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The Acrobat Forms plug-in exports its own Host Function Table (HFT), whose methods can be used by other plug-ins. To use the Acrobat Forms plug-ins' HFT, a plug-in must:

Data may be imported and exported into Acrobat Forms in Forms Data Format (FDF). FDF is used to submit form data to a server, as well as to receive the response and incorporate it into a form. FDF is based on PDF and uses the same syntax and set of basic object types as PDF. It also has the same file structure, except that the cross-reference table is optional. See the PDF Reference for more information.

OLE for Forms

This document describes the Forms HFT. The Interapplication Communication (IAC) APIs supported by the Acrobat Forms plug-in are described in Developing Applications using Interapplication Communication and the Interapplication Communication API Reference.

Define Summary
Use this to initialize and make the TTS HFT functions available to your plug-in.
Macro for setting text appearance.
The default paragraph direction is right to left.
Macro for setting text appearance. This macro uses Helvetica as the default font.
Macro for checking whether a text appearance is valid.
Typedef Summary
Field border data type.
Used for the value of flags set by AFPDFieldSetFlags.
Enumeration Summary
The type of flag to be set in AFPDFieldSetFlags(). If Flags_Annot, SetFlagsAnnot, or ClrFlagsAnnot is specified and the PDField is not an annotation, no flags are changed.
Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
Form field appearance definitions for the outside border of an annotation.
Structure Summary
Form field appearance definitions for the outside border of an annotation.
A parameter block used in the call to ExportAsFDFWithParams().
Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
A structure containing information about the text appearance of a field.
Callback Summary
Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
Callback used by AFPDDocEnumPDFields(). It is called once for each PDField in a form.
Method Summary
ASInt32 AcroFormRegisterObserver(AF_NotificationSelector_t notificationID, AF_NotificationProc notifyProc, AF_NotificationFailureProc notifyFailure, void* clientData)
Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
ASBool AFCalculateFields(PDDoc pdd, ASCab asc)
Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
CosObj AFDrawText(CosDoc cd, ASFixedRectP frBbox, PDRotate annotRotation, ASBool bWrap, AFPDWidgetBorder border, AFTextAttributesP textAttrs, ASConstText asText, ASFixed fxMinFontSize, ASFixed fxMaxFontSize)
Lays out the text and creates a Cos XObject with the content stream for the text and required Resources. This API supports Unicode text. If required, different fonts may be used for different characters in the text. It has support for western scripts, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Other scripts may be added in the future.
ASBool AFExecuteThisScript(PDDoc pdd, const char* cScript, char** pRetValue)
Executes an AcroForm JavaScript script.
Get the default size for a specific field type. This method will get the new default value if the user changes it.
ASBool AFGetScriptingContext(void** pcx, void** pobj)
Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
ASBool AFImportAppearance(CosDoc cd, CosObj* coIcon, AVDoc avd, char* cTitle)
Opens the dialog box that allows the user to select a PDF to use as the icon for a button.
void AFLayoutBorder(void* vlayout, AFPDWidgetBorder border, PDColorValue pdcvBrdr, PDColorValue pdcvBg, ASBool bDown)
Draws a border into the layout context.
CosObj AFLayoutCreateStream(void* vlayout)
Creates a layout stream that can be used as an annotation appearance.
void AFLayoutDelete(void* vlayout)
Frees the layout context.
void AFLayoutIconText(void* vLayout, AFPDWidgetPosition nPosition, CosObj coIcon, AFPDWidgetBorder border, TextAppearanceP ta, char* cBytes)
Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
void* AFLayoutNew(ASFixedRectP frBbox, PDRotate annotRotation, CosDoc cd)
Creates a new layout context for annotations. Use PDAnnotGetRect() to get the annotation's bounding box, then use this method to define new layout context.
void AFLayoutText(void* vlayout, ASBool bMultline, ASBool bWrap, AFPDWidgetBorder border, TextAppearanceP ta, char* cBytes)
Sets the text layout for the annotation.
void AFLayoutTextEx(void* vlayout, ASBool bMultline, ASBool bWrap, AFPDWidgetBorder border, TextAppearanceP ta, char* cBytes, ASFixed fxMinFontSize, ASFixed fxMaxFontSize)
Sets the text layout for the annotation.
void AFPDDocEnumPDFields(PDDoc doc, ASBool terminals, ASBool parameterIgnored, AFPDFieldEnumProc proc, void* clientData)
Enumerates all PDField objects that exist in a PDDoc.
PDField AFPDDocGetPDFieldFromName(PDDoc doc, char* name)
Retrieves a PDField with a given name from a PDDoc. (If multiple fields have the same name, a change to any of them affects all of them.)
Ensures that every PDField in the given PDDoc exists.
Retrieves the PDField object for which a Cos object is the dictionary.
CosObj AFPDFieldGetCosObj(PDField fldP)
Retrieves the Cos object which is the field object of a PDField object.
This routine is deprecated: use AFPDFieldGetDefaultTextAppearanceEx() instead.
void AFPDFieldGetDefaultTextAppearanceEx(PDField fldP, TextAppearanceP aP, size_t size)
Gets the default text appearance of a field. Use this method to get the font, size, color, and other values that were set through the field properties dialog box.
ASUns32 AFPDFieldGetFlags(PDField fldP, AF_Flags_t flagType)
Retrieves the flags of a PDField for a given flag type.
char* AFPDFieldGetName(PDField fldP)
Gets the name of a PDField object.
CosObj AFPDFieldGetValue(PDField fldP)
Retrieves the value from a PDField. The value is stored in the field entry with the V key.
ASBool AFPDFieldIsAnnot(PDField fldP)
Determines whether a PDField is an annotation (PDAnnot), that is, whether the field dictionary is also an annotation. If this is the case, the value of Subtype is Widget.
ASBool AFPDFieldIsTerminal(PDField fldP)
Determines whether a field is terminal, which means that the field has no children or it has the same name as its children.
ASBool AFPDFieldIsValid(PDField fldP)
Determines whether a field is valid.
void AFPDFieldReset(PDField fldP)
Sets a PDField object's value to its default state. This is the value associated with the DV key for the field. If there is no DV key for the field, set the field's value to the NULL Cos object; otherwise, if the field has options, the default DV is the first element of the Opt array.
