Typedef | ||
ASMemAllocProc | ||
ASMemAvailProc | ||
ASMemFreeProc | ||
ASMemReallocProc | ||
InitProcs | ||
InitProcsP | ||
MonoInkList | ||
PDFLData (Macintosh) | ||
PDFLData (UNIX) | ||
PDFLData (Windows) | ||
PDFLDataRec (Macintosh) | ||
PDFLDataRec (UNIX) | ||
PDFLDataRec (Windows) | ||
PDFLMemStats | ||
PDFLPrintUserCallbacks | ||
PDFLPrintUserCallbacksRec | ||
Declare the the type PDFLPrintUserParams, which is a pointer to a structure and is passed into PDFLPrintDoc. This structure is defined in
, but it is complex and platform-specific. This declaration avoids the need to include the platform specific details into files that just need a decaration of this pointer.
PDFLPrintUserParamsRec (Macintosh) | ||
PDFLPrintUserParamsRec (UNIX) | ||
PDFLPrintUserParamsRec (Windows) | ||
Specifies how to include a resource in a file.
A data structure used by PDDocPrintPages(). It contains methods to be implemented by the client. Unless otherwise indicated, methods may be NULL, indicating that they do nothing. The methods are called in the order listed in this structure.
PDPrintClientRec | ||
PDPrintController | ||
PDPrintFontArrayP | ||
PDPrintFontP | ||
PDPrintParams | ||
PDPrintStrP | ||
PlatformBitmapPtr (Windows) | ||
PlatformWindowPtr (Windows) | ||
PPDFeaturesP | ||
PPDFeaturesRec | ||
TermProcs | ||
TermProcsP | ||
TextList | ||
Text server.
ThreadLocalKey (Macintosh) PDFLData structure for PDFLInit.
ThreadLocalKey (UNIX) PDFLData structure for PDFLInit.
ThreadLocalKey (Windows) PDFLData structure for PDFLInit.
TKAllocatorProcs | ||
TKAllocatorProcsP | ||
TKExtensionProcs | ||
TKExtensionProcsP | ||
TKResourceProcs | ||
TKResourceProcsP |
Enumeration | ||
OPI 1.3 color type information.
OPI 2.0 image ink information.
OPI Types for PostScript printing.
Duplex values.
Font encoding methods.
Flags for PDFLInit
Bit flags that set the default smooth text and smooth images global flags for subsequent rendering methods. These flags are passed to the PDPrefSetAntialiasLevel, and are similar to PDPageDrawSmoothFlags.
ProcSet identifiers used to specify which procsets must be downloaded.
Font array.
Specifies what kind of file to emit.
Modes used to control the display of reference XObjects.
Structure | ||
_t_InitProcs | ||
Image ink monochrome list.
_t_PDFLData (Macintosh) PDFLData structure.
_t_PDFLData (UNIX) PDFLData structure.
_t_PDFLData (Windows) | ||
_t_PDFLMemStats | ||
The structure holding pointers to certain optional Callbacks available with the PDFLPrintDoc() API.
_t_PDFLPrintUserParams (Macintosh) Used to control printing with PDFLPrintDoc.
_t_PDFLPrintUserParams (UNIX) Used to control printing with PDFLPrintDoc.
_t_PDFLPrintUserParams (Windows) Used to control printing with PDFLPrintDoc.
A data structure used by PDDocPrintPages. It contains methods to be implemented by the client. Unless otherwise indicated, methods may be NULL, indicating that they do nothing. The methods are called in the order listed in this structure.
Used to control the emitting of PPD dependent features to a PostScript file when printing with PDFLPrintDoc. These features are emitted only if emitToFile is set to true. Please see PDFLPrintDoc for more details.
_t_TermProcs | ||
List structure used in TIFFASCIITagList.
A structure for memory allocation callbacks used by the PDF Library.
A structure containing function pointers for ASExtension callbacks used by the PDF Library.
Structure for resource acquisition callbacks used by the PDF Library.
Image inks.
OPI 1.3 dictionary.
OPI 2.0 dictionary.
OPI dictionary.
An array of font pointers for use in PDFontPSGetComponentFontList.
PDPrintFontRec | ||
A data structure indicating how a document should be printed.
A structure for controlling the printing of glyphs.
Callback | ||
Called when the PDF Library needs to allocate memory. The callback should allocate the requested amount of memory and return it as a void*.
Called when the PDF Library needs to free memory. The callback should free the requested block of memory.
Called when the PDF Library needs to determine the amount of available free memory.
Called when the PDF Library needs to reallocate memory. The callback should reallocate the requested amount of memory and return it as a void*.
A callback method that is called when an ExtGState object is encountered. This method is called for each key/value pair in the ExtGState object. If this method returns true, then the key/value will be emitted into the print job. If this method returns false, then nothing will be emitted for this key/value. If emitHalftones is false, then this method will not be called for the HT key.
A callback for PDFLibraryRegisterRNG(). It is called once to provide random data for encryption. Normally an operating system supplied source of highly random numbers is used (/dev/urandom on Mac OS and Unix, CryptGenRandom() on Windows). For some supported Unix environments, the /dev/urandom device does not exist. While it is preferable to install this device, the PDFLibraryRegisterRNG() function is provided for the client to register an alternate source for strong random data.
PDFLGetCoreHFTType | ||
PDFLInitThreadLocalDataType | ||
PDFLInitType | ||
This is called once per page of a document being printed.
PDFLTermType | ||
(Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called to determine whether a font can be emitted into the print job. This is used to determine whether a font is a document-included resource. Only used for PostScript printing.
(Required) A callback for PDPrintClient. It emits a font. For Type0 fonts that require font substition, this routine may emit multiple font definitions. The caller can get the list of fonts used by calling GetFontComponentList().
(Required for PostScript printing) A callback for PDPrintClient. It asks the client which encoding method should be used for the font.
A callback in the TKResourceProcs structure in the Adobe PDF Library. It acquires the specified resource and uses it to fill in the rdStm parameter.
A callback in the TKResourceProcs structure in the Adobe PDF Library. It releases the resources previously acquired and closes the ASStm passed in as rdStm.
Method | ||
ASInt32 ASAtomGetCount()
Gets the number of ASAtom objects that have been allocated. The maximum number of ASAtom objects is 0xFFFFFFFF. (This was a 16-bit value in Acrobat 4.x, and changed to a 32-bit value in Acrobat 5.0).
ASPathName ASFileSysGetDefaultTempPath(ASFileSys fileSys)
Gets the default temporary path that was set by ASFileSysSetDefaultTempPath().
Sets the default temporary path for the specified file system to the specified path name. The method copies the passed pathname object on success; the client is responsible for releasing the object when it is no longer needed, using ASFileSysReleasePath().
ASSize_t ASPurgeMemory(ASSize_t amount)
Attempts to free memory from the PDF Library caches.
void AVExtensionMgrRegisterNotification(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData)
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call when the event of the specified type occurs. This is exactly the same as the AVAppRegisterNotification() method. All of the PD level notifications are available with the Adobe PDF Library.
void AVExtensionMgrUnregisterNotification(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData)
Unregisters a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs. This is exactly the same as the AVAppUnregisterNotification() method.
void PDDocPrintPages(PDPrintClient client)
Prints a range of pages from a document, controlled by a structure of data and callbacks.
Gets the Core HFT.
ASUns32 PDFLGetFlags()
Gets the flags set when the PDF Library was initialized. Currently kPDFLInitIgnoreDefaultDirectories and kDontLoadPlugIns flags are supported.
ASUns32 PDFLGetInitCount()
Gets the number of times the PDF Library has been initialized.
ASUns32 PDFLGetVersion()
Gets the value of the Adobe PDF Library version (kPDFLVersion). The most significant 16 bits are the major version number; the least significant 16 bits are the minor version number. The major version number indicates whether any incompatible API changes have been made. The minor version number indicates that the API has changed, but in a compatible fashion.
void PDFLibraryRegisterNotification(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData)
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs. This is exactly the same as the AVAppRegisterNotification method. All of the PD level notifications are available with the Adobe PDF Library.
void PDFLibraryRegisterNotificationEx(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData, ASInt32 priority)
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs.
void PDFLibraryRegisterRNG(PDFLClientRNGProc clientRNG)
Registers a user-supplied random number generator. By default, the PDF Library obtains high-quality random values from the operating system (CryptGenRandom() on Windows, and /dev/random on Mac OS and many UNIX operating systems). This method allows an alternate handler to be used. The random numbers returned should be of high quality, and it is the responsibility of the developer to ensure this. A NULL parameter will reset to default behavior.
void PDFLibraryUnregisterNotification(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData)
Unregisters a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs. This is exactly the same as the AVAppUnregisterNotification() method.
Initializes the Adobe PDF Library. This method must be called before any other Library calls can be made, printing or otherwise.
ASInt32 PDFLInitHFT(PDFLData data)
ASInt32 PDFLInitHFT(PDFLData data)
Prints a PDF document or pages from a PDF document allowing the caller to specify options such as page size, rotation, and shrink-to-fit.
Deprecated: use PDFLPrintDoc() instead.
void PDFLTerm()
Terminates the Adobe PDF Library. Call this method after you are completely done using the library. Call this once to terminate and release memory used by the library. After the library has been shut down, the process should terminate.
void PDFLTermCommon(TermProcsP termProcs)
void PDFLTermHFT()
void PDFLTermHFT()
PDFontDownloadContext PDFontDownloadContextCreate(PDPrintClient client)
Creates a font download context object. This object keeps track of the fonts downloaded during a print job and whether substitution fonts have already been downloaded. It also tracks the font download parameters, such as binaryOK and 'emit TrueType as Type 42'. It is meant for use in the PDFontStreamPS() method.
void PDFontDownloadContextDestroy(PDFontDownloadContext context)
Destroys a font download context object. Call this method after PDDocPrintPages() returns.
ASBool PDFontPSEmitGlyphsIncr(ASStm stm, PDFont fontP, PDPrintStrP srcStr, PDPrintStrP dstStr, ASUns32* srcBytesUsedP, ASUns32* dstBytesUsedP, ASUns32* glyphCount, ASUns16* fontIndexP, PDPrintClient printClient)
Emit glyphs incrementally. This is the default EmitGlyphsIncr callback procedure for the PDPrintClient structure.
Flush the incremental glyphs list from a stream. This is the default FlushIncrGlyphList callback procedure for the PDPrintClient structure.
void PDFontPSGetComponentFontList(PDFont fontP, PDPrintFontArrayP pdFontArr, PDPrintClient printClient)
Get the component font list. This is the default GetComponentFontList callback procedure for the PDPrintClient structure.
Emits a font into a specified stream. The font is in a format suitable for downloading to a PostScript VM. For example, a TrueType font is converted into a Type 1 or Type 42 font.
ASBool PDFontWasExtracted(PDFont fontP)
Tests whether the specified font is embedded in the PDF file and has already been extracted to display or print the file.
ASBool PDFontWasFauxed(PDFont font)
Tests whether the specified font is embedded in the PDF file or is installed in the user's system. If this is the case, the correct font can be used for display and printing.
void PDPageDrawContentsPlacedToWindow(PDPage page, void* window, void* displayContext, ASBool isDPS, ASFixedMatrix* matrix, ASFixedRect* updateRect, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)
Draws the page to the window or display context. The window and display context are implementation-dependent. This API is not available on Mac 64.
Draws the page to the window or display context. The window and display context are implementation-dependent. This API is not available on Mac 64.
ASInt32 PDPageDrawContentsToMemory(PDPage page, ASUns32 flags, ASFixedMatrix* matrix, ASFixedRect* updateRect, ASUns32 smoothFlags, ASAtom csAtom, ASInt32 bpc, ASFixedRect* destRect, char* buffer, ASInt32 bufferSize, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcData)
Superseded by PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
ASUns32 PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx(PDPage page, ASCab flags, ASDoubleMatrix* matrix, ASDoubleRect* updateRect, ASAtom csAtom, ASInt32 bpc, ASDoubleRect* destRect, char* buffer, ASUns32 bufferSize, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcData)
Supersedes PDPageDrawContentsToMemory() in Acrobat 10.0.
void PDPageEmitPSOrient(PDPage pdPage, ASInt16 paperHeight, ASInt16 paperWidth, ASStm stm, PDPrintParams params)
Obsolete in PDF Library 6.0. Do not use.
Returns the width and height of the page, which could be rotated or defaulted.
ASInt16 PDPrefGetAntialiasLevel()
Returns the antialias level, in pixels.
ASBool PDPrefGetBlackPointCompensation()
Returns the black-point compensation flag.
