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A link in a PDF document that references a URL is referred to as a Weblink.

The Adobe Acrobat Weblink plug-in adds the capability of linking to documents on the World Wide Web. It allows other plug-ins to access its functionality by means of a Host Function Table (HFT) API.

This document describes the Weblink APIs. It also provides information on Adobe's Standard Weblink Driver, which performs low-level, platform-specific functions with a Web browser on behalf of Weblink.

The Acrobat Weblink plug-in exports its own Host Function Table (HFT), whose methods can be used by other plug-ins. The HFT's name is defined in the WLHFTNAME macro, and its version number is WEB_LINK_HFT_LATEST_VERSION.

To use the Weblink plug-in's HFT, a plug-in must include the header file WeblinkHFT.h. The plug-in must also import the HFT using ASExtensionMgrGetHFT() and assign the HFT returned by this call to a plug-in-defined global variable named gWLHFT. The easiest way to do this is to use the Init_gWLHFT macro defined in the header files.

Weblink services

The Weblink plug-in provides the following services:

Standard Weblink driver

The Weblink plug-in includes a standard driver, known as Adobe's Standard Web Driver. It allows support for transport mechanisms or Web browsers to be added at a later time.

The Standard Driver uses DDE messages and Apple events to communicate with a web browser. It supports a protocol that consists of a suite of verbs, some going to and some coming from the web browser. These verb definitions are provided so that Web browsers can implement this protocol to be compatible with the Adobe Standard Web Driver. Each verb is specified in terms of the platform-specific implementation: DDE on Windows and Apple events on Mac OS. The Standard Driver's use of each verb is also described. Browsers that wish to use their own protocol may do so by writing a custom driver.

The Weblink plug-in communications software in the Weblink driver is independent of the Acrobat mechanism for handling links (the PDF implementation of URLs). This separation improves portability by isolating the highly platform-specific Interapplication Communication messages. Even on a given platform, there is no standard among Web browsers for handling interapplication communication, and the actual transport mechanism may vary over time. By separating out the transport code, the Weblink plug-in remains portable across platforms, across different vendor's implementations of web browsers, and across different versions of web browsers from the same vendor.

Custom Weblink driver

A driver is an Acrobat core plug-in, written like any other plug-in. A driver must register itself with the Weblink plug-in during the import, replace, and register phase of the plug-in initialization process by calling RegisterWebDriver(). You pass this method a WebDriverVector structure containing a version number and six pointers to functions that your driver provides to handle web browser-specific tasks.

A driver is responsible for the following:

In a typical session, the following actions might occur:

Define Summary
Add either a Cancel button or a message directing the user how to abort the operation.
Put a thermometer-style meter in the progress display.
Typedef Summary
 WDAppSpecifier (Macintosh)
A data structure that specifies the path name to the web browser.
 WDAppSpecifier (UNIX)
A data structure that specifies the path name to the web browser.
 WDAppSpecifier (Windows)
A data structure that specifies the path name to the web browser.
Tests whether a driver can support a given web browser application.
Called whenever the state of the driver changes from inactive to current, or vice versa.
Called when the user clicks on the Weblink toolbar button to switch to the browser application.
Follows and retrieves the link specified by a URL from the PDF document specified by theDoc. Weblink supplies the driver a fully resolved the URL. The driver is solely responsible for launching a web browser, if it requires one. If the driver depends on an external web browser, the driver or the web browser is responsible for bringing that browser to the foreground if the link data is not displayed by the Acrobat viewer.
Follows and retrieves the link specified by a URL from the PDF document specified by theDoc, going to a target frame. Weblink supplies the driver a fully resolved the URL. The driver is solely responsible for launching a web browser, if it requires one. If the driver depends on an external web browser, the driver or the web browser is responsible for bringing that browser to the foreground if the link data is not displayed by the Acrobat viewer.
(Optional) Called to determine if the driver is performing a transaction. Weblink uses this to check that the driver is not busy (driver-defined) before allowing a user to change preferences.
(Optional) Called when the user clicks the Options button in the Weblink Preferences dialog box. If this function is NULL, the Options button is disabled.
A data structure that implements a progress monitor.
Variable Summary
Structure Summary
A data structure containing callbacks that implement a Weblink driver.
A parameter block specifying the target frame of a URL.
Method Summary
WebProgressMonitor BeginWebProgress(char* message, ASUns32 flags, ASInt32 timeoutTime)
Creates a new Weblink progress.
Ends Web Progress.
WDAppSpecifier GetAppSpecifier(ASBool promptUser)
Get App Specifier.
ASBool RegisterWebDriver(const char* driverName, void* driverRock, WebDriverVector* wdVec)
Register Web Driver.
ASBool UpdateWebProgress(WebProgressMonitor progMon, char* message, ASInt32 from, ASInt32 to, ASInt32 outOf, ASInt32 timeoutTime)
Updates Web Progress.
ASBool WDAppSupportPredicateProc(void* driverRock, WDAppSpecifier timeoutTime)
Callback functions to test a driver. It tests whether a driver can support a given web browser application.
ASBool WDBecomeDriverFunctionProc(void* driverRock, ASBool bComing)
Callback functions for driver state changes.
void WDBringFrontFunctionProc(void* driverRock)
Callback functions for Weblink toolbar button click.
ASBool WDFollowLinkFunctionProc(void* driverRock, AVDoc theDoc, char* cURL, char* cFormData)
Callback functions for to Follow a Link.
ASBool WDFollowLinkWithParamsFunctionProc(void* driverRock, AVDoc theDoc, char* cURL, char* cFormData, WWWOpenURLParams params)
Callback functions for to Follow a Link with parameters.
ASBool WDIsDriverBusyFunctionProc(void* driverRock)
Callback functions to check driver transaction status (Optional) Called to determine if the driver is performing a transaction or not. Weblink uses this to check that the driver is not busy before allowing a user to change preferences.
void WDOptionsFunctionProc(void* driverRock)
Callback functions for a Weblink Options button click.
Checks if the Cancel button was clicked.
ASInt32 WLCreateOrDeleteWebLinks(ASBool bCreate, PDDoc pdd, ASInt32 nStart, ASInt32 nEnd, ProgressMonitor pm, void* vPMData, CancelProc cp, void* vCPData)
Creates Or Deletes WebLinks
ASBool WWWOpenURL(AVDoc avd, const char* cURL, const char* cFormData)
Opens a new URL.
ASBool WWWOpenURLWithParams(AVDoc avd, const char* cURL, const char* cFormData, WWWOpenURLParams params)
Opens a new URL With Parameters .
Defines Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define BeginWebProgress ((*((BeginWebProgress_SELPROTO)(gWLHFT[BeginWebProgress_SEL]))))

File: WLHFT.h
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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define EndWebProgress ((*((EndWebProgress_SELPROTO)(gWLHFT[EndWebProgress_SEL]))))

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define GetAppSpecifier ((*((GetAppSpecifier_SELPROTO)(gWLHFT[GetAppSpecifier_SEL]))))

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define PROGRESS_HAS_CANCEL (1L << 1)


Add either a Cancel button or a message directing the user how to abort the operation.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define PROGRESS_HAS_METER (1L << 0)


Put a thermometer-style meter in the progress display.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define RegisterWebDriver ((*((RegisterWebDriver_SELPROTO)(gWLHFT[RegisterWebDriver_SEL]))))

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define UpdateWebProgress ((*((UpdateWebProgress_SELPROTO)(gWLHFT[UpdateWebProgress_SEL]))))

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define WebProgressDidCancel ((*((WebProgressDidCancel_SELPROTO)(gWLHFT[WebProgressDidCancel_SEL]))))

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define WLCreateOrDeleteWebLinks ((*((WLCreateOrDeleteWebLinks_SELPROTO)(gWLHFT[WLCreateOrDeleteWebLinks_SEL]))))

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define WLHFTNAME "WebLink"

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define WWWOpenURLWithParams ((*((WWWOpenURLWithParams_SELPROTO)(gWLHFT[WWWOpenURLWithParams_SEL]))))

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Typedefs Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh


typedef FSSpec* WDAppSpecifier;

A data structure that specifies the path name to the web browser.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: UNIX


typedef char* WDAppSpecifier;

A data structure that specifies the path name to the web browser.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Windows


typedef char* WDAppSpecifier;

A data structure that specifies the path name to the web browser.