This routine is deprecated. Use AFPDFieldSetDefaultTextAppearanceEx() instead.
void AFPDFieldSetDefaultTextAppearanceEx(PDField fldP, TextAppearanceP aP, size_t size)
Sets the default text appearance of a field. Use this method to set the font, size, color, and so on.
void AFPDFieldSetFlags(PDField fldP, AF_Flags_t flagType, AFPDFieldFlags_t flags)
Sets the flags of type flagType for a PDField.
RetCode AFPDFieldSetOptions(PDField fldP, CosObj array)
Sets the options entry for a field. The options entry has the key Opt and represents a list of options for a choice field.
ASBool AFPDFieldSetValue(PDField fldP, CosObj val)
Sets the value for a PDField. The value is stored in the field entry with the V key. The method updates the display of the field and its namesakes; that is, fields with the same fully qualified names, if any. Changing the field dictionary's value for the V entry directly does not change the appearance of the field, which is represented by the AP key.
void AFPDFieldValueChanged(PDDoc pdd, PDField fldP)
Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
Creates an XObject form from a PDF page. A form XObject is a content stream that can be treated as a single graphics object. Use this method for importing PDF graphics into documents.
Gets the border and background colors of an annotation.
Gets the border of an annotation.
Gets the rotation of the annotation.
Sets the border and background color of the annotation.
Sets the border of an annotation.
Finalizes a speech section shutting down the speech engines used by the TTS object. AFTTSIsAvailable() should return false after that. Its use by a plug-in should not be needed at any time, since AcroForms already handles TTS termination. Initialization of TTS is also handled automatically. By calling any function below, AFTTSIsAvailable() should then return true, in case a SAPI engine is installed on the system.
Not implemented in 4.05.
Gets the number of different speakers available to the current TTS engine.
ASUns32 AFTTSGetPitch()
Gets the baseline pitch for the voice of a speaker.
Not implemented in 4.05.
Gets the name of the current speaker.
Gets the speed at which text is being spoken by the TTS engine.
Gets the voice name of any of the available speakers in the installed TTS engine.
ASUns32 AFTTSGetVolume()
Gets the volume for the speaker.
Determines whether the TTS object is available and the Text-to-Speech engine can be used.
ASBool AFTTSPause()
Immediately pauses TTS output on a TTS object. Playback of the remaining queued text can be resumed via AFTTSResume().
ASBool AFTTSQSilence(ASUns32 duration)
Queues a period of silence into the text.
ASBool AFTTSQSound(const char* soundName)
Puts a sound into the queue. The sound can then be performed by AFTTSTalk().
ASBool AFTTSQTone(ASUns32 frequency, ASUns32 duration)
Not implemented in 4.05.
ASBool AFTTSQueueTextData(const char* textdata, ASBool UseDefaultSpeaker)
Puts text into the queue to be performed by AFTTSTalk().
ASBool AFTTSReset()
Stops playback of the currently queued text, and flushes the queue. It resets all the properties of the TTS object to their default values.
ASBool AFTTSResume()
Resumes playback of text on a paused TTS object.
Not implemented in 4.05.
void AFTTSSetNotify(AFTTSNotifyProc proc)
Sets the function to be called when TTS finished speaking. NULL disables callbacks.
ASBool AFTTSSetPitch(ASUns32 pitch)
Sets the baseline pitch for the voice of a speaker.
ASBool AFTTSSetPunctuations(const char* punctuations)
Not implemented in 4.05.
ASBool AFTTSSetSpeaker(const char* voiceName)
Sets the current voice. Valid values are any of those enumerated via AFTTSGetVoiceName() and AFTTSGetNumberOfVoices().
Sets the speed at which text is being spoken by the TTS engine.
ASBool AFTTSSetVolume(ASUns32 volume)
Sets the speech volume.
ASBool AFTTSStop()
Stops playback of currently queued text, and flushes the queue. Playback of queued text cannot be resumed.
ASBool AFTTSTalk()
Sends whatever is in the queue to be spoken by the SAPI TTS engine. If the text output had been paused, it resumes playback of the queued text.
PDDoc AssembleFormAndImportFDF(PDDoc pdCurrForm, CosDoc cdFDF, ASBool bAddToCurr)
Constructs an Acrobat form from templates and imports an FDF file.
CosDoc ExportAsFDF(PDDoc pdForm, CosObj rgIncExcFlds, ASBool bIncl, ASBool bEmpty, ASBool bMenu, ASBool bLoadFields, ASPathName fdfPath)
Exports form data to a CosDoc, which can be written to an FDF file. See the PDF Reference for a description of this format.
CosDoc ExportAsFDFEx(PDDoc pdForm, CosObj rgIncExcFlds, ASBool bIncl, ASBool bEmpty, ASBool bMenu, ASBool bLoadFields, ASPathName fdfPath, const char* submitBtnName)
Exports form data to a CosDoc object, which can be written to an FDF file. See the PDF Reference for a description of this format.
Exports form data to a CosDoc, which can be written to an FDF file. See the PDF Reference for a description of this format.
void ExportAsHtml(PDDoc pdForm, CosObj rgIncExcFlds, ASBool bIncl, ASBool bEmpty, ASFile Hfile)
Exports data from a form to a file in HTML format.
void ExportAsHtmlEx(PDDoc pdForm, CosObj rgIncExcFlds, ASBool bIncl, ASBool bEmpty, ASFile Hfile, const char* submitBtnName)
Exports data from a form to a file in HTML format.
ASBool ImportAnFDF(PDDoc pdForm, CosDoc cdFDF)
Imports data from an FDF file into a PDDoc object's form. See the PDF Reference for a description of this format.
Indicates whether a PDDoc contains an Acrobat form.
void ResetForm(PDDoc pdForm, CosObj rgIncExcFlds, ASBool bIncl)
Resets the indicated fields of a PDDoc object's form to their default values.
Defines Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define AcroFormHFT_LATEST_VERSION (0x00010002)

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define AcroFormHFT_NAME "Forms"

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define AcroFormNum_SEL AcroFormLast_SEL - 1

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define AcroTTSHFT_LATEST_VERSION (0x00010012)

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define AcroTTSHFT_NAME "TTS"

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define AcroTTSNum_SEL AcroTTSLast_SEL - 1

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define AFAVignore_F ((AFPDFieldFlags_t)0x00000001)

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define Init_AcroFormHFT ASExtensionMgrGetHFT(ASAtomFromString(AcroFormHFT_NAME), AcroFormHFT_LATEST_VERSION)