ASBool PDPrefGetEnableThinLineHeuristics()
Determines whether thin lines will be fattened non-linearly or the stroke adjust will be applied to thin rectangles.
ASInt16 PDPrefGetGreekLevel()
Returns the greek level.
Gets reference XObject parameters.
ASBool PDPrefGetSuppressICCSpaces(ASUns32 nComponents)
Returns the value of the suppress flag for ICC-based spaces with the specified number of components.
ASBool PDPrefGetUseOutputIntents()
Returns the value of the Output Intent flag. When this flag is true, the system overrides the working space with the Output Intent, if it is present.
void PDPrefSetAntialiasLevel(ASInt16 antialiasPixelLevel)
Sets the default smooth text and smooth images global flags for subsequent rendering methods.
void PDPrefSetBlackPointCompensation(ASBool kbpc)
Sets the black-point compensation flag, which controls whether to adjust for differences in black points when converting colors between color spaces. When enabled, the full dynamic range of the source space is mapped into the full dynamic range of the destination space. When disabled, the dynamic range of the source space is simulated in the destination space (which can result in blocked or gray shadows).
void PDPrefSetEnableThinLineHeuristics(ASBool doThinLineTricks)
Sets whether thin lines will be fattened non-linearly or the stroke adjust will be applied to thin rectangles.
void PDPrefSetGreekLevel(ASInt16 greekPixelLevel)
Sets the greek level. The greek level is a text height below which text characters are not rendered. Instead, text-like glyphs that have no meaning but look good at very small size are used. This is known as greeking.
Sets reference XObject parameters.
Specifies use of a default color space rather than an ICC-based color space.
void PDPrefSetUseLocalFonts(ASBool useLocalFonts)
Enables or disables use of local fonts.
void PDPrefSetUseOutputIntents(ASBool flag)
Sets the Output Intent flag.
void PDPrefSetWorkingCMYK(void* profile, ASUns32 profileLength)
Sets the current CMYK working space to a given ICC profile. A CMYK working space in PDF is defined as a profile to substitute for a corresponding /DeviceCMYK space.
void PDPrefSetWorkingGray(void* profile, ASUns32 profileLength)
Sets the current gray working space to a given ICC profile. A gray working space in PDF is defined as a profile to substitute for a corresponding /DeviceGray space. When rendering with overprint preview, the gray substitution is suppressed, to avoid converting grayscale to "rich black."
void PDPrefSetWorkingRGB(void* profile, ASUns32 profileLength)
Set the current RGB working space to a given ICC profile. An RGB working space in PDF is defined as a profile to substitute for a corresponding /DeviceRGB space.
This notification is broadcast after the beginning of the Page Setup (immediately after writing %% BeginPageSetup) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc() (only available with PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages() (only available with PDF Library SDK). At this point it is possible to use setpagedevice and set the graphics state but marks cannot be made on the page.
This notification is broadcast after the beginning of the PostScript Prolog (immediately after writing %% BeginPrologue) during the printing of a document to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc() (only available with PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages() (only available with PDF Library SDK). The Prolog is a set of application-specific procedure definitions that an application may emit in a PostScript stream.
This notification is broadcast after the beginning of the Document Setup (immediately after writing %% BeginSetup) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc() (only available with PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages() (only available with PDF Library SDK). During Document Setup, fonts may be downloaded, setpagedevice may be called, procsets may be initialized, the graphics state may be initialized, and so forth.
void PSPrintAfterEmitExtGState(ASStm stm, void* clientData)
This notification is broadcast after extended graphics state parameters are emitted while printing to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc() (only available with the PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages() (only available with the PDF Library SDK).
This notification is broadcast after the page trailer is emitted (immediately after writing %% PageTrailer) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc() (only available with PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages() (only available with PDF Library SDK). At this point it is possible to resolve comments (at end) and emit cleanup code.
This notification is broadcast after the DSC trailer is emitted (immediately after writing %% Trailer) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc() (only available with PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages() (only available with PDF Library SDK). At this point it is possible to resolve comments (at end) and emit cleanup code.
Clients that register for this notification will be called back during PostScript printing, just prior to emission of the Acrobat procsets.
This notification is broadcast after the DSC page-level comments that apply to all pages have been emitted (immediately before writing %% EndComments) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc() (only available with the PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages() (only available with the PDF Library SDK).
This notification is broadcast before the end of Document Setup (immediately before writing %% EndSetup) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc() (only available with PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages() (only available with PDF Library SDK). At this point all of the job level resources and procsets have been added to the print stream.
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define _PDFLHFT_IS_BETA 0
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 94 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 93 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define _PDFLHFT_LATEST_VERSION 0x000A0000
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 92 |
ASCallbackCreateNotification |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define ASCallbackCreateNotification ASCallbackCreateProto(nsel##NPROTO, proc)
File: AVCalls.h |
Line: 1629 |
ATTR_AcceptCertWithoutCheck |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define ATTR_AcceptCertWithoutCheck "accept"
File: DirectoryHFT.h |
Line: 154 |
include |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define include h"
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 125 |
kPDFLVersion |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define kPDFLVersion 0x00090000
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 41 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDFL_VERSION ((6L<<16) + 0)
File: PDFLRequir.h |
Line: 59 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 97 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 99 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDFLHFT_VERSION_5 0x00050000
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 106 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDFLHFT_VERSION_6 0x00060000
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 105 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDFLHFT_VERSION_7 0x00070000
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 104 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDFLHFT_VERSION_7_1 0x00070001
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 103 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDFLHFT_VERSION_7_5 0x00070005
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 102 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDFLHFT_VERSION_8 0x00080000
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 101 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDFLHFT_VERSION_9 0x00090000
File: PDFLCalls.h |
Line: 100 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
#define PDFLHFTName "PDFLibrary"
File: PDFLHFTVers.h |
Line: 16 |
ASMemAllocProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASClientAllocProc ASMemAllocProc;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 96 |
ASMemAvailProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASClientMemAvailProc ASMemAvailProc;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 141 |
ASMemFreeProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASClientFreeProc ASMemFreeProc;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 127 |
ASMemReallocProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASClientReallocProc ASMemReallocProc;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 113 |
InitProcs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_InitProcs InitProcs;
File: PDFLInitCommon.h |
Line: 44 |
InitProcsP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_InitProcs InitProcsP;
File: PDFLInitCommon.h |
Line: 44 |
MonoInkList |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_monoInkList MonoInkList;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1509 |
PDFLData |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh |
typedef _t_PDFLData PDFLData;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 700 |
PDFLData |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: UNIX |
typedef _t_PDFLData PDFLData;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 867 |
PDFLData |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Windows |
typedef _t_PDFLData PDFLData;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 535 |
PDFLDataRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh |
typedef _t_PDFLData PDFLDataRec;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 700 |
PDFLDataRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: UNIX |
typedef _t_PDFLData PDFLDataRec;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 867 |
PDFLDataRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Windows |
typedef _t_PDFLData PDFLDataRec;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 535 |
PDFLMemStats |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDFLMemStats PDFLMemStats;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 82 |
PDFLPrintUserCallbacks |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDFLPrintUserCallbacks PDFLPrintUserCallbacks;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 2350 |
PDFLPrintUserCallbacksRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDFLPrintUserCallbacks PDFLPrintUserCallbacksRec;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 2348 |
PDFLPrintUserParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDFLPrintUserParams PDFLPrintUserParams;
Declare the the type PDFLPrintUserParams, which is a pointer to a structure and is passed into PDFLPrintDoc. This structure is defined in
, but it is complex and platform-specific. This declaration avoids the need to include the platform specific details into files that just need a decaration of this pointer.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 2356 |
PDFLPrintUserParamsRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh |
typedef _t_PDFLPrintUserParams PDFLPrintUserParamsRec;
File: PDFLPrint.h |
Line: 673 |
PDFLPrintUserParamsRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: UNIX |
typedef _t_PDFLPrintUserParams PDFLPrintUserParamsRec;
File: PDFLPrint.h |
Line: 187 |
PDFLPrintUserParamsRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Windows |
typedef _t_PDFLPrintUserParams PDFLPrintUserParamsRec;
File: PDFLPrint.h |
Line: 511 |
PDInclusion |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef ASEnum8 PDInclusion;
Specifies how to include a resource in a file.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 123 |
PDPrintClient |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDPrintClient PDPrintClient;
A data structure used by PDDocPrintPages(). It contains methods to be implemented by the client. Unless otherwise indicated, methods may be NULL
, indicating that they do nothing. The methods are called in the order listed in this structure.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1359 |
PDPrintClientRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PDPrintClient PDPrintClientRec;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 2340 |
PDPrintController |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_PDPrintController* PDPrintController;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1360 |
PDPrintFontArrayP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef PDPrintFontArray PDPrintFontArrayP;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 287 |
PDPrintFontP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef PDPrintFontRec PDPrintFontP;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 267 |
PDPrintParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef PDPrintParamsRec PDPrintParams;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 978 |
PDPrintStrP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef PDPrintStr PDPrintStrP;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 202 |
PlatformBitmapPtr |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Windows |
typedef void* PlatformBitmapPtr;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 52 |
PlatformWindowPtr |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Windows |
typedef void* PlatformWindowPtr;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 51 |
PPDFeaturesP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PPDFeatures PPDFeaturesP;
File: PDFLPrint.h |
Line: 50 |
PPDFeaturesRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_PPDFeatures PPDFeaturesRec;
File: PDFLPrint.h |
Line: 50 |
TermProcs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_TermProcs TermProcs;
File: PDFLInitCommon.h |
Line: 49 |
TermProcsP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_TermProcs TermProcsP;
File: PDFLInitCommon.h |
Line: 49 |
TextList |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_textList TextList;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1413 |
TextServer |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef struct _t_TextServer* TextServer;
Text server.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1320 |
ThreadLocalKey |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh |
typedef TaskStorageIndex ThreadLocalKey;
PDFLData structure for PDFLInit.
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 537 |
ThreadLocalKey |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: UNIX |
typedef pthread_key_t ThreadLocalKey;
PDFLData structure for PDFLInit.
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 702 |
ThreadLocalKey |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Windows |
typedef DWORD ThreadLocalKey;
PDFLData structure for PDFLInit.
