Enumeration | ||
FontServerErrors |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum FontServerErrors {
File: AcroErr.h |
Line: 2074 |
fsErrNoError | No error. |
fsErrInitFailed | Initialization of the font server module failed. |
fsErrNoMMFonts | No Multiple Master fonts were found. |
fsErrNoATM | Adobe Type Manager was not found. |
fsErrNeedNewATM | ||
fsErrNoT1ZapfDingbats | ||
fsErrDownloadFailed | The font download failed. |
fsErrDownloadAborted | The font download aborted. |
fsErrBadParameter | A bad parameter was passed to the font server. |
fsErrMissingFont | No ZapfDingbats or Multiple Master fonts were found. |
PageContentsErrors |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PageContentsErrors {
File: AcroErr.h |
Line: 1709 |
pageErrNoError | No error. |
pageErrTooFewOps | Too few operands. |
pageErrWrongOpType | Wrong operand type. |
pageErrOpTooLarge | The operand is too large. |
pageErrBadContents | ||
pageErrImageExpectedNumber | Expected a number while parsing an image. |
pageErrExpectedEndOfColor | ||
pageErrExpectedHexOrASC85 | Expected an |
pageErrErrorParsingImage | There was an error while trying to parse an image. |
pageErrBadTypeInXTextArray | ||
pageErrUnexpectedOpInDisplay | ||
pageErrInvalidGRestore | Invalid restore. |
pageErrFontNotSet | The font has not been set. |
pageErrTooFewPathOps | There are too few operands in the path. |
pageErrImageTooBig | ||
pageErrParseContextError | ||
pageErrBadType3Font | ||
pageErrFontNotInResources | A font is not in the Resources dictionary. |
pageErrInvalidDash | Dash arguments are invalid. |
pageErrArrayLenWrong | The array length is out of range. |
pageErrNumberOutOfRange | A number value is out of range. |
pageErrColorOutOfRange | ||
pageErrIllegalOpInTextOutline | There is an illegal operator inside a text outline object. |
pageErrWrongNumOpsInCurve | A curve operator has the wrong number of operands. |
pageErrSeveralParsingErrors | There were several parsing errors on this page. |
pageErrWrongOperand | Wrong operand type. Another type was expected. |
pageErrFontNotInResDict | Could not find a font in the Resources dictionary; using Helvetica instead. |
pageErrXObjectNotFound | Could not find the XObject. |
pageErrFormNotFound | Could not find the form. |
pageErrUnknownXObjectType | Unknown XObject type. |
pageErrReadLessImageData | ||
pageErrUnrecognizedToken | An unrecognized token was found. |
pageErrTokenTypeNotRec | The token type was not recognized. |
pageErrTooFewArgs | There were too few arguments. |
pageErrTooManyArgs | There were too many arguments. |
pageErrOperandTooLarge | An operand is too large. |
pageErrErrorReadingPage | ||
pageErrImageExpectedEI | Expected |
pageErrUnknownFilterName | ||
pageErrBadDecodeArray | ||
pageErrIllegalOpInPath | Illegal operation inside a path. |
pageErrIllegalOpInTextObj | Illegal operation inside a text object. |
pageErrReadLessImageColor | ||
pageErrWrongArgsForSetColor | The wrong number of arguments were used for a |
pageErrUnknownColorSpace | Unknown ColorSpace. |
pageErrColorSpaceNotFound | Could not find the ColorSpace. |
pageErrBadForm | Invalid form. |
pageErrIllegalTextOp | Illegal operation outside the text object. |
pageErrFormTypeNotAvailable | The form type is not supported. |
pageErrRecursiveMachine | Internal error: the machine was called recursively. |
pageErrInvalidImageMaskDepth | An image is specified as an image mask with more than 1 bit per pixel. |
pageErrBadPattern | Invalid Pattern. |
pageErrPatternTypeNotAvailable | The Pattern type is not supported. |
pageErrPatternNotFound | Could not find the Pattern. |
pageErrBadColorSpace | ||
pageErrMissingResource | A resource is missing. |
pageErrMissingKey | The dictionary is missing the key. |
pageErrEGStateNotFound | Could not find the Extended Graphics State. |
pageErrBadEGS | Invalid Extended Graphics State. |