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define Init_AcroTTSHFT ASExtensionMgrGetHFT(ASAtomFromString(AcroTTSHFT_NAME), AcroTTSHFT_LATEST_VERSION)


Use this to initialize and make the TTS HFT functions available to your plug-in.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define Init_TextAppearanceP {\ memset(aP, 0, sizeof(TextAppearance_t));\ (aP)->baseFont = ASAtomNull;\ (aP)->nameFont = ASAtomNull;\ }


Macro for setting text appearance.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define kAFOptionsR2LDirection ((ASUns32)0x0001)


The default paragraph direction is right to left.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define SetDefault_TextAppearanceP d = fixedOne;\ (aP)->quadding = LeftQ;\ (aP)->nativeZeroDigit = 0x0030;\ }


Macro for setting text appearance. This macro uses Helvetica as the default font.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


#define TextApperanceIsValid (\ (aP)->quadding <= RightQ && \ (aP)->renderMode <= Invisible_text && \ (aP)->baseFont != ASAtomNull && \ (aP)->textSize >= AutoSize)


Macro for checking whether a text appearance is valid.

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Typedefs Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef OPAQUE_64_BITS AcroForm;

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef AFPDWidgetBorderRec AFPDFieldBorder;

Field border data type.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef ASUns32 AFPDFieldFlags_t;

Used for the value of flags set by AFPDFieldSetFlags.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _AFPDWidgetBorderRec AFPDWidgetBorder;

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _AFPDWidgetBorderRec AFPDWidgetBorderRec;

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef AFTextAttributesRec AFTextAttributesP;

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_ExportAsFDFParams ExportAsFDFParams;

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef _t_ExportAsFDFParams ExportAsFDFParamsRec;

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


typedef TextAppearance_t TextAppearanceP;

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Enumeration Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum AF_Flags_t {
 Flags_Annot = 0,

See Also

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Sets the flags defined in the F key of the annotation to the values specified in the flags parameter of AFPDFieldSetFlags().


Sets the flags defined in the Ff key of the form field to the values specified in the flags parameter of AFPDFieldSetFlags().


Sets the bits in the flags to those that are 1s in the flags parameter of AFPDFieldSetFlags().


Clears the bits in the flags to those that are 1s in the flags parameter of AFPDFieldSetFlags().


Sets the bits in the flags to those that are 1s in the flags parameter of AFPDFieldSetFlags().


Clears the bits in the flags to those that are 1s in the flags parameter of AFPDFieldSetFlags().


Does not change any flags for the field or annot.

Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum AF_NotificationSelector_t {
 FieldValueWillChange = (ASInt32)0,

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum AFHorizontalAlign {

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum AFPDWidgetBorderStyle {
 AFPDWBSolid = 0,

See Also

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Strokes the entire perimeter of the widget with a solid line.


Strokes the entire perimeter of the widget with a dashed line.


Equivalent to the AFPDWBSolid style with an additional beveled (pushed-out appearance) border applied inside the solid border.


Equivalent to the AFPDWBBeveled style with an additional beveled (pushed-in appearance) border applied inside the solid border.


Strokes the bottom portion of the widget with a underline styled line.


Do not change the border.

Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum AFPDWidgetPosition {
 AFPDWPTextOnly = 0,

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum AFRenderModeFlags {
 Fill_text = 0,
 Stroke_text = 1,
 FnS_text = 2,
 Invisible_text = 3

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


enum AFVerticalAlign {

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Structure Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _AFPDWidgetBorderRec {
 AFPDWidgetBorderStyle nStyle; 
 ASInt32 nWidth; 

Form field appearance definitions for the outside border of an annotation.

See Also

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The style of the border. The possible types are solid, dashed, beveled, inset, and underline.


The width of the border.

Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct _t_ExportAsFDFParams {
 ASSize_t size; 
 AVDoc avForm; 
 PDDoc pdForm; 
 CosObj rgIncExcFlds; 
 ASBool bIncl; 
 ASBool bEmpty; 
 ASBool bExcludePasswd; 
 ASBool bCheckReqd; 
 ASAtom asaEncoding; 
 ASPathName fdfPath; 
 ASFileSys fdfFilesys; 
 char* submitBtnName; 

A parameter block used in the call to ExportAsFDFWithParams().

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The size of the data structure. It must be set to sizeof(ExportAsFDFParamsRec).


The AVDoc for the form from which you want to export the data. You can pass NULL if the document does not have an AVDoc (that is, it is open only at the PD level).


The PDDoc for the form from which you want to export the data.


If rgIncExcFlds is CosNewNull(), then all fields are exported, and bIncl is ignored. If it is a CosArray, then the array elements may be:

  • Names of fields (the names may be of non-terminal fields, which is a fast and easy way to cause all their children to be included in the FDF).

  • Arrays whose first element is a field name whose remaining elements are field dictionary key names whose values should be exported in the FDF. For example: [ (My listbox) /AP /Opt ]

  • If rgIncExcFlds contains a single element, which is itself an array as described above, and its first element, which corresponds to the field name, is NULL, then the FDF will include the requested field properties of all fields. For example, [ null /F /Ff ]

This variety of rgIncExcFlds array element can only be used if bIncl is true.


If true, then rgIncExcFlds is an array of the fields to export. Otherwise, rgIncExcFlds is an array of the fields to exclude from exporting.


If true, then all fields selected per the criteria above are exported. Otherwise those that have no value are excluded.


If true, the FDF text fields that have the "password" flag set will not be included.


If true, an alert pops up if any required field is empty.


Encoding to use in the produced FDF file for the value of the V entry when it is a string. If ASAtomNull is passed, then ExportAsFDF() will determine which encoding to use. If PDFDocEncoding is passed, then do not perform any encoding conversions and simply send V as is (which means as PDFDocEncoding or Unicode).

Other allowed values are Shift_JIS, BigFive, GBK, and UHC.


The path where the FDF file will be saved (by the client) after it is produced (by ExportAsFDFWithParams()). You need this in order to create an FDF file with an /F key that gives the relative path to the form from the location where the FDF file will be saved. Pass NULL if you want an absolute pathname.


Corresponding file system for fdfPath.


A NULL-terminated string containing the name of the button used to submit. If the value passed is not NULL, then the FDF file will include a field dictionary corresponding to the submit button, which will only contain one key, namely /T. This dictionary is no different than the one you get when an AcroForm has an empty text field (that is, no Value), and bEmpty is true.

Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct AF_NtfyParams_t {
 PDDoc pdd; 
 CPDField_P pCPDFld; 
 CWidget_P pCWidget; 
 struct _EStrRec* esValue; 
 struct _EStrRec* esChange; 
 struct _EStrRec* esChangeEx; 
 ASBool fieldFull; 
 ASInt32 nSelStart; 
 ASUns32 nSubmitFlags; 
 ASInt32 nSelEnd; 
 RetCode rc; 
 CosDoc cd; 
 ASAtom asaFieldType; 
 void* cos2XMLEngine; 
 const char* cValue; 
 ASInt32 len; 
 ASInt32 nCursorPos; 
 AVPageView avPageView; 
 PDAnnot pdAnnot; 
 CAgg_P richChange; 
 CAgg_P richChangeEx; 
 CAgg_P richValue; 
 ASBool bModified; 

Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct AFTextAttributesRec {
 size_t size; 
 ASText fontName; 
 ASReal textSize; 
 AFHorizontalAlign horizontalAlignment; 
 AFVerticalAlign verticalAlignment; 
 PDColorValueRec fillColor; 
 ASUns32 options; 
 ASUnicodeChar nativeZeroDigit; 

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The size of the structure. Clients must initialize with the size of the structure.


The default font name.


The point size of the text. When it is fixedZero, it enables text autosizing.


The text justification.


The vertical Alignment


The text color.




Native Zero digit.

Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


struct TextAppearance_t {
 ASFixed charSpacing; 
 ASFixed wordSpacing; 
 ASFixed horizontalScale; 
 ASFixed leading; 
 ASFixed textRise; 
 ASFixed textSize; 
 ASFixedMatrix textMatrix; 
 PDColorValueRec strokeColor; 
 PDColorValueRec fillColor; 
 ASUns16 renderMode; 
 ASUns16 quadding; 
 ASAtom baseFont; 
 ASAtom nameFont; 
 ASUns32 options; 
 ASUnicodeChar nativeZeroDigit; 

A structure containing information about the text appearance of a field.

See Also

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The spacing between characters.


The spacing between words.


The horizontal scale.


The leading.


The text rise.


The point size of the text. When it is fixedZero, it enables text autosizing.


The font matrix.


The pen color.


The fill color.


The mode.


The text justification.


The default font name.


The current font name.




Native Zero digit.

Callbacks Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*AF_NotificationFailureProc)(ASInt32 error, void *info, void *clientData)

Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void (*AF_NotificationProc)(void *info, void *clientData)

Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool (*AFPDFieldEnumProc)(PDField fldP, void *clientData)

Callback used by AFPDDocEnumPDFields(). It is called once for each PDField in a form.

See Also

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Method Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASInt32 AcroFormRegisterObserver(AF_NotificationSelector_t notificationID, AF_NotificationProc notifyProc, AF_NotificationFailureProc notifyFailure, void* clientData)

Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.




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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AcroFormUnregisterObserver(AF_NotificationSelector_t notificationID, ASInt32 observerID)

Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFCalculateFields(PDDoc pdd, ASCab asc)

Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.




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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj AFDrawText(CosDoc cd, ASFixedRectP frBbox, PDRotate annotRotation, ASBool bWrap, AFPDWidgetBorder border, AFTextAttributesP textAttrs, ASConstText asText, ASFixed fxMinFontSize, ASFixed fxMaxFontSize)

Lays out the text and creates a Cos XObject with the content stream for the text and required Resources. This API supports Unicode text. If required, different fonts may be used for different characters in the text. It has support for western scripts, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Other scripts may be added in the future.


cd — 

The CosDoc.

frBbox — 

The bounding box of the area for text and border data to flow into.

annotRotation — 

The rotation of the annotation.

bWrap — 

If true, the text will wrap.

border — 

The border appearance that defines the width.

textAttrs — 

The minimum font size, when using autosizing.

asText — 

The maximum font size, when using autosizing and line style of a border.

fxMinFontSize — 

A pointer to structure containing font, point size, color information, alignment, and writing direction.

fxMaxFontSize — 

The text string for the layout.


A stream CosObj. If the operation fails, then CosNewNull() is returned.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFExecuteThisScript(PDDoc pdd, const char* cScript, char** pRetValue)

Executes an AcroForm JavaScript script.


pdd — 

The PDDoc in which the script is to be executed.

cScript — 

A string containing the text of the script to be executed. If it is Unicode, the string must begin with 0xFEFF and end with 2 NULL bytes. If this is not the case, it is assumed to be in the application's language encoding, as returned by AVAppGetLanguageEncoding().

pRetValue — 

To get a return value from the execution of the script, pass a non-NULL value for this parameter. If, upon return, *pRetVal is non-NULL, the caller should dispose of the string by calling ASFree(). If present, the value will be in host encoding.


The JavaScript value of event.rc. This function pre-initializes it to true; a script may set it to false if desired.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFGetDefaultFieldSize(ASAtom fieldType, ASFixedPoint* asfp)

Get the default size for a specific field type. This method will get the new default value if the user changes it.


fieldType — 

The ASAtom corresponding to the field type. The string for the type can be converted to an ASAtom using ASAtomFromString().

asfp — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to a point whose coordinates correspond to width and height of the field.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFGetScriptingContext(void** pcx, void** pobj)

Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFGetScriptingContextEx(ScriptingData data)




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFImportAppearance(CosDoc cd, CosObj* coIcon, AVDoc avd, char* cTitle)

Opens the dialog box that allows the user to select a PDF to use as the icon for a button.


cd — 

The CosDoc that contains the appearance you are trying to import.

coIcon — 

If AFImportAppearance() is successful, coIcon is a pointer to a CosObj that will contain the Cos representation of the appearance.

avd — 

The AVDoc that you want as the parent for the window. You can pass NULL if you do not have an AVDoc.

cTitle — 

The window title of the dialog box when it appears. You can pass NULL if you want the title of the dialog box to be the same as it is when brought up through the field properties dialog.


true if appearance was imported properly, false otherwise.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFLayoutBorder(void* vlayout, AFPDWidgetBorder border, PDColorValue pdcvBrdr, PDColorValue pdcvBg, ASBool bDown)

Draws a border into the layout context.


vlayout — 

The layout of the annotation. Use AFLayoutNew() to create a new layout before calling this method.

border — 

A pointer to a structure containing information about the appearance a border.

pdcvBrdr — 

A PDColorValue structure representing the color of the annotations border.

pdcvBg — 

A PDColorValue structure representing the color of the annotations background.

bDown — 

A boolean value specifying whether the background should be drawn as it is drawn in forms while being pressed (clicked by the mouse). If true, it is drawn as if it is a field that is being pressed.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj AFLayoutCreateStream(void* vlayout)

Creates a layout stream that can be used as an annotation appearance.


vlayout — 

The layout of the annotation. Use AFLayoutNew() to create a new layout before calling this method.


