_t_oldAVAnnotHandler |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_oldAVAnnotHandler {
ASSize_t size;
AVFlagBits32 flags;
oldAVAnnotHandlerDoClickProc DoClick;
oldAVAnnotHandlerAdjustCursorProc AdjustCursor;
oldAVAnnotHandlerPtInAnnotViewBBoxProc PtInAnnotViewBBox;
oldAVAnnotHandlerGetAnnotViewBBoxProc GetAnnotViewBBox;
AVAnnotHandlerNotifyAnnotRemovedFromSelectionProc NotifyAnnotRemovedFromSelection;
AVAnnotHandlerNotifyAnnotAddedToSelectionProc NotifyAnnotAddedToSelection;
AVAnnotHandlerDrawProc Draw;
AVAnnotHandlerNewProc New;
AVAnnotHandlerGetTypeProc GetType;
AVAnnotHandlerNotifyDestroyProc NotifyDestroy;
AVAnnotHandlerDoPropertiesProc DoProperties;
AVAnnotHandlerDoKeyDownProc DoKeyDown;
AVAnnotHandlerGetLayerProc GetLayer;
AVAnnotHandlerCursorEnterProc CursorEnter;
AVAnnotHandlerCursorExitProc CursorExit;
AVAnnotHandlerCopyProc Copy;
oldAVAnnotHandlerDoClickProc DoRightClick;
AVAnnotHandlerGetInfoProc GetInfo;
AVAnnotHandlerDeleteInfoProc DeleteInfo;
AVAnnotHandlerCanPerformOpProc CanPerformOp;
AVAnnotHandlerPerformOpProc PerformOp;
AVAnnotHandlerDoKeyDownExProc DoKeyDownEx;
oldAVAnnotHandlerDrawExProc DrawEx;
AVAnnotHandlerGetFlagsProc GetFlags;
File: AVExpTObsolete2.h |
Line: 188 |
_t_oldAVAuxDataHandler |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_oldAVAuxDataHandler {
ASSize_t size;
oldAVAuxDataPerformProc PerformProc;
File: AVExpTObsolete1.h |
Line: 174 |
size | The size of the data structure. It must be set to |
PerformProc | Called with auxiliary data when a client calls AVDocSendAuxData(). This proc should perform whatever action is required for the auxiliary data. |
_t_oldAVDocOpenParams |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_oldAVDocOpenParams {
ASSize_t size;
ASBool useFrame;
oldAVRect frame;
ASBool useVisible;
ASBool visible;
ASBool useServerType;
const char* serverType;
void* serverCreationData;
ASBool useSourceDoc;
AVDoc sourceDoc;
ASBool useReadOnly;
ASBool readOnly;
ASBool useViewType;
const char* viewType;
ASBool useViewDef;
oldAVDocViewDef viewDef;
ASBool usePermReqProc;
AVDocPermReqProc permReqProc;
File: AVExpTObsolete2.h |
Line: 103 |
_t_oldAVDocSelectionServer |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_oldAVDocSelectionServer {
File: AVExpTObsolete2.h |
Line: 39 |
_t_oldAVDocViewDef |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_oldAVDocViewDef {
ASSize_t size;
ASBool bringToFront;
ASBool usePageViewInfo;
PDLayoutMode pageViewLayoutMode;
PDPageNumber pageViewPageNum;
AVZoomType pageViewZoomType;
ASFixed pageViewZoom;
ASInt16 pageViewX;
ASInt16 pageViewY;
ASBool pageViewStartThread;
AVPageIndex pageViewThreadIndex;
PDBead pageViewBead;
ASBool useOverViewInfo;
PDPageMode overViewMode;
AVPixelOffset overViewPos;
ASInt32 overViewX;
ASInt32 overViewY;
ASBool useWindowInfo;
oldAVRect windowFrame;
ASBool unused1;
const char* unused2;
File: AVExpTObsolete2.h |
Line: 71 |
_t_oldAVTool |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_oldAVTool {
ASSize_t size;
ActivateProcType Activate;
DeactivateProcType Deactivate;
oldDoClickProcType DoClick;
oldAdjustCursorProcType AdjustCursor;
DoKeyDownProcType DoKeyDown;
GetTypeProcType GetType;
IsPersistentProcType IsPersistent;
AVCursorID cursorID;
AVComputeEnabledProc ComputeEnabled;
void* computeEnabledData;
oldDoClickProcType DoRightClick;
DoLeaveProcType DoLeave;
GetSelectionServerProcType GetSelectionServer;
File: AVExpTObsolete2.h |
Line: 220 |
_t_oldAVToolBarPosition |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_oldAVToolBarPosition {
File: AVExpTObsolete2.h |
Line: 138 |
size | The size of this structure. Set it to |
inDoc | Specifies that the toolbar is to be in-doc (not shared). If |
dockPosition | The edge of the document window or monitor to which to attach this toolbar. |
floatingWindowName | If the toolbar is to be floating, you can group it with another toolbar by specifying a name for the floating window. You can set this to a constant string. |
stackNum | The stack on which to insert the toolbar. Make this |
offset | The number of pixels from the top or left edge of the stack from which to position the toolbar. If ASMAXInt32, the toolbar will be positioned snugly behind other toolbars on the stack. If |
order | If multiple positions specify an offset of |
windowFrame | If the toolbar is not |
layout | ||
hidden | Set this to |
windowHidden | Set this to |
_t_oldAVWindowHandler |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_oldAVWindowHandler {
ASSize_t size;
oldAVWindowMouseDownProc MouseDown;
AVWindowWillCloseProc WillClose;
AVWindowDidCloseProc DidClose;
AVWindowDidActivateProc DidActivate;
AVWindowDidBecomeKeyProc DidBecomeKey;
AVWindowKeyDownProc KeyDown;
AVWindowWillResignKeyProc WillResignKey;
AVWindowWillDeactivateProc WillDeactivate;
oldAVWindowDrawProc Draw;
oldAVWindowWillBeResizedProc WillBeResized;
AVWindowPerformEditOpProc PerformEditOp;
AVWindowCanPerformEditOpProc CanPerformEditOp;
oldAVWindowAdjustCursorProc AdjustCursor;
oldAVWindowDidResizeProc DidResize;
AVWindowDestroyPlatformThingProc DestroyPlatformThing;
File: AVExpTObsolete2.h |
Line: 240 |
_t_oldQuad |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_oldQuad {
ASInt16 tlh;
ASInt16 tlv;
ASInt16 trh;
ASInt16 trv;
ASInt16 blh;
ASInt16 blv;
ASInt16 brh;
ASInt16 brv;
File: AVExpTObsolete1.h |
Line: 38 |
oldAVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct oldAVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec {
ASSize_t size;
AVOpenSaveDialogFlags flags;
AVWindow parentWindow;
ASText windowTitle;
ASText actionButtonTitle;
ASText cancelButtonTitle;
ASFileSys initialFileSys;
ASPathName initialPathName;
const char* initialFileName;
AVFileFilterRec fileFilters;
AVArraySize numFileFilters;
AVOpenSaveDialogSettingsComputeEnabledProc settingsComputeEnabledProc;
AVOpenSaveDialogSettingsExecuteProc settingsExecuteProc;
void* settingsProcData;
File: AVExpTObsolete2.h |
Line: 22 |
oldAVRect |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
File: AVExpTObsolete1.h |
Line: 30 |