
AVApp represents the Acrobat application itself. From the application layer, you can control the appearance of Acrobat, whether Acrobat appears, and the size of the application window. Your application has access to the menu bar and the toolbar through this object. The application layer also provides access to the visual representation of a PDF file on the screen (an AVDoc).

Define Summary
(New for 5.0) When set, the print path behaves as if the user had clicked the Apply Overprint Preview checkbox in the Advanced print dialog box.
Use the softProofing settings before doing color management.
(New for 5.0) When set, the print path behaves as if the user had clicked the Apply Working Color Spaces checkbox in the Advanced print dialog box.
Emit registration marks.
Typedef Summary
Enumeration Summary
Constants used to specify measurement units in AVPrefsType.
Constants that specify language format values for use in AVAppLanguageParams.
Constants that specify if the call to AVAppGetLanguageWithParams() applies to the application or to the fallback language.
For use with AVAppGetUUID().
Structure Summary
A data structure containing language format information in which to return the language in use for an application.
Callback Summary
A callback for AVCommandHandlerRec. The application maintains a global list of commands that the user can choose from when building a batch sequence. During the initialization sequence, all registered command handlers are asked to build and register all the commands that the handler wants to include in the global command list. This is done by calling the command handler's RegisterCommands callback, if it is not NULL.
Method Summary
void AVAppAutoShowHowToPanel(AVDoc avdoc, ASAtom panelName)
Opens the HowTo panel and fills it with the specified panel's content, if that panel's AutoShow attribute is true.
Begins full-screen mode. In full-screen mode, all window borders, the menu bar, and the toolbar are hidden. All regions of the screen outside of the window boundary are painted with the specified color.
Prepares the Acrobat viewer to display a modal window. For example, it disables floating windows in Windows, where they are not automatically disabled. When you are done with the modal window, call AVAppEndModal(). Calling AVAppBeginModal() does not make your window modal; it only informs the Acrobat viewer that you intend to display a modal window now.
ASBool AVAppBeginSave(AVOpenSaveDialogParams dialogParams, ASFileSys* outFileSys, ASPathName* outASPathNameToWrite, ASInt16* outChosenFilterIndex, ASPathName* outASPathNameChosen, AVAppFileSaveHandle* outFileSaveHandle)
Displays a platform-dependent file save dialog box. It is used in conjunction with AVAppBeginSave and AVAppCancelSave.
ASBool AVAppBeginSaveEx(AVOpenSaveDialogParams dialogParams, AVOpenSaveDialogOutParams outDialogParams, ASPathName* outASPathNameToWrite, AVAppFileSaveHandle* outFileSaveHandle)
ASBool AVAppCancelSave(AVAppFileSaveHandle inFileSaveHandle)
Cancels the Save operation started by AVAppBeginSave. It should be called if the writing of data to the path returned by AVAppBeginSave failed.
ASBool AVAppCanQuit()
The Acrobat viewer calls this method to obtain permission programmatically (without using the user interface) when it wants to quit. To use this method, replace it with your own version using HFTReplaceEntry().
ASBool AVAppChooseFolderDialog(AVOpenSaveDialogParams dialogParams, ASFileSys* outFileSys, ASPathName* outASPathName)
Displays a platform dependent folder selection dialog box. outFileSys and outASPathName will be NULL if the user cancelled the operation.
AVIconBundle6 AVAppCreateIconBundle6(AVIconDataFormat eDataFormat, AVIconDataRec* dataRecs, ASCount numRecs)
Creates an icon bundle object from an array of icon data records.
void AVAppDidInitExtensions(void* clientData)
The Acrobat viewer has finished initializing extensions.
void AVAppDidInitialize(void* clientData)
The Acrobat viewer has finished initializing and is about to enter its event loop.
(Mac OS only) This call is useful when Acrobat is running embedded in a browser and needs to present a dialog box for user input. However, before presenting the dialog box, Acrobat needs to pull itself to the front to be the front application. This call enables it to do that.
Tests whether the application is running in full-screen mode.
Ends full-screen mode. It does nothing if the application is not running in full-screen mode.
(Windows only) Informs the Acrobat viewer that a modal window is no longer being displayed.
ASBool AVAppEndSave(AVAppFileSaveHandle inFileSaveHandle, ASPathName inASPathNameWritten)
Completes the Save operation started by AVAppBeginSave. It should be called after the data has been written to the path returned by AVAppBeginSave.
void AVAppEnumActionHandlers(AVActionEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)
Enumerates all registered action handlers, calling the user- supplied procedure for each. It aises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.
void AVAppEnumAnnotHandlers(AVAnnotHandlerEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)
Enumerates all registered annotation handlers, calling the user- supplied procedure for each. It raises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.
void AVAppEnumDocs(AVDocEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)
Enumerates all AVDoc objects currently open in the viewer, calling the user- supplied procedure for each. It raises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.
void AVAppEnumTools(AVToolEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)
Enumerates all registered tools, calling the user-supplied procedure for each. It raises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.
void AVAppEnumTransHandlers(AVTransHandlerEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)
Enumerates all registered transition handlers, calling the user-supplied procedure for each.
AVCommandHandler AVAppFindCommandHandlerByName(ASAtom name)
Gets the AVCommandHandler that was registered under the given name.
Returns the AVCommand that was registered under the given name.
void AVAppFrontDocDidChange(AVDoc doc, void* clientData)
The front-most AVDoc has changed.
AVActionHandler AVAppGetActionHandlerByType(ASAtom type)
Gets the action handler that services the specified action type.
Gets the frontmost document window. In UNIX, it gets the AVDoc being viewed within the window that got the last user event (Key or Button event). This method is often useful for menu or tool enable procs. The frontmost document may not be active. For example, the clipboard window may be active and over it.
Gets the active tool for the application.
This method can be used to obtain the padding values necessary for the viewer to display an annotation's appearance, with various visual treatments applied.
AVAnnotHandler AVAppGetAnnotHandlerByName(ASAtom name)
Gets the annotation handler that handles the specified annotation type.
CancelProc AVAppGetCancelProc(void** cancelProcClientDataP)
Gets the default application cancel procedure. The procedure returns true if the user has recently entered the keystroke described below.
Gets the default tool. Use this method, together with AVAppSetActiveTool(), to restore the default tool any time you want. The default tool is the hand tool.
ASProgressMonitor AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor(void** progMonClientData)
Gets the standard application progress monitor, which puts a combined status window/progress bar in the message pane of the frontmost document window. This progress monitor can subsequently be passed to any API method requiring a progress monitor.
Get the current auto-show state of a HowTo panel. The auto-show state is true by default. When the auto-show state is true for a specified panel, that panel is shown whenever the client calls AVAppAutoShowHowToPanel() on it.
void AVAppGetLanguage(char* buffer)
Superseded in Acrobat 6.0 by AVAppGetLanguageWithParams().
ASHostEncoding AVAppGetLanguageEncoding()
Returns the ASHostEncoding corresponding to Acrobat's current locale setting. For example, if the user is using the English version of Acrobat on a Japanese system, AVAppGetLanguageEncoding() returns a Roman encoding but PDGetHostEncoding() returns a Japanese encoding.
Retrieves the language in which the application's user interface is running, in the format specified by the kLangFormat member of the supplied parameter structure.
Gets the tool that was active before the current tool became active.
Retrieves a special toolbar representing the union of all toolbars in the system.
AVToolBar AVAppGetLegacyToolBarByName(const char* name)
Returns the toolbar created with the specified name. Refer to Toolbar and Toolbar Button Names for a list of the standard named toolbars.
AVMenubar AVAppGetMenubar()
Gets Acrobat's menu bar.
ASAtom AVAppGetName()
Gets the ASAtom corresponding to the application's name, which is the name of the file containing the Acrobat viewer application. The user might have changed this, so do not use it to determine what the application is; use ASGetConfiguration() instead.
AVTArraySize AVAppGetNumDocs()
Gets the number of open document views.
PMPageFormat AVAppGetPMPageFormat()
This function returns the Carbon Print Manager Page Format object to other clients during a print job.
PMPrintSettings AVAppGetPMPrintSettings()
This function returns the Carbon Print Manager Print Settings object to other clients during a print job.
ASAtom AVAppGetPrefAtom(const char* section, const char* key, ASAtom defVal)
Retrieves an ASAtom stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.
ASBool AVAppGetPrefBool(const char* section, const char* key, ASBool defValue)
Retrieves an ASBool stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.
ASCab AVAppGetPrefCab(const char* section, const char* key)
Allocates and fills in an ASCab object based on the specified prefs section with the specified key. The ASCab object is a copy and it is up to the caller to free the ASCab with ASCabDestroy(). If the specified key is not found within the section, then NULL is returned.
double AVAppGetPrefDouble(const char* section, const char* key, double defVal)
Retrieves a double value stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.
Gets the value of the specified built-in application preference.
ASInt32 AVAppGetPrefInt(const char* section, const char* key, ASInt32 defVal)
Retrieves an ASInt32 stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.
void AVAppGetPrefPathName(const char* section, const char* key, ASFileSys* fileSysVal, ASPathName* pathNameVal)
Retrieves an ASBool stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.
char* AVAppGetPrefString(const char* section, const char* key)
Retrieves a char* stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The char* is a copy and it is up to the caller to free the char* that is returned. If the specified key is not found within the section, then NULL is returned.
ASText AVAppGetPrefText(const char* section, const char* key)
Allocates and fills in an ASText object based on the specified prefs section with the specified key. The ASText object is a copy and it is up to the caller to free the ASText with ASTextDestroy(). If the specified key is not found within the section, then NULL is returned.
ASReportProc AVAppGetReportProc(void** asReportProcClientDataP)
Retrieves a standard report proc that can be used to report errors and warnings to the user. See ASReportProc for more details.
Returns the AVTool that was registered under the specified name.
AVTransHandler AVAppGetTransHandlerByType(ASAtom name)
Gets the transition handler registered for the specified transition type.
ASBool AVAppGetUUID(AVAppUUIDType type, ASUUID* dst)
Gets a unique identifier (UUID) for the current user or the current session. The UUID can be used with P2P, web interactions, and so on.
Gets the major and minor version numbers of the Acrobat viewer.
void AVAppGetVersionEx(AVVersionParams avVersionParams)
Returns the version number of the product using the AVVersionParams structure. Replaces the AVAppGetVersion API, which was limited to due to sizing.
ASBool AVAppHandlePlatformEvent(void* platformEvent)
Handles a platform-specific event. This method may raise exceptions, depending on the event.
ASBool AVAppHelpSearch(const char* fileName, const char* searchText)
Opens the specified help file (if it is not already open) and searches for a specified string. If the help file is not found, it opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file. If the help file is found, the method opens it with the navigation panel on the left showing the search panel, which displays the result of the search.
ASBool AVAppHelpShowContents(const char* fileName, const char* contentTag)
Opens the specified PDF help file and goes to the location of the specified content. If the help file is not found, it opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file.
ASBool AVAppHelpShowIndex(const char* fileName)
Opens the specified PDF help file and displays the index. If the help file is not found, it opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file.
ASBool AVAppIsIdle()
Returns true if the application is in a state in which it is safe to destroy a document that uses the multi-read protocol. The multi-read protocol is implemented on some platforms using a yield mechanism, which involves a transfer of information between two applications. This function returns true if there is no task executing in the application that could invoke such a transfer. Attempting to close a document during such a transfer can cause a deadlock event or a crash.
