Layer | AV_Layer |
Object | AVConversion |
The AVConversion methods enable conversion from non-PDF file formats to PDF and vice versa. For information on using the AVConversion methods to create a file conversion handler, see Developing Plug-ins and Applications.
Typedef | ||
The user-defined data that is supplied when a conversion handler is registered with the conversion server. This data is provided to all AVConversionHandler callbacks.
The user-defined data that is supplied to either of the conversion handler enumeration routines.
AVConversionFromPDFHandler | ||
AVConversionFromPDFHandlerRec | ||
AVConversionToPDFHandler | ||
AVConversionToPDFHandlerRec |
Enumeration | ||
An enumerated list of flags that can be passed to AVConversionConvertTo/FromPDF to allow non-default behavior.
Enumerated data type used to describe the status of a conversion operation.
Structure | ||
A data structure containing callbacks that implement the 'FromPDF' handler's functionality and data that describes the handler's conversion capabilities.
A data structure containing callbacks that implement the 'ToPDF' handler's functionality and data that describes the handler's conversion capabilities.
Callback | ||
Called to convert a non-PDF file to a PDF file and then append to an existing PDF file.
Called to convert a PDF file to another file format.
Called to convert a PDF file to another file format. It must return an AVConversionStatus indicating success, failure, or cancel.
Called to convert a structure subtree rooted at a given node to a stream.
Called to convert a non-PDF file to a PDF file.
Called to convert a non-PDF file to a PDF file.
Called to get the default settings for the conversion operation.
Called once for each AVConversionFromPDFHandler registered with Acrobat, or until the callback returns false to halt the enumeration.
Called to get Number of Pending Conversions in the conversion queue.
A MIME-type string for PDF conversion.
Called to obtain conversion parameter information.
Called to set the handler's conversion settings. An ASCab containing the conversion settings is passed in.
Called to request the handler to display its settings dialog box, if it has one. An ASCab containing conversion settings is passed in to fill in the dialog box.
Called once for each AVConversionToPDFHandler registered with Acrobat, or until the callback returns false to halt the enumeration.
Method | ||
AVConversionStatus AVConversionAppendToPDFWithHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, ASPathName inPath, ASFileSys inFileSys, PDDoc outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts and appends a file to a PDF document using the handler specified.
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertFromPDFWithHandler(AVConversionFromPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, PDDoc inPDDoc, ASPathName outPath, ASFileSys outFileSys, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts a PDF document to another file format using the handler specified.
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertStreamFromPDFWithHandler(AVConversionFromPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, PDDoc inPDDoc, ASStm stream, ASCab metaData, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts a PDF document to a stream using the specified handler.
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertStreamFromStructNodeWithHandler(AVConversionFromPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, AVStructNode inStructNode, ASStm stream, ASCab metaData, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts a structure node to a stream using the handler specified.
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertStreamToPDF(AVConversionFlags flags, const char* mimeType, ASStm stream, ASCab metaData, PDDoc* outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts the specified stream to a PDF document using whatever converter is found. Use this function if you do not know which handler to use.
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertStreamToPDFWithHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, ASStm stream, ASCab metaData, PDDoc* outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts the specified file to a PDF document using the specified handler.
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertToPDF(AVConversionFlags flags, ASPathName inPath, ASFileSys inFileSys, PDDoc* outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts the specified file to a PDF document using whatever converter is found. Use this function if you do not know which handler to use.
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, ASPathName inPath, ASFileSys inFileSys, PDDoc* outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts a file to a PDF document using the handler specified.
void AVConversionEnumFromPDFConverters(AVConversionFromPDFEnumProc proc, AVConversionEnumProcData data)
Enumerates all registered ConvertFromPDF conversion handlers.
Enumerates all registered ConvertToPDF conversion handlers.
ASUns32 AVConversionGetConversionQueueStatusWithHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler inHandler)
Gets the number of queued items using the handler specified.
Sets the conversion settings for the handler.
AVConversionClientData |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_AVConversionClientData* AVConversionClientData;
The user-defined data that is supplied when a conversion handler is registered with the conversion server. This data is provided to all AVConversionHandler callbacks.
