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AABFindCertsByName — Performs a lookup in the Acrobat Address Book by certificate subject name. It returns all certificates that match the name along with trust information associated with them.
AABGetCertChain — Finds the certificate chain for the specified certificate in the Acrobat Address Book.
AABGetCertTrust — Finds the specified certificate in the Acrobat Address Book and returns the trust level.
AABGetTrustedCerts — Finds the certificates with a specified level of trust in the Acrobat Address Book.
AABIsCertPresent — Finds the specified certificate in the Acrobat Address Book. Use this method to distinguish a certificate that is not found by AABGetCertTrust from one whose trust level is reported as untrusted.
AABIsCertUnderAdobeRoot — Tests whether any certificate in a chain has been issued under the Adobe Root Certificate Policy.
AC_ColorSpace — Constant values for ICC color space signatures.
AC_Error — Error codes returned by AcroColor functions.
AC_PackingCode — Constants that specify the packing used in a color transformation.
AC_ProfileCode — Constants that describe the type of a device color profile.
AC_RenderIntent — Constants that specify a standard ICC rendering intent for a device color profile. The rendering intent specifies the color translation method for colors that are outside the gamut of the color profile.
AC_SelectorCode — Constants that specify the types of device profiles to include in a profile list.
AC_SettingsKey — Constant key values for an AC_Settings object.
AC_SettingsType — Constant values that determine the type of an AC_Settings object.
ACApplyTransform — Applies a color conversion or gamut test transformation. It processes the number of colors specified by count, using the memory formats for the source and destination data specified in srcPacking and dstPacking. The source data and destination data can point to the same block of memory if the source and destination packing formats use the same number of bits per color.
ACEngineCount — Gets the number of Color Management System/Color Management Module (CMS/CMM) choices available for the AcroColor engine (ACE).
ACEngineInfo — Gets information for a CMS/CMM in the AcroColor engine (ACE) by index. The CMS and CMM identifiers specify an engine to the ACE. Engine names should only be used as the text for popup menus. It is better to store the identifiers in settings files (rather than names), because they are independent of localization.
ACGetSettingsProfile — Gets the current color profile for a given key from the AcroColor engine (ACE) settings object. If the settings file contains a profile entry with the specified key, that profile is returned. If the settings file contains a special NULL entry with the key, a NULL profile is returned. If the settings file contains a string with this key rather than an embedded profile, this method returns an installed profile whose description matches the string, if found. In all other cases, AC_Error_MissingKey is returned. The method does not check for known keys or legal key values. It is up to the client to write only legal key values, and to verify key values when reading.
ACGetSettingsString — Gets the current string value for a given key from the AcroColor engine (ACE) settings object. If the settings file contains a string entry with the specified key, the method returns the entry. If the settings file contains a special NULL entry with the key, the method returns a NULL string. In all other cases, the method returns AC_Error_MissingKey.
ACGetSettingsUnsigned32 — Gets the current numeric value for a given key from the AcroColor engine (ACE) settings object. If the settings file contains an unsigned 32-bit numeric entry with the specified key, the method returns the entry. In all other cases, the method returns AC_Error_MissingKey.
ACGetWorkingSpaceProfile — Gets a working color profile in a specified color space.
ACLoadSettings — [DEPRECATED] Loads the AcroColor engine (ACE) settings from a file.
ACLoadSettingsU — Reads the settings entries from the specified file. All entries are stored in the settings object, even entries with unknown keys or data formats. As a general rule, the client should keep the settings object around so these unknown keys are preserved when the settings are saved out. The only time the client should start with a fresh settings object is when performing another settings load.
ACMakeBufferProfile — Creates a device color profile object from a data buffer containing the raw ICC profile data. The method copies the data, so the client can dispose of the source data. The client should call ACUnReferenceProfile() when done with the profile.
ACMakeCalGray — Creates a device color profile object from a calibrated grayscale color space with the specified rendering intent and description string. The client should call ACUnReferenceProfile() when done with the profile.
ACMakeCalLab — Creates a device color profile object from a calibrated Lab color space with the specified rendering intent and description string. The client should call ACUnReferenceProfile() when done with the profile.
ACMakeCalRGB — Creates a device color profile object from a calibrated RGB color space, with the specified rendering intent and descriptive string. The client should call ACUnReferenceProfile() when done with the profile.
ACMakeColorTransform — Creates a color transformation object.
ACMakePresetList — Creates a list of preset AcroColor engine (ACE) settings of the specified type. Clients should call ACUnReferencePresetList() when done with the preset list.
ACMakeProfileList — Creates a list of device color profiles of a given type.
ACMakeSettings — Creates an AcroColor engine (ACE) settings object of a given type, with no entries. When done with all operations, call ACUnReferenceSettings() to free the settings object.
ACMakeString — Creates an AcroColor string from a NULL-terminated ASCII string or a NULL-terminated Unicode string, or both. If both ASCII and Unicode data are specified, the AC_String object keeps track of both in parallel, returning the ASCII data when asked for ASCII, and the Unicode data when asked for Unicode.
ACMonitorProfile — Gets a device color profile for a specific monitor device. The returned profile may be either RGB or grayscale. If no profile is specified by the system, the method returns a default platform profile (sRGB on Windows, Apple RGB on Mac OS). The client should call ACUnReferenceProfile() when done with the returned profile. This API is not available on Mac 64.
ACPresetFileToName — [DEPRECATED] Translates a preset settings file specification to a name ready to be displayed in menus (with directory paths and file extensions removed). The client should call ACUnReferenceString() when done with the name. This API is not available on Mac 64. If the file contains an internal name tag, the returned string is created from the internal name. If the file does not contain an internal name tag, the returned string is built from the file name. In this case, the method assumes that the file name and the ASCII data of the returned string are in the local script code.
ACPresetListCount — Gets the number of predefined color settings, as listed in the color management settings in the Acrobat user interface.
ACPresetListItemFile — [DEPRECATED] Gets the file specification for a preset settings item in a preset list. This API is not available on Mac 64.
ACPresetListItemFileAndNameU — Returns the file specification and a display name of a specified preset in a list. The client should call ACE_UnReferenceString when done with the file and name.
ACProfileColorSpace — Gets the color space for a device profile.
ACProfileData — Gets the data for a device profile. Copies the raw ICC profile data into a supplied buffer.
ACProfileDescription — Gets the description of a device profile. The returned description string contains both ASCII and Unicode data, even if the profile itself only contains ASCII data.
ACProfileFromCode — Creates a device profile from a device profile type code. The client should call ACUnReferenceProfile() when done with the profile.
ACProfileFromDescription — Finds a profile matching the description string in the database. The client should call ACUnReferenceProfile() when done with the profile. If the description string contains Unicode text, the Unicode text is used to find the profile. If the description string contains only ASCII text, the method tries to find a match. However, the AcroColor engine requires only Unicode descriptions to be unique, so this might return the wrong profile is in some rare cases. Use ASCII-only description strings only when Unicode description string are unavailable.
ACProfileListCount — Gets the number of profiles in a device color profile list.
ACProfileListItemCode — Gets the profile code of a specified profile in a profile list.
ACProfileListItemDescription — Returns the description string of a specified profile in a list. The returned description string always contains both ASCII and Unicode data, even if the profile itself only contains an ASCII version. You can store only the Unicode data in settings files if you wish; the ACProfileFromDescription() method finds the correct profile when passed the Unicode-only string.
ACProfileSize — Gets the size in bytes of the raw ICC profile data in a device profile.
ACProfilesMatch — Compares the working device profile with the document device profile to determine if they are the same. This comparison ignores rendering intents, and is fuzzy, allowing very close, but not exactly the same, profiles to match. Equivalent profiles always match, but some non-equivalent profiles may also match.
AcquirePage — The PDPage object is released. It then acquires a new PDPage pointer using PDDocAcquirePage(). Modules using this class should never call PDDocAcquirePage() directly.
Acrobat_Color — AcroColor is an HFT that allows you to access the AcroColor engine (ACE), which controls color profile management for Adobe Acrobat. Plug-ins can import the AcroColor HFT to use the color management methods.
ACROCALLBACK — A macro used when declaring function prototypes. Its definition is platform-dependent. Use this macro in every function prototype you declare. Use before the return value in a function prototype.
ACROEXPORT — A macro used when declaring callback functions. Its definition is platform-dependent. Use this macro in every callback function you declare. Use before the return value in a function declaration.
AcroForm — The Acrobat Forms plug-in exports its own Host Function Table (HFT), whose methods can be used by other plug-ins. To use the Acrobat Forms plug-ins' HFT, a plug-in must:
AcroFormRegisterObserver — Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
AcroFormUnregisterObserver — Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
ACSetEngine — Sets the AcroColor engine (ACE) for the system, changing the global default CMS/CMM choice.
ACStringASCII — Copies the ASCII version of a string into a supplied buffer. Either the buffer or the count can be NULL.
ACStringLocalized — Copies the localized Unicode version of a string into a supplied buffer. Either the buffer or the count can be NULL.
ACStringUnicode — Copies the Unicode version of a string into a supplied buffer. Either the buffer or the count can be NULL.
ActivateProcType — A callback for AVTool. It is called when this tool has become the active tool. It is allowed to call AVAppGetActiveTool() from within this method or from DeactivateProcType(); it will return this tool object. Call AVAppGetLastActiveTool() to get the formerly active tool object (its DeactivateProcType() method will already have been called).
ACUnReferencePresetList — Decrements the reference count of a preset list object. If this causes the object's reference count to reach zero, the method deletes it.
ACUnReferenceProfile — Decrements the reference count of a device color profile object. If this causes the object's reference count to reach zero, the method deletes it.
ACUnReferenceProfileList — Decrements the reference count of a device color profile list object. If this causes the object's reference count to reach zero, the method deletes it.
ACUnReferenceSettings — Decrements the reference count of an AcroColor engine settings object. If this causes the object's reference count to reach zero, the method deletes it.
ACUnReferenceString — Decrements the reference count of a string object. If this causes the object's reference count to reach zero, the method deletes it.
ACUnReferenceTransform — Decrements the reference count of a color transformation object. If this causes the object's reference count to reach zero, the method deletes it.
ACWorkingSpace — Constants that specify the color space of working profiles. This enumeration is added for the purpose of ACGetWorkingSpaceProfile(). The profile returned by this function must be unreferenced by the caller.
AdjustCursorProcType — (Optional) A callback for AVTool. This callback controls the cursor shape when the tool is the active tool.
AF_Flags_t — The type of flag to be set in AFPDFieldSetFlags(). If Flags_Annot, SetFlagsAnnot, or ClrFlagsAnnot is specified and the PDField is not an annotation, no flags are changed.
AF_NotificationFailureProc — Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
AF_NotificationProc — Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
AF_NotificationSelector_t — Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
AF_NtfyParams_t — Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
AFCalculateFields — Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
AFDrawText — Lays out the text and creates a Cos XObject with the content stream for the text and required Resources. This API supports Unicode text. If required, different fonts may be used for different characters in the text. It has support for western scripts, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Other scripts may be added in the future.
AFExecuteThisScript — Executes an AcroForm JavaScript script.
AFGetDefaultFieldSize — Get the default size for a specific field type. This method will get the new default value if the user changes it.
AFGetScriptingContext — Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
AFImportAppearance — Opens the dialog box that allows the user to select a PDF to use as the icon for a button.
AFLayoutBorder — Draws a border into the layout context.
AFLayoutCreateStream — Creates a layout stream that can be used as an annotation appearance.
AFLayoutDelete — Frees the layout context.
AFLayoutIconText — Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
AFLayoutNew — Creates a new layout context for annotations. Use PDAnnotGetRect() to get the annotation's bounding box, then use this method to define new layout context.
AFLayoutText — Sets the text layout for the annotation.
AFLayoutTextEx — Sets the text layout for the annotation.
AFPDDocEnumPDFields — Enumerates all PDField objects that exist in a PDDoc.
AFPDDocGetPDFieldFromName — Retrieves a PDField with a given name from a PDDoc. (If multiple fields have the same name, a change to any of them affects all of them.)
AFPDDocLoadPDFields — Ensures that every PDField in the given PDDoc exists.
AFPDFieldBorder — Field border data type.
AFPDFieldEnumProc — Callback used by AFPDDocEnumPDFields(). It is called once for each PDField in a form.
AFPDFieldFlags_t — Used for the value of flags set by AFPDFieldSetFlags.
AFPDFieldFromCosObj — Retrieves the PDField object for which a Cos object is the dictionary.
AFPDFieldGetCosObj — Retrieves the Cos object which is the field object of a PDField object.
AFPDFieldGetDefaultTextAppearance — This routine is deprecated: use AFPDFieldGetDefaultTextAppearanceEx() instead.
AFPDFieldGetDefaultTextAppearanceEx — Gets the default text appearance of a field. Use this method to get the font, size, color, and other values that were set through the field properties dialog box.
AFPDFieldGetFlags — Retrieves the flags of a PDField for a given flag type.
AFPDFieldGetName — Gets the name of a PDField object.
AFPDFieldGetValue — Retrieves the value from a PDField. The value is stored in the field entry with the V key.
AFPDFieldIsAnnot — Determines whether a PDField is an annotation (PDAnnot), that is, whether the field dictionary is also an annotation. If this is the case, the value of Subtype is Widget.
AFPDFieldIsTerminal — Determines whether a field is terminal, which means that the field has no children or it has the same name as its children.
AFPDFieldIsValid — Determines whether a field is valid.
AFPDFieldReset — Sets a PDField object's value to its default state. This is the value associated with the DV key for the field. If there is no DV key for the field, set the field's value to the NULL Cos object; otherwise, if the field has options, the default DV is the first element of the Opt array.
AFPDFieldSetDefaultTextAppearance — This routine is deprecated. Use AFPDFieldSetDefaultTextAppearanceEx() instead.
AFPDFieldSetDefaultTextAppearanceEx — Sets the default text appearance of a field. Use this method to set the font, size, color, and so on.
AFPDFieldSetFlags — Sets the flags of type flagType for a PDField.
AFPDFieldSetOptions — Sets the options entry for a field. The options entry has the key Opt and represents a list of options for a choice field.
AFPDFieldSetValue — Sets the value for a PDField. The value is stored in the field entry with the V key. The method updates the display of the field and its namesakes; that is, fields with the same fully qualified names, if any. Changing the field dictionary's value for the V entry directly does not change the appearance of the field, which is represented by the AP key.
AFPDFieldValueChanged — Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
AFPDFormFromPage — Creates an XObject form from a PDF page. A form XObject is a content stream that can be treated as a single graphics object. Use this method for importing PDF graphics into documents.
AFPDWidgetBorderStyle — Form field appearance definitions for the outside border of an annotation.
AFPDWidgetGetAreaColors — Gets the border and background colors of an annotation.
AFPDWidgetGetBorder — Gets the border of an annotation.
AFPDWidgetGetRotation — Gets the rotation of the annotation.
AFPDWidgetSetAreaColors — Sets the border and background color of the annotation.
AFPDWidgetSetBorder — Sets the border of an annotation.
AFTTSEnd — Finalizes a speech section shutting down the speech engines used by the TTS object. AFTTSIsAvailable() should return false after that. Its use by a plug-in should not be needed at any time, since AcroForms already handles TTS termination. Initialization of TTS is also handled automatically. By calling any function below, AFTTSIsAvailable() should then return true, in case a SAPI engine is installed on the system.
AFTTSGetCharacterScale — Not implemented in 4.05.
AFTTSGetNumberOfVoices — Gets the number of different speakers available to the current TTS engine.
AFTTSGetPitch — Gets the baseline pitch for the voice of a speaker.
AFTTSGetPunctuations — Not implemented in 4.05.
AFTTSGetSpeaker — Gets the name of the current speaker.
AFTTSGetSpeechRate — Gets the speed at which text is being spoken by the TTS engine.
AFTTSGetVoiceName — Gets the voice name of any of the available speakers in the installed TTS engine.
AFTTSGetVolume — Gets the volume for the speaker.
AFTTSIsAvailable — Determines whether the TTS object is available and the Text-to-Speech engine can be used.
AFTTSPause — Immediately pauses TTS output on a TTS object. Playback of the remaining queued text can be resumed via AFTTSResume().
AFTTSQSilence — Queues a period of silence into the text.
AFTTSQSound — Puts a sound into the queue. The sound can then be performed by AFTTSTalk().
AFTTSQTone — Not implemented in 4.05.
AFTTSQueueTextData — Puts text into the queue to be performed by AFTTSTalk().
AFTTSReset — Stops playback of the currently queued text, and flushes the queue. It resets all the properties of the TTS object to their default values.
AFTTSResume — Resumes playback of text on a paused TTS object.
AFTTSSetCharacterScale — Not implemented in 4.05.
AFTTSSetNotify — Sets the function to be called when TTS finished speaking. NULL disables callbacks.
AFTTSSetPitch — Sets the baseline pitch for the voice of a speaker.
AFTTSSetPunctuations — Not implemented in 4.05.
AFTTSSetSpeaker — Sets the current voice. Valid values are any of those enumerated via AFTTSGetVoiceName() and AFTTSGetNumberOfVoices().
AFTTSSetSpeechRate — Sets the speed at which text is being spoken by the TTS engine.
AFTTSSetVolume — Sets the speech volume.
AFTTSStop — Stops playback of currently queued text, and flushes the queue. Playback of queued text cannot be resumed.
AFTTSTalk — Sends whatever is in the queue to be spoken by the SAPI TTS engine. If the text output had been paused, it resumes playback of the queued text.
ALDImageColorType — OPI 1.3 color type information.
ANNOT_CLIP_TEXT_SELECTION — Set this bit of flags to prevent the standard text selection tool from inverting your annotation.
ANNOT_WANTS_SHIFT_KEY — Set this bit of flags to prevent the standard "shift-key ignores annotations" behavior.
AS_Layer — A listing of ASFile errors.
ASArraySize — An array size value for use in callback procedures.
ASAtom — ASAtom objects are hashed tokens that Acrobat uses in place of strings to optimize performance (it is much faster to compare ASAtom objects than strings). ASAtom methods convert between strings and ASAtom objects.
ASAtomExistsForString — Tests whether an ASAtom exists for the specified string.
ASAtomFromString — Gets the ASAtom for the specified string. You can also use this method to create an ASAtom, since it creates one for the string if one does not already exist.
ASAtomGetCount — Gets the number of ASAtom objects that have been allocated. The maximum number of ASAtom objects is 0xFFFFFFFF. (This was a 16-bit value in Acrobat 4.x, and changed to a 32-bit value in Acrobat 5.0).
ASAtomGetString — Gets the string associated with the specified ASAtom.
ASBool — ASBool
ASByteCount — A byte count value for use in ASProcStmRdExHandler and ASFileSysItemProps.
ASCab — ASCab objects (cabinets) can be used to store arbitrary key-value pairs. The keys are always NULL-terminated strings containing only low-ASCII alphanumeric characters.
ASCab — ASCab objects (cabinets) can be used to store arbitrary key/value pairs. The keys are always NULL-terminated strings containing only low ASCII alphanumeric characters and spaces (ASCII character 32). Key names cannot begin or end with a space.
ASCabCopy — For each key/value pair in srcCab a copy of the key/value pair will be placed into dstCab, possibly overwriting any identically named key/value pair in dstCab. If the value being copied is a pointer with an associated destroyProc, the pointer and its type string, but not the data it points to, will be copied and an internal reference count will be incremented.
ASCabDestroy — Destroys the cabinet and all its key/value pairs. This method raises an exception if the cabinet is the value for some key in another cabinet.
ASCabDestroyEmpties — Finds any empty cabinets in theCab, removes their corresponding keys, and destroys them.
ASCabDetachBinary — Retrieves the binary object stored under theKey in theCab and removes the key from theCab.
ASCabDetachCab — Retrieves the ASCab stored under theKey in theCab and removes the key from theCab.
ASCabDetachPathName — Retrieves the ASPathName stored under theKey in theCab and removes the key from theCab.
ASCabDetachPointerRaw — Retrieves the pointer stored under theKey in theCab and removes the key from theCab. If noRefs is set to true, the client assumes ownership of the data referenced by the pointer and is responsible for deallocating any resources associated with it.
ASCabDetachString — Retrieves the string stored under theKey in theCab and removes the key from theCab.
ASCabDetachText — Retrieves the ASText object stored under theKey in theCab and removes the key from theCab.
ASCabDup — Creates a new ASCab and populates it with copies of the key/value pairs in srcCab. It is equivalent to ASCabCopy( srcCab, ASCabNew () ).
ASCabEnum — Enumerates all the keys in the cabinet.
ASCabEnumProc — Used when enumerating the values inside a cabinet.
ASCabEqual — Compares two cabinets and verifies that they have a matching set of keys and that all key values are equal as reported by ASCabValueEqual().
ASCabFromEntryList — Builds a cabinet based on a constant array of ASCabDescriptor records (see ASCabEntryRec). The first entry in each descriptor specifies the name of the key; subsequent fields contain the value. The entry list must end with a descriptor containing NULL for the key name. See ASExtraExpT.h for more info.
ASCabGetAtom — Returns the ASAtom value stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetBinary — Returns the binary object stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetBinaryCopy — Returns a copy of the binary object stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetBool — Returns the ASBool value stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetCab — Returns the ASCab stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetDouble — Returns the double value stored under theKey in theCab. If the value stored under theKey is of type kASValueInteger, this value will be cast to a double and returned to the client.
ASCabGetInt — Returns the ASInt32 value stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetInt64 — Returns the ASInt64 value stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetPathNameCopy — Returns a copy of ASPathName stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetPointerDestroyProc — Obtains the resource deallocation callback associated with the pointer stored under theKey in theCab. When the reference count of the pointer falls to zero, the callback is called to free the resources associated with the object it references.
ASCabGetPointerRaw — Returns the pointer value stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetPointerType — Returns a string representation of the data type referenced by the pointer stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetString — Returns the string stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetStringCopy — Returns a copy of the string stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetText — Returns the ASText object stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetType — Returns the type of value stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetUns — Returns the ASUns32 value stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabGetUns64 — Returns the ASUns64 value stored under theKey in theCab.
ASCabKnown — Returns true if theKey is present in theCab.
ASCabMakeEmpty — Removes all keys from theCab and destroys all values they point to.
ASCabMunge — Munges the keys and the corresponding values in theCab based on the keys in keyCab and the munge action. Note that keyCab is never altered, but theCab is.
ASCabMungeAction — A value that determines the actions to be taken when ASCabMunge() is called. keyCab is the ASCab that provides the keys determining how theCab is to be changed. During an ASCabMunge() operation, the key cab will not be altered.
ASCabNew — Creates a new, empty cabinet.
ASCabNumEntries — Returns the number of key/value pairs in theCab.
ASCabPointerDestroyProc — A deallocation callback that can be associated with a pointer in an ASCab. When the reference count of the pointer falls to zero, this callback is called to free the resources associated with the object the pointer references.
ASCabPutAtom — Stores an ASAtom value in theCab under theKey.
ASCabPutBinary — Stores a binary object in theCab under theKey. The ASCab assumes ownership of the binary object, so the client should not attempt to free the memory associated with it. The binary object must have been allocated using ASmalloc().
ASCabPutBool — Stores an ASBool value in theCab under theKey.
ASCabPutCab — Stores an ASCab in theCab under theKey. If the cabinet is already a value for some other ASCab, ASCabPutCab() will raise an exception, since any cabinet can be contained by at most one other cabinet.
ASCabPutDouble — Stores a double value in theCab under theKey.
ASCabPutInt — Stores an ASInt32 value in theCab under theKey.
ASCabPutInt64 — Stores an ASInt64 value in theCab under theKey.
ASCabPutNull — Stores a value with a type of kASValueNull in theCab under theKey. NULL cabinet entries are used as placeholders or to removed other cabinet entries during an ASCabMunge operation.
ASCabPutPathName — Stores an ASPathName in theCab under theKey.
ASCabPutPointerRaw — Stores a pointer in theCab under theKey. See the ASCab description for more information.
ASCabPutString — Stores a string in theCab under theKey. A string consists of some number of bytes followed by a single NULL (zero) byte. The string must have been allocated using ASmalloc().
ASCabPutText — Stores an ASText object in theCab under theKey.
ASCabPutUns — Stores the ASUns32 value under theKey in theCab.
ASCabPutUns64 — Stores an ASUns64 value in theCab under theKey.
ASCabReadFromStream — Reads a previously written cabinet from a stream.
ASCabRemove — Removes theKey entry from theCab, destroying the associated value.
ASCabRename — Renames a key within theCab while preserving the value associated with it. If there is already a key equal to newKeyName in theCab, its value will be destroyed and replaced with the value of oldKeyName.
ASCabValueEqual — Compares two cabinet values and returns true only if they are equal (meaning that they have the same type and value). Cabinets are compared using ASCabEqual(). ASText values are compared by using ASTextCmp() and testing for a return value of 0 (zero). Strings and binary values must have the same lengths and byte-for-byte contents. Booleans, atoms, doubles, and integers must have equal values. Pointer values must point to the same location in memory but may have different destroyProcs and type strings.
ASCabValueType — ASCabinet objects can be used to store arbitrary key/value pairs. The keys are always NULL-terminated strings containing only low ASCII alphanumeric characters. The various types of values are enumerated here.
ASCabWriteToStream — Writes theCab out to a stream. The caller retains ownership of the cabinet. The stream will not be closed or flushed.
ASCalendarTimeSpanAddWithBase — Adds two calendar time spans, storing the result in another calendar time span object. Because the values in a calendar time span are not absolute (for example, a leap year has a different number of days), they are resolved with respect to the base date before the addition is done. The result is broken down into years, months, and so on, in the highest denomination possible. For example, a difference of 13 months is reported as 1 year and 1 month.
ASCalendarTimeSpanCompare — Compares two calendar time spans with respect to a base date. Because the values in a calendar time span are not absolute (for example, a leap year has a different number of days), they are resolved with respect to the base date before the comparison is made.
ASCalendarTimeSpanDiff — Calculates the difference between calendar time span objects and stores the result in the provided ASCalendarTimeSpan object. If timeSpan2 is less than timeSpan1, the result is negative. Because the values in a calendar time span are not absolute (for example, a leap year has a different number of days), they are resolved with respect to the base date before the addition is done. The result is broken down into years, months, and so on, in the highest denomination possible. For example, a difference of 13 months is reported as 1 year and 1 month.