A client should use this method to determine whether a modal window is open. There is a large (and ill-defined) group of actions that are illegal while a modal window is open, although these actions are not programmatically prevented by the Acrobat viewer. While a modal dialog box is open, a client must not open documents, change pages, change views, close documents, change tools, or do anything that might disrupt the user or Acrobat viewer.
void AVAppOldPrefDidChange(AVPrefsType preference, void* clientData)
An old-style AVPrefsType was changed.
ASBool AVAppOpenDialog(AVOpenSaveDialogParams dialogParams, ASFileSys* outFileSys, ASPathName** outASPathNames, AVArraySize* outNumASPathNames, AVFilterIndex* ioChosenFilterIndex)
Displays a platform-dependent file open dialog box. It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned ASPathName objects and the associated memory.
ASBool AVAppOpenHelpFile(const char* fileName, ASBool doSearch)
Opens a specified help file from the default installation help directory. If the help file is not found, it optionally opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file.
ASBool AVAppOpenHelpFileWithParams(const char* fileName, ASBool doSearch, AVDocOpenParams p)
Opens a specified help PDF file, using the specified parameters to control the window's size, location, and visibility. If the help file is not found, it optionally opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file.
void AVAppPanelVisibilityDidChangeForAVDoc(AVDoc doc, const char* name, ASBool visible, void* clientData)
The visibility of the AVPanel with the specified name changed.
void AVAppPrefDidChange(const char* section, const char* key, void* clientData)
A new-style preference changed.
void AVAppRecentFileListChanged(void* clientData)
A file has been opened or saved in Acrobat/Reader and so the list of recent files has just been updated with the info about this Most Recent Used file.
void AVAppRegisterActionHandler(AVActionHandlerProcs actionHandler, void* actionHandlerObj, const char* pdfName, char* userName)
Registers an action handler within Acrobat.
Registers a handler for an annotation subtype, replacing any previous handler that had been registered for that subtype. The annotation handler is not registered if its AVAnnotHandlerGetTypeProc() returns NULL.
Registers an AVCommandHandler as the implementor of an AVCommand with the specified name. If there are any existing commands registered under name, the new command replaces them.
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call after a context menu has been created but before it is shown to the user. The callback can add menu items to or remove menu items from the menu.
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time the cursor is moved. If more than one procedure is registered, the procedures are called in the order that they were registered.
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a mouse click occurs. This is useful if a client wishes to handle mouse clicks, and the client is better implemented as something other than an annotation or a tool. If more than one routine is registered to receive mouse clicks, the most recently registered routine is called first.
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a window is drawn, after the page's contents and annotations have been drawn. This allows clients to draw whatever they wish to on top of pages. The procedure is called each time the page view changes (scrolls, zooms, goes to a different page).
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a key is pressed in an AVPageView.
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a user clicks the right mouse button in an AVPageView. On Mac OS, the procedure is called when the user holds down the Control key and clicks the mouse button.
Registers an AVConversionFromPDFHandler to export from PDF to other file formats. When a FromPDF converter is registered, the converter is automatically added to the list of supported file formats in the Save As dialog box. In addition, the converter is displayed in the list of FromPDF converters for the Batch framework.
Registers an AVCommand in the global command list. The application assumes ownership of the resources associated with cmd. As such, the client must not call AVCommandDestroy().
void AVAppRegisterHowToPanel(ASAtom panelName, const char* panelURL, AVIcon panelIcon, ASConstText panelTitle, ASBool showInHomepage, ASPathName urlDirectory, ASUns32 sortKey)
Registers a HowTo panel with the application.
void AVAppRegisterIdleProc(AVIdleProc idleProc, void* clientData, ASUns32 period)
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call regularly when the Acrobat viewer is otherwise idle. If more than one idle procedure is registered, they are all called in a round robin order. The registered idle procs may be called when the Acrobat viewer is not the frontmost application. In addition, in Mac OS, the registered idle procs receive idle events any time a movable modal dialog box or modal AVWindow is displayed, but not a system-modal one. Use AVAppModalWindowIsOpen() if you wish to determine if a modal window is open. Note : There are two versions here. NEVER call the AVAppRegisterIdleProcOLD(...) proc. It is for binary compatability only. DON'T EVER CALL IT.
void AVAppRegisterIdleProcExWithName(AVIdleProc idleProc, void* clientData, ASBool lowPriority, ASUns32 initialDelay, ASBool repeating, ASUns32 period, ASUns32 maxPeriod, const char* pPgmFileName, const char* pProcName)
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call regularly when the Acrobat viewer is otherwise idle. If more than one idle procedure is registered, they are all called in a round robin order. The registered idle procs may be called when the Acrobat viewer is not the frontmost application. In addition, in Mac OS, the registered idle procs receive idle events any time a movable modal dialog box or modal AVWindow is displayed, but not a system-modal one. Use AVAppModalWindowIsOpen() if you wish to determine if a modal window is open.
void AVAppRegisterIdleProcWithName(AVIdleProc idleProc, void* clientData, ASUns32 period, const char* pPgmFileName, const char* pProcName)
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call regularly when the Acrobat viewer is otherwise idle. If more than one idle procedure is registered, they are all called in a round robin order. The registered idle procs may be called when the Acrobat viewer is not the frontmost application. In addition, in Mac OS, the registered idle procs receive idle events any time a movable modal dialog box or modal AVWindow is displayed, but not a system-modal one. Use AVAppModalWindowIsOpen() if you wish to determine if a modal window is open.
void AVAppRegisterLateInitProc(AVIdleProc lateInitProc, void* clientData, ASUns32 delay)
Registers a callback that will be called once, when Acrobat is first idle and not drawing during idle.
void AVAppRegisterLateInitProcWithName(AVIdleProc idleProc, void* clientData, ASUns32 period, const char* pPgmFileName, const char* pProcName)
void AVAppRegisterLegacyToolBarPosition(const char* toolBarName, ASBool external, AVToolBarPosition position)
Sets the position of the toolbar. A toolbar can have separate positional attributes for internal and external views. The position is set when the user first opens Acrobat; after that, the user's preferences dictate where the toolbar is located.
void AVAppRegisterNotification(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData)
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs.
Registers the specified tool with the Acrobat viewer. The tool is not registered if its GetTypeProcType() callback returns NULL.
Registers an AVConversionToPDFHandler to import other file formats. When a ToPDF converter is registered, the converter is automatically added to the list of supported file formats in the Open dialog box. In addition, the converter is displayed in the list of ToPDF converters for the Batch framework.
Registers a transition handler within Acrobat. If avth has not implemented the GetType callback, it will not be registered.
ASBool AVAppSaveDialog(AVOpenSaveDialogParams dialogParams, ASFileSys* outFileSys, ASPathName* outASPathName, AVFilterIndex* ioChosenFilterIndex)
Displays a platform-dependent file save dialog box. It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned ASPathName.
void AVAppSetActiveTool(AVTool tool, ASBool persistent)
Sets the active tool. It does nothing if the specified tool is not currently enabled. The AVComputeEnabledProc() callback in the AVTool structure determines whether a tool is enabled. If this callback is NULL, the tool is always enabled.
void AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShow(ASAtom panelName, ASBool autoShow)
Set the current auto-show state of a HowTo panel. The auto-show state is true by default. When the auto-show state is true, the panel is shown whenever when the client calls AVAppAutoShowHowToPanel(). Set it to false to disable the client's auto-show behavior for the panel. See AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShowText().
void AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShowText(ASAtom panelName, ASConstText checkBoxText)
When the auto-show state of a HowTo panel is true, the panel is shown whenever when the client calls AVAppAutoShowHowToPanel(). To give users the option of suppressing the auto-show behavior, use this method to register some text, which appears in a checkbox at the bottom of the panel. If the user clears the checkbox, use AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShow() to suppress the auto-show behavior for the panel.
Registers a new HowTo panel callback with the application. This callback is executed at various times to determine whether the panel's title will appear in the HowTo home page. The title appears if and only if showInHomePage() was set to true in the call to AVAppRegisterHowToPanel() and this callback returns true.
void AVAppSetPreference(AVPrefsType preference, void* newValue)
Sets the value of the specified built-in application preference. The preference values are automatically saved to disk when a new value is set.
Returns whether the passed key should cause a selected item to be deleted. This is required since the rules for which keys should delete objects differ among platforms.
void AVAppSystemLogonSessionSwitched(const char* switchState, void* clientData)
Sent on a system running Windows XP when the user does a Switch User (Fast User Switching) operation to log on or switch to another user account. It is typically used to release shared resources, such as fonts or multimedia ports.
void AVAppToolDidChange(AVDoc activeDoc, AVTool prevTool, AVTool curTool, void* clientData)
A document's active tool changed.
Unregisters a handler for an annotation subtype, thereby removing it from the global list of annotation handlers.
Unregisters a user-supplied procedure to call after a context menu has been created but before it is shown to the user. Used to unregister a call created with AVAppRegisterForContextMenuAddition. The arguements must exactly match the ones used in the register call, or this unregister will fail.
Un-registers a user-supplied adjust cursor procedure.
Un-registers a user-supplied page view click procedure.
Un-registers a user-supplied page view drawing procedure.
Un-registers a user-supplied page view drawing procedure.
Un-registers a user-supplied page view key down procedure.
Un-registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a user clicks the right mouse button in an AVPageView.
Removes an AVCommand from the global command list.
void AVAppUnregisterIdleProc(AVIdleProc idleProc, void* clientData)
Un-registers a user-supplied idle procedure.
void AVAppUnregisterNotification(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData)
Un-registers a user-supplied notification procedure.
void AVAppUsingPDDocForBatch(AVBatchContext context, PDDoc pdDoc, ASBool docInUse, void* clientData)
Used to let clients know when pdDoc is undergoing batch processing.
void AVAppWillCloseAllInternalDocs(void* clientData)
All AVDoc objects will be closed.
void AVAppWillQuit(void* clientData)
The Acrobat viewer is quitting. All documents have been closed. To access or enumerate documents when the application is quitting, replace the AVAppCanQuit() method, access or enumerate documents in your replacement for that procedure, and return true to allow the Acrobat viewer to continue quitting.
void AVAppWillTerminateExtensions(void* clientData)
The Acrobat viewer will terminate extensions.
void AVAppYieldToOtherApps(double yieldTimeout)
(Mac Only) Yield to other applications for yieldTimeout.
void AVBroadcastCustomNotification(const char* notification, AVNotificationData data)
Sends out a custom notification.
ASBool AVHasAuxDataHandler(ASAtom auxDataType)
Indicates whether a handler exists for the specified data type.
void AVListenForCustomNotification(const char* notification, AVCustomNotificationProc proc, void* clientData)
Listens for a custom notification.
ASBool AVRegisterAuxDataHandler(ASAtom auxDataType, AVAuxDataHandler handler, void* clientData)
Registers an AuxDataHandler.
void AVUnlistenForCustomNotification(const char* notification, AVCustomNotificationProc proc, void* clientData)
Stops listening for a custom notification.
ASBool AVUnregisterAuxDataHandler(ASExtension extension, ASAtom auxDataType, AVAuxDataHandler handler)
Un-registers a previously registered auxiliary data handler.
Defines Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kAVAppearanceDrawNow 0x01