A stream CosObj.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFLayoutDelete(void* vlayout)

Frees the layout context.


vlayout — 

The layout of the annotation to remove.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFLayoutIconText(void* vLayout, AFPDWidgetPosition nPosition, CosObj coIcon, AFPDWidgetBorder border, TextAppearanceP ta, char* cBytes)

Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void* AFLayoutNew(ASFixedRectP frBbox, PDRotate annotRotation, CosDoc cd)

Creates a new layout context for annotations. Use PDAnnotGetRect() to get the annotation's bounding box, then use this method to define new layout context.


frBbox — 

The bounding box of the area for text and border data to flow into.

annotRotation — 

The rotation of the annotation.

cd — 

The CosDoc.


A new layout.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFLayoutText(void* vlayout, ASBool bMultline, ASBool bWrap, AFPDWidgetBorder border, TextAppearanceP ta, char* cBytes)

Sets the text layout for the annotation.

It raises an exception if the field is a radio box or button.


vlayout — 

The layout of the annotation.

bMultline — 

If true, the text can use multiple lines in a text field. Otherwise, the text is a single line.

bWrap — 

If true, the text will wrap.

border — 

The border appearance that defines the width and line style of a border. The border of the annotation should be the same as in your call to AFLayoutBorder().

ta — 

A pointer to a structure containing font, point size, and color information. You should initialize the structure with the SetDefaultTextAppearanceP macro which defaults to Helvetica.

cBytes — 

The text string for the layout.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFLayoutTextEx(void* vlayout, ASBool bMultline, ASBool bWrap, AFPDWidgetBorder border, TextAppearanceP ta, char* cBytes, ASFixed fxMinFontSize, ASFixed fxMaxFontSize)

Sets the text layout for the annotation.

It raises an exception if the field is a radio box or button.


vlayout — 

The layout of the annotation.

bMultline — 

If true, the text can use multiple lines in a text field. Otherwise, the text is a single line.

bWrap — 

If true, the text will wrap.

border — 

The border appearance that defines the width and line style of a border. The border of the annotation should be the same as in your call to AFLayoutBorder().

ta — 

A pointer to a structure containing font, point size, and color information. You should initialize the structure with the SetDefaultTextAppearanceP macro which defaults to Helvetica.

cBytes — 

The text string for the layout.

fxMinFontSize — 

The minimum font size, when using autosizing.

fxMaxFontSize — 

The maximum font size, when using autosizing.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFPDDocEnumPDFields(PDDoc doc, ASBool terminals, ASBool parameterIgnored, AFPDFieldEnumProc proc, void* clientData)

Enumerates all PDField objects that exist in a PDDoc.


doc — 

The PDDoc whose PDField objects are enumerated.

terminals — 

If true, only PDField objects without children are enumerated.

parameterIgnored — 

This parameter is no longer used (it is ignored).

proc — 

A user-supplied callback that is called for each PDField. The enumeration terminates if proc returns false.

clientData — 

A pointer to user-specified data that is passed to proc each time it is called.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDField AFPDDocGetPDFieldFromName(PDDoc doc, char* name)

Retrieves a PDField with a given name from a PDDoc. (If multiple fields have the same name, a change to any of them affects all of them.)


doc — 

The PDDoc containing the field.

name — 

The name of the field to retrieve.


The PDField specified by name. It returns NULL if there is no PDField with the given name in the PDDoc.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFPDDocLoadPDFields(PDDoc doc)

Ensures that every PDField in the given PDDoc exists.


doc — 

The PDDoc for the form whose PDField objects are loaded.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDField AFPDFieldFromCosObj(CosObj dict)

Retrieves the PDField object for which a Cos object is the dictionary.


dict — 

The Cos object for which to retrieve the corresponding PDField object.


The PDField corresponding to dict. It returns NULL if the Cos object is not a PDField.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj AFPDFieldGetCosObj(PDField fldP)

Retrieves the Cos object which is the field object of a PDField object.


fldP — 

The PDField object for which to retrieve the corresponding Cos object.


A Cos object corresponding to the PDField object (fldP).

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFPDFieldGetDefaultTextAppearance(PDField fldP, TextAppearanceP aP)

This routine is deprecated: use AFPDFieldGetDefaultTextAppearanceEx() instead.

Gets the default text appearance of a field. Use this method to get the font, size, color, and so on (values that were set through the field properties dialog box).


fldP — 

The PDField object for which to retrieve the text appearance.

aP — 

A pointer to a structure describing the text appearance. It returns font, size, quadding, text color, and so on up to and including the nameFont field in the text appearance structure. The remaining fields will not be initialized.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFPDFieldGetDefaultTextAppearanceEx(PDField fldP, TextAppearanceP aP, size_t size)

Gets the default text appearance of a field. Use this method to get the font, size, color, and other values that were set through the field properties dialog box.


fldP — 

The PDField object for which to retrieve the text appearance.

aP — 

A pointer to a structure describing the text appearance. It returns font, size, alignment, text color, and so on.

size — 

The size in bytes of the structure referenced by aP. Fields in the structure up to this size will be initialized.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASUns32 AFPDFieldGetFlags(PDField fldP, AF_Flags_t flagType)

Retrieves the flags of a PDField for a given flag type.


fldP — 

The PDField whose flags are obtained.

flagType — 

The type of flags to obtain.


The value of the flags of flagType.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char* AFPDFieldGetName(PDField fldP)

Gets the name of a PDField object.


fldP — 

The PDField whose name is retrieved.


A NULL-terminated string.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj AFPDFieldGetValue(PDField fldP)

Retrieves the value from a PDField. The value is stored in the field entry with the V key.

Values can be inherited. If a PDField Cos object does not have a V key, its value is inherited from a parent's V key (the parent must have the same name as the PDField). For example, radio buttons inherit values this way.


fldP — 

The PDField whose value is retrieved.