ASCallback — Callbacks allow Acrobat to call functions in a plug-in. The core API provides macros to create and destroy callbacks. These include ASCallbackCreateProto(), ASCallbackCreateReplacement(), and ASCallbackCreateNotification() (defined in PICommon.h), and ASCallbackDestroy(). These macros (which eventually call the macro ASCallbackCreate()) allow compilers to perform type checking, eliminating an extremely common source of bugs. It is sometimes necessary for a plug-in to call ASCallbackCreate() directly; for example, when it is passing function pointers without typedefs to Mac OS toolbox routines.
ASCallbackCreate — Deprecated in Acrobat 8.0.
ASCallbackCreate — Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
ASCallbackCreateProto — Deprecated in Acrobat 8.0.
ASCallbackDestroy — Deprecated as of Acrobat 8.0.
ASCancelProc — This callback replaces CancelProc().
ASClientAllocProc — Called when the PDF Library needs to allocate memory. The callback should allocate the requested amount of memory and return it as a void*.
ASClientFreeProc — Called when the PDF Library needs to free memory. The callback should free the requested block of memory.
ASClientMemAvailProc — Called when the PDF Library needs to determine the amount of available free memory.
ASClientReallocProc — Called when the PDF Library needs to reallocate memory. The callback should reallocate the requested amount of memory and return it as a void*.
ASConstCabEnum — Enumerates all the keys in the constant cabinet.
ASConstCabEnumProc — Used when enumerating the values inside a constant cabinet. The callback procedure must not add, delete, or modify items in theCab during the enumeration.
ASConstText — An opaque object holding constant encoded text.
ASCoord — A coordinate for a point in device space, for use in mouse click callbacks. Values are conditionally compiled as 16-bit or 32-bit integers, depending on the Acrobat version.
ASCount — A numeric count value.
ASCryptStm — An ASStm object cover used for a cryptographic filter's stream callbacks.
ASCryptStmFCloseProc — A callback for ASCryptStm. This closes a security stream.
ASCryptStmFFlushProc — A callback for ASCryptStm. This flushes a dirty buffer if necessary.
ASCryptStmFilBufProc — A callback for ASCryptStm. This is called by getc when the buffer is empty. It is called only during decryption (when reading from the stream, not when writing).
ASCryptStmFlsBufProc — A callback for ASCryptStm. This is called by putc when the buffer is full. It is called only during encryption (when writing to the stream, not when reading).
ASCryptStmFPutEOFProc — A callback for ASCryptStm. This puts an end-of-file (EOF) marker to a security stream.
ASCryptStmFResetProc — A callback for ASCryptStm. This resets a security stream, discarding any buffered data. It is called only during encryption (when writing to the stream, not when reading).
ASCryptStmProcs — Callback procs for ASCryptStm
ASCryptStmUnGetcProc — A callback for ASCryptStm. It goes back one character in the input stream, undoing a character get operation. It is called only during decryption (when reading from the stream, not when writing).
ASCStringToFixed — Converts a CString to a fixed point number. It processes the string from left to right only until the first invalid character is located (for example, a-z, A-Z).
ASDate — Date objects represent a particular date and time. All date objects are guaranteed to give accurate representation of UTC time (not adjusted for leap seconds, as the addition of leap seconds to the international calendar does not happen according to a well-defined rule).
ASDate — An opaque object holding information for a particular date and time. All ASDate objects are guaranteed to give accurate representation of UTC time, unadjusted for leap seconds. This is due to the fact that the introduction of leap seconds to the international calendar does not happen according to a well-defined rule.
ASDateAddCalendarTimeSpan — Adds a calendar time span to a date. It modifies the date by the length of time provided in the ASCalendarTimeSpan object.
ASDateAddTimeSpan — Adds a time span (an exact number of seconds) to a date. It modifies the date by the length of time provided in the ASTimeSpan object.
ASDateCalendarDiff — Calculates the difference between two ASDate objects and stores the result in the provided ASCalendarTimeSpan object. The result is broken down into years, months, and so on, in the highest denomination possible. For example, a difference of 13 months is reported as 1 year and 1 month.
ASDateClear — Reinitializes a date object to the newly-allocated state, as returned by ASDateNew().
ASDateCompare — Tests whether one date is earlier or later than another.
ASDateCopy — Copies date and time data from one date object to another.
ASDateDestroy — Releases and destroys a date object.
ASDateDup — Creates a new date object containing the same data as an existing date object.
ASDateExactDiff — Calculates the exact difference in seconds between two date objects and stores the result in the provided ASTimeSpan object. If date1 is earlier than date2, the result is negative.
ASDateGetLocalTime — Creates a time record that represents the local time represented by the date object. The resulting local time might not account for daylight savings time correctly if the date object has been modified by adding or substracting a time span or calendar time span. It raises an exception if there is not enough memory.
ASDateGetTimeString — Creates a time string from a date object according to a specified format. If time zone information is available in the date object, the string contains the local time along with the time zone adjustment, if that is supported by the requested format. It raises an exception if there is not enough memory.
ASDateGetUTCTime — Creates a time record that represents the UTC time represented by the date object. It raises an exception if there is not enough memory.
ASDateNew — Creates a date object. The newly allocated object reflects the epoch time: Jan 1 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
ASDateSetLocalTimeOffset — Sets a date object's local time offset according to the operating system's current time zone information. Different operating systems handle daylight savings differently. This method causes the date object to always use the same daylight savings time offset that the operating system is currently using, even if the date object is modified.
ASDateSetTimeFromRec — Initializes a date object from a time record. It raises an exception if the time structure represents an invalid time, such as January 32nd 1999 or Feb 29th 2001. It assumes that the parameters for the day and month in the time record are 1-based.
ASDateSetTimeFromString — Initializes a date object from a time string. It raises an exception if there is not enough memory, if the format is unrecognized, or if the time string is not formatted according to the supplied format.
ASDateSetToCurrentLocalTime — Sets a date object to the current local time, using the time zone information from the operating system.
ASDateSetToCurrentUTCTime — Sets a date object to the current UTC time with no time zone information.
ASDateSubtractCalendarTimeSpan — Subtracts a calendar time span from a date. It modifies the date by the length of time provided in the ASCalendarTimeSpan object.
ASDateSubtractTimeSpan — Subtracts a time span (an exact number of seconds) from a date. It modifies the date by the length of time provided in the ASTimeSpan object.
ASDateTimeFormat — A constant indicating a string format for representing a date and time.
ASDebug — For internal use only.
ASDiskSpace — Can only contain values up to 4 GB.
ASDouble — The ASDouble type is a 64-bit type representing a floating number
ASDoubleMatrixConcat — Multiplies two matrices.
ASDoubleMatrixInvert — Inverts a matrix.
ASDoubleMatrixTransform — Transforms the point p through the matrix m, and puts the result in result. p and result can point to the same location.
ASDoubleMatrixTransformRect — Transforms a rectangle through a matrix.
ASEnum16 — 2-byte enumeration with values from 0 to 32,767, used in data structures.
ASEnum16 — 2-byte enumeration with values from 0 to 32,767, used in data structures.
ASEnum8 — 1-byte enumeration with values from 0 to 127, used in data structures.
ASEnumExtensions — Enumerates all ASExtension objects (valid plug-ins).
ASErrorCode — An error code value for use in ASFile and ASFileSys methods and callbacks. Introduced in Acrobat 6.0.
ASExtension — An ASExtension represents a specific plug-in. A unique ASExtension object is created for each plug-in when it is loaded. If the plug-in fails to initialize, the ASExtension remains, but is marked as dead. The ASEnumExtensions() method allows you to iterate over all plug-in objects.
ASExtension — An opaque pointer to an object that identifies a specific loaded plug-in. A unique ASExtension object is created for each plug-in when it is loaded. If the plug-in fails to initialize, the ASExtension remains but is marked as inactive.
ASExtensionEnumProc — Enumeration function for ASEnumExtensions().
ASExtensionGetFileName — Gets the file name of an ASExtension.
ASExtensionGetRegisteredName — Gets the registered name associated with a plug-in.
ASExtensionMgrGetHFT — Gets the specified version of the Host Function Table (HFT) that has the specified name. If you want to get one of the Acrobat viewer's built-in HFTs, use the predefined global variables for the HFT Values instead of this method.
ASExtensionPhase — Called periodically during plug-in loading with the ASExtension currently being loaded, and a selector indicating what phase of loading is happening.
ASExtensionProgressProc — Called periodically during plug-in loading with the ASExtension currently being loaded.
ASExtensionReportErrorProc — Called during ASExtension initialization whenever an error occurs.
ASFile — The ASFile interface encapsulates Acrobat's access to file services. It provides a common interface for Acrobat, applications, and plug-ins to access file system services on different platforms, and enables you to provide your own file storage implementations.
ASFile — An opaque representation of a particular open file. Each open file has a unique ASFile. The ASFile value has meaning only to the common ASFile implementation and bears no relationship to platform-specific file objects.
ASFILE_CREATE — Create the file if it does not exist.
ASFILE_ENCRYPT — File is to be encrypted when written to disk Encryption is with an instance specific key, so that the file is NOT readable if it is accidentally left when Acrobat exits (say, on a crash)
ASFILE_LOCAL — A hint indicating that a local copy of the file will be needed.
ASFILE_RANDOMACCESS — A hint indicating that the file will be primarily accessed randomly.
ASFILE_READ — Open the file for reading.
ASFILE_SERIAL — A hint indicating that the file will be primarily accessed sequentially.
ASFILE_TEMPORARY — A hint that file is for temporary usage. Disk backing store is deleted on close, writes are not flushed to disk on close. If possible the file will be kept in memory.
ASFILE_WRITE — Open the file for writing.
ASFileAcquirePathName — Gets the path name for a file and increments an internal reference count. It is the caller's responsibility to release the ASPathName when it is no longer needed by using ASFileSysReleasePath().
ASFileAttachmentCreatePathName — Creates an ASPathName corresponding to the specified file or folder in the collection.
ASFileAttachmentGetPDFileAttachment — Produces a PDFileAttachment corresponding to the ASFileSys and ASPathName. It raises an exception if the ASFileSys is is not the embedded files file system, or if the ASPathName or PDFileAttachment parameters are NULL.
ASFileAttachmentGetPDFolder — Produces a PDFolder corresponding to the ASFileSys and ASPathName. It raises an exception if the ASFileSys is is not the embedded files file system, or if the ASPathName or PDFolder parameters are NULL.
ASFileCanSetEOF — Checks if ASFileSetEOF() can be done for this file with a specified new file size.
ASFileClearOutstandingMReads — Clears all outstanding mreads for the given file.
ASFileClose — Closes the specified file. After a call to ASFileClose(), the file handle is no longer valid but may be reused as the result of a subsequent call to ASFileSysOpenFile().
ASFileCompletionProc — Called when an asynchronous read or write request has completed.
ASFileFlush — Flushes any buffered data to a file. This method may raise file system or platform-specific exceptions.
ASFileFromMDFile — Gets the ASFile associated with the specified ASMDFile and ASFileSys.
ASFileGetEOF — Gets the current size of a file. It calls ASFileSysGetEofProc(). This call returns an error if the file size is greater than 2 GB.
ASFileGetEOF64 — Gets the current size of a file.
ASFileGetFileSys — Gets the file system through which a file was opened.
ASFileGetFileSysByName — Gets the file system that was registered with the specified name.
ASFileGetMDFile — Given an ASFile, returns the fileSys and the ASMDFile identification in that fileSys. This call is needed for a file system in a plug-in to be able to call the inner routines in another file system.
ASFileGetOpenMode — Gets the file access mode(s) specified for the file when it was opened.
ASFileGetPos — Gets the current seek position in a file. This is the position at which the next read or write will begin. This call returns an error if the file position is greater than 2 GB.
ASFileGetPos64 — Gets the current seek position in a file. This is the position at which the next read or write will begin. This call will work with files over 2 GB in length.
ASFileGetURL — Returns the URL associated with file. It is the caller's responsibility to release the memory associated with the returned string using ASfree().
ASFileHardFlush — Causes a hard flush on a file, which means that the file is flushed to the physical destination. For example, if a WebDAV-based file is opened, ASFileFlush() only flushes changes to the local cached version of the file. This method would flush changes all the way to the WebDAV server.
ASFileHasOutstandingMReads — Determines whether there are any outstanding multi-byte range requests for a file. A document can have outstanding mreads if it was opened in a browser, Acrobat requested some byte ranges, and the byte ranges have not yet arrived.
ASFileIsSame — Performs a comparison between the file and path to determine if they represent the same file. This method will return false if the file was not opened through the fileSys file system.
ASFileMode — File access modes used to specify how a file can be used when it is open. Not all modes can be specified individually: ASFILE_CREATE can be used only in conjunction with ASFILE_READ or ASFILE_WRITE. In addition, it is acceptable to specify ASFILE_READ and ASFILE_WRITE together by OR-ing the two constants. ASFILE_SERIAL and ASFILE_LOCAL (present only in version 3.0 or later) are hints that help the Acrobat viewer optimize access to the file; they must be OR-ed with one or more of the other constants: Value Description ASFILE_READ Open the file for reading. ASFILE_WRITE Open the file for writing. ASFILE_CREATE Create the file if it does not exist. ASFILE_SERIAL A hint indicating that the file will be accessed sequentially. ASFILE_LOCAL A hint indicating that a local copy of the file will be needed.
ASFileMReadRequest — Initiates a byte range request for a given file, if the file is in the browser.
ASFileOffset — A file offset value for use in callback procedures.
ASFileOpenWithVirtualEOF — ASFileOpenWithVirtualEOF attempts to create a second ASFile instance to a file that is already open. Both the current instance fN and the new instance must be read only. The new instance shall set a virtual end of file. This virtual EOF and no effect on the first instance or on the physical file. It only effect the ASFile calls where newFile is passed in has the file. Each instance maintains it's own file position marker. The original instance of the file should be close after all other instances have been closed. This routine does not raise, but returns an error code.
ASFilePos — A file position value for use in callback procedures. This value cannot exceed 2 GB.
ASFilePos64 — The absolute position within a file. This value can exceed 2 GB.
ASFilePushData — Sends data from a file system implementation to an ASFile. The data may be for a multi-read request call, or may be unsolicited.
ASFileRead — Reads data from a file, beginning at the current seek position.
ASFileRegisterFileSys — Allows an implementor to provide a file system for use by external clients. An external client can locate the file system using ASFileGetFileSysByName(). fileSys provides its name via the ASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc() callback. This method returns false if a file system with the same name is already registered.
ASFileReopen — Attempts to reopen a file using the specified read/write mode. On some platforms, this may result in the file being closed and then reopened, and some error conditions may render the file invalid.
ASFileSetEOF — Changes the size of a file. The new size may by larger or smaller than the original size. Since this method does not return any values, the status can be assessed by examining the error code in the HANDLER clause. This method may raise file system or platform-specific exceptions. This call only works when the desired file size is less than 2 GB.
ASFileSetEOF64 — Changes the size of a file. The new size may by larger or smaller than the original size. This method may raise file system or platform-specific exceptions. This call will work with files over 2 GB in length.
ASFileSetMode — Gets or sets the mode flags for a file. Pass 0 for modeValue and modeMask to simply get the current mode flags.
ASFileSetPos — Seeks to the specified position in a file. This is the position at which the next read or write will begin. This call only works when the desired file position is less than 2 GB.
ASFileSetPos64 — Seeks to the specified position in a file. This is the position at which the next read or write will begin. This call will work with files over 2 GB in length.
ASFileStatusFlags — Values returned by ASFileSysGetStatusProc().
ASFileStmRdOpen — Creates a read-only ASStm from a file. The stream supports seek operations.
ASFileStmWrOpen — Creates a writable ASStm from a file. The stream supports seek operations.
ASFileSys — An ASFileSys is a collection of functions that implement file system services, such as opening files, deleting files, reading data from a file, and writing data to a file. Each ASFileSys provides these services for one class of devices. Acrobat has a built-in ASFileSys that services the platform's native file system. Acrobat on Windows includes an additional ASFileSys that services the OLE2 IStorage/IStream interfaces. Plug-ins may create additional ASFileSys objects to service other file systems. For example, a plug-in could implement an ASFileSys to access PDF files stored in a document database or to access PDF files across a serial link.
ASFileSys — A data structure containing callbacks that implement a file system.
ASFileSysAcquireFileSysPath — Converts an ASPathName from one file system to another. It returns an ASPathName acquired through newFileSys that refers to an image (which may possibly be cached) of the file in oldfileSys. Use this call to get a local file that is an image of a remote file (in a URL file system, for example). This is needed by programs such as the QuickTime Movie Player, because they can only work from local file-system files. The returned ASPathName may be a reference to a cache, so the file should be treated as read-only.
ASFileSysAcquireFileSysPathProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that is used for non-local file systems. It returns an ASPathName on the new ASFileSys that refers to an image (which may be cached) of the remote file. Because of the possibility of cache flushing, you must hold a copy of the remote file's ASPathName for the duration of use of the local file.
ASFileSysAcquireParent — Returns the parent folder of the file system object associated with pathName. The following rules apply in the default file systems:
ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath — Returns a platform-specific file system representation of the specified path, according to the specified type, wrapped in an allocated ASPlatformPath object. It calls ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc().
ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPathProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that acquires a platform-specific file system representation of the specified path, according to the specified type, wrapped in an allocated ASPlatformPath object. Use the ASPlatformPath* calls to get the actual platform object.
ASFileSysAsyncAbortProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that aborts all uncompleted asynchronous I/O requests for the specified file. This callback can be called at any time.
ASFileSysAsyncReadProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that asynchronously reads the specified data, returning immediately after the request has been queued. The ASFileSys must call the ASIODoneProc() (if one was provided) when the specified data has been read.
ASFileSysAsyncWriteProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that asynchronously writes the specified data, returning immediately after the request has been queued. The ASFileSys must call the ASIODoneProc() (if one was provided) when the specified data has been written.
ASFileSysCanPerformOpOnItem — Tests whether a given operation can be performed on a particular file. It calls the canPerformOpOnItem() procedure registered for the ASFileSysRec, which determines whether the operation is one of the file system-defined operation strings for which there is a handler.
ASFileSysCanPerformOpOnItemProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that tests whether a specified operation can be performed on the file, which means that it tests whether a handler is defined for that operation in ASFileSysPerformOpOnItemProc.
ASFileSysCanSetEofProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that determines whether ASFileSys can set the end of file marker (EOF) to a new offset for the specified file.
ASFileSysClearOutstandingMReadsProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that is used to advise a file system that the previous range of bytes requested to read are not needed, so that it may drop the read requests. The file system can continue pushing the bytes if it cannot stop the reads.
ASFileSysCloseProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec. This callback is responsible for closing the specified file. It is called by ASFileClose().
ASFileSysConvertCabToItemProps — Converts a set of item properties from the ASCab format to the ASFileSysItemPropsRec format.
ASFileSysConvertItemPropsToCab — Converts a set of item properties from the ASFileSysItemPropsRec format to the ASCab format.
ASFileSysCopyPath — Generates and copies the specified ASPathName (but does not copy the file specified by the path name). The ASPathName must have been obtained through the specified file system. This method may be used regardless of whether the file specified by path name is open.
ASFileSysCopyPathNameProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that copies a path name (not the underlying file). It is called by ASFileSysCopyPath().
ASFileSysCreateFolder — Creates an empty folder at the specified pathName.
ASFileSysCreateFolderProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec used to create an empty folder at the specified path.
ASFileSysCreatePathFromCString — Helper macro for the ASFileSysCreatePathName() method.
ASFileSysCreatePathFromDIPath — A helper macro for the ASFileSysCreatePathName() method.
ASFileSysCreatePathFromFSSpec — Helper macro for the ASFileSysCreatePathName() method.
ASFileSysCreatePathName — Creates an ASPathName based on the input type and pathSpec. Each fileSys implementation must publish the input types that it accepts.
ASFileSysCreatePathNameProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that creates an ASPathName based on the input type and PDFileSpec. Each ASFileSys implementation must publish the input types that it accepts. For example, the Mac OS ASFileSys may accept the type FSSpecPtr, and the MS-DOS ASFileSys may only accept types of CString.
ASFileSysCreatePathWithFolderName — Helper macro for the ASFileSysCreatePathName() method.
ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator — Releases the resources associated with folderIter.
ASFileSysDestroyFolderIteratorProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec used to release the resources associated with folderIter.
ASFileSysDIPathFromPath — Converts a file name, specified as an ASPathName, to a device-independent path name. It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory associated with the returned string using ASfree().
ASFileSysDIPathFromPathEx — Converts a file name, specified as an ASPathName, to a device-independent path name, which is returned as an ASText object. It calls ASFileSysDIPathFromPathExProc().
ASFileSysDIPathFromPathExProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that converts a path name to a device-independent path name, returned as an ASText object. It is called by ASFileSysDIPathFromPathEx().
ASFileSysDiPathFromPathProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that converts a path name to a device- independent path name. It is called by ASFileSysDIPathFromPath().
ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath — Returns a user-friendly representation of a path as a text object. It calls ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPathProc().
ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPathProc — Places a representation that can be displayed to users of a path into displayText.
ASFileSysDisplayStringFromPath — Returns a user-friendly representation of a path. It is the caller's responsibility to release the memory associated with the returned string using ASfree().
ASFileSysDisplayStringFromPathProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec used to obtain a representation of a path that can be displayed by the user.
ASFileSysDisposePathNameProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that is called by ASFileSysReleasePath().
ASFileSysFirstFolderItem — Creates an iterator which can be used to enumerate all objects inside the specified folder, and returns the properties of the first item found in the folder. The iteration can be continued by passing the returned ASFolderIterator to ASFileSysNextFolderItem.
ASFileSysFirstFolderItemProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that begins the process of iterating through the contents of a folder.
ASFileSysFlushProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that flushes data for the specified file. It is called by ASFileFlush().
ASFileSysFlushVolume — Flushes the volume on which the specified file resides. This ensures that any data written to the system for the volume containing pathName is flushed out to the physical volume (equivalent to Mac OS FlushVol or to the UNIX sync).
ASFileSysFlushVolumeProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that flushes the volume on which the specified file resides. This ensures that any data written to the system for the volume containing pathName is flushed out to the physical volume (equivalent to the Mac OS FlushVol, or to the UNIX sync). Call this after you are finished writing a complete transaction to force a commit.
ASFileSysGetDefaultTempPath — Gets the default temporary path that was set by ASFileSysSetDefaultTempPath().
ASFileSysGetEof64Proc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets a file's current logical size. It is called by ASFileGetEOF() and is capable of handling file sizes over 2 GB.
ASFileSysGetEofProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets a file's current logical size. It is called by ASFileGetEOF(), and is not capable of handling file sizes over 2 GB.
ASFileSysGetFileFlags — A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the flags for the specified file.
ASFileSysGetFilePositionLimitProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that returns the maximum file position that can be processed by this file system. This is not the maximum size file that can be created, but the maximum file position that can be handled by the arithmetic in the file system implementation. This will typically be (2 ^ 31) - 1 or (2 ^ 63) - 1. If this entry is not present, a value of (2 ^ 31) - 1 should be assumed.
ASFileSysGetFilePosLimit — Returns the maximum file position that can be processed by this file system. This is not the maximum size file that can be created or the amount of room left in the file system, but the maximum file position that can be handled by the arithmetic in the file system implementation. This will typically be (2 ^ 31) - 1 or (2 ^ 63) - 1.
ASFileSysGetFileSysNameProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets this file system's name.
ASFileSysGetItemProps — Populates an ASFileSysItemProps record with a full description of the file system object associated with pathName. It calls ASFileSysGetItemPropsProc().
ASFileSysGetItemPropsAsCab — Gets a full description of the file system object associated with pathName, returning the item properties in the ASCab format. Calls ASFileSysGetItemPropsAsCabProc().
ASFileSysGetItemPropsAsCabProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets a full description of the file system object associated with pathName, returning the item properties in the ASCab format.
ASFileSysGetItemPropsProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec used to retrieve a full description of the file system object associated with the path.
ASFileSysGetNameAsASTextProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the file name for the specified ASPathName as an ASText object.
ASFileSysGetNameForDisplayProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the Windows Explorer/Mac Finder representation for the specified ASPathName as an ASText object. This may be a localized and extension-stripped version of the filename.
ASFileSysGetNameFromPath — Extracts the file name (including extension) from the path.
ASFileSysGetNameFromPathAsASText — Extracts the file name (including the extension) from the path as an ASText object. This method supersedes ASFileSysGetNameFromPath() in Acrobat 6.0 and later.
ASFileSysGetNameFromPathForDisplay — This method writes into nameForDisplay the representation of that item as it would be shown in Windows Explorer or Mac OS Finder. For example, it will provide the localized string for "My Documents" even though, on disk, "My Documents" is always in English. It will also strip the extension if that is what Windows Explorer or the Mac Finder would do for that file.
ASFileSysGetNameProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that returns a character string containing the file name for the specified ASPathName. The character string contains only the file name; it is not a complete path name.
ASFileSysGetParentProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec used to obtain the parent of the input path.
ASFileSysGetPlatformThing — Deprecated API: always returns NULL.
ASFileSysGetPlatformThingProc — Returns a platform file system representation of the ASPathName passed according to the atom selector. It allocates memory for the returned structure, which the caller must release with ASfree().
ASFileSysGetPos64Proc — A callback that gets the current position for the specified file. It is called by ASFileGetPos(), and is capable of handling file postions over 2 GB.
ASFileSysGetPosProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the current position for the specified file. It is called by ASFileGetPos(), and is not capable of handling file positions over 2 GB.
ASFileSysGetStatusProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the status of the specified file. This callback is used for asynchronous I/O. For example, it can indicate that an underlying file connection has been closed.
ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace — Gets the amount of free space on the volume containing pathName.
ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace64 — Gets the amount of free space on the volume containing pathName. This is the same as ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace() without the 4 GB limit.
ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace64Proc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the amount of free space on the volume containing the specified ASPathName. It is similar to ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpace(), except that the return value is not limited to 4 GB (with a 64-bit return value).
ASFileSysGetStorageFreeSpaceProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the amount of free space on the volume containing the specified ASPathName.
ASFileSysGetTempPathName — Returns a unique path name suitable for use in creating temporary files. It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned object using ASFileSysReleasePath().
ASFileSysGetTempPathNameProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that returns a unique path name suitable for use in creating temporary files.
ASFileSysGetTypeAndCreator — Gets the type and creator of the file specified by the path.
ASFileSysGetTypeAndCreatorProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that gets the file type and creator for the file. This callback is currently only implemented on Mac OS. It does not raise an error.
ASFileSysHardFlushProc — Does a hard flush on the file. A hard flush makes sure the data is flushed even if the file is remote. This proc should succeed and do nothing if it is not supported.
ASFileSysIsInUseProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that tests whether a file is in use by another process.
ASFileSysIsLocal — Returns true if fileSys is NULL, the default file system or the default Unicode file system.
ASFileSysIsSameFileProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that tests whether two files are the same.
ASFileSysItemType — An enumerated data type used to categorize an object associated with an ASPathName.
ASFileSysMReadRequestProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that queues asynchronous requests for one or more byte ranges that the caller (usually the Acrobat viewer or library) will need in the near future. This callback is important for slow file systems, such as the web, to improve overall performance. It allows the file system to begin retrieving bytes before they are actually needed, while the Acrobat software continues processing as much as it can with the data that has already been downloaded.
ASFileSysNextFolderItem — Continues the iteration process associated with the ASFolderIterator object.
ASFileSysNextFolderItemProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec used to continue the iteration process associated with the ASFolderIterator object. Both itemPath and props are optional and can be NULL if the caller is not interested in that information.
ASFileSysOpen64Proc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that opens the specified file. It is called by ASFileSysOpen64(). This callback must be used if the file is over 2 GB in length.
ASFileSysOpenFile — Attempts to open a file in the specified file system, in the specified read/write/create mode. If the file is already open, the existing file handle is returned. The caller retains ownership of pathName.
ASFileSysOpenFile64 — Attempts to open a file in the specified file system, in the specified read/write/create mode. If the file is already open, the existing file handle is returned. The caller retains ownership of pathName.
ASFileSysOpenProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that opens the specified file. It is called by ASFileSysOpenFile() and ASFileReopen(). This callback returns an error if the file is over 2 GB in length.
ASFileSysPathFromDIPath — Converts a device-independent path name to an ASPathName. This method can only be used for files that already exist (that is, it cannot be used to create a placeholder path name for files that a plug-in intends to create in the future).
ASFileSysPathFromDIPathEx — Converts a device-independent path name in an ASText object to an ASPathName. This method can only be used for files that already exist (that is, it cannot be used to create a placeholder path name for files that a plug-in intends to create in the future).
ASFileSysPathFromDIPathExProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that converts a device-independent path name from an ASText object to an ASPathName. It is called by ASFileSysPathFromDIPathEx().
ASFileSysPathFromDIPathProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that converts a device-independent path name to an ASPathName. It is called by ASFileSysPathFromDIPath().
ASFileSysPerformOpOnItem — Performs a specified operation on a particular file, passing specified parameters. It calls the performOpOnItem() procedure registered for the ASFileSysRec.
ASFileSysPerformOpOnItemProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that performs the specified operation on a particular file.
ASFileSysRangeArrivedProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec used when a byte range has arrived during a file load operation.
ASFileSysReadProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that reads data from the specified file. It is called by ASFileRead() and returns an error if the file size is over 2 GB.
ASFileSysReleasePath — Decrements the internal reference count for the path name and disposes of the path name (but not the file itself) if the reference count is zero. This does not result in any file-level operations, and is unaffected by whether there is an open file for this path name.
ASFileSysReleasePlatformPath — Releases the specified platform path object. Each call to ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath() should have a corresponding call to this method.
ASFileSysReleasePlatformPathProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that releases the specified platform path object when the client is done with it.
ASFileSysRemoveFile — Attempts to delete the file referred to by pathName.
ASFileSysRemoveFolder — Deletes the folder at the specified pathName only if it is empty.
ASFileSysRemoveFolderProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec used to delete the folder at the specified path.
ASFileSysRemoveProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that deletes a file. It is called by ASFileSysRemoveFile().
ASFileSysRenameProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that renames a file. It is not called directly by any method in the client API, but is used internally by the Acrobat viewer.
ASFileSysReopenProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that reopens a file in the specified mode. ASFileReopen() calls this method if it is present. If this method is not present, or if it returns NULL and error is 0, ASFileReopen() does a close followed by an open. If error is non-zero, ASFileReopen() ignores the return value and fails with that error.
ASFileSysSetDefaultTempPath — Sets the default temporary path for the specified file system to the specified path name. The method copies the passed pathname object on success; the client is responsible for releasing the object when it is no longer needed, using ASFileSysReleasePath().
ASFileSysSetEof64Proc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that increases or decreases the logical size of a file. It is called by ASFileSetEOF() and is capable of handling file sizes over 2 GB.
ASFileSysSetEofProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that increases or decreases the logical size of a file. It is called by ASFileSetEOF(). It returns an error if the current file position is over 2 GB.
ASFileSysSetModeProc — ASFileSysSetMode() sets and gets parameters for the specified file.
ASFileSysSetPos64Proc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that sets the current position in a file, which is the point from which data will next be read. It is called by ASFileSetPos() and is capable of handling file postions over 2 GB.
ASFileSysSetPosProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that sets the current position in a file (the point from which data will next be read). It is called by ASFileSetPos().
ASFileSysSetTypeAndCreator — Sets the type and creator of a file. See Type/Creator Codes.
ASFileSysSetTypeAndCreatorProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that sets the file type and creator for the file. This callback is currently only implemented on Mac OS. It does not raise an error.
ASFileSysURLFromPath — Returns the URL corresponding to pathName. It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory associated with the returned string using ASfree().
ASFileSysURLFromPathProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec used to obtain the URL associated with the given ASPathName.
ASFileSysWriteProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that writes data to the specified file.
ASFileSysYieldProc — A callback for ASFileSysRec that yields the asynchronous I/O requests for the specified file. This allows other processes to process events that may be required for a file read to complete. An ASFileSys should implement a yield mechanism to complement asynchronous read and write requests.
ASFileUnregisterFileSys — Allows a fileSys to be unregistered. In general, a fileSys is only unregistered by the extension that registered it.
ASFileWrite — Writes data to a file, beginning at the current seek position.
ASFixed — The ASFixed type is a 32-bit quantity representing a rational number with the high (low on little-endian machines) 16 bits representing the number's mantissa and the low (high on little-endian machines) 16 bits representing the fractional part. The definition is platform-dependent.
ASFixedDiv — Divides two fixed numbers.
ASFixedMatrixConcat — Multiplies two matrices.
ASFixedMatrixInvert — Inverts a matrix.
ASFixedMatrixTransform — Transforms the point p through the matrix m, and puts the result in result. p and result can point to the same location.
ASFixedMatrixTransformRect — Transforms a rectangle through a matrix.
ASFixedMul — Multiplies two fixed numbers.
ASFixedRoundToInt16 — Converts a fixed point number to an ASInt16, rounding the result.
ASFixedRoundToInt32 — Converts a fixed point number to an ASInt32, rounding the result.
ASFixedToCString — Converts a fixed number to a CString.
ASFixedToFloat — Converts an ASFixed to a float.
ASFixedTruncToInt16 — Converts a fixed point number to an ASInt16, truncating the result.
ASFixedTruncToInt32 — Converts a fixed point number to an ASInt32, truncating the result.
ASFlagBits — A flag-bits value.
ASFolderIterator — An opaque object used to iterate through the contents of a folder. ASFileSysFirstFolderItem() returns the first item in the folder along with an ASFolderIterator object for iterating through the rest of the items in the folder. Call ASFileSysNextFolderItem() with this object to return the next object in the folder until the method returns false. To discard the ASFolderIterator object, call ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator().
ASFract — Definition of ASFract.
ASfree — Frees the specified memory block.
ASGetConfiguration — Gets information about the Acrobat viewer application under which the plug-in is running. Use this method if your plug-in's functionality depends on the Acrobat viewer that is running.
ASGetDefaultFileSys — Gets the default standard file system implementation for a platform.
ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath — Gets the best file system implementation that supports the passed in path. If the path requires the Unicode file system then the default Unicode file system is returned, otherwise the default file system is returned.
ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys — Gets the file system implementation that supports Unicode file path names. If a platform does not have a file system that supports Unicode, then NULL will be returned.
ASGetErrorString — Gets a string describing the specified error/exception.
ASGetErrorStringASText — Gets an ASText object containing a string describing the specified exception.
ASGetRamFileSys — Gets the in-memory file system implementation for a platform.
ASGetSecs — Returns the number of seconds elapsed since midnight, January 1, 1970, coordinated universal time, up to the current time.
ASGetTempFileSys — Gets the temporary file system implementation for a platform.
ASHostEncoding — An integer specifying the host encoding for text. On Mac OS, it is a script code. On Windows, it is a CHARSET id. In UNIX, Acrobat currently only supports English, so the only valid ASHostEncoding is 0 (Roman). See ASScript.
ASHostEncoding — An integer specifying the host encoding for text. On Mac OS, it is a script code. On Windows, it is a CHARSET id. In UNIX, Acrobat currently only supports English, so the only valid ASHostEncoding is 0 (Roman). See ASScript.
ASHostMBLen — Determines whether the given byte is a lead byte of a multi-byte character, and how many tail bytes follow.
ASInt16 — 2-byte signed short numeric value.
ASInt16ToFixed — Converts an ASInt16 to a fixed point number.
ASInt32 — 4-byte signed long numeric value.
ASInt32ToFixed — Converts an ASInt32 to a fixed point number.
ASInt64 — 8-byte signed long numeric value.
ASInt8 — 1-byte signed char value.
ASIODoneProc — A callback in ASIORequest used by the asynchronous read/write ASFileSys implementation and provided by the ASFile implementation to the ASFileSys. The ASFileSys must call this method when an asynchronous request is completed:
ASIORequest — A data structure representing an I/O request.
ASIsValidUTF8 — Tests whether the bytes in the string conform to the Unicode UTF-8 encoding form. The method does not test whether the string is NULL-terminated.
ASKEY_ARROW_D — KeyCodeAllPlatforms
ASKEY_ARROW_L — KeyCodeAllPlatforms
ASKEY_ARROW_R — KeyCodeAllPlatforms
ASKEY_ARROW_U — KeyCodeAllPlatforms
ASKEY_BACKSPACE — KeyCodeMacintosh
ASKEY_CLEAR — KeyCodeMacintosh
ASKEY_CR — KeyCodeMacintosh
ASKEY_END — KeyCodeMacintosh
ASKEY_END — KeyCodeWindows
ASKEY_ENTER — KeyCodeMacintosh
ASKEY_ENTER — KeyCodeWindows
ASKEY_ESCAPE — KeyCodeAllPlatforms
ASKEY_HELP — KeyCodeAllPlatforms
ASKEY_HOME — KeyCodeMacintosh
ASKEY_HOME — KeyCodeWindows
ASKEY_INSERT — KeyCodeMacintosh
ASKEY_INSERT — KeyCodeWindows
ASKEY_MENU — KeyCodeWindows
ASKEY_PAGE_D — KeyCodeAllPlatforms
ASKEY_PAGE_U — KeyCodeAllPlatforms
ASKEY_SPACE — KeyCodeAllPlatforms
ASKEY_TAB — KeyCodeAllPlatforms
ASmalloc — Allocates and returns a pointer to a memory block containing the specified number of bytes.
ASMDFile — ASMDFile replaces MDFile. MDFile is an obsolete name for this data type for backward compatibility.
ASMemStmRdOpen — Creates a read-only ASStm from a memory-resident buffer. The stream supports seek operations.
ASPathFromPlatformPath — This method was deprecated in Acrobat 5.0. Use ASFileSysCreatePathName() instead.
ASPathName — ASFileAcquirePathName
ASPlatformPath — An opaque object used to retrieve a platform-specific path object. This object was added in Acrobat 6.0 to improve device-independent path referencing.
ASPlatformPath — An ASPlatformPath and associated platform path types. This is an opaque object used to retrieve a platform path object. ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath() allocates and initializes this object. ASPlatformPath* calls are used to access its contents. To discard this object, call ASFileSysReleasePlatformPath().
ASPlatformPathGetCFURLRefRecPtr — Gets a platform path object in the form of a CFURLRef for the Mac OS, if the ASPlatformPath object was acquired with this type in the platformPathType parameter of ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath().
ASPlatformPathGetCstringPtr — Gets a platform path object in the form of a C string for Windows or UNIX, if the ASPlatformPath object was acquired with this type in the platformPathType parameter of ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath().
ASPlatformPathGetFSRefPtr — Gets a platform path object in the form of an FSRef for the Mac OS, if the ASPlatformPath object was acquired with this type in the platformPathType parameter of ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath().
ASPlatformPathGetFSRefWithCFStringRefRecPtr — Gets a platform path object in the form of an FSRef and CFStringRef for Mac OS, if the ASPlatformPath object was acquired with this type in the platformPathType parameter of ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath().
ASPlatformPathGetFSSpecPtr — This method was deprecated in Acrobat 9.0. Use ASPlatformPathGetFSRefPtr(), ASPlatformPathGetFSRefWithCFStringRefRecPtr(), ASPlatformPathGetCFURLRefRecPtr(), or ASPlatformPathGetPOSIXPathPtr() instead.
ASPlatformPathGetPOSIXPathPtr — Gets a platform path object in the form of a POSIX path C string, if the ASPlatformPath object was acquired with this type in the platformPathType parameter of ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath().
ASProcStmDestroyProc — A callback for use by ASProcStmWrOpen() and ASProcStmRdOpenEx().
ASProcStmGetLength — A callback for use by ASProcStmRdOpenEx().
ASProcStmRdOpen — Creates a read-only ASStm from an arbitrary data-producing procedure. The stream does not support seek operations.
ASProcStmRdOpenEx — Extends ASProcStmRdOpen() and creates a read-only ASStm from an arbitrary data-producing procedure. The stream optionally supports seek operations, although external clients do not have the ability to initiate a seek operation.
ASProcStmSeekProc — A callback for use by ASProcStmRdOpenEx().
ASProcStmWrOpen — Creates an ASStm from an arbitrary data-producing procedure. The stream does not support seek operations.
ASPurgeMemory — Attempts to free memory from the PDF Library caches.
ASRaise — Raises an exception. Plug-ins can raise any exception defined in the AcroErr.h header file using the ErrBuildCode macro, or can define their own exceptions using ASRegisterErrorString(). See Errors for a list of predefined exceptions.
ASRamFileSysSetLimitKB — Sets the temporary file system implementation for a platform.
ASReal — Definition of ASReal.
ASrealloc — If possible, extends the given block and simply returns ptr. Otherwise, it allocates a new block of newNBytes bytes, copies the contents from the old pointer into the new block, frees the old pointer, and returns the pointer to the new block. If a new block cannot be allocated, the call fails and ptr is not freed. Reallocating a block to a smaller size will never fail.
ASRegisterErrorString — Registers a new error and string. The error can be used to raise a plug-in-specific exception using ASRaise(). When the exception is raised, its error string can be retrieved using ASGetErrorString() and reported to the user using AVAlertNote().
ASRegisterErrorStringASText — Registers a new error and string.
ASReportProc — A report proc can be used to report errors, warnings, and other messages to the user. Normally a report proc will use a dialog to notify the user of an error, but in some contexts (such as during batch processing) it may either log the error or warning to a file or ignore it.
ASReportType — Used in an ASReportProc to indicate what kind of information is being reported.
ASScript — An enumeration of writing scripts. Not all of these scripts are supported on all platforms.
ASScriptFromHostEncoding — Converts from a host encoding type to an ASScript value. On Windows, the host encoding is a CHARSET id. On Mac OS, the host encoding is a script code.
ASScriptToHostEncoding — Converts from an ASScript code to a host encoding type. On Windows, the host encoding is a CHARSET id. On Mac OS, the host encoding is a script code.
AssembleFormAndImportFDF — Constructs an Acrobat form from templates and imports an FDF file.
ASSetTempFileSys — Sets the temporary file system implementation for a platform.
AssignAndTakeOwnership — The old PDPage pointer contained within is released. It then takes ownership of the PDPage pointer passed in as parameter. The method does not increase the reference count of the passed in PDPage object. This method is used in scenarios where the Smart pointer needs to be constructed before the page object becomes available. It is also used with APIs like PDPageAcquireFromCosPage() that have already increased the reference count for the PDPage object but are not encapsulated by the class methods.
AssignPage — Wrapper for PDPageAcquirePage(). This API assumes that there is no PDPage object.
AssignPage — Wrapper for PDDocAcquirePage(). This API assumes that there is no PDPage object.
ASSmallBufferSize — May not be larger than int16.
ASSmallCount — A signed int value. Negative values are never used.
ASStm — An ASStm is a data stream that may be a buffer in memory, a file, or an arbitrary user-written procedure. You typically would use an ASStm to extract data from a PDF file. When writing or extracting data streams, the ASStm must be connected to a Cos stream. ASStm methods allow you to open and close streams, and to read and write data.
ASStmClose — Closes the specified stream.
ASStmFlush — Flushes any buffered data to the specified stream.
ASStmProc — A callback for use by ASProcStmRdOpenEx() and ASProcStmWrOpen(). This should place data in the buffer specified by the parameter data.
ASStmRead — Reads data from stm into memory.
ASStmRec — A stream object definition (see ASStream.h). It is a data stream that may be a buffer in memory, a file, or an arbitrary user-written procedure. It is typically used to extract data from a PDF file. When writing or extracting data streams, the ASStm must be connected to a Cos stream.
ASStmWrite — Writes data from a memory buffer into an ASStm.
ASTArraySize — A numeric array size value for use in AS and Cos-level I/O methods and data structures.
ASTCount — A numeric count value for use in stream methods.
ASText — An ASText object holds encoded text.
ASText — An opaque object holding encoded text.
ASTextCaseSensitiveCmp — Compares two ASConstText objects, ignoring language and country information. The comparison is case-sensitive.
ASTextCat — Concatenates the from text to the end of the to text, altering to but not from. It does not change the language or country of to unless it has no language or country, in which case it acquires the language and country of from.
ASTextCatMany — Concatenates a series of ASText objects to the end of the to object. Be sure to provide NULL as the last argument to the call.
ASTextCmp — Compares two ASText objects. This routine can be used to sort text objects using the default collating rules of the underlying operating system before presenting them to the user. The comparison is case-sensitive. The results are suitable for displaying a sorted list of strings to the user in his chosen language and according to the rules of the platform on which the application is running. The results can vary based on the platform and user locale. If you want to compare strings in a way that is consistent across locales and platforms (but not suitable for displaying sorted strings to a user) see ASTextCaseSensitiveCmp().
ASTextCopy — Copies the text in from to to, along with the country and language.
ASTextDestroy — Frees all memory associated with the text object.
ASTextDup — Creates a new ASText object that contains the same text/country/language as the one passed in.
ASTextEval — Replaces percent-quoted expressions in the text object with the result of their evaluation, using key/value pairs in the ASCab. For example, for a text value containing the string "%keyone%%keytwo%", the value is replaced with the concatenation of the values of the keys keyone and keytwo in the ASCab passed in.
ASTextFilter — Runs the specified filter on a text object, modifying the text as specified.
ASTextFilterType — Constants that specify filter types used to modify text objects.
ASTextFromEncoded — Creates a new text object from a NULL-terminated multi-byte string in the specified host encoding.
ASTextFromInt32 — Creates a new string from an ASInt32 by converting the number to its decimal representation without punctuation or leading zeros.
ASTextFromPDText — Creates a new string from some PDF text taken out of a PDF file. This is either a UTF-16 string with the 0xFEFF prepended to the front or a PDFDocEncoding string. In either case the string is expected to have the appropriate NULL termination. If the PDText is in UTF-16, it may have embedded language and country information; this will cause the ASText object to have its language and country codes set to the values found in the string.
ASTextFromScriptText — Creates a new string from a NULL-terminated multi-byte string of the specified script. This is a wrapper around ASTextFromEncoded(); the script is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().
ASTextFromSizedEncoded — Creates a new text object from a multi-byte string of the specified length in the specified host encoding.
ASTextFromSizedPDText — Creates a new string from some PDF text taken out of a PDF file. This is either a UTF-16 string with the 0xFEFF prepended to the front or a PDFDocEncoding string. If the PDText is in UTF-16, it may have embedded language and country information; this will cause the ASText object to have its language and country codes set to the values found in the string. The length parameter specifies the size, in bytes, of the string. The string must not contain embedded NULL characters.
ASTextFromSizedScriptText — Creates a new text object from the specified multi-byte string of the specified script. This is a wrapper around ASTextFromEncoded(); the script is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().
ASTextFromSizedUnicode — Creates a new text object from the specified Unicode string. This string is not expected to have 0xFE 0xFF prepended, or country/language identifiers.
ASTextFromUnicode — Creates a new string from a NULL-terminated Unicode string. This string is not expected to have 0xFE 0xFF prepended, or country/language identifiers.
ASTextFromUns32 — Creates a new string from an ASUns32 by converting it to a decimal representation without punctuation or leading zeros.
ASTextGetBestEncoding — Returns the best host encoding for representing the text. The best host encoding is the one that is least likely to lose characters during the conversion from Unicode to host. If the string can be represented accurately in multiple encodings (for example, it is low-ASCII text that can be correctly represented in any host encoding), ASTextGetBestEncoding() returns the preferred encoding based on the preferredEncoding parameter.
ASTextGetBestScript — Returns the best host script for representing the text. The functionality is similar to ASTextGetBestEncoding(), with resulting host encoding converted to a script code using ASScriptFromHostEncoding().
ASTextGetCountry — Retrieves the country associated with an ASText object.
ASTextGetEncoded — Returns a NULL-terminated string in the given encoding. The memory to which this string points is owned by the ASText object and may not be valid after additional operations are performed on the object.
ASTextGetEncodedCopy — Returns a copy of a string in a specified encoding.
ASTextGetLanguage — Retrieves the language code associated with an ASText object.
ASTextGetPDTextCopy — Returns the text in a form suitable for storage in a PDF file. If the text can be represented using PDFDocEncoding, it is; otherwise it is represented in big-endian UTF-16 format with 0xFE 0xFF prepended to the front and any country/language codes embedded in an escape sequence right after 0xFE 0xFF.
ASTextGetScriptText — Converts the Unicode string in the ASText object to the appropriate script, and returns a pointer to the converted text. The memory to which it points is owned by the ASText object and must not be altered or destroyed by the client. The memory may also become invalid after subsequent operations are applied to the ASText object.
ASTextGetScriptTextCopy — Converts the Unicode string in the ASText object to the appropriate script and returns a pointer to the converted text. The memory to which it points is owned by the client, which is responsible for freeing it using ASfree().
ASTextGetUnicode — Returns a pointer to a string in kUTF16HostEndian format (see ASUnicodeFormat). The memory to which this string points is owned by the ASText object, and may not be valid after additional operations are performed on the object.
ASTextGetUnicodeCopy — Returns a pointer to a NULL-terminated string in the specified Unicode format. The memory to which this string points is owned by the client, which can modify it at will and is responsible for destroying it using ASfree.
ASTextIsEmpty — Used to determine whether the ASText object contains no text. For example, it determines if retrieving Unicode text would yield a 0-length string.
ASTextMakeEmpty — Removes the contents of an ASText (turns it into an empty string).
ASTextMakeEmptyClear — Removes the contents of an ASText object (converts it into an empty string). It clears the released storage (for security strings).
ASTextNew — Creates a new text object containing no text.
ASTextNormalizeEndOfLine — Replaces all end-of-line characters within the ASText object with the correct end-of-line character for the current platform. For example, on Windows, \r and \n are replaced with \r\n.
ASTextReplace — Replaces all occurrences of toReplace in src with the text specified in replacement. This uses an ASText string to indicate the toReplace string; ASTextReplaceASCII() uses a low ASCII Roman string to indicate the text to replace.
ASTextReplaceASCII — Replaces all occurrences of toReplace in src with the text specified in replacement. ASTextReplace() uses an ASText string to indicate the toReplace string; this uses a low-ASCII Roman string to indicate the text to replace.
ASTextReplaceBadChars — Replaces all occurrences of characters contained in the list pszBadCharList in the text with the specified replacement character.
ASTextSetCountry — Sets the language codes associated with a piece of text. ASText objects can have country and language codes associated with them. These can be explicitly set or parsed from the Unicode form of PDText strings.
ASTextSetEncoded — Replaces the contents of an existing ASText object with a NULL-terminated multi-byte string in the specified host encoding.
ASTextSetLanguage — Sets the language codes associated with a piece of text.
ASTextSetPDText — Alters an existing string from some PDF text taken out of a PDF file. This is either a big-endian UTF-16 string with the 0xFEFF prepended to the front or a PDFDocEncoding string. In either case the string is expected to have the appropriate NULL termination. If the PDText is in UTF-16, it may have embedded language and country information; this will cause the ASText object to have its language and country codes set to the values found in the string.
ASTextSetScriptText — Alters an existing string from a NULL-terminated multi-byte string of the specified script. This is a wrapper around ASTextFromEncoded(); the script is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().
ASTextSetSizedEncoded — Alters an existing string from a multi-byte string in the specified host encoding and of the specified length. This text does not need to be NULL-terminated, and no NULL (zero) bytes should appear in the characters passed in.
ASTextSetSizedPDText — Replaces the contents of an existing ASText object with PDF text taken out of a PDF file. This is either a big-endian UTF-16 string with the 0xFEFF prepended to the front or a PDFDocEncoding string. In either case the length parameter indicates the number of bytes in the string. The string should not be NULL-terminated and must not contain any NULL characters. If the PDText is in UTF-16, it may have embedded language and country information; this will cause the ASText object to have its language and country codes set to the values found in the string.