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 3630
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kAVAppearanceNoRotate 0x04

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 3632
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kAVAppearanceNoZoom 0x02

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 3631
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kAVAppearanceSelected 0x10

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 3634
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kAVAppearanceSmooth 0x08

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 3633
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kAVApplyOverPrint 0x00020000


(New for 5.0) When set, the print path behaves as if the user had clicked the Apply Overprint Preview checkbox in the Advanced print dialog box.

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 6389
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kAVApplySoftProofSettings 0x00200000


Use the softProofing settings before doing color management.

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 6410
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kAVApplyWorkingColorSpaces 0x00040000


(New for 5.0) When set, the print path behaves as if the user had clicked the Apply Working Color Spaces checkbox in the Advanced print dialog box.

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 6395
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kAVRegMarks 0x00000008


Emit registration marks.

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 6494

Typedefs Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef void* AVAppFileSaveHandle;

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 10505
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _AVAppLanguageParamsRec AVAppLanguageParams;

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 10131
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _AVAppLanguageParamsRec AVAppLanguageParamsRec;

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 10131
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_PageUnitsType PageUnitsType;

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Line: 185

Enumeration Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum _t_PageUnitsType {

See Also

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Line: 162

Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum AVAppLanguageFormat {

See Also

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Line: 10082

Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum AVAppLanguageSelector {

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 10104

Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum AVAppUUIDType {

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 9687


The UUID for this user for this install.


The UUID for the currently executing session.

Structure Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _AVAppLanguageParamsRec {
 ASSize_t size; 
 AVAppLanguageFormat kLangFormat; 
 char szAVAppLanguage[kMaxLanguageNameLen]; 
 AVAppLanguageSelector kLangSelector; 
 ASInt32 langID; 

A data structure containing language format information in which to return the language in use for an application.

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 10116


The size of the data structure. It must be set to sizeof(AVAppLanguageParamsRec).


The format in which to specify the language.


The returned language value in the specified format. For details of language values, see Language Codes.

Callbacks Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*AVRegisterCommandsProc)(ASAtom handlerName)

A callback for AVCommandHandlerRec. The application maintains a global list of commands that the user can choose from when building a batch sequence. During the initialization sequence, all registered command handlers are asked to build and register all the commands that the handler wants to include in the global command list. This is done by calling the command handler's RegisterCommands callback, if it is not NULL.

File: AVExpT.h
Line: 8997

Method Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppAutoShowHowToPanel(AVDoc avdoc, ASAtom panelName)

Opens the HowTo panel and fills it with the specified panel's content, if that panel's AutoShow attribute is true.

The Acrobat application does not automatically show any HowTo panel; it is up to a client to determine the conditions under which to show the panel automatically. Clients should allow the user to disable the auto-show behavior; use AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShow() to set the AutoShow attribute of a panel to false.


avdoc — 

The document for which to show the HowTo panel, or NULL to display the application-wide HowTo panel in the main application window. You must specify the document if it is external to the application.

panelName — 

The name of the HowTo panel to show.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppBeginFullScreen(PDColorValue color)

Begins full-screen mode. In full-screen mode, all window borders, the menu bar, and the toolbar are hidden. All regions of the screen outside of the window boundary are painted with the specified color.

AVAppBeginFullScreen() is ignored if the application is already in full-screen mode, or if there are no currently open documents.


color — 

IN/OUT (May be NULL) The color to use for painting all regions of the screen outside of the window boundary. Pass NULL to use the default color specified by the application preference avpFullScreenColor.


true if the application enters full-screen mode, false if it is already in full-screen mode or the user selects Cancel from the dialog box describing how to exit full-screen mode.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppBeginModal(AVWindow window)

Prepares the Acrobat viewer to display a modal window. For example, it disables floating windows in Windows, where they are not automatically disabled. When you are done with the modal window, call AVAppEndModal(). Calling AVAppBeginModal() does not make your window modal; it only informs the Acrobat viewer that you intend to display a modal window now.

If you are displaying a platform modal window that is not wrapped by an AVWindow, call this method passing in NULL.

Windows users: The parent of a modal window should be determined by calling WinAppGetModalParent(). If the first modal window has an AVWindow wrapper that was passed to this method, you can use WinAppGetModalParent() in this case and obtain the correct result.

Mac OS and UNIX users: This method must be called.


window — 

IN/OUT The modal window to display.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppBeginSave(AVOpenSaveDialogParams dialogParams, ASFileSys* outFileSys, ASPathName* outASPathNameToWrite, ASInt16* outChosenFilterIndex, ASPathName* outASPathNameChosen, AVAppFileSaveHandle* outFileSaveHandle)

Displays a platform-dependent file save dialog box. It is used in conjunction with AVAppBeginSave and AVAppCancelSave.


dialogParams — 

IN Standard dialog parameters for Open/Save/ChooseFolder dialogs. The initialFileName member may be ignored when running in protected mode on Internet Explorer on Windows Vista.

outFileSys — 

OUT May be NULL if kAVOpenSaveAllowForeignFileSystems is not passed in dialogParams

outASPathNameToWrite — 

OUT An ASPath to which writing can be done. The caller must release this ASPathName.

outChosenFilterIndex — 

OUT May be NULL if the caller does not care which filter was chosen.

outASPathNameChosen — 

OUT The ASPath actually chosen by the user. The caller must release this ASPathName.

outFileSaveHandle — 

OUT The file save handle used to pass to AVAppEndSave or AVAppCancelSave. This handle represents the file that was actually chosen.


true if the user confirmed the selection, false if the user clicked Cancel or some error occurred.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppBeginSaveEx(AVOpenSaveDialogParams dialogParams, AVOpenSaveDialogOutParams outDialogParams, ASPathName* outASPathNameToWrite, AVAppFileSaveHandle* outFileSaveHandle)




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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppCancelSave(AVAppFileSaveHandle inFileSaveHandle)

Cancels the Save operation started by AVAppBeginSave. It should be called if the writing of data to the path returned by AVAppBeginSave failed.


inFileSaveHandle — 

IN The file save handle returned by AVAppBeginSave.


true on success, false on failure.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppCanQuit()

The Acrobat viewer calls this method to obtain permission programmatically (without using the user interface) when it wants to quit. To use this method, replace it with your own version using HFTReplaceEntry().

If you replace this method in UNIX, your replacement implementation must not have any user interface component (for example, dialog boxes). At the time your replacement is called, the Acrobat viewer owns the pointer and will not give it to your dialog box, so the screen will freeze.


Returns true if Acrobat can quit, false if it cannot. The default version of this routine always returns true.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppChooseFolderDialog(AVOpenSaveDialogParams dialogParams, ASFileSys* outFileSys, ASPathName* outASPathName)

Displays a platform dependent folder selection dialog box. outFileSys and outASPathName will be NULL if the user cancelled the operation.

It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned ASPathName.


dialogParams — 

Standard dialog parameters for the Open/Save/ChooseFolder dialog boxes.

outFileSys — 

(Filled by the method, may be NULL) The file system through which the path name was obtained. It may be NULL if kAVOpenSaveAllowForeignFileSystems is not passed in dialogParams.

outASPathName — 

(Filled by the method) The ASPathName associated with the folder chosen by the user.


true if the user confirmed the selection, false if the user clicked Cancel or some error occurred.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVIconBundle6 AVAppCreateIconBundle6(AVIconDataFormat eDataFormat, AVIconDataRec* dataRecs, ASCount numRecs)

Creates an icon bundle object from an array of icon data records.


eDataFormat — 

The data format for the icons in the new icon bundle.

dataRecs — 

An array of icon data records for the new icon bundle.

numRecs — 

The number of records in dataRecs.