The value of the field as a CosObj. If the field has no value, NULL is returned.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFPDFieldIsAnnot(PDField fldP)

Determines whether a PDField is an annotation (PDAnnot), that is, whether the field dictionary is also an annotation. If this is the case, the value of Subtype is Widget.


fldP — 

The field in question.


true if the PDField is an Acrobat annotation, false otherwise.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFPDFieldIsTerminal(PDField fldP)

Determines whether a field is terminal, which means that the field has no children or it has the same name as its children.


fldP — 

The PDField to test.


true if fldP is valid and all its children (if any) have the same name as fldP. Otherwise all have unique names.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFPDFieldIsValid(PDField fldP)

Determines whether a field is valid.


fldP — 

The field to test.


true if fldP is a valid PDField, false otherwise.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFPDFieldReset(PDField fldP)

Sets a PDField object's value to its default state. This is the value associated with the DV key for the field. If there is no DV key for the field, set the field's value to the NULL Cos object; otherwise, if the field has options, the default DV is the first element of the Opt array.

A DV entry's value can be inherited from a parent (just like V).

The PDField object's value is set only if it is terminal (check this by calling AFPDFieldIsTerminal()).


fldP — 

The PDField to reset.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFPDFieldSetDefaultTextAppearance(PDField fldP, TextAppearanceP aP)

This routine is deprecated. Use AFPDFieldSetDefaultTextAppearanceEx() instead.

Sets the default text appearance of a field. Use this method to set the font, size, color, and so on.


fldP — 

The PDField object for which to set the text appearance.

aP — 

A pointer to a structure describing the text appearance to set. This routine will use the values up to and including the nameFont field in the text appearance structure.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFPDFieldSetDefaultTextAppearanceEx(PDField fldP, TextAppearanceP aP, size_t size)

Sets the default text appearance of a field. Use this method to set the font, size, color, and so on.


fldP — 

The PDField object for which to set the text appearance.

aP — 

A pointer to a structure describing the text appearance to set.

size — 

The size in bytes of the structure referenced by aP. Fields in the structure up to this size will be used. If there are additional fields after this size, default values will be used.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFPDFieldSetFlags(PDField fldP, AF_Flags_t flagType, AFPDFieldFlags_t flags)

Sets the flags of type flagType for a PDField.

The flags of a field's children (if any) are also set.


fldP — 

The PDField for which to set flags and children's flags.

flagType — 

The type of the flags to set. If its value is Flags_Annot and the PDField is not an annotation, no flags are changed.

flags — 

The value of the flags.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


RetCode AFPDFieldSetOptions(PDField fldP, CosObj array)

Sets the options entry for a field. The options entry has the key Opt and represents a list of options for a choice field.

If the field is not valid, remove the options entry.


fldP — 

The PDField whose options are set.

array — 

The value to set in the options entry.


Good if the operation succeeded, Bad otherwise.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFPDFieldSetValue(PDField fldP, CosObj val)

Sets the value for a PDField. The value is stored in the field entry with the V key. The method updates the display of the field and its namesakes; that is, fields with the same fully qualified names, if any. Changing the field dictionary's value for the V entry directly does not change the appearance of the field, which is represented by the AP key.


fldP — 

The field whose value is set.

val — 

The field's new value. If it is different than the previous value, all previous instances of value keys (V) in the field's dictionary and those of its namesakes (fields with the same fully qualified name) are removed.


See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFPDFieldValueChanged(PDDoc pdd, PDField fldP)

Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.



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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosObj AFPDFormFromPage(CosDoc cd, PDPage pdp)

Creates an XObject form from a PDF page. A form XObject is a content stream that can be treated as a single graphics object. Use this method for importing PDF graphics into documents.


cd — 

The CosDoc in which the XObject will be created.

pdp — 

The PDPage from which to create the XObject.


A Cos object pointing to the XObject on the PDF page.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFPDWidgetGetAreaColors(PDAnnot pdan, PDColorValue borderP, PDColorValue bkgndP)

Gets the border and background colors of an annotation.


pdan — 

The annotation.

borderP — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to a structure representing the border color of the annotation.

bkgndP — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to a structure representing the background color of the annotation.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFPDWidgetGetBorder(PDAnnot pdan, AFPDWidgetBorder pdwb)

Gets the border of an annotation.


pdan — 

The annotation.

pdwb — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to a structure describing the form field appearance definitions for the outside border of an annotation.


true if successful getting the border, false otherwise.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDRotate AFPDWidgetGetRotation(PDAnnot pdan)

Gets the rotation of the annotation.


pdan — 

The annotation widget.


Returns an ASAtom object representing the annotation's rotation with respect to the page.

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void AFPDWidgetSetAreaColors(PDAnnot pdan, PDColorValue borderP, PDColorValue bkgndP)

Sets the border and background color of the annotation.


pdan — 

The annotation.

borderP — 

A pointer to a structure representing the border color of the annotation.

bkgndP — 

A pointer to a structure representing the background color of the annotation.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFPDWidgetSetBorder(PDAnnot pdan, AFPDWidgetBorder pdwb)

Sets the border of an annotation.


pdan — 

The annotation whose change border appearance will be set.

pdwb — 

A pointer to a structure describing the form field appearance definitions for the outside border of an annotation. Possible border types are solid, dashed, beveled, inset, and underline.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX



Finalizes a speech section shutting down the speech engines used by the TTS object. AFTTSIsAvailable() should return false after that. Its use by a plug-in should not be needed at any time, since AcroForms already handles TTS termination. Initialization of TTS is also handled automatically. By calling any function below, AFTTSIsAvailable() should then return true, in case a SAPI engine is installed on the system.


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ASUns32 AFTTSGetCharacterScale()

Not implemented in 4.05.


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ASUns32 AFTTSGetNumberOfVoices()

Gets the number of different speakers available to the current TTS engine.


The number of speakers available.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASUns32 AFTTSGetPitch()

Gets the baseline pitch for the voice of a speaker.


The baseline pitch. The valid range is from 0 to 10, with 5 being the default for the speaker.

See Also

AFTTSSetPitch Gets the name of the current speaker.

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char* AFTTSGetPunctuations()

Not implemented in 4.05.


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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char* AFTTSGetSpeaker()

Gets the name of the current speaker.


The name of the current speaker.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASUns32 AFTTSGetSpeechRate()

Gets the speed at which text is being spoken by the TTS engine.


The speed, in words per minute, at which text is being spoken.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


char* AFTTSGetVoiceName(ASInt32 index)

Gets the voice name of any of the available speakers in the installed TTS engine.


index — 

The index of the speaker.