pageErrBadFunction | Invalid Function resource. |
pageErrBadEPSColorSpace | An image uses a color space which will not separate correctly in some applications. |
pageErrBadShading | There is an error in the Shading dictionary. |
pageErrBadMaskImage | There is an error in the Masked Image. |
pageErrTooManyComps | There were too many color components. |
pageErrNotLevel3 | A feature requires PostScript 3. |
pageErrBadAltXObject | Invalid alternate image for the XObject. |
pageErrBadTGroup | Invalid transparency group. |
pageErrBadSoftMask | Invalid soft mask. |
pageErrBadHalftone | Invalid halftone. |
pageErrIllegalColorOp |
PDDocErrors |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDDocErrors {
File: AcroErr.h |
Line: 923 |
pdErrNoError | No error. |
pdErrBadFont | ||
pdErrEmbeddingFont | ||
pdErrBadRootObj | The root object is missing or invalid. |
pdErrBadBaseObj | The base pages object is missing or invalid. |
pdErrBadOutlineObj | The outlines object is missing or invalid. |
pdErrBadResMetrics | There are invalid or corrupt font metrics in the resource file. |
pdErrBadPageObj | A page object is missing or invalid. |
pdErrThumbError | ||
pdErrBadAnnotation | Invalid annotation object. |
pdErrBadPageTree | ||
pdErrUnknownProcsets | The information needed to print a page is unavailable. |
pdErrUnableToOpenDoc | This file could not be opened. |
pdErrIsFileLocked | Unable to open the file for writing. It may be locked or unavailable. |
pdErrUnableToWrite | ||
pdErrUnableToRenameTemp | ||
pdErrUnableToRecover | Unable to recover the original file. |
pdErrUnableToRead | ||
pdErrUnknownFileType | This is not a valid PDF document. It cannot be opened. |
pdErrAlreadyOpen | ||
pdErrTooManyPagesForOpen | This file cannot be opened because it contains too many pages. |
pdErrNotEnoughSpaceForTempFile | There is not enough temporary disk space for this operation. |
pdErrTooManyPagesForInsert | Inserting this file would result in a document with too many pages. |
pdErrBookmarksError | There is an error in the bookmarks. |
pdErrCannotOpenMoreBkMark | Cannot open more bookmarks. |
pdErrUnableToExtractFontErr | ||
pdErrCannotOpenNotes | ||
pdErrNoNotes | This document has no notes. |
pdErrCopyPageFailed | ||
pdErrNeedRebuild | This file is damaged. |
pdErrBadFontFlags | The font contains bad /Flags. |
pdErrBadFontBBox | The font contains a bad /BBox. |
pdErrBadFontWidths | The font contains bad /Widths. |
pdErrTrySaveAs | This file can only be saved using Save As. |
pdErrAbortNotes | Creation of the notes file was cancelled. |
pdErrPagesLockedNotDeleted | One or more pages are in use and could not be deleted. |
pdErrNotEnoughMemoryToOpenDoc | There is not enough memory available to open the document. |
pdErrUnableToCloseDueToRefs | Unable to close the document due to outstanding references. |
pdErrNeedPassword | This document requires a password. |
pdErrOpNotPermitted | This operation is not permitted. |
pdErrNoCryptHandler | The security plug-in required by this command is unavailable. |
pdErrBadThread | Invalid article object. |
pdErrBadBead | Invalid article element. |
pdErrThreadProcessing | An error occurred while processing articles. |
pdErrUnknownAction | Unknown action type. |
pdErrBadAction | Invalid action object. |
pdErrCantUseNewVersion | This file contains information not understood by the viewer. It cannot be used for this operation. |
pdErrOldEncryption | This viewer cannot decrypt this document. |
pdErrUnableToExtractFont | Unable to extract the embedded font. Some characters may not display or print correctly. |
pdErrUnableToFindFont | Unable to find or create the font. Some characters may not display or print correctly. |
pdErrBadAnnotColor | Invalid annotation color (only RGB colors are allowed). |
pdErrNeedCryptHandler | Cannot execute this command on an unsecured document. |
pdErrBadFontDescMetrics | The font contains bad /FontDescriptor metrics. |
