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DeactivateProcType — A callback for AVTool. It is called when the tool will no longer be the active tool.
DigSig — Digital signature object.
DigSigAddedSig — Recalculates the number of signature fields and redraws the signature panel after any signature is added.
DigSigAddedSigEx — Recalculates the number of signature fields and redraws the signature panel after a specified signature field is added.
DigSigAPCreateCompositeTextXObj — Create a new XObject that consists of vertically stacked blocks of text, where each block is auto-sized to fit its own bounding box.
DigSigAPCreateLayeredStream — Creates a stream that is composed of either four or five layers: Layer Description n0 Background, inherited from the form annotation background. n1 Middle, question mark or equivalent (uses the default if the layer 1 XObject is CosNull). n2 Main, text and appearance (must be provided). n3 Top, blank or X (uses the default if layer1XObject is CosNull). nN (Optional) Very top layer, used for text showing the validity state (none if CosNull).
DigSigAPCreateLayeredStreamEx — Creates a signature-appearance layered stream, using a parameters structure.
DigSigAPFileAcquire — Acquires the DSAP file and opens it, if it has not already been acquired.
DigSigAPFileCanDeleteNthEntry — Tests whether a signature appearance entry at a specified index in the DSAP file can be edited or is read-only.
DigSigAPFileCopyNthEntry — Creates a copy of the specified entry in the default DSAP file and appends the copy to the end of the list of signature appearances in the file.
DigSigAPFileEditNthEntry — Opens the user interface that allows the user to edit the specified signature appearance entry of the DSAP file.
DigSigAPFileGetCount — Gets the number of configured signature appearance entries in the DSAP file,
DigSigAPFileGetNewNthName — Gets a copy of the name of the specified signature appearance entry in the DSAP file. Use this when building a list of signatures for a user to choose from or edit.
DigSigAPFileRelease — Closes the digital signature appearance (DSAP) file.
DigSigAPFileRemoveNthEntry — Deletes the specified signature appearance entry from the DSAP file.
DigSigAPFileSave — Saves the DSAP file if it is dirty, leaving it open.
DigSigAPXObjectFromLogo — Takes text for a stream logoStr with bounding box logoBBox and fits it precisely to bbox. It performs uniform x and y scaling, and x-y translation. It can raise an exception. This method might throw an exception, and should be wrapped in a DURING/HANDLER block.
DigSigAPXObjectFromXObjList — Creates a new XObject from the list of DSAPXObjEntry objects. Each object in the list is either an existing stream or a string that will be laid out and reflowed into a new stream. The streams are then turned into XObjects. Controls allow you to adjust the vertical position of each stream within bbox. If bMerge is true, this method combines the new XObjects into one large XObject, and the sub XObjects are destroyed. Otherwise the method leaves the component XObjects intact and new XObjects are created but not destroyed for the text entries. Text streams use the text attributes of ta.
DigSigAPXObjectFromXObjListObsolete — Legacy procedure for backwards compatibility.
DigSigByteToHex — Converts a byte string to a PDF hex string.
DigSigClearSig — Clears a signature field in a document. This removes the signature so that the document is unsigned.
DigSigClearSigRefDict — Clears the signature reference dictionary referred to by refDict and removes any reference to it from the document.
DigSigClick — The AcroForm plug-in calls this method when a user left-clicks inside a signature annotation.
DigSigCommitSigRefDict — Adds a signature reference dictionary to the document and saves the document.
DigSigComparePages — Compares the pages of two documents, producing a third document of the differences.
DigSigComparePagesEx — Compares the pages of two documents, producing a third document of the differences.
DigSigCompareWords — Compares the words of two documents, producing a third document of the differences.
DigSigCompareWordsAndFontsRecent — Compares the words of two documents, taking into account possible font changes, and produces a third document of the differences.
DigSigCompareWordsEx — Compares the words of two documents, producing a third document of the differences.
DigSigCompareWordsRecent — Compares the words of two documents, producing a third document of the differences.
DigSigCreateStdXObj — Returns a new XObject with the specified bounding box. Unlike the XObject returned by DigSigGetStdXObj(), DigSig does not attach the XObject returned by this function to the CosDoc.
DigSigDeletedSig — Recalculates the number of signature fields and redraws the signature panel after any signature is deleted.