See Also
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Line: 8227 |
AVConversionEnumProcData |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_AVConversionEnumProcData* AVConversionEnumProcData;
The user-defined data that is supplied to either of the conversion handler enumeration routines.
See Also
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8752 |
AVConversionFromPDFHandler |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_AVConversionFromPDFHandler AVConversionFromPDFHandler;
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8741 |
AVConversionFromPDFHandlerRec |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_AVConversionFromPDFHandler AVConversionFromPDFHandlerRec;
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8741 |
AVConversionToPDFHandler |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_AVConversionToPDFHandler AVConversionToPDFHandler;
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8671 |
AVConversionToPDFHandlerRec |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_AVConversionToPDFHandler AVConversionToPDFHandlerRec;
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Line: 8671 |
AVConversionFlags |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum AVConversionFlags {
kAVConversionNoFlags = 0,
kAVConversionAsyncOkay = 1 << 0,
kAVConversionPopSettingsDialog = 1 << 1,
kAVConversionInteractive = 1 << 2,
kAVConversionDontOverwrite = 1 << 3
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Line: 8232 |
kAVConversionNoFlags | No flags. |
kAVConversionAsyncOkay | Asynchronous conversion is allowed. |
kAVConversionPopSettingsDialog | Pop the settings dialog box, if one is provided for this conversion handler. |
kAVConversionInteractive | Interactive mode. Indicates converter can pop additional dialog boxes if necessary. |
kAVConversionDontOverwrite | Do not overwrite the existing files except for the source file. This flag is only used in batch mode. |
AVConversionStatus |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum AVConversionStatus {
See Also
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Line: 8262 |
_t_AVConversionFromPDFHandler |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_AVConversionFromPDFHandler {
A data structure containing callbacks that implement the 'FromPDF' handler's functionality and data that describes the handler's conversion capabilities.
See Also
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Line: 8680 |
convFilter | An AVFileFilterRec that describes the types of files that this filter can convert. See the descriptions of AVFileFilterRec and AVFileDescRec for more details. |
size | The size of the data structure. It must be set to |
uniqueID | A unique identifier for the conversion handler. It should be of the form |
canDoSync |
priority | Unused. Set to zero. |
defaultSettings | An AVConversionDefaultSettingsProc() that is called when the handler is registered with the conversion server. It can be |
parameterDescription | An AVConversionParamDescProc() that is called when a parameter description of this handler is requested. It can be |
settingsDialog | An AVConversionSettingsDialogProc() that is called when the batch framework or the open dialog box requests a settings dialog box for this handler. It can be |
convert | An AVConversionConvertFromPDFProc() that is called to perform the conversion operation. |
clientData | Provided to all AVConversion callbacks. |
streamMimeTypes | Added with Acrobat 6.0. It is a string containing MIME types that can be handled by the |
numStreamMimeTypes | Added with Acrobat 6. It is the number of MIME types in |
convertStream | Added with Acrobat 6. The stream-conversion handler procedure. |
convertStructNode | Added with Acrobat 6. The structure-node-to-stream conversion handler procedure. |
_t_AVConversionToPDFHandler |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_AVConversionToPDFHandler {
A data structure containing callbacks that implement the 'ToPDF' handler's functionality and data that describes the handler's conversion capabilities.
See Also
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8601 |
convFilter | An AVFileFilterRec that describes the types of files that this filter can convert. See the descriptions of AVFileFilterRec and AVFileDescRec for more details. |
size | The size of the data structure. It must be set to |
uniqueID | A unique identifier for the conversion handler. It should be of the form |
canDoSync |
priority | Unused. Set to zero. |
defaultSettings | An AVConversionDefaultSettingsProc() that is called when the handler is registered with the conversion server. It can be |
setSettings | An AVConversionSetSettingsProc() that is called to set the conversion settings for the handler. It can be |
parameterDescription | An AVConversionParamDescProc() that is called when a parameter description of this handler is requested. It can be |
settingsDialog | An AVConversionSettingsDialogProc() that is called when the batch framework or the open dialog box requests a settings dialog box for this handler. It can be |
convert | An AVConversionConvertToPDFProc() that is called to perform the conversion operation. |
append | An AVConversionAppendToPDFProc() that is called to perform an append operation |
getQueueStatus | An AVConversionGetQueueStatusProc() that is called to get number of conversions in the conversion queue. |
clientData | Provided to all AVConversion callbacks. |
streamMimeTypes | Added with Acrobat 6. A string containing MIME types that can be handled by the |
numStreamMimeTypes | Added with Acrobat 6. The number of MIME types in |
convertStream | Added with Acrobat 6. |
reserved | Added with Acrobat 9. Unused. Set to zero |
AVConversionAppendToPDFProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus (*AVConversionAppendToPDFProc)(ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, ASPathName inPath, ASFileSys inFileSys, PDDoc outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor, AVConversionClientData clientData)
Called to convert a non-PDF file to a PDF file and then append to an existing PDF file.