The new icon bundle object.



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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void AVAppDidInitExtensions(void* clientData)

The Acrobat viewer has finished initializing extensions.


clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification() .


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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void AVAppDidInitialize(void* clientData)

The Acrobat viewer has finished initializing and is about to enter its event loop.


clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification() .


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppDidOrWillSwitchForDialog()

(Mac OS only) This call is useful when Acrobat is running embedded in a browser and needs to present a dialog box for user input. However, before presenting the dialog box, Acrobat needs to pull itself to the front to be the front application. This call enables it to do that.


true if Acrobat either is running in the background and will pull itself to the front, or has already pulled itself to be the front application; false otherwise.



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppDoingFullScreen()

Tests whether the application is running in full-screen mode.


true if the application is currently in full-screen mode, false otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppEndFullScreen()

Ends full-screen mode. It does nothing if the application is not running in full-screen mode.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppEndModal()

(Windows only) Informs the Acrobat viewer that a modal window is no longer being displayed.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppEndSave(AVAppFileSaveHandle inFileSaveHandle, ASPathName inASPathNameWritten)

Completes the Save operation started by AVAppBeginSave. It should be called after the data has been written to the path returned by AVAppBeginSave.


inFileSaveHandle — 

IN The file save handle returned by AVAppBeginSave.

inASPathNameWritten — 

IN An ASPath corresponding to the file to which the data was written.


true on success, false on failure.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppEnumActionHandlers(AVActionEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)

Enumerates all registered action handlers, calling the user- supplied procedure for each. It aises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.


enumProc — 

IN A user-supplied procedure to call once for each action handler.

clientData — 

IN A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to enumProc each time it is called.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppEnumAnnotHandlers(AVAnnotHandlerEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)

Enumerates all registered annotation handlers, calling the user- supplied procedure for each. It raises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.


enumProc — 

IN A user-supplied callback to call for each annotation handler.

clientData — 

IN A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to enumProc each time it is called.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppEnumDocs(AVDocEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)

Enumerates all AVDoc objects currently open in the viewer, calling the user- supplied procedure for each. It raises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.


enumProc — 

IN A user-supplied callback to call once for each open AVDoc.

clientData — 

IN A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to enumProc each time it is called.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppEnumTools(AVToolEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)

Enumerates all registered tools, calling the user-supplied procedure for each. It raises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.


enumProc — 

IN A user-supplied callback to call for each tool.

clientData — 

IN A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to enumProc each time it is called.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppEnumTransHandlers(AVTransHandlerEnumProc enumProc, void* clientData)

Enumerates all registered transition handlers, calling the user-supplied procedure for each.


enumProc — 

IN/OUT A user-supplied procedure to call once for each transition handler.

clientData — 

IN/OUT A user-supplied data passed to enumProc each time it is called.

See Also


Raises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVCommandHandler AVAppFindCommandHandlerByName(ASAtom name)

Gets the AVCommandHandler that was registered under the given name.


name — 

IN/OUT The name of the handler to obtain.


The AVCommandHandler if it was found, NULL otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVCommand AVAppFindGlobalCommandByName(ASAtom name)

Returns the AVCommand that was registered under the given name.


name — 

The name of the AVCommand to obtain.


The AVCommand if one was found, NULL otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void AVAppFrontDocDidChange(AVDoc doc, void* clientData)

The front-most AVDoc has changed.


doc — 

The document that was brought to the front. It is NULL if there is no front-most document (for example, the previous front-most document was just closed).

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification() .

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVActionHandler AVAppGetActionHandlerByType(ASAtom type)

Gets the action handler that services the specified action type.


type — 

IN The action type whose handler is obtained.


The handler that services actions of the specified type. It returns NULL if no such handler is registered.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVDoc AVAppGetActiveDoc()

Gets the frontmost document window. In UNIX, it gets the AVDoc being viewed within the window that got the last user event (Key or Button event). This method is often useful for menu or tool enable procs. The frontmost document may not be active. For example, the clipboard window may be active and over it.

This method returns documents that are being viewed within the host application. In some cases it can return a document open in an external window (for example, a web browser), but you cannot depend on this.

The safest approach is to avoid calling AVAppGetActiveDoc(), if at all possible. You will usually get good results if AVAppGetActiveDoc() is called only from within menu item or toolbar button callbacks (AVExecuteProc(), AVComputeEnabledProc(), and AVComputeMarkedProc()), but in general it is best to use some bit of context already provided to you to figure out which AVDoc the user is interacting with. Use the following guidelines:

It is also a good idea to localize the determination of the active doc. Occasionally client code calls AVAppGetActiveDoc() often and at various levels. It is more robust to determine the active document once, and then pass it along as an argument to your other routines.

Also, make absolutely sure you want an AVDoc and not a PDDoc in the first place. If your code can work on a PDDoc (for example, it does not require any user interface) then it should.


The frontmost document window, or NULL if no documents are open. NULL is also returned when a document is open but its invisible flag is set (see AVDocOpenParams()) and may be returned while a document is being opened.

You can get an AVDoc as it opens by registering for AVDocDidOpen().

See Also




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVTool AVAppGetActiveTool()

Gets the active tool for the application.


The active tool.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASCount AVAppGetAnnotAppearancePadding(ASUns32 flags)

This method can be used to obtain the padding values necessary for the viewer to display an annotation's appearance, with various visual treatments applied.

An annotation handler's GetAppearance callback can set several flags, some of which cause the viewer to apply visual treatments to the appearance (for example, kAVAppearanceSelected). These visual treatments may require additional pixels around the appearance object, so the annotation handler must expand the device space bounding box returned by the GetAnnotViewBBox callback to include these additional pixels.

To determine how many additional pixels to add to the device space bounding box, the annotation handler should call this method, passing in the same flags it intends to return from the GetAppearance callback. The returned offset should be applied to all sides of the bounding box. In other words, it should be subtracted from the top and left and added to the right and bottom.


flags — 

The flags which will be returned by the GetAppearance callback.


The number of units to expand the bounding box on each side.



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVAnnotHandler AVAppGetAnnotHandlerByName(ASAtom name)

Gets the annotation handler that handles the specified annotation type.


name — 

The name of the requested annotation handler.


The annotation handler that services annotations of type name. If no annotation handler is registered for that type, the viewer's default annotation handler is returned. To determine whether the returned annotation handler is the default annotation handler, check the return value from the handler's GetType for the type Unknown.

See Also




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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CancelProc AVAppGetCancelProc(void** cancelProcClientDataP)

Gets the default application cancel procedure. The procedure returns true if the user has recently entered the keystroke described below.

A cancel procedure is often passed to methods that take a long time to run. The method will call the procedure at frequent intervals, and if the return value is true, the method cancels its operation.

The keystroke that the application recognizes as a cancel command is platform-dependent:

Operating system


Mac OS





cancelProcClientDataP — 

IN (Allocated and filled by the method) Data needed by a CancelProc. This value must be passed as the clientData whenever the procedure is called or passed to a method which may call it.


The default CancelProc, or NULL if one is not available.



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVTool AVAppGetDefaultTool()

Gets the default tool. Use this method, together with AVAppSetActiveTool(), to restore the default tool any time you want. The default tool is the hand tool.


The default tool. It returns NULL if there is no default tool.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASProgressMonitor AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor(void** progMonClientData)

Gets the standard application progress monitor, which puts a combined status window/progress bar in the message pane of the frontmost document window. This progress monitor can subsequently be passed to any API method requiring a progress monitor.

If you want to display and control a progress monitor in your own client, you can simply invoke the appropriate callbacks in the progress monitor data structure this method returns.

(Acrobat 5.0 and later) A setText value in ASProgressMonitor that allows you to add text to a monitor.


progMonClientData — 

(Allocated and filled by the method, may not be NULL) Private data used by the progress monitor. This value must be passed as the clientData whenever a callback in the structure is called or the monitor is passed to a method that takes a progress monitor as a parameter.


The standard application progress monitor, or NULL if no documents are open.



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppGetHowToPanelAutoShow(ASAtom panelName)

Get the current auto-show state of a HowTo panel. The auto-show state is true by default. When the auto-show state is true for a specified panel, that panel is shown whenever the client calls AVAppAutoShowHowToPanel() on it.


panelName — 

The internal language-independent name of the HowTo panel whose auto-show state is obtained.


true if the current auto-show state is ON, false otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppGetLanguage(char* buffer)

Superseded in Acrobat 6.0 by AVAppGetLanguageWithParams().

Gets the language in which the application's user interface is running. See the list of Language Codes for the possible return values.


buffer — 

OUT (Filled by the method) The language code. buffer must be able to contain four bytes.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASHostEncoding AVAppGetLanguageEncoding()

Returns the ASHostEncoding corresponding to Acrobat's current locale setting. For example, if the user is using the English version of Acrobat on a Japanese system, AVAppGetLanguageEncoding() returns a Roman encoding but PDGetHostEncoding() returns a Japanese encoding.


The encoding constant for the application.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppGetLanguageWithParams(AVAppLanguageParams params)

Retrieves the language in which the application's user interface is running, in the format specified by the kLangFormat member of the supplied parameter structure.


params — 

(Filled by the method) On input, it contains the desired language format. On return, it contains the language string in the given format.


true if the language string was retrieved, otherwise false.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVTool AVAppGetLastActiveTool()

Gets the tool that was active before the current tool became active.


The last active tool. If only one tool has ever been active, it is returned.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVToolBar AVAppGetLegacyToolBar()

Retrieves a special toolbar representing the union of all toolbars in the system.