pdErrWhileRecoverInsertPages | There was an error while inserting or extracting pages and another error while trying to recover. |
pdErrBadBookmark | Invalid bookmark object. |
pdErrBadFileSpec | Invalid file specification object. |
pdErrAfterSave | This document was successfully saved, but an error occurred after saving the document. Please close and reopen the document. |
pdErrUnableToXlateText | Some text in the font and character could not be displayed or printed correctly. The font could not be reencoded. |
pdErrTextStringTooShort | Not enough bytes are in the text string for the multibyte character code. |
pdErrBadCMap | A font contains a bad CMap /Encoding. |
pdErrOldATMVersion | The font cannot be displayed with the installed version of Adobe Type Manager. |
pdErrZeroPageFile | This file cannot be opened because it has no pages. |
pdErrATMMemory | Adobe Type Manager is running out of memory. The text in the font may not render properly. |
pdErrOptMemory | There is not enough memory to optimize this file. |
pdErrCancelSave | The Save operation was cancelled. |
pdErrCannotMergeWithSubsetFonts | These documents contain subset fonts that have the same name and cannot be merged. |
pdErrCannotReopenDoc | This document was successfully saved, but an error occurred after saving the document. Please close and reopen the document. |
pdErrNoPDDocForCosDoc | ||
pdErrHostEncodingNotSet | The application has not set the host encoding. |
pdErrInvalidEmbeddedFont | An invalid font was removed from the document. |
pdErrCannotDeleteAllPages | You cannot delete all pages. At least one page must remain. |
pdErrStartLessThanEnd | The starting page number must be less than or the same as the ending page number. |
pdErrNotValidPage | There is no page with such a number in this document. |
pdErrCannotBeBlankPage | ||
pdErrInvalidPageNumber | Invalid page number. |
pdErrExceedEncryptionLength | Exceeds support encryption key length. |
pdErrExceedEncryptionVersion | This version of encryption is not supported. |
pdErrRequireTrustedMode | Only Adobe certified Acrobat plug-ins are allowed while viewing this document. |
pdErrMissingGlyphs | Unable to find a substitution font with all the characters used by the font. Some characters may not be displayed or printed. |
pdErrNeedTradChinese | An error has occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the Traditional Chinese Language Support package. |
pdErrNeedSimpChinese | An error has occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the Traditional Chinese Language Support package. |
pdErrNeedKorean | An error has occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the Korean Language Support package. |
pdErrNeedJapanese | An error has occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the Japanese Language Support package. |
pdErrMissingSubsetFont | A font required for font substitution is missing. |
pdErrCMapNotFound | ||
pdErrLimitcheck | The implementation limit was exceeded. |
pdErrPrintAsImageSpoolFileFull | There is insufficient disk space for the print job spool file to hold the entire print job. Try freeing up disk space on the startup volume and print the remaining pages of the document again. |
pdErrInvalidMediaBox | Invalid MediaBox. |
pdEnumCanceled | The enumeration process was cancelled by the callback function. |
pdErrFontEmbeddingFailed | Could not embed the font. |
pdErrFontEmbeddingCanceled | Font embedding was cancelled. |
pdErrMultipleDocuments | The operation could not be performed because the objects belong to different documents. |
pdErrBadOCObject | ||
pdErrNoInlineImage | The operation could not be performed because the image is inline. |
pdErrNoCryptFilterHandler | The required Crypt Filter is not registered by the security handler plug-in. |
pdErrBadEncryptDict | Bad encryption dictionary. |