See Also
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8468 |
AVConversionConvertFromPDFProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus (*AVConversionConvertFromPDFProc)(ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, PDDoc inPDDoc, ASPathName outPath, ASFileSys outFileSys, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor, AVConversionClientData clientData)
Called to convert a PDF file to another file format.
See Also
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8512 |
AVConversionConvertStreamFromPDFProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus (*AVConversionConvertStreamFromPDFProc)(ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, PDDoc inPDDoc, ASStm stream, ASCab metaData, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor, AVConversionClientData clientData)
Called to convert a PDF file to another file format. It must return an AVConversionStatus indicating success, failure, or cancel.
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8542 |
AVConversionConvertStreamFromStructNodeProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus (*AVConversionConvertStreamFromStructNodeProc)(ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, AVStructNode inStructNode, ASStm stream, ASCab metaData, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor, AVConversionClientData clientData)
Called to convert a structure subtree rooted at a given node to a stream.
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8582 |
AVConversionConvertStreamToPDFProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus (*AVConversionConvertStreamToPDFProc)(ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, ASStm stream, ASCab metaData, PDDoc *outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor, AVConversionClientData clientData)
Called to convert a non-PDF file to a PDF file.
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8432 |
AVConversionConvertToPDFProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus (*AVConversionConvertToPDFProc)(ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, ASPathName inPath, ASFileSys inFileSys, PDDoc *outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor, AVConversionClientData clientData)
Called to convert a non-PDF file to a PDF file.
See Also
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8398 |
AVConversionDefaultSettingsProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASCab (*AVConversionDefaultSettingsProc)(const char *uniqueID, AVConversionClientData clientData)
Called to get the default settings for the conversion operation.
It is the caller's responsibility to release the resources associated with the returned ASCab.
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8299 |
AVConversionFromPDFEnumProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*AVConversionFromPDFEnumProc)(AVConversionFromPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data)
Called once for each AVConversionFromPDFHandler registered with Acrobat, or until the callback returns false
to halt the enumeration.
See Also
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8778 |
AVConversionGetQueueStatusProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASUns32 (*AVConversionGetQueueStatusProc)(AVConversionClientData clientData)
Called to get Number of Pending Conversions in the conversion queue.
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8475 |
AVConversionMimeTypeString |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A MIME-type string for PDF conversion.
See Also
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8591 |
AVConversionParamDescProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*AVConversionParamDescProc)(const ASCab settings, ASCab paramDesc, AVConversionClientData clientData)
Called to obtain conversion parameter information.
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8325 |
AVConversionSetSettingsProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*AVConversionSetSettingsProc)(ASCab settings, AVConversionClientData clientData)
Called to set the handler's conversion settings. An ASCab containing the conversion settings is passed in.
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8311 |
AVConversionSettingsDialogProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*AVConversionSettingsDialogProc)(ASCab settings, AVConversionClientData clientData)
Called to request the handler to display its settings dialog box, if it has one. An ASCab containing conversion settings is passed in to fill in the dialog box.
The implementation should use these settings. Be sure to use this cabinet of settings rather than defaults since the batch framework may provide different settings.
If the user commits changes, the settings should be stored in the ASCab that was provided.
