
Examples API Changelog

Description #

<sp-radio> and <sp-radio-group> allow users to select a single option from a list of mutually exclusive options. All possible options are exposed up front for users to compare.

<sp-radio-group> holds a list of <sp-radio> elements, and is responsible for deselecting radio buttons when a new one is selected, which in turn makes it responsible for keeping track of which one is selected. <sp-radio> is responsible for handling user interactions and for visually reflecting if it is the one that is checked or not.

Usage #

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project? Try it on webcomponents.dev

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/radio

Import the side effectful registration of <sp-radio> or <sp-radio-group> via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/radio/sp-radio.js';
import '@spectrum-web-components/radio/sp-radio-group.js';

When looking to leverage the Radio or RadioGroup base classes as a type and/or for extension purposes, do so via:

import {
} from '@spectrum-web-components/radio';

Sizes #

Small Medium
<sp-radio-group label="Medium" selected="first" name="example">
    <sp-radio value="first" size="m">Option 1</sp-radio>
    <sp-radio value="second" size="m">Option 2</sp-radio>
    <sp-radio value="third" size="m">Option 3</sp-radio>
    <sp-radio value="fourth" size="m">Option 4</sp-radio>
Large Extra Large

Standard radio buttons #

Standard radio buttons are the default style for radio buttons. They are optimal for application panels where all visual elements are monochrome in order to direct focus to the content.

Invalid selections in radio groups are identified using the negative-help-text slot. Read more about using help text below.

<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
        <sp-field-label for="example-1" size="l">
            <h4 class="spectrum-Heading--subtitle1">Default</h4>
        <sp-radio-group id="example-1" name="example" vertical>
            <sp-radio value="kittens">Kittens</sp-radio>
            <sp-radio value="puppies" checked>Puppies</sp-radio>

    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
        <sp-field-label for="example-2" size="l">
            <h4 class="spectrum-Heading--subtitle1">Invalid</h4>
        <sp-radio-group invalid id="example-2" name="example" vertical>
            <sp-radio invalid value="kittens">Kittens</sp-radio>
            <sp-radio invalid value="puppies" checked>Puppies</sp-radio>
             <sp-help-text slot="negative-help-text" icon>
                This selection is invalid.

    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
        <sp-field-label for="example-3" size="l">
            <h4 class="spectrum-Heading--subtitle1">Disabled</h4>
        <sp-radio-group id="example-3" name="example" vertical>
            <sp-radio disabled value="kittens">Kittens</sp-radio>
            <sp-radio disabled value="puppies" checked>Puppies</sp-radio>


Kittens Puppies


Kittens Puppies This selection is invalid.


Kittens Puppies

Emphasized radio buttons #

Emphasized radio buttons are a secondary style for radio buttons. The blue color provides a visual prominence that is optimal for forms, settings, etc. where the radio buttons need to be noticed.

Invalid selections in radio groups are identified using the negative-help-text slot. Read more about using help text below.

<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
        <sp-field-label for="example-a" size="l">
            <h4 class="spectrum-Heading--subtitle1">Default</h4>
        <sp-radio-group id="example-a" name="example" vertical>
            <sp-radio emphasized value="kittens">Kittens</sp-radio>
            <sp-radio emphasized value="puppies" checked>Puppies</sp-radio>

    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
        <sp-field-label for="example-b" size="l">
            <h4 class="spectrum-Heading--subtitle1">Invalid</h4>
        <sp-radio-group invalid id="example-b" name="example" vertical>
            <sp-radio emphasized invalid value="kittens">Kittens</sp-radio>
            <sp-radio emphasized invalid value="puppies" checked>Puppies</sp-radio>
            <sp-help-text slot="negative-help-text" icon>
                This selection is invalid.

    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
        <sp-field-label for="example-c" size="l">
            <h4 class="spectrum-Heading--subtitle1">Disabled</h4>
        <sp-radio-group id="example-c" name="example" vertical>
            <sp-radio emphasized disabled value="kittens">Kittens</sp-radio>
            <sp-radio emphasized disabled value="puppies" checked>Puppies</sp-radio>


Kittens Puppies


Kittens Puppies This selection is invalid.


Kittens Puppies

Handling events #

Event handlers for clicks and other user actions can be registered on an <sp-radio> similar to a standard <input type="radio"> element.

<sp-radio id="radio-example" onclick="spAlert(this, '<sp-radio> clicked!')">
    Web component

Help text #

Help text can be accessibly associated with an <sp-radio-group> element by using the help-text or negative-help-text slots. When using the negative-help-text slot, <sp-radio-group> will self manage the presence of this content based on the value of the invalid property on your <sp-radio-group> element. Content within the help-text slot will be show by default. When your <sp-radio-group> should receive help text based on state outside of the complexity of invalid or not, manage the content addressed to the help-text from above to ensure that it displays the right messaging and possesses the right variant.

Self managed
<sp-field-label for="self">
    What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
        this.invalid = this.selected === 'fourth';
    <sp-radio value="first">Vanilla</sp-radio>
    <sp-radio value="second">Chocolate</sp-radio>
    <sp-radio value="third">Strawberry</sp-radio>
    <sp-radio value="fourth">I don't like ice cream</sp-radio>
    <sp-help-text slot="help-text">Everyone likes ice cream.</sp-help-text>
    <sp-help-text slot="negative-help-text" icon>
        You can't not like ice cream.
Managed from above

Accessibility #

Radio buttons are accessible by default, rendered in HTML using the <input type="radio"> element. Tabbing into a group of radio buttons places the focus on the first radio button selected. If none of the radio buttons are selected, the focus is set on the first one in the group. Space selects the radio button in focus (if not already selected). Using the arrow keys moves focus and selection to the previous or next radio button in the group (last becomes first, and first becomes last). The new radio button in focus gets selected even if the previous one was not.