ASTextSetSizedScriptText — Replaces the contents of an existing ASText object with the specified multi-byte string of the specified script. This is a wrapper around ASTextFromSizedEncoded(); the script is converted to a host encoding using ASScriptToHostEncoding().
ASTextSetSizedUnicode — Replaces the contents of an existing ASText object with the specified Unicode string. This string is not expected to have 0xFE 0xFF prepended or embedded country/language identifiers.
ASTextSetUnicode — Alters an existing string from a NULL-terminated Unicode string. This string is not expected to have 0xFE 0xFF prepended or embedded country/language identifiers.
ASTFilePos — A numeric count value for use in I/O methods and data structures.
ASTimeSpan — An ASTimeSpan object represents an exact time span, measured in seconds. The internal representation uses 64-bit signed integers (to avoid the 2038 problem caused by 32-bit representation). Negative timespans are allowed.
ASTimeSpan — An ASTimeSpan represents an exact time span, measured in seconds. The internal representation uses 64-bit signed integers to avoid the year 2037 problem. Negative timespans are allowed.
ASTimeSpanAdd — Adds two time spans, storing the result (an exact number of seconds) in another time span object.
ASTimeSpanCompare — Compares two time spans to determine if they are equal or if one represents fewer seconds than the other.
ASTimeSpanCopy — Copies data from one time span object to another.
ASTimeSpanDestroy — Releases and destroys a time span object.
ASTimeSpanDiff — Calculates the exact difference in seconds between time span objects and stores the result in the provided ASTimeSpan object. If timeSpan2 is less than timeSpan1, the result is negative.
ASTimeSpanDup — Creates a new time span object containing the same data as an existing time span object. It raises an exception if there is not enough memory.
ASTimeSpanGetASInt32 — Gets the number of seconds from a time span object.
ASTimeSpanNegate — Negates the time span value of a time span object.
ASTimeSpanNew — Creates a time span object. It raises an exception if there is not enough memory for the operation.
ASTimeSpanSet — The internal representation of a time span uses 64-bit signed integers (to avoid the year 2038 problem caused by 32-bit representation). This method initializes a time span object to represent a time span of x seconds, where x is the 64-bit signed integer obtained from concatenating highBits and lowBits.
ASTimeSpanSetFromASInt32 — Initializes a time span object to represent a time span of a specific number of seconds.
ASTimeSpanSetFromString — Converts a string to a number of seconds, and initializes a time span object to represent a time span of that number of seconds. This is useful for time spans that are too long to represent with an ASInt32 value.
ASTVersion — A cryptographic version number.
ASUCS_GetPasswordFromUnicode — Converts user input of a password to a form that can be used by Acrobat to open a file.
ASUnicodeChar — An ASUnicodeChar is large enough to hold any Unicode character (at least 21 bits wide).
ASUnicodeFormat — Describes the various Unicode formats you can place into and read out of an ASText object.
ASUns16 — 2-byte unsigned short numeric value.
ASUns32 — 4-byte unsigned long numeric value.
ASUns64 — 8-byte unsigned long numeric value.
ASUns8 — 1-byte unsigned char value.
ASUTF16Val — Holds a single 16-bit value from a UTF-16 encoded Unicode string. It is typically used to point to the beginning of an UTF-16 string. For example: ASUTF16Val *utf16String = ...
ASUTF8Val — An ASUTF8Val holds a single 8-bit value from a UTF-8 encoded Unicode string.
ASUUID — An object containing data and methods supporting a universal unique identifier (UUID) for the current user or the current session.
ASUUID — A structure representing a universal unique identifier (UUID) for the current user or the current session.
ASUUIDFromCString — Parses a C string, such as one generated by ASUUIDToCString(), into a unique identifier (UUID).
ASUUIDGenFromHash — Generates a unique identifier (UUID) from a hash value.
ASUUIDGenFromName — Generates a universal unique identifier (UUID) for a block of data (a name) in a context (a namespace).
ASUUIDGenUnique — Generates a unique identifier (UUID).
ASUUIDMaxStringLen — A constant for the maximum string length of a unique identifier (UUID).
ASUUIDToCString — Generates a NULL-terminated C string from the unique identifier (UUID) for a user or session.
ASVersion — An HFT version number.
AV_CAPS — KeyStates
AV_COMMAND — KeyStates
AV_CONTROL — KeyStates
AV_EXTENDED — This value can mean right-Alt, right-Ctrl or Enter on enhanced keyboards.
AV_INVERTED — This value means that the cursor is inverted, or the eraser side of a pen input device is being used.
AV_Layer — A listing of AV_Layer errors.
AV_OPTION — KeyStates
AV_PENINUSE — The pen is used as input device.
AV_SHIFT — KeyStates
AV_SPACE — KeyStates
AVAccessColorPolicy — Definitions specifying the manner in which the background and text colors are chosen when viewing a document.
AVAccessReadOrder — Content reading orders used for accessibility support. kAVAccessInferredReadOrder, kAVAccessTBLRReadOrder, and kAVAccessWordyReadOrder can be used as values for the Reading Order preference. kAVAccessTaggedReadOrder and kAVAccessUndefinedReadOrder are used internally for managing the states of documents.
AVAcquireSpecialFilePathName — In Acrobat 6.0, this method is superseded by AVAcquireSpecialFilePathNameWithASText().
AVAcquireSpecialFilePathNameWithASText — Obtains the path name for a file in a special folder. It is the caller's responsibility to release the ASPathName. This method may be used even if the associated file does not exist.
AVAcquireSpecialFolderPathName — Obtains the path name of a special folder. This method cannot be used to obtain the ASPathName of a folder that does not exist. It is the caller's responsibility to release the ASPathName.
AVActionCopyProc — (Optional) A callback for AVActionHandlerProcs(). It is called upon to copy an action, possibly to another document. Action handlers should provide this callback to allow for copying their actions. It is called by AVDocCopyAction().
AVActionDoPropertiesExProc — A callback for AVActionHandlerProcs. If defined, it is called instead of DoProperties().
AVActionDoPropertiesProc — A callback for AVActionHandlerProcs(). It displays a user interface that allows a user to set the action's properties. For example, for a Launch action, set the file to launch; for a GoTo action, select the destination page/zoom coordinates).
AVActionEnumProc — A callback used by AVAppEnumActionHandlers(). It is called once for each action handler.
AVActionFillActionDictProc — (Required) A callback for AVActionHandlerProcs(). This required function is called as soon as the user selects the action from the action types popup menu. It allows an action handler to populate a newly created action's actionDict. At the time this method is called, the information needed to completely specify an action is often not yet available. As a result, this method is generally a good place to populate the actionDict with default values.
AVActionGetButtonTextProc — A callback for AVActionHandlerProcs. This optional function should store into buffer a NULL-terminated C string that is a localized string for the edit action button in the action dialog box.
AVActionGetDetailsProc — Optional callback for AVActionHandlerProcs(). It is called to get informational details to present to the user. The handler can provide one or more ASText strings which are added to the ASCab provided by the caller. Generally, each string should form a single informational item, often provided in a "key: value" format. The caller will organize the strings into a list that is presented in the user interface.
AVActionGetInstructionsProc — A callback for AVActionHandlerProcs(). This optional function should store into buffer a NULL-terminated C string that contains localized instructions for the action creation/properties dialog box.
AVActionGetStringOneTextProc — (Optional) A callback for AVActionHandlerProcs(). This function should store into buffer a NULL-terminated C string that is a localized string placed above the edit action button in the action dialog box. A NULL proc will cause the button to hide.
AVActionGetStringTwoTextProc — A callback for AVActionHandlerProcs(). This optional function should store into buffer a NULL-terminated C string which is a localized string placed below the edit action button in the action dialog box.
AVActionHandler — An AVActionHandler carries out an action. For instance, an action is what happens when a link or bookmark is clicked in Acrobat. See Section 8.5 in the PDF Reference for more information on actions.
AVActionHandler — Carries out an action. When the Acrobat viewer executes an action, it looks for the action handler with a type matching that of the action it is trying to execute. The Acrobat viewer invokes the matching handler to perform the action. If no match is found, the Acrobat viewer ignores the user action.
AVActionHandlerGetProcs — Gets a structure containing pointers to the action handler's procedures.
AVActionHandlerGetType — Gets the ASAtom specifying what type of actions an action handler services. This is the same as the name used when the action handler was registered using AVAppRegisterActionHandler().
AVActionHandlerGetUIName — Gets the string that was passed as the user friendly when the action handler was registered using AVAppRegisterActionHandler().
AVActionPerformExProc — A callback for AVActionHandlerProcs(). If defined, it is called instead of AVActionPerformProc(). It is passed the context of an action, which provides information on what triggered the action.
AVActionPerformProc — A callback for AVActionHandlerProcs(). It performs the action.
AVAlert — AVAlert provides platform-independent support for displaying simple dialog boxes.
AVAlert — Displays an alert containing the specified message, icon, and one to three buttons with the specified titles.
AVAlertButtonInfo — A data structure containing information about a button used in an Alert dialog box.
AVAlertCheckBoxInfo — A data structure containing information about a checkbox used in an Alert dialog box.
AVAlertConfirm — Displays a dialog box containing the ALERT_CAUTION icon, the specified message, and OK and Cancel buttons. The method also performs a system beep. See AVAlert() for more information.
AVAlertGetPref — Retrieves the value stored under name in the AVAlert preference store. The AVAlert preference store is intended to be used by clients to store user preferences regarding whether to display an alert prior to execution of a particular operation. The store is persistent across Acrobat sessions. This routine would typically be used when implementing a dialog box that contains a check box saying, "Do not show this dialog again."
AVAlertNote — Displays a dialog box containing the ALERT_NOTE icon, the specified message and an OK button. The method also performs a system beep.
AVAlertResetPrefs — Resets the entire AVAlert preference store. Specific preference entries can be cleared by passing a value of 0 to AVAlertSetPref().
AVAlertSetPref — Stores a value under name in the AVAlert preference store. The AVAlert preference store is intended to be used by clients to store user preferences regarding whether an alert is displayed prior to execution of a particular operation. The store is persistent across Acrobat sessions. This routine would typically be used when implementing a dialog box that contains a check box saying, "Do not show this dialog again."
AVAlertType — Alert Types
AVAlertWithParams — Displays an alert dialog box with a feature set as described by the supplied AVAlertParams.
AVAnnotAccStrType — The type of accessibility string to be obtained
AVAnnotHandler — An AVAnnotHandler is responsible for creating, displaying, selecting, and deleting a particular type of annotation. There is one annotation handler for each annotation type. Acrobat contains two built-in annotation types (notes and links), and plug-ins can add new annotation handlers by using AVAppRegisterAnnotHandler(). See Developing Plug-ins and Applications for details on creating new annotation types.
AVAnnotHandler — A data structure containing callbacks that implement an annotation handler. The callbacks implement the annotation handler functions. For example, they can be used to draw the annotation and highlight the annotation when it is selected. The data specifies properties of the annotation, such as text selection behavior.
AVAnnotHandlerAdjustCursorExProc — (Optional) A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It controls the cursor shape when the cursor is within the annotation. If NULL, the annotation behaves as if the AdjustCursor() callback returned false.
AVAnnotHandlerAdjustCursorProc — Deprecated in Acrobat 6.0. Use AVAnnotHandlerAdjustCursorExProc().
AVAnnotHandlerAppearanceDrawingProc — A callback for AVAnnotHandler that draws the appearance of the annotation for the given page view. Use this prototype for three callbacks: BeginAppearanceDrawing(), FinishAppearanceDrawing(), and CancelAppearanceDrawing().
AVAnnotHandlerCanPerformOpProc — Called to determine if this annotation can perform the specified operation.
AVAnnotHandlerCopyProc — (Optional) A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It is called upon to copy an annotation, possibly to another document. Annotation handlers should provide this callback to allow for copying their annotations. It is called by AVDocCopyAnnot().
AVAnnotHandlerCursorEnterProc — (Optional) A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It is called whenever the cursor moves over an annotation handled by this annotation handler.
AVAnnotHandlerCursorExitProc — (Optional) A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It is called whenever the cursor moves off an annotation handled by this annotation handler.
AVAnnotHandlerDeleteInfo — Deletes the AVAnnotHandlerInfo associated with an annotation handler.
AVAnnotHandlerDeleteInfoProc — (Optional) A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It deletes information associated with an annotation.
AVAnnotHandlerDoClickExProc — (Optional) A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It handles both left and right mouse button clicks within the annotation. If NULL, the annotation behaves as if the callback returned false.
AVAnnotHandlerDoClickProc — Deprecated in Acrobat 6.0. Use AVAnnotHandlerDoClickExProc().
AVAnnotHandlerDoKeyDownExProc — Called for each keystroke received when an annotation has focus.
AVAnnotHandlerDoKeyDownProc — Deprecated in Acrobat 6.0. Use AVAnnotHandlerDoKeyDownExProc().
AVAnnotHandlerDoPropertiesExProc — (Optional) A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It displays whatever user interface it wishes to allow a user to change an annotation's properties. Set it to NULL if the annotation type has no user-specified properties.
AVAnnotHandlerDoPropertiesProc — Deprecated in Acrobat 6.0. Use AVAnnotHandlerDoPropertiesExProc().
AVAnnotHandlerDrawExProc — Called to request that the annotation appearance be drawn.
AVAnnotHandlerDrawProc — Deprecated in Acrobat 6.0. Use AVAnnotHandlerDrawExProc().
AVAnnotHandlerEnumProc — A callback for AVAppEnumAnnotHandlers(). It is called once for each annotation handler currently registered with the Acrobat viewer (see AVAppRegisterAnnotHandler()).
AVAnnotHandlerGetAccessibilityStringProc — A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It gets the accessibility string associated with an annotation.
AVAnnotHandlerGetAnnotInTabOrderProc — A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It allows the annotation handler to determine which annot is next in the tab order.
AVAnnotHandlerGetAnnotViewBBoxProc — A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It returns the rectangle enclosing the annotation on the screen.
AVAnnotHandlerGetAppearanceExProc — A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It fills in a structure representing an annotation's appearance. Upon return, the annotation appearance is drawn according to the returned flag values
AVAnnotHandlerGetAppearanceProc — A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It fills in a CosObj representing a Form field. Upon return, the annotation appearance is drawn according to the returned flag values
AVAnnotHandlerGetAuxIconCountProc — A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It returns information about auxiliary icons for the annotation on the screen.
AVAnnotHandlerGetAuxIconsProc — A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It returns information about auxiliary icons for the annotation on the screen.
AVAnnotHandlerGetFlagsProc — A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It returns the flags value for the annotation on the screen.
AVAnnotHandlerGetInfo — Gets the information structure associated with an annotation handler.
AVAnnotHandlerGetInfoProc — (Optional) A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It gets information associated with an annotation.
AVAnnotHandlerGetLayerExProc — A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It returns the annotation's layer. The layer need not be a constant. For example, the Acrobat viewer's built-in text annotations have a different layer depending on whether they are opened or closed. This ensures that a closed text annotation never appears on top of an open text annotation.
AVAnnotHandlerGetLayerProc — Deprecated in Acrobat 6.0. Use AVAnnotHandlerGetLayerExProc().
AVAnnotHandlerGetTypeProc — (Required) A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It returns an ASAtom indicating the annotation type for which the handler is responsible. This corresponds to the annotation's Subtype key in the PDF file.
AVAnnotHandlerNewProc — (Unused) A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It allows the annotation handler to add any attributes to the annotation object to make sure the new annotation is in a valid initial state for its subclass.
AVAnnotHandlerNotifyAnnotAddedToSelectionProc — (Optional) A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It is called when an annotation is added to the selection, and should highlight the annotation. Set it to NULL if it is omitted.
AVAnnotHandlerNotifyAnnotRemovedFromSelectionProc — (Optional) A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It is called when an annotation is removed from the selection, and should un-highlight the annotation. Set it to NULL if omitted.
AVAnnotHandlerNotifyDestroyProc — Currently unused.
AVAnnotHandlerPerformOpProc — Called to initiate the operation.
AVAnnotHandlerPostDrawProc — Called to request that additional drawing is performed after the annotation appearance is drawn.
AVAnnotHandlerPtInAnnotViewBBoxProc — A callback for AVAnnotHandler. It is called by AVPageViewIsAnnotAtPoint() to determine whether a point is within an annotation. The annotation handler is free to determine what it means for the point to be in the annotation. For example, if the annotation appears only as the outline of a circle, the point may be in the annotation only when it is near the border of the circle, but not when it is elsewhere within the circle.
AVAnnotOp — An enumeration detailing operations to which the annotation can be requested to respond.
AVAnnotOpReason — Constants that specify how an annotation operation request was triggered.
AVApp — AVApp represents the Acrobat application itself. From the application layer, you can control the appearance of Acrobat, whether Acrobat appears, and the size of the application window. Your application has access to the menu bar and the toolbar through this object. The application layer also provides access to the visual representation of a PDF file on the screen (an AVDoc).
AVAppAutoShowHowToPanel — Opens the HowTo panel and fills it with the specified panel's content, if that panel's AutoShow attribute is true.
AVAppBeginFullScreen — Begins full-screen mode. In full-screen mode, all window borders, the menu bar, and the toolbar are hidden. All regions of the screen outside of the window boundary are painted with the specified color.
AVAppBeginModal — Prepares the Acrobat viewer to display a modal window. For example, it disables floating windows in Windows, where they are not automatically disabled. When you are done with the modal window, call AVAppEndModal(). Calling AVAppBeginModal() does not make your window modal; it only informs the Acrobat viewer that you intend to display a modal window now.
AVAppBeginSave — Displays a platform-dependent file save dialog box. It is used in conjunction with AVAppBeginSave and AVAppCancelSave.
AVAppCancelSave — Cancels the Save operation started by AVAppBeginSave. It should be called if the writing of data to the path returned by AVAppBeginSave failed.
AVAppCanQuit — The Acrobat viewer calls this method to obtain permission programmatically (without using the user interface) when it wants to quit. To use this method, replace it with your own version using HFTReplaceEntry().
AVAppChooseFolderDialog — Displays a platform dependent folder selection dialog box. outFileSys and outASPathName will be NULL if the user cancelled the operation.
AVAppCreateIconBundle6 — Creates an icon bundle object from an array of icon data records.
AVAppDidInitExtensions — The Acrobat viewer has finished initializing extensions.
AVAppDidInitialize — The Acrobat viewer has finished initializing and is about to enter its event loop.
AVAppDidOrWillSwitchForDialog — (Mac OS only) This call is useful when Acrobat is running embedded in a browser and needs to present a dialog box for user input. However, before presenting the dialog box, Acrobat needs to pull itself to the front to be the front application. This call enables it to do that.
AVAppDoingFullScreen — Tests whether the application is running in full-screen mode.
AVAppEndFullScreen — Ends full-screen mode. It does nothing if the application is not running in full-screen mode.
AVAppEndModal — (Windows only) Informs the Acrobat viewer that a modal window is no longer being displayed.
AVAppEndSave — Completes the Save operation started by AVAppBeginSave. It should be called after the data has been written to the path returned by AVAppBeginSave.
AVAppEnumActionHandlers — Enumerates all registered action handlers, calling the user- supplied procedure for each. It aises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.
AVAppEnumAnnotHandlers — Enumerates all registered annotation handlers, calling the user- supplied procedure for each. It raises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.
AVAppEnumDocs — Enumerates all AVDoc objects currently open in the viewer, calling the user- supplied procedure for each. It raises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.
AVAppEnumTools — Enumerates all registered tools, calling the user-supplied procedure for each. It raises an exception only if enumProc raises an exception.
AVAppEnumTransHandlers — Enumerates all registered transition handlers, calling the user-supplied procedure for each.
AVAppFindCommandHandlerByName — Gets the AVCommandHandler that was registered under the given name.
AVAppFindGlobalCommandByName — Returns the AVCommand that was registered under the given name.
AVAppFrontDocDidChange — The front-most AVDoc has changed.
AVAppGetActionHandlerByType — Gets the action handler that services the specified action type.
AVAppGetActiveDoc — Gets the frontmost document window. In UNIX, it gets the AVDoc being viewed within the window that got the last user event (Key or Button event). This method is often useful for menu or tool enable procs. The frontmost document may not be active. For example, the clipboard window may be active and over it.
AVAppGetActiveTool — Gets the active tool for the application.
AVAppGetAnnotAppearancePadding — This method can be used to obtain the padding values necessary for the viewer to display an annotation's appearance, with various visual treatments applied.
AVAppGetAnnotHandlerByName — Gets the annotation handler that handles the specified annotation type.
AVAppGetCancelProc — Gets the default application cancel procedure. The procedure returns true if the user has recently entered the keystroke described below.
AVAppGetDefaultTool — Gets the default tool. Use this method, together with AVAppSetActiveTool(), to restore the default tool any time you want. The default tool is the hand tool.
AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor — Gets the standard application progress monitor, which puts a combined status window/progress bar in the message pane of the frontmost document window. This progress monitor can subsequently be passed to any API method requiring a progress monitor.
AVAppGetHowToPanelAutoShow — Get the current auto-show state of a HowTo panel. The auto-show state is true by default. When the auto-show state is true for a specified panel, that panel is shown whenever the client calls AVAppAutoShowHowToPanel() on it.
AVAppGetLanguage — Superseded in Acrobat 6.0 by AVAppGetLanguageWithParams().
AVAppGetLanguageEncoding — Returns the ASHostEncoding corresponding to Acrobat's current locale setting. For example, if the user is using the English version of Acrobat on a Japanese system, AVAppGetLanguageEncoding() returns a Roman encoding but PDGetHostEncoding() returns a Japanese encoding.
AVAppGetLanguageWithParams — Retrieves the language in which the application's user interface is running, in the format specified by the kLangFormat member of the supplied parameter structure.
AVAppGetLastActiveTool — Gets the tool that was active before the current tool became active.
AVAppGetLegacyToolBar — Retrieves a special toolbar representing the union of all toolbars in the system.
AVAppGetLegacyToolBarByName — Returns the toolbar created with the specified name. Refer to Toolbar and Toolbar Button Names for a list of the standard named toolbars.
AVAppGetMenubar — Gets Acrobat's menu bar.
AVAppGetName — Gets the ASAtom corresponding to the application's name, which is the name of the file containing the Acrobat viewer application. The user might have changed this, so do not use it to determine what the application is; use ASGetConfiguration() instead.
AVAppGetNumDocs — Gets the number of open document views.
AVAppGetPMPageFormat — This function returns the Carbon Print Manager Page Format object to other clients during a print job.
AVAppGetPMPrintSettings — This function returns the Carbon Print Manager Print Settings object to other clients during a print job.
AVAppGetPrefAtom — Retrieves an ASAtom stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.
AVAppGetPrefBool — Retrieves an ASBool stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.
AVAppGetPrefCab — Allocates and fills in an ASCab object based on the specified prefs section with the specified key. The ASCab object is a copy and it is up to the caller to free the ASCab with ASCabDestroy(). If the specified key is not found within the section, then NULL is returned.
AVAppGetPrefDouble — Retrieves a double value stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.
AVAppGetPreference — Gets the value of the specified built-in application preference.
AVAppGetPrefInt — Retrieves an ASInt32 stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.
AVAppGetPrefPathName — Retrieves an ASBool stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The default value of defValue will be used if the section or key is not found.
AVAppGetPrefString — Retrieves a char* stored in the specified prefs section with the specified key. The char* is a copy and it is up to the caller to free the char* that is returned. If the specified key is not found within the section, then NULL is returned.
AVAppGetPrefText — Allocates and fills in an ASText object based on the specified prefs section with the specified key. The ASText object is a copy and it is up to the caller to free the ASText with ASTextDestroy(). If the specified key is not found within the section, then NULL is returned.
AVAppGetReportProc — Retrieves a standard report proc that can be used to report errors and warnings to the user. See ASReportProc for more details.
AVAppGetToolByName — Returns the AVTool that was registered under the specified name.
AVAppGetTransHandlerByType — Gets the transition handler registered for the specified transition type.
AVAppGetUUID — Gets a unique identifier (UUID) for the current user or the current session. The UUID can be used with P2P, web interactions, and so on.
AVAppGetVersion — Gets the major and minor version numbers of the Acrobat viewer.
AVAppGetVersionEx — Returns the version number of the product using the AVVersionParams structure. Replaces the AVAppGetVersion API, which was limited to due to sizing.
AVAppHandlePlatformEvent — Handles a platform-specific event. This method may raise exceptions, depending on the event.
AVAppHelpSearch — Opens the specified help file (if it is not already open) and searches for a specified string. If the help file is not found, it opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file. If the help file is found, the method opens it with the navigation panel on the left showing the search panel, which displays the result of the search.
AVAppHelpShowContents — Opens the specified PDF help file and goes to the location of the specified content. If the help file is not found, it opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file.
AVAppHelpShowIndex — Opens the specified PDF help file and displays the index. If the help file is not found, it opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file.
AVAppIsIdle — Returns true if the application is in a state in which it is safe to destroy a document that uses the multi-read protocol. The multi-read protocol is implemented on some platforms using a yield mechanism, which involves a transfer of information between two applications. This function returns true if there is no task executing in the application that could invoke such a transfer. Attempting to close a document during such a transfer can cause a deadlock event or a crash.
AVAppLanguageFormat — Constants that specify language format values for use in AVAppLanguageParams.
AVAppLanguageSelector — Constants that specify if the call to AVAppGetLanguageWithParams() applies to the application or to the fallback language.
AVAppModalWindowIsOpen — A client should use this method to determine whether a modal window is open. There is a large (and ill-defined) group of actions that are illegal while a modal window is open, although these actions are not programmatically prevented by the Acrobat viewer. While a modal dialog box is open, a client must not open documents, change pages, change views, close documents, change tools, or do anything that might disrupt the user or Acrobat viewer.
AVAppOldPrefDidChange — An old-style AVPrefsType was changed.
AVAppOpenDialog — Displays a platform-dependent file open dialog box. It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned ASPathName objects and the associated memory.