For 'ConvertToPDF' handlers, two keys are present in the settings ASCab:
Key |
Description |
ASPathName |
The path to the input file. |
ASFileSys |
The associated file system. |
For 'ConvertFromPDF' handlers, three keys are present in the settings ASCab:
Key |
Description |
PDDoc |
The input PDDoc. |
ASPathName |
The output path. |
ASFileSys |
The associated file system. |
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Line: 8362 |
AVConversionToPDFEnumProc |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*AVConversionToPDFEnumProc)(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data)
Called once for each AVConversionToPDFHandler registered with Acrobat, or until the callback returns false
to halt the enumeration.
See Also
File: AVExpT.h |
Line: 8765 |
AVConversionAppendToPDFWithHandler | () |
Product availability: Acrobat |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus AVConversionAppendToPDFWithHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, ASPathName inPath, ASFileSys inFileSys, PDDoc outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts and appends a file to a PDF document using the handler specified.
inHandler — | IN Specifies which |
inSettings — | IN An ASCab containing the settings to be used in the conversion operation. Pass |
flags — | ||
inPath — | ||
inFileSys — | ||
outPDDoc — | OUT (Filled by the method) It is the caller's responsibility to close the document. |
statusMonitor — | IN Contains the progress monitor, cancel proc, and error reporting proc to be used by the converter. It can be |
One of the AVConversionStatus codes. |
See Also
File: AVProcs.h |
Line: 10081 |
AVConversionConvertFromPDFWithHandler | () |
Product availability: Acrobat |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertFromPDFWithHandler(AVConversionFromPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, PDDoc inPDDoc, ASPathName outPath, ASFileSys outFileSys, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts a PDF document to another file format using the handler specified.
inHandler — | Specifies which conversion handler to use. |
inSettings — | An ASCab containing the settings to be used in the conversion operation. There are no specific predefined settings that need to be passed. Pass |
flags — | Conversion flags. See AVConversionFlags in AVExpT.h. The default is kAVConversionNoFlags. |
inPDDoc — | The PDF document to be converted. |
outPath — | The desired location for the output file. |
outFileSys — | ||
statusMonitor — | Contains the progress monitor, cancel proc, and error reporting proc to be used by the converter. Can be |
One of the AVConversionStatus codes. |
See Also
File: AVProcs.h |
Line: 4603 |
AVConversionConvertStreamFromPDFWithHandler | () |
Product availability: Acrobat |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertStreamFromPDFWithHandler(AVConversionFromPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, PDDoc inPDDoc, ASStm stream, ASCab metaData, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts a PDF document to a stream using the specified handler.
inHandler — | Specifies which |
inSettings — | An ASCab containing the settings to be used in the conversion operation. Pass |
flags — | Conversion flags. |
inPDDoc — | The PDF document to be converted. |
stream — | The desired location for the output stream. |
metaData — | The file metadata. |
statusMonitor — | Contains the progress monitor, cancel proc, and error reporting proc to be used by the converter. It can be |
One of the AVConversionStatus codes. |
See Also
File: AVProcs.h |
Line: 7703 |
AVConversionConvertStreamFromStructNodeWithHandler | () |
Product availability: Acrobat |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertStreamFromStructNodeWithHandler(AVConversionFromPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, AVStructNode inStructNode, ASStm stream, ASCab metaData, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts a structure node to a stream using the handler specified.
inHandler — | Specifies which |
inSettings — | An ASCab containing the settings to be used in the conversion operation. Pass |
flags — | Conversion flags. |
inStructNode — | The structure node to be converted. |
stream — | The desired location for the output stream. |
metaData — | The file metadata. |
statusMonitor — | Contains the progress monitor, cancel proc, and error reporting proc to be used by the converter. It can be |
One of the AVConversionStatus codes. |
See Also
File: AVProcs.h |
Line: 7733 |
AVConversionConvertStreamToPDF | () |
Product availability: Acrobat |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertStreamToPDF(AVConversionFlags flags, const char* mimeType, ASStm stream, ASCab metaData, PDDoc* outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts the specified stream to a PDF document using whatever converter is found. Use this function if you do not know which handler to use.
Multiple conversion handlers can register their services for the same file description, so the first one that matches the file type passed in that has the correct canDoSync
settings is used.