DigSigDeletedSigEx — Recalculates the number of signature fields and redraws the signature panel after a specified signature is deleted.
DigSigDocModifiedAfterSig — Tests whether a document has been modified since being signed with the specified signature.
DigSigDoProperties — Opens the DigSig's property dialog box.
DigSigDraw — Causes the signature to be redrawn.
DigSigEnumProc — A user-supplied callback that is passed in the call to DigSigEnumSignatures() . DigSig calls this once for each existing signature.
DigSigEnumSignatures — Enumerates the signature fields (signed and unsigned) in the file.
DigSigFileGetEOF — Gets the number of bytes in an ASFile. It serves as a wrapper for the ASFileGetEOF() method.
DigSigFileGetEOF64 — Procs below are provided in version 0x00020000 Gets the number of bytes in an ASFile. It serves as a wrapper for the ASFileGetEOF64() method.
DigSigFileRead — Reads from an ASFile. This is a wrapper function for the ASFileRead() method.
DigSigFileSetPos — Reopens an ASFile for reading and sets the file position.
DigSigFileSetPos64 — Reopens an ASFile for reading and sets the file position.
DigSigFinishSigRefDict — Computes the digest value and stores it in the reference dictionary. It should be called after DigSigCommitSigRefDict().
DigSigGetDocAuthorSignature — Gets the author signature for a document, as a Cos object.
DigSigGetDocMDPSetting — Gets the Modification Detection and Prevention (MDP) setting for the author signature for the specified document.
DigSigGetStdXObj — Gets a Cos XObject for one of the standard signature graphics: blank, question mark, and cross.
DigSigGetUbiquitySig — Gets the LiveCycle Reader Extensions signature for a document, as a Cos object.
DigSigGetUniqueTitle — Gets a character string that is suitable as the field name for a new signature field. This is guaranteed not to duplicate an existing field name. Typically, this name would be of the form XXXXnnn, where XXXX is the word 'signature' in a local Latin-alphabet language, and nnn is a unique integer.
DigSigHexToByte — Converts a PDF hex string to a byte string. For example, the 6 byte string "<412f>" converts to the 2-byte string "(A/)".
DigSigIsSigSigned — Tests whether a particular signature field in a document is signed.
DigSigKeyDown — The AcroForm plug-in calls this method when the user tabs to a signature annotation and activates it by pressing the space bar or Enter key, which is equivalent to a left-mouse click. The parameters parallel those of the AVAnnotHandlerDoKeyDownProc() callback. If the key pressed is an ASCII <CR>, this method selects the annotation.
DigSigMD5ByteRange — Calculates the MD5 hash function over a set of byte ranges in a file.
DigSigNewSigRefDict — Begins the process of creating a new signature reference dictionary containing an object digest. The caller fills in the values of the refParams structure.
DigSigOverwriteBytes — Overwrites any or all entries in a signature dictionary. It reopens the file for write, positions to the specified place, and writes exactly the number of bytes specified in digSigOffset.
DigSigOverwriteBytes64 — Overwrites any or all entries in a signature dictionary. It reopens the file for write, positions to the specified place, and writes exactly the number of bytes specified in digSigOffset.
DigSigOverwriteHexstring — Overwrites part of a file with a hex string. It reopens the file for write, positions to the specified location, formats the string as characters, and writes. This method is used to overwrite the /Contents entry in the signature dictionary.
DigSigOverwriteHexstring64 — Overwrites part of a file with a hex string. It reopens the file for write, positions to the specified location, formats the string as characters, and writes. This method is used to overwrite the /Contents entry in the signature dictionary.
DigSigOverwriteIntArray — Overwrites part of asFile with an integer array. It reopens the file for write, positions to the specified place, formats the array as characters, and writes. This method is used to overwrite the /ByteRange entry in the signature dictionary.
DigSigOverwriteIntArray64 — Overwrites part of asFile with an integer array. It reopens the file for write, positions to the specified place, formats the array as characters, and writes. This method is used to overwrite the /ByteRange entry in the signature dictionary.
DigSigPostDraw — Draws signature adornment after the signature appearance is drawn.
DigSigRegisterFilter — Procs below are provided in version 0x00010000 Registers a signing method plug-in. A signing plug-in must call this method before making any signatures. This object should not be destroyed until after it is un-registered or until exit.