AVAppOpenHelpFile — Opens a specified help file from the default installation help directory. If the help file is not found, it optionally opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file.
AVAppOpenHelpFileWithParams — Opens a specified help PDF file, using the specified parameters to control the window's size, location, and visibility. If the help file is not found, it optionally opens a dialog box asking if the user wants to search for the help file.
AVAppPanelVisibilityDidChangeForAVDoc — The visibility of the AVPanel with the specified name changed.
AVAppPrefDidChange — A new-style preference changed.
AVAppRecentFileListChanged — A file has been opened or saved in Acrobat/Reader and so the list of recent files has just been updated with the info about this Most Recent Used file.
AVAppRegisterActionHandler — Registers an action handler within Acrobat.
AVAppRegisterAnnotHandler — Registers a handler for an annotation subtype, replacing any previous handler that had been registered for that subtype. The annotation handler is not registered if its AVAnnotHandlerGetTypeProc() returns NULL.
AVAppRegisterCommandHandler — Registers an AVCommandHandler as the implementor of an AVCommand with the specified name. If there are any existing commands registered under name, the new command replaces them.
AVAppRegisterForContextMenuAddition — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call after a context menu has been created but before it is shown to the user. The callback can add menu items to or remove menu items from the menu.
AVAppRegisterForPageViewAdjustCursor — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time the cursor is moved. If more than one procedure is registered, the procedures are called in the order that they were registered.
AVAppRegisterForPageViewClicks — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a mouse click occurs. This is useful if a client wishes to handle mouse clicks, and the client is better implemented as something other than an annotation or a tool. If more than one routine is registered to receive mouse clicks, the most recently registered routine is called first.
AVAppRegisterForPageViewDrawing — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a window is drawn, after the page's contents and annotations have been drawn. This allows clients to draw whatever they wish to on top of pages. The procedure is called each time the page view changes (scrolls, zooms, goes to a different page).
AVAppRegisterForPageViewKeyDown — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a key is pressed in an AVPageView.
AVAppRegisterForPageViewRightClicks — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a user clicks the right mouse button in an AVPageView. On Mac OS, the procedure is called when the user holds down the Control key and clicks the mouse button.
AVAppRegisterFromPDFHandler — Registers an AVConversionFromPDFHandler to export from PDF to other file formats. When a FromPDF converter is registered, the converter is automatically added to the list of supported file formats in the Save As dialog box. In addition, the converter is displayed in the list of FromPDF converters for the Batch framework.
AVAppRegisterGlobalCommand — Registers an AVCommand in the global command list. The application assumes ownership of the resources associated with cmd. As such, the client must not call AVCommandDestroy().
AVAppRegisterHowToPanel — Registers a HowTo panel with the application.
AVAppRegisterIdleProc — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call regularly when the Acrobat viewer is otherwise idle. If more than one idle procedure is registered, they are all called in a round robin order. The registered idle procs may be called when the Acrobat viewer is not the frontmost application. In addition, in Mac OS, the registered idle procs receive idle events any time a movable modal dialog box or modal AVWindow is displayed, but not a system-modal one. Use AVAppModalWindowIsOpen() if you wish to determine if a modal window is open. Note : There are two versions here. NEVER call the AVAppRegisterIdleProcOLD(...) proc. It is for binary compatability only. DON'T EVER CALL IT.
AVAppRegisterIdleProcExWithName — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call regularly when the Acrobat viewer is otherwise idle. If more than one idle procedure is registered, they are all called in a round robin order. The registered idle procs may be called when the Acrobat viewer is not the frontmost application. In addition, in Mac OS, the registered idle procs receive idle events any time a movable modal dialog box or modal AVWindow is displayed, but not a system-modal one. Use AVAppModalWindowIsOpen() if you wish to determine if a modal window is open.
AVAppRegisterIdleProcWithName — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call regularly when the Acrobat viewer is otherwise idle. If more than one idle procedure is registered, they are all called in a round robin order. The registered idle procs may be called when the Acrobat viewer is not the frontmost application. In addition, in Mac OS, the registered idle procs receive idle events any time a movable modal dialog box or modal AVWindow is displayed, but not a system-modal one. Use AVAppModalWindowIsOpen() if you wish to determine if a modal window is open.
AVAppRegisterLateInitProc — Registers a callback that will be called once, when Acrobat is first idle and not drawing during idle.
AVAppRegisterLegacyToolBarPosition — Sets the position of the toolbar. A toolbar can have separate positional attributes for internal and external views. The position is set when the user first opens Acrobat; after that, the user's preferences dictate where the toolbar is located.
AVAppRegisterNotification — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs.
AVAppRegisterTool — Registers the specified tool with the Acrobat viewer. The tool is not registered if its GetTypeProcType() callback returns NULL.
AVAppRegisterToPDFHandler — Registers an AVConversionToPDFHandler to import other file formats. When a ToPDF converter is registered, the converter is automatically added to the list of supported file formats in the Open dialog box. In addition, the converter is displayed in the list of ToPDF converters for the Batch framework.
AVAppRegisterTransHandler — Registers a transition handler within Acrobat. If avth has not implemented the GetType callback, it will not be registered.
AVAppSaveDialog — Displays a platform-dependent file save dialog box. It is the caller's responsibility to release the returned ASPathName.
AVAppSetActiveTool — Sets the active tool. It does nothing if the specified tool is not currently enabled. The AVComputeEnabledProc() callback in the AVTool structure determines whether a tool is enabled. If this callback is NULL, the tool is always enabled.
AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShow — Set the current auto-show state of a HowTo panel. The auto-show state is true by default. When the auto-show state is true, the panel is shown whenever when the client calls AVAppAutoShowHowToPanel(). Set it to false to disable the client's auto-show behavior for the panel. See AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShowText().
AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShowText — When the auto-show state of a HowTo panel is true, the panel is shown whenever when the client calls AVAppAutoShowHowToPanel(). To give users the option of suppressing the auto-show behavior, use this method to register some text, which appears in a checkbox at the bottom of the panel. If the user clears the checkbox, use AVAppSetHowToPanelAutoShow() to suppress the auto-show behavior for the panel.
AVAppSetHowToPanelComputeVisibleProc — Registers a new HowTo panel callback with the application. This callback is executed at various times to determine whether the panel's title will appear in the HowTo home page. The title appears if and only if showInHomePage() was set to true in the call to AVAppRegisterHowToPanel() and this callback returns true.
AVAppSetPreference — Sets the value of the specified built-in application preference. The preference values are automatically saved to disk when a new value is set.
AVAppShouldKeyDeleteObject — Returns whether the passed key should cause a selected item to be deleted. This is required since the rules for which keys should delete objects differ among platforms.
AVAppSystemLogonSessionSwitched — Sent on a system running Windows XP when the user does a Switch User (Fast User Switching) operation to log on or switch to another user account. It is typically used to release shared resources, such as fonts or multimedia ports.
AVAppToolDidChange — A document's active tool changed.
AVAppUnregisterAnnotHandler — Unregisters a handler for an annotation subtype, thereby removing it from the global list of annotation handlers.
AVAppUnregisterForContextMenuAddition — Unregisters a user-supplied procedure to call after a context menu has been created but before it is shown to the user. Used to unregister a call created with AVAppRegisterForContextMenuAddition. The arguements must exactly match the ones used in the register call, or this unregister will fail.
AVAppUnregisterForPageViewAdjustCursor — Un-registers a user-supplied adjust cursor procedure.
AVAppUnregisterForPageViewClicks — Un-registers a user-supplied page view click procedure.
AVAppUnregisterForPageViewDrawing — Un-registers a user-supplied page view drawing procedure.
AVAppUnregisterForPageViewDrawingEx — Un-registers a user-supplied page view drawing procedure.
AVAppUnregisterForPageViewKeyDown — Un-registers a user-supplied page view key down procedure.
AVAppUnregisterForPageViewRightClicks — Un-registers a user-supplied procedure to call each time a user clicks the right mouse button in an AVPageView.
AVAppUnregisterGlobalCommand — Removes an AVCommand from the global command list.
AVAppUnregisterIdleProc — Un-registers a user-supplied idle procedure.
AVAppUnregisterNotification — Un-registers a user-supplied notification procedure.
AVAppUsingPDDocForBatch — Used to let clients know when pdDoc is undergoing batch processing.
AVAppUUIDType — For use with AVAppGetUUID().
AVAppWillCloseAllInternalDocs — All AVDoc objects will be closed.
AVAppWillQuit — The Acrobat viewer is quitting. All documents have been closed. To access or enumerate documents when the application is quitting, replace the AVAppCanQuit() method, access or enumerate documents in your replacement for that procedure, and return true to allow the Acrobat viewer to continue quitting.
AVAppWillTerminateExtensions — The Acrobat viewer will terminate extensions.
AVAppYieldToOtherApps — (Mac Only) Yield to other applications for yieldTimeout.
AVArraySize — An array size value for AV methods.
AVAuthOpen — Determines if the current user is authorized to open a document.
AVAuxDataPerformProc — (Optional) A callback for AVAuxDataHandler. It is called to process auxiliary data sent to the AVDoc using AVDocSendAuxData(). This callback must process the data appropriately for whatever auxDataType is sent.
AVBatchContext — Placeholder only. Not currently implemented.
AVBookletBinding — Booklet printing binding direction (used by AVDocPrintNupData() in the AVDocPrintParams structure).
AVBookletDuplexMode — Booklet printing page duplex printing subset mode.
AVBookmarkFilter — Constants used to define the set of bookmarks retrieved by AVDocGetBookmarks(). More than one constant can be passed into the API by OR'ing them.
AVBroadcastCustomNotification — Sends out a custom notification.
AVBufferSize — The number of bytes.
AVCmdHandlerInitProc — Initialize the command handler. It is called once for each command handler registered.
AVCmdHandlerTermProc — Terminate the handler. It is called once for each handler registered when Acrobat shuts down. It is called before clients are unloaded.
AVColorForcing — Constants that specify color forcing values for AVDocPrintOverrideData, used in AVDocPrintParams.
AVCommand — An AVCommand represents an action that the user can perform on the current document or the current selection in the current document. An AVCommand can be added to a command sequence and executed either interactively or by means of batch processing, using the method AVCommandExecute().
AVCommand — An AVCommand represents an action that the user can perform on the current document or the current selection in the current document. Specifically, an AVCommand represents a command which can be added to a command sequence and executed either interactively or via batch processing.
AVCommandCancel — Cancels the specified command. If the command is currently processing a file, the command might not attempt to roll back any modifications it has made to the document. This may leave the PDF in an invalid state.
AVCommandCancelProc — Stop working and clean up as though the command executed to completion.
AVCommandCreatedProc — Called after a command is created. The command handler can establish default parameters and so forth for the newly created command.
AVCommandDestroy — Destroys the specified command and its associated resources.
AVCommandDestroyProc — Called before a command is destroyed. The command handler should free any memory allocated by the command.
AVCommandExecute — Runs the specified AVCommand, after it has been set up using AVCommandSetInputs() and AVCommandSetParams().
AVCommandGetAVDoc — Retrieves the AVDoc from a command's inputs ASCab.
AVCommandGetCab — Returns the ASCab stored in the specified command under the key. If the cabinet is not available, this method will create it if create is set to true. The command retains ownership of the returned cabinet.
AVCommandGetCancelProc — Returns a cancellation procedure for the command. If the user interface policy is anything other than kAVCommandUIInteractive, this cancellation procedure must be used. If the user interface policy is kAVCommandUIInteractive, an appropriate default cancel proc will be provided, but the command may use a more appropriate one it if preferred. Pass in the command itself as the client data.
AVCommandGetConfig — Retrieves the configuration parameters for the specified command.
AVCommandGetInputs — Retrieves the input parameters of the specified command. The inputs of a command consist of an ASCab detailing properties of the object on which the command will operate. The contents of the cabinet are dependent on the mechanism through which the command is initialized.
AVCommandGetName — Returns the name of the command.
AVCommandGetParams — Retrieves the parameter set for the specified command. It is possible that some commands have no parameters that can be configured, in which case no data will be written to params. The params cabinet should be empty when passed in. Upon return, it will be filled with copies of all of the command's parameter settings.
AVCommandGetPDDoc — Retrieves the PDDoc from a command's inputs ASCab.
AVCommandGetProc — Retrieves a cabinet from a command. It is used in the GetParams and GetProps members of the AVCommandHandlerRec structure. When retrieving command parameters, the handler should first remove any existing items from theCab using ASCabMakeEmpty(), and then copy all parameter values from the command into theCab. When retrieving properties, the command handler should replace any entries in theCab with key names it recognizes with copies of the command-specific properties.
AVCommandGetProgressMonitor — Returns a progress monitor the command can use to report progress. The command itself should be passed in as the clientData associated with the monitor's callbacks.
AVCommandGetProps — Retrieves the properties of the specified command. Properties are values intrinsic to the command or to the command's current state.
AVCommandGetReportProc — Returns the ASReportProc associated with the specified command. AVCommandHandlers should report all error and status messages through this procedure.
AVCommandGetStatus — Returns the current status of the specified command.
AVCommandGetUIPolicy — Retrieves the user interface policy that the command will respect while it is executed. The user interface policy is determined by a combination of the command's configuration and the context in which the command is executing (for example, a batch sequence).
AVCommandNew — Creates a new command of the specified type. An AVCommandHandler for that command type must have already been registered. See AVCommand Descriptions (Built-in Commands) for the names and parameters of built-in commands, as defined in AVCmdDefs.h.
AVCommandPostflightFileProc — Every command in a sequence has its Postflight command callback called after all commands in a given sequence have been executed but before the file is closed.
AVCommandPostflightSequenceProc — Every command in a sequence has its Postflight command callback called after the sequence is executed.
AVCommandPreflightFileProc — Every command in a sequence has its Preflight callback called after each file has been opened to be processed but before any commands have been executed on that file. If any of the Preflight callbacks returns an error, the sequence is aborted.
AVCommandPreflightSequenceProc — Every command in a sequence has its Preflight callback called before the sequence is executed. If any of the Preflight callbacks returns an error, the sequence is aborted.
AVCommandPutCab — Stores a cabinet in the specified command. If a cabinet is currently stored under the key, it is overwritten. The command assumes ownership of cabVal.
AVCommandReset — Resets the specified command. The command is expected to clean up its current state and assume a ready state.
AVCommandResetProc — Stops working, clears any errors, and tries to get back into a Ready state. For many commands this is equivalent to cancelling.
AVCommandSetConfig — Sets the configuration for the specified command. See AVCommandGetConfig() for more information.
AVCommandSetInputs — Sets the input parameters of the specified command. The inputs of a command consist of an ASCab detailing properties of the object on which the command will operate. Use this method and AVCommandSetParams() to set up a command before calling AVCommandExecute() to execute it.
AVCommandSetParams — Sets the parameters for the specified command. The parameters are those pieces of information that can be controlled by the user, such as the pages to act on. Use this method and AVCommandSetInputs() to set up a command before calling AVCommandExecute() to execute it.
AVCommandSetProc — Called to set a cabinet within a command. It is used in the SetParams member of the AVCommandHandlerRec structure. The command handler should copy any information from the cabinet into the command. It must not destroy or modify the cabinet.
AVCommandShowDialog — Instructs the command to bring up its configuration dialog box and gather parameter information from the user. The dialog box is shown regardless of the UIPolicy of the command.
AVCommandShowDialogProc — Displays the command's parameter setting dialog box and allows the user to alter the parameters.
AVCommandStatus — An enumerated list of status codes that can be returned by various AVCommand methods.
AVCommandUIPolicy — An enumeration detailing how the command is expected to interact with the user.
AVCommandWork — Instructs the command do some work based on its current parameters.
AVCommandWorkProc — Do some work. If it does not finish its work, return kAVCommandWorking. If it does finish its work, return kAVCommandDone. If the user cancels the operation, return kAVCommandCanceled. If an error occurs, return kAVCommandInError.
AVComputeEnabledProc — A callback that is used to determine whether a menu item, toolbar button, or tool is enabled. If used for a tool, it is one of the optional callbacks for AVTool.
AVComputeMarkedProc — A callback that is used to determine whether a menu item or toolbar button is marked (a marked menu item has a check mark next to it, and a marked toolbar button appears selected). It is called before the menu item or toolbar button is displayed. If it returns false, the menu item of toolbar button is not marked; otherwise it is marked.
AVComputeTooltipProc — A callback that is used to get the mega-tooltip help text for a toolbar button.
AVComputeVisibleProc — A callback that is used to determine whether a toolbar button, menu item, or HowTo panel is visible when its parent is opened. It is called before the item is displayed. If it returns true, the item is visible; otherwise it is not visible.
AVContextMenuAdditionProc — Called after a context menu has been created but before it is shown to the user. The callback can add menu items to or remove menu items from the menu. The client must register the callback using AVAppRegisterForContextMenuAddition().
AVConversion — The AVConversion methods enable conversion from non-PDF file formats to PDF and vice versa. For information on using the AVConversion methods to create a file conversion handler, see Developing Plug-ins and Applications.
AVConversionAppendToPDFProc — Called to convert a non-PDF file to a PDF file and then append to an existing PDF file.
AVConversionAppendToPDFWithHandler — Converts and appends a file to a PDF document using the handler specified.
AVConversionClientData — The user-defined data that is supplied when a conversion handler is registered with the conversion server. This data is provided to all AVConversionHandler callbacks.
AVConversionConvertFromPDFProc — Called to convert a PDF file to another file format.
AVConversionConvertFromPDFWithHandler — Converts a PDF document to another file format using the handler specified.
AVConversionConvertStreamFromPDFProc — Called to convert a PDF file to another file format. It must return an AVConversionStatus indicating success, failure, or cancel.
AVConversionConvertStreamFromPDFWithHandler — Converts a PDF document to a stream using the specified handler.
AVConversionConvertStreamFromStructNodeProc — Called to convert a structure subtree rooted at a given node to a stream.
AVConversionConvertStreamFromStructNodeWithHandler — Converts a structure node to a stream using the handler specified.
AVConversionConvertStreamToPDF — Converts the specified stream to a PDF document using whatever converter is found. Use this function if you do not know which handler to use.
AVConversionConvertStreamToPDFProc — Called to convert a non-PDF file to a PDF file.
AVConversionConvertStreamToPDFWithHandler — Converts the specified file to a PDF document using the specified handler.
AVConversionConvertToPDF — Converts the specified file to a PDF document using whatever converter is found. Use this function if you do not know which handler to use.
AVConversionConvertToPDFProc — Called to convert a non-PDF file to a PDF file.
AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler — Converts a file to a PDF document using the handler specified.
AVConversionDefaultSettingsProc — Called to get the default settings for the conversion operation.
AVConversionEnumFromPDFConverters — Enumerates all registered ConvertFromPDF conversion handlers.
AVConversionEnumProcData — The user-defined data that is supplied to either of the conversion handler enumeration routines.
AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters — Enumerates all registered ConvertToPDF conversion handlers.
AVConversionFlags — An enumerated list of flags that can be passed to AVConversionConvertTo/FromPDF to allow non-default behavior.
AVConversionFromPDFEnumProc — Called once for each AVConversionFromPDFHandler registered with Acrobat, or until the callback returns false to halt the enumeration.
AVConversionGetConversionQueueStatusWithHandler — Gets the number of queued items using the handler specified.
AVConversionGetQueueStatusProc — Called to get Number of Pending Conversions in the conversion queue.
AVConversionMimeTypeString — A MIME-type string for PDF conversion.
AVConversionParamDescProc — Called to obtain conversion parameter information.
AVConversionSetSettingsProc — Called to set the handler's conversion settings. An ASCab containing the conversion settings is passed in.
AVConversionSettingsDialogProc — Called to request the handler to display its settings dialog box, if it has one. An ASCab containing conversion settings is passed in to fill in the dialog box.
AVConversionStatus — Enumerated data type used to describe the status of a conversion operation.
AVConversionToPDFEnumProc — Called once for each AVConversionToPDFHandler registered with Acrobat, or until the callback returns false to halt the enumeration.
AVConversionToPDFSetSettings — Sets the conversion settings for the handler.
AVCrypt — AVCrypt methods implement the Acrobat built-in dialog boxes for encryption control. They are present in the core API so that they can be used by other security handlers.
AVCryptDoStdSecurity — Displays the settings dialog box for the built-in standard security handler, allowing the user to change a document's permissions. The initial configuration of the dialog box may be set by populating the StdSecurityDataRec structure prior to calling the method.
AVCryptGetPassword — Displays a standard dialog box that lets a user enter a password. This method does not attempt to validate the password entered by the user. That operation is performed by PDDocAuthorize().
AVCursor — A data structure representing the cursor.
AVCursorID — Uses 0+ for valid values.
AVDestInfoDestroy — Releases the memory associated with a destination.
AVDevCoord — An AVDevCoord contains an x or y coordinate in the page view's device space.
AVDevRect — A data structure representing a rectangle (a quadrilateral having only horizontal and vertical sides) in a page view's device space.
AVDevSize — A size in the page view's device space.
AVDoc — An AVDoc is a view of a PDF document in a window. Usually there is one AVDoc per displayed document. Unlike a PDDoc, an AVDoc has a window associated with it. Starting with Acrobat 7.0, it is possible to have multiple windows open on the same document. An API client can track the coming and going of document windows using three new notifications. It can also query for all windows open for an AVDoc using two new API calls.
AVDoc — A view of a PDF document in a window. There is one AVDoc per displayed document. Unlike a PDDoc, an AVDoc has a window associated with it.
AVDocActivePageViewDidChange — Called when the document's page view changes.
AVDocAlert — Displays an alert containing the specified message, icon, and one to three buttons with the specified titles. See AVAlert for more information.
AVDocAlertConfirm — Displays a dialog box containing the ALERT_CAUTION icon, the specified message, and OK and Cancel buttons. The method also performs a system beep. See AVDocAlert() for more information.
AVDocAlertNote — Displays a dialog box containing the ALERT_NOTE icon, the specified message and an OK button. The method also performs a system beep. See AVDocAlert() for more information.
AVDocAlertYesNo — Displays a dialog box containing the specified message, icon, and two or three buttons with the titles Yes, No, and (optionally) Cancel. See AVDocAlert() for more information.
AVDocApplyRedactions — Applies a set of redaction marks to the document, permanently removing the affected document content and the marks themselves.
AVDocAVWindowDidChange — The active window associated with a document has changed. This is the window returned by AVDocGetAVWindow() .
AVDocBeginUndoOperation — Begins an undo group for the document. To create an undo group, call this method, create each instance with its handler and data, and call AVDocEndUndoOperation().
AVDocBringToFront — Brings the specified document to front. i.e. Makes its window and main view visible.
AVDocClearSelection — Clears and destroys the current selection by calling the appropriate selection server's AVDocSelectionLosingSelectionProc().
AVDocClearUndos — Clears the entire undo list for the AVDoc and releases all associated AVUndo objects.
AVDocClose — Closes the document window, optionally prompting the user to save the document if it has been modified. When this method closes the AVDoc, it also closes the underlying PDDoc.
AVDocCopyAction — Makes a copy of the action for the (possibly different) specified AVDoc. It calls the AVActionCopyProc() callback in AVActionHandlerProcs.
AVDocCopyActionCommon — Makes a copy of the action for the (possibly different) specified AVDoc.
AVDocCopyAdditionalActions — Copies any additional actions (AA) from a Cos Dictionary to a Cos Dictionary in the (possibly different) specified AVDoc.
AVDocCopyAnnot — Makes a copy of the annotation for the (possibly different) specified AVDoc. It calls the AVAnnotHandlerCopyProc() callback in AVAnnotHandler.
AVDocCopyAnnotCommon — Makes a copy of the annotation for the (possibly different) specified AVDoc.
AVDocCopySelection — Copies the current selection to the clipboard, if possible. The selection is copied if the selection server has a AVDocSelectionCopyProc() callback, and the selection server's AVDocSelectionCanCopyProc() callback returns true. If the selection server does not have a AVDocSelectionCanCopyProc() method, a default value of true is used.
AVDocDeleteSelection — Deletes the specified document's current selection, if possible. The selection is deleted if changing the selection is currently permitted, the selection server has an AVDocSelectionDeleteProc() callback, and the selection server's AVDocSelectionCanDeleteProc() callback returns true. If the selection server does not have a AVDocSelectionCanDeleteProc() callback, a default value of true is used.
AVDocDidActivate — An AVDoc has activated. At the time this notification is broadcast, it is possible that the window being activated has not yet been brought to the front. For this reason, the AVAppFrontDocDidChange() notification is often more useful.
AVDocDidAddToSelection — The document's selection has been added to or had something removed.
AVDocDidClearSelection — A document's selection has been cleared.
AVDocDidClickName — Acrobat executed an action to go to a named destination.
AVDocDidClose — A document has been closed. Although An AVDoc is passed to the routine called by this notification, the document has already been closed but not freed. As a result, all the routine can really do is manipulate any private data in the underlying PDF file at the time this notification occurs.
AVDocDidDeactivate — A document was deactivated.
AVDocDidDeleteSelection — Called when a user deletes the current selection.
AVDocDidOpen — A document has been opened.
AVDocDidPerformAction — An action was performed.
AVDocDidPrint — This notification is broadcast after printing ends.
AVDocDidRemoveFromSelection — The document's selection has had something removed.
AVDocDidSetSelection — The document's selection has been set.
AVDocDoActionPropsDialog — Displays a modal dialog box that allows a user to specify an action. For example, it is used by forms to add actions to fields.
AVDocDoAnnotProperties — Show the properties dialog box for the specified annotation.
AVDocDoCopyAs — Prompts the user with a standard file dialog box and copies the file byte for byte. It displays a progress monitor showing the progress of the file copy.
AVDocDoPrint — Performs the print operation, including user dialog boxes.
AVDocDoSave — Saves a file, handling any user interface (for example, a Save File dialog box) as needed. Clients do not need to call this method directly, but it is available for clients that need to override the Acrobat viewer's built-in save method. For example, it can be used to save the changes made to a PDF file into a special file, but not save the original PDF file.
AVDocDoSaveAs — Displays a file dialog box which can be used to save the document to a new name. It allows clients (such as Optimizer) to do their own file saving.
