
Overview API Changelog


Section titled Description

An <sp-table> is used to create a container for displaying information. It allows users to sort, compare, and take action on large amounts of data.


Section titled Usage

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project?

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/table

Import the side effectful registration of <sp-table>, <sp-table-body>, <sp-table-cell>, <sp-table-checkbox-cell>, <sp-table-head>, <sp-table-head-cell>. and <sp-table-row> via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/table/elements.js';

Or individually via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/table/sp-table.js';
import '@spectrum-web-components/table/sp-table-body.js';
import '@spectrum-web-components/table/sp-table-cell.js';
import '@spectrum-web-components/table/sp-table-checkbox-cell.js';
import '@spectrum-web-components/table/sp-table-head.js';
import '@spectrum-web-components/table/sp-table-head-cell.js';
import '@spectrum-web-components/table/sp-table-row.js';

When looking to leverage the Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableCheckboxCell, TableHead, TableHeadCell, or TableRow base classes as a type and/or for extension purposes, do so via:

import {
} from '@spectrum-web-components/table';


Section titled Example
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Delta</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Delta</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Delta</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Echo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Echo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Echo</sp-table-cell>


Section titled Selection

To manage selection on an <sp-table>, utilise the selects attribute on <sp-table>. Each <sp-table-row> has a value attribute which, by default, corresponds to its index in the table, and these values tell <sp-table> which <sp-table-row>s are selected. The selected items can be manually applied via the selected property on the table.


Section titled selects="single"

When selects="single", the <sp-table> will manage a single selection in the array value of selected.

    onchange="spAlert(this, `Selected: ${JSON.stringify(this.selected)}`)"
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row1">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row2">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row3">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row4">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Delta</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Delta</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Delta</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row5">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Echo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Echo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Echo</sp-table-cell>


Section titled selects="multiple"

When selects="multiple", the <sp-table> manages selections via a presence toggle and adds them to the selected array. Additionally, an <sp-table-checkbox-cell> will be made available in the <sp-table-head> in order to select/deselect all items in the <sp-table>.

    selected='["row1", "row2"]'
    onchange="spAlert(this, `Selected: ${JSON.stringify(this.selected)}`)"
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row1">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row2">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row3">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row4">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Delta</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Delta</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Delta</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row5">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Echo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Echo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Echo</sp-table-cell>


Section titled Emphasized

Use the emphasized attribute to add priority to the information that is delivered within your <table> element. In particular, this affects the appearance of selected rows, and will set the emphasized style for the checkboxes within sp-table-checkbox-cell. Leaving off the emphasized attribute will display the non-emphasized colors.

<sp-table emphasized selects="multiple" selected='["row1"]'>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row1">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row2">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row3">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>


Section titled Density

The optional density property changes the spacing around table cell content from the "regular" default. It accepts the values of compact or spacious.

<sp-table density="compact">
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row1">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row2">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row3">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>


Section titled Sizes
<sp-table size="s">
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row1">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row2">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row3">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
Medium (Default) Large Extra Large


Section titled Quiet

When using the quiet property, the overall look of the table will change. The quiet variant of Table has a transparent background and no borders on the left and right.

<sp-table quiet>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row1">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row2">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Bravo</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-row value="row3">
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>
            <sp-table-cell>Row Item Charlie</sp-table-cell>

Virtualized Table

Section titled Virtualized Table

For large amounts of data, the <sp-table> can be virtualised to easily add table rows by using properties.

    style="height: 200px"
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
<script type="module">
    const initItems = (count) => {
        const total = count;
        const items = [];
        while (count) {
                name: String(total - count),
                date: count,
        return items;
    const initTable = () => {
        const table = document.querySelector('#table-virtualized-demo');
        table.items = initItems(50);

        table.renderItem = (item, index) => {
            const cell1 = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
            const cell2 = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
            const cell3 = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
            cell1.textContent = `Row Item Alpha ${item.name}`;
            cell2.textContent = `Row Item Alpha ${index}`;
            cell3.textContent = `Last Thing`;
            return [cell1, cell2, cell3];
    customElements.whenDefined('sp-table').then(() => {
Column Title Column Title Column Title

How to use it

Section titled How to use it

The virtualised table takes items as either a property or a JSON-encoded string, an array of type Record, where the key is a string and the value can be whatever you'd like. items is then fed into the renderItem method, which takes an item and its index as parameters and renders the <sp-table-row> for each item. An example is as follows:

const renderItem = (item: Item, index: number): TemplateResult => {
    return html`
        <sp-table-cell>Rowsaa Item Alpha ${item.name}</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha ${item.date}</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-cell>Row Item Alpha ${index}</sp-table-cell>

renderItem is then included as a property of <sp-table>, along with the items, to render a full <sp-table> without excessive manual HTML writing.

You can also render a different cell at a particular index by doing something like below:

const renderItem = (item: Item, index: number): TemplateResult => {
    if (index === 15) {
        return html`
            <sp-table-cell style="text-align: center">Custom Row</sp-table-cell>
    return html`
        <sp-table-cell>Row Item ${item.name}</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-cell>Row Item ${item.date}</sp-table-cell>
        <sp-table-cell>Row Item ${index}</sp-table-cell>

Please note that there is a bug when attempting to select all virtualised elements. The items are selected programatically, it's just not reflected visually.