See Also

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Line: 51
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef WDAppSupportPredicateProc* WDAppSupportPredicate;

Tests whether a driver can support a given web browser application.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef WDBecomeDriverFunctionProc* WDBecomeDriverFunction;

Called whenever the state of the driver changes from inactive to current, or vice versa.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef WDBringFrontFunctionProc* WDBringFrontFunction;

Called when the user clicks on the Weblink toolbar button to switch to the browser application.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef WDFollowLinkFunctionProc* WDFollowLinkFunction;

Follows and retrieves the link specified by a URL from the PDF document specified by theDoc. Weblink supplies the driver a fully resolved the URL. The driver is solely responsible for launching a web browser, if it requires one. If the driver depends on an external web browser, the driver or the web browser is responsible for bringing that browser to the foreground if the link data is not displayed by the Acrobat viewer.

For relative links, Weblink prepends a base URL if specified; otherwise, it prepends the appropriate portion from the current document's URL to resolve a relative link.

Weblink automatically handles mapped links, that is, links that generate different results based on the location of the mouse within the links. (Such links are specified by checking the Mapped Coordinates Link box in the Edit URL dialog box. These links have the isMap attribute). Weblink appends "?" to the URL, followed by the x- and y-coordinates of the mouse at the time the link was selected, relative to the upper-left corner of the link's rectangle.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef WDFollowLinkWithParamsFunctionProc* WDFollowLinkWithParamsFunction;

Follows and retrieves the link specified by a URL from the PDF document specified by theDoc, going to a target frame. Weblink supplies the driver a fully resolved the URL. The driver is solely responsible for launching a web browser, if it requires one. If the driver depends on an external web browser, the driver or the web browser is responsible for bringing that browser to the foreground if the link data is not displayed by the Acrobat viewer.

For relative links, Weblink prepends a base URL if specified; otherwise, it prepends the appropriate portion from the current document's URL to resolve a relative link.

Weblink automatically handles mapped links, that is, links that generate different results based on the location of the mouse within the links. (Such links are specified by checking the Mapped Coordinates Link box in the Edit URL dialog box. These links have the isMap attribute). Weblink appends "?" to the URL, followed by the x- and y-coordinates of the mouse at the time the link was selected, relative to the upper-left corner of the link's rectangle.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef WDIsDriverBusyFunctionProc* WDIsDriverBusyFunction;

(Optional) Called to determine if the driver is performing a transaction. Weblink uses this to check that the driver is not busy (driver-defined) before allowing a user to change preferences.

The driver should return busy whenever it is not convenient for it to become the current driver as requested by WDBecomeDriverFunction() .

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef WDOptionsFunctionProc* WDOptionsFunction;

(Optional) Called when the user clicks the Options button in the Weblink Preferences dialog box. If this function is NULL, the Options button is disabled.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef void* WebProgressMonitor;

A data structure that implements a progress monitor.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef WWWOpenURLParamsRec WWWOpenURLParams;

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Variables Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX



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Structure Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct WebDriverVector {
 ASUns32 WDVRev; 
 ASUns32 nReserved; 
 WDAppSupportPredicate doYouSupport; 
 WDFollowLinkFunction followLink; 
 WDBecomeDriverFunction becomeDriver; 
 WDBringFrontFunction bringFront; 
 WDOptionsFunction options; 
 WDIsDriverBusyFunction isDriverBusy; 
 WDFollowLinkWithParamsFunction followLinkWithParams; 

A data structure containing callbacks that implement a Weblink driver.