AVDocDoSaveAsWithParams — Saves a file, using the parameters specified in params.
AVDocDoSelectionProperties — Displays the user interface, if any, for setting the current selection's properties. It does this by invoking the AVDocSelectionPropertiesProc() callback, if any, of the current selection's selection server.
AVDocEndUndoOperation — Ends an undo group for the document. To create an undo group, call AVDocBeginUndoOperation(), create each instance with its handler and data, and call this method.
AVDocEnumProc — A callback used by AVAppEnumDocs(). It is called once for each open AVDoc.
AVDocEnumSelection — Enumerates the elements of the current selection by calling the current selection server's AVDocSelectionEnumSelectionProc() callback. If the selection server does not have an AVDocSelectionEnumSelectionProc(), it calls proc and passes the entire selection to it in the aSelectedObject parameter.
AVDocFromPDDoc — Gets the AVDoc associated with a PDDoc.
AVDocGetActiveTool — Gets the active tool for the AVDoc. The call provides the additional context needed to retrieve the active tool for documents that are displayed in external windows such as a web browser.
AVDocGetAVWindow — Gets the AVWindow in which the document is displayed. If more than one window is open for a document, this call returns the active window for that document, which is the one with which the user is interacting.
AVDocGetBookmarks — Gets the set of bookmarks for a given document that satisfies the input filter. It is the client's responsibility to release the memory associated with the bookmark array using ASfree().
AVDocGetClientName — Gets the AVDoc client (container application) name.
AVDocGetDisplayTitle — Gets the display-title of a given doc. Display title is the text that appears on application title bar when the doc is the active document.
AVDocGetLastActiveTool — Gets the tool that was active for this document before the current tool became active.
AVDocGetNthPageView — Gets the specified AVPageView for the specified document.
AVDocGetNthWindow — Gets the specified AVWindow for the specified document. If the index is out of range, NULL is returned. The windows are enumerated in no particular order. Specifically, the window at index 0 is not guaranteed to be the active window.
AVDocGetNumPageViews — Gets the number of page views for the specified document.
AVDocGetNumWindows — Returns the number of windows currently open for the document.
AVDocGetPageText — Gets the text from the specified text selection, converts it to the specified format, and passes it to a user-supplied procedure.
AVDocGetPageView — Gets the AVPageView for the specified document.
AVDocGetPDDoc — Gets the PDDoc to associate with the specified AVDoc.
AVDocGetSelection — Gets the current selection for the specified document.
AVDocGetSelectionServerByType — Gets the selection server that handles the specified selection type.
AVDocGetSelectionType — Gets the current selection's type for the specified document.
AVDocGetServerType — Gets the server type for the specified document.
AVDocGetSplitterPosition — Gets the splitter position. The splitter is the vertical division between the bookmark/thumbnail pane and the document pane. The default splitter location is saved in the Acrobat viewer's preferences file, and can be read and set using AVAppGetPreference() and AVAppSetPreference().
AVDocGetTopUndo — Returns the most recent AVUndo record in the document's undo list, if it of the desired type.
AVDocGetTopUndoAndRedo — Returns the most recent undo and redo records in the document's undo list, if they are of the desired type.
AVDocGetViewDef — Fills out the given AVDocViewDef structure with the information needed to restore this document's state at a later date. You must set the use fields as desired.
AVDocGetViewDefEx — Fills out the given view definition with the information needed to restore this document's state at a later date. If you pass an empty ASCab, the method fills it with all of the view information. Otherwise, it fills only those fields that are present in the ASCab.
AVDocGetViewMode — Gets the current view mode.
AVDocIsDead — Determines whether a given document is dead. When the connection to a document is severed (for example, when its HTTP connection is broken) the document becomes dead for an interval before it is closed. During that interval, the document may be visible and open, but no operations should be performed on the document.
AVDocIsExternal — Determines whether a given document is displayed in an application's external window (such as in a web browser's window).
AVDocIsInProtectedView — Checks whether a given document is opened in Protected View or not. Protected View provides an additional level of security. When Protected View in enabled, PDFs are displayed in a restricted environment called a sandbox. This isolation of the PDFs reduces the risk of security breaches in areas outside the sandbox. For more information please refer to the Application Security Guide at
AVDocIsReadOnly — Determines whether an AVDoc is read-only.
AVDocIsSlow — Determines whether a given document is on a slow file system (such as a web browser).
AVDocOpenFlags — Flags used while opening an AVDoc.
AVDocOpenFromASFileWithParams — Opens and displays a document from a file, using the specified parameters to control the window's size, location, and visibility.
AVDocOpenFromASFileWithParamString — Opens and displays a document from an ASFile, using the specified parameters to control the window's size, location, and visibility, and passing a URL open action string to control how the file is opened. For more information, see Parameters for Opening PDF Files.
AVDocOpenFromFile — Opens and displays a document from a file. This is equivalent to AVDocOpenFromASFileWithParams(pathName, fileSys, tempTitle, NULL). If you want to display a page from a PDF file as a bitmap, use PDPageDrawContentsToWindow().
AVDocOpenFromFileWithParams — Opens and displays a document from a file, using the specified parameters to control the window's size, location, and visibility.
AVDocOpenFromFileWithParamString — Opens and displays a document from a file, using the specified parameters to control the window's size, location, and visibility, and passing a URL open action string to control how the file is opened. For more information, see the document Parameters for Opening PDF Files.
AVDocOpenFromPDDoc — Opens and returns an AVDoc view of pdDoc. This method is equivalent to AVDocOpenFromPDDocWithParams(pdDoc, tempTitle, NULL). If you want to display a page from a PDF file as a bitmap, use PDPageDrawContentsToWindow().
AVDocOpenFromPDDocWithParams — Opens and displays a document from a PDDoc, using the specified parameters to control the window's size, location, and visibility.
AVDocOpenFromPDDocWithParamString — Opens and displays a document from a PDDoc, using the specified parameters to control the window's size, location, and visibility, and passing a URL open action string to control how the file is opened. For more information, see the document Parameters for Opening PDF Files.
AVDocPerformAction — Performs an action.
AVDocPerformActionEx — Same as AVDocPerformAction(), but provides context for the execution of the action.
AVDocPermReqProc — A callback that can be associated with an AVDoc when it is opened (via an AVDocOpenParamsRec). It can restrict the set operations allowed on the document. When AVDocPermRequest() is called, this callback must be consulted to deny or grant the permission. If it denies permission, AVDocPermRequest() will also deny permission. If it grants permission, the security handler for the document will be consulted to determine the result of AVDocPermRequest(). This callback can only deny permissions allowed by the security handler; it cannot grant permissions that the security handler does not grant.
AVDocPermRequest — An exact way to ask if an operation is permitted. This routine should be used to query all user interface-level permissions (for example, to determine whether a tool button or menu item is enabled or whether a tool can act upon a given document). This routine should be used instead of some combination of AVDocIsReadOnly(), AVDocIsExternal(), and PDDocPermRequest(). AVDocPermRequest() calls PDDocPermRequest() internally in the process of determining whether to grant the request.
AVDocPopupContentsWillChange — The contents of a popup note have change but have not yet been set in the PDAnnot, thus the change is intermediate. The contents will be changed when input focus is lost by the popup note.
AVDocPrintDialogWasCancelled — This notification will be broadcast when the user cancels the print dialog. It serves as the alternate to AVDocDidPrint() . The AVDocDidPrint() notification is not sent when the print dialog is cancelled.
AVDocPrintPages — Prints without displaying any user dialog boxes. The current printer, page settings, and job settings are used. Printing is complete when this method returns.
AVDocPrintPagesWithParams — Prints a document with a full range of options. Printing is complete when this method returns. It performs embedded printing; that is, it allows a PDF page to print within a bounding rectangle on a page. It allows interactive printing to the specified printer (Windows, Mac OS, and UNIX).
AVDocPrintParams — A structure that specifies how to print a document. It specifies rasterization parameters used by AVDocPrintParams. The constant DPI values are defined in AVExpT.h.
AVDocPrintSeparations — Prints document color separations using the supplied parameters. Printing is complete when this method returns.
AVDocPrintSepsParams — EmitFlags
AVDocRegisterSelectionServer — Registers a new selection server with the Acrobat viewer. Selection servers allow the selection of items other than those that can be selected in the as-shipped Acrobat viewer. For example, a selection server could allow a user to select a sampled image.
AVDocSaveOptimized — This method invokes the PDF Optimizer tool on a specified AVDoc. An optimized document is created using the settings specified in the PDFOptParamsRec structure. The optimized document is saved to the disk at the location specified in the parameter's structure. If the operation is successful, the active document is closed and the optimized document is opened for viewing. If the operation fails, the active document remains open.
AVDocSelectionAcquireQuadsProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer that gets a quad-based region for the selection.
AVDocSelectionAddedToSelectionProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer that adds the specified item to the selection, highlights it, and returns the new selection containing the newly-added item.
AVDocSelectionCanCopyProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It is used to determine whether the current selection can be copied. This controls, for example, whether the Copy menu item is enabled.
AVDocSelectionCanCutProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It is used to determine whether the current selection can be cut. This controls, for example, whether the Cut menu item is enabled.
AVDocSelectionCanDeleteProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It is used to determine whether the current selection can be deleted. This controls, for example, whether the Delete menu item is enabled.
AVDocSelectionCanPasteFromPlatformProc — Determines whether a selection can be pasted.
AVDocSelectionCanPasteProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It is used to determine whether the current selection can be pasted. This controls, for example, whether the Paste menu item is enabled.
AVDocSelectionCanPropertiesProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It is used to determine whether the current selection has user-specified properties. This controls whether the Properties menu item is enabled.
AVDocSelectionCanSelectAllProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It is used to determine whether the current selection type can perform a select all operation. This controls whether the Select All menu item is enabled.
AVDocSelectionCopyProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It copies the selected item to the clipboard. The Acrobat viewer will have already cleared the clipboard and placed some private data onto it, in order to identify the selection server that put data on the clipboard. Because of this, a plug-in must not clear the clipboard, and should only add its private data. In addition, if the current selection can be reasonably represented as text, plug-ins are strongly encouraged to place a text representation of the selection onto the clipboard, in addition to their own private format.
AVDocSelectionCutProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It cuts the current selection. See the discussion under AVDocSelectionCopyProc() for information on how the selection server must use the clipboard.
AVDocSelectionDeleteProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It deletes the current selection.
AVDocSelectionEnumPageRanges — Enumerates the pages on which there is a selection by calling the current selection server's AVDocSelectionEnumPageRangesProc() callback.
AVDocSelectionEnumPageRangesProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It allows enumeration of the set of pages the selection covers.
AVDocSelectionEnumSelectionProc — (Optional) A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It is called by AVDocEnumSelection(). This callback enumerates the current selection, calling the specified AVSelectionEnumProc() for each item in the selection (the selection server is free to decide what constitutes an item).
AVDocSelectionGetAVRectProc — Called to identify the bounding rectangle of a selection. It is used by the Info palette to display the width and height of the selection.
AVDocSelectionGetSelectionTypeProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It provides a way for a single selection server to register different selection types based on the selection data. If this callback is not supplied, the selection type defaults to the return value from AVDocSelectionGetTypeProc().
AVDocSelectionGettingSelectionProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It is called when the selection is set (for example, via AVDocSetSelection() ).
AVDocSelectionGetTypeProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It returns the selection type this server handles (for example, 'Text' or 'Bookmark'). This information is used so that the Acrobat viewer knows which selection server to call.
AVDocSelectionHighlightSelectionProc — (Previously known as AVDocHighlightSelectionProc) Callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It highlights the selection. This method is unnecessary if the selection type highlights itself (as in the case of annotations).
AVDocSelectionKeyDownProc — (Optional) A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It handles a key press. It is needed only if the selection server processes key presses.
AVDocSelectionLosingSelectionProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. This method is called by AVDocClearSelection (among others), to let the selection server responsible for the old selection do whatever cleanup it needs.
AVDocSelectionPasteFromPlatformProc — Paste the selection.
AVDocSelectionPasteProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It pastes the current selection from the clipboard.
AVDocSelectionPropertiesProc — (Optional) A callback for AVDocSelectionServer that displays the set properties user interface, if any, for the selection server and lets the user set the server's properties. This callback is not needed unless the selection server has properties that can be set by the user (for example, text highlight color). This callback is called by AVDocDoSaveAsWithParams().
AVDocSelectionRemovedFromSelectionProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer that de-highlights the old item given in remData, and returns a new curData or NULL if failure occurred.
AVDocSelectionSelectAllProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer that selects all items of the current type.
AVDocSelectionShowMenuProc — Called to request that the selection server display a context menu appropriate for the current selection.
AVDocSelectionShowSelectionProc — A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It changes the view (for example, by scrolling the current page or moving to the appropriate page) so that the current selection is visible.
AVDocSelectionUnicodeKeyDownProc — (Optional) A callback for AVDocSelectionServer. It handles a key press using Unicode values. It is needed only if the selection server processes key presses.
AVDocSendAuxData — Sends auxiliary data to an AVDoc. If an AVAuxDataHandler exists for the data type, the handler is called with avDoc, auxDataType, and auxData. The definition of the auxiliary data is dependent on the AVAuxDataHandler.
AVDocSetActiveTool — Sets the active tool for the AVDoc.
AVDocSetClientName — Sets the AVDoc client (container application) name. This method can be used by clients that open documents in the viewer via DDE or Apple events. Most clients will not open documents in this way, however, making this method unnecessary for most clients.
AVDocSetDead — Indicates that the file stream for this document is terminated, although the AVDoc is still open. No more data can be read from this AVDoc.
AVDocSetReadOnly — Sets the read-only state of an AVDoc.
AVDocSetSelection — Sets the document's current selection to the specified selection by calling the appropriate selection server's AVDocSelectionGettingSelectionProc() callback. It clears the previous selection, if any, by calling the previous selection server's AVDocSelectionLosingSelectionProc() callback.
AVDocSetSplitterPosition — Sets the splitter position. The splitter is the vertical division between the bookmark/thumbnail pane and the document pane. The default splitter location is saved in the Acrobat viewer's preferences file, and can be read and set using AVAppGetPreference() and AVAppSetPreference().
AVDocSetViewDef — Sets the document's state to match the information in viewDef.
AVDocSetViewDefEx — Sets the document's state to match the information in viewDef.
AVDocSetViewMode — Sets the current view mode.
AVDocShowSelection — Displays the current selection by calling the selection server's AVDocSelectionShowSelectionProc() callback. It does nothing if the document has no selection, or the current selection's server has no AVDocSelectionShowSelectionProc() callback.
AVDocWantsToDie — An AVDoc object's file stream has been terminated by The AVDocSetDead() method.
AVDocWillClearSelection — A document's selection is about to be cleared.
AVDocWillClose — An AVDoc will be closed. Neither this notification nor AVDocDidClose() are broadcast if the user selects Cancel when prompted to save a modified document as it is closed.
AVDocWillOpenFromFile — An AVDoc will be opened from a file.
AVDocWillOpenFromPDDoc — An AVDoc will be opened from a PDF file.
AVDocWillPerformAction — An action is about to be performed.
AVDocWillPrint — This notification is broadcast before a document is printed, before any marks are made on the first page.
AVDocWillRefreshUI — The UI is doing a full refresh (rebuild and relayout) as done in AVUIEnvironment::RefreshUI, so notify any AVDoc with components that will be affected by a the UI refresh. Currently (as of 8/24/12) this type of refresh is only done for updates related to Touch and Accesibility preferences.
AVDocWindowWasAdded — A new window was created for a document. This will be called for all windows created for a document, including the initial window. It will arrive before AVDocDidOpen() .
AVDocWindowWasRemoved — A window was removed from a document. This is called after the association between the window and document has been severed but before the window is destroyed.
AVDragType — Enumerates the commands for moving and changing the size of a rectangle.
AVDragTypeEx — AVDragType or -1 for err.
AVEmitAllFontsOptions — The new EmitFont enumeration covers all font types, not just Type 1.
AVEmitType1FontsOptions — The following enumeration is deprecated. It is maintained solely for backward compatibility.
AVExecuteProc — A callback that is called whenever a menu item or toolbar button is executed. It implements whatever the menu item or toolbar button does (for example, opening a file or initiating a search).
AVExtensionAcquireInfo — Fills an AVExtensionInfoRec structure with some information about a client. It is the caller's responsibility to release the memory associated with the contents of the returned structure by calling AVExtensionReleaseInfo().
AVExtensionAcquireInfoEx — Fills an AVExtensionInfoRecEx structure with some information about a client. It extends the AVExtensionInfoRec API which does not support new versioning scheme. Similar to AVExtensionAcquireInfo, it is the caller's responsibility to release the memory associated with the contents of the returned structure by calling AVExtensionReleaseInfoEx().
AVExtensionGetNumPlugIns — Returns the number of clients loaded by Acrobat.
AVExtensionMgrRegisterNotification — Registers a user-supplied procedure to call when the event of the specified type occurs. This is exactly the same as the AVAppRegisterNotification() method. All of the PD level notifications are available with the Adobe PDF Library.
AVExtensionMgrUnregisterNotification — Unregisters a user-supplied procedure to call when the specified event occurs. This is exactly the same as the AVAppUnregisterNotification() method.
AVExtensionReleaseInfo — Releases the memory associated with the contents of info.
AVExtensionReleaseInfoEx — Releases the memory associated with the contents of info.
AVFilterIndex — A filter index value for AV methods. It uses 0+ for valid values, -1 for all others.
AVFlagBits16 — A flag-bits value for use in callback procedures.
AVFlagBits32 — A flag-bits value for use in callback procedures.
AVFullScreenMonitor — Describes the preferred monitor to use when going full-screen on a multi-monitor system.
AVGetOptimizerParamsForPreset — This method can be used to obtain a PDFOptParamsRec structure populated with the values corresponding to a PDF Optimizer preset.
AVGetOptimizerPresets — This method fills the parameter with names of all PDF Optimizer presets that are available to the caller.
AVGrafSelect — An AVGrafSelect is a graphics selection on a page. It is a rectangular region of a page that can be copied to the clipboard as a sampled image. After a plug-in creates an AVGrafSelect, it can use AVDocSetSelection() to set the AVGrafSelect as the current selection, and AVDocShowSelection() to scroll it to a visible position in the window.
AVGrafSelectCreate — Creates a graphics selection. After creation, the selection can be set using AVDocSetSelection().
AVGrafSelectDestroy — Destroys a graphics selection. Use this method to destroy the selection only if you have not called AVDocSetSelection() with it. If the selection has been set by a call to AVDocSetSelection(), it will automatically be destroyed by a call to AVDocClearSelection() or the next call to AVDocSetSelection().
AVGrafSelectGetBoundingRect — Gets the specified graphics selection's bounding rectangle.
AVHasAuxDataHandler — Indicates whether a handler exists for the specified data type.
AVICON_DONT_CACHE — Flags returned by AVIconHandler->getFlags().
AVIconBundleIconRef — AVIcon
AVIconBundleIconRef — AVIcon
AVIconBundleIconRef — AVIcon
AVIconBundleRec6 — An icon bundle allows you to gather up multiple icons and present them to Acrobat as a single AVIcon. For example, when creating a toolbar button you can pass in an icon bundle specifying both gray and color icons; the gray icon will be used to draw the button in its normal state, the color icon will be used to draw the button when the pointer is over it. The format for icon bundles is platform-specific (primarily since the format for AVIcons is platform-specific). On Windows the icons are specified using HICONs, not HBITMAPs. On Mac OS, they are IconSuiteRef resources. The tags at the front are there so the implementation can determine with certainty that the information passed in is an icon bundle and not an Acrobat 4-compatible AVIcon.
AVIconColorFormat — AVIcon
AVIconCreateFromPDF — Creates dynamically scalable icon from PDF.
AVIconDataFormat — Constants that specify a data format for an AVIconBundle6.
AVIconHandlerGetFlagsProc — A callback for AVIconHandler. It returns the flags value for the icon.
AVIconHandlerMeasureProc — A callback for AVIconHandler that retrieves the measurements of the icon. All icons in the bundle are assumed to be the same size.
AVIconHandlerOpenStmProc — A callback for AVIconHandler. It opens a stream so that a drawing function can read the data contained in the icon set.
AVIconHandlerReleaseProc — A callback for AVIconHandler. It releases the icon object.
AVIconHandlerResizeProc — A callback for AVIconHandler. Creates a new icon with resized dimensions.
AVIconID — An icon on a menu item or toolbar button.
AVIconType — Not used.
AVIdentity — An enumerated data type used to identify the properties of a user's identity.
AVIdentityGetText — Gets the value of a particular aspect of the active user's identity. Valid keys are login name, name, corporation and email.
AVIdentitySetText — Sets the value of a particular aspect of the active user's identity.
AVIdleProc — A callback that is called periodically when the Acrobat viewer is otherwise idle.
AVInfoPanelUpdateType — Constants for use with AVPageViewUpdateInfoPanel().
AVInkValue — An ink value for use in color separation methods.
AVKeyCode — A key code value for use in key-down callback procedures.
AVLegacyToolBarAddButton — Inserts a button into a toolbar. Call AVLegacyToolBarUpdateButtonStates() after adding a button to update the toolbar.
AVLegacyToolBarAddButtonEx — Inserts a button into a toolbar.
AVLegacyToolBarEnumButtons — Calls enumProc once for each toolbar button in the specified toolbar.
AVLegacyToolBarGetButtonByName — Gets the toolbar button that has the specified name.
AVLegacyToolBarGetNumButtons — Gets the number of buttons in toolbar.
AVLegacyToolBarIsRoomFor — Tests whether there is room in a toolbar for an additional specified number of buttons and separators.
AVLegacyToolBarNew — Creates a new named toolbar. AVAppRegisterToolBarPosition() must be called after creating the new toolbar to position it relative to other toolbars.
AVLegacyToolBarNewFlyout — Creates a new sub-toolbar for use as a toolbar button flyout.
AVLegacyToolBarNewWithASText — Creates a new named toolbar. AVAppRegisterToolBarPosition() must be called after creating the new toolbar to position it relative to other toolbars.
AVLegacyToolBarUpdateButtonStates — Forces a redraw of toolbar. Call this method when a toolbar button is added or removed, or one of the buttons changes state.
AVLegacyToolButtonAddAnimationIcon — Adds the specified AVIcon to the AVToolbutton object's animation list.
AVLegacyToolButtonDestroy — Removes the specified button from the toolbar and destroys the button. Call AVLegacyToolBarUpdateButtonStates() after removing a button to update the toolbar.
AVLegacyToolButtonExecute — Executes the AVExecuteProc() associated with button, if it exists. This AVExecuteProc() is set by AVLegacyToolButtonSetExecuteProc(). It does nothing if AVLegacyToolButtonIsEnabled() for the button returns false.
AVLegacyToolButtonGetAnimationIconCount — Returns the count of animation icons associated with this tool button.
AVLegacyToolButtonGetAnimationPeriod — Gets the period in seconds of how often to flip the tool button animation icons.
AVLegacyToolButtonGetFlyout — Gets the flyout attached to a toolbar button. A flyout is a sub-toolbar attached to a toolbar button.
AVLegacyToolButtonGetIcon — Gets the icon associated with the specified AVToolButton.
AVLegacyToolButtonGetLabelText — Gets the label text associated with the specified AVToolButton and its priority value. The priority determines the preference order in which labels are shown when a toolbar is too short to hold all of the button labels. If the priority is less than kAVButtonPriorityOnExtraLow, the label text is not shown at all unless the user forces all labels to be shown using the General preferences panel.
AVLegacyToolButtonGetMenu — Gets the menu attached to a toolbar button.
AVLegacyToolButtonGetName — Gets the ASAtom corresponding to the name of the specified toolbar button.
AVLegacyToolButtonIsAnimationRunning — Indicates whether the tool button animation list is flipping.
AVLegacyToolButtonIsEnabled — Tests whether a toolbar button is enabled.
AVLegacyToolButtonIsMarked — Tests whether the specified button is marked.
AVLegacyToolButtonIsSeparator — Tests whether a toolbar button is a separator or a normal button.
AVLegacyToolButtonNew — Creates a toolbar button with the specified name, icon and long-menus state. It can also be used to create a separator with the specified name.
AVLegacyToolButtonRemove — Removes the specified button from the toolbar, but does not destroy the button. Call AVLegacyToolBarUpdateButtonStates() after removing a button to update the toolbar.
AVLegacyToolButtonRemoveAnimationIcons — Removes all icons from the tool button animation list.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetAnimationPeriod — Sets the period in seconds of how often to flip the tool button animation icons.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetComputeEnabledProc — Sets the AVComputeEnabledProc() associated with a toolbar button. This routine determines whether the button can be selected.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetComputeMarkedProc — Sets the AVComputeMarkedProc() associated with a toolbar button. A marked button appears pressed on the screen.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetComputeTooltipProc — Sets the AVComputeTooltipProc() associated with a toolbar button. This routine determines the text displayed in the mega-tooltip.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetComputeVisibleProc — Sets the AVComputeVisibleProc() associated with a toolbar button. This routine determines whether the button is visible when its parent toolbar is visible.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetExecuteProc — Sets the user-supplied procedure to call to actually perform the button's intended function.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetExternal — Indicates that the specified toolbar button should be displayed in toolbars contained in external windows, such as in a web browser.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetFlyout — Attaches a sub-toolbar or flyout to a toolbar button. A copy of the button is attached to the front of the toolbar. A click-hold pops up the flyout and allow the user to select a different button.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetHelpText — Sets the text to show in tooltips. This text is shown when the cursor is held over a toolbar button for a period of time.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetHelpTextWithASText — Sets the text to show in tooltips. This text is shown when the cursor is held over a toolbar button for a period of time.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetIcon — Sets a new icon for a toolbar button.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetLabelText — Sets the label text associated with the specified AVToolButton and its priority value. The priority determines the preference order in which labels are shown when a toolbar is too short to hold all of the button labels. If the priority is less than kAVButtonPriorityOnExtraLow, the label text is not shown at all unless the user forces all labels to be shown using the General preference panel.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetMenu — Attaches a menu to a toolbar button.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetMenuIcon — Sets a new icon for a toolbar button to display in menus and other UI elements generated from the button that are too small to display the button's normal icon.