If this toolbar is passed to AVLegacyToolBarEnumButtons(), every button on every non-flyout toolbar will be enumerated.

If this toolbar is passed to AVLegacyToolBarAddButton(), the newly added button will actually be placed on the File menu, unless it is being positioned next to an existing button, in which case it will be placed on the same toolbar as the existing button.

When adding a button, AVAppGetLegacyToolBar() should only be used if the new button is to be added next to an existing button. In fact, it is recommended that you do so by calling AVAppGetLegacyToolBar(), finding the existing button, and then placing the new button next to it by calling AVLegacyToolBarAddButton(), passing in the toolbar returned by AVAppGetLegacyToolBar(). This ensures that if the existing button moves to another toolbar in a later release, your new button will move with it.

When adding a button that is not going to be positioned next to an existing button, it is recommended that you retrieve the desired toolbar using AVAppGetLegacyToolBarByName().


The toolbar.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVToolBar AVAppGetLegacyToolBarByName(const char* name)

Returns the toolbar created with the specified name. Refer to Toolbar and Toolbar Button Names for a list of the standard named toolbars.


name — 

The name of the toolbar.


The AVToolBar, or NULL if no AVToolBar was found with the specified name.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVMenubar AVAppGetMenubar()

Gets Acrobat's menu bar.


The menu bar.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASAtom AVAppGetName()

Gets the ASAtom corresponding to the application's name, which is the name of the file containing the Acrobat viewer application. The user might have changed this, so do not use it to determine what the application is; use ASGetConfiguration() instead.


An ASAtom representing the Acrobat viewer's name.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVTArraySize AVAppGetNumDocs()

Gets the number of open document views.


The number of open AVDocs.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh


PMPageFormat AVAppGetPMPageFormat()

This function returns the Carbon Print Manager Page Format object to other clients during a print job.


PMPageFormat, which is a Carbon Print Manager type that describes the format of a page during a print job. See the Carbon Print Manager API documentation for more information.



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh


PMPrintSettings AVAppGetPMPrintSettings()

This function returns the Carbon Print Manager Print Settings object to other clients during a print job.


PMPrintSettings, which is a Carbon Print Manager type that describes the print job settings. See the Carbon Print Manager API documentation for more information.



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASAtom AVAppGetPrefAtom(const char* section, const char* key, ASAtom defVal)

Retrieves an ASAtom stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.


section — 

The name of the section in the prefs to retrieve. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

key — 

The name of the pref to retrieve within the section. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

defVal — 

The default value if the pref is not found.


The value stored under the name, or defValue if the key was not found.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppGetPrefBool(const char* section, const char* key, ASBool defValue)

Retrieves an ASBool stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.


section — 

The name of the section in the prefs to retrieve. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

key — 

The name of the pref to retrieve within the section. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

defValue — 

The default value if the pref is not found.


The value stored under the name, or defValue if the key was not found.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASCab AVAppGetPrefCab(const char* section, const char* key)

Allocates and fills in an ASCab object based on the specified prefs section with the specified key. The ASCab object is a copy and it is up to the caller to free the ASCab with ASCabDestroy(). If the specified key is not found within the section, then NULL is returned.


section — 

The name of the section in the prefs to retrieve. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

key — 

The name of the pref to retrieve within the section. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.


The value stored under the name, or NULL if the key is not found.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


double AVAppGetPrefDouble(const char* section, const char* key, double defVal)

Retrieves a double value stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.


section — 

The name of the section in the prefs to retrieve. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

key — 

The name of the pref to retrieve within the section. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

defVal — 

The default value if the pref is not found.


The value stored under the name, or defValue if the key was not found.

The value stored under the name, or defValue if the key was not found.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void* AVAppGetPreference(AVPrefsType preference)

Gets the value of the specified built-in application preference.


preference — 

IN/OUT The preference value to get. See the preference descriptions in AVPrefsType.


NULL if preference was not recognized. Otherwise, clients must cast the return value to the appropriate type, depending on the preference requested. See the preference descriptions in AVPrefsType.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 AVAppGetPrefInt(const char* section, const char* key, ASInt32 defVal)

Retrieves an ASInt32 stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.


section — 

The name of the section in the prefs to retrieve. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

key — 

The name of the pref to retrieve within the section. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

defVal — 

The default value if the pref is not found.


The value stored under the name, or defValue if the key was not found.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppGetPrefPathName(const char* section, const char* key, ASFileSys* fileSysVal, ASPathName* pathNameVal)

Retrieves an ASBool stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.


section — 

The name of the section in the prefs to retrieve. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

key — 

The name of the pref to retrieve within the section. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

fileSysVal — 

The function fills in the ASFileSys pointer with the pointer to the file system for the preference in question.

pathNameVal — 

The function fills in the ASPathName pointer with an allocated ASPathName for the preference in question. It is up to the caller of AVAppGetPrefPathName() to release the ASPathName.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char* AVAppGetPrefString(const char* section, const char* key)

Retrieves a char* stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The char* is a copy and it is up to the caller to free the char* that is returned. If the specified key is not found within the section, then NULL is returned.


section — 

The name of the section in the prefs to retrieve. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

key — 

The name of the pref to retrieve within the section. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.


The value stored under the name, or NULL if the key is not found.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASText AVAppGetPrefText(const char* section, const char* key)

Allocates and fills in an ASText object based on the specified prefs section with the specified key. The ASText object is a copy and it is up to the caller to free the ASText with ASTextDestroy(). If the specified key is not found within the section, then NULL is returned.


section — 

The name of the section in the prefs to retrieve. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

key — 

The name of the pref to retrieve within the section. It is limited to alphanumeric characters only.


The value stored under the name, or NULL if the key is not found.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASReportProc AVAppGetReportProc(void** asReportProcClientDataP)

Retrieves a standard report proc that can be used to report errors and warnings to the user. See ASReportProc for more details.


asReportProcClientDataP — 

IN/OUT A pointer to client data passed to the report proc.


The report callback.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVTool AVAppGetToolByName(ASAtom name)

Returns the AVTool that was registered under the specified name.


name — 

IN The ASAtom corresponding to the tool's name.


The tool that was registered under name, or NULL if no match was found.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


AVTransHandler AVAppGetTransHandlerByType(ASAtom name)

Gets the transition handler registered for the specified transition type.


name — 

IN/OUT Type of transition handler, which may be one of the types provided in the Acrobat viewer or a new type registered by a plug-in.


The transition handler for the type, or NULL if no transition handler is registered for that type.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppGetUUID(AVAppUUIDType type, ASUUID* dst)

Gets a unique identifier (UUID) for the current user or the current session. The UUID can be used with P2P, web interactions, and so on.


type — 

(Filled by the method) The UUID type value, which specifies whether it identifies the current user or the current session.

dst — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to the UUID object.


true if the UUID is successfully retrieved, false otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppGetVersion(AVTVersionNumPart* majorP, AVTVersionNumPart* minorP)

Gets the major and minor version numbers of the Acrobat viewer.

To correctly accommodate cases such as 4.05 and 4.5, the minor version is split into two 8 bit numbers, as shown in the following example:




The minor version would be 0x0005.


The minor version would be 0x0500.


majorP — 

OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to the major version number.

minorP — 

OUT (Filled by the method) A pointer to the minor version numbers.

See Also



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppGetVersionEx(AVVersionParams avVersionParams)

Returns the version number of the product using the AVVersionParams structure. Replaces the AVAppGetVersion API, which was limited to due to sizing.


avVersionParams — 

OUT A user-supplied pointer to an AVVersionParamsRec.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppHandlePlatformEvent(void* platformEvent)

Handles a platform-specific event. This method may raise exceptions, depending on the event.


platformEvent — 

IN/OUT A pointer to a platform-specific event structure.


true if the event was handled, false otherwise.

See Also




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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppHelpSearch(const char* fileName, const char* searchText)

Opens the specified help file (if it is not already open) and searches for a specified string. If the help file is not found, it opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file. If the help file is found, the method opens it with the navigation panel on the left showing the search panel, which displays the result of the search.


fileName — 

The name of the help file in which to search. If it is a simple file name, it is assumed to reside in the help contents folder. Pass NULL for the default Acrobat help file.

searchText — 

The UTF8-encoded text for which to search.


true if the help file was successfully opened, false otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppHelpShowContents(const char* fileName, const char* contentTag)

Opens the specified PDF help file and goes to the location of the specified content. If the help file is not found, it opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file.


fileName — 

The name of the PDF help file to open. If it is a simple file name, it is assumed to reside in the help contents folder. Pass NULL for the default Acrobat help file.

contentTag — 

A named destination defined in the PDF help file.


true if the PDF was opened successfully, false otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppHelpShowIndex(const char* fileName)

Opens the specified PDF help file and displays the index. If the help file is not found, it opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file.


fileName — 

The name of the PDF help file to open. If it is a simple file name, it is assumed to reside in the help contents folder. Pass NULL for the default Acrobat help file.


true if the PDF was opened successfully, false otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppIsIdle()

Returns true if the application is in a state in which it is safe to destroy a document that uses the multi-read protocol. The multi-read protocol is implemented on some platforms using a yield mechanism, which involves a transfer of information between two applications. This function returns true if there is no task executing in the application that could invoke such a transfer. Attempting to close a document during such a transfer can cause a deadlock event or a crash.

When a multi-read protocol document is closed, the client must register an AVAppIdle task. During its idle proc, it must call AVAppHandlePlatformEvent(). If the call returns true, it is safe to call AVDocClose(). If it returns false, the client must retry at its next idle proc call. AVAppHandlePlatformEvent() always returns false if invoked from an AVExecuteProc().