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 366 |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_TIFFASCIITagList TIFFASCIITagList;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1423 |
TKAllocatorProcs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_TKAllocatorProcs TKAllocatorProcs;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 177 |
TKAllocatorProcsP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_TKAllocatorProcs TKAllocatorProcsP;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 177 |
TKExtensionProcs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_TKExtensionProcs TKExtensionProcs;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 361 |
TKExtensionProcsP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_TKExtensionProcs TKExtensionProcsP;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 361 |
TKResourceProcs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_TKResourceProcs TKResourceProcs;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 261 |
TKResourceProcsP |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
typedef _t_TKResourceProcs TKResourceProcsP;
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 261 |
ALDImageColorType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum ALDImageColorType {
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1395 |
ALDImageColorType_Spot | ||
ALDImageColorType_Process | ||
ALDImageColorType_Separation | ||
ALDImageColorType_Intrinsic |
anoncathft25 |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum anoncathft25 {
CatalogNUMSELECTORSplusOne = (void)(char *szIndex)(char *szIndex)(char *szIndex)(void)
File: cathft.h |
Line: 35 |
anonConsHFT27 |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum anonConsHFT27 {
ConsultantBAD_SELECTOR = 0,
ConsultantNUMSELECTORSPlusOne = ( ConsAgentPercentDoneCallback pPercentDoneCallBack )( Consultant hConsultantToDestroy )( Consultant hConsultant, CosObj hObj, PDFObjType kObjType )( Consultant hConsultant, const ConsultantAgent* pAgent, RegAgentFlag kFlag )( Consultant hConsultant, CosObj hObjStart, PDFObjType kInitType )( Consultant hConsultant )( Consultant hConsultant )( Consultant hConsultant )( Consultant hConsultant )( Consultant hConsultant )( Consultant hConsultant )( ConsStack hConsultant )( ConsStack hConsultant, ASUns32 iIndex )( ConsStack hConsultant, ASUns32 iIndex )( ConsStack hConsultant, ASUns32 iIndex, ASUns32 iTypeIndex )( ConsStack hConsultant, ASUns32 iIndex )( ConsStack hConsultant, ASUns32 iIndex )( ConsStack hConsultant, ASUns32 iIndex )( ConsStack hConsultant, ASUns32 iIndex )( PDFObjType kType )( Consultant hConsultant )( Consultant hConsultant, CosObj hObj )
File: ConsHFT.h |
Line: 57 |
anonWLHFT31 |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum anonWLHFT31 {
WLNUMSELECTORSplusOne = (const char *driverName, void *driverRock, WebDriverVector *wdVec)(char *message, ASUns32 flags, ASInt32 timeoutTime)(WebProgressMonitor progMon, char *message, ASInt32 from, ASInt32 to, ASInt32 outOf, ASInt32 timeoutTime)(WebProgressMonitor progMon)(ASBool promptUser)(WebProgressMonitor progMon)(AVDoc avd, const char *cURL, const char *cFormData)(ASBool bCreate, PDDoc pdd, ASInt32 nStart, ASInt32 nEnd, ProgressMonitor pm, void *vPMData, CancelProc cp, void *vCPData)(AVDoc avd, const char *cURL, const char *cFormData, WWWOpenURLParams params)
File: WLHFT.h |
Line: 378 |
ImageInk |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum ImageInk {
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1490 |
ImageInk_Registration | Image colorant registration value. |
ImageInk_FullColor | Image colorant full color value. |
ImageInk_Monochrome | Image colorant monochrome value |
OPIversion |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1385 |
OPIv13 | OPI version 1.3. |
OPIv20 | OPI version 2.0. |
PDDuplexEnum |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDDuplexEnum {
See Also
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 372 |
PDEncodingType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDEncodingType {
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1364 |
kPDDoReencode | The encoding method to be used for Type 1 fonts and substituted fonts. |
kPDDoNothing | The encoding method to be used for TrueType Windows font or built-in encoding font. |
kPDDoXlate | The encoding method to be used for a TrueType custom font or font with Mac OS encoding. |
PDFLFarEastFont |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDFLFarEastFont {
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 169 |
PDPDFarEastFont_Download_All | Download all CJK fonts to the printer. |
PDPDFarEastFont_Download_None | Download only embedded fonts to the printer. |
PDPDFarEastFont_Print_As_Image | GDI/QuickDraw on PS option. PS Level 1 should use this to print CJK. |
PDFLInitFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDFLInitFlags {
kPDFLInitIgnoreDefaultDirectories = 0x001,
kReadOnlyInit = 0x0002,
kCheckSubFonts = 0x0004,
kDontLoadPlugIns = 0x0008,
kTestUniform = 0x0010,
kInitPDFEdit = 0x0020
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 44 |
kPDFLInitIgnoreDefaultDirectories | Do not search through default font directories. |
kReadOnlyInit | (obsolete) If it is not necessary to write PDF, there is no need to initialize the font table (which would be much faster!). |
kCheckSubFonts | Check for substitution fonts at toolkit initialization. If they are not found, return an error. |
kDontLoadPlugIns | Do not load plug-ins if this is set. |
kTestUniform | TEST ONLY ** Create the same PDF file for every run. This forces dates to January 1, 1999 at 1:01:01 and file IDs to "[<11111111111111111111111111111111><11111111111111111111111111111111>]". The resulting PDF files are invalid and should only be used for testing purposes. |
kInitPDFEdit | Initialize PDFEdit if this is |
PDFLPrefDrawSmoothFlags |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDFLPrefDrawSmoothFlags {
kPDPrefAASmoothText = 0x00000001,
kPDPrefAASmoothLineArt = 0x00000002,
kPDPrefAASmoothImage = 0x00000010
See Also
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1307 |
kPDPrefAASmoothText | ||
kPDPrefAASmoothLineArt | Draw smooth line art. |
kPDPrefAASmoothImage | Draw smooth image. |
PDFLProcSetIDs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDFLProcSetIDs {
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1588 |
pdfProcSet | PDF only operators. |
typeProcSet | AI3 or PDF typography. |
imgProcSet | General image support. |
imbProcSet | Monochrome images. |
imcProcSet | Color images. |
imiProcSet | Indexed (color table) images. |
ocfProcSet | Make Original Composite Font (OCF) support. |
nProcSets | How many are defined. |
PDFLSingleByteFont |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDFLSingleByteFont {
kPDSingleByteFont = 0x0001
See Also
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 230 |
kPDSingleByteFont | A fLag to indicate that the font uses a single byte encoding. |
PDOutputType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDOutputType {
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 124 |
kIncludeOncePerDoc | Include the resource only once per file. |
kIncludeOnEveryPage | ||
kIncludeNever | Never include the resource. |
kIncludeWhenNeeded | When needed. |
PDPrintMarkStyles |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDPrintMarkStyles {
kPDInDesignStyle = 0,
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1322 |
kPDInDesignStyle | InDesign style. |
kPDInDesignJ1Style | InDesign J1 style. |
kPDInDesignJ2Style | InDesign J2 style. |
kPDIllustratorStyle | Illustrator style. |
kPDIllustratorJStyle | Illustrator J style. |
kPDQuarkXPressStyle | QuarkXPress style. |
PDPrintTrapType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDPrintTrapType {
kPDPrintTrapNone = 0x01,
kPDPrintTrapInRIP = 0x04
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 459 |
PDRefXObjMode |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDRefXObjMode {
kRefXObjNever = 0,
kRefXObjAlways = 1,
kRefXObjPDFX5 = 2,
kRefXObjAlwaysAssured = 3,
kRefXObjPDFX5Assured = 4
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1218 |
kRefXObjNever | Never display reference XObjects. If a file contains reference XObjects, their content will not be displayed, and only the proxy will be displayed if this mode is selected. |
kRefXObjAlways | Always display reference XObjects. All files containing reference XObjects will display content from the XObjects. |
kRefXObjPDFX5 | All files that are PDFX5 compliant and that contain reference XObjects will display their content. |
kRefXObjAlwaysAssured | Always display reference XObjects, but do not display the proxy. The PDF parsing fails if the target is not found. |
kRefXObjPDFX5Assured | Always display reference XObjects, but do not display the proxy. The PDF parsing fails if the target PDF/X-5 document is not found. |
_t_InitProcs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_InitProcs {
PDFLInitType initProc;
PDFLGetCoreHFTType getCoreHFTProc;
PDFLInitThreadLocalDataType initThreadLocalData;
File: PDFLInitCommon.h |
Line: 40 |
_t_monoInkList |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_monoInkList {
char* name;
float level;
_t_monoInkList next;
Image ink monochrome list.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1502 |
name | Name of the colorant. |
level | Concentration of the colorant. |
next | Pointer to next list element. |
_t_PDFLData |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh |
struct _t_PDFLData {
ASSize_t size;
ASUns32 flags;
char** dirList;
ASInt32 listLen;
TKAllocatorProcsP allocator;
short resFile;
TKResourceProcsP resProcs;
TKExtensionProcsP extProcs;
char** cacheFileList;
char* systemCacheFile;
char* commonCacheFile;
char* cMapDirectory;
char* unicodeDirectory;
ASInt32 pluginDirListLen;
char** pluginDirList;
ASInt32 colorProfileDirListLen;
char** colorProfileDirList;
PDFLData structure.
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 540 |
size | The size of the data structure. It must be set to |
flags | Currently |
dirList | A list of directories with fonts. |
listLen | The number of directories listed in |
allocator | The structure containing function pointers for memory allocation callbacks. The library manages its own memory. Most applications linking with the library should pass |
resFile | (Mac only) The resources location, if they are not in the application itself. Set them using OpenResFile: |
resProcs | The structure containing function pointers for resource management callbacks. The library manages its own resources. Most applications linking with the library should pass |
extProcs | The structure containing function pointers for ASExtension callbacks used by the PDF Library. |
cacheFileList | A list of font cache file names. It is parallel to |
systemCacheFile | Separately configurable target file where CoolType should store the system font cache file. It may be |
commonCacheFile | Separately configurable target file where CoolType should store the common font cache file. It may be |
cMapDirectory | The complete |
unicodeDirectory | The complete, |
pluginDirListLen | Specifies the number of directories listed in
pluginDirList | An array of plug-in directories. If a PDF Library client wants PDFL to load headless PDF Library plug-ins from desired locations, the client can pass a list of paths in Clients can pass an array of plug-in directories in the field
colorProfileDirListLen | Specifies the number of directories listed in |
colorProfileDirList | An array of color profile directories. If a PDF Library client wants to search for color profiles from custom directories, the client can pass a list of paths in If the client does not set this parameter then PDF Library will search for the color profiles from default locations such as Creative Suites and Acrobat installation directories. If the clients sets this parameter then PDF Library will search for the color profiles from it's default directory as well as from the custom directories specified by the client through parameter
_t_PDFLData |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: UNIX |
struct _t_PDFLData {
ASSize_t size;
ASUns32 flags;
char** dirList;
ASInt32 listLen;
TKAllocatorProcsP allocator;
TKResourceProcsP resProcs;
TKExtensionProcsP extProcs;
char** cacheFileList;
char* systemCacheFile;
char* commonCacheFile;
char* unicodeDirectory;
char* cMapDirectory;
ASInt32 pluginDirListLen;
char** pluginDirList;
ASInt32 colorProfileDirListLen;
char** colorProfileDirList;
PDFLData structure.
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 705 |
size | The size of the data structure. It must be set to |
flags | Currently |
dirList | A list of directories with fonts. |
listLen | The number of directories listed in |
allocator | The structure containing function pointers for memory allocation callbacks. The library manages its own memory. Most applications linking with the library should pass |
resProcs | The structure containing function pointers for resource management callbacks. The library manages its own resources. Most applications linking with the library should pass |
extProcs | The structure containing function pointers for ASExtension callbacks used by the PDF Library. |
cacheFileList | A list of font cache file names. It is parallel to |
systemCacheFile | Separately configurable target file where CoolType should store the system font cache file. It may be |
commonCacheFile | Separately configurable target file where CoolType should store the common font cache file. It may be |
unicodeDirectory | The complete, |
cMapDirectory | The complete |
pluginDirList | An array of plug-in directories. If a PDF Library client wants PDFL to load headless PDF Library plug-ins from desired locations, the client can pass a list of paths in Clients can pass an array of plug-in directories in the field
colorProfileDirListLen | Specifies the number of directories listed in |
colorProfileDirList | An array of color profile directories. If a PDF Library client wants to search for color profiles from custom directories, the client can pass a list of paths in If the client does not set this parameter then PDF Library will search for the color profiles from default locations such as Creative Suites and Acrobat installation directories. If the clients sets this parameter then PDF Library will search for the color profiles from it's default directory as well as from the custom directories specified by the client through parameter
_t_PDFLData |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Windows |
struct _t_PDFLData {
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 367 |
size | The size of the data structure. It must be set to |
flags | Currently |
inst | (Windows only) The location of resources for the Library. For a static library, you link them into your application and use
If you are linking the static library into a DLL, pass the Free the |
dirList | List of directories with fonts. |
listLen | The number of directories listed in |
allocator | The structure containing function pointers for memory allocation callbacks. The library manages its own memory. Most applications linking with the library should pass |
resProcs | The structure containing function pointers for resource management callbacks. The library manages its own resources. Most applications linking with the library should pass |
extProcs | The structure containing function pointers for ASExtension callbacks used by the PDF Library. |
cacheFileList | A list of font cache file names. It is parallel to |
systemCacheFile | A separately configurable target file where CoolType should store the system font cache file. It may be |
commonCacheFile | Separately configurable target file where CoolType should store the common font cache file. It may be |
cMapDirectory | The complete |
unicodeDirectory | The complete, |
pluginDirListLen | Specifies the number of directories listed in
pluginDirList | An array of plug-in directories. If a PDF Library client wants PDFL to load headless PDF Library plug-ins from desired locations, the client can pass a list of paths in Clients can pass an array of plug-in directories in the field
colorProfileDirListLen | Specifies the number of directories listed in |
colorProfileDirList | An array of color profile directories. If a PDF Library client wants to search for color profiles from custom directories, the client can pass a list of paths in If the client does not set this parameter then PDF Library will search for the color profiles from default locations such as Creative Suites and Acrobat installation directories. If the clients sets this parameter then PDF Library will search for the color profiles from it's default directory as well as from the custom directories specified by the client through parameter
_t_PDFLMemStats |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 78 |
_t_PDFLPrintUserCallbacks |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDFLPrintUserCallbacks {
ASSize_t size;
PDPrintCanEmitFontProc CanEmitFont;
The structure holding pointers to certain optional Callbacks available with the PDFLPrintDoc() API.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 2345 |
_t_PDFLPrintUserParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh |
struct _t_PDFLPrintUserParams {
ASInt32 size;
ASBool emitToFile;
PDPrintParams printParams;
ASStm printStm;
ASUns16 paperWidth;
ASUns16 paperHeight;
ASInt32 dontEmitListLen;
char** dontEmitList;
ASBool emitToPrinter;
void* printRecord;
PMPrintSession printSession;
PMPrintSettings printSettings;
PMPageFormat pageFormat;
PDFLPrintCancelProc cancelProc;
void* clientData;
int startPage;
int endPage;
int shrinkToFit;
int printAnnots;
int psLevel;
int nCopies;
int binaryOK;
int emitHalftones;
int reverse;
int doOPP;
PDFLPrintUserCallbacks userCallbacks;
PPDFeaturesP PPDFeatures;
ASText ppdFileName;
Used to control printing with PDFLPrintDoc.