AVLegacyToolButtonSetNotifyTooltipProc — Sets the AVNotifyTooltipProc() associated with a toolbar button. This routine is called before text is displayed in the tooltip.
AVLegacyToolButtonStartAnimation — Starts flipping icons for specified button.
AVLegacyToolButtonStopAnimation — Stops flipping icons for specified button.
AVListenForCustomNotification — Listens for a custom notification.
AVMenu — An AVMenu is a menu in the Acrobat viewer's menu bar. Plug-ins can create new menus, add menu items at any location in any menu, and remove menu items. Deleting an AVMenu removes it from the menu bar (if it was attached) and deletes all the menu items it contains.
AVMenu — A menu in the Acrobat viewer's menu bar. Plug-ins can create new menus, add menu items at any location in any menu, and remove menu items. Deleting an AVMenu removes it from the menu bar (if it was attached) and deletes all the menu items it contains.
AVMenuAcquire — Acquires the specified menu. It increments the menu's reference count. When you are done using the menu item, release it using AVMenuRelease().
AVMenuAcquireMenuItemByIndex — Acquires the menu item at the specified location in the specified menu. When you are done using the menu item, release it using AVMenuItemRelease(). Menu item indices are generally not reliable: they change as clients add, remove, or rearrange menu items, and may differ in different versions of the Acrobat viewer (if menu items are rearranged, removed, or added). Menu items should generally be acquired using AVMenubarAcquireMenuItemByName(), which is generally reliable.
AVMenuAddMenuItem — Inserts a menu item in a specified location in a menu, and acquires the item. It does nothing if the menu or menu item is NULL, or the menu item is already in a menu.
AVMenubar — The AVMenubar the Acrobat menu bar and contains a list of all menus. There is only one AVMenubar. Plug-ins can add new menus to, or remove any menu from, the menu bar. The menu bar can be hidden from the user's view.
AVMenubar — The Acrobat viewer's menu bar and a list of all menus. There is only one AVMenubar. Plug-ins can add new menus to or remove any menu from the menu bar. The menu bar can be hidden from the user's view.
AVMenubarAcquireMenuByIndex — Acquires the menu with the specified index. Menu indices are generally not reliable: they change as clients add, remove, or rearrange menus, and may differ in different versions of the Acrobat viewer (if menus are rearranged, removed, or added). Menus should generally be acquired using AVMenubarAcquireMenuByName(), which is generally reliable.
AVMenubarAcquireMenuByName — Acquires the menu or submenu that has the specified language-independent menu name (case-sensitive). When you are done using the menu, release it using AVMenuRelease(). Acquiring a menu by name is generally reliable, because names (unlike indices) do not change as menus are added or rearranged.
AVMenubarAcquireMenuByPredicate — Acquires a menu using a user-supplied selection routine. This method can also be used to enumerate all menus. When you are done using the menu that is acquired, release it using AVMenuRelease().
AVMenubarAcquireMenuItemByName — Acquires the menu item with the specified language-independent menu item name (case-sensitive). This method automatically searches all menus and submenus. When you are done using the menu item, release it using AVMenuItemRelease(). Acquiring a menu item by name is generally reliable, because names (unlike indices) do not change as menus items are added or rearranged.
AVMenubarAcquireMenuItemByPredicate — Acquires a menu item using a user-supplied selection routine. This method may also be used to enumerate all menu items. When you are done using the menu item that is acquired, release it using AVMenuItemRelease().
AVMenubarAddHiddenMenu — Inserts a hidden menu into the menu bar. It does nothing if menubar is NULL or menu is NULL.
AVMenubarAddMenu — Inserts a menu into the menubar. It does nothing if menubar is NULL or menu is NULL.
AVMenubarGetMenuIndex — Gets the index of the specified menu in the menu bar.
AVMenubarGetNumMenus — Gets the number of menus in menubar.
AVMenubarHide — Hides the menu bar.
AVMenubarShow — Shows the menu bar.
AVMenuClone — (New in Acrobat 5.0.5)
AVMenuDoPopUp — Pops up a submenu.
AVMenuGetMenuItemIndex — Gets the index of the specified menu item in the specified menu.
AVMenuGetName — Gets the ASAtom for the menu's language-independent name.
AVMenuGetNumMenuItems — Gets the number of menu items in a menu, including those that are visible only in long-menus mode.
AVMenuGetParentMenubar — Gets the parent menu bar for the specified menu.
AVMenuGetParentMenuItem — Gets the parent menu item for the specified menu.
AVMenuGetTitle — Gets the menu's title as it appears in the user interface. The length of the title remains 0 if menu is NULL.
AVMenuGetTitleAsASText — Gets the menu's title as it appears in the user interface, as an ASText object.
AVMenuIndex — A menu index value that indicates a user's choice in a popup menu. It uses negative indices for errors.
AVMenuIsHiddenOnMenubar — Tests whether a menu is hidden on the menu bar.
AVMenuItem — An AVMenuItem is a menu item in a menu. It has attributes, including the following:
AVMenuItem — A menu item under a menu in the Acrobat viewer. It has a number of attributes, including a name, a keyboard shortcut, a procedure to execute when the menu item is selected, a procedure to compute whether the menu item is enabled, a procedure to compute whether the menu item is check marked, and whether or not it has a submenu.
AVMenuItemAcquire — Acquires a menu item. It increments the menu item's reference count.
AVMenuItemAcquireSubmenu — Acquires the submenu attached to the specified menu item, if there is one. When you are done with the submenu, release it using AVMenuRelease().
AVMenuItemClone — Creates a new menu item object using an existing menu item as a template. If the menu item contains a submenu, that submenu is also copied.
AVMenuItemExecute — Executes a menu item's AVExecuteProc(). It does nothing if menuItem is NULL, if menuItem has no AVExecuteProc, or if menuItem is not enabled.
AVMenuItemGetLongOnly — Gets the flag indicating whether a menu item is visible only in long-menus mode.
AVMenuItemGetName — Gets the atom for the language-independent name of the menu item.
AVMenuItemGetParentMenu — Gets the menu in which the specified menu item appears.
AVMenuItemGetShortcut — Gets the shortcut key for the specified menu item.
AVMenuItemGetTitle — Gets a menu item's title, which is the string that appears in the user interface.
AVMenuItemGetTitleAsASText — Gets the menu item's title as it appears in the user interface, as an ASText object.
AVMenuItemIsEnabled — Tests whether the specified menu item is enabled.
AVMenuItemIsMarked — Tests whether menuItem is marked (for example, it appears with a check mark).
AVMenuItemIsScriptable — Determines whether the given menu item is an executable menu item.
AVMenuItemIsVisible — Tests whether the specified menu item is visible on its parent menu. The visibility state is calculated using the AVComputeVisibleProc().
AVMenuItemNew — Creates and acquires a new AVMenuItem. The menu item can be added to a menu using AVMenuAddMenuItem().
AVMenuItemNewWithASText — Creates and acquires a new AVMenuItem. The menu item can be added to a menu using AVMenuAddMenuItem().
AVMenuItemPredicate — A callback that is called for each menu item enumerated by AVMenubarAcquireMenuItemByPredicate(). The first menu item for which this callback returns true is acquired.
AVMenuItemRelease — Releases a menu item. It decrements the reference count and destroys the menu item if the count is zero.
AVMenuItemRemove — Removes a menu item from the menu hierarchy and releases it. It does nothing if menuItem is NULL.
AVMenuItemSetComputeEnabledProc — Sets the user-supplied procedure to call to determine whether the menu item is enabled. It does nothing if menuItem is NULL.
AVMenuItemSetComputeMarkedProc — Sets the user-supplied procedure that determines whether the menu item appears with a check mark. It does nothing if menuItem is NULL. If the menu item has no AVExecuteProc() (see AVMenuItemSetExecuteProc()), its AVComputeMarkedProc() is never called. To avoid this, add an AVExecuteProc() that does nothing, and if you wish the menu item to gray out, also add an AVComputeEnabledProc() that always returns false.
AVMenuItemSetComputeVisibleProc — Sets the user-supplied procedure that determines whether the menu item appears when its parent menu is opened. It does nothing if menuItem is NULL.
AVMenuItemSetExecuteProc — Sets the user-supplied procedure to execute whenever the menu item is chosen. It does nothing if menuItem is NULL. Clients must not set the execute procedure of the Acrobat viewer's built-in menu items.
AVMenuItemSetTitle — Sets a menu item's title, which is the string that appears in the user interface. Use this method to manage menu items whose titles change (such as 'show/hide fooWindow'), instead of inserting and removing menu items on the fly.
AVMenuItemSetTitleWithASText — Sets a menu item's title, which is the string that appears in the user interface, from a constant text object. Use this method to manage menu items whose titles change (such as 'show/hide fooWindow'), instead of inserting and removing menu items on the fly.
AVMenuNew — Creates and acquires a new menu with the given title and language-independent name. The menu can be added to the menu bar using AVMenubarAddMenu(). When you are done using the menu, release it using AVMenuRelease().
AVMenuNewWithASText — Creates and acquires a new menu with the given title and language-independent name. The menu can be added to the menu bar using AVMenubarAddMenu(). When you are done using the menu, release it using AVMenuRelease().
AVMenuPredicate — A callback that is called for each menu enumerated by AVMenubarAcquireMenuByPredicate(). The first menu for which this callback returns true is acquired.
AVMenuRelease — Releases the specified menu. It decrements the reference count and automatically destroys the menu when its reference count is zero.
AVMenuRemove — Removes a menu from the menu bar and releases it. If the menu is a submenu, this method does nothing.
AVMouseEvent — Constants identifying mouse events in AVMouseInfoRec.event.
AVMouseEventCode — Not used.
AVNotifyTooltipProc — A callback that is called whenever the mouse hovers long enough to display the tooltip text. It returns text that is displayed in the tooltip.
AVnUpPageOrder — N-up printing page order for AVDocPrintNupData (used by AVDocPrintParams).
AVOpenSaveDialogFlags — An enumerated list of open and save dialog box flags.
AVOpenSaveDialogOutParamsRec — A structure defining the output parameters related to a file save dialog box. It is used for AVAppSaveDialogEx().
AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec — A structure defining the properties and callbacks related to a file open/save dialog box. It is used for AVAppOpenDialog(), AVAppSaveDialog(), and AVAppChooseFolderDialog().
AVOpenSaveDialogSettingsComputeEnabledProc — A client can provide this optional callback if you wish to control whether the settings button in the open or save dialog box is enabled or disabled. If you do not provide this callback function, then the state of the settings button, enabled or disabled, will be determined by whether the conversion handler has a settings proc.
AVOpenSaveDialogSettingsExecuteProc — A client provides this optional callback to decide what action is taken when the user clicks on the settings button. The function is called back with the currently selected filter.
AVPageIndex — A page index value for use in an AVDoc view definition. It uses 0+ for valid values, -1 for invalid or non-applicable values.
AVPageSize — Constants that specify page size types for AVDocPrintParams, introduced in Acrobat 6.0. If the pageSize field is not set, the old field shrinkToFit is used instead.
AVPageView — An AVPageView is the area of the Acrobat window that displays the contents of a document page. Every AVDoc has an AVPageView and vice versa. It contains references to the PDDoc and PDFont objects for the document being displayed. Plug-ins can control the size of the AVPageView through AVWindowSetFrame() and AVDocSetSplitterPosition().
AVPageView — The area of the Acrobat viewer's window that displays the contents of a document page. Every AVDoc has an AVPageView and vice versa. It contains references to the PDDoc and PDPage objects for the document being displayed.
AVPageViewAcquireDrawContext — Acquires the platform-specific object needed to draw into the Acrobat viewer's document window using a platform's native graphics calls. When done, release the context using AVPageViewReleaseDrawContext().
AVPageViewAcquireMachinePort — DEPRECATED in Acrobat 10 Use AVPageViewAcquireDrawContext instead
AVPageViewAnnotDidPerformOp — Goes out when an annotation has performed a focus operation (for example, kAVAnnotAcceptFocus or kAVAnnotLostFocus). No notification is issued for kAVAnnotDefaultAction or kAVAnnotShowMenu.
AVPageViewAppearanceGetAVMatrix — Calculates a matrix for use with AVPageViewDrawCosObj() or AVPageViewDrawCosObjEx() that leaves the appearance unrotated and un-zoomed as specified by flags. This is typically used in conjunction with drawing an annotation appearance represented by appear.
AVPageViewBeginOperation — Increments an internal variable. Neither drawing nor AVPageViewDidChange() notifications will occur as long as the variable has a value greater than zero. In addition, frames are not pushed onto the view history stack.
AVPageViewClearFocusAnnot — Removes the focus from the currently selected annotation.
AVPageViewClickProc — A user-supplied callback that is called whenever there is a mouse click in its AVPageView. This callback is registered using AVAppRegisterForPageViewClicks().
AVPageViewControlID — (Acrobat 5.0 and later) Used with AVPageViewShowControl() to allow a plug-in author to turn on and off the controls shown in the status area at the bottom of a page view.
AVPageViewCursorProc — A user-supplied callback that is called whenever the cursor is moved. This callback is registered using AVAppRegisterForPageViewAdjustCursor().
AVPageViewDevicePointToPage — Transforms a point's coordinates from device space to user space.
AVPageViewDeviceRectToPage — Transforms a rectangle from device space to user space coordinates. The resulting ASFixedRect is normal, meaning that left < right and bottom < top.
AVPageViewDeviceRectToPageRZ — Transforms an annotation's rectangle from device space to user space coordinates, allowing for the annotation's attributes of whether it should zoom or rotate when the page is zoomed or rotated. It also specifies a point that can remain in the view.
AVPageViewDeviceToInfo — Translates the given point from the device space coordinate system to the info space coordinate system.
AVPageViewDidChange — The page view has changed. Zero or more of the following events has occurred: The page number has changed. The zoom factor has changed. The window has been resized. The page has been scrolled.
AVPageViewDidChangeEx — The page view has changed. Zero or more of the following events has occurred: The page number has changed. The zoom factor has changed. The window has been resized. The page has been scrolled.
AVPageViewDidDraw — Redrawing occurred in the page view section of the window.
AVPageViewDocDidChange — Sent when a page view becomes associated with an AVDoc. When a cross-document link is being performed, the same page view may be re-used with a different AVDoc. In this case this notification is sent twice, once when the old AVDoc is closed and the page view's AVDoc becomes NULL, and again when the new AVDoc is opened and associated with the page view.
AVPageViewDoPopupMenu — Displays the given AVMenu as a popup menu anchored at xHit and yHit, which are in device coordinates relative to pageView.
AVPageViewDragOutNewRect — Allows the user to drag out a new rectangle. Call this method when the user clicks at some point and needs to create a rectangle. The method returns when the user releases the mouse button.
AVPageViewDragOutNewRectSnapped — Drags out a rectangle anchored at the given point. The rectangle will be snapped to the layout grid.
AVPageViewDragRect — Allows the user to move or resize a rectangle. Call this method when the user clicks on a rectangle to modify. It returns after the user releases the mouse button.
AVPageViewDragRectSnapped — Superseded in Acrobat 6.0 by AVPageViewDragRectSnappedEx().
AVPageViewDragRectSnappedEx — Allows the user to move or resize an existing rectangle. This version of the method allows you to specify your own drawing procedure.
AVPageViewDrawAnnotSequence — Draws the annotation sequence number of an annotation in a rectangle.
AVPageViewDrawCosObj — Draws the CosObj (which currently must be a Form object) and scales it to fit the rectangle. This method may be used to draw an annotation appearance.
AVPageViewDrawCosObjEx — Draws the CosObj (which currently must be a Form object), scales it to fit the rectangle, and transforms it according to matrix. This method is the same as AVPageViewDrawCosObj(), but applies an ASFixedMatrix transformation to the CosObj once the CosObj has been scaled to the anamorphic dimensions of the AVRect. This method may be used to draw an annotation appearance.
AVPageViewDrawNow — Forces any pending updates for the specified page view to finish drawing.
AVPageViewDrawNowWithTransition — Forces any pending updates for the specified page view to finish drawing, using the specified transition effect.
AVPageViewDrawPolygon — Draws a polygon, filled with the color most recently set using AVPageViewSetColor(), or inverted.
AVPageViewDrawPolygonOutline — Draws a stroked (not filled) or inverted polygon, using the color most recently set using AVPageViewSetColor().
AVPageViewDrawProc — A user-supplied callback that is called whenever the AVPageView is drawn. This callback is registered using AVAppRegisterForPageViewDrawing().
AVPageViewDrawRect — Draws a rectangle filled with the color most recently set using AVPageViewSetColor().
AVPageViewDrawRectOutline — Draws a stroked, but not filled, rectangle using the color most recently set using AVPageViewSetColor().
AVPageViewDrawRectOutlineWithHandles — Draws the specified rectangle in the page view with drag handles.
AVPageViewEndOperation — Decrements an internal variable. Neither drawing nor AVPageViewDidChange() notifications will occur as long as the variable has a value greater than zero. In addition, frames are not pushed onto the view history stack.
AVPageViewFilterKeyDownForFocusAnnot — Processes a keystroke through the currently focused annotation. The current behavior is defined below:
AVPageViewFocusAnnotPerformOp — Attempts to have the currently focused annotation perform the given operation. The method will fail if:
AVPageViewGetActiveBead — Gets the currently active article thread bead in the specified page view.
AVPageViewGetAnnotRect — Gets an annotation's bounding rectangle. This may be a superset of the actual bounding box of a particular annotation view.
AVPageViewGetAperture — Gets the aperture of the specified page view. The aperture is the rectangular region of the window in which the document is drawn, measured in device space units.
AVPageViewGetAVDoc — Gets the AVDoc for the document currently displayed in pageView.
AVPageViewGetAVWindow — Gets the AVWindow associated with this AVPageView.
AVPageViewGetColor — Gets the color that will be used for subsequent drawing by AVPageViewDrawRect() and AVPageViewDrawRectOutline().
AVPageViewGetDevToPageMatrix — Gets the matrix that transforms device space coordinates to user space coordinates for the specified page view.
AVPageViewGetFirstVisiblePageNum — Returns the page number of the first page that is visible on the screen.
AVPageViewGetFocusAnnot — Gets the currently focused annotation from the page view.
AVPageViewGetGrayRect — Gets the rectangle that bounds a page view. This may include some of the gray area outside a page's crop box.
AVPageViewGetInkPreview — Returns the ink preview value for a page view.
AVPageViewGetLastVisiblePageNum — Returns the page number of the last page that is visible on the screen.
AVPageViewGetLayoutMode — Gets the page layout mode for a page view.
AVPageViewGetMousePosition — Gets the mouse position in pageView. The mouse position is specified in global coordinates. On Mac OS, it is equivalent to calling the Toolbox GetMouse call and adding the window's offset on the screen; on UNIX, it is equivalent to calling XQueryPointer and adding the window's offset on the screen.
AVPageViewGetMousePositionSnapped — Gets the current mouse position snapped to the layout grid.
AVPageViewGetNextView — Used by page caching code to determine the next page to cache (and at what scale). Allows clients to do their own page caching.
AVPageViewGetNumVisibleInks — Gets the number of inks (color separations) that are displayed for a page view. An ink, in this context, means the content that will appear on a single plate when the page is separated. For example, a DeviceCMYK color is four inks, and a separation color space is usually one ink.
AVPageViewGetPage — Gets a PDPage currently displayed in the specified page view. This does not acquire the page. Do not use this result across methods that might change the current page. To obtain a value that can be used across such calls, use PDDocAcquirePage() instead.
AVPageViewGetPageNum — Gets the current page number for pageView.
AVPageViewGetPageToDevMatrix — Gets the matrix that transforms user space coordinates to device space coordinates for the specified page view.
AVPageViewGetPageToDevScaling — Gets the point-to-pixel scaling factor that transforms page units to device space units for the specified page view. Although the method returns both x and y factors, these are normally the same.
AVPageViewGetPixelInformationAtPoint — Gets the color separation ink information for pixels at the cursor position in the specified page view. Ink previews must be turned on before calling this method.
AVPageViewGetSelectedAnnotPageNum — Returns the page number of the currently selected annotation, or -1 if no annotation is selected.
AVPageViewGetThreadIndex — Gets the index of the currently active thread in a page view.
AVPageViewGetVisibleAnnotPage — Gets the number of a page containing an annotation.
AVPageViewGetVisibleInks — Gets the set of inks to be displayed in a separations preview for a page view.
AVPageViewGetWireframeDrawing — Gets the wireframe mode for a page view.
AVPageViewGetZoom — Gets the current zoom for pageView. The zoom factor is point-to-point, not point-to-pixel. For example, a page that is 612 points wide at 100% zoom should be 612 points wide on the monitor, not 612 pixels.
AVPageViewGetZoomType — Gets the current zoom type.
AVPageViewGhostRectOutline — Draws the specified rectangle in pageView using the ghost outline.
AVPageViewGoBack — Goes to the previous view on the view stack, if a previous view exists. This might result in a different document being made active.
AVPageViewGoForward — Goes to the next view on the view stack, if a next view exists. This might result in a different document being made active.
AVPageViewGoTo — Goes to the specified page, retaining the current location on the page and the current zoom (either explicit or a variable). It invalidates the display, but does not perform an immediate redraw. This allows your client to call AVPageViewZoomTo(), AVPageViewScrollTo(), or both, and get only a single redraw event. If you decide to do this, you should bracket the calls with AVPageViewBeginOperation() and AVPageViewEndOperation().
AVPageViewHighlightText — Inverts the given text selection on the current page using the current AVPageView color.
AVPageViewInfoToDevice — Translates the given point from info space to device space. See AVPageViewDeviceToInfo() for a definition of info space.
AVPageViewInfoToPoint — Translates the given point from info space to user space. See AVPageViewDeviceToInfo() for a definition of info space.
AVPageViewInsetRect — Draws a 3-D looking inset rectangle on the page view. It can be used to implement an inset style link, where clicking the link causes the page to appear to push into the screen.
AVPageViewInvalidateRect — Indicates that the specified area of pageView is invalid and should be redrawn. This adds the rectangle to the list of regions to redraw, but does not force an immediate redraw. Use AVPageViewDrawNow() to force an immediate redraw.
AVPageViewInvalidateText — Invalidates the bits that AVPageViewHighlightText() touches.
AVPageViewInvertQuad — Inverts the interior of a quad.
AVPageViewInvertRect — Inverts the interior of a rectangle.
AVPageViewInvertRectOutline — Inverts the specified rectangle's outline.
AVPageViewIsAnnotAtPoint — Tests whether the specified point is within an annotation. This method is typically used by mouse-handling code, to pass clicks within an annotation to the appropriate annotation handler. For each annotation, this method calls the appropriate annotation handler's AVAnnotHandlerPtInAnnotViewBBoxProc() to test whether the point is within the annotation.
AVPageViewIsAnnotOfTypeAtPoint — Determines if an annotation of the specified type resides under the given point. If so, a handle to the annotation is returned.
AVPageViewIsBeadAtPoint — Tests whether the specified point is within a bead. It returns the bead if it is.
AVPageViewIsFocusAnnot — Used to determine if annot currently has focus.
AVPageViewKeyDownProc — Called whenever there is a key down in its AVPageView. This callback is registered using AVAppRegisterForPageViewKeyDown().
AVPageViewPageNumIsVisible — Determines if a given page number is visible.
AVPageViewPointInText — Tests if the given point is in the PDTextSelect.
AVPageViewPointToDevice — Transforms a point's coordinates from user space to device space.
AVPageViewPointToInfo — Translates the given point from user space to info space. See AVPageViewDeviceToInfo() for a definition of info space.
AVPageViewReadPageDown — Scrolls down through a document, as if the user pressed the Enter key. The scrolling follows articles if Acrobat is currently in article-reading mode.
AVPageViewReadPageUp — Scrolls up through a document, as if the user pressed the Enter key. The scrolling follows articles if Acrobat is currently in article-reading mode.
AVPageViewRectToDevice — Transforms a rectangle's coordinates from user space to device space. The resulting AVRect will be normal, meaning that left < right and top < bottom.
AVPageViewReleaseDrawContext — Releases the platform-specific drawing context needed to draw into Acrobat's document window using a platform's native graphics calls.
AVPageViewReleaseMachinePort — DEPRECATED in Acrobat 10 Use AVPageViewReleaseDrawContext instead
AVPageViewResumeOffscreenDrawing — Clients that correctly use machine ports should work with the off-screen drawing behavior introduced in Acrobat 5. For other clients, the AVPageViewResumeOffscreenDrawing() and AVPageViewSuspendOffscreenDrawing() are provided for temporarily disabling the off screen drawing behavior so that it acts more like Acrobat 4.0. The one restriction is that you cannot call these routines while the page is drawn. In other words, do not call these routines from within a drawing callback such as one passed to AVAppRegisterForPageViewDrawing() or an annotation handler's DoDraw or DoDrawEx callback.
AVPageViewScrollTo — Scrolls pageView to the location specified by xOrigin and yOrigin, within the limits imposed by the current zoom mode and the Acrobat viewer.
AVPageViewScrollToAnnot — Scrolls the pageView to ensure that the specified annot is visible.
AVPageViewScrollToRect — If the specified rectangle and margin fits inside the aperture, the pageview is scrolled to center the rectangle within the aperture. This method is handy for auto-scrolling the AVPageView in a natural way to bring some page object completely into view. It does not affect the zoom level or AVZoomType.
AVPageViewSetAnnotLocation — Sets an annotation's location, specified in device space coordinates.
AVPageViewSetColor — Sets the color that will be used for subsequent drawing by AVPageViewDrawRect() and AVPageViewDrawRectOutline().
AVPageViewSetFocusAnnot — Attempts to set an annotation as the active annotation.
AVPageViewSetInkPreview — Sets or clears the ink preview value for a page view, which allows you to disable the rendering of individual inks. This does not change the set of visible inks. Enabling ink preview also enables overprint preview (OPP).
AVPageViewSetLayoutMode — Sets the layout mode for a page view.
AVPageViewSetPageNum — Sets the current logical page of the page view, which might not be the same as the current number indicated on the screen.