This method does not protect against clients that invoke the API outside of AVAppIdle(), an AVExecuteProc(), or other explicit API methods. For example, if a Windows client uses a Windows SetTimer event to call an API method, AVAppHandlePlatformEvent() may erroneously return true. Therefore, clients should always use the API methods.


true if it is safe to call AVDocClose(), false otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppModalWindowIsOpen()

A client should use this method to determine whether a modal window is open. There is a large (and ill-defined) group of actions that are illegal while a modal window is open, although these actions are not programmatically prevented by the Acrobat viewer. While a modal dialog box is open, a client must not open documents, change pages, change views, close documents, change tools, or do anything that might disrupt the user or Acrobat viewer.


true if a modal window is open, false otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void AVAppOldPrefDidChange(AVPrefsType preference, void* clientData)

An old-style AVPrefsType was changed.


preference — 

The preference type that was changed. You can call AVAppGetPreference() to find out the new value.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification() .

See Also


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppOpenDialog(AVOpenSaveDialogParams dialogParams, ASFileSys* outFileSys, ASPathName** outASPathNames, AVArraySize* outNumASPathNames, AVFilterIndex* ioChosenFilterIndex)

Displays a platform-dependent file open dialog box. It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned ASPathName objects and the associated memory.


dialogParams — 

Standard parameters for Open/Save/ChooseFolder dialog boxes.

outFileSys — 

(Filled by the method) The file system through which the contents of the path names were opened. It may be NULL if kAVOpenSaveAllowForeignFileSystems is not passed in dialogParams.

outASPathNames — 

(Allocated and filled by the method) The ASPathName object(s) associated with the file(s) selected by the user. The caller must free the list of filled-in ASPathName objects using the supplied ASFileSys.

outNumASPathNames — 

(Filled by the method, may be NULL) The number of ASPathName objects in the outASPathNames array. It may be NULL if kAVOpenSaveAllowMultiple is not set.

ioChosenFilterIndex — 

(Filled by the method, may be NULL) The index of the filter chosen by the user to select the file(s). It may be NULL if the caller does not care which filter was chosen, or -1 for 'All Files'.


true if the user clicked Action to confirm the selection, false if the user clicked Cancel or some error occurred.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppOpenHelpFile(const char* fileName, ASBool doSearch)

Opens a specified help file from the default installation help directory. If the help file is not found, it optionally opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file.


fileName — 

The help file name. This is not a fully qualified path name, but the name of an individual help file such as "AcroHelp.pdf".

doSearch — 

If true and the help file is not found, it displays a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file. If false, it returns false if the help file is not found.


true if the help file is found, false otherwise.



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppOpenHelpFileWithParams(const char* fileName, ASBool doSearch, AVDocOpenParams p)

Opens a specified help PDF file, using the specified parameters to control the window's size, location, and visibility. If the help file is not found, it optionally opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file.


fileName — 

A help PDF file name. If it is a simple file name, it is assumed to reside in the help contents folder.

doSearch — 

If true and the help file is not found, a dialog box is displayed, asking if the user wants to search for the help file. If false, false is returned if the help file is not found.

p — 

Open parameters for the document.


true if the help file is found, false otherwise.

See Also



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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void AVAppPanelVisibilityDidChangeForAVDoc(AVDoc doc, const char* name, ASBool visible, void* clientData)

The visibility of the AVPanel with the specified name changed.


doc — 

The AVDoc for which the panel's visiblity changed. If NULL, the panel is floating.

name — 

The const char* name of the panel for which the visibility has changed

visible — 

The new visiblity state: true for visible, false otherwise.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification() .

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Platform availability: All


void AVAppPrefDidChange(const char* section, const char* key, void* clientData)

A new-style preference changed.


section — 

The section.

key — 

The key.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification() .


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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void AVAppRecentFileListChanged(void* clientData)

A file has been opened or saved in Acrobat/Reader and so the list of recent files has just been updated with the info about this Most Recent Used file.


clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification() .

See Also


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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterActionHandler(AVActionHandlerProcs actionHandler, void* actionHandlerObj, const char* pdfName, char* userName)

Registers an action handler within Acrobat.


actionHandler — 

IN/OUT A structure containing the callbacks for the action handler to register. This structure must not be freed after calling AVAppRegisterActionHandler.

actionHandlerObj — 

IN/OUT A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to the action handler's methods when they are invoked.

pdfName — 

IN The action type serviced by this handler, as it appears in the PDF file. Storage for this string may be released after the call. This string must not contain any white space characters (for example, spaces).

userName — 

IN/OUT The name of this action type as it should appear in the Acrobat viewer's user interface. Storage for this string may be released after the call.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterAnnotHandler(AVAnnotHandler handler)

Registers a handler for an annotation subtype, replacing any previous handler that had been registered for that subtype. The annotation handler is not registered if its AVAnnotHandlerGetTypeProc() returns NULL.


handler — 

IN/OUT A pointer to a structure containing the annotation handler's callbacks. This structure must not be freed after this call, but must be retained.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterCommandHandler(ASAtom name, AVCommandHandler handler)

Registers an AVCommandHandler as the implementor of an AVCommand with the specified name. If there are any existing commands registered under name, the new command replaces them.

A single handler can implement and register multiple commands.


name — 

IN/OUT The command name.

handler — 

IN The handler to register.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterForContextMenuAddition(ASAtom menuName, AVContextMenuAdditionProc proc, void* clientData)

Registers a user-supplied procedure to call after a context menu has been created but before it is shown to the user. The callback can add menu items to or remove menu items from the menu.


menuName — 

The name of the context menu to modify. Its names can be one of the following:




The standard context menu for an AVPageView.


The context menu for selected text. For both menus, the menu data is an AVDoc pointer.


The context menu for SIM menu items.

proc — 

The user-supplied procedure to call.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to the procedure each time it is called.





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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterForPageViewAdjustCursor(AVPageViewCursorProc cursorProc, void* data)

Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time the cursor is moved. If more than one procedure is registered, the procedures are called in the order that they were registered.

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


cursorProc — 

A user-supplied callback to call each time the cursor is moved.

data — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to cursorProc each time it is called.

See Also





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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterForPageViewClicks(AVPageViewClickProc clickProc, void* data)

Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a mouse click occurs. This is useful if a client wishes to handle mouse clicks, and the client is better implemented as something other than an annotation or a tool. If more than one routine is registered to receive mouse clicks, the most recently registered routine is called first.

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


clickProc — 

A user-supplied callback to call each time a mouse click occurs. If the user-supplied callback returns true, it indicates that the procedure handled the mouse click, and it should not be passed along to the Acrobat viewer or other clients that registered to receive mouse clicks. If it returns false, the mouse click is passed to the Acrobat viewer or other clients that registered to receive mouse clicks.

data — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to clickProc each time it is called.

See Also





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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterForPageViewDrawing(AVPageViewDrawProc proc, void* data)

Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a window is drawn, after the page's contents and annotations have been drawn. This allows clients to draw whatever they wish to on top of pages. The procedure is called each time the page view changes (scrolls, zooms, goes to a different page).

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.

You can register only one procedure, but you can register it more than once, with a different client data pointer in each case. If more than one procedure-data combination is registered, they are called in a last-in, last-out order. In versions prior to 6.0, you should not do this, as the call to AVAppUnregisterForPageViewDrawing() un-registers only one of the registered combinations, and does not guarantee which one it is. However, in version 6.0 or later, you can pass the same proc and clientData pointer to AVAppUnregisterForPageViewDrawingEx() to un-register that particular combination.


proc — 

A user-supplied callback to call each time a window is drawn.

data — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to proc each time it is called.

See Also





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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterForPageViewKeyDown(AVPageViewKeyDownProc proc, void* data)

Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a key is pressed in an AVPageView.

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


proc — 

A user-supplied callback to call each time a key is pressed.

data — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to proc each time it is called.

See Also





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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterForPageViewRightClicks(AVPageViewClickProc clickProc, void* data)

Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a user clicks the right mouse button in an AVPageView. On Mac OS, the procedure is called when the user holds down the Control key and clicks the mouse button.

To unregister, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering and use the value returned from this call both to register and unregister; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


clickProc — 

A user-supplied callback to call each time the right mouse button is clicked.

data — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to proc each time it is called.

See Also





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Product availability: Acrobat
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterFromPDFHandler(AVConversionFromPDFHandler conversionHandler)

Registers an AVConversionFromPDFHandler to export from PDF to other file formats. When a FromPDF converter is registered, the converter is automatically added to the list of supported file formats in the Save As dialog box. In addition, the converter is displayed in the list of FromPDF converters for the Batch framework.

The handler is only required to implement the conversion callback. All others are optional. If a handler fails to implement the conversion callback, the handler will not be registered.


conversionHandler — 

IN/OUT The handler.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterGlobalCommand(AVCommand cmd)

Registers an AVCommand in the global command list. The application assumes ownership of the resources associated with cmd. As such, the client must not call AVCommandDestroy().


cmd — 

IN/OUT The AVCommand to register.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterHowToPanel(ASAtom panelName, const char* panelURL, AVIcon panelIcon, ASConstText panelTitle, ASBool showInHomepage, ASPathName urlDirectory, ASUns32 sortKey)

Registers a HowTo panel with the application.


panelName — 

The internal language-independent name of the HowTo panel to register.

panelURL — 

The file name for the XML/HTML content, specified as a device-independent path (see PDFileSpecGetDIPath()). The path is relative to urlDirectory if supplied; otherwise it is relative to the application's localized HowTo folder.

panelIcon — 

The icon to show in the upper-left corner of the panel.

panelTitle — 

The text to display in the panel's title. The viewer make a copy of this text.

showInHomepage — 

true to show the title on the HowTo panel's home page, false otherwise. To hide or show the title dynamically (for example, based on the contents of the current document) use a compute-visible callback. See AVAppSetHowToPanelComputeVisibleProc().

urlDirectory — 

The directory where the panelURL and other XML/HTML pages are located, specified as a device-independent path, or NULL for the default location (the application's localized HowTo folder).

sortKey — 

A key by which to order items on the HowTo panel's home page.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterIdleProc(AVIdleProc idleProc, void* clientData, ASUns32 period)

Registers a user-supplied procedure to call regularly when the Acrobat viewer is otherwise idle. If more than one idle procedure is registered, they are all called in a round robin order. The registered idle procs may be called when the Acrobat viewer is not the frontmost application. In addition, in Mac OS, the registered idle procs receive idle events any time a movable modal dialog box or modal AVWindow is displayed, but not a system-modal one. Use AVAppModalWindowIsOpen() if you wish to determine if a modal window is open. Note : There are two versions here. NEVER call the AVAppRegisterIdleProcOLD(...) proc. It is for binary compatability only. DON'T EVER CALL IT.