To print to a PostScript file, set emitToFile
to true, fill in printParams
, and create a writeable stream.
To print to a printer, set emitToPrinter
to true
, fill in printParams
, and optionally fill in the command.
See Also
File: PDFLPrint.h |
Line: 531 |
size | Size of the data structure. It must be set to |
emitToFile | Create a PostScript file. Set either this parameter or |
printParams | PDPrintParams structure. It is used both for creating a PostScript file and printing to a printer. |
printStm | Writable ASStm that points to a file stream or proc stream. It applies to both a PostScript printer and a file. |
paperWidth | Width of paper in points. The default value is |
paperHeight | Height of paper in points. The default value is |
dontEmitListLen | Number of fonts that should not be downloaded. It applies to both a PostScript printer and a file. |
dontEmitList | List of fonts (T1, TrueType, CID) that should not be downloaded. It applies to both a PostScript printer and a file. |
emitToPrinter | Output a PDF file to a PostScript printer. Set either this parameter or |
printRecord | DO NOT USE: Classic (non-Carbon) printing is no longer supported. |
printSession | Carbon print session - may be |
printSettings | Carbon print settings - may be |
pageFormat | ||
cancelProc | Optional PDFLPrintCancelProc. It applies to both a PostScript printer and a file. |
clientData | Optional pointer to data passed to |
startPage | The page on which to start printing, using zero-based numbering. It applies to a printer. |
endPage | The page on which to finish printing. It applies to a printer. |
shrinkToFit |
printAnnots |
psLevel | PostScript level. It applies to a PostScript printer. |
nCopies | The number of copies to print. It applies to a printer and to a PostScript file. |
binaryOK |
emitHalftones |
reverse |
doOPP |
The default is |
userCallbacks | Optional pointer to structure containing pointers to user callback functions |
PPDFeatures | Optional pointer to a structure where you can add additional PPD features like staple, input tray, output tray, duplex mode etc. for output to PostScript file. For more details, see |
ppdFileName | (Optional)The name and path of the PPD file from which the PPD features will be emitted to a PostScript file. Use this field alongwith |
_t_PDFLPrintUserParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: UNIX |
struct _t_PDFLPrintUserParams {
Used to control printing with PDFLPrintDoc.
To print to a PostScript file, set emitToFile
to true
, fill in printParams
, and create a writeable stream.
To print to a printer, set emitToPrinter
to true
, fill in printParams
, and optionally fill in the command.
See Also
File: PDFLPrint.h |
Line: 90 |
size | Size of the data structure. Must be set to sizeof(PDFLPrintUserParamsRec). |
printParams | PDPrintParams structure. Used for both creating a PostScript file and printing to a printer. |
emitToFile | Create a PostScript file. You set either this parameter or emitToPrinter, but not both. |
printStm | Writable ASStm that points to a file stream or proc stream. It applies to both a PostScript printer and a file. |
paperWidth | Width of paper in points. The default value is 612. Applies to a PostScript printer. |
paperHeight | Height of paper in points. The default value is 792. Applies to a PostScript printer. |
dontEmitListLen | Number of fonts that should not be downloaded. Applies to both a PostScript printer and a file. |
dontEmitList | List of fonts (T1, TrueType, CID) that should not be downloaded. Applies to both a PostScript printer and a file. |
emitToPrinter | Output PDF file to a PostScript printer. Set either this parameter or |
command | Optional command line arguments. It is used only if |
cancelProc | Optional PDFLPrintCancelProc. It applies to both a a PostScript printer and a file. |
clientData | Optional pointer to data passed to |
startResult | Spooler ID from StartDoc |
userCallbacks | Optional pointer to structure containing pointers to user callback functions |
nCopies | (Optional) Number of copies to print. It applies to a PostScript file. |
PPDFeatures | Optional pointer to a structure where you can add additional PPD features like staple, input tray, output tray, duplex mode etc. for output to PostScript file. For more details, see |
ppdFileName | (Optional)The name and path of the PPD file from which the PPD features will be emitted to a PostScript file. Use this field alongwith |
_t_PDFLPrintUserParams |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Windows |
struct _t_PDFLPrintUserParams {
ASInt32 size;
ASBool emitToFile;
PDPrintParams printParams;
ASStm printStm;
ASUns16 paperWidth;
ASUns16 paperHeight;
ASInt32 dontEmitListLen;
char** dontEmitList;
ASBool emitToPrinter;
char* inFileName;
char* outFileName;
char* deviceName;
char* driverName;
char* portName;
int startPage;
int endPage;
int shrinkToFit;
int printAnnots;
int psLevel;
int nCopies;
int binaryOK;
int emitHalftones;
int reverse;
int farEastFontOpt;
int transQuality;
int doOPP;
PDFLPrintCancelProc cancelProc;
void* clientData;
int startResult;
ASUns16 inFileNameW;
ASUns16 outFileNameW;
ASUns16 deviceNameW;
ASUns16 driverNameW;
ASUns16 portNameW;
PDFLPrintUserCallbacks userCallbacks;
PPDFeaturesP PPDFeatures;
ASText ppdFileName;
Used to control printing with PDFLPrintDoc.
See PDFLPrint.h for details about printing on specific platforms.
To print to a PostScript file, set emitToFile
to true
, fill in printParams
, and create a writeable stream.
To print to a printer, set emitToPrinter
to true
, fill in printParams
, and optionally fill in the command.
See Also
File: PDFLPrint.h |
Line: 209 |
size | Size of the data structure. Must be set to sizeof(PDFLPrintUserParamsRec). |
emitToFile | Create a PostScript file. You set either this parameter or emitToPrinter, but not both. |
printParams | PDPrintParams structure. It is used for both creating a PostScript file and printing to a printer. |
printStm | Writable ASStm that points to file stm or proc stm. It applies to both a PostScript printer and a file. |
paperWidth | Width of paper in points. The default value is 612. It applies to a PostScript printer. |
paperHeight | Height of paper in points. The default value is 792. It applies to a PostScript printer. |
dontEmitListLen | Number of fonts that should not be downloaded. It applies to both a PostScript printer and a file. |
dontEmitList | List of fonts (T1, TT, CID) that should not be downloaded. It applies to both a PostScript printer and a file. |
emitToPrinter | Output PDF file to a PostScript printer. Set either this parameter or |
inFileName | Deprecated. Use the Unicode version Used for the Windows DOCINFO structure ( |
outFileName | Deprecated. Use the Unicode version Used for the Windows DOCINFO structure ( |
deviceName | Deprecated. Use the Unicode version The name of the device on which to print (for example, |
driverName | Deprecated. Use the Unicode version The name of the driver (for example, |
portName | Deprecated. Use the Unicode version The name of the port (for example, |
pDevMode | Deprecated. Use the Unicode version (Optional) Allows you to pass a DEVMODE structure in if you have one. If you do not pass in your own DEVMODE structure, PDFL creates its own by calling OpenPrinter(), DocumentProperties(), and ClosePrinter(). PDFL never calls SetPrinter() and has no facility to offer the features provided by SetPrinter() (for example, pause/resume, deleting jobs, changing printer status, etc.). DocumentProperties() is called only in the case where the client does not provide a DEVMODE. |
startPage | Page to start printing with, using zero-based numbering. It applies to a printer. |
endPage | Page on which to finish printing. It applies to a printer. |
shrinkToFit |
printAnnots |
psLevel | PostScript level. It applies to a PostScript printer. |
nCopies | Number of copies to print. It applies to a printer and to a PostScript file. |
binaryOK |
emitHalftones |
reverse |
farEastFontOpt | One of PDFarEastFont.The default value is PDPDFarEastFont_Download_All. It applies to a PostScript printer. |
transQuality | Transparency flattening quality control. |
doOPP |
The default is |
cancelProc | Optional PDFLPrintCancelProc. It applies to both a PostScript printer and a file. |
clientData | Optional pointer to data passed to |
startResult | Spooler ID from StartDoc(). |
inFileNameW | Used for the Windows DOCINFO structure ( |
outFileNameW | Used for the Windows DOCINFO structure ( |
deviceNameW | The name of the device to print to (for example, |
driverNameW | The name of the driver (for example, |
portNameW | The name of the port (for example, |
pDevModeW | (Optional) Allows you to pass a DEVMODE structure in if you have one. If you do not pass in your own DEVMODE structure, PDFL creates its own by calling PDFL never calls |
pDC | (Optional) Allows you to pass a DeviceContext structure. If you do not pass in your own DeviceContext structure PDFL creates its own. |
userCallbacks | Optional pointer to structure containing pointers to user callback functions |
PPDFeatures | Optional pointer to a structure where you can add additional PPD features like staple, input tray, output tray, duplex mode etc. for output to PostScript file. For more details, see |
ppdFileName | (Optional)The name and path of the PPD file from which the PPD features will be emitted to a PostScript file. Use this field alongwith |
_t_PDPrintClient |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PDPrintClient {
ASSize_t size;
PDDoc pdDoc;
PDPrintParams params;
void DocBegin)(const PDPageRange ranges[], ASInt32 numRanges, ASStm stm, const PDResTree docTree, PDPrintClient printClient);
ASBool DocSetup)(const PDPageRange ranges[], ASInt32 numRanges, ASStm prologStm, PDPrintClient printClient);
void EndSetup)(ASStm stm, PDPrintClient client);
void NotifyNewPage)(ASInt32 pageNum, PDPrintClient printClient);
void PageBegin)(ASStm stm, ASInt32 pageNum, const PDResTree pageTree, PDPrintClient printClient);
ASBool PageSetup)(ASStm stm, ASInt32 pageNum, PDPrintClient printClient);
void PageSetupPostResource)(ASStm stm, ASInt32 pageNum, PDPrintClient printClient);
void PageCleanup)(ASStm stm, ASInt32 pageNum, PDPrintClient printClient);
void EmitPageContents)(ASStm stm, ASInt32 pageNum, PDPage pdPage, PDPrintClient printClient);
void PageEnd)(ASStm stm, ASInt32 pageNum, ASBool veryLastPage, PDPrintClient printClient);
void DocEnd)(ASStm stm, PDPrintClient printClient, PDPrintController controller);
PDPrintGetFontEncodingMethodProc GetFontEncodingMethod;
ASInt32 GetFontVMUsage)(PDFont fontP, PDPrintClient printClient);
void EmitPSFontBegin)(ASStm stm, PDFont fontP, PDPrintClient printClient);
void EmitPSFontEnd)(ASStm stm, PDFont fontP, PDPrintClient printClient);
ASBool EmitPSFontEncodingBegin)(ASStm stm, PDFont fontP, PDPrintClient printClient);
void EmitPSFontEncodingEnd)(ASStm stm, PDFont fontP, PDPrintClient printClient);
void EmitPSResourceBegin)(ASStm stm, ASAtom resType, const char *resName, CosObj resObj, PDPrintClient printClient);
void EmitPSResourceEnd)(ASStm stm, ASAtom resType, const char *resName, CosObj resObj, PDPrintClient printClient);
ASBool ShouldCancel)(PDPrintClient printClient);
ASBool CancelPrintJob)(PDPrintClient printClient);
ASInt32 FlushString)(char *data, ASInt32 nData, PDPrintClient printClient);
ASInt32 EmitPrologString)(const char *s, ASInt32 nData, PDPrintClient printClient);
PDPrintCanEmitFontProc CanEmitFont;
PDPrintEmitFontProc EmitFont;
ASBool UndefineFont)(ASStm stm, PDFont fontP, ASBool vmUndefine, PDPrintClient client);
ASBool EmitFontProcSet)(ASStm stm, PDFont fontP, PDPrintClient client);
ASBool EmitGlyphsIncr)(ASStm stm, PDFont fontP, PDPrintStrP srcStr, PDPrintStrP dstStr, ASUns32 *srcBytesUsed, ASUns32 *dstBytesUsed, ASUns32 *glyphCount, ASUns16 *fontIndex, PDPrintClient printClient);
void GetComponentFontList)(PDFont fontP, PDPrintFontArrayP fontList, PDPrintClient printClient);
void FlushIncrGlyphList)(ASStm stm, PDPrintClient printClient);
ASBool OPIhandler)(OPIdict *opi, ASStm stm, void *clientData);
ASUns32 DataSourceString)(PDFileSpec f, char *buf, ASUns32 bufSize, void *clientData);
ASInt32 sequentialPageNum;
void* clientData;
void* fontDownloadContext;
ASInt32 vmUsed;
ASBool ProgressMonitor)(ASInt32 pageNum, ASInt32 totalPages, float current, const char *name, ASInt32 stage, void *progMonClientData);
void* progMonClientData;
void GetTimeDate)(ASText timeDate);
PDHostSepsSpec seps;
void GetClientPaperSize)(PDPrintClient printClient, ASFixed *height, ASFixed *width);
ASStm outStm;
A data structure used by PDDocPrintPages. It contains methods to be implemented by the client. Unless otherwise indicated, methods may be NULL
, indicating that they do nothing. The methods are called in the order listed in this structure.
