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W_ACCENT — An accent mark.
W_CNTL — A control code.
W_COMMA — A comma. Commas and periods are treated separately from other punctuation marks because they are used both as word punctuation marks and as delimiters in numbers, and need to be treated differently in the two cases.
W_DIGIT — A digit.
W_END_PHRASE — An end-of-phrase glyph (for example, ".", "?", "!", ":", and ";").
W_HYPHEN — A hyphen.
W_LETTER — A lowercase letter.
W_LIGATURE — A ligature.
W_PERIOD — A period.
W_PUNCTUATION — A punctuation mark.
W_SOFT_HYPHEN — A hyphen that is only present because a word is broken across two lines of text.
W_UNMAPPED — A glyph that cannot be represented in the destination font encoding.
W_UPPERCASE — An uppercase letter.
W_WHITE — A white space glyph.
W_WILD_CARD — A wildcard glyph (for example, "*" and "?") that should not be treated as a normal punctuation mark.
W_WORD_BREAK — A glyph that acts as a delimiter between words.
WDAppSpecifier — A data structure that specifies the path name to the web browser.
WDAppSpecifier — A data structure that specifies the path name to the web browser.
WDAppSpecifier — A data structure that specifies the path name to the web browser.
WDAppSupportPredicate — Tests whether a driver can support a given web browser application.
WDAppSupportPredicateProc — Callback functions to test a driver. It tests whether a driver can support a given web browser application.
WDBecomeDriverFunction — Called whenever the state of the driver changes from inactive to current, or vice versa.
WDBecomeDriverFunctionProc — Callback functions for driver state changes.
WDBringFrontFunction — Called when the user clicks on the Weblink toolbar button to switch to the browser application.
WDBringFrontFunctionProc — Callback functions for Weblink toolbar button click.
WDFollowLinkFunction — Follows and retrieves the link specified by a URL from the PDF document specified by theDoc. Weblink supplies the driver a fully resolved the URL. The driver is solely responsible for launching a web browser, if it requires one. If the driver depends on an external web browser, the driver or the web browser is responsible for bringing that browser to the foreground if the link data is not displayed by the Acrobat viewer.
WDFollowLinkFunctionProc — Callback functions for to Follow a Link.
WDFollowLinkWithParamsFunction — Follows and retrieves the link specified by a URL from the PDF document specified by theDoc, going to a target frame. Weblink supplies the driver a fully resolved the URL. The driver is solely responsible for launching a web browser, if it requires one. If the driver depends on an external web browser, the driver or the web browser is responsible for bringing that browser to the foreground if the link data is not displayed by the Acrobat viewer.
WDFollowLinkWithParamsFunctionProc — Callback functions for to Follow a Link with parameters.
WDIsDriverBusyFunction — (Optional) Called to determine if the driver is performing a transaction. Weblink uses this to check that the driver is not busy (driver-defined) before allowing a user to change preferences.
WDIsDriverBusyFunctionProc — Callback functions to check driver transaction status (Optional) Called to determine if the driver is performing a transaction or not. Weblink uses this to check that the driver is not busy before allowing a user to change preferences.
WDOptionsFunction — (Optional) Called when the user clicks the Options button in the Weblink Preferences dialog box. If this function is NULL, the Options button is disabled.
WDOptionsFunctionProc — Callback functions for a Weblink Options button click.
WebDriverVector — A data structure containing callbacks that implement a Weblink driver.
Weblink — A link in a PDF document that references a URL is referred to as a Weblink.
WebProgressDidCancel — Checks if the Cancel button was clicked.
WebProgressMonitor — A data structure that implements a progress monitor.
WF_LATEST_VERSION — Used to obtain the latest available version.
WF_VERSION_2 — The version used for Acrobat 3.x, 4.x.
WF_VERSION_3 — For Acrobat 5.0 without accessibility enabled.
WF_VERSION_4 — For Acrobat 5.0 with accessibility enabled.