DigSigRegisterObserver — Registers callbacks with the notification server, to be called for specific digital signature events.
DigSigRightClick — Invokes the signature-panel pull-right menu and allows the user to select an action.
DigSigRollbackToSig — Creates a new temporary file that corresponds to the state of the file after the specified signature was applied.
DigSigSignDoc — Signs and saves a document, using the specified field and signing method. If sigField is NULL, makes a field of size 0x0 points.
DigSigUnregisterFilter — Un-registers a signing method plug-in. The caller should deallocate the DigSigHandler object after making this call.
DigSigUnregisterObserver — Un-registers an event interest from the notification server.
DigSigUpdatePanel — Updates the signature panel, if any, associated with pdDoc.
DigSigVerifySig — Verifies a digital signature.
DigSigVerifySigRefDict — Verifies an object signature stored in a signature reference dictionary. It involves computing the object digest using the transform method and comparing it to the digest value stored in the reference dictionary.
DirAttributes — A directory attribute collection is used to set output options of a directory connection.
DirAuthenticationContext — An ASCab object containing authentication details such as the user name and password. It could be used to override the default authentication entries, or to avoid repeated authentications in case the context could be cached. The actual contents depend on the directory handlers. The currently supported directory handlers (AAB and LDAP) do not support this feature.
DirConnection_close — Closes the specified directory connection.
DirConnection_customUISearch — Pops up a custom user interface that allows the user to set search criteria and execute the search.
DirConnection_getDirInfo — Retrieves information about the directory associated with the connection.
DirConnection_getGroups — Retrieves the list of groups that this connection supports.
DirConnection_getLastError — Retrieves information about the last error that occurred in the specified connection.
DirConnection_list — TBD
DirConnection_setCustomOutputOptions — TBD
DirConnection_setStandardOutputOptions — Special case: The ATTR_Certificates attribute is intended to encompass all certificate attributes a directory might have. If ATTR_Certificates is requested, it may have to be translated into several attributes depending on the directory.
DirConnection_standardSearch — TBD
DirDSP — Directory Service Provider (DSP) Object. As of Acrobat 6.0 this is a PubSecEngine object that acts as a DSP. In future releases this may become a stand-alone structure.
Directory_Services — Diirectory information service object.
DirectoryInfo — A directory information structure contains configuration settings used to establish a connection to a directory. Common top-level properties are defined below. Note that the prefix DirStdEntry_ is reserved for standard entries and should not be used for entries specific to a particular directory. Optionally, this could contain other configuration information specific to the directory.
DirectoryList — A directory information list ASCab contains a vector of nested DirectoryInfo ASCab objects, one for every directory contained within the engine. Each directory ASCab contains a user interface name as an ASText and a unique ID as an ASAtom.
DirGroupList — Group names are represented as text in an ASCab. For example:
DirHandlerInfo — A directory handler information ASCab contains a vector of nested ASCab objects, one for every directory handler contained within the engine. Each directory handler ASCab contains a user interface name and a unique ID (for example, "Adobe.PPKMS.LDAP").
DirResults — Search and enumeration results are represented as a two-dimensional ASCab where each "row" is itself an ASCab that contains attributes defined by SetOutputOptions calls.
DirSearchCriteria — Directory search criteria are represented as a set of key/value pairs where the keys are attribute names and the values are search strings applied to those attributes. A logical "AND" is implied when multiple search criteria are present. Unrecognized search criteria are ignored.
DoClickProcType — A callback for AVTool. It handles mouse clicks when the tool is active. For Mac OS, this handles button or option-button mouse clicks. For Windows, this handles right or left button mouse clicks.
DoKeyDownProcType — A callback for AVTool. It handles key presses when the tool is active.
DoLeaveProcType — A callback for AVTool. It is called when the tool leaves the page view (when the cursor is moved out of the page view).
DoObjFound — A callback called when an object is found.
DoPostProcess — Functions that do not depend on the class' this pointer being present. So, these can be called from C or from an HFT. Hence, they require an active agent as a parameter.
DSAPFile — A signature appearance file object to be used by handlers to access the built-in APIcon appearance handler.