See Also

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Driver version number.


Currently unused.

Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct WWWOpenURLParamsRec {
 ASSize_t size; 
 const char* cFrame; 

A parameter block specifying the target frame of a URL.

See Also

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Should be initialized to sizeof(WWWOpenURLParamsRec).


The name of the frame to open.

Method Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


WebProgressMonitor BeginWebProgress(char* message, ASUns32 flags, ASInt32 timeoutTime)

Creates a new Weblink progress.

It creates a new Weblink progress monitor to provide feedback during long operations. Current web browsers follow links asynchronously and use BeginWebProgress(), UpdateWebProgress(), and EndWebProgress() to assure a user that a request is making progress.


message — 

IN Message text. A NULL-terminated C string that represents a message to display with the progress monitor.

flags — 

IN Possible flag options for the progress monitor. There are two flags defined (in WLHft.h):

Flag option



Put a thermometer-style meter in the progress display.


Add either a Cancel button or a message directing the user how to abort the operation.

timeoutTime — 

IN Timeout period. The amount of time in seconds before the progress monitor indicates that progress is not being made.


Monitor creation status. A non-NULL value if the monitor's creation was successful, NULL otherwise. In the current implementation, there can be at most one progress monitor.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void EndWebProgress(WebProgressMonitor progMon)

Ends Web Progress.

Terminates the current progress monitor.


progMon — 

IN The current progress monitor.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


WDAppSpecifier GetAppSpecifier(ASBool promptUser)

Get App Specifier.

Obtains a platform-specific structure specifying the application the user has chosen as the web browser.


promptUser — 

IN true if there is no current web browser and the user is prompted to choose one, false otherwise.


A pointer to a platform-specific data structure that specifies the web browser. On the Mac OS, it is a pointer to an FSSpec. On Windows and UNIX platforms, it is a pointer to a string (char*) representing the full path of the executable application.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool RegisterWebDriver(const char* driverName, void* driverRock, WebDriverVector* wdVec)

Register Web Driver.

Registers a driver with the Weblink plug-in. It must be called during the import, replace, and register phase of the plug-in initialization process of any plug-ins that want to use Weblink services.


driverName — 

IN The driver's name. It is a NULL-terminated C string shown to the user to identify the current driver. The string is limited to 255 characters and is copied internally.

driverRock — 

IN A pointer to a driver-defined data structure. This value is passed to the driver for every driver-supplied function call.

wdVec — 

IN A pointer to a data structure of driver-supplied callback functions. It is not copied; therefore, the structure must be either statically or dynamically allocated, rather than automatically allocated as a local variable. It must not be modified, moved, or deallocated until the plug-in terminates within Acrobat.


Registration status. true if the registration was successful, false otherwise. Failure occurs if there is insufficient memory or the version number in wdVec is incompatible with the Weblink plug-in.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool UpdateWebProgress(WebProgressMonitor progMon, char* message, ASInt32 from, ASInt32 to, ASInt32 outOf, ASInt32 timeoutTime)

Updates Web Progress.

It updates the state of the current progress monitor.


progMon — 

IN The current progress monitor returned from BeginWebProgress().

message — 

IN Message text. If non-NULL, the text displayed is changed to that represented by message. If message is NULL, the text is not changed.

from — 

IN The lower bound of a sub-range between 0 and outOf to highlight: from and to are the lower and upper bounds of a subrange between 0 and outOf to highlight. Typically the lower bound, from, is zero, but a driver may wish to indicate the progress of an operation that has no known magnitude as a priority. It could do so with a chaser light display by cycling the lower bound, from, through the range between 0 and outOf - 1, and defining the upper bound, to, as from + 1.

to — 

IN The upper bound of a sub-range between 0 and outOf to highlight.

outOf — 

IN If progMon was created with the PROGRESS_HAS_METER flag, the from, to, and outOf arguments are used to change the state of the bar. The range of the meter is defined from 0 to outOf.

timeoutTime — 

IN (Optional) The new timeout period in seconds. If it is non-zero, a new timeout is set.