WIN_PLATFORM — (Windows only, previously known as WIN_ENV) Defined if the client is being compiled for a Windows machine, undefined otherwise. MAC_PLATFORM, WIN_PLATFORM, and UNIX_PLATFORM should be used by client developers to conditionally compile platform-dependent code.
WinAppEnableIdleTimer — (Windows only) Allows a plug-in to turn the AVAppIdle timer on and off, which is needed when a plug-in calls another process and thus blocks Acrobat for an extended period of time.
WinAppGetModalParent — (Windows only) Gets appropriate parent for any modal dialog boxes created by a plug-in. This method is only useful if there is an AVDoc; it cannot be used, for example, to put up a modal dialog box while a file is being opened.
WinAppGetModelessParent — (Windows only) Gets the appropriate parent for any modeless dialog boxes created by a plug-in.
WinAppGetPalette — (Windows only) Gets the application's color palette in the case where the system is running in 256-color mode or less. Used when you want to set and realize a palette in an external window before drawing to it.
WinAppGetPrinterHDC — Gets the device context for a printer, which is the HDC used to print a document.
WinAppLockViewer — This API is used to ensure that the application does not quit until the work that needs to be done by the interface registered with WinAppRegisterInterface() is done.
WinAppRegisterInterface — (Windows only) Register a COM interface.
WinAppRegisterModelessDialog — (Windows only) Registers modeless dialog boxes with the viewer so that the dialog box gets the correct messages.
WinAppUnregisterInterface — (Windows only) Unregisters a COM interface.
WinAppUnRegisterModelessDialog — (Windows only) Un-registers modeless dialog boxes with the viewer.
Windows — Windows-specific utility methods are only available for plug-ins.
WLCreateOrDeleteWebLinks — Creates Or Deletes WebLinks
WWWOpenURL — Opens a new URL.
WWWOpenURLParamsRec — A parameter block specifying the target frame of a URL.
WWWOpenURLWithParams — Opens a new URL With Parameters .
WXE_ADJACENT_TO_SPACE — The character following the end of the word is a space (either an explicit space character encoded in a string, or one that appears implicitly because the drawing point was moved).
WXE_HAS_DIGIT — One or more characters in the word are digits.
WXE_HAS_HYPHEN — There is a hyphen in the word.
WXE_HAS_LEADING_PUNC — The first character in the word is a punctuation mark. If this bit is set, WXE_HAS_PUNCTUATION will also be set.
WXE_HAS_LETTER — The word contains a character between A-Z or a-z.
WXE_HAS_LIGATURE — The word contains a ligature.
WXE_HAS_NONALPHANUM — The word contains a character outside the range of A-Z, a-Z, 0-9.
WXE_HAS_PUNCTUATION — One or more characters in the word are punctuation marks. Other flag bits can be checked to test whether the punctuation was at the beginning of the word (WXE_HAS_LEADING_PUNC), the end of the word (WXE_HAS_TRAILING_PUNC), or elsewhere in the word.
WXE_HAS_SOFT_HYPHEN — There is a soft hyphen in the word.
WXE_HAS_TRAILING_PUNC — The last character in the word is a punctuation mark. If this bit is set, WXE_HAS_PUNCTUATION will also be set.
WXE_HAS_UNMAPPED_CHAR — One or more characters in the word cannot be represented in the output font encoding.
WXE_HAS_UPPERCASE — The word contains a character between A-Z.
WXE_LAST_WORD_ON_LINE — The word is at the end of the current text line (for example, the word is followed by a line break).
WXE_ROTATED — The writing direction of the word is not in a multiple of 90 degrees, or the bounding box of the text is skewed. This flag indicates that the quads of the word should be used to specify the highlight area correctly.
WXE_VERTICAL_FLOW — The writing direction of the word is either 90 or 180 degrees. This flag ignores the page rotation parameter of the page dictionary. Therefore, if the page is rotated 90 degrees, this flag will be set on each word that appears horizonally on the screen.
WXE_WBREAK_WORD — WordAttributes