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering, and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


idleProc — 

A user-supplied callback to call at idle time.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to idleProc each time it is called.

period — 

The minimum time between calls to idleProc. idleProc will not be called any more frequently than period, but it may be called less frequently. period is specified in ticks (one tick is 1/60 of a second).

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterIdleProcExWithName(AVIdleProc idleProc, void* clientData, ASBool lowPriority, ASUns32 initialDelay, ASBool repeating, ASUns32 period, ASUns32 maxPeriod, const char* pPgmFileName, const char* pProcName)

Registers a user-supplied procedure to call regularly when the Acrobat viewer is otherwise idle. If more than one idle procedure is registered, they are all called in a round robin order. The registered idle procs may be called when the Acrobat viewer is not the frontmost application. In addition, in Mac OS, the registered idle procs receive idle events any time a movable modal dialog box or modal AVWindow is displayed, but not a system-modal one. Use AVAppModalWindowIsOpen() if you wish to determine if a modal window is open.

This is an superset of both AVAppRegisterIdleProc and AVAppRegisterDelayedProc. By setting parameters, the behavior of both AVAppRegisterIdleProc and AVAppRegisterDelayedProc can be achieved as well as having an idle proc that starts with a delay and a lower priority proc that doesn't interrupt critical processing.

In general, you source code should never call this. It is called by the AVAppRegisterIdleProcEx MACRO that is defined in AVExpT.h. That Macro supplies the pPrgFileName and the pProcName parameters. AVAppRegisterLowPriorityIdleProc(proc, data, initialDelay, period) and AVAppRegisterLowPriorityDelayedProc(proc, data, initialDelay) are supplied for convenience and are also defined in AVExpT.h.

The following are common periods for idle procs. NOTE: procs that stay registered for a long period of time should always be registered at a period of 1 second or more.

define kInitalDelayImmediate 0 define kPeriodImmediate 1 define kPeriodQuick 5 define kPeriodQuarterSecond 15 define kPeriodHalfSecond 30 define kPeriodOneSecond 60 define kPeriodMediumEnergyImpact 300 define kPeriodLowEnergyImpact 600 define kPeriodInfinite ASMAXUns32

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering, and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


idleProc — 

A user-supplied callback to call at idle time.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to idleProc each time it is called.

lowPriority — 

The minimum time between calls to idleProc. idleProc will not be called any more frequently than period, but it may be called less frequently. period is specified in ticks (one tick is 1/60 of a second)

initialDelay — 

a low priority proc can be delayed by page rendering, clicks etc. this should be set to low priority if it is not critical to run right away

repeating — 

The time in ticks before this idleProc should be called the first time. For non-repeating idle procs, this is the value that determains the delay an period is not used.

period — 

specify if this idleProc should be run once and unregistered or if it should be continually called based on the period. If this is false, the values for period and maxPeriod are not used. Consider using AVAppRegisterDelayedProc if this is not repeating and isn't low priority

maxPeriod — 

specifies the maximum amount of time in ticks that the idleProc is able to wait before being needing to be called. This can be set so that a low priority proc is not starved it has been continually deferred from running.

pPgmFileName — 

is a cstring of the file name that calls AVAppRegisterIdleProc

pProcName — 

is a cstring of the procedure name

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterIdleProcWithName(AVIdleProc idleProc, void* clientData, ASUns32 period, const char* pPgmFileName, const char* pProcName)

Registers a user-supplied procedure to call regularly when the Acrobat viewer is otherwise idle. If more than one idle procedure is registered, they are all called in a round robin order. The registered idle procs may be called when the Acrobat viewer is not the frontmost application. In addition, in Mac OS, the registered idle procs receive idle events any time a movable modal dialog box or modal AVWindow is displayed, but not a system-modal one. Use AVAppModalWindowIsOpen() if you wish to determine if a modal window is open.

In general, you source code should never call this. It is called by the AVAppRegisterIdleProc MACRO that is defined in AVExp.T. That Macro supplies the pPrgFileName and the pProcName parameters.

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering, and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


idleProc — 

A user-supplied callback to call at idle time.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to idleProc each time it is called.

period — 

The minimum time between calls to idleProc. idleProc will not be called any more frequently than period, but it may be called less frequently. period is specified in ticks (one tick is 1/60 of a second)

pPgmFileName — 

is a cstring of the file name that calls AVAppRegisterIdleProc

pProcName — 

is a cstring of the procedure name

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterLateInitProc(AVIdleProc lateInitProc, void* clientData, ASUns32 delay)

Registers a callback that will be called once, when Acrobat is first idle and not drawing during idle.


lateInitProc — 

IN The procedure to call.

clientData — 

IN A pointer to data to pass to the callback.

delay — 

IN An additional amount of time to wait before calling after the first idle (in ticks).



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterLateInitProcWithName(AVIdleProc idleProc, void* clientData, ASUns32 period, const char* pPgmFileName, const char* pProcName)



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterLegacyToolBarPosition(const char* toolBarName, ASBool external, AVToolBarPosition position)

Sets the position of the toolbar. A toolbar can have separate positional attributes for internal and external views. The position is set when the user first opens Acrobat; after that, the user's preferences dictate where the toolbar is located.


toolBarName — 

The name of the toolbar. Refer to Toolbar and Toolbar Button Names for a list of the standard named toolbars.

external — 

If true, the preferences are associated with the external view.

position — 

The structure defining the toolbar's attributes.

See Also


PI_ACROVIEW_VERSION >= 0x000500000x00060000

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterNotification(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData)

Registers a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs.

Many notifications appear in Will/Did pairs (for example, AVDocWillPerformAction() and AVDocDidPerformAction()). It is possible that an operation may fail after the Will notification and before the Did notification. When this occurs, the Did notification is still broadcast, but the err parameter in the Did notification is non-zero, and represents the error that occurred. When err is non-zero, the other parameters are not necessarily valid. Always check err in a Did notification before using the other parameters.

When calling AVAppUnregisterNotification() to un-register for a notification, you must pass the proc, clientData, and owner that were used when the notification was registered using AVAppRegisterNotification(). You must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateNotification() once before registering, and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateNotification() a second time when un-registering. You will then need to destroy the pointer to the callback using the ASCallbackDestroy() method.


nsel — 

The notification type. It must be one of the notification selectors (see Notifications). The notification selector is the name of the notification with the characters NSEL appended. For example, the selector for AVDocDidOpen() is AVDocDidOpenNSEL().

owner — 

The gExtensionID of the client registering the notification.

proc — 

A user-supplied callback to call when the notification occurs. Its declaration depends on the notification type (see Notifications). Remember to use ASCallbackCreateNotification() to convert proc to a callback before passing it to AVAppRegisterNotification().

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to proc each time it is called.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterTool(AVTool tool)

Registers the specified tool with the Acrobat viewer. The tool is not registered if its GetTypeProcType() callback returns NULL.


tool — 

IN/OUT A structure containing the tool's callbacks. This structure must not be freed after calling AVAppRegisterTool(), but must be retained.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterToPDFHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler conversionHandler)

Registers an AVConversionToPDFHandler to import other file formats. When a ToPDF converter is registered, the converter is automatically added to the list of supported file formats in the Open dialog box. In addition, the converter is displayed in the list of ToPDF converters for the Batch framework.


conversionHandler — 

IN/OUT The handler.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppRegisterTransHandler(AVTransHandler avth)

Registers a transition handler within Acrobat. If avth has not implemented the GetType callback, it will not be registered.


avth — 

IN/OUT An AVTransHandler structure containing pointers to the transition handler's functions. This structure must not be freed after calling AVAppRegisterTransHandler().

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppSaveDialog(AVOpenSaveDialogParams dialogParams, ASFileSys* outFileSys, ASPathName* outASPathName, AVFilterIndex* ioChosenFilterIndex)

Displays a platform-dependent file save dialog box. It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned ASPathName.


dialogParams — 

Standard dialog box parameters for Open/Save/ChooseFolder dialog boxes.

outFileSys — 

(Filled by the method, may be NULL) The file system through which the path name was obtained. It may be NULL if kAVOpenSaveAllowForeignFileSystems is not passed in dialogParams.

outASPathName — 

(Filled by the method) The ASPathName associated with the file selected by the user. The caller must free the filled in ASPathName using the supplied ASFileSys.

ioChosenFilterIndex — 

(Filled by the method, may be NULL) The index of the filter chosen by the user to select the file. It may be NULL if caller does not care which filter was chosen, -1 for 'All Files'.


true if the user confirmed the selection, false if the user clicked Cancel or some error occurred.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppSaveDialogEx(AVOpenSaveDialogParams dialogParams, AVOpenSaveDialogOutParams outDialogParams)




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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppSetActiveTool(AVTool tool, ASBool persistent)

Sets the active tool. It does nothing if the specified tool is not currently enabled. The AVComputeEnabledProc() callback in the AVTool structure determines whether a tool is enabled. If this callback is NULL, the tool is always enabled.


tool — 

The tool to set as the active tool.

persistent — 

A flag that indicates a preference as to whether the tool stays active after it is used. true is a hint that the tool should, if possible, stay active for an arbitrary number of operations (whatever that happens to be) rather than doing a one shot operation and restoring the prior active tool. Persistence is not enforced by the Acrobat viewer. It is up to a one-shot tool to restore the previously active tool (determined using AVAppGetLastActiveTool()), or to restore the default tool (determined using AVAppGetDefaultTool()) if there was no previously active tool.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShow(ASAtom panelName, ASBool autoShow)

Set the current auto-show state of a HowTo panel. The auto-show state is true by default. When the auto-show state is true, the panel is shown whenever when the client calls AVAppAutoShowHowToPanel(). Set it to false to disable the client's auto-show behavior for the panel. See AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShowText().


panelName — 

The internal language-independent name of the HowTo panel whose auto-show state is set.

autoShow — 

The new auto-show state, true or false.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShowText(ASAtom panelName, ASConstText checkBoxText)

When the auto-show state of a HowTo panel is true, the panel is shown whenever when the client calls AVAppAutoShowHowToPanel(). To give users the option of suppressing the auto-show behavior, use this method to register some text, which appears in a checkbox at the bottom of the panel. If the user clears the checkbox, use AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShow() to suppress the auto-show behavior for the panel.


panelName — 

The internal language-independent name of the HowTo panel whose auto-show suppression text is set.

checkBoxText — 

The text to display in the auto-show suppression check box at the bottom of the HowTo panel. The view copies this text. The string should be of the form "Show XXXX when XXX". For example, it could be "Show home page at startup".

