| IBEAM_3D_CURSOR — cursorID | |
| IBEAM_CURSOR — cursorID | |
| IDisplay | |
| IDisplay | |
| IDisplayOld | |
| if | |
| ifdef | |
| ImageInk — OPI 2.0 image ink information. | |
| ImageInk_FullColor | |
| ImageInk_Monochrome | |
| ImageInk_Registration | |
| ImageInks — Image inks. | |
| imbProcSet | |
| imcProcSet | |
| imgProcSet | |
| imiProcSet | |
| ImportAnFDF — Imports data from an FDF file into a PDDoc object's form. See the PDF Reference for a description of this format. | |
| IN | |
| IN | |
| IN | |
| Inches | |
| InclAnnotations_F | |
| InclAppendSaves_F | |
| InclEmpty_F | |
| InclNMKey_F | |
| InclOrExcl_F | |
| include | |
| include | |
| include | |
| include | |
| include | |
| include | |
| include | |
| include | |
| IndexBuildDone | |
| IndexCouldNotBeSaved | |
| IndexInvalid | |
| IndexJobAdded | |
| IndexLoadDone | |
| IndexPurgeDone | |
| IndexStatus — Return values for the current state of the Index after a call to Purge, Build, or Load an index. | |
| Init_AcroFormHFT | |
| Init_AcroTTSHFT — Use this to initialize and make the TTS HFT functions available to your plug-in. | |
| Init_CatalogHFT | |
| Init_gWLHFT | |
| Init_PDFConsultantHFT | |
| Init_SearchHFT | |
| Init_SpellerHFT | |
| Init_SpellerHFT | |
| Init_SpellerHFT | |
| Init_TextAppearanceP — Macro for setting text appearance. | |
| InitProcs | |
| InitProcsP | |
| Int16 | |
| Int16P | |
| Int16ToFixed | |
| Int32 | |
| Int32P | |
| Int32ToFixed | |
| Int8 | |
| Int8P | |
| iNumPDFObjTypes | |
| Invisible_text | |
| IsChecked | |
| IsPDDocAcroForm — Indicates whether a PDDoc contains an Acrobat form. | |
| IsPersistentProcType — A callback for AVTool. It indicates whether the tool should stay active after it has been used or is a one-shot tool. | |