
| kPDSAfterLast | |
| kPDSAttrObj | |
| kPDSBeforeFirst | |
| kPDSClassMap | |
| kPDSElement | |
| kPDSingleByteFont | |
| kPDSLastType | |
| kPDSMC | |
| kPDSMCR | |
| kPDSRoleMap | |
| kPDSysEncoding | |
| kPDSysFont | |
| kPDSysFontATC | |
| kPDSysFontCID | |
| kPDSysFontMatchFontType | |
| kPDSysFontMatchNameAndCharSet | |
| kPDSysFontMatchWritingMode | |
| kPDSysFontOCF | |
| kPDSysFontOpenTypeCFF | |
| kPDSysFontOpenTypeCID | |
| kPDSysFontOpenTypeTT | |
| kPDSysFontTrueType | |
| kPDSysFontType1 | |
| kPDSysFontUnknown | |
| kPDTileAllPages | |
| kPDTileLargePages | |
| kPDVertBottom | |
| kPDVertCenter | |
| kPDVertTop | |
| kPDXTypeCode — Acrobat catalog index file. | |
| kPhotoshopCreatorCode — Adobe Photoshop creator code. | |
| kPICTTypeCode — Mac OS PICT file. | |
| kPluginNewTypeCode — Plug-in file (preferred, supported by 5.0.5 and later). Using this file type will allows shipping a Carbonized plug-in without worrying that it will try to load and show an error when installed under Acrobat 4 or earlier. | |
| kPluginTypeCode — Plug-in file. | |
| kPNGTypeCode — PNG file. | |
| kPowerPointCreatorCode — Microsoft PowerPoint. | |
| kPrefsTypeCode — Preferences file. | |
| kPrintDefaultDPI — EmitFlags | |
| kPrintDefaultGradDPI — EmitFlags | |
| kPrinterSpecNameLen | |
| kPrinterSpecNameLen | |
| kPrinterSpecUnicodeNameLen | |
| kPrintMaxDPI — EmitFlags | |
| kPrintMaxGradDPI — EmitFlags | |
| kPrintMinDPI — EmitFlags | |
| kPrintMinGradDPI — EmitFlags | |
| kPrintUserNoteLen | |
| kPSAPSigPreExists | |
| kPSAPSigPreview | |
| kPSAPSigTentative | |
| kPSDecryptingAttachment | |
| kPSDecryptingBatchCommand | |
| kPSDecryptingDocument | |
| kPSDecryptionReasonUnspecified | |
| kPSDTypeCode — Adobe Photoshop PSD file. | |
| kPSExportDataContacts | |
| kPSExportDataDirSettings | |
| kPSExportDataEnumSize | |
| kPSExportDataMyContact | |
| kPSExportDataNone | |
| kPSExportDestCertFile | |
| kPSExportDestCertURL | |
| kPSExportDestCMSFile | |
| kPSExportDestEMailFDF | |
| kPSExportDestEnumSize | |
| kPSExportDestFDFFile | |
| kPSExportDestFile | |
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| kPSOpPerformGetCerts | |
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| kPSSigTrustCrossDomain — Trusted for by-passing Crossdomain check. | |
| kPSSigTrustDataInjection — Trusted for Forms data injection. | |
| kPSSigTrustDynamicContent — Trusted for authoring documents with dyamic (multimedia) content. | |
| kPSSigTrustExternalStream — Trusted for accessing external resources/Streams. | |
| kPSSigTrustIdentity — Trusted for identity: it must be present to use in trust calculations. | |
| kPSSigTrustJavaScript — Trusted for authoring documents with full access JavaScript. | |
| kPSSigTrustNonExplicitPolicy — Trusted to be the root for non-explicit Policy Constraints checking model Must be also a trust anchor. | |
| kPSSigTrustScriptInjection — Trusted for Forms Script injection. | |
| kPSSigTrustSigning — Trusted for signing (creating recipient signatures). | |
| kPSSigTrustSilentPrint — Trusted for silent printing. | |
| kPSSigTrustUbiquity — Trusted for feature-enabling signatures (Adobe internal use only). | |
| kPSSigTrustUnsafeJavaScript — Trusted for Unsafe JavaScript. | |
| kPSSigTrustUntrusted — The certificate is untrusted. | |
| kPSSigTrustWebLink — Trusted for Connecting to Web. | |
| kPSSigTypeAuthor | |
| kPSSigTypeEnumSize | |
| kPSSigTypeUbiquity | |
| kPSSigTypeUnknown | |
| kPSSigTypeUser | |
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| kRMFTypeCode — Adobe Web Buy rights management file. | |
| kRTFTypeCode — Text file. | |
| kSCparam_VERSION_1 | |
| kSCparam_VERSION_2 | |
| kSCparam_VERSION_3 | |
| kSearchActiveDoc | |
| kSearchActiveIndexes | |
| kSearchBookmarks — SearchWordOptions | |
| kSearchDocInfo — SearchWordOptions | |
| kSearchDocumentText — SearchWordOptions | |
| kSearchDocumentXMP — SearchWordOptions | |
| kSearchEveryWhere — SearchWordOptions | |
| kSearchFolder | |
| kSearchIndex | |
| kSearchJPEGExif — SearchWordOptions | |
| kSearchMarkup — SearchWordOptions | |
| kSearchPDFAttachments — SearchWordOptions | |
| kSearchSignatures — SearchWordOptions | |
| kSearchUserProperties — By including the kSearchUserProperties option, you will ensure that the object level data is the same as that seen by the menu item Object Data Tool in Acrobat. This is not the metadata associated with individual COS level objects in the PDF document. | |
| kSecError | |
| kSecFalse | |
| kSecOk | |
| kSectionPrefsIntl — International section name. | |
| kSecTrue | |
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| kSpellCompleted | |
| kSpellDone | |
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| kSpellFlagLast | |
| kSpellFlagNone | |
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| kTextCreatorCode — SimpleText. | |
| kTextTypeCode — Text file. | |
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| kUnknownTypeCode — Unknown file. | |
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| kUTF32HostEndian | |
| kUTF8 | |
| kWHATypeCode — Web-hosted applications file. | |
| kWordCreatorCode — Microsoft Word. | |
| kWordOptionCase — The search is case-sensitive. | |
| kWordOptionIgnoreDiacritics — SearchWordOptionsFlags | |
| kWordOptionIgnoreFH — SearchWordOptionsFlags | |
| kWordOptionProximity — Consider the proximity of results when using the AND operator to look for more than one word in a document. Without this option, ANDed terms can be anywhere in a document. Searching for "red" and "blue", for example, finds a document where "red" is the first word on the first page and "blue" is the last word on the last page. With this option, however, ANDed terms must be within two or three pages of each other to be found. Also, the closer ANDed terms appear together, the higher the relevance ranking of the document that contains them. | |
| kWordOptionRefine — Do not search the entire list of indices, but only the documents that matched the previous search. This is used to refine the results of the previous search. | |
| kWordOptionStemming — Find not only the specified word, but other words that have the same stem (for example, run and ran have the same stem). | |
| kWordOptionWholeWord — SearchWordOptionsFlags | |
| kXDPTypeCode — XML data package. | |
| kXFDFTypeCode — XML forms data format. | |
| kXMLTypeCode — XML file. | |