The name of the voice.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASUns32 AFTTSGetVolume()

Gets the volume for the speaker.


The volume. Valid values are from 0 (mute) to 10 (loudest). The default is 5.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSIsAvailable()

Determines whether the TTS object is available and the Text-to-Speech engine can be used.


true if the Text-to-Speech engine can be used, false otherwise.

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSPause()

Immediately pauses TTS output on a TTS object. Playback of the remaining queued text can be resumed via AFTTSResume().


true if the speech engine is available, false otherwise.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSQSilence(ASUns32 duration)

Queues a period of silence into the text.


duration — 

The amount of silence in milliseconds.


true if the speech engine is available, false otherwise.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSQSound(const char* soundName)

Puts a sound into the queue. The sound can then be performed by AFTTSTalk().


soundName — 

The sound name, which can be one of the following:

  • ActionCopy

  • ActionCut

  • ActionDelete

  • ActionPaste

  • DocActive

  • DocClose

  • DocOpen

  • DocPrint

  • DocSave

  • KeyEnd

  • KeyHome

  • PageTurn

This list can be augmented by adding sound files to the SoundCues folder in Acrobat's installation, in 22kHz 16-bit PCM .wav format.


true if the speech engine is available, false otherwise.

See Also

AFTTSQueueTextData Puts text into the queue to be performed by AFTTSTalk().

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ASBool AFTTSQTone(ASUns32 frequency, ASUns32 duration)

Not implemented in 4.05.




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSQueueTextData(const char* textdata, ASBool UseDefaultSpeaker)

Puts text into the queue to be performed by AFTTSTalk().


textdata — 

The text that will be put into the queue.

UseDefaultSpeaker — 

Whether to use the default speaker.


true if the speech engine is available, false otherwise.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSReset()

Stops playback of the currently queued text, and flushes the queue. It resets all the properties of the TTS object to their default values.


true if the speech engine is available, false otherwise.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSResume()

Resumes playback of text on a paused TTS object.


true if the speech engine is available, false otherwise.

See Also

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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSSetCharacterScale(ASUns32 chrScale)

Not implemented in 4.05.




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Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void AFTTSSetNotify(AFTTSNotifyProc proc)

Sets the function to be called when TTS finished speaking. NULL disables callbacks.



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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSSetPitch(ASUns32 pitch)

Sets the baseline pitch for the voice of a speaker.


pitch — 

The baseline pitch. The valid range is from 0 to 10, with 5 being the default for the speaker.


true if the speech engine is available, false otherwise.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSSetPunctuations(const char* punctuations)

Not implemented in 4.05.




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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSSetSpeaker(const char* voiceName)

Sets the current voice. Valid values are any of those enumerated via AFTTSGetVoiceName() and AFTTSGetNumberOfVoices().


voiceName — 

The speaker name.


true if the speech engine is available, false otherwise.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSSetSpeechRate(ASUns32 speed)

Sets the speed at which text is being spoken by the TTS engine.


speed — 

The speed in words per minute.


true if the speech engine is available, false otherwise.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSSetVolume(ASUns32 volume)

Sets the speech volume.


volume — 

The volume. Valid values are from 0 (mute) to 10 (loudest).


true if the speech engine is available, false otherwise.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSStop()

Stops playback of currently queued text, and flushes the queue. Playback of queued text cannot be resumed.


true if the speech engine is available, false otherwise.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool AFTTSTalk()

Sends whatever is in the queue to be spoken by the SAPI TTS engine. If the text output had been paused, it resumes playback of the queued text.


true if the speech engine is available, false otherwise.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDDoc AssembleFormAndImportFDF(PDDoc pdCurrForm, CosDoc cdFDF, ASBool bAddToCurr)

Constructs an Acrobat form from templates and imports an FDF file.


pdCurrForm — 

The current form being viewed, if any, at the time cdFDF is being imported. This parameter can be NULL; if it is not NULL, then cdFDF can refer to templates in the current form by omitting the F key in the TRef dictionary. Even if the F key is not NULL, it can be a relative path (as opposed to an absolute path), as long as pdCurrForm is not NULL.

cdFDF — 

The FDF file being imported.

bAddToCurr — 

If true (and pdCurrForm is not NULL), then instead of creating a new form, the templates spawn pages that are appended at the end of pdCurrForm (and the function returns pdCurrForm).


The PDDoc for the newly-created form (or pdCurrForm, if bAddToCurr is true).

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosDoc ExportAsFDF(PDDoc pdForm, CosObj rgIncExcFlds, ASBool bIncl, ASBool bEmpty, ASBool bMenu, ASBool bLoadFields, ASPathName fdfPath)

Exports form data to a CosDoc, which can be written to an FDF file. See the PDF Reference for a description of this format.

To create an FDF file from the CosDoc, call CosDocSaveToFile().


pdForm — 

The PDDoc for the form for which to export the data.

rgIncExcFlds — 

If this parameter's value is CosNewNull(), then all fields are exported and bIncl is ignored. If this parameter is a CosArray, then the array elements may be:

  • Names of fields (the names may be of non-terminal fields, which is a fast and easy way to cause all their children to be included in the FDF file).

  • Arrays whose first element is a field name, and the rest of whose elements are field dictionary key names whose values should be exported in the FDF file.

    For example: [ (My listbox) /AP /Opt ]

    This variety of rgIncExcFlds array element can only be used if bIncl is true (see below).

  • If rgIncExcFlds contains a single element, which is itself an array as described above, and its first element, which corresponds to the field name, is NULL, then the FDF file will include the requested field properties of all fields.

    For example: [ null /F /Ff ]

bIncl — 

If true, rgIncExcFlds is an array of the fields to export. Otherwise, rgIncExcFlds is an array of the fields to exclude from exporting.

bEmpty — 

If true, all fields selected per the above criteria are exported. If false, exclude fields that have no value.

bMenu — 

If true, suppresses saving text fields that have the "password" flag set, and does not force filling in required fields when creating an FDF file.

bLoadFields — 

IN Not used.

fdfPath — 

IN The path where the FDF file will be saved (by the client of ExportAsFDF()) after it is produced. You need this in order to create an FDF file with an F key that gives the relative path to the form from the location where the FDF file will be saved. Pass NULL if an absolute path name is desired.


The FDF CosDoc object containing the exported data.

