| Failed | |
| FAR | |
| FDFWillExport | |
| FDFWillImport | |
| FDFWillImportHaveDoc | |
| Feet | |
| FieldAttributeDidChange | |
| FieldChangedType | |
| FieldValidateChange | |
| FieldValueDidChange | |
| FieldValueWillChange | |
| FieldWasAdded | |
| FieldWillBeRemoved | |
| FieldWillGenerateDisplay | |
| fileErrAlreadyOpen | |
| fileErrBusy | |
| fileErrBytesNotReady | |
| fileErrDirFull | |
| fileErrDiskFull | |
| fileErrEOF | |
| fileErrExists | |
| fileErrFNF | |
| fileErrGeneral | |
| fileErrIO | |
| fileErrIOTimeout | |
| fileErrLocked | |
| fileErrNoErr | |
| fileErrNotADir | |
| fileErrNSV | |
| fileErrObsolete | |
| fileErrOpenFailed | |
| fileErrPerm | |
| fileErrRead | |
| fileErrReadBlocked | |
| fileErrTempCreate | |
| fileErrTooBig | |
| fileErrUserRequestedStop | |
| fileErrVLocked | |
| fileErrWrite | |
| fileErrWrPerm | |
| FileSelect_F | |
| Fill_text | |
| FIST_CURSOR — cursorID | |
| Fixed_Point_Math —
Fixed point math object.
| |
| fixedEight — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedEighth — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedEleven — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedFifty — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedFive — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedFiveHundred — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedFour — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedFourThirds — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedGolden — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedHalf — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedHundred — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedHundredFifty — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedHundredth — ASFixedConstants | |
| FixedMatrix | |
| FixedMatrixP | |
| fixedNegativeInfinity — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedNine — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedNinety — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedOne — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedOne1 — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedOneAnd3Qtr — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedOneAndQuarter — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedOneEighty — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedPi2 — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedPi4 — ASFixedConstants | |
| FixedPointP | |
| fixedPositiveInfinity — ASFixedConstants | |
| FixedQuad | |
| FixedQuadP | |
| fixedQuarter — ASFixedConstants | |
| FixedRectP | |
| FixedRoundToInt16 | |
| FixedRoundToInt32 | |
| fixedSeven — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedSevenEighths — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedSeventyTwo — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedSix — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedSixteen — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedSixteenth — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedSqrtTwo — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedTen — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedTenth — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedTenThousand — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedThird — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedThirtyTwo — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedThousand — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedThree — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedThreeHalves — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedThreeQuarters — ASFixedConstants | |
| FixedTruncToInt16 | |
| FixedTruncToInt32 | |
| fixedTwelfth — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedTwelve — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedTwo — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedTwoSeventy — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedTwoThirds — ASFixedConstants | |
| fixedZero — ASFixedConstants | |
| Flags_Annot | |
| Flags_Field | |
| Flags_Ignore | |
| FloatIToFixed — FloatI to ASFixed (for use when you know that float numbers are integer values). | |
| FloatNToFixed — FloatN to ASFixed (for use when you know that float numbers are non-negative). | |
| FloatToASFixed — Converts a float to an ASFixed value. | |
| FnS_text | |
| FontServerErrors | |
| FontSvrError | |
| fsErrBadParameter | |
| fsErrDownloadAborted | |
| fsErrDownloadFailed | |
| fsErrInitFailed | |
| fsErrMissingFont | |
| fsErrNeedNewATM | |
| fsErrNoATM | |
| fsErrNoError | |
| fsErrNoMMFonts | |
| fsErrNoT1ZapfDingbats | |
| FSRef_Ptr — A pointer to a Mac OS platform-specific FSRef. | |
| FSRef_Ptr | |
| FSRefWithCFStringRefRec | |
| FSRefWithCFStringRefRec_Ptr | |
| FSRefWithCFStringRefRec_Ptr | |
| FSRefWithCFStringRefRecPlacebo | |
| FSSpec_Ptr — A pointer to a Mac OS platform-specific FSSpec. | |
| FSSpec_Ptr | |
| fxDefaultPageDuration | |
| fxDefaultTransDuration | |