AVToolBar is the Acrobat toolbar (the palette of buttons). In Acrobat 4.0 and later, a plug-in
can create flyouts that contain additional buttons and attach these flyouts to existing buttons.
Plug-ins can add buttons to and remove buttons from a toolbar, show or hide toolbars,
and (for Acrobat 5.0 and later) create new toolbars. Because screen space is limited on many
monitors, plug-ins should add as few buttons as possible to toolbars.
Buttons can be organized into groups of related buttons, with additional space between
the groups. It is possible to implement a group in which only one button can be selected at a time.
The logic of doing this is the plug-in's responsibility; the plug-in API does not provide any
means to automatically relate one button's state to another button's state.
A plug-in adds buttons to a toolbar by specifying the relative position of the button
(before or after) to an existing button.
Although there appear to be multiple toolbars in the user interface for Acrobat 4.0 and later,
there is still only one AVToolBar containing all the buttons that are not on flyouts.
A plug-in controls the toolbar upon which a button will appear by placing the button next
to an existing one already in the appropriate location.
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_AVToolBar* AVToolBar;
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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum AVToolBarDockPosition {
| kAVToolBarDockTop, |
| kAVToolBarDockBottom, |
| kAVToolBarDockLeft, |
| kAVToolBarDockRight, |
| kAVToolBarFloating |
See Also
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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum AVToolBarLayout {
| kAVToolBarHorizontal, |
| kAVToolBarVertical, |
| kAVToolBarTwoColumn |
See Also
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Line: 9515 |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_AVToolBarAddButtonParamsRec {}
A structure used to describe how a tool button should be inserted into a given toolbar.
See Also
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| size | Set to sizeof(AVToolBarAddButtonParamsRec) . |
| neighborButton | Set to a reference button that you want your button to be inserted next to |
| before | Set to true to insert your button before (left of) the reference button |
| hiddenDefault | Set to true to insert your button as hidden by default |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_AVToolBarPosition {}
A structure that describes the position of a toolbar.
See Also
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| size | The size of this structure. Set it to sizeof(AVToolBarPositionRec) . |
| inDoc | Specifies that the toolbar is to be in-doc (not shared). If inDoc is true , dockPosition cannot be floating. |
| dockPosition | The edge of the document window or monitor to which to attach this toolbar. |
| floatingWindowName | If the toolbar is to be floating, you can group it with another toolbar by specifying a name for the floating window. You can set this to a constant string. |
| stackNum | The stack on which to insert the toolbar. Make this -1 to open a new stack on the left or top, or ASMAXInt32 to open a new stack on the right or bottom. |
| offset | The number of pixels from the top or left edge of the stack from which to position the toolbar. If ASMAXInt32, the toolbar will be positioned snugly behind other toolbars on the stack. If -1 , it will be positioned at the front. |
| order | If multiple positions specify an offset of -1 or ASMAXInt32, this field is used to further order them. It controls the order in which the bars will be placed, not the visual order on the screen. If, for example, two bars have an offset of -1 , the one associated with the value in the lower order field will be positioned first at the front of the bar. Then the one associated by the value in the higher order field will also be positioned at the front of the bar, but will push the first one to the right. |
| windowFrame | If the toolbar is not inDoc and dockPosition is floating, you may end up creating a new window. Here is its frame. |
| layout | If a new window is called for, here is its layout. |
| hidden | Set this to true if the toolbar should be hidden by default. |
| windowHidden | Set this to true if the floating window in which the toolbar is located should be hidden by default. |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Assigns icon to tool created by using AVToolBarNew().
| toolbar — | Toolbar for which icon needs to be assigned. |
| normalIcon — | Icon that should be used for the tool in tool center. |
| activeIcon — | Icon that should be used when tool is active, e.g. in tool switcher which appears when tool is active. |
See Also
File: AVProcs.h |
Line: 10372 |
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Thu Jan 21 2016, 11:19 AM IST