DSCanValidateProc — This function is called to query the handler to find out if it can validate this PDDoc signature field. The call determines if the general signature format is supported by the handler, or if the handler should be given the opportunity to validate this signature.
DSCommitSignProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It is called to put the signature into the document in memory or to cancel. It modifies the signature dictionary as needed. It may allocate storage for an array of signature objects.
DSCosDocSigObjType — The type of CosDoc signature.
DSCosDocSigSignProc — Signs a CosDoc (for example, when signing FDF). It is for Adobe use only. This call is subject to change in future releases. It was introduced in Acrobat 6.0.
DSCosDocSigValidateProc — Validates a CosDoc signature. It returns a valid state in sigInfoCab.
DSDataBufferSigSignFinishProc — Finish the signing of a data buffer (for example, when signing XML data). It must be called to destroy the context, whenever signNew returns a context. It is for Adobe use only. This call is subject to change in future releases. It was introduced in Acrobat 7.0.
DSDataBufferSigSignNewProc — Initiate the signing of a data buffer (for example, when signing XML data). It is for Adobe use only. This call is subject to change in future releases. It was introduced in Acrobat 7.0.
DSDataBufferSigValidateProc — Validate a data buffer signature. It returns a valid state in sigInfoCab. It should populate the following entries in this cab: PROP_SigInfo_Status PROP_SigInfo_StatusText PROP_SigInfo_HandlerName It is for Adobe use only. This call is subject to change in future releases. It was introduced in Acrobat 7.0.
DSDefaultValueProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It is called when a new signature field is created. This method creates the default signature value dictionary and creates a default value (DV) entry in the signature field dictionary pointing to this dictionary.
DSDigestMethod — Constants that specify the method to use for creating a signature digest.
DSDocCloseProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It is called when a new document is closed.
DSDocOpenProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It is called when a new document is opened.
DSFinishSignProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It is called to calculate the checksum and update the disk copy of document. It may use information from the offsetArray parameter.
DSFreeSigDataProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It frees signature data.
DSGetBoolPropertyProc — Gets the boolean value of a DigSig handler property. It returns true for those properties that represent functionality your handler supports, false if it does not support the functionality. (Some properties are available directly from the DigSigHandler.)
DSGetSigInfoProc — Internal use. Add your engine-specific properties to the existing sigInfo ESObject. Any private data should be added to the ASCab that is set as private data in ESOBJ_SigInfo ASCab (see above). This should have been written to pass an ASCab instead of ESObject, but we missed this. handlerName is the name of the handler that is being asked to return the data (not necessarly the same as the value of the /Filter attribute in the sigDict). It is for Adobe use only, and subject to change. It can only be used by EScript-aware DigSig handlers (for example, PubSec).
DSGetSigPropProc — Called to obtain an ASCab containing values that the handler wants DigSig to use in the user interface. This is called only after the handler is called to validate the signature.
DSGetSigSeedValueProc — Internal use. Add your engine-specific properties to the existing seedValue ESObject. Any private data should be added to ESOBJ_SigSeedValue ASCab (see above). It is for Adobe use only, and subject to change. It can only be used by EScript-aware DigSig handlers (for example, PubSec). *jsErrText will be NULL. The handler should set *jsErrText to a new ASText object, which will then be destroyed by DigSig.
DSGetStatusTextProc — Returns a string describing the status of the signature. It must be PDDocEncoding or Unicode, where Unicode strings must start with 0xFE, 0xFF.
DSGetValidStateProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It is called by the signature panel display to choose which of the double-checked pass, fail, unknown, or blank icons to show. It may call DigSigUpdatePanel() to update the signature panel.
DSHandlerProperty — Boolean properties of a DigSigHandler, obtained with DSGetBoolPropertyProc() , that show whether the handler supports specific functionality.
DSIsSignerProc — Returns whether the current application user has the credential that was used to create the signature that was passed in.
DSLTVEnabled — Enumerate signature LTV-enabled state
DSMDPType — Modification, detection, and prevention (MDP) options.
DSNewSigDataExProc — Use DSNewSigDataWithParamsProc() instead of this call. Support for this call will continue for at least the short term.
DSNewSigDataProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It is called to gather signature data or to cancel. It may display dialogs. It may use the default value (DV) field of the signature field if it is not CosNull.
DSNewSigDataWithParamsProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It creates new signature data to be used by Commit and Finish, and is then destroyed by DSFreeSigDataProc() .
DSNewSigEngineProc — This call was used only in Acrobat 5.x when the EScript security object was implemented in DigSig. It returns the existing user interface engine object (ESObject) if uiEngine is true, otherwise it returns a new signature engine object (ESObject). handlerName is the name of the handler that is being asked to return the new engine. vData is reserved for future use and is currently not used. This call is no longer used.
DSNotificationFailureProc — A callback for the Notification Server. It is called when a digital signature event occurs for which you have registered an interest.
DSNotificationProc — A callback for the Notification Server. It is called when a digital signature event occurs for which you have registered an interest.
DSNotificationType — A type of notification to register for.
DSNotifySigProc — Sends a notification for this signature. The only current notification is kDSNotifySetUnknown, which will cause handlers to mark the validity for this signature as unknown. This is done if the document is dirtied or changed in a manner that would cause the current validity status to no longer be valid. This is not the same as the DSUnValidateProc(). The handler should update its cached validity values to the signature unknown state.
DSNotifySigType — Notification types for the DSNotifySigProc().
DSPropertiesExProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It is called when a user selects a signature and asks for its properties. It brings up the properties dialog box for the signature.
DSPropertiesProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It is called when a user selects a signature and asks for its properties. The handler should present its own dialog box that provides details concerning the signature and its validation state.
DSPropertyType — Constants that specify what dialog box to show.
DSQuadding — Justification of XObjects.
DSRetCode — Return values of DS calls (DSRetCode, or ASInt32). All negative return values are considered exceptions. If the value is kDSException, exception text should be available from the called routine. If this exception text is NULL, it should be considered an unknown error.
DSSaveType — A return type for the DigSig and PubSec callbacks.
DSSetSigSeedValueProc — Internal use. Add your engine-specific properties to the existing seedValue ESObject. Any private data should be added to ESOBJ_SigSeedValue ASCab (see above). It is for Adobe use only, and subject to change. It can only be used by EScript-aware DigSig handlers (for example, PubSec). *jsErrText will be NULL. The handler should set *jsErrText to a new ASText object, which will then be destroyed by DigSig.
DSSigDataGetErrorTextProc — Returns an error string to describe failure during new, commit, or free steps. If it is not NULL, then a JavaScript general exception is thrown using this string.
DSSigEncode — Signature value encodings for public key signatures. It is a parameter to DigSigDataSigSign() and DigSigDataSigValidate().
DSSigRefErrCode — Error constants for signature reference dictionary procedures.
DSSigValState — Enum of all possible PROP_SigInfo_docValidity and PROP_SigInfo_objValidity values (document/data/object hash validity states).
DSSigValText — The types of text requested by PSSigValGetTextProc() for a signature-validity ASCab object. The strings are generated by the handler, usually on the fly, when requested. A handler can cache the values in the sigVal ASCab (Acrobat plug-ins do not do this). PubSec copies values for DSTop, DSDetail, DSDetails and DSTooltip to the signature-propeties ASCab.
DSUnValidateSigProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It is called to change the appearance key (AP) back to the appearance that is used for the unvalidated state.
DSValidateSigExProc — Internal use. Validates a signature (performs an action). If sigEngine is not NULL then use this engine, otherwise use the user interface engine. handlerName is the name of the handler that is being asked to validate the signature (not necessarily the same as the value of the /Filter attribute in the sigDict). If bUI is true, show an alert after validating. Note that this alert may be suppressed depending on preference settings. It is for Adobe use only, and subject to change. Itan only be used by EScript aware DigSig handlers (for example, PubSec).
DSValidateSigProc — A callback for DigSigHandler. It is called to validate a signature. It recalculates any document digest desired, possibly using the DigSigFileGetEOF() , DigSigMD5ByteRange() , DigSigFileRead() , and DigSigFileSetPos() methods.
DSValidState — A validity state constant for a signature field, resulting from verification.
DSXObjType — A structure describing the appearance of a digital signature.
Dump — Dump methods allow enumerating objects and their attributes. An object's information can be dumped in human readable form. An object dump includes its reference count, which is useful in debugging reference count problems. PDELogDump PDEObjectDump PDEAttrEnumTable