See Also
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1735 |
size | The size of the structure. |
pdDoc | The document to print. |
params | A control structure describing how to print the document. |
DocBegin | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. Begin processing a document for printing. |
DocSetup | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. Set up a document for printing. |
EndSetup | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. End the setup for printing a document. One task that might be performed here is to broadcast a notification for each range of pages that will be printed, as in this pseudo code:
NotifyNewPage | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called once for each page printed. A client can use this notification to update the page number in the message pane, for example. |
PageBegin | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called before a page begins printing. |
PageSetup | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called before a page is printed to set it up. |
PageSetupPostResource | A callback for PDPrintClient. PageSetupPostResource() is called from PDPrintPageBegin() after the resource tree has been processed (all fonts and other resources emitted into the PostScript stream). |
PageCleanup | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It mirrors PageSetup; PageCleanup is called before we clean our dictionaries. |
EmitPageContents | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It emits the page contents for printing. It broadcasts a notification that the page has been printed:
There is a default callback for PostScript printing. |
PageEnd | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called after a page has printed. It broadcasts a notification that the page has printed:
DocEnd | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It ends processing a document for printing. |
GetFontEncodingMethod | This routine is called to ask the client what encoding method should be used for the font. This cannot be |
GetFontVMUsage | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It asks the client what the VM usage is for the font. |
EmitPSFontBegin | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called before a font is emitted (outside DSC comments). |
EmitPSFontEnd | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called after a font is emitted (outside DSC comments). |
EmitPSFontEncodingBegin | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called before a font encoding is emitted. |
EmitPSFontEncodingEnd | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called after a font encoding is emitted. |
EmitPSResourceBegin | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called before a PostScript resource is emitted. |
EmitPSResourceEnd | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called after a PostScript resource is emitted. |
ShouldCancel | A callback for PDPrintClient. |
CancelPrintJob | A callback for PDPrintClient. |
FlushString | (Required) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called when the ASStm buffer is full. Buffered data should be sent to the printer, driver, file, or other destination. Not used for non-PostScript printing. |
EmitPrologString | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It emits a prolog string. It defaults to a method that calls FlushString(). |
CanEmitFont | This routine is called to determine whether a font can be emitted into the print job. This is used to determine whether a font is a document-included resource. It is only used for PostScript. OPTIONAL: The default is to assume that any font can be emitted. |
EmitFont | REQUIRED. This routine is called to emit a font. For Type0 fonts that require font substition, this routine may emit multiple font definitions. The caller can get the list of fonts used by calling GetFontComponentList(). |
UndefineFont | (Required) UndefineFont() is called to remove the font from the list of fonts that have been downloaded and to undefine the font from PostScript VM. It may be called during a page, at the end of the page, or between pages. After this routine is called, if the font is required again, the EmitFont() routine will be called. |
EmitFontProcSet | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. EmitFontProcSet() is called while emitting the document prolog. It should emit any procsets required to download the font. The routine will be called once for each font in the document. However, each procset only needs to be downloaded once per document. |
EmitGlyphsIncr | A callback for PDPrintClient. It emits glyphs incrementally. |
GetComponentFontList | (Required) A callback for PDPrintClient. GetComponentFontList() is called to get the list of component font names used for substitution. For fonts that do not require substitution or are substituted by only one font, the list returned should only have one element. For a Type 0 font that requires several fonts for font substitution, the list will have multiple fonts. The font names returned are the names used by the font definitions downloaded to PostScript. The font definitions themselves are downloaded by a call to the EmitFont() routine. |
FlushIncrGlyphList | (Required) A callback for PDPrintClient. FlushIncrGlyphList() is called to flush the list of glyphs that have been incrementally download since the calls to EmitFont or the last call of FlushIncrGlyphList. This routine will be called if the caller generates PostScript code that would flush glyphs procedures that have been downloaded to the PostScript interpreter. For example, if at the beginning of each page, a save is executed and then at the end of a page, a restore is executed, any glyph procedures downloaded after the beginning of the page will be removed when the restore is executed. The call to FlushIncrGlyphList() indicates that all the glyphs need to be redownloaded, by calls to EmitGlyphsIncr(). |
OPIhandler | (Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. If this method is supplied, then during PostScript printing, it will be called when a form or image containing an OPI dictionary is encountered. If it returns |
DataSourceString | (Optional) If this method is supplied, and the The DataSource is used thus:
where |
sequentialPageNum | The current page, starting at |
clientData | Data for the client's use. This data is passed to the |
fontDownloadContext | For the client's use to hold a font download context for the EmitFontProcSet. |
vmUsed | The amount of virtual memory used. It is incremented by routines that download fonts and resources. |
ProgressMonitor | Optional. If |
GetTimeDate | For use in the Exchange product, when emitting the time/date of the print job (the |
seps | Pro product only. |
GetClientPaperSize | For internal use of PDFL. SDK clients must set this parameter to |
outStm | Output stream for creating postscript file. |
_t_PPDFeatures |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_PPDFeatures {
ASUns32 size;
ASText InputSlot;
ASText OutputBin;
ASText Duplex;
ASText StapleLocation;
ASText StapleX;
ASText StapleY;
ASText StapleOrientation;
ASText StapleWhen;
Used to control the emitting of PPD dependent features to a PostScript file when printing with PDFLPrintDoc. These features are emitted only if emitToFile
is set to true
. Please see PDFLPrintDoc for more details.
This can be used to generate PPD dependent PostScript file on all platforms.
All PPD features in the structure are optional. Set only the ones you want to be emit to the output PostScript file.
The PPD file and its path should be passed in as ppdFileName
inside PDFLPrintUserParamsRec
If the PPD feature specified here does not exist in the passed PPD file, then it will not be outputted in the generated PostScript file. For eg. if Upper is passed as InputSlot
and there is no tray as Upper in the PPD file, then the generated PostScript file will not contain an entry setting InputSlot to Upper.
Note: If no PPD file is passed then this structure would be ignored.
File: PDFLPrint.h |
Line: 698 |
size | Size of the data structure. It must be set to |
InputSlot | Optional. Specifies the Input Tray of the printer. For eg. Upper |
OutputBin | Optional. Specifies the Onput Tray of the printer. For eg. Left |
Duplex | Optional. Specifies the Duplex mode. For eg. DuplexTumble |
StapleLocation | Optional. Specifies the location for stapling. For eg. SinglePortrait. Either |
StapleX | Optional. Specifies the StapleX. For eg. Left. Also read the comment on |
StapleY | Optional. Specifies the StapleY. For eg. Top. Also read the comment on |
StapleOrientation | Optional. Specifies the orientation of the stapling. For eg. 45 |
StapleWhen | Optional. Specifies when to staple. For eg. EndOfPage |
_t_TermProcs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_TermProcs {
PDFLTermType termProc;
File: PDFLInitCommon.h |
Line: 47 |
_t_textList |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_textList {
char* name;
_t_textList next;
List structure used in TIFFASCIITagList
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1408 |
name | Tag name. |
next | Pointer to next list element. |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1416 |
tagNumber | The tag number |
tagText | ||
next | For OPI 1.3, the |
_t_TKAllocatorProcs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_TKAllocatorProcs {
ASClientAllocProc allocProc;
ASClientReallocProc reallocProc;
ASClientFreeProc freeProc;
ASClientMemAvailProc memAvailProc;
void* clientData;
A structure for memory allocation callbacks used by the PDF Library.
See Also
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 150 |
allocProc | Called when the PDF Library needs to allocate memory. |
reallocProc | Called when the PDF Library needs to reallocate a block of memory. |
freeProc | Called when the PDF Library needs to free a block of memory. |
memAvailProc | Called when the PDF Library needs to determine the amount of memory available. |
clientData | A pointer to data to pass into each of the memory management callbacks. |
_t_TKExtensionProcs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_TKExtensionProcs {
ASExtensionProgressProc progressProc;
ASExtensionReportErrorProc reportErrProc;
void* clientData;
A structure containing function pointers for ASExtension callbacks used by the PDF Library.
See Also
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 345 |
_t_TKResourceProcs |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct _t_TKResourceProcs {
TKResourceAcquireProc acquireProc;
TKResourceReleaseProc releaseProc;
void* clientData;
Structure for resource acquisition callbacks used by the PDF Library.
See Also
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 244 |
acquireProc | Called when the PDF Library needs to acquire resources. |
releaseProc | Called when the PDF Library needs to release resources. |
clientData | A pointer to data to pass into every call to the PMSetTextProc() or TKResourceReleaseProc() as the |
ImageInks |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct ImageInks {
ImageInk type;
MonoInkList mono;
Image inks.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1512 |
type | Image ink type. |
mono | Image ink monochrome list. This is defined only if |
OPI13dict |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct OPI13dict {
TIFFASCIITagList aldImageAsciiTags;
float c;
float m;
float y;
float k;
char* name;
struct OPI13dict::@3 aldImageColor;
ALDImageColorType aldImageColorType;
float aldImageCropFixed[4];
ASUns32 aldImageCropRect[4];
ASUns32 aldImageDimensions[2];
PDFileSpec aldImageFileName;
ASUns16 aldImageGrayMap;
ASUns16 aldImageGrayMapLength;
char* aldImageID;
ASBool aldImageOverprint;
float aldImagePosition[8];
float aldImageResolution[2];
float aldImageTint;
ASBool aldImageTransparency;
ASUns32 aldImageType[2];
char* aldObjectComments;
unsigned aldimageasciitags;
unsigned aldimagecolor;
unsigned aldimagecolortype;
unsigned aldimagecropfixed;
unsigned aldimagecroprect;
unsigned aldimagedimensions;
unsigned aldimagefilename;
unsigned aldimagegraymap;
unsigned aldimageid;
unsigned aldimageoverprint;
unsigned aldimageposition;
unsigned aldimageresolution;
unsigned aldimagetint;
unsigned aldimagetransparency;
unsigned aldimagetype;
unsigned aldobjectcomments;
struct OPI13dict::@4 defined;
OPI 1.3 dictionary.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1426 |
aldImageAsciiTags | TIFF ASCII tags. |
aldImageColorType | ||
aldImageCropFixed | The portion of the image to be used. |
aldImageCropRect | The portion of the image to be used ( |
aldImageDimensions | Included image dimensions. |
aldImageFileName | ||
aldImageGrayMap | Changes to the brightness or contrast of the image. |
aldImageGrayMapLength | Length of the GrayMap array ( |
aldImageID | Image identifier. |
aldImageOverprint | Determines whether the image is to overprint ( |
aldImagePosition | The location on the page of the cropped image ( |
aldImageResolution | Image resolution ( |
aldImageTint | The concentration of the color in which the image is to be rendered. |
aldImageTransparency | Specifies whether white pixels in the image are to be treated as transparent. |
aldImageType | Specifies the number of samples per pixel and bits per sample in the image ( |
aldObjectComments | A human-readable comment, typically containing instructions or suggestions to the operator of the OPI server on how to handle the image. |
OPI20dict |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct OPI20dict {
float imageCropRect[4];
float imageDimensions[2];
PDFileSpec imageFileName;
ImageInks imageInks;
ASBool imageOverprint;
ASUns32 includedImageDimensions[2];
float includedImageQuality;
char* mainImage;
TIFFASCIITagList tiffAsciiTags;
unsigned imagecroprect;
unsigned imagedimensions;
unsigned imagefilename;
unsigned imageinks;
unsigned imageoverprint;
unsigned includedimagedimensions;
unsigned includedimagequality;
unsigned mainimage;
unsigned tiffasciitags;
struct OPI20dict::@5 defined;
OPI 2.0 dictionary.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1520 |
imageCropRect | The portion of the image to be used ( |
imageDimensions | The dimensions of the included image ( |
imageFileName | The external file containing the image. The following values are required if
imageInks | The colorants to be applied to the image. |
imageOverprint | Specifies whether the image is to overprint ( |
includedImageDimensions | Included image dimensions. |
includedImageQuality | The quality of the included image. |
mainImage | The path name of the file containing the full-resolution image. |
OPIdict |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct OPIdict {
OPIversion version;
OPI13dict dict13;
OPI20dict dict20;
union OPIdict::@6 dict;
OPI dictionary.