AVPageViewSetVisibleInks — Sets the set of inks to be displayed in a separations preview for a page view. The ink preview must be turned on for this method to have an effect.
AVPageViewSetWireframeDrawing — Sets the wireframe mode for a page view.
AVPageViewShowControl — Shows or hides the controls in the status area at the bottom of a page view.
AVPageViewSnapPoint — This method is superseded by AVPageViewSnapPointEx() in Acrobat 6.0.
AVPageViewSnapPointEx — Snaps a point to the layout grid if the avpSnapToGrid preference is set, using page-space coordinates.
AVPageViewSnapRect — Given a starting point, ending point, and starting rectangle, this returns a resulting rectangle which is snapped to the grid. The routine is designed for use within a custom mouse-drag loop, when the default drawing behavior provided by AVPageViewDragRectSnapped() is insufficient.
AVPageViewStartReadingThread — Puts the specified page view into article thread-reading mode.
AVPageViewSuspendOffscreenDrawing — Clients that correctly use machine ports should work with the new off-screen drawing behavior introduced in Acrobat 5.0. For other clients, the AVPageViewResumeOffscreenDrawing() and AVpageViewSuspendOffscreenDrawing() are provided for temporarily disabling the off screen drawing behavior so that it acts more like Acrobat 4.0. The one restriction is that you cannot call these routines while the page being is drawn. In other words, do not call these routines from within a drawing callback such as one passed to AVAppRegisterForPageViewDrawing() or an annotation handler's DoDraw or DoDrawEx callback. Off-screen drawing should be suspended as rarely and briefly as possible (for example, only while a client that does not use machine ports correctly has a selection active).
AVPageViewToDestInfo — Creates a destination info object from a given AVPageView and fit type.
AVPageViewToViewDest — Builds a PDViewDestination from the current zoom and position.
AVPageViewTrackText — Called in response to a mouse click to track a text selection on the screen. It uses the AVPageView current color, and leaves the screen with any highlights visible. It does not affect the current document selection.
AVPageViewTransformRectRZ — Calculates where an annotation is drawn with no zoom or no rotation, as specified by the annotation flags. This method generalizes AVPageViewGetAnnotRect().
AVPageViewUpdateInfoPanel — Allow clients to control the Info panel output.
AVPageViewUseDestInfo — Causes the given page view to change to the view given by an AVDestInfo object.
AVPageViewUseThisDestination — Causes the given page view to change to the view given by viewDest and sourceZoom.
AVPageViewWasCreated — Sent when a page view is created.
AVPageViewWillDestroy — Sent before a page view is destroyed.
AVPageViewWillDraw — Redrawing will occur in the page view section of the window.
AVPageViewZoomTo — Sets the zoom factor and zoom type for the specified page view.
AVPixelOffset — A pixel offset value for use in an AVDoc view definition.
AVPrefsType — A structure containing values that specify the Acrobat viewer's preferences settings. It can contain up to 255 entries. It contains bit-flag ASUns32 constants for use with AVDocPrintParams().
AVPriority — A signed int for historical reasons.
AVPS_MAC_ROMAN_ENC — Encoding identifiers (for TE).
AVRasterizeFlags — Constants that specify rasterization methods to use for printing. These are used in AVDocPrintRasterizeData(), which is used in AVDocPrintParams.
AVRect — A data structure representing a rectangle (a quadrilateral having only horizontal and vertical sides).
AVRect32P — A data structure representing a rectangle (a quadrilateral having only horizontal and vertical sides).
AVRectHandleHitTest — Tests to determine whether the given point lies on any of the control handles of rect.
AVRectHandleType — An enumerated list of the types of AVRect handles.
AVRectToRect — Converts an AVRect into a QuickDraw rectangle.
AVRegisterAuxDataHandler — Registers an AuxDataHandler.
AVRegisterCommandsProc — A callback for AVCommandHandlerRec. The application maintains a global list of commands that the user can choose from when building a batch sequence. During the initialization sequence, all registered command handlers are asked to build and register all the commands that the handler wants to include in the global command list. This is done by calling the command handler's RegisterCommands callback, if it is not NULL.
AVResourcePolicy — Font and resource policy values for AVDocPrintParams.
AVScreenCoord — An x or y coordinate in the screen space. (0,0) is at the top left of the main monitor.
AVScreenRect — A data structure representing a rectangle (a quadrilateral having only horizontal and vertical sides) in a screen's coordinate space.
AVSelectionEnumProc — A user-supplied callback that is passed in the call to AVDocEnumSelection. It is called once for each 'item' in the selection.
AVSelectionPageRangeEnumProc — A user-supplied callback that is passed in the call to AVDocSelectionEnumPageRanges(). It is called once for each page in the selection, and consecutive pages are grouped into a single page range.
AVSetFocusProc — Callback in ExternalDocServerCreationData to return focus to the browser displaying the document.
AVSetMessageProc — (Unused) Callback in ExternalDocServerCreationData for opening PDF files in external windows.
AVSpecialCategory — Categories of special folders on the system. Used with folder types to locate folders. Note that some combinations of AVSpecialCategory and AVSpecialFolder are not valid. See AVSpecialError for a list of valid combinations.
AVSpecialError — Operation status codes for the special folder methods.
AVSpecialFolder — Special folder types on the system. It is used with folder categories to locate folders. Note that some combinations of AVSpecialCategory and AVSpecialFolder are not valid. See AVSpecialError for a list of valid combinations.
AVStructNode — An opaque object representing a node in a document structure tree.
AVSys — AVSys provides various system-wide utilities, including setting the cursor shape, getting the current cursor, and beeping.
AVSysAllocTimeStringFromTimeRec — Given an ASTimeRecP, it gets a string representing the date and time. This routine is locale-friendly.
AVSysBeep — Beeps.
AVSysGetCursor — Gets the current cursor. Use this method when you want to change the cursor temporarily and be able to restore it to its current shape.
AVSysGetIconFromFilename — Gets an icon of the specified type from the specified file.
AVSysGetIconFromMimeType — Gets an icon of the specified type from the specified MIME type.
AVSysGetIconFromTypeAndCreator — Gets an icon of the specified type from the specified type and creator (for Mac OS).
AVSysGetModifiers — Gets a flag indicating which modifier keys are currently being pressed.
AVSysGetStandardCursor — Gets the specified cursor. The cursor can subsequently be displayed using AVSysSetCursor().
AVSysGetUsePenForInput — Gets the value of the UsePenForInput user preference attribute (currently unused).
AVSysIconType — Icon types for AVSysGetIconFromFilename() and so on.
AVSysMouseIsStillDown — Tests whether the mouse button is still being pressed.
AVSysSetCursor — Sets the cursor to the specified AVCursor.
AVSysSetWaitCursor — Turns the wait cursor on or off. Unlike AVSysGetCursor(), AVSysSetWaitCursor() ensures that the wait cursor stays on until another call to AVSysSetWaitCursor() is made to turn it off, or the time limit is reached. When using this call to turn on the wait cursor, you must ensure that another call will be made to turn it back off.
AVSysTimeASTextFromTimeRec — Given an ASTimeRecP, it sets the ASText object passed in to the string representing the date and time. This routine is locale-friendly.
AVSysTrackMouse — Query the state of the mouse buttons in a manner appropriate for click-drag operations. This is similar to AVSysMouseStillDown(), but can be used to query the state of the mouse even while it is up.
AVTArraySize — The number of items (not the number of bytes) in an array, for use in page view methods.
AVTaskOrderNumbers — This enumerates the order of the built-in task buttons.
AVTBufferSize — The number of bytes in a buffer, for use in page view methods.
AVTCount — A click-number value for use in page view callback procedures.
AVTextCopyProc — A callback for AVDocGetPageText(). Text is passed to it in the specified format.
AVTFlagBits — A flag-bits value for use in page view methods.
AVTFlagBits16 — A flag-bits value for use in tool button methods.
AVTileMark — Constants that specify tile marking styles for AVDocPrintTileData(), used in AVDocPrintParams.
AVTool — An AVTool is an object that can handle key presses and mouse clicks in the content region of an AVPageView. Tools do not handle mouse clicks in other parts of the Acrobat window, such as in the bookmark pane. At any time, there is one active tool, which a plug-in can set using AVAppSetActiveTool().
AVTool — A data structure for a tool. It contains callbacks that implement the tool's functions (for example, handling mouse clicks and controlling the cursor shape).
AVToolBar — AVToolBar is the Acrobat toolbar (the palette of buttons). In Acrobat 4.0 and later, a plug-in can create flyouts that contain additional buttons and attach these flyouts to existing buttons.
AVToolBarDockPosition — An enumerated list of toolbar positions for registering the preferred position of a toolbar.
AVToolBarLayout — An enumerated list of toolbar layouts.
AVToolBarSetIcon — Assigns icon to tool created by using AVToolBarNew().
AVToolButton — An AVToolButton is a button in the Acrobat viewer's toolbar. Like menu items, the procedure that executes when the button is clicked can be set by a plug-in. Although not required, there generally is a menu item corresponding to each button, allowing users to select a function using either the button or the menu item.
AVToolButton — A button in the Acrobat viewer's toolbar. Like menu items, the procedure that executes when the button is clicked can be set by a plug-in. Although not required, there is generally a menu item corresponding to each button, allowing users to select a function using either the button or the menu item. Buttons are added to the toolbar by specifying which existing button they appear before or after.
AVToolButtonEnumProc — A callback for AVToolBarEnumButtons(). It is called once for each toolbar button.
AVToolButtonLabelPriority — A set of priority values for a tool bar button label text. The priority determines the preference order in which labels are shown when a toolbar is too short to hold all of the button labels.
AVToolDestroyProc — An AVToolRec callback. If provided, it is called at shutdown time to allow the tool to free dynamic memory.
AVToolEnumProc — A callback for AVAppEnumTools(). It is called once for each tool.
AVToolGetLabelIconProc — A callback for AVToolRec. If provided, it is called when a static tool icon is needed. This icon should be similar to, but not the same as the tool button icon for this tool.
AVToolGetLabelProc — A callback for AVToolRec. If provided, it is called when text describing the tool needs to be displayed.
AVToolGetToolTipProc — (Acrobat 10.0 and later) A callback for AVToolRec. If provided, it is called when a tooltip is needed.
AVToolGetType — Gets the currently active tools's type. See Toolbar and Toolbar Button Names for a list of the built-in tool types.
AVToolIsPersistent — Tests whether the specified tool is in a state keeping it active through multiple operations rather than only once, then restoring the previous tool. This method is called by another one-shot tool's Activate procedure. Two one-shot tools cannot cycle, because if the previous tool was not persistent, the second non-persistent tool reverts to the default tool.
AVToolMouseWheelDirection — (Acrobat 7.0 and later) Describes the direction of mouse wheel movement.
AVToolsMenuOrderNumbers — This enumerates the order of the toolbars listed in the Tools menu.
AVTransHandler — A data structure containing callbacks that implement a transition handler. The callbacks implement the transition handler functions.
AVTransHandlerCompleteTransDictProc — A callback for AVTransHandler. This method is called after the user has selected a distinct transition. The transition handler must fill in any dictionary items necessary to create the effect specified by the uiName passed in. For example, if the Wipe transition handler is passed a uiName of "Wipe Left", it would set the Dir key in transDict to the value 180.
AVTransHandlerDoPropertiesProc — A callback for AVTransHandler. This method is called when the user clicks the button in the transition settings dialog box. This allows the transition to bring up its own custom dialog box allowing the user to further specify the desired transition effect.
AVTransHandlerEnumProc — A callback for AVAppEnumTransHandlers. It is called once for each transition handler.
AVTransHandlerExecuteProc — A callback for AVTransHandler. It executes the specified transition. The transition handler is responsible for copying the pixels specified by srcTP to the location specified by dstTP. In the process, the handler can create any visual effect you desire, as long as the source pixels are eventually copied over the destination pixels in the end.
AVTransHandlerGetBiDirEnabledProc — A callback for AVTransHandler.
AVTransHandlerGetButtonTextProc — A callback for AVTransHandler. It gets a localized string that appears in the button on the transition settings dialog box. If AVTransHandlerGetButtonTextProc() is NULL or the string it returns is empty, no button will appear.
AVTransHandlerGetInstructionsProc — (Unused) A callback for AVTransHandler.
AVTransHandlerGetItemDirectionUINameProc — A callback for AVTransHandler.
AVTransHandlerGetItemNameProc — Returns the canonical name for the item. It should return ASAtomNull if the item number is invalid. This was added in Acrobat 5.0 so that different transitions could be handled in a language-independent manner. If this call is not implemented, then it is acceptable to generate a synthetic name from the transition type and the item index. For example, the "Glitter" trans handler should return a canonical name such as "GlitterDown". If this call is not implemented, then the name will be the trans handler type "Glitter", plus a period, plus the item number (for example, "Glitter.0").
AVTransHandlerGetItemUINameProc — A callback for AVTransHandler.
AVTransHandlerGetSmoothActionEnabledProc — A callback for AVTransHandler.
AVTransHandlerGetStringOneTextProc — A callback for AVTransHandler. Gets a localized string that appears above the button on the transition settings dialog box.
AVTransHandlerGetStringTwoTextProc — A callback for AVTransHandler. It gets a localized string that appears below the button on the transition settings dialog box.
AVTransHandlerGetTypeProc — A callback for AVTransHandler. It gets the transition type serviced by this handler. The handler for a given transition is found by comparing the result of PDTransGetSubtype() to the value returned by the registered transition handler's AVTransHandlerGetTypeProc() callbacks.
AVTransHandlerGetUINameProc — A callback for AVTransHandler. It retrieves the user interface name for an existing PDTrans. For example, if the transition type is 'Wipe' and the direction is 180, AVTransHandlerGetUINameProc() would return "Wipe Left", localized.
AVTransHandlerInitTransDictProc — A callback for AVTransHandler. This method should set default values in the transition dictionary, transDict.
AVTSmallArraySize — An array size value for use in page view methods.
AVTVersionNumPart — A version number part.
AVUndo — The AVUndo object represents an undo record for a document. An undo record allows a client to associate private data with a particular AVDoc for the purpose of undoing and redoing changes to the document. The client provides private data that encapsulates the changes, and an AVUndoHandler that contains callbacks which interpret the data when Undo and Redo commands are issued.
AVUndo — An opaque data type to be used with AVUndo APIs.
AVUndoBeginEndProc — A callback type for AVUndoHandler. The beginUndoRedo procedure is called when the user initiates an Undo or Redo command and the AVUndoVerifyProc() returns true. The endUndoRedo procedure is called when execution of the operation is complete. Use callbacks of this type to notify the handler that an undo or redo operation is beginning or ending.
AVUndoExecuteProc — A callback for AVUndoHandler. It is called when the user initiates an Undo or Redo command and the AVUndoVerifyProc returns true. Use this to perform the requested operation.
AVUndoGetAVDoc — Gets the document whose undo list contains the undo record.
AVUndoGetData — Gets the client-defined private data for the undo record, as specified upon creation. The handler data can be accessed by any of the callbacks listed in the AVUndoHandler.
AVUndoGetTitleProc — A callback for AVUndoHandler. It is called when the user initiates an Undo or Redo command and the AVUndoVerifyProc() returns true. Use this to return the user interface title string for the undo record.
AVUndoGetType — Gets the type of the undo record, as specified in the AVUndoHandler. The type is a client-defined string that can be matched for retrieval by AVDocGetTopUndo().
AVUndoHandlerData — Private data for use by callbacks in the AVUndoHandler.
AVUndoNew — Creates a new AVUndo record for a document's undo list.
AVUndoReleaseProc — A callback for AVUndoHandler. It is called when the undo object is no longer needed. Use this to free any dynamic data that was associated with the object by the handler.
AVUndoSetData — Sets or replaces the client-defined private data for the undo record. The handler data can be accessed by any of the callbacks listed in the AVUndoHandler.
AVUndoVerifyProc — A callback for AVUndoHandler. It is called when the user initiates an Undo or Redo command. Use this to verify that the undo record is still valid and the operation can be performed.
AVUnlistenForCustomNotification — Stops listening for a custom notification.
AVUnregisterAuxDataHandler — Un-registers a previously registered auxiliary data handler.
AVUseValue — Constants that determine whether to let Acrobat decide whether to use a feature or force Acrobat to use or not to use the feature. It is used in AVDocPrintOverrideData(), which is used in AVDocPrintParams.
AVUtilGetBaseNameAndExtensionByPathName — Parses a path name to obtain the base file name and extension for a particular file. The function enumerates all registered convertToPDF and convertFromPDF handlers to find a matching extension for the file passed in. This function allocates memory for the file name and extension. It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory allocated by the method.
AVUtilGetBaseNameAndExtensionByString — Parses a file name string to obtain the base file name path and extension for a particular file. The function enumerates all registered convertToPDF and convertFromPDF handlers to find a matching extension for the file passed in. This function allocates memory for the file name and extension. It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory allocated by the method.
AVUtilGetBaseNameAndExtensionEx — Parses a path name to obtain the base file name and extension for a particular file. The function enumerates all registered convertToPDF and convertFromPDF handlers to find a matching extension for the file passed in. This function allocates memory for the file name and extension. It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory allocated by the method.
AVVersionNumPart — A version-number part.
AVWIN_AUXILIARY — Auxiliary windows pass unhandled menu commands to the frontmost document window. For example, the Find dialog box is auxiliary since menu items such as Save and Close should still be enabled. A window that does not purport to operate on the topmost document window (for example, an "Establish Connection to Library of Congress" dialog box) would probably not be auxiliary.
AVWIN_FORMFIT — The window sizes itself to fit its child views.
AVWIN_HASCLOSEBOX — The window has a close box.
AVWIN_HASDRAGBAR — The window has a drag bar.
AVWIN_HASMINIMIZEBOX — The window has a minimize box.
AVWIN_HASZOOMBOX — The window has a zoom box.
AVWIN_INTERNAL_DOC — The default internal document window for the platform. It must be combined with AVWLnonfloating. This overrides all other flags.
AVWIN_PDFICON — The window should have the PDF icon associated with it
AVWIN_RESIZEABLE — The window is resizeable.
AVWIN_SMALLTITLEBAR — The window has a small title bar.
AVWIN_TRANSIENT — The window hides itself when focus is lost.
AVWIN_UNDECORATED — The window does not have decorations such as borders, captions or edges.
AVWIN_WANTSKEY — AVWindowFlags AVWIN_WANTSKEY is deprecated and ignored.
AVWindow — AVWindow provides methods for creating and managing windows. Plug-ins should use AVWindow methods for their own dialog boxes, floating palettes, and so forth, to ensure that those windows work well with Acrobat. For example, plug-ins should ensure that under Windows, they are hidden when Acrobat is iconified. Once the plug-in creates an AVWindow, it is free to use platform-dependent code to put whatever it wants in the window.
AVWindow — Creates and manages windows. Plug-ins should use AVWindows for their own dialog boxes, floating palettes, and so on, to ensure that those windows work well with the Acrobat viewer. For example, under Windows they are hidden when the Acrobat viewer is turned into an icon. Once your plug-in creates an AVWindow, it is free to use platform-dependent code to put whatever you would like in the window.
AVWindowAdjustCursorProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called periodically while the cursor is over the AVWindow (if the window is active). Use this to adjust the cursor's appearance.
AVWindowBecomeKey — Makes win the key window (regardless of the setting of its wantsKey flag) if the window is visible.
AVWindowBringToFront — Brings the specified window to the front.
AVWindowCanPerformEditOpProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called before showing the Edit menu, to determine whether to enable the Edit menu item corresponding to the given ASAtom.
AVWindowCenter — Centers the window within its parent window or the desktop if it has no parent.
AVWindowCoord — An x or y coordinate in the window's space. (0,0) is at the top left, and units are in pixels.
AVWindowDestroy — Destroys the specified window and all associated memory. It closes the window without calling the window handler's AVWindowWillCloseProc() (that is, this operation cannot be rejected).
AVWindowDestroyPlatformThingProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called when it is time to dispose of the platformThing for the window passed to AVWindowNewFromPlatformThing().
AVWindowDidActivateProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called after the window has been activated. The window being activated will not always become the front-most window.
AVWindowDidBecomeKeyProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called after the window becomes the key window.
AVWindowDidCloseProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called immediately after the window has been closed, but before it has been freed. You may want to explicitly destroy the window in this routine. See also AVWindowWillCloseProc.
AVWindowDidCollapseProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called after the window has been collapsed.
AVWindowDidMaximizeProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called after the window has been maximized.
AVWindowDidMoveProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called after the window has been resized.
AVWindowDidResizeProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called after the window has been resized.
AVWindowDoModal — Makes the specified window modal, so that no other window can take the keyboard focus when this window is active.
AVWindowDrawNow — Redraws the invalid regions of the specified window.
AVWindowDrawProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called whenever the window needs to refresh some part of its interior. It should redraw the contents of the specified rectangle.
AVWindowEndModal — Stops the specified window from being modal, so that other windows can take the keyboard focus when this window is active.
AVWindowEnsureInBounds — If the win is completely outside the desktop region (it is off screen), it is moved so that it will be within the desktop region (it is on screen). No action is taken if a draggable edge of the window is within the desktop region. The desktop region does not include the task bar (Windows) or menu bar (Mac OS).
AVWindowGetBorderWidths — Fills a rectangle structure with the left, top, right, and bottom distances between the inner window rectangle (the frame rectangle) and the outer window rectangle. These distances include borders, title bars, and so on.
AVWindowGetCursorAtPoint — Queries the AVWindow for the appropriate cursor for display at the given point (in the AVWindow object's device coordinate space). This method may raise exceptions, depending on the method called.
AVWindowGetDesktopBounds — Gets the desktop boundary for the monitor on which the window would appear if its frame was set to the specified frame. This boundary describes in global coordinates the visible area of the desktop (that is, without the menu bar, task bar, docked toolbars, and so on).
AVWindowGetFrame — Gets the window's frame, which specifies its size and location on the screen.
AVWindowGetInterior — Gets the interior rectangle of the window.
AVWindowGetMinMaxSize — Gets the minimum and maximum size of the window.
AVWindowGetOwnerData — Gets a window's owner data. The owner data is private data for the use of the window's creator. For example, if a client uses its own class library, it might use the owner data field to store a pointer to the object owning the AVWindow.
AVWindowGetPlatformThing — Returns a pointer to the platform-specific thing associated with the window. Do not confuse this with the owner data (see also AVWindowGetOwnerData).
AVWindowGetTitle — Gets the title to display in the specified window's title bar.
AVWindowHandlePlatformEvent — Handles a platform-specific event. Use this method to dispatch a platform-specific event structure to an AVWindow. This method may raise exceptions, depending on the event.
AVWindowHide — Hides the specified window. Hiding a window makes it invisible; it does not minimize or icon-ize it.
AVWindowInvalidateRect — Invalidates the specified rectangular region, for eventual redraw. This is the preferred method for refreshing a portion of an AVWindow. Use AVWindowDrawNow() to force a window to redraw its invalid regions.
AVWindowIsKey — Tests whether the specified window is the key window. The key window is the window that receives mouse clicks.
AVWindowIsVisible — Tests whether a window is displayed on the screen.
AVWindowKeyDownProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called to handle keystrokes when this is the key window.
AVWindowLayer — Constants that specify the layer in which a newly-created AVWindow is to appear.
AVWindowMaximize — Maximizes the specified window. On Mac OS, this corresponds to calling the ZoomWindow Toolbox function.
AVWindowMouseDownProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. Mouse clicks in the AVWindow are dispatched through this callback.
AVWindowNew — Creates a new window and registers it with the Acrobat viewer.
AVWindowNewFromPlatformThing — Creates a new window from a platform-specific structure and registers it with the Acrobat viewer.
AVWindowPerformEditOpProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called when the user has chosen an Edit menu item and the corresponding AVWindowCanPerformEditOpProc() returned true.
AVWindowRect — A data structure representing a rectangle (a quadrilateral having only horizontal and vertical sides) in a window's coordinate space.
AVWindowResignKey — Use this method when you want win to resign its key window status. Another window might pick up key window status as a result. You must first call AVWindowSetWantsKey() with a value of false for the wantsKey parameter or your window may immediately become the key window again.
AVWindowSetFrame — Sets the window's frame, which specifies its size and location on the screen.
AVWindowSetMinMaxSize — Sets the minimum and maximum size of the window.
AVWindowSetOwnerData — Sets a window's owner data. The owner data is private data for the use of the window's creator. For example, if a client uses its own class library, it might use the owner data field to store a pointer to the object owning the AVWindow.
AVWindowSetTitle — Sets the title to display in the specified window's title bar. This method cannot be used to set the title of the window in which the Acrobat viewer normally opens a PDF file; it can only be used to set the title of an AVWindow created by a client. To set the title of a window in which the Acrobat viewer opens a PDF file, you must replace AVDocOpenFromASFileWithParams() and pass the window title in tempTitle.
AVWindowSetWantsKey — AVWIN_WANTSKEY is deprecated and ignored. Because of this, AVWindowSetWantsKey effectively does nothing.
AVWindowShow — Shows the specified window.
AVWindowUserClose — Simulates a user's click on a window's box. This calls the AVWindowWillCloseProc() of the win object's AVWindowHandler.
AVWindowWillBeResizedProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called when the window is about to resize.
AVWindowWillCloseProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. The window is about to close.
AVWindowWillDeactivateProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called before the window becomes deactivated or hidden.
AVWindowWillResignKeyProc — A callback for AVWindowHandler. It is called before the window ceases to be the key window.
AVWLfloating — A floating window, such as a palette.
AVWLhelp — (Internal use only) A help window.
AVWLmenu — A window that occupies the same layer as popup menus, and has no title bar decorations.
AVWLmodal — A modal dialog box.
AVWLnonfloating — A regular window, such as a document window.
AVWLpopup — (New in Acrobat 5.0) A popup window without a caption, a one-pixel border and drop shadow.
AVWLtoolbar — (Internal use only) A toolbar window.
AVWLtopmost — A top level window that has no user interface except a frame.
AVWLunknown — AVWindowLayerFlags