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JPX — JPX color space object.
JPXColorSpace — A reference to a JPXColorSpace.
JPXColorSpaceAcquireNext — Acquires the next JPX color space defined with the JPX encoded image in the link list, if one exists. This object is acquired and must be released using PDERelease() when it is no longer in use.
JPXColorSpaceGetEnumAttrs — Gets the attributes of an enumerated color space. It returns false if the color space is not kJPXCSEnumerated.
JPXColorSpaceGetProfile — Gets the color profile of an ICC-based JPX color space. If profile is 0, it returns the length of the profile in bytes; otherwise it returns the number of bytes copied to profile.
JPXColorSpaceGetType — Returns the type of JPX color space: kJPXCSUnknown kJPXCSEnumerated kJPXCSRestrictedICC kJPXCSAnyICC kJPXCSVenderColor
JPXColorSpaceType — JPX Color Space types.
JPXPalette — A reference to a JPXPalette.
JPXPaletteGetBitDepths — Returns the bit depths of the color values represented in the palette. The length of the array must be at least the number of components.
JPXPaletteGetNumComponents — Returns the number of color components represented by the palette.
JPXPaletteGetNumEntries — Returns the number of palette entries.
JPXPaletteGetTable — Returns the palette data as a read only non-seekable ASStm. The returned ASStm should be read with ASStmRead(). Each component entry in the palette is represented by the number of bytes needed to contain the bit depth for that component.