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1571 |
version | OPI version ( |
PDPrintFontArray |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct PDPrintFontArray {
ASUns32 count;
ASBool usesDisplayCTFont;
PDPrintFontP arr;
An array of font pointers for use in PDFontPSGetComponentFontList.
See Also
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 276 |
count | The number of fonts in |
usesDisplayCTFont | Whether to use the Display CT Font. |
arr | The font array. |
PDPrintFontRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct PDPrintFontRec {
const char* name;
const char* encoding;
const char* cidFontName;
ASInt16 style;
PDFontStyle syntheticStyle;
ASBool used;
ASBool emitted;
ASInt32 baseLineAdj;
ASUns32 flags;
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 236 |
name | The font name. |
encoding | The font encoding. |
cidFontName | ||
style | Gothic or Mincho. |
syntheticStyle | Roman, Italic, Bold, or BoldItalic. |
used | Set to |
emitted | Set to |
baseLineAdj | Baseline adjustment. |
flags | Flags bits. |
PDPrintParamsRec |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct PDPrintParamsRec {
A data structure indicating how a document should be printed.
See Also
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 471 |
size | The size of the data structure. It must be set to |
ranges | Ranges of pages to print. Use |
numRanges | The number of ranges of pages to print in ranges. The default value is |
shrinkToFit |
expandToFit |
rotateAndCenter |
printWhat | Print the document, the document and comments, or document form fields only. |
printWhatAnnot | Annotation flags which modify PDPrintWhat to enable Pro product behavior. |
emitPS | If |
psLevel | PostScript level: |
outputType | Print PostScript or EPS with or without a preview. |
incBaseFonts | Embed the base fonts. The default value is kIncludeNever. |
incEmbeddedFonts | Embed fonts that are embedded in the PDF file. This overrides the |
incType1Fonts | Embed Type 1 fonts. The default value is kIncludeOncePerDoc. |
incType3Fonts | Embed Type 3 fonts. The default value is kIncludeOnEveryPage. |
incTrueTypeFonts | Embed TrueType fonts. The default value is kIncludeOncePerDoc. |
incCIDFonts | Embed CID fonts. The default value is kIncludeOncePerDoc. |
incProcsets | Include Procsets in the file. The default value is kIncludeOncePerDoc. |
incOtherResources | Include all other types of resources in the file. The default value is kIncludeOncePerDoc. |
fontPerDocVM | The amount of VM available for font downloading at the document level. It is ignored if it is less than or equal to |
emitShowpage | Emit save and restore |
emitTTFontsFirst | Emit TrueType fonts before any other fonts. The default value is |
setPageSize | (PostScript level 2 only) Set the page size on each page. Use the media box for outputting to PostScript files, use the crop box for EPS files. Default is |
emitDSC | Write DSC (Document Structuring Conventions) comments. The default value is |
setupProcsets | If procsets are included, also include init/term code. The default value is |
emitColorSeps | Emit images for Level-1 separations. The default value is |
binaryOK |
useSubFileDecode | Add |
emitRawData |
TTasT42 | If including TrueType fonts, convert to Type 42 fonts instead of Type 1 fonts. The default value is |
scale | The document-wide scale factor. |
emitExternalStreamRef | If an Image resource uses an external stream, emit code that points to the external file. The default value is |
emitHalftones | Preserve any halftone screening in the PDF file. The default value is |
emitPSXObjects | Emit PostScript XObjects into the PostScript stream [ |
centerCropBox |
emitSeparableImagesOnly | If emitting EPS, include only CMYK and gray images. |
emitDeviceExtGState | When emitting the extended graphics state, include the device-dependent parameters (overprint, black generation, undercolor removal, transfer, halftone, halftone phase, smoothness, flatness, rendering intent) in addition to the device-independent parameters (font, line width, line cap, line join, miter limit, dash pattern). If this flag is |
boundingBox | If all zeroes, it is ignored. Otherwise, it is used for |
useFontAliasNames | Used when printing with system fonts. The default value is |
emitPageRotation | Emit a concat at the beginning of each page so that the page is properly rotated. Used when emitting EPS. The default value is |
reverse | If set to |
tCropBox | Temporary crop box to represent the selected region. |
emitPageClip | Emit page clip. |
emitTransfer | Emit transfer. |
emitBG | Emit black generation. |
emitUCR | Emit undercolor removal. |
farEastFontOpt | GDI to PS or download CJK fonts. |
suppressCJKSubstitution | If |
suppressCSA | Do not emit CSAs for 4-component (CMYK) colors. This will take precedence over the |
hostBased | For separator, do host-based color management. |
hostBasedOutputCS | The output color space when |
duplex | Sets the duplex mode if the device supports duplex printing. The default value is |
doTiling | Determines whether to tile none, all, or only large pages. |
tileInfo | If non- |
rotate | Enable the auto-rotating behavior from past versions of Acrobat. |
hostBasedCM | Do |
destProfile | If |
destCSAtom | An ASAtom representing the device color space (DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, and so on). |
saveVM |
doOPP | Do the overprint preview operation. |
suppressOPPWhenNoSpots | When |
optimizeForSpeed | If |
brokenCRDs | If |
useMaxVM | If |
lastWidth | Used when |
lastHeight | Used when |
bitmapResolution | DPI for bitmaps. The default is |
gradientResolution | DPI for gradients interior to the object (not edges). It can generally be lower than the |
transparencyQuality | The transparency level. The range is |
ocContext | The optional-content context to use for visibility state information, or |
applyOCGPrintOverrides | Print-specific visiblity state settings are always applied from the optional-content group. applyOCGPrintOverrides is no longer honored. It is always considered as true whatever may be the value passed to it. |
useFullResolutionJP2KData | Determines whether to use the maximum available JPEG2000 resolution. |
emitInRipSeps | When |
whichMarks | Page mark indication. It is a bit-wise It applies to print separations, which are available only in Acrobat Professional. |
westernMarksStyle | When |
doProofing | When |
proofProfile | Description string for the proofing profile. |
inkBlack | Proofing settings: simulate ink black. |
paperWhite | Proofing settings: simulate paper white. |
useExecForm | When |
flattenInfo | A structure containing parameters that control tile flattening. |
negative | When |
mirrorprint | One of the following constants:
Mirroring is done in the PostScript output stream. |
numCollatedCopies | Enables collation for the viewer. |
emitFlatness | Honors the flatness settings over |
trapType | The trap type:
TTasCIDT2 | This parameter is obsolete from PDFL 10.0. When this is set, emit TrueType fonts as CIDType2 instead of as CIDFontType0. |
markStyle | Specify the style to use for page marks. The |
lineWidth | The line weight to use for printer marks. |
macQDPrinter |
customMarksFileName | If |
grayToK | convert Gray to K (any Gray to CMYK (0,0,0,K)) |
PDPrintStr |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
struct PDPrintStr {
char* str;
ASUns32 len;
ASRealPoint displacements;
ASUns32 numGlyphs;
ASUns32 flags;
A structure for controlling the printing of glyphs.
See Also
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 186 |
str | The string. |
len | Byte length. |
displacements | Displacements. |
numGlyphs | The number of glyphs. |
flags | Flags. Reserved for internal use. |
ASClientAllocProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Called when the PDF Library needs to allocate memory. The callback should allocate the requested amount of memory and return it as a void*
See Also
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 95 |
ASClientFreeProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*ASClientFreeProc)(void *clientData, void *p)
Called when the PDF Library needs to free memory. The callback should free the requested block of memory.
See Also
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 126 |
ASClientMemAvailProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Called when the PDF Library needs to determine the amount of available free memory.
See Also
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 140 |
ASClientReallocProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Called when the PDF Library needs to reallocate memory. The callback should reallocate the requested amount of memory and return it as a void*
See Also
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 112 |
PDDoExtGStateProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDDoExtGStateProc)(ASAtom egsKey, CosObj egsValue, PDPrintClient printClient)
A callback method that is called when an ExtGState object is encountered. This method is called for each key/value pair in the ExtGState object. If this method returns true
, then the key/value will be emitted into the print job. If this method returns false
, then nothing will be emitted for this key/value. If emitHalftones
is false
, then this method will not be called for the HT key.
See Also
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1654 |
PDFLClientRNGProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback for PDFLibraryRegisterRNG(). It is called once to provide random data for encryption. Normally an operating system supplied source of highly random numbers is used (/dev/urandom
on Mac OS and Unix, CryptGenRandom()
on Windows). For some supported Unix environments, the /dev/urandom
device does not exist. While it is preferable to install this device, the PDFLibraryRegisterRNG() function is provided for the client to register an alternate source for strong random data.
See Also
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 109 |
PDFLGetCoreHFTType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
HFT (*PDFLGetCoreHFTType)()
File: PDFLInitCommon.h |
Line: 35 |
PDFLInitThreadLocalDataType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void * (*PDFLInitThreadLocalDataType)(ThreadLocalKey *key, ASUns32 size)
File: PDFLInitCommon.h |
Line: 36 |
PDFLInitType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
File: PDFLInitCommon.h |
Line: 34 |
PDFLPrintCancelProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
This is called once per page of a document being printed.
In addition to giving the ability to cancel the print job, a developer can use this callback to return control briefly to an application to handle events, update UI elements, and so on. The library pauses printing until the return from this procedure, because it is single-threaded.
See Also
File: PDFLPrint.h |
Line: 69 |
PDFLTermType |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void (*PDFLTermType)()
File: PDFLInitCommon.h |
Line: 37 |
PDPrintCanEmitFontProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool (*PDPrintCanEmitFontProc)(PDFont fontP, PDPrintClient printClient)
(Optional) A callback for PDPrintClient. It is called to determine whether a font can be emitted into the print job. This is used to determine whether a font is a document-included resource. Only used for PostScript printing.
If it is NULL
, the default is to assume that any font can be emitted.
See Also
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1712 |
PDPrintEmitFontProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
(Required) A callback for PDPrintClient. It emits a font. For Type0 fonts that require font substition, this routine may emit multiple font definitions. The caller can get the list of fonts used by calling GetFontComponentList().
See Also
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1694 |
PDPrintGetFontEncodingMethodProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 (*PDPrintGetFontEncodingMethodProc)(PDFont fontP, PDPrintClient printClient)
(Required for PostScript printing) A callback for PDPrintClient. It asks the client which encoding method should be used for the font.
See Also
File: PDFLExpT.h |
Line: 1677 |
TKResourceAcquireProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void * (*TKResourceAcquireProc)(char *resourceName, ASInt32 resType, void *registry, ASInt32 *size, void *clientData, ASStm *rdStm)
A callback in the TKResourceProcs structure in the Adobe PDF Library. It acquires the specified resource and uses it to fill in the rdStm
See Also
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 219 |
TKResourceReleaseProc |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
A callback in the TKResourceProcs structure in the Adobe PDF Library. It releases the resources previously acquired and closes the ASStm passed in as rdStm
See Also
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 235 |
ASAtomGetCount | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 ASAtomGetCount()
Gets the number of ASAtom objects that have been allocated. The maximum number of ASAtom objects is 0xFFFFFFFF
. (This was a 16-bit value in Acrobat 4.x, and changed to a 32-bit value in Acrobat 5.0).
ASAtom objects cannot be deleted or freed. Use this method to determine if it is necessary to re-initialize the library before creating more ASAtom objects.
ReturnsThe number of ASAtom objects currently allocated. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 130 |
ASFileSysGetDefaultTempPath | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASPathName ASFileSysGetDefaultTempPath(ASFileSys fileSys)
Gets the default temporary path that was set by ASFileSysSetDefaultTempPath().
fileSys — | The file system in which the ASPathname is set. |
The ASPathName if the operation was successful, |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 163 |
ASFileSysSetDefaultTempPath | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool ASFileSysSetDefaultTempPath(ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)
Sets the default temporary path for the specified file system to the specified path name. The method copies the passed pathname
object on success; the client is responsible for releasing the object when it is no longer needed, using ASFileSysReleasePath().
Pass a pathname of NULL
to reset the default temporary path to the file system default.
fileSys — | (May be |
pathName — | The path name for the new default temporary path, or |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 151 |
ASPurgeMemory | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Attempts to free memory from the PDF Library caches.
The caches in the PDF Library can grow in complex and unexpected ways. A client can manage memory use with the PDFLInit memory callbacks, or by explicitly calling this function after certain functions, such as PDDocClose().
