
Examples API Changelog

Description #

An <sp-picker-button> is used as a sub-component of patterns like the <sp-combobox> (release pending) to pair a button interface with a text input. With its many custom states and alterations, it isn't likely to be leveraged directly outside of more complex UIs.

Usage #

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project?

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/picker-button

Import the side effectful registration of <sp-picker-button> via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/picker-button/sp-picker-button.js';

When looking to leverage the PickerButton base class as a type and/or for extension purposes, do so via:

import { PickerButton } from '@spectrum-web-components/picker-button';

Sizes #

Small Medium
<sp-picker-button size="m"></sp-picker-button>
<br />
<sp-picker-button size="m"><span slot="label">All</span></sp-picker-button>
Large Extra Large

Text and icon #

With the use of the label slot, you can deliver an <sp-picker-button> with both an icon and a text label:

<sp-picker-button><span slot="label">All</span></sp-picker-button>

Icon only #

Without content addressed to the label slot, the <sp-picker-button> with both an icon and a text label:


Custom icon #

You can customize the icon in an <sp-picker-button> by addressing a new icon to the icon slot:

<sp-picker-button><sp-icon-add slot="icon"></sp-icon-add></sp-picker-button>

Modifying attributes #

Rounded #

When delivered as part of the express system, an <sp-picker-button> with the rounded attribute will be given deeply rounded corners:

<sp-picker-button rounded></sp-picker-button>
<br />
<sp-picker-button rounded><span slot="label">All</span></sp-picker-button>

Quiet #

When delivered with the quiet attribute, the <sp-picker-button> will take a less pronounced visual delivery:

<sp-picker-button quiet></sp-picker-button>
<br />
<sp-picker-button quiet><span slot="label">All</span></sp-picker-button>

Position #

By default the <sp-picker-button> will be given a position attribute with the value right, which is best leveraged at the right edge of an associated <sp-textfield> element. If your UI desires that the <sp-picker-button> be placed to the left of the related input, use the position attribute and set it to left:

<sp-picker-button position="left"></sp-picker-button>
<br />
<sp-picker-button position="left">
    <span slot="label">All</span>

Open #

When paired with an expanded UI, e.g. an <sp-combobox> with its autocomplete options visible, an <sp-picker-button> should be given the open attribute to visual match the delivered state in the larger UI:

<sp-picker-button open></sp-picker-button>
<br />
<sp-picker-button open><span slot="label">All</span></sp-picker-button>

Disabled #

Leveraging the disabled attribute will dim the <sp-picker-button> and alter its presentation in the accessibility tree:

<sp-picker-button disabled></sp-picker-button>
<br />
<sp-picker-button disabled><span slot="label">All</span></sp-picker-button>

Invalid #

When delivered as part of the spectrum system, an <sp-picker-button> with the invalid attribute will be given a red border:

<sp-picker-button invalid></sp-picker-button>
<br />
<sp-picker-button invalid><span slot="label">All</span></sp-picker-button>