See Also


gAFpdErrExportFdf is raised if it cannot export field data. The viewer may raise other exceptions.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosDoc ExportAsFDFEx(PDDoc pdForm, CosObj rgIncExcFlds, ASBool bIncl, ASBool bEmpty, ASBool bMenu, ASBool bLoadFields, ASPathName fdfPath, const char* submitBtnName)

Exports form data to a CosDoc object, which can be written to an FDF file. See the PDF Reference for a description of this format.

To create an FDF file from this CosDoc object, call CosDocSaveToFile().


pdForm — 

A PDDoc for the form whose data is exported.

rgIncExcFlds — 

If this parameter's value is CosNewNull(), then all fields are exported, and bIncl is ignored. If it is a CosArray, then the array elements may be:

  • Names of fields (the names may be of non-terminal fields, which is a fast and easy way to cause all their children to be included in the FDF file).

  • Arrays whose first element is a field name, and the rest of whose elements are field dictionary key names whose values should be exported in the FDF file.

    For example: [ (My listbox) /AP /Opt ]

    This variety of rgIncExcFlds array element can only be used if bIncl is true (see below).

  • If rgIncExcFlds contains a single element, which is itself an array as described above, and its first element, which corresponds to the field name, is NULL, then the FDF file will include the requested field properties of all fields.

    For example: [ null /F /Ff ]

bIncl — 

If true, rgIncExcFlds is an array of the fields to export. Otherwise, rgIncExcFlds is an array of the fields to exclude from exporting.

bEmpty — 

If true, all fields selected per the above criteria are exported. If false, exclude fields that have no value.

bMenu — 

IN If true, suppresses saving text fields that have the "password" flag set, and does not force filling-in required fields when creating an FDF file.

bLoadFields — 

IN Not used.

fdfPath — 

IN The path where the FDF file will be saved (by the client of ExportAsFDF()) after it is produced. You need this in order to create an FDF file with an F key that gives the relative path to the form from the location where the FDF file will be saved. Pass NULL if an absolute path name is desired.

submitBtnName — 

IN A NULL-terminated string containing the name of the button used to submit. If the value passed is not NULL, then the FDF file will include a field dictionary corresponding to the submit button, which will only contain one key (T).

Note that this dictionary is no different than the one you get when an AcroForm has an empty text field (that is, no value), and parameter bEmpty is true.


The FDF CosDoc containing the exported data.

See Also


gAFpdErrExportFdf is raised if field data cannot be exported. The viewer may raise other exceptions.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


CosDoc ExportAsFDFWithParams(ExportAsFDFParams params)

Exports form data to a CosDoc, which can be written to an FDF file. See the PDF Reference for a description of this format.


params — 

An ExportAsFDFParamsRec structure.


The FDF CosDoc containing the exported data.

See Also


gAFpdErrExportFdf is raised if field data cannot be exported. The viewer may raise other exceptions.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ExportAsHtml(PDDoc pdForm, CosObj rgIncExcFlds, ASBool bIncl, ASBool bEmpty, ASFile Hfile)

Exports data from a form to a file in HTML format.


pdForm — 

The PDDoc for the form whose data is exported.

rgIncExcFlds — 

If this parameter's value is CosNewNull(), then all fields are exported, and bIncl is ignored. If it is a CosArray, then the array elements must be indirect references to field dictionaries.

bIncl — 

If true, rgIncExcFlds is an array of the fields to export. Otherwise, rgIncExcFlds is an array of the fields to exclude from exporting.

bEmpty — 

If true, all fields selected per the above criteria are exported. If false, exclude fields that have no value.

Hfile — 

The file to which the HTML data is written.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ExportAsHtmlEx(PDDoc pdForm, CosObj rgIncExcFlds, ASBool bIncl, ASBool bEmpty, ASFile Hfile, const char* submitBtnName)

Exports data from a form to a file in HTML format.


pdForm — 

The PDDoc for the form whose data is exported.

rgIncExcFlds — 

If this parameter's value is CosNewNull(), then all fields are exported, and bIncl is ignored. If it is a CosArray, then the array elements must be names of fields. The names may be of non-terminal fields, which is a fast and easy way to cause all their children to be exported.

bIncl — 

If true, rgIncExcFlds is an array of the fields to export. Otherwise, rgIncExcFlds is an array of the fields to exclude from exporting.

bEmpty — 

If true, all fields selected per the above criteria are exported. If false, exclude fields that have no value.

Hfile — 

The file to which the HTML data is written.

submitBtnName — 

A NULL-terminated string containing the name of the button used to submit. If the value passed is not NULL, then include "...&submitBtnName=&..." as part of the generated x-www-form-urlencoded output.

Note that this type of output is the same one you get when an AcroForm has an empty text field (that is, no Value), and parameter bEmpty is true.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool ImportAnFDF(PDDoc pdForm, CosDoc cdFDF)

Imports data from an FDF file into a PDDoc object's form. See the PDF Reference for a description of this format.


pdForm — 

The PDDoc for the form into which to import the data.

cdFDF — 

The CosDoc for the FDF file containing the data.


true if the fields in the FDF file only contained values or flags (that is, V, F, Ff, ClrF, ClrFf, SetF, SetFf), false if any field contained other attributes, such as appearances (AP), actions (A), and so on.

See Also


gAFpdErrBadFdf is raised if the FDF file is invalid. An exception is also raised if memory cannot be allocated for FDF file data.

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASBool IsPDDocAcroForm(PDDoc doc)

Indicates whether a PDDoc contains an Acrobat form.


doc — 

The PDDoc to test.


true if doc contains a form, false otherwise.

See Also

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Product availability: Acrobat, Reader
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void ResetForm(PDDoc pdForm, CosObj rgIncExcFlds, ASBool bIncl)

Resets the indicated fields of a PDDoc object's form to their default values.

A PDField object's value is reset only if it is terminal; you can check this by calling AFPDFieldIsTerminal().


pdForm — 

The PDDoc for the form whose fields are reset.

rgIncExcFlds — 

If this parameter's value is CosNewNull(), then all fields are reset, and bIncl is ignored. If it is a CosArray, then the array elements must be names of fields. The names may be of non-terminal fields, which is a fast and easy way to cause all their children to be reset.

bIncl — 

If true, rgIncExcFlds is an array of the fields to reset. Otherwise, rgIncExcFlds is an array of the fields to exclude from resetting.

See Also

AFPDFieldSetDefaultTextAppearance Callback used by AFPDDocEnumPDFields(). It is called once for each PDField in a form.

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