Update status. true if the update was successful, false if the monitor timed out or the user canceled the operation. The latter case only happens when the progress monitor was created with the PROGRESS_HAS_CANCEL flag in BeginWebProgress().

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool WDAppSupportPredicateProc(void* driverRock, WDAppSpecifier timeoutTime)

Callback functions to test a driver. It tests whether a driver can support a given web browser application.


driverRock — 

IN A pointer to a driver-defined data structure provided in RegisterWebDriver(). WDAppSpecifier A platform-specific data structure used to identify the web browser application. On Mac OS, it is a pointer to an FSRef(64 bit) or and FSSpec (32 bit).

timeoutTime — 

IN data structure. On Windows, it is a pointer to a string (char*) representing the full path of the executable application.


true if the driver is compatible with the given web browser application, false otherwise.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool WDBecomeDriverFunctionProc(void* driverRock, ASBool bComing)

Callback functions for driver state changes.

It is called whenever the state of the driver changes from inactive to current, or vice versa.


driverRock — 

IN A pointer to a driver-defined data structure provided in RegisterWebDriver().

bComing — 

IN Tells the driver whether it should become current or relinquish control. If it is true, the driver is being requested to become the current Weblink driver, and it should take any action that is appropriate, such as installing IAC message handlers, opening TCP drivers, and so on. If it is false, the driver is being asked to relinquish its status as current driver and should take whatever action is necessary to accomplish this.


false if the driver fails to change its state to that requested in bComing, true otherwise.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void WDBringFrontFunctionProc(void* driverRock)

Callback functions for Weblink toolbar button click.

It is called when the user clicks on the Weblink toolbar button to switch to the browser application.


driverRock — 

IN A pointer to a driver-defined data structure provided in RegisterWebDriver().

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool WDFollowLinkFunctionProc(void* driverRock, AVDoc theDoc, char* cURL, char* cFormData)

Callback functions for to Follow a Link.

Follows and retrieves the link specified by cURL from the PDF document specified by theDoc. Weblink supplies the driver a fully resolved URL. The driver is solely responsible for launching a web browser, if it requires one. If the driver depends on an external web browser, the driver or the web browser is responsible for bringing that browser to the foreground if the link data is not displayed by the Acrobat viewer. For relative links, Weblink prepends a base URL if specified; otherwise, it prepends the appropriate portion from the current document's URL to resolve a relative link. Weblink automatically handles mapped links, which are links that generate different results based on the location of the mouse within the links. (Such links are specified by checking the Mapped Coordinates Link box in the Edit URL dialog box. These links have the isMap attribute). Weblink appends "?" to the URL, followed by the x- and y-coordinates of the mouse at the time the link was selected, relative to the upper-left corner of the link's rectangle.


driverRock — 

IN A pointer to a driver-defined data structure provided in RegisterWebDriver().

theDoc — 

IN The PDF document that contains the link.

cURL — 

IN A NULL-terminated C string containing the URL the link points to.

cFormData — 

IN Data from a form to be sent with the URL as post data. The default MIME type of form data is "application/x-www-formunencoded".


true if the driver has successfully begun the process of following the link, false otherwise.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool WDFollowLinkWithParamsFunctionProc(void* driverRock, AVDoc theDoc, char* cURL, char* cFormData, WWWOpenURLParams params)

Callback functions for to Follow a Link with parameters.