Section titled Selection

By default the selected property will surface an array of item indexes that are currently selected. However, when making a selection on a virtualized table, it can be useful to track selection as something other than indexes. To do so, set a custom method for the itemValue property. The itemValue method accepts an item and its index as arguments and should return the value you would like to track in the selected property.

    style="height: 200px"
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
<div class="selection">Selected: [ ]</div>
<script type="module">
    const initItems = (count) => {
        const total = count;
        const items = [];
        while (count) {
                id: crypto.randomUUID(),
                name: String(total - count),
                date: count,
        return items;
    const initTable = () => {
        const table = document.querySelector('#table-item-value-demo');
        table.items = initItems(50);

        table.renderItem = (item, index) => {
            const cell1 = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
            const cell2 = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
            const cell3 = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
            cell1.textContent = `Row Item Alpha ${item.name}`;
            cell2.textContent = `Row Item Alpha ${index}`;
            cell3.textContent = `Last Thing`;
            return [cell1, cell2, cell3];

        table.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
            const selected = event.target.nextElementSibling;
            selected.textContent = `Selected: ${JSON.stringify(event.target.selected, null, ' ')}`;
    customElements.whenDefined('sp-table').then(() => {
Column Title Column Title Column Title
Selected: [ ]

Row Types

Section titled Row Types

All values in the item array are assumed to be homogenous by default. This means all of the rendered rows are either delivered as provided, or, in the case you are leveraging selects, rendered with an <sp-table-checkbox-cell>. However, when virtualizing a table with selection, it can sometimes be useful to surface rows with additional interactions, e.g. "Load more data" links. To support that, you can optionally include the _$rowType$ brand in your item. The values for this are outlined by the RowType enum and include ITEM (0) and INFORMATION (1). When _$rowType$: RowType.INFORMATION is provided, it instructs the <sp-table> not to deliver an <sp-table-checkbox-cell> in that row.

    style="height: 200px"
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Column Title</sp-table-head-cell>
<script type="module">
    const initItems = (count) => {
        const total = count;
        const items = [];
        while (count) {
                name: String(total - count),
                date: count,
        return items;
    const initTable = () => {
        const table = document.querySelector('#table-row-type-demo');
        const items = initItems(50);
        items.splice(3, 0, {
            _$rowType$: 1,
        table.items = items;

        table.renderItem = (item, index) => {
            if (item._$rowType$ === 1) {
                const infoCell = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
                infoCell.textContent = 'Use this row type for non-selectable content.';
                return [infoCell];
            const cell1 = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
            const cell2 = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
            const cell3 = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
            cell1.textContent = `Row Item Alpha ${item.name}`;
            cell2.textContent = `Row Item Alpha ${index}`;
            cell3.textContent = `Last Thing`;
            return [cell1, cell2, cell3];
    customElements.whenDefined('sp-table').then(() => {
Column Title Column Title Column Title

The scroller property

Section titled The

By default, the virtualized table doesn't contain a scroll bar and will display the entire length of the table body. Use the scroller property and specify an inline style for the height to get a Table of your desired height that scrolls.

Sorting on the Virtualized Table

Section titled Sorting on the Virtualized Table

The virtualized table supports sorting its elements.

For each table column you want to sort, use the sortable attribute in its respective <sp-table-head-cell>. sort-direction="asc"|"desc" specifies the direction the sort goes, in either ascending or descending order, respectively. The @sorted event listener on <sp-table> can be utilised to specify a method to fire when the <sp-table-head-cell> dispatches the sorted event. To specify which aspect of an item you'd like to sort by, use the sort-key attribute.

    style="height: 200px"
        <sp-table-head-cell sortable sort-direction="desc" sort-key="name">
            Sortable Column
        <sp-table-head-cell>Non-sortable Column</sp-table-head-cell>
        <sp-table-head-cell>Non-sortable Column</sp-table-head-cell>
<script type="module">
    const initItems = (count) => {
        const total = count;
        const items = [];
        while (count) {
                name: String(total - count),
                date: count,
        return items;

    let items = initItems(50);

    const initTable = () => {
        const table = document.querySelector('#sorted-virtualized-table');

        table.items = items;

        table.renderItem = (item, index) => {
            const cell1 = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
            const cell2 = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
            const cell3 = document.createElement('sp-table-cell');
            cell1.textContent = `Row Item Alpha ${item.name}`;
            cell2.textContent = `Row Item Beta ${item.date}`;
            cell3.textContent = `Index: ${index}`;
            return [cell1, cell2, cell3];
        table.addEventListener('sorted', (event) => {
            const { sortDirection, sortKey } = event.detail;
            items = items.sort((a, b) => {
                const first = String(a[sortKey]);
                const second = String(b[sortKey]);
                return sortDirection === 'asc'
                    ? first.localeCompare(second)
                    : second.localeCompare(first);
            table.items = [...items];

    customElements.whenDefined('sp-table').then(() => {
Sortable Column Non-sortable Column Non-sortable Column