To manage memory use with the memory callbacks, a client can call ASPurgeMemory() during the allocation callback if it is low on memory, or to limit the amount of memory used by the library. Use this approach only with extreme caution and extensive testing. The run-time memory requirements are very document-specific.
amount — | The desired amount of memory to free. |
The approximate amount of memory freed. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 113 |
AVExtensionMgrRegisterNotification | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void AVExtensionMgrRegisterNotification(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData)
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call when the event of the specified type occurs. This is exactly the same as the AVAppRegisterNotification() method. All of the PD level notifications are available with the Adobe PDF Library.
nsel — | Notification type. It must be one of the notification selectors. The notification selector is the name of the notification with the characters |
owner — | Identifies the owner. For the Adobe PDF Library, if there is only one owner of the PDFEdit subsystem, |
proc — | A user-supplied callback to be called when the notification occurs. Its declaration depends on the notification type. |
clientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 611 |
AVExtensionMgrUnregisterNotification | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void AVExtensionMgrUnregisterNotification(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData)
Unregisters a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs. This is exactly the same as the AVAppUnregisterNotification() method.
nsel — | Notification type. It must be one of the notification selectors. The notification selector is the name of the notification with the characters |
owner — | Identifies the owner with which the notification was registered. |
proc — | A user-supplied callback with which the notification was registered. |
clientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data that was used when the notification was registered. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 631 |
PDDocPrintPages | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDDocPrintPages(PDPrintClient client)
Prints a range of pages from a document, controlled by a structure of data and callbacks.
client — | Control structure for the operation, containing data and callback procedures. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 191 |
PDFLGetCoreHFT | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Gets the Core HFT.
ReturnsThe Core HFT object. |
See Also
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 905 |
PDFLGetFlags | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASUns32 PDFLGetFlags()
Gets the flags set when the PDF Library was initialized. Currently kPDFLInitIgnoreDefaultDirectories
and kDontLoadPlugIns
flags are supported.
When kPDFLInitIgnoreDefaultDirectories
flag is set, the initialization process does not search through the default font directories (currently Adobe font directories installed by some Adobe applications), but only searches for fonts in those directories specified in dirList
. A default directory could appear as follows:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\PDFL\[version number]\Fonts
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\PDFL\[version number]\CMaps
When the kDontLoadPlugIns
flag is set, plug-ins are ignored during initialization process.
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 727 |
PDFLGetInitCount | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASUns32 PDFLGetInitCount()
Gets the number of times the PDF Library has been initialized.
ReturnsThe number of times the PDF Library has been initialized. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 706 |
PDFLGetVersion | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASUns32 PDFLGetVersion()
Gets the value of the Adobe PDF Library version (kPDFLVersion). The most significant 16 bits are the major version number; the least significant 16 bits are the minor version number. The major version number indicates whether any incompatible API changes have been made. The minor version number indicates that the API has changed, but in a compatible fashion.
ReturnsAdobe PDF Library version (kPDFLVersion). |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 686 |
PDFLibraryRegisterNotification | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFLibraryRegisterNotification(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData)
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs. This is exactly the same as the AVAppRegisterNotification method. All of the PD level notifications are available with the Adobe PDF Library.
nsel — | Notification type. It must be one of the notification selectors. The notification selector is the name of the notification with the characters |
owner — | Identifies the owner. For the Adobe PDF Library, if there is only one owner of the PDFEdit subsystem, |
proc — | A user-supplied callback to be called when the notification occurs. Its declaration depends on the notification type. |
clientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 63 |
PDFLibraryRegisterNotificationEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFLibraryRegisterNotificationEx(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData, ASInt32 priority)
Registers a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs.
Many notifications appear in Will/Did pairs (for example, AVDocWillPerformAction() and AVDocDidPerformAction()). It is possible that an operation may fail after the Will notification and before the Did notification. When this occurs, the Did notification is still broadcast, but the err
parameter in the Did notification is nonzero, and represents the error that occurred. When err
is nonzero, the other parameters are not necessarily valid. Always check err
in a Did notification before using the other parameters.
When calling AVAppUnregisterNotification() to un-register for a notification, you must pass the proc
, clientData
, and owner
that were used when the notification was registered using AVAppRegisterNotification(). You must use the same callback that was used to register; you cannot use a newly created callback. To accomplish this, call ASCallbackCreateNotification() once before registering, and use the value returned from this call both to register and un-register; do not call ASCallbackCreateNotification() a second time when un-registering. You will then need to destroy the pointer to the callback using the ASCallbackDestroy() method.
nsel — | The notification type. It must be one of the notification selectors . The notification selector is the name of the notification with the characters |
owner — | The gExtensionID of the client registering the notification. |
proc — | A user-supplied callback to call when the notification occurs. Its declaration depends on the notification type. Remember to use ASCallbackCreateNotification() to convert |
clientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
priority — | The callbacks are enumerated in priority order, starting with the highest priority. |
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 802 |
PDFLibraryRegisterRNG | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFLibraryRegisterRNG(PDFLClientRNGProc clientRNG)
Registers a user-supplied random number generator. By default, the PDF Library obtains high-quality random values from the operating system (CryptGenRandom()
on Windows, and /dev/random
on Mac OS and many UNIX operating systems). This method allows an alternate handler to be used. The random numbers returned should be of high quality, and it is the responsibility of the developer to ensure this. A NULL
parameter will reset to default behavior.
clientRNG — | A client-supplied function that supplies the strong random values. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 818 |
PDFLibraryUnregisterNotification | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFLibraryUnregisterNotification(NSelector nsel, ASExtension owner, void* proc, void* clientData)
Unregisters a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs. This is exactly the same as the AVAppUnregisterNotification() method.
nsel — | Notification type. It must be one of the notification selectors. The notification selector is the name of the notification with the characters |
owner — | Identifies the owner. For the PDF Library, if there is only one owner of the PDFEdit subsystem, |
proc — | A user-supplied callback to be called when the notification occurs. Its declaration depends on the notification type. You must use the same callback that you called AVExtensionMgrRegisterNotification() with. |
clientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 89 |
PDFLInit | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Initializes the Adobe PDF Library. This method must be called before any other Library calls can be made, printing or otherwise.
data — | Initialization data for Adobe PDF Library. |
See Also
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 883 |
PDFLInitCommon | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 PDFLInitCommon(PDFLData data, InitProcsP procs, os_size_t sizeHFTLocTab)
data |
procs |
sizeHFTLocTab |
File: PDFLInitCommon.h |
Line: 57 |
PDFLInitHFT | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
data |
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 890 |
PDFLInitHFT | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
data |
File: PDFLInitHFT.c |
Line: 38 |
PDFLInitThreadLocalData | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void* PDFLInitThreadLocalData(ThreadLocalKey* key, ASUns32 size)
key |
size |
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 898 |
PDFLPrintDoc | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFLPrintDoc(PDDoc doc, PDFLPrintUserParams userParams)
Prints a PDF document or pages from a PDF document allowing the caller to specify options such as page size, rotation, and shrink-to-fit.
doc — | The PDDoc for the document to print. |
userParams — | Parameters to control printing. |
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 751 |
PDFLPrintPDF | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFLPrintPDF(PDDoc pdDoc, ASPathName pathName, PDPrintParams psParams)
Deprecated: use PDFLPrintDoc() instead.
pdDoc |
pathName |
psParams |
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 758 |
PDFLTerm | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFLTerm()
Terminates the Adobe PDF Library. Call this method after you are completely done using the library. Call this once to terminate and release memory used by the library. After the library has been shut down, the process should terminate.
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 696 |
PDFLTermCommon | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFLTermCommon(TermProcsP termProcs)
termProcs |
File: PDFLInitCommon.h |
Line: 64 |
PDFLTermHFT | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFLTermHFT()
File: PDFInit.h |
Line: 892 |
PDFLTermHFT | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFLTermHFT()
File: PDFLInitHFT.c |
Line: 57 |
PDFontDownloadContextCreate | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDFontDownloadContext PDFontDownloadContextCreate(PDPrintClient client)
Creates a font download context object. This object keeps track of the fonts downloaded during a print job and whether substitution fonts have already been downloaded. It also tracks the font download parameters, such as binaryOK
and 'emit TrueType as Type 42'
. It is meant for use in the PDFontStreamPS() method.
client — | The client record to pass to PDDocPrintPages(). |
The newly-created context. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 271 |
PDFontDownloadContextDestroy | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFontDownloadContextDestroy(PDFontDownloadContext context)
Destroys a font download context object. Call this method after PDDocPrintPages() returns.
context — | IN/OUT The context to destroy. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 280 |
PDFontPSEmitGlyphsIncr | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDFontPSEmitGlyphsIncr(ASStm stm, PDFont fontP, PDPrintStrP srcStr, PDPrintStrP dstStr, ASUns32* srcBytesUsedP, ASUns32* dstBytesUsedP, ASUns32* glyphCount, ASUns16* fontIndexP, PDPrintClient printClient)
Emit glyphs incrementally. This is the default EmitGlyphsIncr
callback procedure for the PDPrintClient structure.
stm — | The stream. |
fontP — | The font. |
srcStr — | The source string. |
dstStr — | The destination string. |
srcBytesUsedP — | The source bytes used. |
dstBytesUsedP — | The destination bytes used. |
glyphCount — | The number of glyphs. |
fontIndexP — | ||
printClient — | The control structure. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 428 |
PDFontPSFlushIncrGlyphList | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFontPSFlushIncrGlyphList(ASStm stm, PDPrintClient printClient)
Flush the incremental glyphs list from a stream. This is the default FlushIncrGlyphList
callback procedure for the PDPrintClient structure.
stm — | The stream. |
printClient — | The control structure. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 453 |
PDFontPSGetComponentFontList | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDFontPSGetComponentFontList(PDFont fontP, PDPrintFontArrayP pdFontArr, PDPrintClient printClient)
Get the component font list. This is the default GetComponentFontList
callback procedure for the PDPrintClient structure.
fontP — | The font. |
pdFontArr — | The font array. |
printClient — | The control structure. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 440 |
PDFontStreamPS | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDFontStreamPS(PDFont fontP, ASStm stm, PDFontDownloadContext context)
Emits a font into a specified stream. The font is in a format suitable for downloading to a PostScript VM. For example, a TrueType font is converted into a Type 1 or Type 42 font.
It is meant for use in the EmitFont
callback for PDDocPrintPages().
fontP — | The font to emit. |
stm — | ||
context — | A context created by PDFontDownloadContextCreate. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 256 |
PDFontWasExtracted | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Tests whether the specified font is embedded in the PDF file and has already been extracted to display or print the file.
fontP — | The font to test. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 304 |
PDFontWasFauxed | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Tests whether the specified font is embedded in the PDF file or is installed in the user's system. If this is the case, the correct font can be used for display and printing.
If the font is not embedded or installed, the Acrobat viewer has used a Multiple Master font to create a substitute font, called a faux font.
font — | The font to test. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 322 |
PDPageDrawContentsPlacedToWindow | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPageDrawContentsPlacedToWindow(PDPage page, void* window, void* displayContext, ASBool isDPS, ASFixedMatrix* matrix, ASFixedRect* updateRect, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcClientData)
Draws the page to the window or display context. The window and display context are implementation-dependent. This API is not available on Mac 64.
This method is the same as PDPageDrawContentsToWindow(), except that it raises an exception if the pdPermCopy
(see PDPerms) permission is not set in the document.
page — | ||
window — | The platform window to which to render. On Windows, the window is an |
displayContext — | The platform display context to which to render. On Windows, |
isDPS — | Currently unused. Always set it to |
matrix — | A pointer to the matrix to concatenate onto the default page matrix. It is useful for converting from page to window coordinates and for scaling. |
updateRect — | A pointer to the rectangle to draw, defined in user space coordinates. Any objects outside of |
cancelProc — | A method called to check whether drawing should be cancelled. If the method returns |
cancelProcClientData — | A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to |
See Also
permission in PDPermReqObj for the document is not set. File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 239 |
PDPageDrawContentsPlacedWithParams | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPageDrawContentsPlacedWithParams(PDPage page, PDDrawParams params)
Draws the page to the window or display context. The window and display context are implementation-dependent. This API is not available on Mac 64.
This method is the same as PDPageDrawContentsToWindow(), except that it raises an exception if the pdPermCopy
(see PDPerms) permission is not set in the document. This method is also like PDPageDrawContentsPlacedToWindow(), only passing in a PDDrawParams structure which lets the clients specify their own PDOCContext.
page — | The page to render. |
params — | Allows clients to specify their own PDOCContext. |
See Also
permission in PDPermReqObj is not set. File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 540 |
PDPageDrawContentsToMemory | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt32 PDPageDrawContentsToMemory(PDPage page, ASUns32 flags, ASFixedMatrix* matrix, ASFixedRect* updateRect, ASUns32 smoothFlags, ASAtom csAtom, ASInt32 bpc, ASFixedRect* destRect, char* buffer, ASInt32 bufferSize, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcData)
Superseded by PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx() in Acrobat 10.0.