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppSetHowToPanelComputeVisibleProc(ASAtom panelName, AVComputeVisibleProc p, void* data)

Registers a new HowTo panel callback with the application. This callback is executed at various times to determine whether the panel's title will appear in the HowTo home page. The title appears if and only if showInHomePage() was set to true in the call to AVAppRegisterHowToPanel() and this callback returns true.

If this callback is not registered, the panel title appears if showInHomePage was set to true in the call to AVAppRegisterHowToPanel().

Register this callback if you want the title to appear only under certain conditions (for example, when the active document has some special characteristics or attributes).


panelName — 

The internal, language-independent name of the HowTo panel.

p — 

The procedure to call to determine whether the panel should appear on the HowTo home page.

data — 

A pointer to data to pass to the procedure.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppSetPreference(AVPrefsType preference, void* newValue)

Sets the value of the specified built-in application preference. The preference values are automatically saved to disk when a new value is set.


preference — 

IN/OUT The preference value to set. See AVPrefsType for a list of preference descriptions.

newValue — 

IN/OUT The new value for the preference. The type of this value is dependent on the preference being set. See AVPrefsType for more information.

See Also




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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVAppShouldKeyDeleteObject(AVKeyCode key, AVFlagBits16 flags)

Returns whether the passed key should cause a selected item to be deleted. This is required since the rules for which keys should delete objects differ among platforms.


key — 

IN The keycode of the key to check.

flags — 

IN The flags associated with the keydown.


Whether key should cause an object to be deleted.



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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void AVAppSystemLogonSessionSwitched(const char* switchState, void* clientData)

Sent on a system running Windows XP when the user does a Switch User (Fast User Switching) operation to log on or switch to another user account. It is typically used to release shared resources, such as fonts or multimedia ports.


switchState — 

The switch state.

  • WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT when a switched out session is switched back in.

  • WTS_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT when a session is switched out.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification() .

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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void AVAppToolDidChange(AVDoc activeDoc, AVTool prevTool, AVTool curTool, void* clientData)

A document's active tool changed.


activeDoc — 

The document.

prevTool — 

The previously active tool.

curTool — 

The currently active tool.

clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification() .

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppUnregisterAnnotHandler(AVAnnotHandler handler)

Unregisters a handler for an annotation subtype, thereby removing it from the global list of annotation handlers.


handler — 

IN A pointer to a structure containing the annotation handler's callbacks.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppUnregisterForContextMenuAddition(ASAtom menuName, AVContextMenuAdditionProc proc, void* clientData)

Unregisters a user-supplied procedure to call after a context menu has been created but before it is shown to the user. Used to unregister a call created with AVAppRegisterForContextMenuAddition. The arguements must exactly match the ones used in the register call, or this unregister will fail.


menuName — 

The name of the context menu to modify. Its names can be one of the following:




The standard context menu for an AVPageView.


The context menu for selected text. For both menus, the menu data is an AVDoc pointer.


The context menu for SIM menu items.

proc — 

The user-supplied procedure to call.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to the procedure each time it is called.





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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppUnregisterForPageViewAdjustCursor(AVPageViewCursorProc cursorProc)

Un-registers a user-supplied adjust cursor procedure.

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


cursorProc — 

The original callback.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppUnregisterForPageViewClicks(AVPageViewClickProc clickProc)

Un-registers a user-supplied page view click procedure.

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


clickProc — 

The original callback.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppUnregisterForPageViewDrawing(AVPageViewDrawProc proc)

Un-registers a user-supplied page view drawing procedure.

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


proc — 

The original callback.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppUnregisterForPageViewDrawingEx(AVPageViewDrawProc proc, void* clientData)

Un-registers a user-supplied page view drawing procedure.

To unregister, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering and use the value returned from this call both to register and unregister; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when unregistering.

You can register only one procedure; however, in version 6.0, you can register it more than once, with a different client data pointer in each case. You can then pass the same proc and clientData pointer to this method to un-register that particular combination.


proc — 

The original callback.

clientData — 

A pointer to data to pass to the callback.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppUnregisterForPageViewKeyDown(AVPageViewKeyDownProc proc)

Un-registers a user-supplied page view key down procedure.

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


proc — 

The original callback.

See Also





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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppUnregisterForPageViewRightClicks(AVPageViewClickProc clickProc)

Un-registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a user clicks the right mouse button in an AVPageView.

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


clickProc — 

The original callback.

See Also





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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppUnregisterGlobalCommand(AVCommand cmd)

Removes an AVCommand from the global command list.


cmd — 

IN/OUT The command.

See Also



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Line: 5187
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppUnregisterIdleProc(AVIdleProc idleProc, void* clientData)

Un-registers a user-supplied idle procedure.

To un-register, you must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateProto() once before registering, and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateProto() a second time when un-registering.


idleProc — 

The original callback.

clientData — 

The original clientData.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppUnregisterNotification(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData)

Un-registers a user-supplied notification procedure.

To un-register, you must use the same callback, clientData, and owner that were used when the notification was registered using AVAppRegisterNotification(). To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateNotification() once before registering, and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateNotification() a second time when un-registering.


nsel — 

The notification type.

owner — 

The gExtensionID of the client registering the notification.

proc — 

The original callback.

clientData — 

The original clientData.

See Also



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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void AVAppUsingPDDocForBatch(AVBatchContext context, PDDoc pdDoc, ASBool docInUse, void* clientData)

Used to let clients know when pdDoc is undergoing batch processing.


context — 

IN/OUT Placeholder. Reserved for future releases. It is always NULL.

pdDoc — 

IN/OUT The document undergoing batch processing.

docInUse — 

IN/OUT When the document is about to be batch processed, the notification is sent with isUsing set to true. When batch processing has finished with the document, the notification is again sent but with isUsing set to false.

clientData — 

IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using AVAppRegisterNotification() .

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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void AVAppWillCloseAllInternalDocs(void* clientData)

All AVDoc objects will be closed.


clientData — 

IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using AVAppRegisterNotification() .


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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void AVAppWillQuit(void* clientData)

The Acrobat viewer is quitting. All documents have been closed. To access or enumerate documents when the application is quitting, replace the AVAppCanQuit() method, access or enumerate documents in your replacement for that procedure, and return true to allow the Acrobat viewer to continue quitting.


clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification() .


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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void AVAppWillTerminateExtensions(void* clientData)

The Acrobat viewer will terminate extensions.


clientData — 

A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed when the client registered for this notification using AVAppRegisterNotification() .


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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVAppYieldToOtherApps(double yieldTimeout)

(Mac Only) Yield to other applications for yieldTimeout.


yieldTimeout — 

The minimum amount of time to yield in seconds. It is only applicable for Mac OS 8.6 and 9.x. It is a no-op for Windows and UNIX.



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVBroadcastCustomNotification(const char* notification, AVNotificationData data)

Sends out a custom notification.

A custom notification is generated by a plug-in, and contains data customized for that notification. Plug-ins can use these to communicate with each other. Data can have a variable size but must contain at least the data in the AVNotificationData parameter.





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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVHasAuxDataHandler(ASAtom auxDataType)

Indicates whether a handler exists for the specified data type.


auxDataType — 

IN/OUT The name of the data handler being queried.


true if a handler is registered, false if a handler is not registered.

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVListenForCustomNotification(const char* notification, AVCustomNotificationProc proc, void* clientData)

Listens for a custom notification.

A custom notification is generated by a plug-in, and contains data customized for that notification. Plug-ins can use these to communicate with each other. Data passed to proc from the broadcaster is temporary, and receivers should copy any needed information and should not retain pointers to it. Client data is passed back to proc when the notification is broadcast.





File: AVProcs.h
Line: 9829
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVRegisterAuxDataHandler(ASAtom auxDataType, AVAuxDataHandler handler, void* clientData)

Registers an AuxDataHandler.

A handler can be registered for more than one kind of auxiliary data. The type of data is passed to the handler at run time so that it can distinguish the type of data it is receiving.


auxDataType — 

The gExtensionID of the client registering the handler.

handler — 

The ASAtom for the type of data that the handler accepts.

clientData — 

The handler to register.


true if the handler was registered, false if the handler could not be un-registered (for example, if another handler is already registered for this time).

See Also



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AVUnlistenForCustomNotification(const char* notification, AVCustomNotificationProc proc, void* clientData)

Stops listening for a custom notification.

A custom notification is generated by a plug-in, and contains data customized for that notification. Plug-ins can use these to communicate with each other.





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Line: 9838
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AVUnregisterAuxDataHandler(ASExtension extension, ASAtom auxDataType, AVAuxDataHandler handler)

Un-registers a previously registered auxiliary data handler.


extension — 

The gExtensionID of the client un-registering the handler.

auxDataType — 

The type of data for the handler being un-registered.

handler — 

The handler to un-register.


true if the handler was un-registered, false if the handler could not be un-registered. For example, it returns false if the handler was never registered.

See Also



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