pdErrNoPermHandler | The permission handler required by this command is unavailable. |
pdErrDuplicatePermHandler | The permission handler has already been added for this document. |
pdErrExceedMaxPermHandlers | The maximum number of permission handlers has been reached for this document. |
pdErrBadEncoding | The font contains an invalid encoding. Some characters may not display. |
pdErrMatrixTooBig | The implementation limit was exceeded. Try decreasing the magnification level. |
pdErrNeedExtendedLang | An error has occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the Extended Language Support package. |
pdErrUnknownCryptFilter | This file is encrypted with an unsupported cryptograhpic algorithm. A later version of Acrobat may be needed in order to open this document. |
pdErrNeed3D | An error has occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the 3D Support package. |
PDFXErrors |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDFXErrors {
File: AcroErr.h |
Line: 2368 |
pdfxErrNoError | No error. |
pdfxErrWrongCallbacks | The size of the passed callbacks |
pdfxErrDuringCallback | There was an attempt to call a |
pdfxErrCannotLaunchAcrobat | PDFX could not launch Acrobat. |
pdfxErrCannotFindEWH | Could not find the External Window Handler plug-in. |
PDMetadataErrors |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDMetadataErrors {
File: AcroErr.h |
Line: 2540 |
pdMetadataErrBadXAP | The given metadata was not in the XAP format. |
pdMetadataErrBadPDF | XAP metadata processing found a syntax error in the PDF. |
pdMetadataErrCouldntCreateMetaXAP | An internal representation of the XAP metadata could not be created. |
pdMetadataErrInternalError | An internal error occurred while processing the XAP metadata. |
PDModelErrors |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDModelErrors {
File: AcroErr.h |
Line: 1495 |
pdModErrNoError | No error. |
pdModErrEncTablesFailed | ||
pdModErrDuplicateCryptName | A security plug-in with this name is already registered. |
pdModErrDuplicatePermName | ||
pdModErrBadNavigator | This navigator file cannot be read. Ensure that the mimetype file exists and is the first file in the package. |
pdModErrNewNavigator | ||
pdModErrNavUnknownExtension | This navigator does not have a valid file extension. The only valid file extension for a navigator is either \"nav\" or \"swf\". |
pdModErrNavInvalidMimeType | This navigator has an invalid mimetype file. The navigator mimetype must be \"application/vnd.adobe.pdf-navigator\". |
pdModErrNavMissingSwf | This navigator is missing its swf file. Check the spelling of the file name (it is case sensitive). |
pdModErrNavMissingNavigatorXML | ||
pdModErrNavMissingLocalesXML | This navigator is missing its locales xml file. Check the spelling of the file name (it is case sensitive). |
pdModErrNavMissingStringsXML | This navigator is missing one or more of its localization xml files. Check the spelling of the file name (it is case sensitive). |
pdModErrNavInvalidNavigatorXML | This navigator's navigator xml file is malformed. Verify that your xml file is valid per the navigator schema. |
pdModErrNavInvalidLocalesXML | This navigator's locales xml file is malformed. Verify that your xml file is valid per the navigator schema. |
pdModErrNavInvalidStringsXML | One or more of this navigator's localization xml files is malformed. Verify that your xml file is valid per the navigator schema. |
PDPageErrors |
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader |
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX |
enum PDPageErrors {
File: AcroErr.h |
Line: 1461 |
pdPErrNoError | No error. |
pdPErrPageDimOutOfRange | The dimensions of this page are out of range. |
pdPErrBadType3Font | ||
pdPErrType3TooComplex | ||
pdPErrFormTooComplex | The form is too complex to print. |
pdPErrUnableToCreateRasterPort | The creation of a raster port failed. |