Renders a page to memory. The width of the image is calculated as follows:
width = abs(ASFixedRoundToInt16(destRect.right) - ASFixedRoundToInt16(destRect.left));
width = ((((width * bpc * nComps)+31) / 32) * 4) * 8 / (bpc * nComps);
nComps = 1 for DeviceGray, 3 for DeviceRGB, 4 for DeviceCMYK
bpc = bits per component
page — | The page to render. |
flags — | A bit field of PDPageDrawFlags(). It must be an
matrix — | A pointer to the matrix to be concatenated onto the default page matrix. It must not be |
updateRect — | A pointer to the rectangle to draw, defined in user space coordinates. Any objects outside of |
smoothFlags — | A bit field of PDPageDrawSmoothFlags(). It must be an
csAtom — | The color space in which the bitmap data is represented. It must be one of DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, or DeviceCMYK. |
bpc — | The number of bits per color component in the bitmap data. |
destRect — | A pointer to the rectangle of the bitmap. It is defined in device space coordinates. It must not be |
buffer — | A pointer to the bitmap data. If it is |
bufferSize — | The size of the buffer. |
cancelProc — | A method to call to check whether drawing should be cancelled. If the method returns |
cancelProcData — | User-supplied data to pass to |
The size of the bitmap in bytes. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 519 |
PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASUns32 PDPageDrawContentsToMemoryEx(PDPage page, ASCab flags, ASDoubleMatrix* matrix, ASDoubleRect* updateRect, ASAtom csAtom, ASInt32 bpc, ASDoubleRect* destRect, char* buffer, ASUns32 bufferSize, CancelProc cancelProc, void* cancelProcData)
Supersedes PDPageDrawContentsToMemory() in Acrobat 10.0.
Renders a page to memory. It uses double precision input parameters. The width of the image is calculated as follows:
width = abs(ROUND(destRect.right) - ROUND(destRect.left));
width = ((((width * bpc * nComps)+31) / 32) * 4) * 8 / (bpc * nComps);
nComps = 1 for DeviceGray, 3 for DeviceRGB, 4 for DeviceCMYK
bpc = bits per component
where, ROUND() rounds off double precision values to nearest Int32 value.
page — | The page to render. |
flags — | ASCab used for passing PDPageDrawFlagsStr and PDPageDrawSmoothFlagsStr. |
matrix — | A pointer to double matrix to be concatenated onto the default page matrix. It must not be |
updateRect — | A pointer to the double rectangle to draw, defined in user space coordinates. |
csAtom — | ||
bpc — | ||
destRect — | A pointer to double rectangle of the bitmap. It is defined in device space coordinates. It must not be |
buffer — | A pointer to the bitmap data. If it is |
bufferSize — | The size of the buffer. |
cancelProc — | A method to call to check whether drawing should be cancelled. |
cancelProcData — | User-supplied data to pass to |
The size of the bitmap in bytes. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 926 |
PDPageEmitPSOrient | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPageEmitPSOrient(PDPage pdPage, ASInt16 paperHeight, ASInt16 paperWidth, ASStm stm, PDPrintParams params)
pdPage |
paperHeight |
paperWidth |
stm |
params |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 199 |
PDPageGetSize | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Returns the width and height of the page, which could be rotated or defaulted.
page — | ||
width — | ||
height — |
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 290 |
PDPrefGetAntialiasLevel | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt16 PDPrefGetAntialiasLevel()
Returns the antialias level, in pixels.
ReturnsThe antialias level set by PDPrefSetAntialiasLevel(). |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 370 |
PDPrefGetBlackPointCompensation | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDPrefGetBlackPointCompensation()
Returns the black-point compensation flag.
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 395 |
PDPrefGetEnableThinLineHeuristics | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDPrefGetEnableThinLineHeuristics()
Determines whether thin lines will be fattened non-linearly or the stroke adjust will be applied to thin rectangles.
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 883 |
PDPrefGetGreekLevel | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASInt16 PDPrefGetGreekLevel()
Returns the greek level.
ReturnsThe greek level set by PDPrefSetGreekLevel(). |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 362 |
PDPrefGetRefXObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
PDRefXObjMode PDPrefGetRefXObj(ASFileSys* fileSys, ASPathName* pathName)
Gets reference XObject parameters.
fileSys — | Used with |
pathName — | Used with |
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 870 |
PDPrefGetSuppressICCSpaces | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Returns the value of the suppress
flag for ICC-based spaces with the specified number of components.
nComponents — | The number of ICC-based space components that are suppressed or not, according to the flag value. |
The |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 584 |
PDPrefGetUseOutputIntents | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
ASBool PDPrefGetUseOutputIntents()
Returns the value of the Output Intent flag. When this flag is true
, the system overrides the working space with the Output Intent, if it is present.
The Output Intent flag value. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 562 |
PDPrefSetAntialiasLevel | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPrefSetAntialiasLevel(ASInt16 antialiasPixelLevel)
Sets the default smooth text and smooth images global flags for subsequent rendering methods.
If the function PDPageDrawContentsToMemory() is used for drawing, the smoothFlags
value passed to that function supersedes the preference value for the duration of the call.
antialiasPixelLevel — | The antialias level, in pixels. It is an
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 354 |
PDPrefSetBlackPointCompensation | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPrefSetBlackPointCompensation(ASBool kbpc)
Sets the black-point compensation flag, which controls whether to adjust for differences in black points when converting colors between color spaces. When enabled, the full dynamic range of the source space is mapped into the full dynamic range of the destination space. When disabled, the dynamic range of the source space is simulated in the destination space (which can result in blocked or gray shadows).
kbpc — |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 387 |
PDPrefSetEnableThinLineHeuristics | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPrefSetEnableThinLineHeuristics(ASBool doThinLineTricks)
Sets whether thin lines will be fattened non-linearly or the stroke adjust will be applied to thin rectangles.
doThinLineTricks — |
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 877 |
PDPrefSetGreekLevel | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPrefSetGreekLevel(ASInt16 greekPixelLevel)
Sets the greek level. The greek level is a text height below which text characters are not rendered. Instead, text-like glyphs that have no meaning but look good at very small size are used. This is known as greeking.
greekPixelLevel — | The greek level, in pixels. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 334 |
PDPrefSetRefXObj | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPrefSetRefXObj(PDRefXObjMode refXObjMode, ASFileSys fileSys, ASPathName pathName)
Sets reference XObject parameters.
refXObjMode — | The mode to view or print reference XObjects. Its value can be one of the following:
fileSys — | Used with |
pathName — | Used with |
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 861 |
PDPrefSetSuppressICCSpaces | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
Specifies use of a default color space rather than an ICC-based color space.
nComponents — | ||
value — | When |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 574 |
PDPrefSetUseLocalFonts | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPrefSetUseLocalFonts(ASBool useLocalFonts)
Enables or disables use of local fonts.
useLocalFonts — | When |
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 403 |
PDPrefSetUseOutputIntents | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPrefSetUseOutputIntents(ASBool flag)
Sets the Output Intent flag.
flag — | When |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 552 |
PDPrefSetWorkingCMYK | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPrefSetWorkingCMYK(void* profile, ASUns32 profileLength)
Sets the current CMYK working space to a given ICC profile. A CMYK working space in PDF is defined as a profile to substitute for a corresponding /DeviceCMYK space.
profile — | ||
profileLength — | The length in bytes of the profile. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 655 |
PDPrefSetWorkingGray | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPrefSetWorkingGray(void* profile, ASUns32 profileLength)
Sets the current gray working space to a given ICC profile. A gray working space in PDF is defined as a profile to substitute for a corresponding /DeviceGray space. When rendering with overprint preview, the gray substitution is suppressed, to avoid converting grayscale to "rich black."
profile — | ||
profileLength — | The length in bytes of the profile. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 669 |
PDPrefSetWorkingRGB | () |
Product availability: PDFL |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
void PDPrefSetWorkingRGB(void* profile, ASUns32 profileLength)
Set the current RGB working space to a given ICC profile. An RGB working space in PDF is defined as a profile to substitute for a corresponding /DeviceRGB space.
profile — | ||
profileLength — | The length in bytes of the profile. |
See Also
File: PDFLProcs.h |
Line: 643 |
PSPrintAfterBeginPageSetup | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
This notification is broadcast after the beginning of the Page Setup (immediately after writing %% BeginPageSetup
) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc()
(only available with PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages()
(only available with PDF Library SDK). At this point it is possible to use setpagedevice and set the graphics state but marks cannot be made on the page.
doc — | ||
page — | IN/OUT The page number of the page being printed. |
stm — | IN/OUT The PostScript print stream. PostScript commands can be added to the print stream using |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1530 |
PSPrintAfterBeginProlog | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
This notification is broadcast after the beginning of the PostScript Prolog (immediately after writing %% BeginPrologue
) during the printing of a document to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc()
(only available with PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages()
(only available with PDF Library SDK). The Prolog is a set of application-specific procedure definitions that an application may emit in a PostScript stream.
At this point nothing should be added to the PostScript print stream that modifies the graphics state or puts marks on the page. Callers should only emit procset resources.
doc — | IN/OUT The document that is being printed. |
stm — | IN/OUT The PostScript print stream. PostScript commands can be added to the print stream using |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1457 |
PSPrintAfterBeginSetup | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
This notification is broadcast after the beginning of the Document Setup (immediately after writing %% BeginSetup
) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc()
(only available with PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages()
(only available with PDF Library SDK). During Document Setup, fonts may be downloaded, setpagedevice
may be called, procsets may be initialized, the graphics state may be initialized, and so forth.
doc — | IN/OUT The document that is being printed. |
stm — | IN/OUT The PostScript print stream. PostScript commands can be added to the print stream using |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1480 |
PSPrintAfterEmitExtGState | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
void PSPrintAfterEmitExtGState(ASStm stm, void* clientData)
This notification is broadcast after extended graphics state parameters are emitted while printing to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc()
(only available with the PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages()
(only available with the PDF Library SDK).
These parameters are typically device-dependent. For information on extended graphics state, see Section 4.3.4 on extended graphics states in the PDF Reference.
stm — | IN/OUT The PostScript print stream. PostScript commands can be added to the print stream using |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1620 |
PSPrintAfterPageTrailer | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
This notification is broadcast after the page trailer is emitted (immediately after writing %% PageTrailer
) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc()
(only available with PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages()
(only available with PDF Library SDK). At this point it is possible to resolve comments (at end) and emit cleanup code.
doc — | ||
page — | IN/OUT The page number of the page being printed. |
stm — | IN/OUT The PostScript print stream. PostScript commands can be added to the print stream using |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1553 |
PSPrintAfterTrailer | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
This notification is broadcast after the DSC trailer is emitted (immediately after writing %% Trailer
) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc()
(only available with PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages()
(only available with PDF Library SDK). At this point it is possible to resolve comments (at end) and emit cleanup code.
doc — | IN/OUT The document that is being printed. |
stm — | IN/OUT The PostScript print stream. PostScript commands can be added to the print stream using |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1575 |
PSPrintBeforeAcrobatProcsets | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
Clients that register for this notification will be called back during PostScript printing, just prior to emission of the Acrobat procsets.
doc — | IN/OUT The document that is being printed. |
stm — | IN/OUT The PostScript print stream. PostScript commands can be added to the print stream using |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 2052 |
PSPrintBeforeEndComments | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
This notification is broadcast after the DSC page-level comments that apply to all pages have been emitted (immediately before writing %% EndComments
) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc()
(only available with the PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages()
(only available with the PDF Library SDK).
doc — | IN/OUT The document that is being printed. |
stm — | IN/OUT The PostScript print stream. PostScript commands can be added to the print stream using |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1597 |
PSPrintBeforeEndSetup | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
This notification is broadcast before the end of Document Setup (immediately before writing %% EndSetup
) during the printing of a page to a PostScript printer with the methods PDFLPrintDoc()
(only available with PDF Library SDK) or PDDocPrintPages()
(only available with PDF Library SDK). At this point all of the job level resources and procsets have been added to the print stream.
doc — | IN/OUT The document that is being printed. |
stm — | IN/OUT The PostScript print stream. PostScript commands can be added to the print stream using |
clientData — | IN/OUT A pointer to a block of user-supplied data that was passed in by the calling application when this notification was registered for using |
See Also
File: PIPokes.h |
Line: 1504 |