Follows and retrieves the link specified by cURL from the PDF document specified by theDoc. Weblink supplies the driver a fully resolved URL. The driver is solely responsible for launching a web browser, if it requires one. If the driver depends on an external web browser, the driver or the web browser is responsible for bringing that browser to the foreground if the link data is not displayed by the Acrobat viewer. For relative links, Weblink prepends a base URL if specified; otherwise, it prepends the appropriate portion from the current document's URL to resolve a relative link. Weblink automatically handles mapped links, which are links that generate different results based on the location of the mouse within the links. (Such links are specified by checking the Mapped Coordinates Link box in the Edit URL dialog box. These links have the isMap attribute). Weblink appends "?" to the URL, followed by the x- and y-coordinates of the mouse at the time the link was selected, relative to the upper-left corner of the link's rectangle.


driverRock — 

IN A pointer to a driver-defined data structure provided in RegisterWebDriver().

theDoc — 

IN The PDF document that contains the link.

cURL — 

A NULL-terminated C string containing the URL the link points to.

cFormData — 

Data from a form to be sent with the URL as post data. The default MIME type of form data is "application/x-www-formunencoded".

params — 

IN A parameter block specifying a target frame.


true if the driver has successfully begun the process of following the link, false otherwise.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool WDIsDriverBusyFunctionProc(void* driverRock)

Callback functions to check driver transaction status (Optional) Called to determine if the driver is performing a transaction or not. Weblink uses this to check that the driver is not busy before allowing a user to change preferences.


driverRock — 

IN A pointer to a driver-defined data structure provided in RegisterWebDriver().


true if the driver is busy (driver-defined), false otherwise. The driver should return busy whenever it is not convenient for it to become the current driver as requested by <DXRef>WDBecomeDriverFunction.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void WDOptionsFunctionProc(void* driverRock)

Callback functions for a Weblink Options button click.

It is called when the user clicks on the Options button in the Weblink Preferences dialog box. If this function is NULL, the Options button is disabled. Optional: set it to NULL if there no options dialog.


driverRock — 

IN A pointer to a driver-defined data structure provided in RegisterWebDriver().

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool WebProgressDidCancel(WebProgressMonitor progMon)

Checks if the Cancel button was clicked.

It tests whether the user clicked the Cancel button in the progress monitor dialog.


progMon — 

IN The current progress monitor.


true if the progress monitor has been canceled, false otherwise.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 WLCreateOrDeleteWebLinks(ASBool bCreate, PDDoc pdd, ASInt32 nStart, ASInt32 nEnd, ProgressMonitor pm, void* vPMData, CancelProc cp, void* vCPData)

Creates Or Deletes WebLinks

Used by other plug-ins that want to create or delete weblinks in a document.

Adobe Reader does not, by default, create or delete items in a PDF document.


bCreate — 

IN A boolean to indicate whether links should be created. If it is false, links will be deleted.

pdd — 

IN The PDDoc in which to create or delete weblinks.

nStart — 

IN The starting page

nEnd — 

IN The ending page

pm — 

IN The current progress monitor.

vPMData — 

IN The data to be passed to the progress monitor.

cp — 

IN The cancel proc

vCPData — 

IN The data to be passed to the cancel proc.


The number of web links created or deleted.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool WWWOpenURL(AVDoc avd, const char* cURL, const char* cFormData)

Opens a new URL.

Asks Weblink to follow the specified URL. If the URL specifies a PDF document, it opens it in a new window (an AVDoc view). It is used by other plug-ins that wish to start a download.


avd — 

IN If specified, it is the AVDoc that contains the source of the URL.

cURL — 

IN The URL to be opened.

cFormData — 

IN The data for a form to be posted.


true if the request succeeded, false otherwise.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool WWWOpenURLWithParams(AVDoc avd, const char* cURL, const char* cFormData, WWWOpenURLParams params)

Opens a new URL With Parameters .

Asks Weblink to follow a URL, specifying a target frame. If the URL specifies a PDF document, it opens it in a new window (an AVDoc view). It is used by other plug-ins that wish to start a download and specify a target frame.


avd — 

If specified, it is the AVDoc that contains the source of the URL.

cURL — 

The URL to be opened.

cFormData — 

The data for a form to be posted.

params — 

The parameter block specifying the name of the frame.


true if the request succeeded, false otherwise.

File: WLHFTProcs.h
Line: 174