 AVActionHandlerAn AVActionHandler carries out an action. For instance, an action is what happens when a link or bookmark is clicked in Acrobat. See Section 8.5 in the PDF Reference for more information on actions.
 AVAlertAVAlert provides platform-independent support for displaying simple dialog boxes.
 AVAnnotHandlerAn AVAnnotHandler is responsible for creating, displaying, selecting, and deleting a particular type of annotation. There is one annotation handler for each annotation type. Acrobat contains two built-in annotation types (notes and links), and plug-ins can add new annotation handlers by using AVAppRegisterAnnotHandler(). See Developing Plug-ins and Applications for details on creating new annotation types.
 AVAppAVApp represents the Acrobat application itself. From the application layer, you can control the appearance of Acrobat, whether Acrobat appears, and the size of the application window. Your application has access to the menu bar and the toolbar through this object. The application layer also provides access to the visual representation of a PDF file on the screen (an AVDoc).
 AVCommandAn AVCommand represents an action that the user can perform on the current document or the current selection in the current document. An AVCommand can be added to a command sequence and executed either interactively or by means of batch processing, using the method AVCommandExecute().
 AVConversionThe AVConversion methods enable conversion from non-PDF file formats to PDF and vice versa. For information on using the AVConversion methods to create a file conversion handler, see Developing Plug-ins and Applications.
 AVCryptAVCrypt methods implement the Acrobat built-in dialog boxes for encryption control. They are present in the core API so that they can be used by other security handlers.
 AVDocAn AVDoc is a view of a PDF document in a window. Usually there is one AVDoc per displayed document. Unlike a PDDoc, an AVDoc has a window associated with it. Starting with Acrobat 7.0, it is possible to have multiple windows open on the same document. An API client can track the coming and going of document windows using three new notifications. It can also query for all windows open for an AVDoc using two new API calls.
 AVGrafSelectAn AVGrafSelect is a graphics selection on a page. It is a rectangular region of a page that can be copied to the clipboard as a sampled image. After a plug-in creates an AVGrafSelect, it can use AVDocSetSelection() to set the AVGrafSelect as the current selection, and AVDocShowSelection() to scroll it to a visible position in the window.
 AVMenuAn AVMenu is a menu in the Acrobat viewer's menu bar. Plug-ins can create new menus, add menu items at any location in any menu, and remove menu items. Deleting an AVMenu removes it from the menu bar (if it was attached) and deletes all the menu items it contains.
 AVMenubarThe AVMenubar the Acrobat menu bar and contains a list of all menus. There is only one AVMenubar. Plug-ins can add new menus to, or remove any menu from, the menu bar. The menu bar can be hidden from the user's view.
 AVMenuItemAn AVMenuItem is a menu item in a menu. It has attributes, including the following:
 AVPageViewAn AVPageView is the area of the Acrobat window that displays the contents of a document page. Every AVDoc has an AVPageView and vice versa. It contains references to the PDDoc and PDFont objects for the document being displayed. Plug-ins can control the size of the AVPageView through AVWindowSetFrame() and AVDocSetSplitterPosition().
 AVSysAVSys provides various system-wide utilities, including setting the cursor shape, getting the current cursor, and beeping.
 AVToolAn AVTool is an object that can handle key presses and mouse clicks in the content region of an AVPageView. Tools do not handle mouse clicks in other parts of the Acrobat window, such as in the bookmark pane. At any time, there is one active tool, which a plug-in can set using AVAppSetActiveTool().
 AVToolBarAVToolBar is the Acrobat toolbar (the palette of buttons). In Acrobat 4.0 and later, a plug-in can create flyouts that contain additional buttons and attach these flyouts to existing buttons.
 AVToolButtonAn AVToolButton is a button in the Acrobat viewer's toolbar. Like menu items, the procedure that executes when the button is clicked can be set by a plug-in. Although not required, there generally is a menu item corresponding to each button, allowing users to select a function using either the button or the menu item.
 AVUndoThe AVUndo object represents an undo record for a document. An undo record allows a client to associate private data with a particular AVDoc for the purpose of undoing and redoing changes to the document. The client provides private data that encapsulates the changes, and an AVUndoHandler that contains callbacks which interpret the data when Undo and Redo commands are issued.
 AVWindowAVWindow provides methods for creating and managing windows. Plug-ins should use AVWindow methods for their own dialog boxes, floating palettes, and so forth, to ensure that those windows work well with Acrobat. For example, plug-ins should ensure that under Windows, they are hidden when Acrobat is iconified. Once the plug-in creates an AVWindow, it is free to use platform-dependent code to put whatever it wants in the window.
 Catalog Acrobat Catalog is a plug-in that allows you to create a full-text index of a set of PDF documents. A full-text index is a searchable database of all the text in the documents. After building an index, you can use the Search command to search the entire library quickly. Searches of full-text indexes created using Catalog are faster and more convenient than using the Find command.
 CAVAlertCAVAlert is a wrapper class for the AVAlert functions.
 ConsultantAgentObj PDF Consultant object agent.
 ConsultantObjIDAgentObj PDF Consultant object agent that uses object identifiers.
 Directory_Services Diirectory information service object.
 General General AV layer objects.
 Macintosh The core API includes Mac OS-specific methods for plug-ins.
 old Old AV layer objects.
 PDF_Consultant Acrobat comes with a plug-in called the PDF Consultant and Accessibility Checker. This plug-in walks through PDF documents, visiting each object and determining its type and other statistics. It can make certain modifications or repairs to the PDF document. The objects that the Consultant visits can range from simple, primitive types such as CosString objects to higher-level objects such as Images. Users call the Consultant to run on a particular PDF document, choose which tests or repairs to run, then view the results and/or select repair options.
 Search The Adobe Acrobat Search plug-in allows users to perform text searches in PDF documents. It adds menus, menu items, toolbar button, and a Search panel to the Acrobat viewer.
 Spell Acrobat provides a Spelling plug-in, which exports a Host Function Table (HFT) implementing a spell-check API for use by plug-in developers.
 UNIX The core API also includes UNIX-specific utility methods, which are only available for plug-ins. These methods allow a plug-in to:
 Weblink A link in a PDF document that references a URL is referred to as a Weblink.
 WindowsWindows-specific utility methods are only available for plug-ins.