
Overview Changelog


Section titled Description

Shared mixins, tools, etc. that support developing Spectrum Web Components.


Section titled Usage

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project?

npm install @spectrum-web-components/shared

Individual base classes and mixins can be imported as follows:

import {
} from '@spectrum-web-components/shared';


Section titled getDeepElementFromPoint

The getDeepElementFromPoint method allows you to obtain the deepest possible element at a given coordinates on the current page. The method will step into any available shadowRoots until it reaches the first element with no shadowRoot or no children available at the given coordinates.


Section titled Focusable

The Focusable subclass of LitElement adds some helpers method and lifecycle coverage in order to support passing focus to a container element inside of a custom element. The Focusable base class handles tabindex setting into shadowed elements automatically and is based heavily on the aybolit delegate-focus-mixin.

import { Focusable } from '@spectrum-web-components/shared';
import { html } from 'lit-element';

class FocusableButton extends Focusable {
    public static override get styles(): CSSResultArray {
        return [...super.styles];
    public get focusElement(): HTMLElement {
        return this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#button') as HTMLElement;

    protected override render(): TemplateResult {
        return html`
                Focus for this button is being managed by the focusable base class.


Section titled FocusVisiblePolyfillMixin

Use this mixin if you would like to leverage :focus-visible based selectors in your CSS. Learn more about the polyfill that powers this.


Section titled getActiveElement

Use this helper to find an activeElement in your component. Learn more about tracking active elements over shadow DOM boundaries.


Section titled LikeAnchor

Mix download, label, href, and target properties into your element to allow it to act more like an HTMLAnchorElement.


Section titled ObserveSlotPresence

When working with styles that are driven by the conditional presence of <slot>s in a component's shadow DOM, you will need to track whether light DOM that is meant for that slot exists. Use the ObserveSlotPresence mixin to target specific light DOM to observe the presence of and trigger this.requestUpdate() calls when content fulfilling that selector comes in and out of availability.

import { ObserveSlotPresence } from '@spectrum-web-components/shared';
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
class ObserveSlotPresenceElement extends ObserveSlotPresence(LitElement, '[slot="conditional-slot"]') {
    // translate the mixin properties into locally understandable language
    protected get hasConditionalSlotContent() {
        return this.slotContentIsPresent;
    protected override render(): TemplateResult {
        return html`
                    ? html`
                    : html``
    protected updated(): void {
        console.log(this.slotContentIsPresent); // => true when <observing-slot-presence-element><div slot="conditional-slot"></div></observing-slot-presence-element>
customElements.define('observing-slot-presence-element', ObserveSlotPresenceElement);


Section titled ObserveSlotText

When working with <slot>s and their slotchange event, you will have the opportunity to capture when the nodes and/or elements in your element are added or removed. However, if the textContent of a text node changes, you will not receive the slotchange event because the slot hasn't actually received new nodes and/or elements in the exchange. When working with a lit-html binding <your-element>${text}</your-element> that means you will not receive a slotchange event when the value of text goes from text = '' to text = 'something' or the other way. In these cases the ObserveSlotText can be leverages to apply a mutation observe onto your element that tracks characterData mutations so that you can resspond as desired.

import { ObserveSlotText } from '@spectrum-web-components/shared';
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';

class ObserveSlotTextElement extends ObserveSlotText(LitElement, '#observing-slot') {
    protected override render(): TemplateResult {
        return html`
    protected updated(): void {
        console.log(this.slotHasContent); // => true when <observing-slot-text-element>Text</observing-slot-text-element>

customElements.define('observing-slot-text-element', ObserveSlotTextElement);