The converters are enumerated in priority order, starting with the highest priority.
flags — | Conversion flags. |
mimeType — | The MIME type. |
stream — | The stream to convert. |
metaData — | The metadata. |
outPDDoc — | (Filled by the method) It is the caller's responsibility to close the document. |
statusMonitor — | Contains the progress monitor, cancel proc, and error reporting proc to be used by the converter. It can be |
One of the AVConversionStatus codes. |
See Also
File: AVProcs.h |
Line: 7767 |
AVConversionConvertStreamToPDFWithHandler | () |
Product availability: Acrobat |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertStreamToPDFWithHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, ASStm stream, ASCab metaData, PDDoc* outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts the specified file to a PDF document using the specified handler.
inHandler — | Specifies which |
inSettings — | An ASCab containing the settings to be used in the conversion operation. Pass |
flags — | Conversion flags. |
stream — | The stream to convert. |
metaData — | The metadata. |
outPDDoc — | (Filled by the method) It is the caller's responsibility to close the document. |
statusMonitor — | Contains the progress monitor, cancel proc, and error reporting proc to be used by the converter. It can be |
One of the AVConversionStatus codes. |
See Also
File: AVProcs.h |
Line: 7673 |
AVConversionConvertToPDF | () |
Product availability: Acrobat |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertToPDF(AVConversionFlags flags, ASPathName inPath, ASFileSys inFileSys, PDDoc* outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts the specified file to a PDF document using whatever converter is found. Use this function if you do not know which handler to use.
Multiple conversion handlers can register their services for the same file description, so the first one that matches the file type passed in and has the correct canDoSync
settings is used.
The converters are enumerated in priority order, starting with the highest priority.
flags — | IN/OUT Conversion flags. |
inPath — | ||
inFileSys — | ||
outPDDoc — | OUT (Filled by the method) It is the caller's responsibility to close the document. |
statusMonitor — | IN Contains the progress monitor, cancel proc, and error reporting proc to be used by the converter. It can be |
One of the AVConversionStatus codes. |
See Also
File: AVProcs.h |
Line: 4636 |
AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler | () |
Product availability: Acrobat |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
AVConversionStatus AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings, AVConversionFlags flags, ASPathName inPath, ASFileSys inFileSys, PDDoc* outPDDoc, AVStatusMonitorProcs statusMonitor)
Converts a file to a PDF document using the handler specified.
inHandler — | IN Specifies which |
inSettings — | IN An ASCab containing the settings to be used in the conversion operation. Pass |
flags — | ||
inPath — | ||
inFileSys — | ||
outPDDoc — | OUT (Filled by the method) It is the caller's responsibility to close the document. |
statusMonitor — | IN Contains the progress monitor, cancel proc, and error reporting proc to be used by the converter. It can be |
One of the AVConversionStatus codes. |
See Also
File: AVProcs.h |
Line: 4573 |
AVConversionEnumFromPDFConverters | () |
Product availability: Acrobat |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void AVConversionEnumFromPDFConverters(AVConversionFromPDFEnumProc proc, AVConversionEnumProcData data)
Enumerates all registered ConvertFromPDF
conversion handlers.
proc — | IN/OUT A user-supplied callback. |
data — | IN/OUT A pointer to user-defined data to pass to |
See Also
File: AVProcs.h |
Line: 4541 |
AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters | () |
Product availability: Acrobat |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters(AVConversionToPDFEnumProc proc, AVConversionEnumProcData data)
Enumerates all registered ConvertToPDF
conversion handlers.
proc — | IN/OUT A user-supplied callback. |
data — | IN/OUT A pointer to user-defined data to pass to |
File: AVProcs.h |
Line: 4529 |
AVConversionGetConversionQueueStatusWithHandler | () |
Product availability: Acrobat |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASUns32 AVConversionGetConversionQueueStatusWithHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler inHandler)
Gets the number of queued items using the handler specified.
inHandler — | IN Specifies which |
Number of pending Conversions |
File: AVProcs.h |
Line: 10091 |
AVConversionToPDFSetSettings | () |
Product availability: Acrobat |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool AVConversionToPDFSetSettings(AVConversionToPDFHandler inHandler, ASCab inSettings)
Sets the conversion settings for the handler.
inHandler — | IN Specifies which |
inSettings — |
TRUE if settings were valid and were set successfully. |
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Line: 10103 |